Ago. Its just a ridiculous side show. Subterfuge. Benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. Benghazi. Benghazi. The republicans want to make it a political issue. This is a scandal without a center. How many more taxpayer dollars are we going to spend try to prove a political point . Benghazi. Benghazi. President obama this afternoon had his hands full with the fullblown International Crisis. Hosting german chancellor Angela Merkel at the white house to discuss a major escalation in ukraine. Today saw the heaviest fighting in that country since a prorussian uprising a month ago with at least 31 killed during clashes between prorussian demonstrators and Ukrainian Government supporters. But if you are a republican in congress, the crisis is not in ukraine. No, the crisis at hand is the administrations response to the 2012 attack in benghazi. Today, we witnessed a fullblown outbreak of benghazi fever. This morning, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee darrell issa, a man who has made quite a name for himself in the world of scandal mongering. Subpoenaed the secretary of state john kerry because, because of benghazi. Documents released this week and specifically one email in particular have unleashed a wave of hysteria about a 2yearold controversy. A twoyearold controversy that, by the way, the department of defense has already spent, in their estimate, thousands of man hours and millions of dollars investigating. And as far as hearings, oh, america, there have been hearings. Weve produced tens of thousands of documents. Weve done nine hearings. 46 briefings. Everything weve seen come out in these document released and on the hill have underscored the exact same set of fact. How many more taxpayer dollars are we going to spend trying to prove a political point that in 18 months they havent been able to prove . But why let a colossal waste of time and money and resources stop you . After all, this is darrell issa, a man who loves to waste all of those things. If you listen to issas crowd, the gop open season has begun. We now have the smoking document. We have a major, major scandal. We have lies that are perpetuated by this white house. In his letter today calling on the secretary of state to appear before his committee on may 21st, congressman issa warned, quote, compliance with a subpoena for documents is not a game. But games or at least partisan hijinks are exactly what the committees ranking democrat, congressman elijah cumming, sees happening here. Less than an hour later, he called issas action, shockingly disrespectful to the secretary of state. But it is unclear at this point whether conservatives can even hear those kinds of allegations, because minutes after issas subpoena, House Speaker john pain, who himself called on kerry to testify about benghazi yesterday, Speaker Boehner announced the house of representatives will now form a special select committee on, wait for it, benghazi, led by this man, South Carolina congressman trey gowdy, a representative who has displayed singular tenacity on everything from immigration to the irs. Proof, as if you needed it, that for republican, benghazi, benghazi, benghazi will be agenda item number one heading into the fall terms. And just maybe in the big election that comes right after them. What did Hillary Clinton direct . What did she want . What was her communication with the president . Implicated in what did she know, when did she know it. On her watch. Joining me now is new york magazines jonathan shade and Political Editor at the Huffington Post sam stein. I think at this point they need to say benghazi, Hillary Clinton, benghazi, Hillary Clinton, for maybe the next two years. Can they keep it going . I didnt think they could keep it going this long. They did. What strikes me you wrote today, john boehner, lets talk about the select committee. This seems to be like the most exciting thing that happened in conservative circles possibly in years, that boehner decided to let his freak flag fly and authorize this select committee on benghazi, no less that Michele Bachmann expressed her joy over this. Because apparently the nearly 50 hearings have not uncovered yet the truth. Its like one notch more respectable than birtherism. Its like the Michele Bachmanns of the world who are embarrassed to be birthers but not embarrassed enough over this. John boehner knew it would be freak time, you know, 24 7 once he let this select committee get started. Now its like he cant hold back the tide anymore. So on with the show. Because of an email that outlines the administration would like to convey the u. S. Is doing everything we can to protect our people and families. The second, to underscore these protests, something the cia initially suggested, and to show the administration will bring these people to justice. The thing is is theres nothing there. Its the same information. Its just indignation that information had not been earlier releasing releasinged. One is, did the administration cover something up. The second is, what happened with our intelligence . And the third is, have we made the changes to security to make sure this doesnt happen again. The manipulation of the talking points is sort of the least significant. And yet that has gotten 95 of the focus in this entire controversy. Did the Political Office of the white house manipulate these talking points to benefit the president s Election Campaign . The Republican Party could be Holding Hearings on what the status of security is but we dont hear about it. Its not sexy. Its not not sexy, sam, its not part does not further advance republican candidates in the election. The timing of this is suspicious in that obamacare is sort of seating as an issue for political ulgs at this juncture. It does seem a little convenient and maybe coincidental, i dont know, that this pops up at this moment in time. Right. Thats a point that dave weekle made. The aca numbers, you know, 8 Million People enrolled. Its not the apocalypse republicans predicted it would be. The Republican Party abhors a vacuum. So what to fill that with . Benghazi. Theres also something that the most passionate people in one party are always convinced is going to be what brings down the president. Theres always something, saying, why arent you covering this . But they never really got congress to hold hearings on these various conspiracy theories. This one made it all the way to the top. There are many reasons i think for people who are perhaps nonpartisan or looking at this through a reasonable lens to be indignant. One thing that doesnt get discussed is, you know, the things that our secretary of state should perhaps be focusing on instead of benghazi. We have an International Crisis blooming. We have Many International crises blooming. Theres horrible stuff happening in syria. Theres a nuclear package were trying to put together and then of course theres ukraine. It is comedic that issa has called kerry to the hill to testify. Saying this is not a game. The secretary of state will be abroad conducting foreign business, something he should be doing. But they will make this into a sort of political witchhunt and ask why the secretary of state isnt there when of course he should be tending to more important matters. Yeah, and more than one democrat has pointed out to me today that back in 2007, when democrats in the house were trying to get Condoleezza Rice to testify about the intelligence failures in the leadup to the iraq war, that none other than darrell issa, now speaker john boehner, were warning she had bigger things going on, that she shouldnt have to be halled bach in front of congress, this was a distraction from more weighty international issues. I get your point. You know, its a circus. And i do think that its worthwhile to continue to production documents in some respect. But, again, i go back to my original focus, there are two major components that have realworld implications and were not talking about either of them. I will actually read issas quote from 2007 when he said the inappropriateness of hauling the secretary of state out of the performance of her job is what we are objecting to. I think thats not even a bit of irony. I think its like a 17 layer cake of irony. These are things party always switch sides on. Oh, theyre way too important. Do you think theres an analogue on the left for darrell issa . This man has like we were going to make tshirts. Because this man has been so singularly fixated on a midlevel irs employee and in the process wasted tens of thousands of man hours and made the job of the irs that much more difficult. There are people like issa on the left but most of them are Walking Around with sandwich boards around Major College campuses. But on taxpayer dollars, look, theyve got enough money in congress. It keeps them off the streets. It keeps them from throwing reporters off balconies. So, you know. I want to make the point that, like jonathan says, investigates are important. And, you know, i was grateful in some respects that these committees looked into such things as the irs scandal and, for instance, benghazi, and they prou duesed a lot of information. The key question is at what point do the investigations become excessive . I want to see all this stuff out there, its part of my profession. But there is a point to be made that its overkill. The point is is when are you wasting your time on past things versus how much are you building on constructive Properties Going Forward . You could be looking into embarrassed security and what we need to do there. Yes, and at the same point, i think the issue were taking is not that theyre having hearings and investigating things. I think oversight is a good thing. Weve learned our 501 c4 contributions. Ive yet to see one piece of reform issas investigations have brought to light or instituted. It is a great thing we needed to learn. Your point is they need to act on those things and they havent yet and i agree with that. Benghazi, benghazi, benghazi, Hillary Clinton. Thats what well be hearing for quite some five it is great to see you in person. Oh, a handshake. I really like that. Sam, you can join us on set next time. Its always great to see you, my friend. After the break, after w, is the bush crown tarnished . Ill talk about jebs 2016 prospects and what it all means for a guy named Chris Christie. music defiance is in our bones. Defiance never grows old. Citracal maximum. Calcium citrate plus d. Highly soluble, easily absorbed. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you outlive your money . Uhhh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. Female announcer sleep trains interest free ends sunday. Its your last chance to get three years interestfree financing on beautyrest black, stearns foster, serta icomfort; even tempurpedic. Plus, get free delivery, and sleep trains 100day low price guarantee. But hurry sleep trains interest free for 3 event, ends sunday. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep a fraught decision. Those are the words of a major republican donor faced with the prospect of having to choose between backing jeb bush or Chris Christie for president in 2016. Or as former new jersey governor Christine Todd whitman put it in the same New York Times piece, it would be awkward, it would be very awkward. Well, voters have literally years to decide who theyll pick at the ballot box. The staggering cost of primary politics means that major donors have to decide start deciding very soon where they will place their bets. Will those bush rangers and pioneers stay loyal to the first family of republican parties or will they cast their lot with the embattled new jersey governor . The younger of the the two former president s bush is weighing in. I hope jeb runs, former president george w. Bush said in an interview this week, adding that hes cheeking his core. Jeb may be doing his own gut check or core check but the American People seem pretty much over the whole political dynasty thing. A new nbc wall street journal poll out this week finds 69 of country agree with Barbara Bushs now famous statement that more than two or three families should run for high office in america. Can anybody from outside those two or three families even begin to summon the money and machine necessary to win . Joining me now is times editor at large and senior political analyst Mark Halperin and senior political reporter at the New York Times, nick canfostori. You coauthored this latest bit of codonors in the New York Times. How much teeth nashing is really going on among moderate establishment republican donors at this point . I think a whole lot, alex. Theres a whole invisible primary at this point. I know it sounds absurdly early. But these guys are all lining up now and deciding. It takes hundreds and hundreds of these people to put together the finance side of an important campaign. I think they feel really torn. They have strong ties to the bush family. They have served in some cases on two or three president ial campaigns for the whole family. Chris christie was the rising star. They call him the next generation guy. Hes now embattled. They have this choice now that is very hard for them. The question among those who are watching jeb bush and Chris Christie as potential nome in s nominees is at least in some corners who has the least amount of baggage. I keep going back to this quote. He says hes sticking by Chris Christie and by way of an explanation offered this. What a field day the media guys would have. Ready for another bush. Ready for another afghanistan. Ready for another iraq. Ready for another collapse of the Banking System . That is a lot of baggage. Why dont you tell us what you really think about the bush years. As a spouse of one of the other potential candidates bill clinton likes to say, there are no perfect candidates. Jeb bush has a lot of falls. Listed some things that could be a problem. I think nicks piece is excellent. A snapshot of where peoples helds are right now. My suspicion is, based on talking to a lot of donors, is if jeb bush decides to go all in and run, a lot of them will be with him. And so many may be with him that i could see governor christie passing for other reasons as well. He may decide to be on the bush bandwagon because theres one sentence job description. Who can beat Hillary Clinton. Chris christie has a lot of strengths still. Theres no doubt, though, that jeb bush can build a battle ship that can go up against Hillary Clintons battle ship. I think a lot of donors as the establishment tends to do will go with the safer pick, the one theyve known for generations. Weve talked about this before, part of the reason Chris Christie is where he is today is because he was a big fundraiser for george w. Bush. Yeah, its really ironic turn of events. He and his adviser and his brother todd were all, i believe, pioneers and rangers themselves. And it was their fundraising and their efforts on behalf of bush that gave them the entree that in return gave them christie as a potential top prosecutor. In a sense, it launched his career. In a second sense it could snuff out his president ial ambitions in the same stroke. Mark, you know, theres been a lot of discussion in recent weeks about this book and weve been talking about it for many weeks. One of the things that the 2016 race seems to prove is his contention that one of the problems with American Society is its reliance on inherited wealth and dynamic politics. If we look at who were talking about here, jeb bush and Hillary Clinton, do we think thats an issue for the american voter, this issue that barbara bush first seized on, that more than two or three families should be guiding the country forward . A time when the country is still looking for fundamental change, what says fundamental change more than a bush clinton general election . The reality is both of them are where they are because of their family ties. On the other hand, theyre extraordinarily talented individuals. Almost without question in my view, based on a lot of reporting, theyre almost without question not only the strongest general election candidates either side has, but in the view of their supporters and broadly within party, theyd be the strongest president. So you got to treat them as individuals as well. Ill say again there are no perfect candidates. It would be better for the country. I agree with barbara bush, it would be better if we werent turning to this family again. Im not the first to say this, but they both would benefit if the other one was the nominee because it would take this issue of legacy and heredity off the table. They got to jump in together Holding Hands into the deep end effectively. Thats right. What about hillary for a moment. Tina brown had an oped, i guess you could call it, an opinion piece, urging her not to run and enjoy the perks of sort of post president ial life which she effectively has right now and of course being a grandmother. Do you think that it is still actively a consideration not to run in the hillary camp at this point . Absolutely. In fact, i think the further in you get to the inirsiner circlee more you hear the thought of why do this. The question that drives it is am i the best person for the job compared to all the other candidates. Its hard i think for someone like clinton to look around at the field and say, you know, i can be the best president here. And that question is going to drive it as well as questions about family and health. Youre right, youve got a pretty good life. The speaking fee, fundraising for the foundation, a big voice on policy. But its an important not to forget that the fact that she might run for president is also a huge source of political importance for her. It itch gogives her all kinds o and importance in the party if she might run. Its not a bad gig. Its not the best gig. Its not the easiest jobening president. Especially when your husband is someone named bill clinton who probably very much would like the keys to the oval office or a spare set anyway back in his coat pocket. Well, i think hed be pretty enthusiastic about running, as Everybody Knows in 2000 when she ran he ended up being an impet meant. I think hed like a second crack, particularly now that hes back in practice a little more after helping obama in 2012. I think she may not run. I think tinas piece pointed out a lot of reasons why. A lot of personal reasons. If she does run, i think she does have a claim on being a strong general election candidate for sure. Shes got to decide why she running. In the talk since the last few months, i havent seen a lot of general election messages that spells that out clearly to me. Well, as with all thing, we should see. We will follow the money. Mark halperin and nick kalposori. Before we go, the question for weeks now, who are you wearing today . Nick said entree, sneaking some french in because hes a bit of a show off. Ill work some japanese in here. [ speaking Foreign Language ] wow, i just thought it was a casual button down. Thank you, Mark Halperin. Excellent as always. Ari goto. Coming up next, trading in the armored suit for a steak knife. Ill talk with them next. 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Say helto home defense max. Kills bugs inside and prevents new ones for up to a year. Ortho home defense max. Get order. Get ortho®. Three days ago, the state of oklahoma executed death row inmate clayton lockett. In a botched and gruesome procedure, lockett did not die from the lethal injection but from a heart attack 43 minutes after the execution began. Renewed debate on the ethics of Capital Punishment and the legality of lethal injunctions. Today in a joint press conference, president obama weighed in on the controversy for the first time. In the application of the Death Penalty in this country, we have seen significant problems. Racial bias. Uneven application of the Death Penalty. Situations in which there were individuals on death row who later on were discovered to have been innocent. This situation in oklahoma i think just highlights some of significant problems. I think we do have to as a society ask ourselves some difficult and profound questions. Coming up, how many civilians have died in secret drone strikes . Thanks to the u. S. Senate, we may never find out. The New York Times mark mazetti joins me just ahead. Nowchoose one option fromith red lothe woodfire grill,trios one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. All on one plate. Three delicious choices. All for 15. 99 for a limited time only come sea food differently today weve always been on the forefront of innovation. When the world called for speed. When the world called for stealth. Intelligence. Endurance. Affordability. Adaptability. And when the world asked for the future. Staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. Thats why i got a new windows 2 in 1. It has exactly what i need for half of what i thought id pay. And i dont need to be online for it to work. It runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. But its fun, too with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, cause a good playlist is good for business. I need the bosss signature for this. Im the boss. Honestly i wanna see you be brave earlier this week, i sat down with director jon favreau, John Leguizamo, the chef and John Rapaport to discuss the state of foodism in america. It was awesome. It would be a major understatement to say that director, actor producer and writer jon favreau is a multitool player but jon favreau is a multitool player. Like so many comedy greats, he started in chicago improv but got his break through as the writer and costar of the 1996 comedy swingers. Fav rowes rise continued. He directed the world dominating smash hit iron man. This month, jon favreau is returning to his indy roots and showing america he knows a thing or two about the kitchen. His new film chef featured a cast that includes dustin hoffman, Robert Downey jr. , Scarlett Johansson and John Leguizamo, no big deal, just an indy film, right . A celebrity chef forced to find a new gig after he makes some inopportune comments on social media. You realize how many people have read this . Im up to 2,000 followers since last night. Youre trending, bro. Theyre goading me. Dont respond. Half the people are saying hes write. Half the people are saying hes wrong. Thats the internet. Thats social media. All the people following me are people i dont even hang out with during the day. I avoid them. What are you doing . What are you writing . Chef, thats not a good idea. I wont send it until we all say its okay. Why dont you come by again tonight, i got a whole new menu just for you, [ bleep ]. Thats not good. Dont do it. Thats out there now. You cant take that back. I threw down the gauntlet. Joining me now in new york is editor in chief of bon appetit magazine John Rapaport. John leguizamo it from los angeles, the information for the movie, chef roy toy and director and multitool player jon favreau. Thank you so much for joining me. Jon favreau, may i start with you first. Please. This is what a nice intro, my god. I dont know if ill be able to talk now. Im telling you. We learn from chefs. We grease up the oven before we start cooking. I like the multitool name. John leguizamo, actor. I want to be a multitool. Hes also multitool. Everybodys a multitool. Rapaport, editor. The screaming, Cross Country screaming. Jon favreau, to you, first, you are you have done huge movies, you have some huge movies ahead of you. Youre doing a small movie distributed by a relatively smaller studio. Is this a more creative expressi expression . What led you down this path, given where you are in your career . Its hard to say what really motivates you. You just do what excites you and what youre excited to do. You look back, try to figure it out. I think it must have been on the bigger movies it becomes, especially as the films become more and more successful, there are more and more voices and more money on the line and youre a smaller piece of the pie. Whats nice about this, its like going off to do a solo album. In the movie, the guy leave,s a big restaurant and opens up a food truck. The only person you have to satisfy is yourself. Youve done everything that can be asked of you. I want to bring roy in here. Johns a food enthusiast. Everybody at this the table basically. Food is rich for cinematic possibilities. When jon first approached you about the film, what was your reaction . And how good of a chef is he . Give him a grade. My reaction was spectacular. I mean, i was a fan just like your intro, you know. Ive been looking up to jon since 96. When he came in the kitchen, i could tell right away he cared and his skill was there. All right, team los angeles, lets move to new york here, John Leguizamo and adam rapaport. Johns here. Too many johns. Im not going any further with that joke. John leguizamo, you know, youre in this film, you were a sous chef. What is your interest in food and the dynamics of the kitchen which seemed brotastic in that clip. But also a lot of passion, a lot of energy. Theres fighting. Theres high drama. I mean, tell us about your sort of entry. Its interesting, because i love to eat. I cant cook anything. I can make coffee maybe. I go to the restaurant and start hanging out at the restaurant downtown to prepare. You see the camaraderie. You see the respect. Its like a basketball team. Everybodys there helping each other. Everybodys collaborating. Theyre goofing. Theyre making fun of each other. Calling each other [ speaking Foreign Language ] the cursing and the fun, its just a lively place. I loved it. To touch on the trends around food, the food truck thing is like a whole sub genre. I feel like this movie is far thinking in a number of ways. Also the food truck phenomenon, tell us more about that. Its a national thing. Certainly national from new york to l. A. I think whats interesting about food trucks it just speaks to the notion that now a days you can get amazing food anywhere. Whether its in a food truck or restaurants now. Theres so few restaurants have white table clothes anymore. Roys got a new restaurant pot in l. A. Its good food does not have to be fancy, it just needs to be good food, and where youre eating it, its up to you. Was there anything where its like theres no way leguizamo is going to be able to cook that . Were realworld considerations taken into account here . No, we were like we got to do this. Iknew the food would look beautiful. Bon appetit did a nice rundown of all the movies that deal with food. And its you realize how many great movies there are about food, because food is so beautiful to photograph. I knew we had to be convincing. When roy came on to be our first consultant, he was like, you got to get this right, the language right, the cursing right, the cooking right. What the film does well is the food porn if you will. Theres a scene where john, big john is making a Grilled Cheese for his little kid. Its just like sizzling. Cuts it in half. Crunching. Youre like, oh, my god, you get so hungry. Youre like, i need to make a Grilled Cheese now. Hes got like ten slices of cheese and four ounces of butter. I also love the sex scene. The act wauual porn. Its these sound effects and skill. Scarlett johansson, mind you. Shes semiclad, writhing on the bed, its best sex scene ive ever seen. You dont get better teases than this. A semiclad Scarlett Johansson writhing around on a couch i believe is what you said. We have to leave it there, swrentle folk. The movie is chef and it opens may 9th. Multitool player jon favreau. Multitools. Thank you for your time, gentlemen. You can see more of my interview with the chef, team, and a web extra with John Leguizamo who shares some epic stories from the set. After the break, Science Fiction or conservative fearmongering . A new florida proposal is literally intended to help gun owner, prepare for end times. The Zombie Apocalypse amendment is real. And it is next. Vo once upon a time there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours they say youll never go back to your old cleaning ways again. Not once youve tried mr. Cleans new liquid muscle. Its a concentrated liquid gel with two and a half more power per drop. So a little goes a long way. New liquid muscle. 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An amendment filed late tuesday would give florida gun owners the right to carry concealed weapons, even if they are unlicensed, in the case of an act relating to the Zombie Apocalypse. Let the unlicensed take up arms against the undead. That amendment was crafted to draw attention what he called a laughable gun bill it would be a part of it. That bill would allow any and all floridians to get their concealed carry on in a declared state of emergency because hurricanes, tornadoes, blackouts and qacannibalplagued chaos ne more people packing heat. The bill is expected to pass. Coming up, the New York Times mark mazeti joins me to find out who is being killed in americas secret drone war. First, josh lipton has the cnbc market wrap. U. S. Stocks dropping today. As rising unrest in ukraine offset a better than expected april jobs report. The dow fell 46 points. The s p declined 3 points. The nasdaq lost 4 points. Thats it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. 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Going forward, ive asked my administration to review proposals to extend oversight of lethal actions outside of war zones that go beyond our reporting to congress. That was president obama nearly one year ago making a promise to the American People regarding increased transparency on the issue of drone strike. Apparently a promise Even Congress gave up on. Quietly dropped a provision from an intelligence bill that would have increased accountability on targeted drone strikes by requiring the president to make Public Information on those strikes and their casualties every year. The provision, the one that was dropped this week, was passed by the Senate Intelligence Committee Last year. But senator Dianne Feinstein has now agreed to take it out of this bill to ensure the legislation will pass unanimously. Without any sort of public transparency on the damage inflicted by drone strikes, we are literally flying blind. In pakistan where the u. S. Has launched 383 drone strikes over the last ten years, according to the bureau of investigative journalism, the number of People Killed range between 419 to 957. To over double that, 957. Ten years into the drone war and it could be that we will never know how many lives have been lost. Joining me now is National Security correspondent for the New York Times, mark mazeti, author of the way of the knife. Mark, thanks for joining me. You first reported on this decision by senator feinstein. Was it simply because she wanted unanimous passage of this bill . Were still trying to figure out more. Certainly, there was a lot of opposition to this provision that, as you said, the Intelligence Committee passed. Not only there were republicans who were against the provision but it seems there was also intelligence officials weighing in. Last week, james clapper, the director of national intelligence, wrote a letter to feinstein and basically expressing concern that if they had to make this report every year about the number of People Killed in drone strikes then we the strikes themselveses would be imperilled. There was pressure. And why they stripped it and why they couldnt have pushed for it more is still a little bit unclear. Clearly, they wanted to get this bill through congress quickly. Inner it er i terms of the s themselves, its been four months, yet weve increased dramatically the number of strikes in yemen. Do you think that reflects a change in strategy . It seems to obviously reflect a change in strategy, but how meaningful is that in your mind . The perceived threat in pakistan is lower. At the same time, there have been knee gonegotiations betwee pakistans government and militants in the tribal areas and a quiet admission by the cia they would dial back strikes during this process. In yemen, the strikes continue, as you said. As weve reported a couple weeks ago, the pentagon is sort of on probation because of a number of their strikes that have been botched, including one in ke december who killed several people part of a Wedding Party in southern yemen. Be right, thats a huge point of debate, right, whether the cia will actually ever give the pentagon the control of these drone strikes. Before we get to that, though, one of the things i think is reflected in the change of strategy going from pakistan to yemen is i mean, it underscored the shifting nature of the quote unquote war on terror. How its constantly evolving. Theres a state out by the state department this week that shows terrorism is actually on the rise. Indeed, almost 7,000 people were killed by terrorist attacks worldwide last year compared to 7,000 more people last year, versus the year previous. And almost all of those killingings wekill ings were by al qaeda or affiliated groups. Their aleerjanlegiance to the aa higher arcy is much more unclear. The post9 11 playbook basically used to understand terrorist networks effectively has to be thrown out the window. Right. You certainly couldnt consider al qaeda as the group in pakistan thats plotting all these attacks around the world from some kind of central location. Its spread out and even what is al qaeda today is a matter of debate. You see the groups on the rise in places like yemen and parts of north africa and thats led to this question inside the Obama Administration about what do you do about them, just kill these people with drones or is that even legal to, what is the authority . So to some degree a casebycase strategy. In yemen the drone strikes have continued in places like in countries like north africa, the administrations tried to rely on local governments to deal with the problem with very different kinds of effects. Mark mazeti of the New York Times, thank you. 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[ male announcer ] look for the easyopen red arthritis cap. Thats all for now, ill see you back in new york city on monday at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. The ed show is up next. Good evening, americans, and welcome to the ed show. Im ready to go. Lets get to work. Its a friday afternoon. News is happening. Were finding out explosive details about benghazi. Dude. Benghazi terror attack. Watch this outrageous exchange. Dude, this is like two years ago. Dude, this is the thing that everybody is talking about. I reduded him his dude. To dismissively use the word dude in a sentence. If you examine tone by we he responded. This is the way the white house has operated, just the tone theyve had when people have asked the hard questions. They try to they use word salad. Because, you know, when you consider that the 200plus years of military ethos word salad that was thrown out the window with Hillary Clinton and the crew there in benghazi. I felt like i had to come back with a dude. Benghazi. Benghazi. Good to have you with us tonight

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