Better. Even when they were writing that bill, they were anticipating rejection and upset that something called a Civil Rights Act might bring about in many parts of this country. And so as part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, they wrote in basically something that they didnt give too much attention to, but something that they wanted to help head off that prospect. They created a whole new Division Within the federal government, ultimately a whole new part of the Justice Department, to try to head off what they thought might be upset and rejection and consternation in part caused by the Civil Rights Act itself. They didnt do it in a flashy way. They tucked it into the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Even to this day its never had that much attention. But part of the reason for that is when they created this new part of the government, they mandated that it wouldnt get too much attention. Its interesting. Its not exactly secret, but by statute, by the law that it was created about i ed by in 1964, allowed as an agency to toot its own horn. Theyre not allowed to get publici publicity. This is section 1003 subsection b. The activities of all officers and employees of the Service Shall be conducted in confidence and without publicity. And the Service Shall hold confidential any information acquired in the regular performance of its duties. Any officer or other employee of the service who shall make in any manner whatsoever, in any information in violation of this subsection shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined to not more than 1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year. Thats like a serious thing, right . If you work for this newly created part of the government established by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, if you work for them and you talk about it, you seek publicity for what you do, you will go to prison for a year. Which is not a typical thing for a government agency, right . And it sounds ominous. If this were part of the Justice Department that was about Law Enforcement, right, about prosecuting cases or investigating crimes, but explicitly this part of the Justice Department is not that. This is also from the statute that created this agency. No investigation, no prosecuting. Shall not engage in the performance of investigative or prosecuting fu prosecuting functions. Thats what the Justice Department does. But not this new department they created in the Civil Rights Act. Its really interesting. With this odd little profile of the Justice Department does, what it was created for in 1964 rand what it still does to this day very quietly is that they basically are the u. N. Peacekeepers for home. They basically try to make peace here at home in the United States domestically specifically when Racial Division threatens to tear us up as a nation. Look, it shall be the function of this service to provide assistance to communities and persons therein in resulting disputes, disagreements or difficulties relating to discriminatory practices based on race, color or national origin. The service may offer its services in cases of such disputes, disagreements or difficulties whenever peaceful relations among the citizens of the Community Involved are threatened thereby. The shorthand reference for what this part of the Justice Department does is its right there in the statute. Its conciliation assistance. We have a department of conciliation assistance. As a country. One of the things our taxpayers pay for is a department of conciliation assistance particularly for racial strife among us as americans. And you dont hear about it because they do not talk about this work. By mandate of the statute that created them in 1964, theyre ordered to work with local authorities, theyre ordered to work with local communities. Theyre also ordered under pain of prison that they need to keep themselves out of the spotlight. Do not talk to the media, do not attract publicity, do not make yourselves part of the story. If you have been looking at the last couple nights of conflagration in the streets of charlotte, North Carolina, if you have been thinking that, yes, some conciliation assistance might be just the thing here, now we know that officers, federal agents from this very, very low profile part of the department of federal justice, theyre on their way to charlotte, if theyre not there already. Attorney general Loretta Lynch announced that she dispatched officers from the Community Relations service to go try to help out in charlotte. We still dont know whats going to happen in the streets there overnight. These are some live shots of charlotte tonight. Companies like wells fargo and bank of america and duke energy, really big employers in charlotte, they told employees to stay home, work from home today. North carolina authorities today announced that in the streets tonight we will see the National Guard protecting buildings. Well see North Carolina state troopers protecting traffic. Well see riotgeared Charlotte Police in the streets again with protesters for the Third Straight day. This follows two nights of tear gas and Property Damage and violent protest and peaceful protest, anger, upset, flash bang grenades and pepper bomb guns and injuries to police and protesters including one man who was shot last night who was on life support all day today and who died late this afternoon. But in addition to all the people, all the forces that we know to expect in the streets of charlotte, we know to expect department of justice federal conciliators. Basically trained peacemakers who do not talk about their work but who try to stabilize the situation when racial conflict and racially inflicted Community Crises start tearing american places apart. They were deployed after the death of Michael Brown in ferguson, missouri, two years ago. They were deployed after the death of eric garner at the hands of Staten Island police in new york. They were deployed after the mass murder of sikhs in the sikh temple in wisconsin, they were deployed after Trayvon Martin was killed in florida. Local Community Leaders praised those department of justice peacekeepers for their lowkey role in that city after Trayvon Martins death for being there consistently and then for helping, for trying to be a bridge to the community from the authorities and from the authorities to the community. They praised them for basically just playing an author at a timive role and quietly negotiating deals and negotiating arrangements and facilitating understandings, quiet, lowkey mind the scene understandings between Community Groups and faith groups and the families affected and Law Enforcement and the local authorities. To try to just make these tense, difficult situations, i mean, they dont make them go away, but they try to make them less unpredictable, less chaotic. They try to use lowkey communication to prevent more violence. Were a country with a lot of history of racially charged strife and protest and violence. Not over just years and decades, but over centuries and over the last half century or so that history has led to us the point where we have basically secret National Institutional assets that spring into action when things like this happen to try to help. We have a federal division of conciliation assistance specifically for racial strife, and they dont like to talk about it, but they know when they need to hit the streets. Even though we have been through a lot of iterations of racism and violence along racial lines and racial upset and protest, that still does not mean that the outcome on any given night is predictable. It doesnt mean the outcome from any particular incident is predictable. Again, these are live shots in charlotte, North Carolina, tonight. Today we saw these two recent Fatal Police Shooting stories go two very different directions. In tulsa, oklahoma, where Terence Crutcher was killed by police last week, the Police Department released the video that they had of that shooting several days ago. There have been protests and Considerable Community upset in tulsa in response to that shooting but the protests have been mostly prayerful and somber. Today the District Attorney announced that the officer who shot Terence Crutcher will be charged in conjunction with his death. That officer will be charged with firstdegree manslaughter. Terence crutcher, the man who was shot, was 40 years old. His twin sister is a doctor in alabama. This was her reaction to the news of the charging of the officer in her Twin Brothers death today. First of all, god gives all the glory out of all of this. Amen. And were just grateful. But while we are pleased to learn that the officer who senselessly killed my beloved twin brother will Face Criminal Charges for her reckless act, we understand that nothing will bring him back. Our goal now as a family to ensure that this never happens to another innocent citizen. The chain breaks here. Were going to break the chains of injustice. Were going to break the chains of police brutality. Yes, yes, yes. The chain breaks right here in tulsa, oklahoma. So im challenging everyone, everyone, everyone from all different walks of life to join with us as we continue to move forward. Because we know the history of these cases. We know this is the formality. We know shes been charged, but then we get no convictions. Were demanding full prosecution. We want a conviction. And when that happens, this is a small victory. But we know we got get ready to fight this war. And so we want for everyone, the community, the world, to join arms, lock arms with us as we go out and make everyone aware that today we can change this nation. We can heal this nation. Terence crutchers twin sister responding to the news today that the Tulsa Police Officer who shot and killed her brother last week, that officer has been charged with man slaughter in the first degree. Thats tulsa. Now 850 miles due east in charlotte, North Carolina, police have still not released the video that they say they have of the Police Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott. As of this evening they have shown what video they have to Keith Lamont Scotts family and their attorneys. This is the statement that was released by the family tonight. This was released through attorneys that are now working with the family. Keith lamont scotts wife and other members of her family viewed two videos captured by Police Dashboard and body cameras that showed mr. Scotts shooting death. After watching the videos, the family again has more questions than answers. When told by police to exit his vehicle, mr. Scott did so in a very calm, nonaggressive manner. While police did give him several commands, he did not aggressively approach them or raise his hands at member of Law Enforcement at any time. Its impossible to discern from the videos what, if anything, mr. Scotts holding in his hands. When he was shot and killed, mr. Scotts hands were by his side and he was slowly walking backwards. It was incredibly difficult for members of the scott family to view these videos but as a matter of greater good and transparency, the scott family asks that the charlottemecklenburg Police Department publicly release the videos that they watched today. Well continue our own investigation into mr. Scotts death. For those who wish to protest, we urge you to do so peacefully. So again, tulsa, oklahoma, police did release the videos they had of the Fatal Shooting of Terence Crutcher. They released them to the public. Today charges brought against the officer in that shooting. In North Carolina in contrast, where these live images are from tonight, the family of Keith Lamont Scott has now been shown dash cam and body cam videos from the scene of mr. Scott being shot and killed on tuesday. But the authorities there saying, although theyve shown the family, they are not indicating that they will release those videos to the public even though the family has now called for that to happen. So we are keeping an eye on the streets of charlotte tonight. Were obviously hoping that even if there is a Third Straight night of big protests, theyll not be the kind of violent protests that have wracked that city. While we watch that response, there is more more at the case, there are just factual conflict i ing evidence, some saying he was holding a book when police shot him. Police saying he was armed with a gun. Its not clear if having a handgun in and of itself if thats cause for police to shoot a man, particularly in North Carolina where it is supposed to be a proud open carry state where it is legal for residents to carry firearms even in the presence of Police Officers. Joining us now is joy reid. Good to have you here. Thank you. Always good to be here. I was running down some of that context because i feel like even though every situation is different, we have some speck takes as a country as to what we get to know, who helps, who is not helpful. Mmhmm. So much of the focus of the last couple years has been this idea that the key to Police Accountability is cameras. Right. Body cams, dash cams and the release of those videos to the public when Something Like this happens. How do you assess that with regard to how tulsa has gone down and what were seeing right now in charlotte . I think you made the salient point because you can see the difference. You had very swift action in tulsa not only to release the video but to assess whether charges are filed, to actually file charges. Thats what people expect. When what you see before your eyes looks like a homicide, quite frankly, people have an expectation thats attached to that. So what happened in tulsa, i think, once that video was released, the logical conclusion was that there should be some sort of charge because you saw this man had his hands in the air. It was quite clear. There was no question that mr. Crutcher had his hands in the air. Put a pin in that. Then you go to North Carolina where the police chief immediately came out and backed up the officers account. Immediately implied that there was a gun involved only to now have to come out and say, well, the video doesnt definitively show whether Keith Lamont Scott had a gun. As you pointed out, even if he did, we now have to raise the question whether open carry laws even apply to africanamericans. Because weve seen in cases like tamir rice, which is an open carry state, it was a toy, but even if it was a gun, it is legal to openly carry a gun. Long guns, dangerous looking ar15 rifles in full view of police and nothing happens. Walking through walmart, walking through stores, walking through restaurants, terrifying the patrons. Someone calls 911. Nothing happens to the person. But Police Officers imply that an africanamerican, a black man or even a child who has what they think looks like a gun, they feel they have the right to shoot him. Or reaching toward something that might be a gun. Go back to abba do ydu diall. Those are in new york which is not an open carry state. Youre not talking about North Carolina. By the way, the governor of that state has signed into law a bill that would make it even harder to get the video. It would actually seal dash cam and body cam video so the public would never get to see it. And the law, its interesting, we were talking in my news meeting today. That law is due to go into effect next month. Thats right. So theres some question in North Carolina as theres obviously very, very intense public pressure that this video ought to be released in part because of the parallel situation with tulsa but now tonight because the family having seen the video wants it released. Right. Its possible that one of the options that North Carolina authorities believe they have is to run out the clock. Police unions are fighting to have less and less and less disclosure. They believe that the presence of cameras is actually making officers reticent to do their jobs and putting them in legal jeopardy even though thats very minimal. Ve