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Enforcement officials are already heavily involved in this investigation and stay tuned to this show. Because later this hour, i will talk live with that friend of Michael Browns who was with him when he had that tragic confrontation with police on saturday. Also today, police reversed themselves and now say they will not release the name of the officer involved in the shooting. Citing threats to the officers safety. All this following more unrest last night, including police in riot gear shooting teargas at protesters. At a News Conference today where i spoke in my capacity as president of the National Action network Michael Browns father called for peace. I need justice for my son. I need everybody to be coming together to do this right. The right way. Yeah. The right way so we can get something done about this. Everybody. No violence. No violence. In my time here today, its clear that this Community Needs something to be done. It needs justice, peaceful justice. In just a moment im going to speak to Michael Browns grandfather les mcspadden. I want to bring in patricia bynes, a Democratic Committee woman for ferguson township. Thank you for being here tonight. Thank you for having me. Let me ask you. There seems to be a lot of suspicion among members of the community about the police. Why do you think that is . P reverend sharp ton, we have a long history of mistrust in the community here. With the police. There are constant stories of harassment. You know, young black men. Its almost the same across the country. Young black men have tales of being harassed by the police while they are walking or driving. The racial profiling, the numbers in the state of missouri are very scary. Its not unfounded. There is a high number of africanamerican men and women in our community who are harassed by the police. Nothing seems to get done about it. Youve talked about the need for federal investigation. Why do you and so many others want that . Well, i have been out talking with the community themselves on the ground and, while i know there is going to be a fair and thorough investigation, when we can get the full cooperation of the community because they dont feel comfortable talking clearly with, you know, Ferguson Police department. But even with st. Louis county police, thats not enough for the residents who have history with county police and feeling like there is going to be a fair and thorough investigation. If everyone involved truly wants a fair and thorough investigation and there are witnesses that say they will not talk to st. Louis county. We have to seriously look at that. As an elected official, we have to listen to that and make sure people know that if they want fair and thorough we have to give it to them. It only comes through the feds. Committeewoman, please stay with us. I want to bring in les mcspadden, Michael Browns grandfather. Thank you for being here. Thank you, reverend sharpton. Its always an honor, a pleasure to see and here from you. I would hate to talk to you at these circumstances like this, at a bad time like this. Certainly our condolences to your family. As you heard the president of the United States and the first lady extended it to your family today. One of the things i have most admired about you and your family i was with the mother and father today is the strength and dignity you have shown and calling for peace and nonviolence while you pursue justice. Tell us why thats so important to you and how it reflects your memory of your grandson. Yes, sir. Violence needs to stop. You know, my grandson, he wasnt violent. He didnt need to do anything. People be doing things like that because all it does is put gasoline on the fire. Thats already a big old fire. So the thing to do is for everybody in the great state of missouri, the state i was born and raised in. Just stay calm. Once again, let the judicial system handle it and take over because all this fire, looting and stuff all it does is decrease his legacy. One of the things im hearing is that a lot of people in ferguson township are saying it has not been the proper representation. Its 67 of ferguson township is black. Yet out of 53 policemen, there are only three black policemen. Its reflected in the school board and in the politics. Is it a feeling that you have that a lot of what the reaction is a lot of outrage to people feeling they dont have access to influence in their own township and what happened to your grandson reflects that and brings a lot of that to the surface . Yes, it does. Like i was trying to explain, reverend. I have spent time in st. Louis. Me personally, i avoid that area before this incident happened because there is oh so much profiling going on. I could ride down with me and maybe two of my older friends and get pulled over just because of the pigmentation of my skin. Its just wrong. Why is that . I wish somebody could explain it to me. Why would there only be three officers out of 50 . I thought demographics meant something. Evidently, it dont. So the charge im hearing from a lot of young people today about profiling, you are saying that you feel there is merit to a lot of accusations of profiling by the Police Department in ferguson. Exactly. One would have to experience it would be hard for me to sit here and explain it. On any given friday, saturday night, going down to west floreson in ferguson. Im talking about ferguson, period. Its something that everybody that lives in st. Louis that are lifers like myself know that if you go that way, it better be some daylight. Now tell me about your grandson. He was supposed to Start College on yesterday. And yet now we are planning the family is for his funeral. I understand he was never in trouble. Wasnt a bad kid at all. Yet they are trying to say that he got into a scuffle. The police story is he got into a scuffle with the policeman and reached for the policemans gun. How do you react to that . Certainly the facts will come out in an investigation. As a grandfather, how do you react . Is that believable . Is that at all like the grandson you knew . Reverend sharpton, i can say wholeheartedly, 100 that thats false. I know my grandson. Hes the type of guy that i would buy him video games and he could actually beat the games. So in which turn means youve got to get him another one. As a matter of fact, my grandson is scared of guns. He wasnt like that. He wasnt raised like that. For someone to say he tried to take a pistol from him, there is no one in this country that could make me believe that. Thats false. Those are accusations, those are lies. My grandson, as you probably have seen or heard on the news feeds he was a gentle giant. Hes big for his age. Also hes a kid. When was it a crime to walk down the middle of the street with the Ferguson Police department saying if you walked down the middle of my street, ill kill you. That should never happen, man. Councilwoman bynes, how do you deal with the fact that the demographics in the city are one thing and the political offices, the Police Department, the board of education doesnt reflect that . Its been a major issue in our community. Just a few months ago we had a big issue with the school board with the firing of the black superintendent. Its been a huge problem in getting more people who are of the majority demographic here engaged in the political system. They dont understand it. Often times its a socioeconomic issue where people are worried how they will get to work, if they can get to work. If there is a job to go to. Rather than political matters on voting. So its the day to day socioeconomic struggle that keeps them from being able to engage in the political process. Committeewoman patricia bynes, i will leave it there. Les mcspadden, thank you for your time of grief to come on. We give our condolences. Well stay on this story. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Coming up developing news about a potentially crucial witness and the role now played by federal investigators. Well have a live interview with this witness about what he says really happened. Also, the troubled history of ferguson, missouri. There is a big racial divide and a deep problem with police profiling. So what can be done about it . Hands up dont shoot raising our arms for peace. How to respect Michael Browns legacy and stop violence on our streets. Stay with us. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. And even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. Buy their services directly at angieslist. 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One from police and the other from eyewitnesses. Here is the police version. One of those individuals at the time came in as the officer was exiting his police car. Allegedly pushed the Police Officer back into the car where he physically assaulted the Police Officer. It is our understanding at this point in the investigation that within the police car there was a struggle over the officers weapon. There was at least one shot fired within the car. After that, the officer came back out of the car. He exited his vehicle. And there was a shooting that occurred where the officer, in fact, shot the subject. And the subjects they were fatal injuries. He says brown reached into the car and attacked the officer, but gave no detail about what happened outside the car when brown was shot and killed nearly 35 feet away. Michael brown was not walking alone when this happened. His friend Dorian Johnson was with him. Dorian is still alive and is giving a very different account of what happened. A Police Officer squad car pulled up. These were his words. He said get the f on the sidewalk. We told the officer we were not but a minute from our destination and would be shortly off the street. He tried to thrust the door open. We were so close it ricocheted off us and bounced back to him. I guess that got him a little upset. At that time he reached out the window. He didnt get out of the car. He reached out the window, grabbed my friend around his neck and was trying as he was trying to check choke my friend. He was trying to get away. The officer reached out, grabbed his arm to pull him into the car. Now its like the officer is trying to pull him inside the car. Hes trying to pull away. At no time the officer said he was going to do anything until he pulled out his weapon. His weapon was drawn and he said, ill shoot you, or im going to shoot. In the same moment the first shot went off. We looked at him. He was shot. There was blood coming from him. We took off running. His weapon was already drawn when he got out of the car. He shot again. Once my friend felt that shot he turned around, put his hands in the air and started to get down. But the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots. My friend died. As the investigation unfolds, there are two different accounts. Joining me now is Dorian Johnson, the young man who was with Michael Brown, and his attorney freeman bosley, jr. Thank you for being here. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Thank you. You say the officer attacked michael. What do you think when you hear the police say it was the other way around . I knew as soon as i heard it that it is not what happened. I knew that i was standing so close and seeing everything so vivid that i know exactly what happened. I knew that was incorrect at the moment i heard it. How fast did all this happen . It really escalated quickly. It was less than a minute or a minute or so before it escalated to death. Now where did it start . How did this start . We were walking down the street. At the time there was no traffic coming. The street was clear. We were walking down the street in the middle of the street. Before the officer pulls up, the traffic starts to flow. No cars blowing their horn at us like were in their way or making eye turns like we have to get out of the way or anything. We didnt feel we were causing a problem to anyone. We kept walking. So a little bit later we saw the Police Officer coming. When he gets to the side of us, right on the side we were right at his driver door. He tells us to get on the sidewalk in a real aggressive manner. I dont want to cuss on camera. But he told us to get on the sidewalk the f. Get the f on the sidewalk. Right. At that time my friend big mike didnt speak at all. I responded to the officer. I said, officer, we are less than a minute away from our destination. Were just walking and well be out of the way. We continued to walk because i was under the impression that the officer, you know, he was fixing to drive off. But then we hear the car stop. We hear it reverse, but it reversed very rapidly, like he stomped on the gas pedal fast. He reversed in a manner where we had to kind of jump out of the way. Not really jump but step back out of the way or he was going to hit us. Now his car is slanted. Were back face to face with him at his driver door. You said michaels hands go ahead. Im sorry. Go ahead. Mikes hands were filled with cigarellos. His hands were not free. They were filled. At that time when the officer pulled up on us, he was so close to us. He tried to push his door open so aggressively. My friend big mike is a real big guy. Im not that big, but hes real big. We were so close to each other when he pushed the door open it didnt get a full inch out. It hit us and bounced back on him. In an instant his arm came out the window and grabbed my friend around the neck. You said that the door hit him. And then the door bounced back. Yes. The door ricocheted off our bodies. Not like we had our hands up because we didnt know we wasnt ready for the speed that he opened his door. Wasnt like we braced ourselves. It almost knocked the wind out of me. Hes so big that it slightly tapped me and more hit him. It really bounced back on the officer. And then the incident happened. Yeahment yeah. After the door bounced on him. Like i said in an instant his left arm comes out the window. He at no point in time tried to get back out of the car or open the door. He stuck his left arm out the window and grabbed my friend around the throat. Now my friend, hes angry. He has a frowny face, but my friend is not an aggressive person. Hes not trying to go with the officer. Hes pulling away from the officer. The officer is pulling him in the vehicle like hes trying to pull him through the window. Hes so big, he couldnt pull his body down into the window. It was more like his body was coming into the window while the officer now the officer is trying to maintain a grip and a hold on him. Hes grabbing on his shirt and arm still with the one arm, his left arm. Hes trying to grab any grip he can on my friend. Hes turning around. Now at this moment he hands me the cigarellos, says hold these. I grab them out of his hands. Im Still Standing in the door while they are doing all this tugging and pulling, not wrestling as they say. It was more like tug and pull. Hes trying to pull big mike, my friend. My friends trying to pull away. We really dont understand the manner the officer is addressing usment at that time i hear the officer saying im going to shoot. My eyes addressed to him because i wanted to see what he was going to fire. I know what a taser looks like a taser gun. I know what a are regular gun looks like. When i looked at the officer, i was staring dead in front of the barrel. And almost a second later, the gun went off. If i didnt move of hesitation before the gun went off i could have been shot as well as my friend. I moved second earlier than the gun going off. The bullet did strike my friend. He was never inside the car when the bullet struck him. At this moment when he pointed the gun at us, it kind of stood us back like he has a gun pointed at us for no reason. He still has his hand on my friend like the whole time. He never let his grip go with the left hand. Now hes pointed his weapon at us in a threatening manner. In no time during the altercation did big mike make a verbal threat at the officer. No time did i make a movement or gesture like i was going to jump in the altercation. No time did i felt like the officers life was really in that much danger for him to pull out the gun first before any other weapon that he had to stop what was going on. So after the first shot went off, i stepped back. I look at my friend. I see the blood coming down his right arm. So i know that he was hit. When i see him, my eyes get big. He looked at me because he didnt even look at himself. He was in shock. We were both in shock from hearing the gun so close. He was looking at me. Im looking at him. He sees my eyes get big and the officer let go. Thats how we were both able to let go at the same time. It was almost like the officer didnt mean to shoot him but he was trying to stop us from committing no crime at all. I dont know what he was doing for him to pull out the gun. When he shot he let my friend go and we took off running. At this time his vehicle was parked in a way that both lanes are taken up. No cars can get past north or south. Theres three vehicles parked in front of the scene. As we were running i stepped behind the first vehicle and stooped slightly. I could tell the officer was in shock because it took him at least two or three minutes before he initially got out of the car after the first shot. It was almost like he had to make a judgment caller or think about what he had just done or just saw. While stooped down behind the vehicle my friend big mikes running past me. He sees me in plain sight. He looks down at me and says, keep running, bro. Verbatim. His exact words. Hes still running. Im in shock. My body i cant move, but my mind is trying to run but my body cant move. By this time the officer is out of the car now. Im standing up now. And the officer is walking with his gun drawn but its almost like he couldnt see me because im just standing still in plain sight. Hes walking in such a way that his vision wasnt even on nobody else. What he was trying to do. As he got closer he fired one more shot. That shot struck my friend in the back. He then stopped to turn around with his hands in the air. Started to tell the officer that he was unarmed and he was before he could get his last words out, the officer then fired several more shots and my friend went down in the fetal position. Thats when i took off running. Did your friend say anything to the policeman when he stopped and put his arms up . He started to talk to the Police Officer. He couldnt fully get what he was saying out because he was being shot several more times in midtalk, many midsentence. Attorney bosley, you represent dorian. I know hes already started talking to the u. S. Attorneys office. This seems as though federal investigators are already seriously involved in investigating at least at a preliminary level this case in a serious manner. We met with the fbi earlier today, although mr. Johnson was not able to meet with us. There were several other key witnesses that did get a chance to meet with the fbi and tell their story. Mr. Johnson is going to be available later on to be able to do that. One of the things thats just so disappointing about this is weve got a situation in which this the community here we have a situation in which this community is insensitive to what happens to young africanamerican males. What occurred here with big mike is just another indication of what goes on around here. We have two other people killed. We have kerry ball who got shot 27 times by the police. Officer stood over him and actually fired 7 to 10 shots in his body while he lays on the ground. Another case involving Antonio Johnson who was tased 13 times by the police in two minutes in the city of hazelwood. He died the next day. The situation with big mike is more of the same. We are so glad, re rend sharpton, that you and the National Media decided the to focus on st. Louis and what goes on here. This is critically important to us. Well, we are going to stay on this story. I assure you and dorian, attorney bosley. We are going to follow this story all the way through. Dorian johnson and freeman bosley, jr. , thank you for being here. Mr. Johnson has not told the story directly, but he will. His attorney has announced here tonight. Thank you both for being with me tonight. Well be right back. Moderate to severe is tough, but ive managed. I got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said my crohns was not under control. He said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. 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Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. There are still so many questions about the shooting of Michael Brown, so what are investigators doing right now . Joining me now is eugene odonnell, professor of law from john j. College of criminal justice. Thanks for being here. Thank you, rev. Now, eugene, you just heard this interview with Dorian Johnson who was actually with Michael Brown when the shooting occurred. Of course there is no way for you or anyone to know whats true, whats not true. That would be evaluated. But what will investigators be looking for. He seemed very detailed, very sure of oh what he was saying. Thats crucial. Hes giving us detailed accounts and construct a timeline really. See if the physical evidence or other evidence if there is a dash cam, any dispatch tapes, whether you can pinpoint the timeline and hone in on what happened. Certainly he gives a lot of detail. He would be at this point a crucial witness in this investigation. Now so they will look to see if the timeline and the physical evidence matches because he was very i mean, i sat back. It was riveting to me. But again police and investigators and federal agents cant react like maybe i would or our viewers. They will be looking to see what matches. Explain that to us. Its not that you believe or disbelieve somebody. You are trying to see what they are saying will pan out. In this kind of event, its horrific. Hes in the middle of it. Hes probably emotionally over wrought. Its a friend of his. You are just trying to see if you can step back from what the witness is telling you and see what objective evidence will substantiate what hes saying. If it does substantiate what hes saying it will be a long way to a criminal prosecution. Now he mentioned three cars that could not move. Are they also potential witnesses here . Right. Sometimes there are more witnesses than you realize. We saw it with zimmerman. Sometimes you get out in the neighborhood. You have eyewitnesses, ear witnesses, people who hear stuff, people who have hearsay information. If you canvas the neighborhood do, a thorough investigation you may get more than you know immediately. Its a detailed account. Typically in these cases, you know its he said and the deceased isnt around. You go to the person in the best position to know. In this case its somebody who happens to be his friend but gives a very detailed accounting of what occurred. Will they also be looking for different stages of what occurred . Isnt it possible for one stage to not violate a statute but another does because from what im hearing from him, the first shot was much different than the shot, i think he said a couple minutes later when the officer came out of the car at Michael Brown. I think he said at one point he didnt want to shoot. That it may not have been intentional shooting initially and then there may have been intentional shooting. Yes, absolutely. Something thats initially fuzzy can be clear as you go through an investigation. A shooting initially not justified could become justified or certainly any direction it is initially justified or at least murky could be clearly unjustified as it plays out. Its true that its a second to second analysis. As you say comparing what the law requires to what actually happens is why its important to get the timeline. Literally, seconds before its not an unlawful act it may not be an unlawful act bit could morph into one on the basis of malicious activity, intention that deprived somebody of civil rights. Literally several seconds in you may not have a crime. As you go forward you may have a crime. All right. Eugene odonnell from john j. School of law and police. Thanks for joining us tonight. Thanks, reverend. Well be right back. 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Louis. The Michael Brown shooting has exposed the deep racial divide. And issues of police profiling that have plagued the area for decades. Hands up dont shoot residents have taken to the streets to protest what they say is a long history of Racial Injustice in ferguson. One former prosecutor even described the town as a powder keg. Just onethird of ferguson is white. Africanamericans make up 67 of the population. But those racial demographics arent reflected in the towns police force. They are currently 53 commissioned Police Officers who work for the city of ferguson. But only three of them are black. Three black officers in a town thats 67 africanamerican. The states attorney general has already investigated the citys police for racial profiling. An investigation of traffic stops last year showed blacks were far more likely to be pulled over than whites. Just 13 of people pulled over by Ferguson Police were white. 86 were black. Way out of proportion to the population. Joining me now are joseph anderson, president of 100 black men of metropolitan st. Louis, and the washington posts wesley lowry. Thank you for being here tonight. Thank you. Thank you, reverend. Joseph, how long has this pressure been building between the police and the people of fergie son . Well, reverend sharpton, its been building for years. Its been building this not just ferguson but several other municipalities in the city of st. Louis. This just busted the cap off. We hope coming out of here we can have some positive dialogue, some sensitively training and some better communication between police and the community that they serve. Now let me ask you, wesley. You have been moving around, covering this story. We are told that only 16 . Now, again, the town is nearly 70 black. Look at the demographic breakdown of city officials in ferguson. The mayor is white. The police chief is white. Only 16 of the city council is black. 6 of the police force is black. And the school board, 0 not a single africanamerican is on the school board. Do you feel as you move around that this kind of tension is built on the fact that there seems to be such unequal positions of influence for the twothirds of the city thats africanamerican . My impression is that it plays a large role in it. Also the statistics you were talking about in terms of disparities racially in terms of people interacting with the police, being pulled over, misrepresentation of the black community here in terms of elected officials as well as in the Police Department. A few residents described it as a boiling point. Tensions have been simmering under the surface for years. Many people said it isnt about Michael Brown. This is about all of us. It could have been my son, my daughter. In fact it often is their son or daughter laying on the pavement. This is an issue in this Community Based on the residents i have spoken to which is larger than this specific case but really speaks to a deeper problem here in ferguson. Now, joseph, the Ferguson Police chief told nbcs john yang that his department does not racially are profile. Listen to this. We strictly prohibit racial profiling. Its absolutely strictly prohibited. However the city of ferguson, north county in general is a majority minority population. Most of the people who live here or the majority of people who live here are africanamerican. So it just goes to that. If this was an all White Community or majority White Community most people getting stopped would be white ideally. We dont racial profile. Its a severe punishable oh offense. Clearly the Community Seems not to agree with him. And the state attorney generals investigation, the numbers of the traffic stops do not reflect that because the africanamerican demographic is much lower than the amount of stops that are made and the White Community different as well. Yes. Thats true. One of the things that we want to emphasize is that if, in fact, we have fair representation then this desensitization from Police Officers to go from stopping a young man walking down the middle of the street to killing him minutes later, does not reflect understanding the community you serve. We totally, totally reject the fact that this officer was serving his community. While the community is very angry, frustrated, we understand it, but we dont condone the violence. So the hundred black men chapter in st. Louis and across the country is experiencing some of the same problems with killing africanamerican males. Its got to stop. We want it to stop. We insist that it stops. We insist that a full impartial and honest investigation take place on this incident. Wesley, let me ask you this. I have talked to a lot of people today. Ministers, officers, anthony said, a lot of the grassroots leaders. What has struck you the most in your covering the story and moving around the city and the area today. The anger, frustration, emotion. You could hear a lot of people standing around us as they have gathered here, wanting to know whats being said about the community. Whats being put out here on the National Television waves. There is frustration. I likened it in a tweet yesterday almost to spike lees do the right thing where you could feel the bubbling throughout the city. You know when the sun goes down that the tensions will flare again. This Community Feels neglected and abused by officials and the police force. Those of us parachuting in here dont understand and cant tell the story correctly. I have been trying to do a lot of listening and not much talking here. There is a lot of frustration and anger. You understand it and try to be quiet and listen. We have to leave it there. Joseph anderson and wesley lowery. Thank you for your time. Well be right back with more from st. Louis. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. And that became our passion. To always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. That redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. After all, you cant turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. Unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. Padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. Helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. Advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. 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Com loyalty program, shell earn free nights. So theyre not the same, because theyre different. Woman jimmys not my grandson, captain obvious. Woman man hes my lover. No. Many americans have been dismayed by these pictures. Where officers look more like soldiers than Public Servants charged with keeping the peace. That has to change. Joining me now is the reverend rodney francis, Senior Pastor at the Washington Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church who is working to des i ka late racial tensions in ferguson. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. How do you start restoring trust in this community . Well, i think the first way to start restoring trust is to have complete transparency throughout this process. I think there needs to be an apparatus for the community to be completely informed of every step of the process, where things are and what the next steps are until a full accounting and reporting of the situation and circumstances are done and some form of justice and closure can come to this. Thats the first thing that absolutely has to happen. There needs to be acknowledgment of the lived experience of people on the ground in ferguson and in communities like the community in which Michael Brown lost his life where the police where absolutely controlling those areas and patrolling those areas in ways that the community feel are not fair and just. That needs to be acknowledged. There needs to be a sense of the police protecting them, not coming into the community to escalate situations and circumstance that leads to such tragic incidents. What kinds of frustrations are there beyond the specific Michael Brown incident that you, as a pastor, encounter. Well, this whole strategy. There seems to be a National Strategy with Police Engagement in very steszful community. This broken windows theory, so to speak, that you are familiar with. Just small, minor quality of life infractions become big issues with the Police Officers and people are getting confronted for walking down the middle of the street when there is really no inhibitment on the traffic or going about their day and get confronted which can lead to all kinds of interactions with the police. So its those kinds of infractions, i think where people feel they are being absolutely picked on that lead to the frustration. I think that needs to be called into question. Well, reverend rodney francis, thank you so much for your time tonight. Well be right back. In the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. Add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get 100 off for every year of safe driving. Which for you, shouldnt be a problem. 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Let me start with decisions facing president obama following a soberer assessment from the statement

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