Ha ha. As the bank, its my responsibility to give julia back her money when she wants it back. Im supposed to be keeping it safe, right, so its here when she needs it. But, in reality, until she needs it,ive got it. Look at all of this money ive got, who. Right . If i, as the bank, do something so stupid with julias money that i lose it, right . Its gone. Cant find it. Heres a pen. Now its over. And i dont have the money to give back to her when she comes back and asks for it . Wheres my money . Well, it turns out, as aback, it turns out the taxpayers are actually on the hook to make you whole. To make sure that you get your money back, even though i lost it. So here you go. Sorry. What happened in the financial crisis was basically doing this in your money. Theyre basically taking your money to strip clubs and playing three card monty with the guy in the alley. And when all of those risky transactions failed and they lost all of that money they were playing with, guess who was on the hook . The taxpayers were on the hook. So after the financial can task after that crash that we still havent recovered from, the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, after that, one of the things in washington to try and prevent that from ever happening again is they passed some laws saying banks cant do the risky things in the world if they want to. They can play three cord monte in alleys outside strip clubs with their money if they want in the financial catastrophe, it turns out it was credit default swaps that were the risky things that blew up and put the taxpayers on the hook in 2008, and they reform told the banks they couldnt do that in a way that implicate the taxpayers if things went bad again. Its not a complicated thing. But that reform passed as part of doddfrank, and that part got killed last night. Thats what they killed. One former treasury told the Washington Post that its really outrageous. This was the epicenter of the crisis. This is what Lehman Brothers down and aig down. And now the rules are such that it can happen again, and it will be us, we, the taxpayers, that have to pay for it again. The language to undo this reform, the language to go back to the old way of doing stuff was written by citigroup. Written by citigroup. Banks were trying to get rid of the reform since it began, basically. The language that got put into the bill last night was almost exactly word for word citigroup language. One of the things we did to protect ourselves, to insulate taxpayers so we didnt have to pay for what the banks did wrong, finally, thats what congress did, and the banks hate it. Of course they do. Who wouldnt wanting the u. S. Taxpayers, who wouldnt want them to pay. That simple thing, thats the basis of the giant fight that took the whole beltway by surprise. Thats why the headliner in the Democratic Party leading the fight was seen to be Elizabeth Warren, and its sub specific. This is her wheelhouse. This is how she came to washington in the first place, right. She first became known as a public figure because she was tapped by president obama to over see the bailout. Thats why she became the democratic household name. Its not an accident that she is the democrat that is scene as throwing the first punches in this fight and its not an accident that her First Press Conference on this was with maxine waters, and liberals, right . Its not because they wanted to pound their chest a little bit. Its subject specific. Its not an accident that the prominent former member of congress who put out a statement on this, and calling it outrageous, it is not an accident that they called barney frank, and its not because barney frank is a beloved liberal, but he used to run the committee, right . Its subject specific. The other one whose name keeps turning out about working the fight behind the scenes, sherry brown, the senator from ohio. Its because brown is about to be the top ranking democrat on the Banking Committee in the senate. Its a fight about a specific thing. Its not just liberals blowing off steam. The beltway wants the left and right to be mirror images of each other. What is the lefty version of the t tea party. They want the center to be correct and the eupblgs to be crazy and impractical in just the same way. But its almost never what is going on, and thats not what is going on here. This moment happened accidentally on the show last night. We do it from 9 00 to 10 00 eastern, and then we are on again midnight to 1 00 a. M. , and we came back midnight eastern time after the house narrowly averted shutting down the government with hours to spare, and in the midnight show we hd a congressman on from capitol hill. As you can see, he is not in a boy band, this is not fashionable stubble, he had a shadow because of the long day, and he was one of the 139 democrats that voted no, and we booked him to explain why he voted no and why so Many Democrats voted no, and whether it was a legitimate surprise that it passes in the end. I started to talk to him and it was not he was in a loud room, and somebody else was speaking really loudy really near him when he was doing the live tv interview with me. So that was weird. But then i realized what was going on, what that noise was about, when in the middle of my interview with him from the capitol building, the people talking off camera next to him walked through the background of his shot when i was talking to him. And when they did that, then the talking stopped. So these people kind of skull bged away in the middle of the interview, and look at that, its Michele Bachmann, and louie, and these were republicans that also voted no, but obviously for totally different reasons. Steve king, Michele Bachmann, and right through the back of my shot. Hey, come back and be on my show. Had the democrats not had their revolt yesterday, the big news would have been just how many republicans revoted against john boehner and their own party. John boehner got 67 nos from his own caucus to avoid a government shut down. We have been headed towards the votes, and the expectation was that he was going to lose 20, 40 votes, and the story of the country was the democrats provided all the drama of the day needed, by refusing to provide any votes to keep the government funded, and nobody had any idea if the democrats with show up to save John Boehners bacon. Super dramatic. But the people who revolted inside the Democratic Party were not, hey, beltway, were not the democratic equivalent of Michele Bachmann, and stevie king, and louie, and they were not the fringe of the party, like the revolters on the right. They were like nancy pelosi, the democratic leader, and Congress Steve israel, the guy that just ran the House Campaign committee. All of them and 130 other democrats. This was not the louie fringe of the party. It was the leadership and most of the Democratic Party who all said no and said no against the wishes of their own white house, and the democrats that revoted, they didnt win, but they did fight even against the wishes of their own white house, because they disagreed with the white house on this as a substantive matter of policy, and a pauly they matter a lot about, turns out. On the right theres a permanent insurgency, and they increased an influence in their own party and dragged all of the politics to the right, by fighting constantly just for the sake of fighting, even when they know they cant win, they fight all the time, they fight their own leadership, and they screw up the best laid plans and make a ton of noise and thats how they maintain their influence. Thats been the insurgent strategy on the right within the republican party. Democrats have not had Something Like that. They mostly have not had that as a strategy, and all of a sudden, the Democratic Party almost in a holistic way is starting to make noise. In the senate, they got a twoday extension, so they have until tomorrow night, saturday night, before the government shuts down, and the senate may have an offer of a further extension, maybe until wednesday if they go that route, and senators are human beings, and they obviously all want to go home and start their holiday break, but its a little complicated right now. Nobody knows what is going to happen. Part of the reason its complicated is because harry reid knows the longer he keeps it in session the longer he can stay in charge. Maybe he can get nominations through or legislation, something, and once they gavel this session to a close, he is still leader. Thats sort of an expected thing. The other unexpected complication is nobody knows if its going to be as crazy getting it through the senate as it was through the house. The first time in forever thats because its the democrats who are will be to be unpredictable, and its the democrats will be to mount very inconvenient. Today was supposed to be a sleeping day after the lame duck, and now it turns out its not all that lame. And joining us is senator sanders. Thank you for being here and helping us understand what is going on right now. First thing is first. What is happening now as far as we understand it, it seems like we may not be getting a vote on the funding bill tonight . Is that how you understand it . I may be going to the airport and i may not and may be voting tonight, sunday or monday. Thats about what i know. Do you know if harry reid has the votes to get it through, and is there a filibuster threat that could stop it . I dont know that. If i were a betting guy i would assume the votes are there. In terms of what happened in the house, you and senator warren and others have been trying to stop this, but they made a lot of noise and a lot of people very nervous yesterday. What is the status among democrats in the senate . Rachel, this is a bad bill for a number of reasons. You talked about the outrage of repealing a section, by the way, whose title is prohibition against government bailouts, in other words, they will be able to make risky investments, and they lose, the taxpayers bail them out. Thats not the only objectionable aspect of the bill. This bill sl about a trilliondollar bill, and 60 is going to the military spending, and child care is a total disaster, and we are spending 60 on the military, a military that cant even account for its budget, and the third objection that is very important, there is language in the bill which reveals 40yearold federal law protecting workers pensions. If this bill goes through, millions and millions of workers who have worked for 20 or 30 or 40 years on the job, may find out the pensions they expected were cut by 30, 40 or 50 . So i am going to vote very strongly against this legislation. I think we can do a heck of a lot better in terms of protecting working families. Not in terms of the overall scope and aims of the bill, but in terms of some of the really specific complaints, things that were added as riders in the bill, is there any hope of getting that out of it . You have to defeat. You have to beat the whole bill . Yeah, the senate has to defeat the bill and rewrite the bill and send it back to the house. I think what is working for us, is the more that people learn in terms of what is in the bill they are absolutely disgusted. We are getting calls from vermont, many, many of them. People are sick and tired of seeing the people on wall street whose greed and illegal behavior drove this country into a recession impacting millions of people, and now they are back in power, and they are writing the legislation, literally citigroup is writing the legislation that House Republicans are putting into the bill. People do not want to see that. Senator Bernie Sanders from vermont, thank you for helping us understand. I appreciate it. Thank you. Lots more to come tonight. Stay with us. If you want to hear what it has been like in the United States senate tonight as they fight over this fight from last night, check this out from Elizabeth Warren. You know, theres a lot of talk lately about how doddfrank isnt perfect. Theres a lot of talk coming from citigroup about how doddfrank isnt perfect. So let me say this to anyone who is listening at citi. I agree with you. Doddfrank isnt perfect. It should have broken you into pieces. The Holiday Season is here, which means its time for the volkswagen signthendrive event. For practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a germanengineered volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta. And the 2015 motor trend car of the year allnew golf. If youre wishing for a new volkswagen this season. Just about all you need is a finely tuned. Pen. Get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on select new volkswagen models. 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Turns out, Fox News Channel did not have their finger on the pulse of the protesters. This weekend, the justice for all march is scheduled in washington. Al sharpton is part of that and will be there with the families of mike brown from ferguson, and rice, and trayvon martin, the family of trayvon march continue as well, and there are protests events elsewhere this weekend, including in new york under the banner millions march, day of anger. Lots of other events planned saturday and sunday. I know they keep expecting these protests to peter out, but they are not petering out. We will know more when it happens, but the protests have continued solidly over the past few weeks. The ones this weekend look like they are going to be big. Well be right back. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. New business owner, it would be one thing ive learned is my philosophy is real simple American Express open forum is an online community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make Smart Business decisions. If you mess up, fess up. Be your partners best partner. We built it for our members, but its open for everyone. Theres not one way to do something. No details too small. American express open forum. This is what membership is. This is what membership does. Here we go, here we go, here we go. Fifty omaha set hut losing feeling in my toes nothing beats that new car smell chicken parm you taste so good nationwide is on your side mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm so the house has gone home and the senate has not gone home. We dont know when they will, and senator sanders just telling us that he may be getting on a plane soon, he may not be. One of the things to do is the long list of obama nominees who still have not been confirmed. One of them is dr. Murphy, president obamas nominee for surgeon general. His confirmation has been held up for nearly a year now, specifically by the nra. One of the things that made murphy such a boogie man was this tweet. Nra press conference. There we go. Disappointing but predictable, blame everything in the world except guns for the newtown shooting. That tweet came a week after the newtown, Connecticut School shooting. This sunday, december 14th, marks the twoyear anniversary of that shooting. Twoyear anniversary of that mass killing of first graders. 20 kids and 6 School Staffers shot and killed that morning while they were at school. Two years ago this weekend. And it would be sort of fitting, should it happen, if this weekend, the weekend of that somber anniversary, if it were also the weekend when they were able to get passed the nra and move on the nomination of murphy to be surgeon general. He got in all of that trouble with the nra for saying that gun violence is violence and it therefore should be seen as a health care issue. But, again, were hearing tonight that Senate Democrats are not going home tonight and that they are planning to do to move on at least some nominations. Theyre still in sex tonight. Theyll be in session for possible lid the next few days if they keep doing real work while they are there. Watch for the murphy nomination for surgeon general. Dont settle for 4g lte coverage thats smaller or less reliable when only one network is americas largest and most reliable 4g lte network verizon. With xlte, our 4g lte bandwidth has doubled in over 400 cities. And now, save without settling. Get 2 lines with 10gb of data for just 110. Or 4 lines for just 140. And get a 150 bill credit for each smartphone you switch. Only on verizon. She still does it the old way. I havent told her i switched to tide pods. 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