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Public safety risks at night. We are living here in the cusp at the end of this day on the east coast between the protests and the looming curfews. Here are just some of the places that we are tracking as people process. D. C. Has a curfew within this hour, 7 00 p. M. New york city arrives one hour later at 8 00 p. M. I can tell you that is actually new yorks strictest running curfew since 1943. And there is down in houston. Weve seen large groups throughout the day that is George Floyds hometown. It is where he will be buried today. There are reports making some news, making waves because joe biden has reportedly told folks that he will attend floyds funeral, and saying this our country is crying out for leadership, leadership that can unite us. The moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic racism, to deal with a growing economic inequities that exist in our nation, to deal with the denial of the promise of this nation. That is one person running for president. The current president has not spoken in public since his address last night, which if youre watching the news, you may recall came during this hour of the day. Were also hearing reports of a military and Police Presence outside the white house. New fencing around Lafayette Park by the white house, which featured those scenes last night as protesters dispersed amid smoke bombs, flashbang, and reports of tear gas. This is an extraordinary escalation on the streets in front of the white house right now. Within the last 15 minutes, mounted police have been coming down the street. Youre going see them in the frame now, using flashbangs in front of them and mounted police to clear what has been an entirely peaceful protest. Not 90 , not 99 , but 100 peaceful protests here today. People throwing there was no throwing of water bottles. There was no throwing of objects. A short time ago, mounted Police Officers have been clearing the street. That was the scene outside the white house just 24 hours ago. Tonight we are tracking everything that can occur as the curfew approaches. I can tell you, you may recall, and look at the side by side and take it in for yourself. The president , after that move, after to the dispersements, walked to a nearby church and held up a bible. Its a move that some members in congress and clergy today are denouncing as a dangerous stunt. Lets get to it. Garrett haake is back live in Lafayette Park. Garrett, what are you seeing tonight . Ari, im back and so are probably thousands of other people here in d. C. , packing this park. And the streets around it for the fourth consecutive day. Its always hard to judge crowd size from inside it, but just Walking Around these blocks, i think this is the largest crowd that i have seen here at any point during these protests. And while the focus remains on george floyd and on Police Violence against african americans, there is also today a far more distinctly antitrump element to it. A lot of the folks that i have spoken to today told me that this is the first day they have come out, in part because of what they saw happen on the streets of their city last night with federal police forcing Peaceful Protesters out of these streets. It was shocking i think to a lot of people to see that, and i talked to a number of people who said they felt like her activism up to this point may have been online or some other format. They wanted to come out and be physically part of this today. Its 6 04. About 30 minutes from this time yesterday is when park police and other federal Law Enforcement agencies cleared this park. We have not yet heard what the plan is for tonight, although d. C. s mayor did say at a press Conference Today that the actions by federal Law Enforcement last night will make it more difficult and more dangerous for metropolitan police to police the city tonight. So well see exactly where this goes in the next hour, ari. And well be checking back with you as warranted. Garrett haake, thank you, and stay safe as always. Safety first. Well get the shots when we can, as we did last night. I want to turn now to what we mentioned in houston where nbcs Priscilla Thompson is live. We also heard from members of the floyd family just in the last hour. Im curious what youre seeing today. Yeah, well, ari, folks are heading out from this rally here today. It was held at city hall just over here. And you can see folks are turning out to go back on to the streets to march back down to the park. So this rally is rwrapping up. But a very energized crowd here. Tens of thousands turned out and chanted his name, george floyd throughout the streets. The other thing we talked about a lot is just the diversity of the crowds. I want you to take a look over here. Texas has a very large immigrant population, and weve seen a lot of these mexican flags flying throughout here. People have written black lives matter over them. I spoke to one woman who is a dreamer. She came here as an undocumented dreamer. She said when i first came here, i didnt feel like i had a voice. When she saw the video of george floyd, she felt compelled to come out and use her voice to inspire justice for him and his life. The organizers here and the police as well have said that they want this to be a peaceful protest, and it has been so far. I do want to say we did see one antifa flag, and we also saw some folks with water in case there is tear gas, but we havent seen any of that so far as this protest wraps up, ari. Priscilla in houston, texas, thank you. We turn now to new york city, which has had some of the largest gatherings weve seen here eight nights in. Msnbcs katy tur. Katy tur has been out there. She is walking with protesters. What are you seeing, katy . So ari we are two hours from the curfew, and there is a question about whether this crowd is going to continue on marching post curfew, or whether it will disperse. They have been marching, many of these people since 1 00 p. M. This afternoon. We just heard a rather large chant that said f your curfew with more colorful language than i will say on television. So that might give you some indication what might happen starting at 8 00. This has been a peaceful protest. It is a diverse protest. But many of the people are young. That being said, if you look up at the bucks a and in the windows of the streets of new york city, new yorkers young and old of all colors coming out to their balconies to cheer on these protesters, to cheer on these marchers there was an incredible moment just a few minutes ago as we were walking by, about 30 minutes ago as we were walking by memorial sloankettering, the cancer hospital. And the doctors and the nurses and the Health Care Workers came out and applauded these marchers, took a knee and applauded these marchers. The same people that this city has been applauding at 7 00 p. M. Every night for the past 80, 90 days. It was tremendous. But, again, 8 00 is when the curfew happens. There have not been any confrontations with Police Officers, even though weve walked many of them on this march. I am curious to find out how exactly they are going to disperse this crowd and enforce the curfew once 8 00 comes around. Katy tur reporting there. And we will be coming back to katy and all of our reporters in the field as warranted as we try to track every aspect of this. And as ive mentioned before, as you look on your screen, you just see some of the places were watching. Its worth repeating that while there were incidents of looting and violence, and weve covered that, many of these protests as they continue, particularly when they are in the daytime and at their largest have been largely peaceful. And so we want to note, that because sometimes what you see on your screen is distinct from the moments that understandably also get a lot of attention, those incidents of looting or violence. Now we bring in our experts. Rashard robinson is a civilized leader. He is president of color of change. And maya wiley is former counsel to mayor of new york city. She was chairwoman of the new york civilian complaint board which provides independent oversight of nypd. She has worked on these civil rights issues for some time. Thanks to both you have for being here. Maya, im curious your thoughts about where we are in the intersection between organic and now structured protests which continue tonight and what police and civilian leaders are doing and thinking around the country. Is this a time where people say okay, you get through a few more days of it and historically, these things tend to recede, or is there any sign in your mind as we look at these giant crowds that Something Different and larger is afoot . Ari, i think you said right there at the end, something bigger and larger is afoot. And that afoot is called justice and the demand for change. And i think what demonstrators and protesters are showing is they keep coming out because they have not yet heard what will be different. Many leaders i think rightly and appropriately have been saying publicly we hear you. We understand. Were with you, and that is important. We have seen images of police who have also knelt, taken a knee with demonstrators who have walked arm and arm with demonstrators, who have had good conversations with demonstrators. Those are incredibly hopeful. But we have not yet heard sufficiently from leaders what exactly will change so that protesters know there will not be another george floyd video. There will not be another eric garner video, and that if there is, there will not be a need to protest in order to see ledge legitimate and evidencebased charges brought against Police Officers who violate the law. Thats what protesters are asking for. And i think that unfortunately, because there have been some incidents of violence, that there have been some incidents of unrest, there has also been the opportunity to use that to demonstrate how policing can be different, even in these moment, because most protesters have been nonviolent. How do we protect the storefronts, stop the looting, stop the few people who are doing the bad acting without shoving and driving cars into and pepper spraying people who have their hands up and are stepping backward, because that is reinforcing for demonstrators, i think, that while there is some rhetoric about i hear you, there is not enough demonstrated action for change, and there is real opportunity to do that right now, and its necessary. Rashad . You know, i couldnt agree with maya more. I think one of the challenges that we actually have is the ongoing disconnect between our political leaders sometimes saying what they want to do, sometimes saying that they hear us, but not actually moving forward with action. And in particular, even in this moment, were giving a lot of sort of policies that folks want to push. So its the what, but its not the how. And why that how is important is because far too often, we can get people sort of situated around things that need to happen. But when it comes time to actually move those proposals forward, in the way of that stands a whole lot of opposition. So in minneapolis what were seeing right now is a very powerful police union that is standing up and speaking out and saying some really horrific and racist things. And we see that from Police Unions and Police Associations all around the country. I have sat in rooms like in the white house and had the head of the fraternal order of police tell me to my face that all of this talk of racial profiling is new to him. So what does that mean to folks who are watching . It means its hard to come together around some reforms when people gas light you and tell you there is no problem whatsoever. We keep coming with a list of demands, and on the other side we are met with people who look news the face and say is there no problem whatsoever. Part of this is political leaders will have to have some courage. Theyll have to go against powerful forces. Theyre going to not just tell us that they hear us and theyre with us, but theyre going to have to disrupt the status quo that far too often stands in the way of change. Lets dig into that a little bit because you and maya have been on this program and others. We have been having some of these conversations for over a decade. Thats how long ive known you. Others affiliated with moveon. Org, and you were sort of building the civil rights black advocacy and antipolice brutality, among other things of a Digital Movement like that to rival movon. What do you think people at home need to understand if theyre looking at these protests which are organic, spontaneous, rising up in this time in this pandemic amidst the allegations of brutality. But what about a week, a month, a year from now . How do you stitch together in your view with the work you do that is sporadic with the longterm . What were really hope to be able to do is in this moment where there is a deep level of presence is to translate that to real action with a deep recognition that there are going to be ongoing problems that continue to arise. So one of the things that weve done is we built a platform around District Attorney reform. So if youre watching right now these uprisings in different city, make no mistake, you live in a place likely you have a District Attorney that does not prosecute and hold Police Accountable, that is oftentimes rising and pushing mass incarceration. We have a country that has 4 of the worlds population and 25 of the worlds incarcerated population. That means that it doesnt happen in just one place. And so at the winning justice. Org platform that built that color of change, we have a searchable database of the 2400 prosecutors. Were Building Local squads around the country for people to engage and hold these prosecutors accountable for the type of change that needs to happen to both end mass incarceration, and to hold Police Accountable for the violence and terror that far too often happens. Right. What people want to know is when a Police Officer puts their knee on the neck of an individual and looks directly in the camera that the state is not going to support them and defend them at every turn, that people will be defended and people will be protected that safety and justice is really possible. Yeah. You lay it out, and its so important, and that goes to the longterm prospect. I want to thank rashad for joining us. Maya will be rejoining on a special conversation later this hour. And i want to tell folks at home as you look at these scenes around the country, what were going to do next. We have signals of possible new charges against other officers in the floyd arrest. We have the reporting on who is saying that, what that means, and the r and the reverend al sharpton who has worked with so many victims is here. And stepp talking stepped up mi patrols inside the United States. What practically is already changing . Can you measure it . What does it mean. I have a breakdown of that coming up. Stay with us. Youre watching the beat on msnbc. You should be mad at forced camaraderie. And you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. But youre not mad, because you have e trade, whos tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. Dont get mad. Get e trades simplified technical analysis. You get way more than free shipping. You get thousands when you shop for your home at wayfair of items you need to your door fast the way it works best for you. Even the big stuff. You get a delivery experience you can always count on. You get your perfect find at a price to match on your schedule. 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You can see very large what appear to be orderly and peaceful protests based on both our overhead cameras and what we see on the ground. This is a large amassing that we see in so many cities. East coast where theyre approaching curfews, west coast, l. A. Downtown in houston eight night, and all of this continuing. We wanted to show you l. A. And also give you a legal update on the core of this story. Most people know it by now. Four different officers were involved in the arrest of george floyd. That ended that entire arrest scenario when Derek Chauvin killed him. Now floyds memorial will be held in minneapolis thursday, and there is news i should say that joe biden plans to attend a funeral for him in houston next week. As for the death itself, the government autopsy ruled floyds death a homicide, listing additional factors besides asphyxiation. That was found by an independent exam paid for by the floyd family. Take that amidst these protests and you the finding of a killing. You have the situation on video, and you have these other three officers. Do they bear any legal responsibility such as conspiring in the killing or in the use of Excessive Force . Tonight we have a hint of new information on that front. And as we always do here, i want to be very clear with you about the sourcing, what we know and dont know. The hint of information comes from the floyd family lawyer. They are obviously participants in all of this. But the lawyer is announcing that authorities are telling the family the officers, those other three officers, quote, will be charged. Weve heard that they expect to charge those officers. And now the independent autopsy that pays particular attention to the two knees in back compressing his lungs, which is equally important as the neck compression, cutting off the flow of air. He was dying for breath. We understand they will be charged. That is what the family is hearing from the authorities. Were joined now by the reverend al sharpton, host of politicsnation, president of the National Action network. We should note with many of these cases, the rev has become involved. He has been asked and will deliver the eulogy on thursday. And rev, youve worked on many of these cases, among other things, with the question of what authorities are involved. Are they independent or are they in cahoots with the officers . Are they state independent, as weve seen with the attorney general getting more involved in minnesota, or federal as you and your advocacy have often called for federal intervention to get a layer of independence. With that context, your reaction to what mr. Crump said. Ive been talking with mr. Crump throughout and several times every day as we plan the memorial. And we have been told, and the family has been told that these three officers will be charged. This was the thing that the family had called for in the beginning. We have supported that. And clearly, when the independent autopsy came out, it clearly says that the cause of death was this pressure, that attorney crump just said in the video you played, and that caused the death. So you cannot the officers who were also leaning in and was cooperating with not stopping the initial arresting officer from his knee on the throat and neck of floyd that you cant just pierce it out. They all were involved in what is a criminal act. And they all ought to be prosecuted. And i think that from our trips to minneapolis and around different parts of the country where we have chapters of the National Action network, thats what people are saying. We want to see them all held accountable, and we want some longterm change. And that is i think what people are out for. The protests, the ones that are there for that by the tens of thousands, thats what they want. Weve heard before. We had a tape with eric garner and nothing happened. Weve seen them promise and do knowing. Now its time for this to stop, and we just get the proper equal protection under the law. Which authorities are stating that charges are coming . Well, i cant divulge what the attorneys dont want. I can say that they have been told and the family has been told that they there will be charges coming with the officers. Where and when im not at liberty to divulge. The lawyers will have to do that. Understood. Rev, i think our viewers know, you wear more than one hat, sir, and youre an expert on many of these issues. You also have been involved in the political side of this, and many people from president obama to Vice President biden have called upon you and worked with you and joe biden is out there. I want to play for you what he is saying, and im curious what you think as an individual involved in the political side of this as well. This is a tough time, but politics doesnt stop. The president is obviously throughout saying his piece. Take a listen to what joe biden is doing. We are in the battle for the soul thoef nation. I wont traffic in fear and division. I wont fan the flames of hate. Ill seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our country, not use them for political gain. Now rev, ive worked with you a long time. I want to have a real talk here about this, all right . You ready . Im ready. Saying i wont fan the flames of hate is a fine knock on donald trump, but it is a very low bar, and it comes, as you know, as people in the civil rights and black community have said joe biden has to do way more than say he is, quote, not trump. Im curious what else you think specifically as a civil rights leader, and as i mentioned, someone who knows the Obama Biden Administration well, what more you think joe biden must do now. I think that hes got to keep saying that, but he also should join the family in saying that all parties that led to the death of george floyd ought to be prosecuted and let them defend themselves before the jury. There is probable cause based on these autopsies and based on the videotape that theyd be arrested if this was probable cause of anyone else, any other citizens, they would have been arrested and in jail by now. And told you have a story and explanation, tell it to the judge, but this is the evidence, and you are guilty of probable cause. Well see where it goes from there. And i think that that is what joe biden ought to call on. Clearly, it is within the law, and clearly, it is what people want to see, not a favor, but equal protection under the law. Reverend al sharpton, i want to thank you as always. I want the tell viewers we are looking at these live shots in washington, d. C. , 30 minutes away from the curfew. You can see plenty of people still out. Were going keep our eye on this. We have our cameras and reporters trying to safely monitor this on the ground. But when i get to what i told you earlier, measuring whats actually happening in the change on reforming police. Specific examples when we are back in 30 seconds. We hope you find these Digital Solutions helpful to bank from almost anywhere. Deposit a check with your phone or tablet. Check balances, pay bills, and more. Send money to people you know and trust with zelle. Explore all you can do with our Digital Tools from almost anywhere. Pnc bank. Well go back to msnbcs the beat. I am ari melber. Were tracking a lot of stories, measuring how the protests are leading direct action in government. We have guests on that but when warranted, we want to dip back in live in washington, d. C. In Lafayette Park where msnbcs Garrett Haake is monitoring a growing protest there. Garrett . Hey, ari, its 6 30 now which is about the time yesterday we saw mounted police from the u. S. Federal Parks Service come out on to the street. Weve not seen anything of the sort yet today. And i can tell you, they probably have a harder time getting out on to the street today than yesterday. This crowd is massive here. It guess at least a block in every direction that i can see, down h street on the north end of Lafayette Park. Of course, the famous park across the street from the white house, and down the side streets around it as far as weve been able to tell. The park itself remains full of federal Law Enforcement officials who seem to be just sort of on standby weight. I dont know for what. Ive been talking to the protesters out here all day. Ive been watching all day. This has been a totally peaceful protest up until this point. The closest thing that i could describe to any kind of provocative act might have been folks shaking the fence line up along the fence. You know, this feels like maybe a broader Cross Section of d. C. Than weve seen here in other days. I think that the images that we have continued to see of these protests of the governments response to them have inspired a lot of people to come out here and be a part of this today on what is day four of more or less constant protest presence here in Lafayette Park. Ari . Garrett haake on the ground in washington. As noted, we could see around you and behind you. Most individuals being orderly, being peaceful while we watch what will happen with the curfew. Thank you to garrett. Well come back as warranted. What were seeing right now does mark this full week in a row of protesters taking to the streets. The eighth straight evening. And while there are many issues, the focus of course we know is demanding accountability and reform for police. So as we track these protests tonight, many of them moving through orderly across cities, across marches, we also are doing Something Else that is about the right now, and quite frankly, its harder to do than watching feeds or viral videos. This is tracking the policy demands and results. So let me go through a few with you and then bring in our experts. Number one, there is a bipartisan push now to reform local police and limit the use of military gear in response to these protests. Number two, a related effort to ban chokeholds, this controversial tactic that was at the center of eric garner in 2014 and now george floyd. Number three, were seeing elected civilian leaders take a much stronger line against their own Police Chiefs that are supposed to report, of course, up and into civilian accountability. There are specific examples far from minnesota now. Take a Kentucky Police chief who is out, which is accountability for two officers involved in a Fatal Shooting at a protest who didnt activate their body cameras. Number four, were seeing some concrete action taken by local prosecutors. Look atlanta, where six officers are facing charges after tasing and forcibly removing two College Students from their car. Video of that incident posted online. Two of the officers were also fired. These are just some of the incidents and the results that we are tracking. Im joined now by Jumaane Williams who is in the center of all of this as new york citys public advocate that is a position explicitly designed to deal with and do oversight of the rest of new york city government. Im also joined by an expert weve used many times. Youll recognize marq claxton. He serve as an nypd detective, but he is director of the black Law Enforcement alliance and brings both Police Experience and civil rights to all of this. Good evening to both of you. Let me start with you were you man you, jumani. Thanks very much for having me on. My measure of progress is exactly what youre talking about. So often the eye for calm during these measures is swift. Its harsh. Much swifter, much harsher than the actions of actually doing something about what people are asking for. The cry has been no justice, no peace for a long time. It seems everybody wants peace with no justice. The bills and the policies that you put forth should not have taken all of this unrest to the simplest of these. But these and many more are what people need. I just have a to add its not just police. These people have been home seeing mostly black and brown people dying from a pandemic. These people have seen black mothers mortality rate skyhigh because people dont believe their pain, the housing, technology indication. We have to remind folks that there is a cacophony of things that the black community are dealing with as a drip, drip, drip. And sometimes the drips have the bucket full and just flow over. Yeah. All of that i think is part of this. Contributes to the environment people are operating in. The disparities, the injustice, the outright racism. Marq, what is your response to some of the measures we just outlined which is right now a direct response to the protest . I think those measures are good steps forward. And there are so many other additional measures that need to be taken or examined, at least, bay whole group of individuals and interested parties, those people who are, for example, part of the organic original protest movement are related to the death of mr. Floyd. But i think whatever steps we take towards what would be considered police reform, it will require that we first decide how we will begin to penalize and punish those individual Police Officers who engage in criminal conduct. Whether or not youre going to continue with state prosecutions, whether or not there will be federal intervention automatically, or whether or not we create a third system perhaps thats fully independent of both federal and state prosecutions and how that would work. Because until we get to the point where those individuals who commit these egregious acts are penalized fully and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, any additional reforms will be just mere window dressing, and not necessarily as effective as we want them to be. I understand exactly what youre saying, marq, and weve had these conversations on the program before, and theyre worth digging back into. You can have an abstract discussion. Ill pick something very controversial in law, the death penalty. You have can have an abstract discussion about whether the government should be executing people. And there is a debate about that. But in america that is a misleading debate to start it that way. Because the people who actually get execute ready overwhelmingly poor and minorities. Its not really a discussion about whether the government should kill people. Thats in theory. In practice, should you have a system that results in only killing poor and minorities . And when you put the question that way, i think, marq, a lot of people would think about that and say i think thats unfair as a basic first Year Law School kind of question. I tee that up on the Controversial Police tactic, because nbc news votering in this article about these chokeholds and how theyre actually used. 4 people were rendered unconscious over five years in minneapolis. 66 incidents in total resulted in that. Briefly were goiing put up thi pie chart on who is subject to them. You see right there, 60 of black suspects, marq. How should that inform the reality discussion . Because in theory, its oh, what are the tools that police need . And police do need tools. In reality, its in that place and many others the tools are only being primarily used on certain suspects, marq. Yeah. I think the discussion, for example, on chokehold and chokehold usage can lead us to a larger discussion that deals once again with reform. And there is one component of many reform agendas. I know my organization promoted this reform package that includes basically a universal National Professional standards which will incorporate training that each department receives, which would also incorporate clear ideologies and philosophies of practice for Law Enforcement agencies. So as opposed to having one department as it is right now, one department that is silent on chokeholds, another department that bans quote unquote choke holds, another department that has a different interpretation about what chokeholds are, there is one Single National standard that Law Enforcement agencies, professional Law Enforcement agencies use. Right. I mean, thats how i look at those issues relating to items like these chokeholds and other uses of force. There will always all the data says that if you examine it, blacks receive the short end of the stick on all available data as it relates to enforcement in this nation. And that has to change. And let me bring jumani back in briefly. Were looking at this washington protest which remains pretty orderly. Keeping an eye on the curfew which remains 20 minutes out. Taking a look at new york at the challenge posed there by what of course are democrats. Bill de blasio always said he was a very progressive democrat and he has talked and worked on civil rights, whether people want to factor it in as relevant or not. He has invoked his interracial family. His family has been out protesting some of them. I say that all respectfully, and yet new york is a place, as you know, even when there are quote unquote liberal rights pro civil mayor theres still seem toby many problems with nypd. Do you see that as something de blasio is ultimately answerable for . I have to say its been stunning to watch from people who say they are different. And curfews have a place. Er i was the first person in the city to say we need to shut down the coronavirus. Neither the mayor or the governor would listen and now 30,000 people are dead. Now when we talk about black lives, people are protesting about overpolicing and laws that cause interaction series give a curfew. And other laws to cause interreactions, instead of saying this is what i can do right now as mayor and governor by executive order. This is what im doing so people can hit the city council and new york city for and other things. Just my job to make sure im hearing you right you. Saying you think de blasio and cuomo have overreacted to try and control the protests and should be doing more to do executiveled reform now . Of course. They failed. Its not overreacting. The mayor failed from the beginning of this protest. The military might that was shown at the beginning of this protest set the stage, putting protesters in danger and officers for no reason. The government coming in with no plan of how to address what the protesters are asking about, set a curfew that made it the worst night weve seen so far. And so it just behooves, it boggles the mind of why everybody is having discussion about curfews and 4,000 Additional Police in new york city, but not having the real discussion about here is the plan protesters. We hear you, hear your pain. And new york city, the last time a curfew was used was 1943 when a white Police Officer shot a black soldier. So the only time we seem to care about this stuff, and the only thing we seem to push is black lives dont matter. And so we have to have the hard discussion and real leadership in this city and the state because it is absent, and people we ed . The pandemics the human cost to the inaction. And were seeing it now. And were saying now there will be a force to the lack of real leadership in this city, in this state. So we dont want to see. What were saying the best way to get up is to address the concerns that people in the city state and this nation. Really appreciate that, and i was asking you because i wanted to hear that specifically. A lot of folks in the news and sometimes we overemphasize the political or partisan part. Youre talking about obviously other democrats in new york, but really, your views of where as you said cuomo and de blasio failed. Interesting to get that perspective as a failed public official in new york. Jumaane williams and marq claxton, thanks to both of you. Were keeping an eye on washington, d. C. As the curfew approaches and reacting to Donald Trumps threat to get the military involved, and a lot more when we come back. Best for my family. In only 8 weeks with mavyret. I was cured. I faced reminders of my hep c every day. I worried about my hep c. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret. I was cured. Mavyret is the only 8week cure for all types of hep c. Before starting mavyret your doctor will test. If youve had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant,. 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There has been continued outrage after the president threatened to send the u. S. Military to American Cities to deal with the protests. Meanwhile, new video of military helicopters flying low in washington, trying to also disperse protesters. Governors saying they will reject military inside the United States. Seth moulton is a former marine and says the government is basically turning to tyranny tools here. He joins me with maya wiley. Congressman, explain your views on this. Well, the call that i made last night was for our troops to be prepared to disobey the unlawful orders of our commander in chief, because thats where i see this heading. Trump has used and abused the military in the past to push his political agenda, and the fact that he has in a tweet called for troops to shoot on civilians, the fact that he has now called for using our active duty military to suppress dissent at home among peaceful lawabiding americans is called for every young man and woman in uniform to remember that their oath is to the constitution, and those interest principles that they have to uphold. Given your service, i think people know what youve been willing to do in the past here. So you take these issues extremely seriously. How do you also balance against overreacting to donald trump saying and threatening so many things, just like during the start of the virus when he said he would do things that he didnt have the power to do, and governors ignored him and life went on. How do you balance that in what is admittedly a difficult quandary . I think the most dangerous thing question do is assume that the president wont actually do what he says he is going to do. And time and again, whats been worse thing about this president is that he says terrible things and then actually does them. And our troops have got to remain vigilant. A lot of people dont understand what it means to be in the mill texas, and people have often said to me that being in the military is just about following orders. Well, thats not right. Being in the military is about following lawful orders. Lawful. And having the moral courage to disobey unlawful orders, even if they come from the commander in chief. For context, were keeping an eye on boston, but i want to briefly put up insurrection act at a insurrection act, maya, we have heard a reference of this. When is president is used to use the insurrection act. If we have that. We may not have it. And ill read it. At the request of a state to enforce federal law or to protect civil rights. Im curious what you think about the obvious there it is. There you go, i leave it the up for the screen for a second, while you explain. To protect civil rights seems like of course the very thing that so many peoples in the streets are accusing trump and his allies of opposing. Yeah, and lets step a minute before that. The structure of our democracy and the way we protect against tyranny by a president is there are powers including domestic Law Enforcement that exists at the state and local level, not the federal level, and that we have created essentially a firewall between the military and domestic issues intentionally to ensure that a president cannot misuse his power. And what we are hearing from this president i think mr. Multion is kparktly white. What we are hearing is a challenge to the fundamental rules and values to the structure of our democracy that says, no, the president cant use the power of the office to decide when the people exercising First Amendment rights should be shutdown by a use of military force. And this is why our military leaders themselves are expressing deep concern with the president s statement. So i think its absolutely appropriate to say, you know, theres no insurrection here. This is people exercising their constitutional rights, and to the extend we have seen violations of law, but face p it, we have. That is in looting, someone throws a projecti lerle. That is a violation of law. There has not been a request that Law Enforcement cant handle that. In fact, we have had too many examples of aggression from demonstrators at the lower level. We dont need to fan the flames and endanger our citizenry and constitutional order. That goes to the understanding that citizens have in a very difficult time, what are we seeing . I will ask you a question and go in the full video here what we are seeing in boston. The overhead shot. Viewers will be able to hear you as we look. We will go full on this. We are also looking at boston and we have some of the Lincoln Memorial as well. Striking imagery. But for the most part again, we report on this so people can see what their own eyes, i mentioned the incidents we also reported where there was law breaking and violence. But the majority, day after day that we have seen, when you count up for example, we had a count of refly 4500 federal arrests around country, and hundreds of thousands of demonstrators who dispersed for curfews who were all during thedy. And a very large massing of individuals in boston, your thought as a member of congress, about what it means for the government to understand and respect free speech rights and peaceful protests. Which inherently protests, some of what you all do in congress and et cetera. Let me just share my thoughts as an american and as a patriot. We are witnessing patriotism here. This is a country that was founded to expand freedom and its skmited to the principle of equality. And yet, we have a president who is trying to suppress the he is trying to curtail freedom. Me is attacking those who are fighting for e equality. What you are witnesses now are photos, videos of patriotic americans. They are doing the most american thing we know, standing up for the constitutional rights, advancing the rights and freedoms of others. This when we want to be on their side. Onned site of the flag, the right side of history. My heart to see these videos. This is what america im running up against the end of my time. You can call that my Television Curfew here. But you made really important points, in the government, facing protests partly as well. Youre saying they are patriotic. That is interesting. I appreciate it. Thanks to both of you tonight. Thank you, ari. Well be back. Aleve it. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. Ibut nothing makes me feel like pnew always discreet boutique. Outside, its soft like underwear. Inside, it turns liquid to gel. For incredible protection, that feels like nothing but my underwear. New always discreet boutique. [ siren ] doug give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To deliver your mail and packages and the peace of mind of knowing that essentials like prescriptions are on their way. Every day, all across america, we deliver for you. And we always will. Because i trust their quality they were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. 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We will be back at 00 peern. Keep it here on msnbc. And a good tuesday evening to you, craig melvin here tonight. Cities across this country are preparing for an eighth night of protests and potential unrest. A live look right now at washington, d. C. , at boston, an at seattle, at new york. Where tens of thousands have been in the streets throughout the day. In new york, demonstrations continue at this hour. Last night,

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