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The coronavirus has now infected over 6. 5 million americans and now over 195,000 of our fellow citizens have died. People along the gulf coast tonight are bracing for Hurricane Sally, a rapidly strengthening category 2 storm. It was a Tropical Storm just last night. And authorities in california, oregon, Washington State fighting to contain mega wildfires. In their size and scope, theyre unlike any other fire season in modern history. Trumps threeday visit to the west included a stop near sacramento today. He met with californias governor and First Responders battling the fires, which most scientists, by the way, are convinced are a result of Climate Change. Here is trumps advice to them. There has to be good, strong Forest Management. When trees fall down after a short period of time, about 18 months, they become very dry. They become really like a matchstick, and they get up you know, theres no more water pouring through, and they become very, very they just explode. They can explode. Also leaves. When you have years of leaves, dried leaves on the ground, it just sets it up. Its really a fuel for a fire. I was talking to a head of a major country, and he said, were a forest nation. We consider our self a forest nation. This was in europe. I said, thats a beautiful term. He said, we have trees that are far more explosive he meant explosive in terms of fire but we have trees that are far more explosive than they have in california. At a roundtable discussion not long after that in a moment instantly reminiscent of when the president predicted covid19 would disappear, trump added this. Okay. It will start getting cooler. You just you just watch. I wish science agreed with you. I dont think science knows actually. The New York Times notes this. Quote, mr. Trump and his senior environmental officials have regularly mocked, denied or minimized humancaused Climate Change and that trump has sought to zealously roll back environmental regulations. This afternoon former Vice President biden blasted trumps attitude toward Climate Change. Donald trumps climate deny l may not have caused these fires and record hurricanes, but if he gets a second term, these hellish events will continue to become more common, more devastating, and more deadly. If you give a climate arsonist four more years in the white house, why would anyone be surprised if we have more of america ablaze . As we mentioned, our nation is inching toward 200,000 souls lost to the coronavirus. Weve been averaging about 5,000 deaths a week of late. On sunday, the w. H. O. Reported the highest oneday increase in infections since the pandemic started. Over 308,000 new confirmed cases. The agency also warned europe will see a surge in coronavirus deaths in the fall. That concern is shared by a lot of American Health experts worried about a surge during flu season here. Yet this president is back to hosting indoor massive gatherings. Trump held a rallylike roundtable with a latino group in phoenix a few hours ago with no masks, no social distancing. In an interview this weekend with the Las Vegas Review journal, reporter, trump defended the events. We have many sites, and as governor outside sites, and this governor, what he did was a disgrace. He made it impossible for these people to give us a site. Arent you concerned about getting covid, though, in an enclosed no, im not concerned. Im more concerned about how close you are. Sorry about that. Because you know why . Im on a stage. Its very far away. Uhhuh. So im not at all concerned. Earlier on this network, the democratic governor of nevada criticized trump for flouting state rules. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, in our professionals mind, that there are a number of folks that were there at the gathering last night and the one that he had in menden the night before, a number of asymptomatic people. Theyre going to end up in the Emergency Rooms and in the hospitals and on ventilators and in intensive care units, and the president just doesnt care. Its just a total reckless, selfish, irresponsible, arrogant thing to do. Just absolutely disgusting. On this same topic, were also learning more about what donald trump told bob woodward during their 18 conversations over 10 hours in all as woodward was compiling his new book. A clip released last week revealed trump understood how deadly the coronavirus was back in february, that he deliberately and knowingly downplayed the risk to the public. Tonight another excerpt obtained by cnn. Its audio. It underscores in this conversation from april 13th the same thing. This thing is a killer if it gets you. If youre the wrong person, you dont have a chance. Yes, yes, exactly. So this rips you apart. This is a scourge and it is the plague. And heres what trump told woodward exactly one month ago on a day when covid19 took over 1,300 american lives. Nothing more could have been done. I acted early. Well i acted early. So well see. This will be the history that we start the first draft of. And it will continue and so you think the virus totally supersedes the economy . Oh, sure. But theyre related as you know. A little bit, yeah. Oh, little bit . I mean i mean more than a little bit, but the economy is doing look, were close to a new stock market record. There are more revelations tonight about the administrations handling of this Public Health crisis, specifically about michael caputo, the assistant secretary of Public Affairs at the department of health and Human Services. The New York Times says caputo, who is a roger stone acolyte and a former regular on cnn, who was hired to promote the trump agenda at the cabinet level federal health agency, told a facebook audience that the cdc was harboring a Resistance Unit determined to undermine the president. The paper also says caputo accused the Agency Scientists of sedition and, quote, ran through a series of conspiracy theories culminating in a prediction that mr. Trump will win reelection, but his democratic opponent, joe biden, will refuse to concede. Quote, and when donald trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin, he said. The drills that youve seen are nothing. He added, if you carry guns, buy ammunition, ladies and gentlemen, because its going to be hard to get. Politico has reported caputo and other officials pressured cdc scientists to change key covid reporting so they more closely align with trumps rosy portrayal of efforts to contain the virus. Today House Democrats said theyre opening an investigation into that alleged interference. Were also now hearing more from alexander vindman. He was the key witness in the impeachment trial, the one who overhead that socalled perfect phone call between trump and the president of ukraine. The decorated iraq war veteran told tthe atlantic that trump is putins useful idiot in quotes and an unwitting agent of the kremlin. Vindman also spoke with nbc news about trumps relationship with putin. Hes infatuated with putins power. Putin has a unique spell on him. As to whether he has dirt on him, thats unclear. I know that other government senior government officials suspect that putin might have dirt on him. Tonight the white house is calling vindmans allegations, quote, without merit. Its a lot on a monday night, and here with us for our leadoff discussion, peter baker, chief White House Correspondent for the New York Times. Robert costa, National Political reporter for the washington post, also happens to be mods rater of Washington Week on pbs. And dr. Mercedes carnethon is back with us, vice chair of Preventive Medicine at the Feinberg School of medicine at northwestern university. Good evening and welcome to you all. Robert, id like to begin with you, and i want to begin by playing for you and our audience another snippet of the conversati conversations, ten hours in all, between mr. Woodward and the president. And, bob, its so easily transmissib transmissible. You wouldnt even believe it. I know. Its i mean you can you can be in the room. I was in the white house a couple of days ago, meeting with ten people in the oval office, and a guy sneezed innocently, not a horrible you know, just a sneeze. The. Yeah. The entire room bailed out, including me by the way. Bob, whats notable there is that is the life most of us have been living for six months. That sounds very familiar, and i guess is the surprising thing how normal he sounds when he thinks hes in private on the phone with another person . Is the true surprise what he has tried to do, what he has maintained throughout to the public instead . Brian, the tapes are revealing about who President Trump really is. And as a reporter whos covered him for nearly a decade, ive seen him behind the scenes at different times at his golf clubs, in his office, on his plane. And while it is true that the portrait of him is someone whos constantly watching television is accurate, that is who he is, hes also someone who is always reading newspapers. Ive seen him with piles of newspapers for hours on end, scanning them sometimes with a sharpie, taking notes. This is someone who understands the reality of whats happening in terms of the virus and many other issues. While publicly he likes to have a certain persona, a certain bravado, let me be clear based on my reporting, this is someone as Bob Woodwards tapes reveal, knows whats going on. And woodward sketches out in his book how serious the virus was to President Trump in january, in february, in march, in april, and the book brings to light that private President Trump, and it offers us more evidence that this was someone not just saying certain things at the lectern. This was someone who knew the depth of what this virus meant. Peter baker, the American West is tonight yet again lit up in orange of wildfires, yet it seems the president looks to the west and sees only blue. States from washington to oregon to california under democratic control. So what was todays california visit really about . Well, todays visit was a nod, a perfunctory visit to california, as you say, a blue state hes not going to win, hes not competing in. He had been criticized for not making much attention to these wildfires for weeks on end, so he interrupted briefly his Campaign Swing out west to make a onehour and 50minute stop in sacramento to be briefed on it. And even then, of course, you know, to disagree with the california officials over what was really at stake there. His point about the Forest Management isnt wrong in the sense that Forest Management is an issue. Even Governor Newsom, the democratic governor of california, agreed with him on that. But where they disagree was the role of Climate Change on that. You saw Governor Newsom very politely today, very deferentially but firmly make the point that Climate Change in his view was a substantial factor in what his state and what the other states out west are seeing. His secretary of Natural Resources was even blunter, and then you played the part where the president responded, basically brushing it off, saying, no, Climate Change is you know, it will be cooler soon, and the scientists doesnt know what hes talking about. He couldnt have had a starker contrast of course with former Vice President biden, who used today to give a speech where he called the president a climate arsonist. I think the country is presented with a pretty strong contrast. A challenger in mr. Biden who is saying, no, Climate Change is real and just like the coronavirus, youve got a president who is telling us that doesnt believe the science. Doctor, i think its fair to say as a layperson that reports out of the cdc on topics Like National mortality have, in normal times, during normal administrations, been taken as something approaching gospel. How does it strike you to hear the chief spokesperson at the department of health say that there are doctors and scientists playing politics inside the cdc . Its such disappointing news to come out of the cdc, and disappointing news that we are so suspicious about what were hearing. And i think rightly so. Weve seen so many different turns and twists with the advice that the cdc is giving out, and especially when those recommendations change right after the president makes a recommendation. For example, with the school openings. And then the push for less testing instead of more testing. So it goes without saying that, you know, the suspicions about morn what were hearing about mortality rates, whether what were hearing about cases and even how the disease is transmitted is being questioned by everybody. And i would say this also aligns with the skepticism about Climate Change. There seems to be a very strong distrust of science at a time when what we really need is to listen to the experts and trust in science so that we can protect our health, protect our country. Indeed. Peter, on the doctors last point there, can and im sorry if this calls for a political judgment or something approaching it. Can the president run against science in an election where the math would tell us he has got to pull voters from the other side and from the center . Well, hes not trying to pull voters from the other side and from the center. Hes speaking to his own base. Hes speaking to people who agree with him. Hes speaking to the people that brought him there in 2016, and his goal seems to be to basically maximize the turnout of the people who already like him or are at least inclined to like him, like the thing easy does or says even if they dont like everybody about him, and depress the possible vote for his challenger, joe biden, by making biden seem unacceptable on a number of different issues like law and order and so forth. So ttd not an effort on his part to reach out to a broad majority of americans. Really its a very targeted approach here. So youre right. Hes not you know, hes willing to play to the part of america that doesnt believe in Climate Change, thats skeptical of the doctors and thinks that scientists at the cdc are out to get him rather than trying to convince the people in the middle who might be open to persuasion to take a different point of view. Robert costa, dual question. Number one, are elected republicans just hoping to stay in some sort of hardened bunker for the next 50 days . And secondly, give us a preview of how noting we are recording this conversation a lot like woodward and trump, how you see our country, this political season playing out, the known unknowns for the next 50 days. Ill take the second part first because it plays into the first part of your question. The known unknowns are really out there already, and how they play out with the electorate is the tbd. Number one, john durhams investigation of the russia probe itself. Are there further indictments . Does the attorney general come out just weeks before the election and make some kind of an announcement that potentially could change the way the election is perceived, but a lot of voters are on edge after what happened in 2016, and to have the attorney general do something right before the election will give it a political charge. Two, vaccines. President trump keeps saying he wants to have some kind of announcement before the election. Where is the pharmaceutical industry going to be . Are doctor whos are involved in this process going to come out and compliment the president and offer their own integrity to stand alongside the president should he make a claim . Those are two of the biggest issues. And republicans themselves, brian, we sometimes talk about republicans as somehow on the edge of their seat. Theyre in the seat, on the roller coaster with President Trump 3 1 2 years in, 50 days to go. Theyre all in. Theres no other ride here. This is the ride. Theyre on it. Doctor, how does it strike you to see pictures of an indoor rally for the president of the united states, who vocally complained about the restrictions in the state of nevada against indoor events, that they had to somehow bend or go around . Well, as you recall, i was rather surprised the first time i saw an indoor rally in a city that had surging cases of coronavirus. It still concerns me a great deal that so many individuals are putting their political position ahead of listening to the science, of seeing what we are observing about how this disease is transmitted. You know, i dont begrudge anybody their own politics. However, protect yourselves. We know the one thing that we can do right now to protect ourselves and slow the transmission is to socially distance and to wear masks. And none of those things are happening in the name of politics. And this is where politics has interfered with science and the scientific process. I hear trump really advocating for this vaccine and pushing for it to show up by october. But you know, what we observed this week with the astrazeneca trial in england is part of the scientific process. There is not going to be a quick fix vaccine thats going to save us. There are going to be these fits and starts. Its all part of the process. However, as we await a vaccine and even once we have a vaccine, we have to take the politics out of the behaviors that will prevent the transmission of the coronavirus. And of course who knows what this week itself will hold . Big thanks to our big three on a monday night for starting us off. Peter baker, robert costa, dr. Mercedes carnethon, thank you all. Coming up, an update on the folks who are hours, in some cases days away from getting more hurricane than they can possibly handle. The storm named sally has exploded in size and intensity. The worst news is its slowing down. Well get an update on preparations with one of the heroes of hurricane katrina. And later, more on the goals of trumps west coast weekend where campaigning seemed to outweigh the dual crises millions are facing. The 11th hour is just getting under way on this monday night. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. 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The National Hurricane center says this category 2 storm packing maximum sustained winds of about 100 miles an hour as of tonight. And heres the problem. Forecasters are warning of lifethreatening storm surge, high winds, flash flooding starting tonight along portions of the northern gulf coast. Landfall is expected anytime between tomorrow night and thursday. This is a very slowmoving storm that could dump up to two feet of rain in some areas. Forward speed is about 3 miles an hour. Sally is one of four named storms now being tracked over the atlantic basin. This National Weather service satellite image includes hurricanes sally and paulette, Tropical Storms teddy and vicki for good measure. Back with us again tonight, retired u. S. Army Lieutenant General russel honore, who led the relief effort on the ground in new orleans in the days following hurricane katrina. Hes a 37year veteran of the armed forces. He has written a book called leadership in the new normal. General, i know where you live. You will likely miss the worst of this, thank god. But how much is one region supposed to take . Yeah. You know, we have a significant recovery operation happening in the western part of the state that goes from cameron all the way to shreveport, bosier, that parish and cato were added to the disaster declaration today by fema and the white house. So that entire area has to go through recovery with thousands and thousands of people without electricity and 300 Water Systems at risk. Were recovering there, and now sally comes to town. The predictions from new orleans, it appears right now if landfall happens the way its going to happen, it may not have as big an impact as the predictions were this morning on new orleans as far as wind and water coming from rain. It still could have an impact on those eastern parish, plightman parish, saint bernard, who were already taking on water and shell beach and places like that. Then that surge water from sally could have an impact on the north shore and parts of new orleans. That being said, mississippi, bilo biloxi, to mobile bay, look like theyre right now by prediction are going to take the hardest hit with a 3mileanhour storm. That could be reminiscent of the rainfall we saw coming harvey. Im not a weather person. Im repeating what im hearing. But the worstcase scenario yeah, exactly. This could be a rainmaker and put the power out through most of mississippi and alabama. Yeah, im worried about gulf shores myself. To the point you just made, our meteorologist bill karins put this out tonight on social media. We all deserve so much better than the latest euro model run that stalls Hurricane Sally just south of the mississippi alabama border until thursday morning. I cant even begin to think of the consequences. Please be wrong. Well, we all agree with bill karins in that, general, and lets not forget what has you at home, and that is were in the middle of a pandemic. Youre among those trying to be careful. The minute you take someone out of a flooded home, put them in a crowded vehicle to take them to a crowded shelter, thats when we have problems. And, brian, as we saw the choices are few. The hotels in new orleans are just about full. Were at about 12,000 there. The people along the gulf coast, i heard, both alabama and mississippi officials telling them to go live with relatives. Theres few places to go and live with the covid social distances as opposed to going in crowded gyms or shelters. So were at a dilemma here. This is going to be a real test. The biggest thing is that people live in areas that have flooded before from storm surge, they still have time. They need to leave. And i hope they take that attitude of leaving and dont question science. Listen to the weather people and get away from that coastline even if you have to go live with somebody with a mask on, get away from that surge water because the predictions now and the rainfall the rain will not be able to get out to the ocean. So theres going to be backwater in those bayous in alabama and mississippi are going to be full, and this is going to could have a Significant Impact if it stalls, brian. Yeah, its really going to test the corps of engineers work in and around pontchartrain all over again. General, we always appreciate having you on. Stay safe. Stay hunkered. Hope the mail comes on time. Lieutenant general russel honore, u. S. Army retired. Thank you, sir. Coming up, President Trumps fifth visit to the battleground state of arizona aimed at Building Support among those he affectionately called my latinos. The growing importance of that particular voting bloc among our topics when we come back. You must go and i must bide but come ye back when su mom, dad. 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The gap is even bigger among hispanic voters with biden polling at 62 to trumps 27 . Well, lets talk about it tonight, and with us to do that, victoria Defrancesco Soto, professor and assistant dean at the lbj school of Public Affairs at the university of texasaustin, hook em horns. And david plouffe, former Obama Campaign manager and Senior Adviser to president obama. Hes also on the board of directors for the obama foundation. His latest work is called a citizens guide to beating donald trump. Welcome to both of you. And, professor, id like to begin with you though why you went into academia with the natural business ability the president tells us you have is your own choice, i guess. Im kidding. Anyway, talk about the latinx voter dynamic in arizona compared to that, say, of texas, of california, regionalisms, and things any Campaign Running at the president ial level in a state like arizona should know. Right. Well, brian, id rather hear President Trump calling us natural entrepreneurs than what he usually calls latinos, rapists, thugs, bad hombres. But that aside, arizona, actually my home state. Im a texan by marriage. But its very interesting in that youre going to see probably 25 to 30 of the latino vote going for donald trump. Its a tad bit more conservative the latino vote is a tad bit more conservative in arizona than it is in california, where its a lot more progressive. But on the flip side of that, its like a goldilocks. Arizonans are not as conservative as latinos in texas. So thats why i dont think were going to see much more movement to that 25 , 27 number for donald trump. The real question for me, brian, is turnout. This is what is going to change the game for biden in arizona. Historically latinos have had the lowest voter turnout of any group, but in 2018, we saw something very different. We saw record turnout in the midterm that almost rivaled president ial turnout. So if you look at this 2018 bump and you forecast that it continues on, you add on the ground game mobilization in arizona, and this is this is the main piece. Sb1070 anger, show me your papers, people in arizona have not forgotten that. And then the joe arpaio figure who just doesnt go away. Hes been in arizona forever, and then he kind of went away, and he came back through the pardon of donald trump. So i think all of these factors together are pushing arizonans to really pump up their voter turnout and potentially be a key factor for president sorry, for joe biden, Vice President biden, in the november election. Now, david plouffe, we go east to florida. There is a huge Disinformation Campaign aimed at latino voters in florida. You never get to find out whos behind it except its misinformation about joe biden. Enter Mike Bloomberg making a 100 million gift to the Biden Campaign. What can that buy you in florida when youre the target of a Misinformation Campaign . Well, brian, even in a state as expensive as florida, 100 million can go a long way. And thats critically important because in the Electoral College chess match, floridas close to a check mate if trump were to lose that. Back to arizona for a minute, if the election returns are more modest for joe biden than polls suggest today, lets say he doesnt win florida, doesnt win north carolina, wins michigan, wins pennsylvania, but doesnt win wisconsin. He wins arizona, hes the president elect. Thats why trumps down there today. But florida is critical. Unlike arizona, you know, the latino population, obviously the cuban vote is the largest vote down there. But youve got the colombian community, puerto rican community, venezuelan community. So its a really complicated state. Its a huge state. Its like six states in one. So joe biden, im sure, is going to spend all the money he can and be down there as much as he can and Kamala Harris as she was last week. But this bloomberg money is critically important to fight back against disinformation, sure. But theres a lot of these voters down there that havent gotten positive information about joe biden and what he wants to do. And just like everybody else, theyre concerned about the pandemic, about health care, about education. So florida, to me, and arizona, theres a chance that both of them end up being a Tipping Point state. I think for a long time in the cycle we thought it was going to be a northern state. That could still be the case, but florida and arizona could not be more important. All right. Great points all. Let me squeeze in a break here. Both of our guests have agreed to stay with us. Coming up, the postelection war room that the Biden Campaign is busy staffing up when we come back. Powering through, its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. vwith your next new vehicle . 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The New York Times reports joe bidens campaign has set up a special litigation unit comprised of two former solicitors general and hundreds of lawyers in preparation for a prolonged legal battle over novembers election results. Still with us, victoria Defrancesco Soto and david plouffe. David, what does this tell you as opposed to simply members of the nonpol public . Well, its a really Allstar Group of legal talent. Now, listen, any president ial campaign is ready for things like recounts, legal challenges, keeping polls open when theres problems. But obviously were facing a challenge of an order of magnitude greater than weve ever seen. So this group by the way, bob bauer who is helping lead this, ive been in political wars with him over the decades. Nobody better to lead this. Hes going to bring great intensity to this. So option one if youre the Biden Campaign, win the vote by enough margin that no matter what donald trump is howling into the wind afterwards, it doesnt matter. But you need to be prepared for every scenario. This race could tighten, certainly in the battleground states it could get very close. Unfortunately youre focused on right now early voting, monitoring whats happening with the postal service, election day shenanigans, lines. But theyre also clearly having to focus on the postelection period, which is weve never had that in american history, to have a president ial campaign worried that if they win the election, the opponent that they defeated wont accept the results. So their mandate is one that stretches, i think, far past the election. I think the remedy to that is win enough on Election Night and in the days afterward when the votes counted to make clear joe biden has won the presidency no matter what donald trump howls about. But i was glad to see the level of the talent because just as the Biden Campaign has to focus on go tv and persuasion, really making sure they maximize turnout in the latino communities we just talked about, they need to focus with the same kine of intensity on these threats to not just their campaign but to our democracy. And professor, lets talk about this guy caputo. Hes won of roger stones boys. He was a former frequent guest on cnn. He is now the chief spokesperson for the department of health and Human Services. In normal times and we should stress this. In a normal white house, the white house chief of staff would have fired this guy before sunup. Instead, these quotes stand with no action against him. Quote, and when donald trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin, he said. The drills that youve seen are nothing. He added, if you carry guns, buy am nation, ladies and gentlemen, because its going to be hard to get. Professor, i guess im thinking about all the Good Students at the lbj school, at the university of texas, and wondering if the lesson plan for this coming fall, virtual or in person, is going to be teaching about the contested election of 2020, which will remain in the lesson plan for decades to come in all the worst ways. Its funny you should mention that, brian, actually. I was just putting together a proposal for a signature course entitled the politics of fake news. But, you know, with the tag of caputo, and lets also know that he has no health background, right . So hes in health and Human Services but really no expertise whatsoever. And, you know, when i see this, i keep thinking about the deflection, the disco ball that is donald trump in trying to deflect away from the reality of the seriousness of the pandemic. And after Bob Woodwards interview where we we had a sense that trump knew, but it wasnt until last night that we really saw how engaged, how much trump really knew and that the fact is that he has done nothing. So in order to compensate for that, you see this fullfledged campaign by the president and his allies. What i read into that is a circling of the wagons because they know that the American Public is concerned. This is one of the top issues for the election. So they have to keep deflecting. They have to keep creating an alternative narrative, hoping that it sticks, hoping that they can fake it till they make it. But, brian, my hope is in the American People. My faith is in the American People and that theyre going to read beyond the tin foil hat, you know, mentality of, you know, get ready because theres going to be shooting from the left and scientists in sweat pants, by the way, is how he described them. Yeah. Yeah, i read that too. Our thanks to our guests, professor victoria Defrancesco Soto and david plouffe. Greatly appreciate you hanging out with us on a monday night to start our week. Coming up, as the smoke clears, our neighbors out west survey the damage. Theyre also, some of them, searching for loved ones after the catastrophic wildfires. A report on how these communities are just starting to figure how to recover when we come back. Looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. With safe, convenient service. Were here for you tech well come right to you. 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Reporter with the death toll rising and dozens unaccounted for, state officials call the smoldering apocalyptic scenes a mass fatality incident. Nothing made it. Nothing. The post office is gone. Reporter officials here see parallels to the 2018 fire in paradise, california. To hear about what happened in paradise is what was on everybodys minds. Reporter during that inferno that destroyed the town, 85 were killed. The biggest casualty weve had here again is the loss of life. We never would have predicted that. Reporter as the wildfires explode out of control in oregon, a record 1 million acres torched in just one week, double the states average loss for an entire year. Across the west in a season where firefighters have been overrun by flames, at least 35 are dead. Thousands of homes are gone, and tens of thousands remain evacuated. Today the president briefed on the fear red flag warnings could fuel another overnight disaster, including this fire outside los angeles. Meantime, hundreds of miles away from the burn zone, no escape from natures fury. I cant breathe. I it kind of makes my brain a little foggy. Reporter the largest cities in the west choking on the worlds most polluted air. Doctors warn the toxic smoke can trigger respiratory problems, strokes, even heart attacks. We started to wear the n95s rather than just the cloth masks because of the ash. Its got my allergies flaring. Reporter an environmental catastrophe compounded by a natural disaster. As officials investigate possible acts of arson, despite the terrible air quality, the search for the missing will continue. But in these conditions, that could take months. How about that vision of america right about now in 2020 . Our thanks to Miguel Almaguer for that report from oregon tonight. Another break for us, and coming up, an update on one of the other big stories we are covering this evening. Its a lot. 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Its looking likely, by the way, tomorrow night at this time we still wont have landfall to show you. One european model, as you heard us say, has this lingering offshore until thursday. And as one meteorologist put it tonight, this one is not going to be forgotten for a long time. Last night this was a Tropical Storm. Think about that. Tonight its a growing category 2 hurricane. There are places to worry about specifically in addition to new orleans and the danger of lake pontchartrain filling up way beyond capacity, biloxi could see big trouble, bay st. Louis in mississippi. Was ca gu la, blufl gulf shores alabama, along with pensacola florida all the way to the east. This is probably a good time to point out the National Weather service is tracking eight separate systems. Four of them have names. After all, this being the peak of hurricane season, while also tracking the effect of the smoke from the catastrophic western fires, which today managed to cast a haze over this part of the country and that will only continue for the foreseeable future. Smoke in the skies above the new york area. Its a lot, and thank you for being here with us for just an hour of it tonight. Thats our broadcast for this monday as we begin a new week together, on behalf of all my colleagues at the networks of nbc news, good night. Happy to have you here on this monday night. Lots of news to get to tonight. Theres a lot going on. Were going to be checking in later on this hour with the situation with the wildfires on the west coast tonight. Oregon, washington, and both Northern California and Southern California continuing to struggle with the worst

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