Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 202

MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams June 2, 2020

Senior National Correspondent Chris Jansing tonight in new york city, where the trouble has been at a major landmark, macys herald square. Chris . Reporter were right here, brian, and it was only a couple of minutes ago that three suspects were taken out of the store. This is where it started. Police got a call because there was a fire in this garbage can, and then this store had been breached. So they got in there very quickly. I talked to an individual on the scene almost immediately. He said a couple of suspects got away. Then they were able to detain three more. They were in there for quite a while, maybe at least half an hour. I think we also have some aerial footage you may be looking at of the scene. But there are few places better known in the United States than macys, of the macys thanksgiving day parade. Its stood here since 1901, the big clock above the sign. And today its just one of many places where we have seen these signs of vandalism. We were at a breitling store wait. Were seeing some activity in there. Are we seeing some activity in there . Oh, theres another suspect. Theyre bringing out another suspect. Reporter they were still doing a search, brian. He told me they had found three, that they caught them getting some merchandise. But heres a fourth one. You know this store, brian. You know how big it is. You know how much footage, the Largest Department store in the world, how complicated and how long it will be for them to go through every inch of this store and try to make sure that theres nobody else in there. I can tell you that earlier today we had a situation where there was a brig breakin at a dwayne reed, these ubiquitous drugstores that are all across manhattan. And the police thought they had everyone there. And what happened was somebody came from downstairs. They had actually been in the basement level, and they found them. So there are a few cops still in there who are going all around macys and trying to make sure that there are no other suspects in there. It would be a very easy place to hide, thats for sure. This has been the story after sunset. Place after place after place that we have seen these confrontations. Its been literally driving down the street, brian, and you go three blocks, and you see something else. On fifth avenue, not far from where you and i work most of the time at 30 rock, theres a breitling store, highend watch store. They pulled down there was a big wooden sort of scaffolding that was blocking the windows. They pulled that down. Within a minute, im telling you a minute, police pulled up. There were dozens of people there ready to try to break in, vandalize the place. There were some scuffles, some arrests. Others ran away very, very quickly. We saw police on foot pursuit. I told you about that dwayne reed where even after police left, there were people still going in and seeing what they could take. It is such a marked contrast to what i saw for hours today. I spent hours marching miles with thousands and thousands of protesters, and i have to tell you when youre in the middle of a crowd like that and youre talking to dozens and dozens of people, they want everyone to know why theyre there. Theyre there to fight systemic racism. They want people to know another george floyd would never be acceptable. And they also many of the people i talked to felt very sincerely that this could be a Tipping Point. This could be an opportunity for change in this country that has been so long coming in major cities, in small cities all around the country. And yet many of them also said to me, please tell people this is not what were about. By this, they meant the vandalism. They meant the looting. As we drove through new york and i have lived in this city, brian, for almost 22 years i barely recognize this city. Not only are we seeing vandalism after vandalism, after vandalism, about 200 arrests, but in places where there has not been vandalism, including along fifth avenue near 30 rock, huge wooden facades. Im not talking about just putting up plywood like you see here. Huge wooden facades are being built along entire blocks of stores, and its so dispiriting to see a place that you know and you love and where you live outsi. Outside that dwayne reed store, people came up to me and just said, why . Why does this have to be . We stand with the protesters. We stand with what they stand for. We are against what has been happening in america for far too long. But why do they have to destroy our neighborhoods . We are now officially in curfew, brian. It came at 11 00, just a few minutes ago. But the announcement was made an hour and a half or so ago by the mayor because of what we were seeing here tonight all throughout manhattan and im sure elsewhere in some of thebothe b boroughs. I can tell you they were moving quickly throughout the city on foot, on bicycles, in vans. But there were so many instances of looting, of destruction, it was impossible to keep up with. Thats just our personal observations, brian, driving around the city the last several hours since dark. Chris jansing just outside macys herald square, the location for miracle on 34th street. Make no mistake, as chris was reporting, looters have laid waste to portions of midtown manhattan tonight. We are increasingly seeing these mixed identities, the daytime protests largely different from nighttime. Peaceful protests largely different from the bad actors we are seeing. Lets not lose sight of the fact that most of the protests going on in this country, in 23 states, have been and are peaceful protests. It was a peaceful protest today in washington, d. C. , in Lafayette Square across from the white house where our own Garrett Haake was covering that suddenly turned violent because federal forces and no fewer than ten separate jurisdictions Law Enforcement decided to go on the move at that moment. We later learned why, to accommodate the president s photo op. Well have more on that in a bit. But there is Garrett Haake on what i hope has become a quiet night in the nations capital. Garrett . Reporter yeah, brian. The sounds where i am right now are the few remaining businesses downtown that have not already done so, boarding up and military helicopters flying overhead, a new addition here in d. C. Tonight as the president has largely federalized the response here in washington. Thats what we saw today in Lafayette Square. You talked about the suddenness of it. I cant overstate how sudden it was to have that entirely peaceful protest be run down essentially with officers with shields and batons, with mounted officers, flash bangs and tear gas used. Still, a good 20 minutes before the start of any curfew in washington, d. C. And without any provocation from the protesters, all of them forced out of eighth street here, the northern end of Lafayette Square behind me where weve been reporting so much the last couple of days. Tonight in d. C. , things are largely quiet. The protesters that are still out on the streets now in defiance of a curfew that went into effect around 7 00 this morning, are in much smaller groups. Theres one group that has progressed north from where im standing now. Weve got another camera crew keeping an eye on that in columbia heights, a much more residential area of washington, d. C. There there are metropolitan police, d. C. Local police, who have made some arrests there. But there are still dozens of protesters on the streets tonight peacefully demonstrating. What we have not seen, thankfully, and hopefully it remains this case, is a return to the kind of smashandgrab looting and destruction that happened late last night after police broke up the other protests that were happening here just outside the white house, brian. And, garrett, you mentioned the military helicopters. With the moment we have here, and social media blew up with this video tonight, they were being used weve seen them used this way for crowd suppression in countries overseas. I dont remember it happening here. A low hover where the wind and the dust they kick up is supposed to disperse the crowd. But there was one near Union Station on capitol hill. There was one in the kind of Central Business and media district on m street nw. Really an extraordinarily rare thing to see. Reporter yeah, brian, absolutely. Not something you typically see in america, not something you typically see in protests, and certainly not something you typically see in protests in washington, d. C. , which are a very, very common occurrence. Lets face it. We have massive largescale demonstrations in this city all the time. Thats not a tactic i have seen before or one i hope to see again. I dont know how many helicopter crashes youve covered in your career. Ive covered a few. Even on a good night, it could be dangerous to fly a helicopter low anywhere, much less low over a populated city. Another tactic, again, of i think the federalized response here that were seeing. The president has been tweeting for days about the way he wants to see the federal government or governments around this country respond to protesters. Really only in d. C. Does the federal government have the opportunity to respond the way they want to do it. The city police are only one part of this patchwork response here, and were getting a very direct look at the way the federal government wants to see these protesters responded to. Garrett haake in washington, d. C. After a long day, parts of which were about to review. Correspondent jo ling kent is in seattle tonight. Theyve had a mixed day, i think its fair to say there, jo ling. Reporter hey, brian. Were in the capitol hill neighborhood, and i want to show you this massive march of Peaceful Protesters. Weve been following them for a couple of hours now. Its 8 11 on the west coast, and it is two hours past curfew. And the name of this protester game today has been peaceful and patient. We have been following them for a couple of days now, and if we pan up here, sam, to the stop of the street, that is where the police line is, and that is where the protesters are trying right now to negotiate to go. Now, some of them are moving in a different direction, but that police line is holding steady. Theres three layers of Law Enforcement there followed by the National Guard. The governor, governor inslee here, deploying the National Guard yesterday, about 400 individuals in total. But this is the center of a conflict with President Trump. He, as we saw today, gave that address to the nation. Governor inslee here in washington pushing back on the notion that the National Guard should get more involved with these protesters. In fact, he just put out a statement not too long ago saying governor inslee saying about the president , his admiration of authoritarians around the world should not allow him to violate 200 years of american tradition of local Law Enforcement. Now, as weve been walking with these individuals alongside them in this peaceful protest, so many are saying that this is black lives matter. This is about achieving justice, and achieving justice for george floyd and so many others who have come before him. And you have a very Diverse Community out here in seattle. So many people coming out in favor. In fact, we have to remember that as we are in these closer quarters, we are still very much in a pandemic, right . And several of the protesters have told me today and late last night and into yesterday that they couldnt sit at home because they needed to do something. They needed to have their voice heard and Say Something about what is happening in our country right now. So they put on their masks. They brought their hand sanitizer, and they decided to come out to march. But whats happening here is youre seeing the movement go from downtown all the way up here to capitol hill. That is the east Police Precinct there. Protesters deep inside there are still negotiating to try and get some of that to be broken. Now, what was remarkable yesterday, brian, was as we were watching the protesters at the police line, we saw a lot of engagement. It was a really remarkable thing. You saw seattle protesters having conversation with local Law Enforcement. The local Law Enforcement eng e engaging peacefully with the protesters. At one point the police line breaking open peacefully allowing those protesters to march through. So that along with the cleanup we have seen throughout seattle and bellevue and all across this area, you do see an attempt at peace. And one of the organizers saying that he hopes that this is a Tipping Point so that Something Real can be accomplished, he tells me. And thats one of the organizers leading this massive march, and he is standing there in the thick of it, trying to get through to the east precinct here in seattle. But i am glad to be able to say to you brian, that its peaceful. Folks are patient tonight. Theyre thinking about the long game. Thats what a lot of these protesters are telling me. Brian. I cant tell you how glad we are to hear it. Thank you for that report, jo ling kent in seattle tonight. Shaquille brewster is where this all started, of course following the death of george floyd. Hes in minneapolis. Shaquille, tell me what kind of a night this has been there. Reporter brian, its so far been pretty peaceful. Lets remind viewers that not only is this the place where it all started, but this is the place where it started exactly one week ago today. What you saw, it was a daylong peaceful protest. You saw the brother of george floyd come down. It was a very solemn ceremony. People taking it very seriously, coming with flowers, coming with candles, having those conversations. So far, were about 15 minutes after curfew. It was 10 00 local time curfew. Let me show you how many people are still here. This is the circle, one of the locations where the brother, terrence floyd, came and laid some flowers. And it looks like just in the past couple of minutes, brian, literally in the past couple minutes, its gone from a situation where everyone was crowded around this circle. And then as you were tossing to me, on the opposite side there was a police car. I saw only one so far, but there may be more in the distance. A police car showed up. Theres been a blackhawk helicopter circling around, and that has caused people to at least line up and have their signs up and just kind of observe whats happening over there. Again, brian, its important to know, and you just made the note. This has been largely peaceful all day long. This has been no violence. Actually, this site has not been the site of any clashes or many clashes with the police. Those dramatic scenes have not happened here. People call this sacred ground because this is again the police where george floyd lost his life. He was killed by that Police Officer, and theyre trying to honor that and respect that, especially on a night when youre one week out. Brian. Indeed. That is a network where they have laid down the law themselves, declared it sacred ground, and said theres no interest there in violence at all, something mr. Floyds family members underscored today. Joe fryer is in sacramento, california, tonight. We mentioned so many cities and different states are under curfew this evening. Ju joe, what do you have . Reporter were in sacramento, and sacramento is one of those cities for the first time tonight, they have a curfew in sacramento. It was at 8 00. If you look at your watch right now, its 8 17. You can see we have hundreds of Peaceful Protesters still marching through the streets of downtown sacramento. Sometimes in the distance you can hear a car thats driving around with a loudspeaker telling everyone the curfew goes into effect at 8 00. The question is what, if anything, is the city going to do to try to enforce the curfew tonight, the first curfew theyve had since the protests began days ago. The city says the organizers protesters have been peaceful throughout. The worry is at night. There is a group of looters and vandals who have been coming in and hitting businesses throughout downtown sacramento. The city says it appears to be an outside group, well organized, coming in and doing damage. But over the weekend, the city had 10 million in damage to businesses. Im told 130 businesses were impacted. Many of them were actually hoping to open today after being closed for several weeks because of the coronavirus. So we have this big group still protesting out here. It has been peaceful. Its worth remembering here in sacramento, weve been covering protests of police in sacramento for over two years now because it was in 2018 when a young black man named Stephon Clark was shot and killed by two Police Officers in his grandmothers backyard. At the time, police said they thought he was armed when they opened fire. He was not armed at all. He had his cell phone on. We saw days and days and of protests following that here in sacramento. But in the end, a year later, the prosecutor decided the two officers in that case would not be charged. Police here know the protesters very well. Theyve seen many of these protests over the last two years. They know the faces well, and theyve said over the last few days, there have been people coming in, faces that they dont recognize, people who are bringing in boxes filled with rocks that are being thrown at Police Officers. They want to try and make sure they dont have a repeat of that tonight. Theyre expecting a repeat of it tonight, the mayor said. But for now, this group of Peaceful Protesters continues to walk through the streets. Well wait and see what this city does, if anything, to try and bring things to a conclusion tonight to try and avoid another night of vandalism. Brian. Joe fryer in sacramento, where it would would be a really nice thing to have a peaceful night in the capital city of the state of california. Cal perry has been in louisville, kentucky, for the past couple of days and nights, where we thought we knew the plot line, what was fuelin

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