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You cant come into personal contact without having the proper protective equipment. Funerals are another way as well as preparing the bodies and the customs, the longrange traditions that go with the funerals. The mechanism of transmission, direct contact with body fluids explains what is going on in the west african countries. You are convinced no significant outbreak in the u. S. . The reason i say that let me reiterate it. The reason there is an outbreak now is because the Health Care Infrastructure and system in those countries is inadequate and uncapable of actually handling the kind of identification, isolation, rapid treatment, protection of the people who are coming into contact and Contact Tracing. Thats something that we have very, very well established here. So we have a case now and it is entirely conceivable there may be another case but its the reason we feel confident is that our structure, our ability to do those things would preclude an outbreak. Let me just take this gentlemans question here, the question of are we being notified of cases . This goes to what dr. Fauci just said we have an infrastructure in place. We have a Public Health alert system through which cdc has distributed information from and established a Laboratory Network for testing. When will are potential symptomatic individuals who present themselves in medical facilities the precautions are immediately taken. The tests are undertaken through a network of laboratories that cdc has validated and provided a clear guidance to. So we have the structure in place when we identify potential cases to resolve those and if there are actually confirmed ebola cases as we have seen one of in texas, we take the immediate steps, isolate them, provide the treatment and the Contact Tracing and our infrastructure works to make sure we are aware of those cases and take those steps. When secretary burwell said we have a case at howard but did not say a potential case but did not say we had one at shady grove adventist and the hospital put out a release. Are there only two or more than those two in the Washington Area . Nationwide . Right now youve indicated and youve talked about the potential case at howard. Well see the resolution of that as secretary burwell discussed. And at shady grove adventist. As the reports come in they will be addressed and reports undertaken. The Public Health infrastructure is reacting. I think perhaps, dr. Fauci will want to address this. Every hospital can isolate a patient, take the meshes put them in place to make sure they are isolated and the follow up steps are taken. Lisa, so to what degree have you debated internally and are you going to be prepared to recommend to the president what someone suggested today a travel ban from those countries from anyone who wants to come to the United States directly or indirectly. How do you think your deployed assets are as far as catching up to what you intend to do. And should military medical people be involved in the direct care as opposed to setting up the infrastructure . The travel ban question first. That has been something an issue that has been raised. Ive take note of dr. Friedens comments which is to say in fact right now we believe those type of steps impede the response. They impede and slow down the ability of the United States and other International Partners to get expertise and capabilities and equipment into the affected areas. And as weve said and stressed the most important and effective thing we can do is to control the epidemic at its source. So we want to ensure we are getting the assistance and expertise and we are getting the providers into the infected region and not impeding that. Before you go, Many Americans might say why not half a ban. Not getting there but exiting . Are you considering that . Let me just respond to that. As i mentioned as the measures are being taken to screen individuals who are departing from the infected countries, cdc professionals have provided the assistance and training and advice to airport officials in liberia, guinea and sierra leone. And as a result of those screening steps, many, many people, dozens of people have been stopped from traveling. So we see those issues those steps being effective. Sir, for us the speed we are moving out is focused on the ebola treatment units to get them going. That will take us several weeks. We are working with the armed forces of liberia and contractors and were working with a logistics chain of events to get the bill of materials there as fast as we can. It will take us several weeks to do that. And we are doing ones in isolated areas that are hard to support and get the equipment out there. Those will take the longest. Right now we are not anticipating that military personnel will be treating the people and that would be a decision made in the future. The International Community has said not right now. Thats not what we need. You do have folks capable of doing that, dont you . We do. And medical professionals there are three labs operated by military medical professionals right now identifying who has the disease and who doesnt, which is focusing on how they are able to treat the patients. Have you considered a waiting peter as josh would say i think were going to move around a little bit. Help me understand the stuff that you talked about in terms of preparedness here in this country, the conversations with the hospitals, the coordination with the local authorities and all, seems very disment that in the country for people who look at one of the first cases and see that the whole thing broke down every step of the way. It broke down as the person back there was saying when he lied on the form. It broke down when the hospital turned him away. It broke down when the materials that were in his apartment havent been thrown away. It broke down i mean, it feels like to americans like you guys are up here talking about we have this great and perfect system thats going to be able to you know, contain this virus because we have done all this preparation but it doesnt look like its working. How should the average person have confidence that whether its the case in howard or whether its some case somewhere else in the country at the moment that someone isnt being turned away there that their temperature was taken in africa but they are on a plane as we speak. So square the dissonance between your confidence and the fact that things dont seem to be working. I think the American People should be confident for all the reasons we have stated and the president has spoken to. Because the Public Health infrastructure we have is so expert and extensive and is considerable and as dr. Fauci has discussed and dr. Shah has mentioned the situation in liberia, sierra leone and guinea could not be more opposite in terms of the Public Health infrastructure and the ability of and the ability of officials there to isolate an individual case. What youre seeing in texas is the isolation of that patient, the Contact Tracing that is being down, meticulously by cdc and local health professionals. The other thing i would say to your question is we have a case in texas. The howard case that has been mentioned is a potential case. And i would defer to the medical professionals at howard to give the definitive view on that. But i think its very important to remember this outbreak began in march of this year. And since that time, and since the screening measures that weve discussed from this podium began over the summer, there have been tens of thousands of individuals who have come to this country from the effected region. And we have now seen one case and it is entirely possible we will see another case. However i would point you and others to the fact that we have now seen tens of thousands of people in the time since march to the country to the current day and we now have this isolated case in texas but we have a Public Health infrastructure and professionals in this country who are capable of dealing with cases if they present themselves and as dr. Frieden has said we are very confident we can stop this and other cases in its tracks. Can you explain within that Public Health infrastructure what the lines of authority are . Once you is a confirmed case, for example in dallas, does the cdc, does the nih, is there a federal authority . Is it up to the local Health Department . Who is in charge at that point . With regard to one of the things, when any test is done it is reported to cdc. So we have a network and we want the tests to go quickly. Part of the preparedness we did was created capability all around the country for the tests to occur. So they can occur quickly. However when that test occurs, cdc is alerted to the test occurring and the results of the test. With regard to who controls the patient i think is the question, that is done at the local level. And we support in that. And the ten people were on the ground from cdc immediately. I think you all know, in terms of supporting the local Health Departments and doing the Contact Tracing and any other issues they have. With their issues of the testing or the contact stras tressing we stand ready do that. While the local Health Officials because this is a local issue and that is a big part of how you do the Contact Tracing and they make the decisions on the ground. We are there hand in hand and had support with ten people on the ground and work hand in glove with that. On the Contact Tracing because some people in dallas are concerned about the Contact Group being isolated in a highly congested apartment area and i think that some of them there was an expression they should be moved. Is that something that could be repeated in other communities. If they are isolated for a period of time is that the best place to keep them in a place where it might be a high density apartment. That gets to the question of how local officials handle their situations specifically. I think dr. Fauci has gone over the way and the protocol what needs to happen is basic temperature taking two times a day on a regular basis. Hour a local official chooses to impment that we work in conjunction. We have given the guidance out but those are decisions made at the local level. Can you the this is the the ed show on msnbc. You are watching the white house officials briefing on the ebola outbreak. They emphasize that americans should feel confident about the United States response and Public Health infrastructure. Moments ago, Sylvia Burwell says that the cdc has been sending out diviguidelines. Cdc sent out our first guidance to state and local officials on july 28th and has been followed with six additional sets of guidance and the latest issued yesterday. The nurses on the ground say they arent getting that information. A National Nurses united survey found 80 of nurses say their hospital has not communicated on any policy on ebola patient admission and 87 say they have not provided the ebola education with the ability to ask questions and onethird of the nurses say their hospital has insufficient supplies of eye protection and fluidresistant gowns. The cdc says they will be able to stop ebola in the United States. That is good news. But the bottom line is, doctors, nurses and all Health Care Professionals need to be on the same page. Nurses need the proper gear and the resources. There has been a protocol like what dr. Nancy had outlined this morning, dr. Nancy snyderman who is been quarantined for 21 days. I want to bring in debra berger the co president of National Nurses united. Good to have you with us tonight. I appreciate your time. Thank you for taking the time. You bet. I want you to respond to what you heard at the White House Press conference in the last half hour. Anything that jumped out . What jumps out is they are still maintain they have this under control and we all should not worry because it wont come to a Community Near them. But the reality is our survey clearly shows that we are not ready in americas hospitals to deal with any kind of major Communicable Disease of this nature. Should there be a Standard Operating Procedure like dr. Nancy schneiderman outlined today . They need to have a standardized plan that is implemented in every sincele hospital. Currently our Health Care System allows for private hospitals to decide what protocols they choose to follow and what personal protection they choose to supplies and how they handle waste. And were saying we believe as nurses we can only provide safe care if we have safe staffing, if we have adequate resources and if we have adequate personal protection to protect the Health Care Providers from this Communicable Disease. So ms. Berger what im hearing is you cant leave it to local officials to get this right. There has to be some standards that are going to be met and National Protocol to deal with this ebola virus. Am i hearing that correctly . You are absolutely hearing it correctly. Whats happening now is our Health Care System is very fragmented. We have a privatized Health Care System. If we had a Public Health care system, which the cdc was referring to at the press conference, we would be in much better shape right now. But unfortunately, we have what is in place, which is aetna, kaiser, sutter and all these other Health Care Providers deciding what theyre going to implement and we think it should all be mandatory. And the other thing is this reliance on technology that theyre using for standardized protocols. Theres no standardized protocol in place currently for dealing with ebola. Thats what weve been shouting about for the last several months. Well, i want you to address this. 80 of the nurses in your organization say their hospital has not communicated any policy on ebola patient admission. Now, is it that they dont know what to communicate and theyre not sure exactly what their policy of isolation and protocol would be even on a local level . I think its all of the above. If you go to any hospital right now, i would bet that it would be very hard for any nurse to pull up a policy that they would be able to follow in their hospital on how to provide care for an ebola patient. The example i use is in california. We had an ebola patient in South Sacramento and they were scrambling to get the personal protection and tools they needed to get care for that patient. And that was just a suspected patient. It turned out not the be ebola. But had it been it would have been a mess. And of course, your Organization Also has concerns about proper equipment. How do you fix that . I mean it would seem to me that these forprofit hospitals are going to have to start investing and investing fast. If a third of your nurses say the hospital lacks eye protection and fluid resistant gowns. This is a National Health care crisis. And the federal government recently in 2006 spent 47 million on preparing for a pandemic, not even ebola. And their own report for department of Homeland Security indicated that theyre nowhere near ready for a pandemic. And what we think is there needs to be a National Priority to provide the personal protection for all Health Care Workers in this country. Debra berger, co president of the National Nurses united with us here tonight. I appreciate your time. Thank you for the nurses side of the story. I want to bring in Jim Mcdermott of washington who is a doctor. Good to have you on tonight. The cdc says there is no doubt that we will stop ebola from spreading here. But based on what were hearing, boots on the ground, the nurse and what they are hearing, how do you piece this together . Im a physician who has lived in west africa where the ebola virus was found or where it has been an outbreak. I have also lived in the congo where they have had many outbreaks of ebola virus. And i think whats important here is for us to take a deep breath and step back and think a little bit about this, not let our hair get on fire. There has been one case in the United States discovered that came in. If we look at our preparedness for any kind of catastrophe in almost any hospital we are not prepared for it. When you is a chemical outbreak or a machine break down and you spill chemicals all over the place and thousands of people effected by it. All those issues are being dealt with by the cdc very thoughtfully. They are sending ten people down to texas to look at this case and theyre going to get it under control there. People in texas dont have to run around and worry about the fact there is going to be a major outbreak there. There wont be one. They are dealing with it. Thats what Public Health is all about. Many of my colleagues thing that you know, how the Health Department at the local level is a waste of time. But in fact it protects us from tuberculosis and all kinds of diseases. And what the cdc is doing is what their job has always been. So im not particularly worried about this. I think that there is a major problem in west africa, where youre looking at liberia, they have no infrastructure to do this. But we have an infrastructure that can deal with it. And one case is not enough to make the whole world come down on our head which is the way people are acting on television today. I really the 24 7 news cycle is not helping. Congressman, we do not have a travel ban. And there are questions about how were going to deal with people coming in from other countries to the United States seeing how it unfolded down in texas when not a lot went right. The it was not a diagnosis and then a release of this patient. And that clearly deserves some questions of protocol, as the Nurses Association is bringing up. What should we do . Should there be some kind of travel screening or travel ban and who would be responsible for that and how would it work . I dont think a travel ban, per se, is a very useful thing. I think it is useful a say to somebody do you have a fever . Were going to take your temperature. If you say you have a fever and we take your temperature and you do, you dont allow them to get on the plane to the United States. How about asking if they how about if we were to ask them if they have been to liberia in the last 30 days or west africa region within the last 30 days . I mean this would be really paying attention to detail. Are we at that point . No, were not. And it wouldnt make sense. You would stop thousands and thousands of people. Look at all the people who go from liberia to nigeria and then to paris and then come to the United States. If you ask them have you been in liberia . Yeah, six months ago. Have you been sick . No. You cant come into the United States because youve been in liberia. You have to think how you are going to work this out. You cannot put travel bans unless you say if you have had anything to do with liberia thats the end, you cant come. But i think its important for people to calm down. The president and the cdc i have Great Respect for them. They are taking care of this issue. What we need to do is make sure the Congress Gives them enough money to have enough people to do the case finding. Thats another issue that the cdc has been cut 600 million. Absolutely. So that must be an issue to a certain extent. A big issue. 60 of the nurses you agree that is an issue at hand at this hour, resources . It is. And every hospital should try to deal with disasters. But you never know what the disaster is going to be. They might have a case of untreatable tuberculosis appear in chicago tomorrow. Are they prepared to suddenly go out and case found all over chicago who that person is. This is one case. You cannot make an epidemic out of one case. There is a localized epidemic in africa but its not here. Congressman Jim Mcdermott. Thank you for being with us tonight. Thanks so much. Coming up, republican obstruction may have slowed the recovery. But things are look better. Weve hit the longest streak of unemployment numbers falling in american history. That news ahead in trenders. Plus a controversial new plan making waves for the Washington Redskins. The creator of the petition joins me to discuss his plan to filter the air waves. And making something stronger. Will mean making it lighter. One day, factories will work with the cloud. One day. Is today. Joins me to discuss his plan to joins me to discuss his plan to sometimes healthy is not on the menu. Luckily, i always keep my Meta Health Bars handy. Its my favorite bar hands down. From the makers of metamucil, new multihealth Meta Health Bars have natural psyllium fiber that helps promote heart health with a taste consumers prefer. Would you like one of these instead . Yummy thanks experience the meta effect with our new multihealth wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things. My motheits delicious. Toffee in the world. So now weve turned her toffee into a business. My goal was to take an idea and make it happen. Im janet long and i formed my Toffee Company through legalzoom. I never really thought i would make money doing what i love. We created legalzoom to help people start their business joins me to discuss his plan to go to legalzoom. Com today and make your business dream a reality. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Welcome back to the ed show. Whats hot, whats not. Whats trending . Get my podcast. You can get it free 24 7 any time you want it. The ed show social media nation has decided were reporting the top trenders voted on by you. Stop being cry babies. The number three trender, the wambulance. Good Affordable Health care may seem like a fanged threat to freedom on fox news. Its working pretty well in the real world. President obama calls out fox news. Doesnt president putin get under his skin more . Isis. I dont believe it. All right. Youre so thinskinned. You criticize the president for being thinskinned. Sorry. But fox news has been right. You know, were big boys and girls. The number two trender, hack attack. Hackers stole email addresses and phone numbers. J. P. Morgan chase has a security breach. 76 million household and 7 million Small Business accounts were breached. More consumers than home depot and target. This is a bank. Does anyone think of taking their money out of the bank as a result . And 5. 9. Thats a good headline. Those who think the economy peaked over the summer in employment are wrong. Were on pace for the strongest job growth since the 1990s. 248,000 jobs this month. The Unemployment Rate hits a sixyear low. The lowest since july 2008. The snap back in retail. 22,600 net new jobs in health care. 55 straight months. When employers are doing well and reaping benefits on the bottom line, those benefits should be shared with workers. Joining us tonight, david kay johnson. Good to have you on again tonight on the economy. Lets get both sides of the story here. What do these numbers mean and throw a cold bucket of water on the other half of the story. Whats good and whats not so good . 248,000 jobs is above the average for the last year which is was 213,000. It would be better if we dont have the republicans refusing to invest in the future of america we could have 300,000 or more jobs created. The Unemployment Rate is now down below 6 . And of people who are unemployed that number dropped in one month by 300,000 and dropped by 2 million in the last year. So were going in the right direction, absolutely and especially good were seeing a lot of new jobs in what are called business services. Thats businesses servicing other businesses and in restaurants and bars which tells you people are feeling comfortable going out and having a drink and spending their money on leisure time. What do you say to these folks about what the real unemployment is this . Its almost as if the real numbers arent what are being reported. What is the real unemployment number in the double digits. Whats your response to that . The government does do something u6 its the broadest measure of unemployment. It is around 11 . But it is 13 two years ago. Its been coming down. The fact is that the changes in our economy and the way that our congress chose to respond to this means that a good number of people who lost their jobs are probably never going to find decent jobs again. Onethird of all the people out of work today have been out of work more than six months. The median time that people who loez their job is 13 months. That would end if republicans would invest in infrastructure, education and basic research and they of course will not do that as our roads are falling apart and the public furniture needs to be fixed up. Thanks so much, david cay. Coming up, the r word, a controversial plan to facility terraair waves gathers steam. The man behind the plan to ban the name redskins is with me next. The right wing extremist lands in pretenders. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Welcome back to the ed show. Problems for the National Football league. Controversy over the washington teams name has reached a fever pitch. The ftc may ban the use of the name on the air waves. Welcome to redskins chronicles. Giants will be taking on our Washington Redskins. The rain did not keep thousands of redskins fans from traveling to baltimore. A petition was filed by a George Washington university professor. He was a key person in getting get ads off radio and television and he argues that the team name is a racial slur and offensive. Fans have filed a complaint challenging the license renewal of wwxx. The Radio Station is owned by the Washington Redskins team owner, david schneider. He also sent a letter to the four mostwatched television stations in los angeles. He contacted affiliates for abc, nbc, cbs, and the cw informing them he is coming for them next. This is the most aggressive push yet in an effort to force the National Football league and the team to change its name. Joining me tonight, Professor John banzif who filed the petition with the ftc and an attorney who thinks the petition is a bad idea. Good to have you with us tonight. John, you first. Good to with with you. You bet. Why did you go down the road of the fcc . We know more that moral persuasion is not going to change dan snyder. Its going to put a lot more pressure on him. This is the r word. No station would use the n word on the air. Its contrary to the public interest. Its a racial slur and American Indians say the r word is the same thing. The u. S. Supreme court says they are outside the constitutional protection. I fight for the First Amendment but i got cigarette commercials banned when people were saying its unconstitutional. And finally this is profanity. Profanity is defined to include racial slurs by law, by federal law you cannot broadcast profanity when kids are around. At least the fcc should get it off the air when kids can hear it. I think as you said these three commissioners have spoken out and i think theyre saying so broadcasters were concerned about this issue you better be concerned about the issue or else as the chairman put it were going to act on it. Steven, why do you think this is a bad move . I read your article in talkers and other material on this issue as well but its why is this a bad move and do you think this is out of the ball wick of the fcc or is it in their wheel house . Its inappropriate for the fcc to be dealing with this. The propriety of using the name redskins for a team. There are a lot of people who believe that shouldnt be used. However this is not the place. The fcc in its own manual that it provides to propertiers tells them that it is protected speech to have slurs that offend people by their gender. It doesnt qualify as obscenity. It doesnt qualify as inde sensy. It doesnt qualify as profanity. It doesnt qualify as hate speech and hate speech we have constitutional case after another that indicates hate speech is actually protected. You have to go through the correct routes. And the correct route here is two places, one, to the nfl use the moral persuasion. The other place to go is where they have won a victory and an appropriate one, the Trademark Bureau indicated last summer that this disparages a group and should not be allowed to be used as a trademark. That decision is on appeal. Thats where it belongs. Not censoring someones free speech. The trademark decision has to do with what happened in 1969. Were now in 2014. If we count simply on what people think or moral persuasion we wouldnt need the fcc to set limits. They set limits on lyrics. I think these stations are going to be so worried about having their licenses tied up for years and years that they will move the stations here in washington, d. C. That exactly the same thing when i filed the same petition with regard to blacks in the early 1970s. We won there and i think were going to win again here. We have a former fcc commissioner and two chairman and two former commissioners are on my side and youre a talent lawyer. Your response . Also a professor of media law. And s that not your profession. Ive studied this a great deal. Have you won anything in the courts . If you bothed to check out my record. I looked at your record and found nothing significant. Do you want to talk over me or allow me to speak as i let you speak. When you stop im going to ask what you achieved protecting the First Amendment. I looked on your website. Nada. Anybody else can look on it. Nada. Let steven respond, john. Let me know when youre finished and allow me to have free speech. You dont want to allow things that are offensive speech in fact if you read the manual of the fcc it speaks that specifically offensive speech is recognized because you cannot protect free speech unless you protect that. You have your manners with speeches not protected. Its not obscene despite what you say it does not qualify as profanity. Despite what you say its isnt indeceasesy. You said its akin to obscenity. Thats no term. Thats what the chairman of the fcc said, sir. And were not talking about speech. You can be angry at africanamericans and American Indians. You can say anything you want but you cant use the n word on the air. Thats the difference. Yes, you can. And we are talk about show me one station we also have a situation where you have the navaho tribe with a high school in arizona that has their team named the redskins. This is something that is not entirely agreed upon. The place to deal with were going to make stifling free speech. As compared to all the American Indian organizations in the country . Thats nuts. Certainly an emotional issue. Gentlemen, great to have you with us. He writes and i win in court. Thats the difference. Well, well see. Ive won so far. The National Football league is a private business. Check out his website. See what hes done. All right. Good to have you with us tonight. Well have you back. Coming up, whatnot to wear. Scenes from pretty woman end up in a School Assembly video about dress code. 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It rises to levels of treason. It exceeds any level of treason ive ever seen. Its going to get much worse, im telling you. You can do something about it, buy my new book. The fact he thinks the president is trying to infect americans with ebola is down right absurd. He can keep on pretending. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. [ male announcer ] over time, youve come to realize. [ starter ] ready [ starting gun goes off ] [ male announcer ] its less of a race. Yeah [ male announcer ] and more of a journey. Keep going strong. And as you look for a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Expect the same kind of commitment you demand of yourself. Aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Go long. Insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. If energy could come from anything . Or if power could go anywhere . Or if light could seek out the dark . What would happen if that happens . Anything. Welcome back to the ed show. Our final story tonight does not come from outer space. It comes from devils lake, where they have implemented a new dress code, igniting a fire storm on social media. The School District wants to restrict girls from wearing suggestive attire. I parent called us, we called the school to find out more. Were told all the girls were told they cant wear leggings, jeggings, and tight jeans anymore. The assistant principal tells us they had the girls watch clips from pretty woman, where the main character is a prostitute. Other schools across the country have implemented dress codes, disproportionately targeting female students. However when an english teacher makes reference to girls looking like prostitutes walking the streets, i think we have to draw the line. John and zirleena, great to have both of you with us. Zirleena, whats your response to this school showing clips from pretty woman to illustrate their point and make a code . I think its really offensive and it again illustrates that theres an egregious double standard when it comes to the regulation and the control of women and their behavior, in order to protect men and boys. So i think this falls along the spectrum of something that i talk about a lot, which is rape culture, in which we put the responsibility on the victim, the woman, the girl, to change their behavior so that they are not then victimized or harassed. And its exactly backwards. We need to be talking to men and boys about respecting women and seeing them as human beings first, before we can have any of the rest of these conversations. So how outrageous is it, zirleena for the school to say no tight jeans and no yoga pants . Im wearing my skinny jeans in solidarity with these girls. Its backwards. Its putting the responsibility on controls to control male behavior. If the problem the school wants to alleviate is that men and boys are harassing their female classmates, then why dont we start there and start conversations with the young men on how to see their classmates as equals, as people, as humans, and deserving of respect. If were not having that conversation, were missing the whole point. John, how should the school have handled this . I like to answer your question, but you might notice zirleena has exposed shoulders and distracting me from this segment. You should send her home, i cant function when shes dressed like this. Thats basically the logic were hearing. As insulting as this is to women, as a slutshaming gambit, this is for young women, its insulting to young men, suggesting they dont have the wherewithal to not be distracted, start with sports and iphones. Theyre saying this might encourage promiscuityy. In america, that means anyone getting more than you. And the fact that adolescence if young men cant learn how to act like men in school, well be sending a bunch of animals who cant manage their own hormones off to college. Well, john, they just have to address this boys will be boys culture, and if we offend the women, thats just how it is. Thats how this comes down, isnt it . Its the same mentality. This is the school board protecting their boys, theyre growing up in the good old boys network, making sure the girls dont provoke anything. Im scarred for life from the jord ash jeans i had to see on girls back in high school. Its a joke. If you have a woman in high school, wearing clothes that you have deemed inappropriate, the message youre sending is, were punishing her because of what it might make you do. The message to women is, you were asking for it. So zurleena, one of the comments from the School Board Members was, they have to do this because its a distraction to the boys, and they have to focus on what they have to focus on. Whats your response to that . Well, i think like john said, the first thing they need to do to get control of the boys, take away their iphones. There have been studies, and one of the biggest problems is that students have access to all kinds of pornography on their cell phones. They dont have the adult supervision to tell them what theyre seeing or explain, or talk them through that process. So then they objectify and violate the girls and women around them, because they dont have adults there to teach them the right message. The way that we start to reframe this discussion is to talk to men and boys about how they are seeing women. Do they see young women as objects to be taken, to be possessed . Or do they see them as full human beings deserving of rights and respect. Until we get to the latter, well have rape and violence and Sexual Assault a pervasive thing in our society. I would comment im too distracted by what shes wearing and its a disgrace. All right, thanks so much john and zirleena. That is the ed show. Politicsnation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. Good evening, rev. Good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. We start tonight with breaking news on ebola. Just momentis ago in a show of force from the white house, top officials charged with health and National Security issues said they made this a National Priority. As the president has said, we are not facing just a health crisis. We are facing a National Security priority. Since the outbreak began, the United States government has been engaged in preparation both at home and abroad. Our Health Infrastructure in

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