Transcripts For MSNBCW MTP Daily 20191030 :

MSNBCW MTP Daily October 30, 2019

Demonstrated hostile intent toward u. S. Forces. Lets run the next video, please. These fighters opened fire on our aircraft and what you see in the video is the actual response. With the Assault Force surrounding the compound, we repeatedly urged those inside to come out peacefully. Lets go to the next video, please. So this is a video of the Assault Force actually closing up to the compound. Those who came out of the building were checked for weapons and explosives and moved away from the immediate area. U. S. Forces detained and later released the noncombatants. The group was treated humanely at all times and included 11 children. I want to make it clear that despite the violent nature of the raid and the and the highprofile nature of this assault, every effort was made to avoid civilian casualties and to protect the children that we suspected would be at the compound. Five isis members inside the compound presented a threat to the force. They did not respond to commands in arabic to surrender and they continued to threaten the force. They were then engaged by the raid force and killed. There were four women and one man. After this engagement and once established inside the compound, u. S. Forces discovered baghdadi hiding in a tunnel. When captured at the hands of u. S. Forces was imminent, baghdadi detonated a bomb he wore killing himself and two Young Children that were with him. The number two is a change. We originally thought there were three children with him and this is the number we originally reported up the chain of command. We now know the number to be two based on subsequent debriefing. A total of six isis members died on the objective. Four were women and there were two men, including baghdadi. This is in addition in addition to the two children killed by baghdadi as he blew himself up. Let me emphasize again that 11 children were protected by the Assault Force and two men on the objective were detained by the Assault Force and they were extracted with the force. After baghdadis murder suicide, our Assault Force cleared significant debris from the tunnel and secured baghdadis remains for dna identity confirmation which were flown with the Assault Force back to the staging base. Following collection of samples for formal dna analysis, baghdadis remains were buried at sea in accordance with the law of Armed Conflict within 24 hours of his death. While the Assault Force was securing remains, they also secured whatever documentation and electronics we could find, which was substantial. The Assault Force then left the compound and returned to their helicopters with the two detainees that ive already mentioned. After our forces were safely off the objective, u. S. Forces employed precision standoff munitions to destroy the compound and its comments and its contents. Pardon me. Lets go to the next video, please. So what youll observe are u. S. Standoff munitions striking the compound. For those of you that may have seen before and after pictures of the compound, it looks pretty much like a parking lot with large potholes right now. The operation was exquisitely planned and executed. It demonstrates the United States global reach and our unwavering commitment to destroy isis, bring its leaders to justice, and to protect america and others from people like baghdadi. The mission was a difficult, complex, and precise raid that was executed with the highest level of professionalism and in the finest tradition of the u. S. Military. Since there is a Significant Interest in military working dogs, i wanted to provide a little Background Information on this fine canine. Next photo, please. And actually, lets go back a moment. Before i actually go to the dog, i would just like to show you the before and after pictures of the raid compound. You can see the way it looked before. And you can see the way it looks the way it looked after. So its pretty clear that the success of the standoff munitions that we employed ensured that it would not be a shrine or otherwise memorable in any way. Its just another piece of ground. So lets go to the dog picture. U. S. Special Operation Command military working dogs are critical members of our forces. These animals protect u. S. Forces, save civilian lives, separate combatants from noncombatants and immobilize individuals who express hostile intent. This dog is a fouryear veteran of the socon canine program and has been a member of approximately 50 combat missions. He was injured by exposed live electrical cables in the tunnel after baghdadi detonated his vest. I will also note he has been returned to duty. Finally, i would like to address the dna analysis that was conducted to confirm baghdadis identity. The final slide, please. As you can see, the Defense Intelligence agency conducted the analysis and compared dna from the remains taken from the compound with an onfile sample taken when baghdadi was at camp buca prison in iraq in 2004. The analysis showed a direct match between the samples and produced a level of certainty that remains belong to baghdadi of 1 in 104 sep till yon, which is certainly beyond a shadow of a doubt. In closing, i would like to acknowledge that despite baghdadis death, we will not forget the victims of the atrocities he directed and inspired since 2014. U. S. Central command remains focused on the enduring defeat of isis and will remain vigilant against all terrorist organizations in the region who threaten the United States, our partners, and our allies. Id like to express my sincere appreciation for the professionalism of the men and women who made this operation a success. This was a true interagency effort so i commend our partners across the u. S. Government. The individuals who planned and conduct this mission are quite professionals. Focused on their mission above glory or recognition. Committed people did hard, risky work and they did it well. I have a few minutes to answer questions. General mckenzie, with the death of baghdadi, can you just give us a sense of what the u. S. Counterisis fight is going to look like . Seeing leaders start to emerge and just related, the troops are now moving into darazor, can you tell us how they are going to supplement that counterisis mission and explain about how theyre going to be protecting the oil . Sure. Absolutely. Lets lets start with with isis. Isis is first and last in ideology. So were under no illusions that its going to go away just because we killed baghdadi. It will remain. Suspected the highest levels, will be a little disrupted. It will take them some time to reestablish someone to lead the organization. And during that period of time, their actions may be a little bit disjointed. They will be dangerous. We suspect they will try some form of retribution attack and will and we are postured and prepared to and were postured and prepared for that. But but we should recognize that, again, since its an ideology, youre never going to be able to completely stamp it out. And, in fact, our definition of longterm success against isis and another entities like isis is not the complete absence of that ideology but rather its existence at a level where local security forces, wherever in the world it exists, can deal with it. Theres no international connective tissue. Theres no ability to attack our homeland and local forces perhaps with training and some assistance, perhaps without those things, is going to be able to suppress those entities as they go forward. We dont see a bloodless future because, unfortunately, this ideology is going to be out there. But we think theres a way to get to a point where its going to be less and less effective over time. So the second part of your question was about darazar. What we want to do is ensure that isis is not able to regain possession of any of the oil fields that would allow them to gain income going forward. So thats weve got forces at darazar. We have brought in some reinforcements there. Well await further decisions by the u. S. Government about how that plan is going to look in the longterm. And i wouldnt want to get ahead of secretary of defense in describing that. But as of right now, we have secured the oil fields generally east of the yeuphrates river. For those of you that follow the details on the ground. General, could you confirm that baghdadi, his final moments, the president said that he was whimpering and crying in his final moments. And also, could you give us any better sense, you talked about substantial electronics recovered from the site. Let me start with the second part. No, i cant tell you anything about what we took off the site. Youll appreciate that. Were going to explore that and expect it to help uses as we go forward. About baghdadis last moments, i can tell you this. He crawled into a hole with two small children and blew himself up while his people stayed on the ground. That would be just my empirical observation of what he did. Im not able to confirm anything else about his last seconds. I just cant confirm that one way or another. All right. Sir, were there reinforcements . Did any other isis personnel try to approach that position and was there fire that was exchanged . Theres footage of a white van that was riddled with bullets that was right next to the scene. Sure. So there were no other isis forces in the area. We are completely confident of that. He had been up there for an extended period of time hiding. There were other militant groups in the area that probably did not know he was there. Once they saw the helicopters land and begin to operate, they began to flow toward it. So but they were not flowing to reinforce him. They were flowing toward what they thought was perhaps a turret military operation, perhaps a Russian Military operation, perhaps an American Military operation. They didnt know. So the white van you talk about was one of the vehicles that displayed hostile intent and was destroyed. In addition to the video i just shared with you. Do you know how many casualty . You know, we dont. Out there, its going to be hard to know. We use the figure of about 10 to 15 but we really dont know for sure and i dont know that were ever going to know that because were not going to go back out there and count. Sir, you mentioned that you staged from within syria. Was there anything about the changes on the ground in the last two to three weeks with the u. S. Pulling back forces with turk turkey coming across that caused you to change the timing of this operation . Jennifer, absolutely not. We we chose the time based on a variety of factors. Weather certainty. Lunar data. A variety of things like that. And while it mightve been convenient to use bases there, the United States military has the capability to go almost anywhere and support ourselves even at great distances. So that was not a limiting factor. We we struck because the time was about right to do it then given the totality of the intelligence and the other situation. And the other factors that would affect the raid force going in and coming out. Just a general. Just a couple quick clarifications. So you said that there were i think six individuals killed on site. Four women and two men, is that right . Thats correct. Did any of those individuals fire at the American Forces as they were entering the compound . And also, is there any other information you can give us about how the tunnel was detected . How far underground baghdadi was . And do you know the rough ages of the children that he took down there with him . So i would tell you we believe that the ages of both children he took down there with him are under 12 years old. But thats about all i can tell you about that. I can tell you that that we believe baghdadi actually may have fired from his hole in his last momentsl. The other people that were engaged on the objective were behaving in a threatening manner with suicide vests. That causes you to make decisions particularly when they dont respond to arabic language, commands to stop, warning shots. You know, our special operators are so very good at. Missy. And how was the tunnel detected . Was it open . So we so as we looked at it in in you know, as you would expect, we had an opportunity to study this pretty carefully. We came to the conclusion we should expect possibly a tunnel feature there. So that was the first thing that we took a look at. And then the interrogation of people on the objective allowed us to gain a better appreciation of where it might be. And then as you know, we just have a variety of things that i cant go into. One of them being the working dogs that are very good at scenting humans and going after them when theyre not immediately obvious. So thats sort of how we came to that conclusion. The key thing is we actually established physical security around the compound, got the noncombatants off, and that gave us a little bit of time to work the problem. Pardon me. Youre always worried in a situation like that, that the house might be rigged. So you got to Pay Attention to that. There are a variety of things that the raid force commander has to balance on the ground. And i think they did a remarkable job of doing that. All right. So ive just been given notice that the white house is going to start in shortly. So were going to do a couple more questions and out of respect for were going to cut it short. Ryan. Can you talk about any support that sdf provided to this operation . So, yes, i can. And so as you know, we maintain and continue to maintain linkages to the sdf. Some of their early intelligence was very helpful to us in beginning to shape this problem. So i would say they were part of it. They did not participate in this raid. This was a u. S. Only operation. There were no other nationality that participated in it. All right. In the case of osama bin laden, u. S. Forces found that the house in al badabad had no internet, no cell service. You mentioned recovering electronic equipment from albaghdadis place. Was he using the internet . Had they been had they been on lockdown . Or was there sure. Good question. I think and were still working this out i think you would find theres probably a messenger system that allows you to put something on a floppy or on a bit of electronics and have someone physically move it somewhere. That seems to be the cutout that most of these organizations seem to prefer. But i defer. Im not going to go into much more detail on it than that. Tom and then last question. General, you said two men were extracted with the special operations forces. Were they both isis members . Was one a supposed informant . So both members were extracted. Both turned themselves over. Both are under detention now and i wouldnt go any further than that. What about the reward money . The 25 million . Whos going to get that . I have no visibility on that. Sorry. All right, guys. Thank you very muchlet sorry to have to cut it short but i hope you understand we had a hard deadline and, general mckenzie, thank you for coming in to speak with everybody. Good evening there. Im chuck todd here in washington where its been another jam packed afternoon, as you can see right here. Youve been listening to centcom commander general mckenzie where the Defendant Department officials just released some dramatic and graphic video footage of the raid that killed Abu Bakr Albaghdadi. General mckenzie also told reporters the president s decision to withdrawal did not affect the timing of the raid. Took place saturday in northwest syria. Claiming baghdadi died crying, whimpering, and screaming. Thats just one of the breaking news stories were iffing this afternoon. We learned moments ago the president s former National Security advisor john bolton has been invited to testify next week. That obviously would be a blockbuster. That news coming as the house finalizes procedures. And oh by the way, were also learning about new revelations from the testimony with Lieutenant Colonel alex vindman. Im going to talk all about that with House Majority leader pelosis number two. That comes up later in the show. Yet, the nats have to do game seven but we begin the night with the breaking news we just heard from the pentagon. Now on the phone from iraq is nbc National Security and correspondent. Also with me is john brennan who was in the situation room with obama during the mission that killed osama bin laden. And on the phone, also is also ned price, former senior director and spokesperson for the National Security council under president obama. Let me start with you, courtney. The military released some of this footage, some of the footage of showing that the compound is no longer a shrine. But it was a limited amount of footage. Why did they feel this was necessary . Well, so, i mean for starters because President Trump came out initially and gave a lot of details about this and then started promising some photos and videos or even teasing the idea we might get it. Having to do something. You know, i think everyone was was hoping that we would see some sort of video from the canine or something. What we saw was still, you know, good video. Interesting that the compound initially and then the air strike that destroyed it. Which is very standard, the kind of video that we see out of the u. S. Military in strikes and raids. But we didnt actually we never yep. We lost i lost courtney there on the phone. Sorry, courtney. Im going to let you pause. Let that signal recycle itself a bit. John brennan, i remember very vividly you coming into the White House Briefing room i think it was the day after the bin laden announcement giving us some detail. Help viewers here a little bit. Theyve seen the footage that weve seen. How much footage will we never see but still exists . Well, chuck, first of all i think general mckenzie did an excellent job as far as describing factually what happened at the compound. And they released the footage with due consideration to protecting sources and methods and the various tactics that they use when prosecuting these assaults against compounds. So i think they tried to lean as far forward as possible. But at the same time, there is still isis me

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