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Politicsnation. Tonights lead, law and order. But for who . Right now, President Biden is flexing the legal powers of his office to address the countrys deepening problems. And an exclusive interview with nbc news, the president talked about the difficult decision to send 1500 troops to the border to help is a refugee crisis. He also spoke about the possibility that he might invoke his 14th Amendment Authority to raise the debt limit. If he cannot convince some of the gop to back off threats to push the country, and to an economic crisis. Heres the deal. I think that first of all, this is not your fathers republican party. This is a different group. And i think that we have to make it clear to the American People that i am prepared to negotiate in detail with her budget. In the meantime, here in New York City, there is outrage after an alleged act of vigilante justice. A Young Black Mans life is snuffed out on the subway. Prompting tough questions about who has the right to take the law into their own hands. All of that ahead, plus a look at the complicated legacy behind a historic transition in the uk. As charles is crowned king. We start with politics. Joining me now, congresswoman, yvette clarke. Democrat of new york. Congresswoman, thank you for joining us. I want to start with President Bidens interview last night with msnbc. As i mentioned at the top, he discussed his decision to send hundreds of troops to the southern border an expectation of an influx of migrants. And a possibility that he might invoke his 14th Amendment Authority to raise the debt limit and with the deadline to do so, rapidly approaching. He also spoke to Voter Concerns about his age. Take a listen. I have acquired a hell of a lot of wisdom. And now i am more experienced than anyone who is ever run for office. And i think i have proven myself to be honorable as well as also effective. Congresswoman, would that be enough to reassure voters ahead of 2024 . Reverend sharpton. First of all, it is great to be back with you once again. Let me say that it is not just what joe biden said last night. The proof is in the pudding. He has done a remarkable under the circumstances. I think that we have been given such a soft landing after the horrible outbreak of covid19, the horrible way in which we had to live our lives during the shutdown of our economy. The lack of real concern for the American People in getting vaccines out, and making sure that we can navigate our way out of the pandemic. Joe biden, President Joe Biden has gone on to give our economy a soft landing, we are seeing huge employment statistics, we are seeing the deployment of an infrastructure bill, he has lowered the cost of prescription drugs, and so i think that oftentimes it is when we are doing well that we take things for granted. Yes indeed, President Biden has said that she feels up to the task. I can tell you that hes been doing an extraordinary job. He has kept his head down, he has worked with his team, and they have really been, weve been fortunate in the way in which they have handled navigating us out of the pandemic, into what we are poised to do in terms of advancement, and in our society. Staying on capitol hill. We are less than one month away from the deadline to raise the ceiling. Many economists warn a default would be financially catastrophic. But House Republicans have tried raising the ceiling to deep federal spending cuts. Nbc news is reporting how stomach routes are trying to bring it clean bipartisan Debt Ceiling Bill to the floor, without the support of speaker kevin mccarthy. Do you see that happening, congresswoman . My hope is that it will. We have to have the grownups in the room in the chamber of the house of representatives. We must raise the debt ceiling. We couldnt go into negotiations, and conversations about the federal budget. Which i believe the Biden Administration has been managing masterfully when you look at the way that they have been working at a deficit reduction. But beyond that, when we look at what is being proposed by republicans, it would be a major and dramatic setback to our economy, it is really time for the grownups to get into the room. There are those who are in the Republican Caucus that really do not mean well for the American People. They want to see these draconian cuts to the average every day american. However they want to be able to create tax cut benefits, for the wealthiest in the United States and contrast to their friends. So the cut is surgical. They go right to the heart of those who are struggling the most in our society, but the benefit and the dividend is to those who are the wealthiest. Weve got to get to a point where we are working together, in the best interest of the American People and it is very clear that the Speaker Mccarthy has a conference that is not interested, or that is being ruled by individuals who are not interested in taking care of the American People. Covid19 asylum restrictions put in place by the trump administration, known as title 42, comes to an end on thursday. In preparation, the Biden Administration has deployed 1500 active duty troops in texas. In texas, the Homeland Security secretary, alejandro mayorkas, who toured the region this week has called on congress for additional federal resources for border officials to deal with asylum requests. Your cochair of the congressional haiti caucus and the administration said last week that it will continue deportations of haitian migrants illegally entering the country. As you know, i went to the border when they were but it will maintain, according to what is said, a humanitarian Parole Program for providing legal Migration Pathways for patients after the thursday deadline. Are you satisfied with that policy choice, congresswoman . I am not satisfied at all, reverend sharpton. I think that President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas are trying to make the best out of the really bad situation. A no win situation. Their hands are tied to a large extent by the fact that we have a broken immigration system. And it is overdue for a reform and overhaul. At the same time, we will be reverting back to title eight Immigration Policy which does provide for individuals to present themselves for asylum. That then moves the process into an immigration court, so that individuals could state their case. I think that what Secretary Mayorkas has prepared for the cbp one app that enables people to actually apply for asylum seek a pathway to the United States via an app, it is an audible endeavor. Its not where it needs to be. Im hearing about a lot of technical difficulties that individuals are having, accessing the getting it up and running will be an imperative. And at the same time, it is critical that we build the pressure for comprehensive immigration reform. You know, people are coming to the u. S. Because we are their homes of origin, they have become inhospitable. And inhumane and terms of their safety, their security, and the promise for the future for them in their families. They are voting with their feet, and they are coming to the United States. The greatest nation in the world. Seeking opportunities many immigrant groups have done throughout our history. So it is up to us to really get things right. That is up to us to work with the Biden Administration to make sure that Human Dignity first and foremost is revered, and is a part of how we will encounter these individuals who will be seeking asylum in our country. Before i let you go, i read into Washington Post this week about your bill mandating disclosure of content generated by Artificial Intelligence in political ads. And understand that you are compelled to write the bill and in response to a Republican National committee ad attacking President Bidens reelection announced but filled with false images that would generate entirely by a. I. But particularly, the particular added it is claimer that many viewers know the content was a. I. Generated. But your concern is that others will not . Why is that a concern. Im out of time but i want you to address that briefly. Quickly, the Real Political Ads Act will make sure that there is a disclaimer for every political ad that are people view in the media. It is critical. There are those who just do not have the moral standing and will try to deceive the American People. They could be domestic, or it could be nationstates looking to disrupt our elections. We are moving into a high election season. And it is critical that are controls are applied equally across all media platforms. Right now, broadcast and print have to make sure that their disclaimers alongside their advertising, likewise that should be the case with a generated video that our people are consuming. Its important for the stability of our society and for our national security. All right. Thank you congresswoman. Yvette clarke from brooklyn, we go way back to our younger days. Great to be with you. Now to the story of the death of jordan neely. Earlier this week i put out a statement as head of the network condemning his killing and the reaction to it. On monday according to video and multiple eyewitness statements, he was restrained by three New York Subway passengers during eight reported Mental Health episode. Placed in a chokehold by one of them and later died in the hospital, it was reported. The Chief Medical Examiner ruled his death a homicide. Caused by the chokehold applied to his neck. Joining me now, the attorneys for jordan nearly as family, dante mills and lyndon edwards. Two very promising attorneys here in new york, i could say. Attorney mills, jordans death is another tragedy that struck the family. According to angie dot com, his mother was nearly choked to death in 2007, her boyfriend was convicted of crimes, she was later found stuffed into a suitcase on a highway. And new york poll reports that this was a tragic incident according to some he went into a deep depression, according to Family Members. But you have gotten to know their family. How do you describe him from what youve heard from them, and what do they say about his talents as a street performer, and a Mental Health challenge that he was facing . One of the things that struck me is that he impersonated michael jackson, who i knew well. I went to his funeral. And the family said that he was dealing with trauma, none of which the three guys, and the guy who choked him knew. I want to thank you for addressing this issue and giving us the opportunity to speak about who he was. The first thing i want to say is that he was loved. He was loved. He had family that loved him, that supported him, and he had people in his life there for them who provided a safe space. Unfortunately because of the incident stemming from his mothers death he had demons. And we all know people who are on the brink of going through something major, a catastrophe, where they just cant seem to get everything back together, that is where he was. But he had a life that he was living, and reaching for. A part of that was entertaining, as you mentioned, he really enjoyed michael jackson. He emulated him and his style, his dress, he had a phenomenal voice, he was a phenomenal dancer. He enjoyed making people happy. Part of it was that he wasnt happy with himself because of where he wasnt how he believed he grieved his mothers death and the fact that he could not help his mother because he was 14 years old at the time, and he lived with his mother. He was in the house when she was killed. He went to go to school the next day, he went to knock on the door to tell her goodbye and her boyfriend said dont come in here. Shes busy, she sleeping. So he went to school, and when he came home from school he found out that she was killed that night prior, and that he dumped her body during the day while he was in school. So he had to live with the fact that he left his mother dead in their home. That is a lot to live with. He had troubles with that. But throughout his life, he was determined to make other people happy. And that is what he did, that is why he, songwriters why he danced, that is why he stayed in new york. That is why he was not 42nd street, entertaining people and making them smile because he had a hard time smiling, a lot of the time. That is who jordan was, and that is what everyone should know. There was growing calls for justice including from those of us after this man, now identified as 24 year old daniel penny, placed jordan in a chokehold that allegedly killed him. Protesters are demanding that charges be filed. I want to warn my audience the next video is disturbing. Next video is disturbing in a Statement Given to nbc news, pennies attorneys say he is a College Student and a marine veteran, as they also say, quote, daniels never intended to harm mr. Nearly and not could not have foreseen his untimely death, unquote. We and his attorneys to come on this show and to make their case and ive made clear, in my capacity, International Action network that its sufficient evidence in this case to, at the very least, consider criminal charges against mr. Penny and the two holding down jordan. What do you make of daniel penny being able to walk free of the incident that night . It reminded me of george zimmerman, a case i fought with trayvon martin. That guy walked out that night and why did it take four days for his name to be released . After all, jordan neelys name and criminal history was made public hours after the incident and all we knew about the man that allegedly killed him is that he did military service. Reverend al, Daniel Pennies regret is coming too late. When he was there on the ground choking jordan neely for what we already know is approximately 15 minutes, 15 minutes choking him, you know, weve done some research and we found out that 35 to 45 seconds in a hold like that makes someone unconscious. 15 minutes is 20 times the amount of time that it would take to render someone unconscious. Thats how long daniel penny held jordan neely in a hold like that. And the police, who showed up, had access to daniel penny right there, the killer, right on the spot. Had access to every witness they needed to question. This is an open and shut case. Its a ground ball. There is no need to extend an investigation, so to speak, to determine that this man committed a killing. It shouldve been arrested on the spot. I dont want to inject race into it immediately, but im telling you right now, if daniel penny were black and he choked out somebody on the platform, or on a train, you have to wonder whether or not he wouldve been arrested whether he would have been detained up until this time, there wouldve been no question, no need for that man to be walking around. I mean, come on, this is ridiculous. The family has had to deal with this, wrestle with this, day, after day, after day. And nothing has been done about it. While the sun, nephew, and others, are being cast as a criminal, all this criminal rhetoric, done none of which the assailant or the alleged assailant knew any of this. Record was on his back. Thats the important thing. Even to say who he was as a person and what his history is, it had nothing to do with this incident. So, what we are asking is why did penny get the benefit of the doubt . We know because the coroner ruled it a homicide, we know, for a fact, that he killed jordan neely. If there is a defense to it, charge him and let him bring that defense. Why does he get the benefit of the doubt in this situation, when you say we have a video of you choking someone to death . What we are going to do is allow you to go home, and then we are going to ask around and investigate, and then we will decide, then we will get back to you a little bit later. As opposed to saying, we know you do this, you are going to be held responsible for it, and if you say you have a reason to do it, tell it to the judge. Attorney mills, nbc news reports that the plan, for now, is for the Manhattan District Attorneys Office to present the case to a grand jury, and thats how they will decide if any charges will be made. According to two sources familiar with the matter, the timing of this is unclear, as the investigation is ongoing. Meanwhile, penny has hired manhattan d. A. Braggs republican challenger, thomas kenneth, who ran against each other two years ago. The incident is drawing comparisons to two familiar cases that theyre trying to use. One is the bodega owner who stabbed an assailant in selfdefense last year and had a murder case against him dropped. And the other case of bernard gets, one i was involved in in the 80s, who shot for Young Black Man on the subway and was eventually acquitted of all, but one, gun charge. He claimed selfdefense and then i cant help but also bring another case out that was involved in lately, erik gardner case, the chokehold case, where we had now a state law against police having chokeholds, not civilians. Are these cases equivalent and bring back memories to you of things, as lawyers, both of your student lawyers, as we deal with this . Because the problem, for me, is that if we dont see something here, are we given license to vigilantism . I absolutely agree with that. I look at this video in this case and im looking, im watching it play out, im thinking, erik gardner, im thinking george floyd, and im saying, same wolf, different clothes. There is no way that this should be allowed to happen and now you have civilians who are taking that type of action against other civilians. This is absolutely uncalled for. We are going to have more and more daniel penny cases, right . More and more if we dont have a society that acts, we dont have a dea that acts, we dont have a police force that acts, to make sure that this does not happen again, and i know dante agrees with that completely. Dante, let me ask you this. I know we are running out of time, but arent we saying were not asking for favors here . Its the law. If i want to be in this building and choke somebody out, i would be held. Absolutely. All we are asking for is due process, and when is due process not due to us . Why are you giving the opportunity to someone to build a defense when they are sitting at home, when you know what they did to begin with . We want to thank representative ocasiocortez, governor hunches, for speaking out immediately and saying, we saw what happened. It is wrong. What more evidence do you need . Dante mills and lyndon edwards, clearly, we will stay on this. Thank you both for being here. Just ahead on politicsnation, a crisis of over the legitimacy for the Supreme Court with ethical questions swirling around Justice Clarence thomas. Democrats are considering tough new tactics to get the court to clean up its act. Clean up its act i have moderate to severe crohns disease. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are looking up ive got Symptom Relief Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. Feel significant Symptom Relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer Bowel Movements at 4 weeks. 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And ask about an 800 prepaid card. Welcome back. Comcast business. Powering possibilities™. Americas confidence in its highest court has been shaken. Nearly a year after the Supreme Court laid the unpopular decision to overturn roe v. Wade, new reports about undisclosed gifts and perks are raising questions about whether justices Lifetime Appointments should come with stricter ethical guidelines. Joining me now to talk about it is Senior Legal Affairs reporter for politico, for politico magazine, josh gerstein. Thanks for joining us tonight, josh. A lot of news coming from our high courts this week, starting with Supreme Court Chief Justice, john roberts declining to testify before the Senate Judiciary committee, as it considers Ethics Reform on the high court. In response to reports Justice Clarence thomas has received two decades of undisclosed gifts and travel from a republican megadonor. In a letter to Senate Judiciary chair, dick durbin, roberts explained that congressional testimony from a Chief Justice is, quote, exceedingly rare, undermining separations of power and judicial independence. Robertss explanation makes sense from a legal perspective. But is his unwillingness to address this issue openly damaging americas confidence in the court . Well, i think, reverend, its a case of him trying to stem the damage here. It couldve been him appearing at not having any answers for the panel wouldve been even more damaging, in terms of exposing some of the difficulties and getting ethics enforcement at the Supreme Court. You know, a lot of people think of the Chief Justice as an allpowerful figure, theyre familiar with him swearing in president s and presiding over impeachment trials, which weve seen a few of and recent years. But actually, on the court, he does not have a ton of power. Those other eight justices have a lot of autonomy and some of the things, frankly, the senate is asking the Chief Justice to do, you know, maybe he can schedule his colleagues to do them, but im not sure he has the authority to order them to do it. Now, some Senate Democrats have proposed cutting up to 10 million in funding for the Supreme Court, from the annual appropriations bill. If the justices refused to adopt stronger ethics rules. Is there any historical precedent for such a move and do you think such a tactic would work . Well, you know, i dont know how serious a proposal that is. I think its designed to get the attention of the high court to show that people in the legislature on the Senate Judiciary committee, on the house judiciary committee, are concerned about these ethics issues. But i think it will be a tough sell, especially to get i like that through the republican house, has the potential filibuster, if there were one. I think it would be very difficult to achieve that, in part, because the general scope of the legislation and direction of Legislation Congress has been passing in this area has been to increase security, as you know. There have been threats against the justices, having to do with last years Decision Overturning roe v. Wade. And we have one person charged with an Assassination Attempt against justice kavanaugh. So, i dont think thats the direction the senate is likely to go. I think its more likely to be a campaign of Public Pressure to encourage the court to take some more concrete actions, to institute some kind of binding system, to enforce ethics rules on the justices. Staying with the Supreme Court, josh, its current term began in october, i believe. It ends next month and the court has historically low 15 cases. A legal expert telling nbc news, no term in the last century has sent fewer cases disposed of. With 75 of the Courts Caseload this term still undecided. That includes major cases involving President Bidens Student Debt Relief plan, Affirmative Action in College Admissions and Voting Rights ahead of next years election. All on the table. Do you anticipate this bottleneck having any impact on how the court actually decides cases, ahead of its late june recess . Well, reverend, we dont know exactly whats Holding Things up. You are quite right that it is unusually late for the court to be putting out the bulk of its opinions. It should be noted, part of the reason there are fewer opinions coming out at this point in the year is because the court takes fewer and fewer cases. Something on the order of 60 or so a year, compared to well over 120 a couple decades ago. But you have very, very few cases aside at this point and really none of what we call the Blockbuster Cases decided, is quite unusual, and it does, i think, Fuel Perceptions that theyre such polarization on the court that is having difficulty getting some of its business done. Its difficult if you have dissenters out there who want to take issue with the majoritys decision. They have the ability to hold up a decision almost until the very end of the term, or at least until the end of the usual decision period, which is at the end of june or the very beginning of july. Josh gerstein, thank you for being with us tonight. After the break, the access Hollywood Tape nearly derailed Donald Trumps president ial campaign in 2016. What hes saying about it, under oath, might surprise you. We will be right back. You we will be right back. You think you can grab women by the if you look over the last million years, i guess its been largely true. Been large tlyrue. Been large tlyrue. What are folks 60 and older up to these days . Getting inspired volunteering playing pickleba. vo in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. woman is that . Oh wow but we got to sell our houses vo dont worry. 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Peoplefriendly. Bugdeadly. Welcome back to politicsnation. Lets bring in my political panel, msnbc contributors, and political strategists, susan del percio, a republican. And juanita a democrat. Susan, newlyreleased videos from president donald trump, former president Donald Trumps last october in the e. Jean carroll case were played for the jury right before the sides rested their case. Lets take a listen to what they heard. And you say it, again, this has become very famous in this video. I just started kissing them, its like a magnet, just kiss, i dont even wait. And when theyre starved, they let you do it, you can do anything. Grab them by the [bleep] you can do anything. Thats what you said, correct . Historically, that is true with stars. True with stars that they can grab women by the [bleep] . If you look over the last million years, i guess thats been largely true. Not always, but largely true. Susan, what do you make of what he had to say about the now infamous access Hollywood Tape . After all this time. Yeah, its amazing that ive watched all 48 minutes and thats not the worst part of the tape. Its the totality of the tape thats really problematic for donald trump because the defense lawyer for e. Jean carroll lays out the peace perfectly as to what happened, as far as [inaudible] gifts and doing other things. So, i think that, if its that the only thing the jury is going to hear . They may come back with a very verdict on tuesday and it could be problematic for wednesdays town hall with cnn. Juanita, there is one clip there were trump mistaking his exwife, margaret maples, for e. Jean carroll. Who is accusing him of rape. I will get your reaction on the other side of this. Black and white photograph that weve marked is 23. I dont even know who the woman, lets say, it is marla. Youre saying marla is in this photo . That is marla, yeah. Thats my wife. Which women are you pointing to . Here. Oh, sorry the person you just pointed to his e. Jean carroll. Trump, in the past, has attacked biden on his age and mental competence, and one can expect the attacks will rise up again. From this clip, he looks befuddled himself. Mistaking somebody else for his wife. What do you make of this deposition . I think you are right to name the age factor in this and keep in mind, hes only three years younger than President Biden. But the other factor here is he has gone on record saying, oh, i would never sexually assault this woman because im not attracted to her. But then he confuses her for his former wife of his. Like, it makes no sense. And the most sickening part of him saying that about his attraction, though, is that he thinks that exonerates him from any form of potential Sexual Assault or harm that he caused carroll. Like, its just ridiculous and it goes to show why he could not be a witness that the defense put on the sand, nor the defense even bringing up a case against this to defend him because its indefensible when you run this type of footage in front of a jury whos got to absolutely render a judgment that would likely not go in his favor, hearing these things. Susan, lets switch gears now to january 6th. For members of the farright Proud Boys Organization were found guilty thursday of the rare charge of Seditious Conspiracy, for their involvement in the attack on the capitol. A fifth member of the group was acquitted of Seditious Conspiracy counts, but was found guilty on other charges, including assaulting officers. Whats your reaction to this ruling . What impact could this have on other january six related trials . Well, it was a huge victory for the federal doj. No doubt about it. By putting this case on the record and getting the Sedition Charges noted, it really starts building up to other cases, including that of jack smith. Rev, a lot of people have said that the doj has not moved quickly enough. But if you look at the hundreds of cases that they have moved to prosecute the rest, it has been building up and building up. So, now were seeing this top down. I think its going to really matter when what i believe jack smith and gaetz donald trump. Susan del percio and juanita tolliver, thank you both for being with us this evening. Coming up, the complicated history behind the coronation of king charles the third. Stay tuned. E third. Stay tuned stay tuned wheezing asthma isnt pretty. Its the moment when you realize that a good day. Is about to become a bad one. But then, i remembered that the world is so much bigger than that, with trelegy. Because one dose a day helps keep my Asthma Symptoms under control. 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Anti royal protesters in london to voice their opposition to the monarchy as many in the u. S. Uk and throughout the world wrestle with mixed feelings about the monarchy. Joining me now from englands Victoria Howard, editor of the crowned chronicles. Let me start with this. For the first time today, the coronation included representatives of faiths other than the church of england, including buddhist, jewish, muslim and chic leaders. But that symbolism is not enough for many critics of the uks imperial pass. A professor of postcolonial studies at the University Of Cambridge called at the coronation a, quote, Parody Of Empire and imperial pageantry. While there is very real every day suffering and the last hurrah of and empire and the decline. Do the chapters have a point . I think so, particularly amounts not only The Cost Of Living crisis, not only in the uk but across the world, so much money is being spent for security, the decking out of Westminster Abby for example. I do think that after the queens that, people are already reflecting on the position of the monarchy and the 21st century. That is something that charles is acutely aware of. For example, he is having conversations with the Governor General of canada about indigenous reconciliation. Just a month or so ago, he actually opened the morrow archives to a ph. D. Student to their view the links between the royal family and the slave trade. This is something that we have never seen before. I think they are aware with this and playing the long game. Not that theyre not looking for short winds but thinking how the monarchy can move forwards and be relevant and part of society and a beneficial way. King charless coronation comes at a time of unprecedented diversity. The countrys Prime Minister and the mayor of london are all of south asian descent, with ties to former colonies in asia and africa. Has the monarchy kept pace with the changing demographics face of the uk . I would argue not, and i think that he would be so hopeful about harry and meghan when they got married, that this was a real step forward for the monarchy, that it was not just a white family, that it was going to be more diverse. That was a small opening into making it more eclectic. The fact that the couple now left is not a good step in a positive forward direction, but i do think that the couple are acutely aware, the king and queen, are acutely aware at the. Its not that its about the Family Members themselves but how they benefit and support other communities. They do the, especially around communities using the often tied to ethnic minority communities. Leslie, the British Government has refused to put out a figure on the cost of the coronation but it is estimated to cost taxpayers up to 125 million according to a cnbc analysis. Meanwhile, The Cost Of Living in the uk is worsening, with recent reports of inflation remaining at over 10 for seven straight months. What are your thoughts . It is what were seeing on display here out of touch . There is an element of that. Seeing and 18th century coach decadent gold does look at a place when you hear the 50 or so protesters this morning who are anti Monarchy Protesters who were arrested. Theres been tightening of protesters in the uk which does not look good for us in terms of our democracy. So, that is a wonderful thing but as you say, cost of energy bills really high in the uk. Its the highest in the world. Were using close and crowns, center, to bring down that, there is always going to be a coronation, and the government, the moment the more conservative right wing with push of. This its unclear who is pushing the agenda forward as to how it should be but worth remembering that vertically for in, the rows are about self diplomacy. From the Government Point of view, at least, investment in the, even amidst The Cost Of Living, was worthwhile for them. All right, thank you Victoria Howard from being with us. My final thoughts after the break. Break. Heres Charmin Ultra Strong. Ahhh my bottoms been saved with its diamond weave texture, Charmin Ultra Strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. Enjoy the go with charmin. Voltaren. The joy of movement. As someone living with Type 2 Diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. With Type 2 Diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. Even at your a1c goal, youre still at risk. Which if ignored could bring you here. May put you in one of those. Or even worse. Too much . Thats the point. Get real about your risks and do something about it. Talk to your Health Care Provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. Learn more at getrealaboutdiabetes. Com woman coarse hair, thin skin. Down there requires a special kind of care. Venus for pubic hair and skin. Uniquely made to prep, protect, and maintain. 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Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. The first fdacleared athome skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. This weekend would have been Ahmaud Arberys 29th birthday, but he was gunned down was going for a run in georgia, more than three years ago. By no fault of his own, ahmaud was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that Twist Of Fate became a death sentence. Its a story that has become all too familiar in america today, where you can be killed for ringing the wrong doorbell, if you are the wrong race to the person inside, or pulling into the wrong driveway. On monday, according to various reports, jordan neely experienced a Mental Health episode on the wrong New York City subway car. Perhaps on a another train, his confused a purse, desperation my f simply been ignored, or somewhat my f even taken steps to get jordan some help. He was unarmed and no one. But on this car, it led to his death in a chokehold. As head of National Action network, it was good to hear from nbcs reporting, and at the District Attorney as listened to the committees call for this case to be investigated as a criminal matter. We should allow our legal system to do its job and uncovered the facts about what happened and what did not happen. It is also something to know from the suspects attorney and want to get them their chance, what they say that their client never intended to harm mr. Neely, could not have foreseen his untimely death. At like them to also explain why he intervened when he was not a law officer and was not under director. However, i remain deeply concerned about the social climate surrounding this trial tragedy, including the politicization of crime and homelessness, the rift between police and people of color, they are supposed to serve and protect. And a culture that encourages us to view our fellow citizens as potential threats rather than neighbors. We must confront and resolve these difficult issues in order for justice to prevail. That does it for me. Thank you for watching. Ill see you back here tomorrow at 5 pm eastern for another live hour of politicsnation. I will be joined by the chair of the congressional black caucus, steven horsford. American voices with Alicia Menendez starts at the top of the hour. A ballet studio, an architecture firm. And homemade barbeque sauce. Theyre called Small Businesses. but to the people who build them theres nothing small about them. Thats why at tmobile for business. Youll save more than 1,000 versus verizon. And with price lock guarantee, well never raise your rate plan. So you can keep your focus on toeturns and making sure the sauce is extra spicy. At tmobile, there are no Small Businesses. Start your day with nature made. The 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. This week is your chance to try any Subway Footlong for free. Like the subway series menu. 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