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The fbi and congress are now examining this Campaign Event last spring in washington. Some say the russians wont be reasonable. I intend to find out. Before the speech, there was a vip reception. And the Russian Ambassador was there, as well as jeff session. I dont recall. It is possibility. His explanation was terrible. I dont recall. It seems like amnesia is contagious. Everybody in this organization seems to get it from one another. Putin for the first time, he has acknowledged Russian Hackers could have played a role in meddling with the u. S. Election. Private Russian Hackers not connected to the government could have been involved. If they are in patriotic mood. Putin is enjoying this. At what point do they start laughing at us as a country . Why would the president s soninlaw Jared Kushner want secret back Channel Communications with the kremlin that no one in the American Government would know about during the transition from the Obama Administration to the Trump Administration . Could it be that Jared Kushner wanted to begin dismantling sanctions on russia as fast as possible, especially on one russian bank that might be able to help Jared Kushner out of financial trouble on one of his new York Real Estate projects. Is that what Jared Kushner discussed with the head of that russian governmentowned bank in middecember . Tonights breaking news developments are moving us closer to answers to those questions. Tonight here on msnbc, Michael Isikoff reported his findings to chris hayes that as soon as President Trump was sworn in, Trump Administration officials started a high speed state Department Review of sanctions on russia. Obama administration officials, some of whom had just left their jobs, did everything they could to slow down the trump attempt to remove the sanctions. Tom malinowski who was obamas assistant secretary of state for human rights told Michael Isikoff he alerted members of congress, including democrats and republicans of what he believed the Trump Administration was trying to do. Democratic senator ben cardin and republican senator Lindsey Graham hastily introduced Bipartisan Legislation to prevent the Trump Administration from unilaterally removing those sanctions. But the administrations momentum on removing sanctions suddenly stalled a few days later when the president was forced to Fire National security adviser michael flynn. Michael isikoffs reporting adds a possible dimension to an earlier breaking news report tonight from the Washington Post which revealed that the white house and a russian Stateowned Bank have very different explanations for why the banks chief executive and Jared Kushner held a secret meeting during the president ial transition in september. The bank maintained this week that the session was held as part of a new Business Strategy and was conducted with kushner in his role as the head of his familys real estate business. The white house says that the meeting was unrelated to business and was one of many diplomatic encounters the soon to be president ial adviser was holding ahead of Donald Trumps inauguration. Sergey gorkov is the head of that russian bank. Its a government owned bank. Vladimir putin appointed Sergey Gorkov as the head of that bank. One russia expert told the Washington Post that the bank, quote, operates like putins slush fund. That bank was sanctioned by the Obama Administration. Under the obama sanctions, that bank could not do business with Jared Kushner or his familys real estate business. Sanctions would have to be lifted in order to make it possible for Sergey Gorkovs bank to loan money to Jared Kushner or do any business with him or his family. But thats what the sanctioned bank insists that meeting was about. If it was about that, then obviously Jared Kushner would need those sanctions removed as quickly as possible. Of course, the white house insists that the meeting was not about personal business at all. That it was simply a diplomatic meeting of some kind. Former u. S. Ambassador to russia Michael Mcfaul says that Sergey Gorkov has no diplomatic function in the russian government, has not been known to be used as any kind of back channel to Vladimir Putin. When Sergey Gorkov was the deputy head of another russian bank in 2013, that bank was one of the sponsors of the Miss Universe pageant in moscow produced by donald trump. After yesterdays reports that attorney general Jeff Sessions may have had a secret meeting at washingtons Mayflower Hotel with the Russian Ambassador last spring, nbc news is reporting today that that meeting included Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, and donald trump, who gave a Campaign Speech that day at the Mayflower Hotel. Last night on this program, senator al franken revealed that he and senator Patrick Leahy sent a letter to the fbi in march, asking them to investigate any contacts between attorney general Jeff Sessions and russian officials. Joining us now, ken dilanian for nbc, peter baker, chief White House Correspondent for the New York Times and an msnbc political analyst. Previously he was the Moscow Bureau chief for the Washington Post for four years. And also with us joy reid, msnbc National Correspondent and the host of a. M. Joy on weekends on msnbc. Ken dilanian, i want you to take us over what nbc news is reporting tonight, adding to all of this. Absolutely, lawrence. And first i want to be very clear about one thing. Jeff sessions adamantly denies that he had a meeting with Sergey Kislyak at that Mayflower Hotel event. His spokesman denies it on the record. And this is one of the reasons, you know, ive known about this and ive been reporting on this meeting for a while as i think have some other reporters in this town. And there has been a lot of haziness about what exactly congressional investigators were learning. And thats why i was really glad to see senator al franken on your show last night go on the record and say look, we have reason to believe, thats the phrase he used, that this was not as had been first reported. Recall that this was a speech that donald trump gave during the primary, sponsored by a russian friendly think tank. And before the speech, there was a vip reception at which Sergey Kislyak, the Russian Ambassador was present, along with some other diplomats. Jared kushner was in the room. Jeff sessions was in the room. It was reported that donald trump shook Sergey Kislyaks hand. But sessions people and kushners peach denied they had any substantive encounter with kislyak. Well, now were being told that congressional investigators have reason to believe, and theyre not exactly saying what that reason, but theyre suggesting that it is classified evidence, that there may have been a private encounter. Thats not proof that there is one, but they have reason to believe it. And they also tell us that the fbi is very interested in this meeting and is concerned that perhaps the russians were seeking to ingratiate themselves with the Trump Campaign at this meeting. Dont forget that april is around the time the democrats first discovered a hack in their network, lawrence. Joy reid, the denials about this meeting seem to be playing with language. Theyre saying things like didnt have a private meeting. What does that mean . Does that mean oneonone . No one else in the room . Are they trying to say well, its not a meeting if anyone else is in the room . Im wondering if these denials are really turning on what is the meaning of the word meeting. Yeah. And of course this co comes afte everyone in the trump world has denied knowing who Sergey Kislyak is practically. No one can seem to remember meeting with him. And i think ken made really the key point is that april is one the sort of hacking was sort of in its peak, right . It didnt go throughout the year in 2016. We knew it was active in the spring of 2016. So this would have been at that same time. And you just have this series of meetings between members of the Trump Campaign and people like Sergey Kislyak and people that are connected to this russian sanctioned bank. Kit not possibly be all coincidental and the Trump Campaigns denials cannot all be true. Lets listen to what congressman adam schiff said about Jeff Sessions involvement in all of this. He failed to disclose his meetings with the Russian Ambassador when he testified. He then when he was called on it supplemented his testimony. If that supplemental testimony still wasnt accurate, and there were additional meetings or an additional meeting. And again, this is just an allegation, that would be a very Serious Business because that would indicate a very knowing desire to conceal information from this senate and potentially provide false testimony. Peter baker, how much trouble is Jeff Sessions in . Well, we dont really know, obviously. Look, its important to say that meeting or shaking hands with an ambassador by and of itself is not necessarily a problem. I mean, in fact, there were four ambassadors there at that meeting in april if i understand correctly. But the trouble is, as we were just saying is whether or not he fully told the truth about it. Whether he didnt disclose something that he knew or remembered correctly. And we dont know the nature of the conversation, if there was a conversation. The head of the organization that sponsored that speech told me several months ago that he didnt recall sessions and kislyak actually directly talking at that reception before that speech. So, you know, if thats not case, then it would be interesting to know what that evidence. So its still very murky, obviously. And weve got to be careful about drawing too large connections when we dont have all the facts yet. Peter, id like you to draw on your moscow experience and give us your reaction to this reporting tonight about Jared Kushner meeting with the russian banker. This is a governmentowned bank. A sanctioned bank. The bank is saying, hey, it was to discuss private business, possibly involving Jared Kushner and his family. The white house is saying oh, no, no. This was a very diplomat Jared Kushner at work. Yeah, its very odd. And it is thats curious. Its one thing to have representatives of a new administration coming in, meet with accredited diplomats. Thats normal. That happens. But to meet with the head of a sanctioned bank, a bank that were not allowed to do business with under american law at the moment, that raises questions. What was that about . How did they get connected . What was the purpose of the meeting . What was discussed at the meeting . What was the goal of Jared Kushner when he met with his bank, what did he bring away from that meeting . And we dont know the answer to that. In russia basically, people like the head of bank are agents of putins kremlin. Theyre not free actors. Theyre not independent player theres. What was going on there, we dont know. Again, we dont want to draw too large inferences from a sketchy amount of fax. But it certainly raise as lot of questions. Joy, its awfully easy to construct scenarios about the Jared Kushner meeting which are very, very bad for Jared Kushner. And which explain why he would want to hide these contacts. Yeah, and the problem for the Trump Administration is that when you start to go sort of the act achems razor, why they seem to be constantly moving in one direction, in russias favor, then hanging off to the side are Jared Kushners own business contacts. That 666 fifth average, that heavily leveraged building from which he has been actively seeking financing is hanging out there. And donald trump, his fatherinlaw had this obsessive interest in russia since it was a part of the soviet union, going back to the mid 1980s when he was proffering himself as a diplomat that could solve the nuclear issue. The business he did in terms of the Miss Universe pageant in russia there is a consistent pattern here. And for Jared Kushner, if these were innocent contacts, there was no reason not to disclose them. He was not a diplomat. And the administration, the Incoming Administration by december had at least one person who had some standing. They had already decided who was going to be their secretary of defense. But he wasnt having these contacts. Its Jared Kushner who had no diplomatic experience, but was the head of a business, not yet a part of the administration. Ken, one of the things you mentioned was the possibility that congressional investigators and or the fbi might have some classified evidence that informs them about this meeting at the Mayflower Hotel. And one of the forms of classified evidence that they might have would be an intercepted communication from the Russian Ambassador to moscow about that meeting. And that might include an account of the meeting that contradicts Jeff Sessions in a very sharp way. Thats absolutely right, lawrence. That is certainly my speculation. I dont have that confirmed. Thats certainly the suggestion that ive been getting from some sources, that we are its very highly classified and sensitive, which is why they cant talk about it. But weve certainly seen this in other contexts. We know in the context of Jared Kushner seeking a back channel with the russians, that story was based on an intercepted kislyak communication back to moscow. And the leakers to the Washington Post were willing to disclose that at potential peril to that channels communications. Thats certainly a possibility. And if thats the case, this is a huge problem for Jeff Sessions. Because, you know, he has already corrected his under oath testimony once. I dont think you get a Second Chance to clear up the matter of how often you met with the Russian Ambassador. Ken dilanian, thank you very much for joining us tonight. I really appreciate it. Good to be with you. Joy reid, peter baker are going to stay with us. Democrats are demanding Jared Kushners security clearance be revoked. And what happened to americas position in the world today when the president decided to drop out of the Paris Climate Accord. And why russia should be very happy about that. You wish to see. What i have seen . You will. When. I. Kill you. [ explosions ] [ intense music ] the mummy. Rated pg13. Abreak through your allergies. . Try new Flonase Sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. Its more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist experience youll barely feel. 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And on election night, we just might be calling the winner of that election right here on the last word. On monday, russian president Vladimir Putin told the french newspaper le figaro that any talk of russian interference in the u. S. Election was, quote, fiction. You might not ever just stand there, looking at it. You may never even sit in the back seat. Yeah, but maybe you should. laughter on monday, russian president Vladimir Putin told the french newspaper le figaro that any talk of russian interference in the u. S. Election was, quote, fiction. Today three days later putin once again denied that the russian government was involved, but that its possible, just possible that some as he called them patriotic Russian Hackers could have maybe done something to meddle in the u. S. President ial election. Okay. He really is the donald trump of russia. Okay. He really is the donald trump of russia. Hackers are like artists who wake gallup the morning. Back with us joy reid and party baker. Joy, perhaps President Trump will consider the possibility that it was patriotic russians instead of those chinese he keeps suspecting who did this. Lawrence, if Donald Trump Tweets that maybe it was patriotic russians who did the hacking, then thats it. I give up. He is literally taking talking points from Vladimir Putin. It does seem like Vladimir Putin is toying with donald trump at this point. I dont know if it feels that way to you, lawrence. The russian president has essentially gotten almost everything he wanted. Even if their only goal if their only goal in terms of running this Disinformation Campaign was to harm Hillary Clinton, even if they thought she would win anyway, could they have possibly imagined that they would get their guy, that they would get mike flynn, someone who was so sympathetic to their aims, even in 20 days as National Adviser is a coup. Theyve gotten Sergei Lavrov and Sergey Kislyak into the oval. Theyve gotten intel on a supposedly secret third party that was infiltrating isis. Then they got it revealed that yes, it was israel by donald trump. Now they are potentially going to get back their two compounds that they were using for espionage. They could not have gotten a bigger embarrassment of riches at this point they might as well troll the president of the United States. Peter baker, you are our putin expert tonight in all things russian expert with your experience in moscow. When i listen to, that it sounds so ridiculous. Vladimir putin talking about hackers, theyre like free people, theyre like artists, they wake gallup the morning like an artist wants to paint and they just want to hack. This is somebody who would what, execute someone if they tried to hack when they woke up that morning feeling inspired, tried to hack into anything that was involved putin or tried to hack into the kremlin. Its such a propagandistic thing to say. Is this typical Vladimir Putin on Russian Television . Well, it is actually a familiar story line on his part. Lets flash back three years to the ukraine. And all these what they called little green men who suddenly showed up in crimea, you know, facilitating what would ultimately be the annexation by russia. Putin saying these arent my troops. These arent my people. These may be patriotic russians who happened to be on vacation in crimia. Weeks later you essentially had him bragging about the fact that they had this operation he called it that they in fact were russian operatives, russian soldiers who were there doing that. So you see in the past where he sort of keeps a hands off posture, at least, off of something that clearly benefits his government. And there is not a lot of people who probably believe there is a lot of independent independence to anybody who might bihacing the u. S. Government from russia. But what do we know about russian citizens reaction to those kinds of statements . A, it might be some patriotic russian volunteers over there in ukraine. Or this thing about Russian Hackers, patriotic hackers. When donald trump says these crazy things, the vast majority of americans agree that those are crazy things that donald trump has just said. Do we have any way of knowing what the sensation is among the russian public when Vladimir Putin says crazy things . Well, look, first of all russians are paying attention to it the way we are. The Russian Television is not focused on idea that russia is somehow meddling in our campaign. Whether they even know about these comments are not is the first question you would have to ask. The second question you would ask, does he have credibility with the russian people. And the general answer is yes there is a lot of willingness among russians to accept Vladimir Putins version of events. Vladimir putins version of things that the west does and things that russia has done, that they accept him to a large extent, many russians, not all, when he says, for instance, that russia was simply helping out, you know, oppressed minorities in Eastern Ukraine and so on and so forth. So he has control over the media there. He has control over the television in particular. And the independent print media and intermittent media is pretty repressed. So there is not a lot of contrary voices to tell russians that there are other points of view. Lets listen to what Hillary Clinton said yesterday about the russian interference in the election. So the russians in my opinion and based on the intel and counterintel people i talked to could not have known how best to weaponize that information unless they had been guided. Guided by americans . Guided by americans. Joy, your reaction. Well, i mean, the reality is that, you know, as far as the american electorate, it was pretty clear that there was a receptive audience to negative information about Hillary Clinton. Quite frankly, among members of the media and among a certain percentage of the public. Hillary clinton was somebody who was easy to demonize. Im not sure you would need the expertise of the sort of amateurs in the Trump Campaign to figure out how to get people who voted for Bernie Sanders to think that Hillary Clinton was as corrupt as they thought she was during the primary. If they thought that already. That would be open to this information. If they wanted to vote for donald trump anyway and disliked Hillary Clinton, it was pretty easy to do it. And remember, lawrence, there were also sort of american memers who were at the same time putting out information that Hillary Clinton was on the brink of death when she fainted because she had the flu, that she was somehow connected to this crazy pizzagate conspiracy theory. There were plenty of americans doing it too. All russians had to do is Pay Attention and join. Joy reid and peter baker, thank you both for joining us tonight. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Well, it turns out russia had a very good day in the rose garden at the white house. Dan rather will join us next. We, the tv loving people, want our whole house to be filled with entertainment. Roooooaaar easy boy. But we dont want annual contracts and hardware. You scoundrel ugh we just want to stream live tv. And we want it for 10 dollars a month. raspy wow. Id like that in my house. Its a very big house. Yeah, mine too. Look at us. Just two bros with sick houses. High five. Directv now. A big streaming deal. 10 dollars a month when you have the at t unlimited plus plan. Start by taking care of families for 70 years. Earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. Be there for americas toughest and help, when help is needed americas 1 isnt a status earned overnight. Its earned in every wash, and reearned every day. Tide, americas 1 detergent to fulfill my solemn duty to protect america and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord. [ applause ] thank you. Thank you. Once again, President Trump seems to be trying to fulfill a solemn duty to russia. The two biggest beneficiaries of President Trumps action today are russia and the very first foreign country that he visited, saudi arabia. Both of those countries have oildependent economies. They are both now struggling to find ways together to maintain the price of oil at a high enough level to sustain their economies. There is really only one way to do that that works. The bad way to do it is to try to restrict the supply of oil, thereby driving up the price. But thats much harder to do than people think when they try to start it, as opec has discovered many, many times. The best way to do it, the very best way to do it is to increase demand for oil and to drive up the price by increased demand. That is classical economics. The Paris Climate Accord is designed to decrease demand for oil. Here is what the leader of the free world said tonight about the United States dropping out of the Paris Climate Accord. Tonight i wish to tell the United States france believes in you. The world believes in you. I know that you are a great nation. I know your history, our common history. France will not give up the fight. I reaffirm clearly that the Paris Agreement remains irreversible and will be implemented. Not just by france, by all the other nations. We will succeed. Because we are fully committed. Because wherever we live, wherever we are, we all share the same responsibility. Make our planet great again. Were joined now by dan rather, a former anchor of cbs evening news and currently the host of axs tvs the big interview. Dan, considering all the president s you have covered, all of whom have carried the label with them around the world as lead other telephone free world, to see this tonight, to see the president pull the United States out of a worldwide agreement, to see the president of france then step up, specifically speak in english to address the United States of america with a leadership tone on his part about where our future lies in climate and other things. Just an extraordinary moment. Well, its momentous moment, and a very ominous moment. Because depending how far President Trump can go and how effective he may be the rest of the way, this can make the United States second tier in terms of world leadership, at least on this subject. And by the way, i totally agree that russia and saudi arabia are the big winners here, but also china is a big winner because the chinese are they seek to spread their influence, particularly in western europe, do business there. The chinese are big winners. Steve bannon is a big winner. Steve bannon is back bigtime in the white house. In the showdown in the white house between the globalists and the nationalists, steve bannon and the nationalists won. But i do think, lawrence, its Something Else at work here with President Trump. And William Marshall wrote some of this on the internet today. And that is from the outside looking in, it seems clear that he is mad. He has some rage. He is scared. What did he do with russia narrative is closing in on him. Still, the investigation is about his tax returns are closing in on him. He just came back from this european trip, and he was angry with the leader of germany, ms. Merkel, and the new leader of france. What you have here is a president who is lashing out in anger. We havent had a president this psychologically troubled im trying to use my language real carefully. We havent had a president this psychologically troubled in this way since at least richard nixon. Yes. And remember, were still very early in the trump presidency. But this decision today is history is going to punish donald trump for this decision. And the question is how much will it punish our own country. That may depend on how much of the slack that they can take up, that individual state governments, local governments and people who know, including corporations, who know this is a bad decision, try to resist it. But the presidency is very strong. When he makes this kind of decision, there are consequences there are consequences of an election. He was elected there are consequences of these kinds of decisions. But i do think that its time for us to take a deep breath, be calm, be steady about it. Over the long haul, were probably be all right. That no president is stronger than the whole country. And that is not a popular decision in the country. It is popular with some President Trumps core supporters. And you can argue thats another reason he did it. That he needs to nourish his core support. He has to give them something. He has to give them something. Pulling back what we call on television the wide shot, that President Trump may well as be showing up in the oval office in spats and saying he is going to increase the manufacturer of buggy whips. Or horse shy, the Washington Post reporting as we began reporting, dan, something about the president and president macron. A white house aide or aides are quoted in the Washington Post tonight as saying, hearing smack talk from the frenchman 31 years his junior irritated and bewildered trump. And so it seems we may be developing an enemys list in this white house which we had in the Nixon White House. But this enemys list is going to have heads of state on it. Like president macron and angela merkel. Well, lets quote the white house here. A bewildered President Trump. Yes. Here again, the russians are smiling. The chinese are smiling. When they see this statement from the white house, their smile will broaden. Because they seek to disrupt these historical alliances that have kept the peace by and large for the better part of a century. Its important to the russians and the chinese that they undermine these alliances we have with nato, european union, these various countries in europe and elsewhere, and to see this kind of talk from the white house when by the way, the french president was speaking english as you pointed out. Yes. I would be delighted to see President Trump speak to the french people in french. But it may be a while. Dan, were always as the stories develop, were always taking our watergate temperature, which is something that you lived through. It had a rhythm to it. There was a news rhythm to it, the way the stories broke. The rhythm to this seems much faster. The New York Times and the Washington Post breaking stories by the hour, by the day. This story has changed dramatically every day. Well, the pace of it is much faster than watergate. And also, remember watergate dime a climax during nixons second term. Yes. Were still early in the trump presidency. But the News Business has changed so much. Technology has advanced to much. That its much quicker now. And the question that goes unanswered, i for one have no idea where this leads is the open question. Because youre quite right. It isnt just a drip, drip. Its almost a steady stream of one story after another. And thank heaven and other powers that may be the Washington Post and New York Times and other News Enterprises that had been breaking these stories. But this is why i say and i think the white house has confirmed tonight that President Trump, he is just he is bewildered. What was the word he used . Irritated and bewildered. Irritated, bewildered. I think he is beginning to realize he is in over his head. He became very confident as a business leader. But being president is not just being a ceo. For one thing, when youre ceo, you pick up the phone and tell somebody to do something, they do it. In a democratic system, cant do that. And some of the weaknesses that this white house has that the Nixon White House didnt have is no one ever said a bad word about president nixons soninlaws. No. Thats true. Well, i hesitate to laugh about it, because its serious. And i think it needs to be said that the soninlaw has not been Proven Guilty of anything. But again, when we talk about President Trump being irritated, bewildered, mad, angry, enraged, here his soninlaw who he apparently likes very much and is in very tight and knows an awful lot, again, the narrative almost daily, this addition to the narrative, a lot of questions to ask about the soninlaw. What did he know, when did he know it . Whom he met. I wouldnt be surprised im not predicting, i wouldnt be surprised if President Trump at some point took the advice of some members of the staff who have been suggesting that the soninlaw perhaps ought to take himself off line for a while. But all of this is getting very, very serious. Not just for President Trump and the future of his presidency, but the country as a whole. And now it come backs to this decision about pulling out of the paris accords. There is an old saying in the marine corps. If you cant pick up the cadence, you better check your own step, which is a way of saying everybody in the world has signed on this thing except for syria and nicaragua. Yeah. And if the United States of america is to remain in a leadership role on this and other issues, we cant just stand with nicaragua and syria. Dan rather, always a pleasure to have you here. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up, what does Jared Kushner have to do to lose his security clearance . Congressman ted lieu thinks he has already done. It in fact, congressman lieu a prosecutor thinks Jared Kushner has committed a felony. [radio alarm] julie is living with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. Shes also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive her2 metastatic Breast Cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. 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Subsequent news report news tell the story of clandestine calls and meetings between mr. Kushner and russian officials during the campaign and transition, attempts to conceal those meets from u. S. Intelligence and law enforcement, and mr. Kushners subsequent support for attempts to obstruct the investigation of trump russia contacts. The letter concludes the white house should take all possible steps to protect National Security, including immediately revoking mr. Kushners security clearance. Congressman ted lieu was one of the lawmakers who signed that letter. Tonight congressman lieu told chris hayes he believes Jared Kushner committed a felony. Thats next. Into promotions . Nah. What else . What if we hire more sales reps . Nah. What else . What if we digitize the whole supply chain . So people can customize their bike before they buy it. That worked better than expected. Ill dial it back. Yeah, dial it back. Just a little. Live business, powered by sap. 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The russians now they can go to him and threaten Jared Kushner by reviewing what was said in these meetings or by making stuff up. And they can leverage him. If anybody else was this the white house that was not the soninlaw of the president they would have their clearance yanked immediately. Joining us now, jeremy bash, and also joining us, elise jordan a speech writer for Condoleezza Rice skprks msnbc political analyst. Alise, a couple of things here. Ted lieu says felony. Some of the democratic members of the house say at least revoke the security clearance. What do we have here. Its at the president s discretion. He can give anyone he wants to work in his white house a clearance essentially, which is why this is so tricky. The president hags so much power to say who he wants to work in his administration. You look, already six white house staffers have left because they had their clearances revoked. Hes not clearly doing that with Jared Kushner. He has a interim clearance. He can have that for a long time. What does interim mean . While the fbi is still conducting the full field background investigation. As of the most recent press reports, my understanding is that mr. Kushner has an interim clearance. That would mean that he has access to the west wing, access to intelligence, but he doesnt have the final clearance. Jeremy, given everything thats been revealed about Jared Kushner in the last couple of months, would it not be reasonable to say this security clearance has to be suspended, it has to be what weve already done has to be reviewed in some way . I mean, can you possibly just ignore all this Public Information thats come out . Heres the way i am eyes it lawrence. Lets say his name was jerad smith, not Jared Kushner. And he was just any old Intelligence Office say my old organization, cia. If we collected intelligence by the russian igs officials saying hey jerad smith has come to us and said he wants to set up a secret channel, immediately the counterintel skbrens and Security Professionals at the agency would ask several questions. First, was this authorized by his boss. Second is did he try to conceal it from others . And third is dide he disclose any classified information . If they got any troubling answers to those questions they would bring in the fbi and launch a full counterintelligence investigation. They may revoke his clearance during the pend dentsy of the investigation or may not. They may not want to tip him off. It depends. Here in this case we have a counterintelligence investigation. Its being led by rob mueller. I suspect this will be a line of inquiry by the mueller team about what that back channel specifically was. And just in case anyone was concerned, this conduct was before january 20th, so it would not covered by executive privilege. Meaning Jared Kushner would have to explain to investigators precisely what he did, and how. Elise, if you were working in the white house what would you recommend to the president about this. If this had been the bush white house, this just wouldnt it wouldnt its ann imaginable, couldnt happen. It is simple eunimaginable. I remember white house staffers being walked out after they had been working aed the white house because something came up, something was discovered, drug use, be it writing something in the past that maybe wasnt appropriate. People got their clearances stripped all the time. And those privileges removed. This is simply a white house where he is family, hes not going anywhere. Jeremy, do you agree with that, in the past these kinds of things would come up and you would get your clearances stripped . I think thats right. Elise is certainly correct that its up to the president and his discretion alone. This is really a power that the president has under his article two authorities, which is to define what is classified as part of his commander in chief hours. However, i have to add that there is a professional cad ray of career National Security officials who do these background investigations and who adjudicate the clearances. We want them to have as much say as possible. We do not want clearances to become a political football. I can recall during the Obama Administration republicans on the hill tried. That that was counterproductive. Thank you both for joining us tonight. Tonights last word is next. I was out here smoking instead of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. Donald trump completes his first tour abroad, his adviser waits patiently for him on air force one. Brian, i just need to know if the customer app will be live monday. Can we at least analyze customer traffic . Can we push the offer online . Brian, i just had a quick question. Brian . Brian. Legacy technology can handcuff any company. But yes is here. Youre saying the new app will go live monday . yeah. With help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. With the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. We have some great reporting from the Washington Post tonight about the president s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord and a lot of it has to do with french president emmanuel macron. It says here in the Washington Post, if he needed if President Trump needed a nudge, one came from france over the week. Macron was quoted in a french journal talking about his white knuckled handshake with trump at their first meeting in brussels where the newly elected french president gripped trumps hands tightly and would not let go for six long seconds in a show of alma male gripgs. He likened macron to strongmen like putt putt andering began and said he was purposelyrfully forceful because he believed his meeting with trump was a moment of truth. Hearing smack talk from the frenchman 31 years his junior angered and irritated Trump White House aides say. Macron gets tonights last word. With the whole world the 11th hour begins now. Good evening once again from our headquarters here in new york. Day 133 of the still young Trump Administration, and the president today stunned many people around the globe, announcing americas withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords. Today President Trump pulled the United States out of the battle against climate change. Also, jim comey will be answering questions about the russia investigation one week from today. Also late news about the Trump Administrations secret move to ease russian sanctions right from the start. The 11th hour begins now. Good evening once again from our headquarters here in new york. Day 133 of the still young Trump Administration, and the president today stunned many people around the globe, announcing americas withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords. We will cover that in depth in just a moment. We begin with yet another new report out tonight on this white house and russia. Washingtonbased investigative journalist Michael Isikoff announced outlines President Trumps plan to ease sanctions on russia. It is a plan that reportedly fell short. I could have been says, there

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