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You would think the soviets in 1960 would be wanting to display all of their biggest missiles, right, all of their finest weaponry as a show of force against the dreaded United States. It was an incredibly intense time for u. S. soviet relations. But there was this moment back in 1960 when the president of the United States at the time, dwight eisenhower, and the leader of the soviet union at the time, nikita khrushchev, they did in 1960, did for a while seem like they were trying to thaw relations between our two countries. And to that end, those two leaders had planned to meet in paris for a oneonone superpower summit in 1960. A meeting to talk face to face, man to man, about relations between our two countries. These two cold war enemies. That meeting was supposed to take place two weeks after that parade. That summit meeting in paris never happened. The reason it never happened is because on the same day as this peacethemed may day parade in moscow, on may 1st, 1960, an american u2 spy plane on a Reconnaissance Mission was shot down over the soviet union. An american plane went down in russia. The pilot, a 30yearold american, named gary powers, he was captured alive by the soviet union. Captured alive. In moscow, nikita khruschev, gary powers of the downed american reconnaissance plane was alive, and russia seized spy photographs 14 miles inside the soviet borders. The plane was brought down on may day. Mr. K. Was quick to play on it for propaganda advantage. The story of the most sensational intelligence operations yet revealed. America admits extensive flights over russia by unarmed planes during the last five years. State Department Spokesman Lincoln White used the reasons for the flight. Given the state of the world today, intelligence collection activities are practiced by all countries, and postwar history certainly reveals that the soviet union has not been lagging behind in this field. Soviet union has not been lagging behind in this field. Thats what the United States said officially. Right . But there was no denying that this was a huge deal. For the world to find out not just the cia was spying on the soviet union, but for the world to find out about it in this incredibly shocking way, shooting down of his supposedly secret american spy plane, with the capture of the american pilot alive, two weeks later, the plans for that soviet american summit in paris, those plans collapsed completely. We all know what happened between the soviet union and the United States over the next few years. Soviet union proudly displayed the captured american u2 spy plane for them to see. Khruschev made sure the remnants of the planes, photographed with the crashed plane parts. They played this up to maximum effect. Part of what made this story so sensational is the u2 spy plane was supposed to be virtually undetectable by radar. It was supposed to fly at such a high altitude, roughly 70,000 feet, that they thought radar wouldnt be able to pick it up and nobody would know it was there. That u2 spy plane was shot down in the soviet union then moscow decided to put that american pilot, gary powers, on trial. Gary powers in his trial was convicted in that soviet court. He got a tenyear sentence. They sentenced him to three years in prison then seven additional years at hard labor. Gary powers did not end up serving all that time. Ultimately it was president kennedy who got him release in a Prisoner Exchange in 1962, but that incident was hugely embarrassing for the United States, and hugely upsetting to our very tenuous relations with the soviet union. I mean, that was never supposed to have happened given the type of aircraft involved and for that american pilot to have ended up a soviet prisoner, it was just almost unthinkable. That was 1960. In 1995, a u. S. Air force pilot named scott ogrady, he was flying a much smaller plane. He was flying an f16 fighter jet over bosnia. The United States was part of an International Coalition that had decided to intervene against the serbs in the war that was being fought in bosnia. In june 1995, pilot scott ogradys f16, it was shot down in hostile territory in bosnia. Mr. Ogrady disappeared for six days until u. S. Marines went in on the ground in a rescue mission. 2 08 local time this morning, the mission to rescue begins. Nato aircraft over bosnia get a flash morse code from ogrady. 12 minutes later, ogrady speaks into his hightech hand held radio. His voice instantly is recognized by a buddy from his squadron in an f16 overhead. The radio pinpointing his position. Positive identification. Marines rescue specialists prepare for action. They know they must fly over areas bristling with serb antiaircraft weapons. Daylight makes them easy targets. Still at 5 50, two marine cobra gunships get the order to go and are launched. Next, two assault choppers loaded with the highly trained marines. They have jump sets and a10s as backup. Planes jam serb radar and move in fast. Ogrady popping a yellow smoke grenade. Choppers landing. Marines forming a security line. Two minutes on the ground. The marines secured the area and captain ogrady came running out of the treeline, jumped on the second 53, and they lifted off. Almost six days in the woods, hiding in day, moving only at night, surviving on bugs, grass, and rainwater. Just 80 miles now back, theyre flying low, but halfway there, a missile nearly hits them. They take rifle fire, too, and they shoot back. Miraculously, there were no casualties during that highrisk mission to save Fighter Pilot scott ogrady after he was shot down in what was supposed to been an aironly u. S. Military mission over bosnia, when that resulted in him hiding out in the woods for six days hoping he was rescued before he was found by the enemy. Never supposed to be any boots on the ground in bosnia in terms of u. S. Forces. Air wars have a way of not always just staying in the air. Sometimes stuff happens. Today we learned that president obama has authorized what the white house is calling surveillance flights over the wartorn nation of syria. Unnamed Defense Department officials telling reporters today that some of those surveillance flights would be unmanned aircraft, drones, but some of them would be manned. U2 spy planes. The same model of plane flown by gary powers over the soviet union. U2s is what they will use or may already be using over syria right now. Throughout the three year brutal syria civilian war, one thing to know about syria, they have a strong air Defense System. They have a sophisticated National Defense system to shoot down what they see as enemy aircraft. And syria, of course, did not develop that system because of the civil war that theyre in. Theyve had this system in place for a long time. Part of making themselves a target by israel or any other middle eastern government that might decide they want a piece of the assad regime. The assad regime has not been cheap when it comes to investing in the weapon systems. They have a rock solid ally in russia. Russia has been more than happy to sell syria any weapons it wants and prop them up on complex systems like air defense. And that relatively sophisticated air Defense System in syria is one of the reasons those American Special forces, that team of marines and Delta Force Commandos that carried out that attempted secret rescue mission last month to save american hostages held by isis in syria, their awareness of syrian air Defense Systems is apparently why that special ops raid used the special secret modified kind of awkwardly shaped radar evading blackhawk helicopters that were also used in the 2011 mission to find and kill Osama Bin Laden inside pakistan. Now, of course, in syria, you have not just the danger posed by the official government still clinging to power in that country, and their air Defense Systems, you also have the danger of various rebel groups fighting in syria, including, of course, isis, which was the target of that raid back in july which ultimately did not find the hostages including american journalist jim foley who was later killed. One sure way to know youre in chicken hawk territory when it comes to debating these things is when you hear politicians, or talking heads, talk about air strikes against some enemy or some other country. As if air strikes are some kind of magic. Right . Theyre a riskfree military solution. Easy peezy. You go in safely, you drop a couple of bombs, youre out. No american boots on the ground. No american lives at risk. You hear people talk about air strikes like that all the time. Like theyre a free play somehow. Very recent history tells us that that is not the case. And right now you have large swaths of syria controlled by forces that are hostile to the United States. Theres isis, of course. Theres also the government in syria who has said plainly that they must approve any u. S. Military action in that country, and if the u. S. Takes action outside of what they approve, that would be seen as an act of aggression. The United States says for its part, they is have no intention of ever coordinating anything with the assad regime. And in that kind of environment, the United States military is not going to get any help on the ground in support of air strikes if it turns out they need it. And if the effectiveness of air strikes is to some extent contingent ontheground intelligence and intelligence and supportive elements to maintain that air operation or to respond if anything, god forbid, goes wrong, then if we start air strikes in syria, we are heading into a very difficult and inarguably dangerous new u. S. Military operation in a country where we previously have not been involved. Should the United States be engaged in an aerial campaign against this militant group, isis, inside syria . As a country, were going to have to make a decision about that one way or the other. And even if you are very clear as to where you stand on that question, yes or no, youd admit that its a hard enough question, right, that if our government really is seriously considering it, and these surveillance flights make it seem like they really are seriously considering it, its a hard enough question that it deserves a real debate. Not one just on tv. Not one just in the opped pages. But a real argument. A real debate like our founders envisioned. A debate followed by a binding decision on whether or not we do it. A decision made publicly for which our politicians will be known and accountable for how they vote. Thats the way its designed in the constitution. And its designed that way on purpose. And i know congress is enjoying taking more than a month off right now, but with each passing day, the news from syria, and the news involving the terrorist group isis seems to get more and more horrifying and the white house starts to talk about more and more operations targeting isis including those that they say will not respect geographic boundaries. Today, part of the terrible news was learning that a 33yearold american man was apparently killed in syria while fighting with isis. His family in san diego confirms today that the state department has told them that 33yearold american Douglas Mccain was killed last weekend in syria apparently while he was fighting with isis. Weve also learned today that one of the american hostages being held by isis in syria is apparently an american woman. Shes 26 years old. Shes been held for just over a year now. She was taken hostage in august of last year. She was apparently in syria on some sort of humanitarian mission at the time that she was captured. Her family does not want her name reported in the media, but nbc news has also learned that isis is demanding a more than 6 million ransom in order to free her. As a matter of policy, the United States does not pay ransom for hostages. Ransom of any size. This group, isis, is continuing to do everything it can to try to provoke a military reaction from the United States. And a lot of people in this country will argue that maybe we should have one. Maybe the threats and provocations where isis warrant putting American Military personnel back into a new part of the middle east in harms way. But a lot of americans will not agree with that contention. And honestly, neither is a wrong or unpatriotic decision at this point. Its an argument that deserves a really vigorous debate. Every side of that question deserves to be heard and heard again and heard thoroughly and argued well and rebutted well. Because even though theyre only talking about air strikes, you know what, theres no such thing as only air strikes. Air strikes really do put American Military personnel in harms way. They are not magic. They constitute a difficult decision to deploy american troops. A decision that our elected representatives in the u. S. Congress constitutionally are supposed to make. Its their call. It was almost exactly one year ago when president obama said he had decided as commander in chief that he wanted the u. S. Military to mount air strikes in syria. A year ago he said that. But not talking about mounting them against isis but against the assad regime, itself, because they used chemical weapons. He walked into the rose garden and said he wanted air strikes in syria, but he also said the congress should take a vote on whether to authorize those strikes. Our military has positioned assets in the region. The chairman of the joint chiefs has informed me that we are prepared to strike whenever we choose. Im prepared to give that order. But having made my decision as commander in chief based on what i am convinced is our National Security interests, im also mindful that im the president of the worlds oldest constitutional democracy. Ive long believed that our power is rooted not just in our military might, but in our example as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Thats why ive made a second decision. I will seek authorization for the use of force from the American Peoples representatives in congress. That was august 31st, last year, almost exactly a year ago. President Obama Asking Congress to approve military strikes in syria. Congress at the time was hinting that they would say no, but they never actually said anything. They just sort of hinted to the media that they would say no and then they never did anything. Ultimately, the administration embarked instead of air strikes on a Successful International mission to get rid of all the chemical weapons in syria. That went forward instead of air strikes, but as to that request to congress to authorize air strikes, it has been almost exactly a year and congress has still not gone on the record about the president s request. And now one year later, the white house is openly mulling air strikes again, this time on different targets inside syria, going so far as to start surveillance flights already as of today and now members of congress are apparently paying attention to what is happening from syria from wherever theyre on vacation. And if you care to listen to them while theyre on vacation and they choose to speak instead of act, the sounds theyre pointlessly making seem to indicate, particularly from republican side of the aisle, that they think president obama definitely should have done something in syria by now. But they also apparently think that he should have just done it without asking them. Theyd rather not make the decision, themselves. President obama has to admit to himself if no one else, that what hes doing is not working. Weve talked about iraq, but theres no way you can solve the problem in iraq without hitting them in syria. We need to hit them in syria. We need to help the Free Syrian Army mobilize. When it comes to ground troops, if our military commanders tell us that we need Ground Forces to defeat isil, which is a threat to the United States, so be it. We have got to win and stop these guys. We need to finish them off because they we will either fight them here or we will fight them there. That in my mind is basically the choice. So it sounds to me like you anticipate at some point combat boots on the ground . I dont know i dont know the answer to that, but you certainly dont take that off the table. We need to do everything we can to repel isis. I dont think we have the luxury of putting our heads in the sand and saying, well, its over there and were not going to do it. Theres no boundary between syria and iraq. One of the key decisions the president is going to have to make is air power in syria. One of the decisions the president is going to have to make . Who has to make this decision . I mean, these are all, you know, degrees of reasonable opinion. Shared on tv by members of congress recently. But try to get them to put their votes where their mouths are, and nothing. Were still waiting to hear from congress about what president obama proposed a year ago. On the same day that he announced the House Republicans lawsuit against president obama for taking way too many actions on his own. You might remember House Speaker john boehner was asked in that same press conference if he had a role. If john boehner had a role in deciding what kind of action the United States should take in iraq. Heres how john boehner answered at the time. You opened up with iraq. Im curious if you have any suggestions for what the president should do there. Well, what he should do is have an overarching strategy to deal with the growing threat of terrorism. Dont you feel, though, that you have some responsibility here, to say, heres what i think that we should do . Heres what the president should be doing, to be giving counsel at that point . I called for more increased u. S. Activity a year ago. In january, when the isis forces came across the iraq border and began to gather territory, i called on the administration to act. And its not my job to outline for the president what tools he should use or not use. And when he says, what tools he should use or not use, what he means is whether or not the president should use military force. John boehner thinks that is not his job, its not congress job, its the president s job somehow. That was at the same time that he was suing the president for doing too much without congress. Today House Speaker john boehner released this video about what he thinks his job really is. This sits in my office on my coffee table because this is me. Thats what i do all day. They wind me up about every 15 minutes. No, no, i got to go to work. I got to go to work. The people we elect to represent us in congress to have a vigorous debate about deploying u. S. Military personnel to an incredibly dangerous country, to carry out an incredibly dangerous mission, where they would be risking their lives and where american citizens and interests are at stake. Monkey thing, admittedly, is awesome, but theres this other job theyre supposed to be doing. Dsl myth 1. It can help your business save money. False. The truth is when you compare our Fastest Internet to the fastest dsl from the phone company, comcast business gives you more for your money. Why pay more for less . Call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. And find out more about our twoyear price guarantee. Comcast business. Built for business. This sits in my office on my coffee table because this is me. [ laughter ] thats what i do all day. They wind me up about every 15 minutes. No, no, i got to go to work. My staff gave it to me. Every 15, 30 minutes, they come in and wind me up and i do my thing. This is what i do all day. The video was put out by speaker of the house john boehner today. Theres no way around it, toy monkey thing is very, very cute. Also, theres no way around it, making videos about toy monkeys clanging cymbals together really does make up the sum total of what congress is doing right now. Theyre in the middle of a fiveweek vacation, and as such, what theyre not doing emphatically is making any sort of decision about making any sort of decision about maybe possibly having a debate about making a decision to maybe talk about starting to take a vote someday about what is starting to feel like a new u. S. War effort with troops in harms way and everything. In a new country in the middle east. This is what they do all day. Wind him up, clang cymbals together, they fall off the table. Wind them up again. Joining us now is one u. S. Senator who has repeatedly called for congress to debate and vote on potential u. S. Military action in iraq and syria. He chairs the Senate Foreign relations subcommittee that is responsible for policy in that part of the world. Virginia senator tim kaine, thank you for being with us. You bet, rachel, good to be with you. It was a year ago to today that president obama said he wanted to mount u. S. Air strikes in syria because of chemical weapons. He said he wanted to do that but congress should authorize it. Congress never acted on that one way or the other. Do you think congress will act now on this new proposal for air strikes in syria . Rachel, first i hope desperately that the president brings this to congress. I know the team is weighing whether to bring it to congress or not. Actually let me walk through what happened last year. What happened last year shows if you do it the way the constitutional framers intended, good things happen. The president had to come to congress, define the mission. We had to use air strikes in syria to deter the use of chemical weapons. We voted 108 to use military force for that limited purpose. As soon as we did, russia and syria changed their calculation, came to the table, said hold on a second, dont start military action, we will give up our entire chemical weapons stockpile. So the president by announcing the goal, coming to congress, the Foreign Relations committee acting on the president s request, when it was unclear the rest of congress would go along, led to achievement of what the president s objective was, which was the complete obstruction of the chemical weapons stockpile in syria which is very important. My argument is the president did it right last year, and by doing it right, he got the objective that he defined to congress which was taking the chemical weapons stockpile out of the equation. He needs to come to congress again with respect to the threat that isis poses and he needs to explain it and crisply define what a military mission would be, then as you indicate, let Congress Debate it and vote it up or down. Thats what the framers of the constitution intended. Its the right thing to do legally. Its the right thing to do morally because if youre going to put servicemen and women in harms way, you ought to try to get a political consensus first that the mission is worth it, and its the most likely way for things to work out well after that kind of considered debate. Even if we put aside the question of whether or not air strikes should be expanded into syria, its been about 2 1 2 weeks since the president notified congress that he would start using air strikes against isis in iraq. So under the war powers resolution, after 60 days, legally would that action need to stop if congress doesnt vote to authorize that action inside iraq . Or is the president okay with continuing to do that on his own even if congress doesnt say anything about it . Rachel, i dont think the president can. I think theres only one circumstance where the president can really act unilaterally before congress, and thats when american lives are imminently threatened, whether it be an embassy or american troops. When american lives are threatened, the president as commander in chief has the ability to act first then hopefully get congressional approval later. When theres no imminent threat to american life, the framers of the constitution were very, very clear. James madison of virginia, okay, im biased about him, but they were very clear we put the decisions of declaration of war in the hands of congress, the peoples elected representatives, and what that forces is the president to be disciplined, come explain a mission, to have that debate which educates the American Public, then to make a decision knowing that once its made, if theres a decision made to go forward, youve got a political consensus and youre not asking servicemen and women to risk their lives with the Political Class not having done the work to describe whether the mission is worth it or not. And so, i think the president we are in a position where those 60 days really start to run right when we get back. For the next two weeks, while congress were not just vacating. Were also doing all kinds of work all around our states. The president should take the next two weeks to define what this military mission is, because its clear by word and action that the president , the head of the joint chiefs of staff, the secretary of defense, thinks we need to engage militarily to stop the momentum of isil, but they ought to describe what the military mission is and what we would hope to achieve so we can educate the American Public and let the peoples representatives cast a vote of approval or disapproval as the framers intended. Senator tim kaine of virginia. Youve been outspoken on this for a long time. I appreciate you walking us through your thoughts on this. Absolutely. Thank you, sir. I have to say, this is one of those things where ive spoken with people in washington, people in the administration who say when they talk to members of congress about this, they feel like most members of Congress Absolutely dont want to be asked. They dont want to handle this hot potato. That implicitly gives the administration the ability to do this without them for as long as they can. Your member of congress at home, if they read the constitution the way that senator kaine discuss, frankly the way that i do, your member of congress at home ought to be clambering to get this authorization vote happening. This shouldnt be the white house deciding whether or not theyre putting it to congress. Congress ought to be taking this responsibility and run with it, call themselves back from vacation to deal with this right now. If they really care about this, this is congress imperative. No waiting on the white house on this. Congress ought to do it. In my opinion. Well be right back. Okay. True or false . For the low, low price of just 25, you can own a wearable version of rick perrys mugshot. Is that true or is that false . [ ding ] true. You have seen smiling, fashionable, no glasses, rick perrys mugshot already. See him trying to profit off that mugshot by charging 25 a pop for a limited edition of mugshot tshirt, now being sold by rick perrys Political Action committee, handed out by rick perry aides as he travels the country apparently running for president. That is true. Wear rick perrys mugshot on your chest. Because you like rick perry, wear his mugshot. Really . Really. But, oh, wait, theres more. This past march, march 2nd, tartar means less scraping. So im going pro. [ male announcer ] new crest tartar protection rinse. The only rinse that helps prevent tartar buildup and cavities. A little swishing. Less scraping. Yes [ male announcer ] new crest prohealth tartar protection rinse. It helps you escape the scrape. Lactaid® is 100 real milk . Right. Real milk. But it wont cause me discomfort. Exactly, because its milk without the lactose. And it tastes . Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. This past march, march 2nd, two young men were walking down the street on a sunday night. 22yearold victor white and his friend had just left a Convenience Store called hop in in the town of new iberia, louisiana. New iberia is a town of about 30,000 people, a couple hours west of new orleans. As victor white and his friend walked down that road in new iberia, about 11 30 p. M. , a Police Cruiser pulled up alongside them. According to a Police Report from that night, the officer was looking for a couple people who might have been involved in a fistfight at the hop in. The report says mr. White consented to a patdown by the officer. That officer found marijuana in victor whites front pants pocket. The officer then reportedly ran the mens names through the Police Database and then he called for backup. Mr. Whites friend says that when the second officer arrived, the backup officer arrived. Police handcuffed victor white and placed him in the back of the first car. They read him his rights. They then searched him again. It was during that second search that police say they found cigars on him and a small amount of cocaine. He said apparently that he was going to use the cigars to smoke marijuana. According to the Police Report, mr. White said both the cocaine and the marijuana belonged to him. Police officers dismissed mr. Whites friend. They said he could go home. He walked back home, but they kept victor white. They drove victor white to the Sheriffs Office for furthering questioning and what happened next is very unclear. Much of this story is unclear. The next series of events are particularly woolly, then the following day on march 3rd, the Louisiana State Police Posted this press release on facebook. It says, once at the Sheriffs Office, victor white became uncooperative and refused to exit the deputys patrol vehicle. As the deputy requested assistance from other deputies, victor white produced a handgun and fired one round striking himself in the back. Victor white was then transported to a local hospital by ambulance where he was pronounced dead by an apparent selfinflicted gunshot wound. Apparent selfinflicted gunshot wound. After hed been searched twice, he miraculously still somehow had a gun on him or found one in the police car and used that to shoot himself in the back while he was handcuffed . Victor whites parents tell nbc news when they arrived at the police station, they did not know the circumstances of their sons death. Victor whites father is a baptist minister. He tells nbc when he was finally led into the morgue, he performed last rights on his seen was not allowed to view his sons body below the chin. Local headlines in louisiana that week read man kills himself in back seat of Iberia Parish deputys car. State Police Investigate incustody death of Iberia Parish man. Two weeks ago the Iberia Parish Coroners Office met with whites family and told them the initial conclusion by police was correct, that it was a selfinflicted wound, in fact it was suicide by a. 25 caliber weapon according to the coroner which is important because its not the. 45 caliber weapons that are typically issued to these officers. In a press release yesterday, the coroner said this. The manner of death is suicide. The coroner says his office has a policy of not releasing details on deaths by suicide to the public so theres been no public release from his office of that full autopsy, but that full report has now been obtained exclusively by nbcnews. Coms investigative unit. Reporter Hannah Rappleye got that report by pictures taken by victor whites family. They photographed it page by page and sent her these photos. And its a complete report. Nbc news can post it. The takeaway, some of this report directly contradicts what the Louisiana State police said back in march. The autopsy states that although the police said victor white was shot in the back, while his hands were cuffed behind his back, the autopsy says he was actually not shot in the back. He was shot in the chest. While his hands were cuffed behind his back. The autopsy says the bullet entered his right lateral chest and exited under his left armpit. Think about that for a second. Hes handcuffed with his hands behind his back and somehow he obtains a gun in the back seat of that squad car even though hes been frisked twice. And then somehow with the gun, hes able to shoot himself while handcuffs from behind in the chest. In his press release, the coroner offered an explanation, he said it was possible for victor white to pull that off because of his physical build. Due to his body habitus, he would have been able to manipulate the weapon to point where the contact entrance wound is found. As is reported today for nbcnews. Com, victor whites family says theyre not convinced. His father tells nbc news, you cant make me understand how my son took his left hand when he was handcuffed behind the back and shot himself. I dont believe a thing theyre saying at this point. The family is awaiting a final report from the Louisiana State Police Investigation which is separate from the coroners investigation, but they say, the only thing we want back is our son. Joining us now is Hannah Rappleye, nbc news Investigative Reporter whos been covering this story since the shooting and obtained exclusive access to the full coroners report. Congratulations on this scoop, Hannah Rappleye, thanks for being with us. Thanks for having me. First let me just ask you, i am new to this story because of your reporting. Did i get anything wrong in describing it there . No, you pretty much told the whole story, and when it first happened very few outlets covered it. As you noted, there were a few blotterlike items in the local press. I started reporting it the same month, but since there were so few documents available, i had to spend the last six months, now, trying to get as many documents as possible and speak to as many people that knew him as possible. Can you explain the term the coroner is using her and what that argument means . Body habitus. The idea that victor whites body habitus somehow enabled him to fire a bullet into his chest while his hands were cuffed behind his back . What the coroners perspective, what does that mean . Im not quite sure because i was never able to get an interview with the Coroners Office. He does say in the report and the press release that based on all the information that the investigators and pathologist, the forensic pathologist gathered, that he deemed the death of victor white a suicide. One thing that particularly struck me about the report was that the coroner noted that victor white had lacerations on the left side of his face. Early on in my reporting, the Iberia Parish Police Department told me that he had not been involved in an altercation with police that night. And the friend that i interviewed that was with him the night that he was stopped also said that victor didnt have marks on his face. That seemed to imply to me that maybe there was some type of altercation, but its not clear. The other thing that really was important in that report was that the coroner noted that investigators told him that victor white had somehow said something along the lines of, im gone, before officers heard the gunshot. Which indicated that it was a selfinflicted wound, that it was suicide to him. If the police and now the coroner contend that it was a selfinflicted wound, that he, himself, fired a gun into himself to end his life, why is it, or do we have any understanding, in fact, that the coroner didnt actually test his hands for gunshot residue . According to the documents that i received, his hands were not tested for gunshot residue. Wow. There was residue in the wound, itself. And when i went back to the Coroners Office to confirm whether i misread or, you know, missed something, they referred me to the state police and the state police were unable to confirm whether his hands were or were not tested for residue. Hannah rappleye, Investigative Reporter for nbc news, who turned up previously unknown information about this case which is now getting, we should admit it, National Attention of a kind it probably would not have before, both because of this new information and because of the ferguson, missouri, upset over Michael Browns death. I want to thank you for walking us through this, hannah. Thank you. Absolutely. Thank you. Weve got links to all that detail in those reports at maddowblog. Com tonight. They say his magic erasers tackle so many messes, that mr. Clean once wrote a book about them. Not only do they clean everyday dirt, they clean a lot of unexpected stuff too. Like scuffed up shoes, tough stuckon sticker gunk, and lots more. In fact, his book got so full. He made a website instead. Share your magic eraser tips at mycleanbook. Com programming note, in the 11 00 p. M. Hour tonight, i will be on the late show with David Letterman. Different shirt, jacket and also glasses. Keep this in mind, youre talking to a dumb guy. So im going to ask you dumb guy questions. What happened to al qaeda and why does isis seem to hate us more than al qaeda . And why does al qaeda hate us in the first place . Okay. Al qaedas still there. They hate us as much as ever, but they also hate isis. They hate isis . They hate isis. They think that the isis is too extreme. When that message is coming from al qaeda, its time to listen. Ill be on the David Letterman show tonight. Stay with us. Debunktion junction, whats my function . This is a special edition of debunktion junction tonight, to honor the fact that one of the biggest politics stories in the country is a story about which there is a lot of bunk in circulation. Earlier this month, governor rick perry was indicted on two felony counts of basically abuse of power after a texas County District attorney was convicted of drunk driving, he demanded that she resign. He said he would veto state funds that went to her office if she did not resign. He said he would veto funding for the unit in her office that investigates public corruption. A unit that Texas Republicans have long hated and have tried many times to defund. Well, the d. A. Did apologize after her arrest, said she would not run for reelection but refused to resign. And rick perry has contended since he was indicted for that, that the reason he pushed for the District Attorney to resign is because she lost the publics confidence with that drunk driving scandal. Her conviction ruined her reputation in office. She lost the public trust, and therefore she had to go. Kind of a reasonable contention, right . Rick perry has standards. Any District Attorney in texas who gets busted for dui, unfit for office. If youre a texas d. A. And get busted for drunk driving, governor rick perry is going to demand that you resign is. That true or false . False. The Dallas Morning News reports at least two other examples, when a County District attorney was busted for dui and rick perry didnt give a hoot. Didnt say a word. In 2003, it was the d. A. From swisher county, texas, guilty of aggravated dwi, sentenced to jail, not a word from the governor. In 2009, the d. A. From kaufman county, texas was convicted on dui charge after driving the wrong way and hitting another car and it was a second offense. Again, no word from rick perry. But, those two guys were republicans, and the democrat who did say had to resign because of her dwi, she also did head up the office that investigates public corruption. So her dwi is a reason to force her out of office. But the other guys, nah. Next stop, true or false. Back in may, the Dallas Morning News asked rick perry what he did, what his personal involvement was in this plan to force the d. A. Out of office and replace her. Asked if he had made any phone calls about the quit or lose funding deal, governor perry said no. Asked if he initiated any deal, the governor said no. Before the elevator arrived and he left. But before the elevator arrived, rick perry says he made no phone calls associated with this plan to force that democratic d. A. Out of office. Is that true or false . [ buzzer ] false. A claim by this woman, an austin defense attorney, who has now said that actually in the days after Rosemary Lundbergs arrest, governor rick perry personally obtained her cell phone number and called her up himself one on one to he will her that he intended to veto money unless Rosemary Lundberg resigned. He then asked this woman if she wanted rosemarys job, if he succeeded in his plan to get her to quit. I think i told him of course, it would be an amazing opportunity and i thanked him for considering me. Of course, the offer became moot once she made it clear that she would not resign. But it shows that rick perry himself personally got on the phone one on one to discuss these plans to oust Rosemary Lundberg from office, contrary to what hes been telling the press about how he was never personally involved. Rick perry is already running for president in 2016. Rick perry is, in his own mind, a top tier commander for president in 2016. This is one of the biggest politic stories in the country. Hes had a multiple felony indictment. Anybody else under felony indictment run for president . But the basic details of this case have been misconstrued in the National Press over and over. I think were going the keep debunking it night after night. Now time for the last word wit stops. First look is up next. Good wednesday morning. Right now on first look americans recruited for isis, but president obama vows to stamp out this terror group. As commander in chief, the security of the American People is my highest priority, and thats why with the brutal terrorist group isil advancing in iraq, i have authorized targeted strikes to protect our diplomats and military advisers who are there. Storms packing 60mileperhour winds hitting the midwest and flooding causing some serious damage as well. Plus, the Details Behind a terrible gun range accident. The fight for personal space when sitting in coach. And even superman and lois lane help als raise almost 90 million. Good morning to you. Th

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