World disrupted. I dont see that a ceasefire at this sort would have been possible without egypt, so early speculation on my part is that they were involved. And i think its very important that theyve put a longer time zone on this of 30 days. So thats showing at least a bit more gravitas on both sides about what they may have to face down the road and moving away from this scene weve been seeing. I think it helps us move from fragility into the possibility of something that is more enduring. Yeah, and steve, you know, the outpouring youre seeing is and were still looking at those live pictures on the streets in gaza. You didnt see that after the previous ceasefires. You had a sense they were each very tenuous. You had much more intensive bombing going on. The israelis conducts air strikes in the gaza strip. Obviously, this densely packed community. Over the last couple of weeks youve seen the coverage dissipate. But you have still continued to see both missiles being fired from gaza and air strikes more or less targeting buildings, right, up until really right up until the last 24 hours. Oh, we had a whole family in gaza just killed the other day. And so while we may not have been paying as much attention because of other things on the roster, certainly those people both in israel and in palestine have been following this in the neighborhood. So the conflict has been one that has continued to kind of go back and forth, flare up, simmer down a bit, flare up again. But this has a different feel. I hope our early speculation is right, that at least were seeing a new leadership. Its interesting that the political leader of hamas is now in the region. I think thats very important. Important. Well, steve, hold on. Im going to ask you to pause for a minute. Were going to listen into the pentagon, which is currently giving a briefing on this very subject. Lets listen in. What type of munitions are you talking about . Well, this is an important point. Whats great about this effort is many of these partner nations have in their stocks more than we do kinds of equipment that the Kurdish Forces use, which isnt necessarily just americanmade material. So it covers the full range, small arms ammunition and other personnelserved weaponry. But i dont have a complete inventory for you. If i could change the subject briefly, could you confirm the reports of egypt and the uae carrying out air strikes in libya and the u. S. Tried to warn them against it . We do believe there were air strikes undertaken in recent days by the uae and egypt inside libya. I would refer you to those governments for any further details. And as for our knowledge of it, i wont get into discussing the specifics of our diplomatic discussions. Craig . Has the secretary had any conversations with or any of his deputies had any conversations with people in those countries, uae, or egypt . Recent days . Not that im aware of. Jen . If the u. S. Sends Surveillance Drones into a country that it is not currently at war with, for instance syria, is that an act of war . And if not, why not . Well, im not going to talk about hypotheticals, jen. Im just talking about the law. Im not an expert on International Law either, jen. What i would tell you is that and the president s been clear about this. Secretary hagels been clear about this. This is a serious threat from a Serious Group of terrorists. And we need to stay mindful of doing what we need to do to protect american citizens at home and abroad. And its been stated before. Were not going to hold ourselves to geographic boundaries in order to accomplish that job. So without getting into International Law, for which i would be illeducated to speak to, i can tell you well do what we need to do to protect americans. For instance, you have talked about this special operations rescue mission that failed in july. Is that considered an act of war when we sent special operators into a country youre not at war with . That was a res kai attempt. We only divulged it because we were forced to because of leaks. It was never an intention to talk about it. No, it was not an act of war. It was a rescue attempt of americans that were being held hostage by terrorists. Is also would like to push back on this idea it failed. Okay, it wasnt successful in terms of we didnt get them. But it was executed very, very well, very professionally. Just one last question. Can you characterize the relationship between the u. S. And qatar right now . Because obviously qatar was very instrumental in securing the release of this hostage yesterday, american hostage. At the same time, there are so many reports that qatar is supporting other Islamist Groups in libya and elsewhere. How would you characterize the relationship between the u. S. And qatar . We continue to have a solid militarytomilitary relationship with qatar. As you know, secretary hagel has spent a lot of time with the gcc nations. We were just there a couple months ago. We want to continue to broaden that militarytomilitary relationship. Thats our focus, on the military relationship. Putting that aside, obviously, we dont encourage any support by any nation for terrorist groups and extremists, particularly in that part of the world. Are you concerned that qatar has supported terrorist groups . Ive seen those reports. If the reports are true, absolutely its concerning. Tony . Cut to the chase, did the president authorize the white house the pentagon to conduct Surveillance Missions over syria, and what comes next . Dont talk about Intelligence Matters, tony. Im not going to start doing that today. Were a Planning Organization here. We have to be prepared for all kinds of options. And with respect to providing military options, were going to be ready to do that. But im not going to get into the details. Intelligence normally is sources and methods. You know, the james bond world. Were talking about airplanes now. You cant confirm you were authorized to fly aircraft over syria . Im not going to talk about Intelligence Matters. One final thing. Sure. Last year, this very week, the world was consumed with potentially bombing syria with tomahawk missiles to get them to give up their chemical weapons. There was discussion of syrias air defense capabilities. Last year it was characterized as dense and sophisticated. One year later, is that still the case with syrias air defenses . Theres been no change in our assessment of Syrian Air Defense capabilities. Fair enough. Back on the Surveillance Missions in syria, is the u. S. Flying any Surveillance Missions in syria . Before you say you cant talk about it, i just want to point out that how many times weve been told how Many Missions are flying every day over iraq right next door. Sure. Not going to talk about it, courtney. But i appreciate the warning, as you asked it. The difference here is in iraq we were specifically asked by the government of iraq to come in and assist them with an isr effort. It was an overt ask. So we accommodated that request and continue to accommodate it today. Thats a different situation than the one youre hypothesizing about now. Phil . Theres been a couple members of congress yesterday and today who have said they believe the president should go to congress and ask for an authorization if he decides to order military action in syria. What is secretary hagels view of that question, and more generally, does he feel the pentagon can operate under the existing authorization of military force or would congress have to change it some way if the president give that order . Im not going to speak to a question thats better posed to the white house, phil. What i can tell you is were operating inside iraq given the authorities that weve been given by the commander for chief. And we, not just the Defense Department, but the u. S. Government has kept congress informed of what were doing. The president s filed, i think, four war powers resolution letters in response to or because of what were doing inside ike. So theres been a concerted effort to Keep Congress in facted. Joe . Do you know if the pentagon has enough information, a clear picture about isis capabilities inside syria . The way i would put it to you, joe, is weve been watching isil for many months now. We recognize that their development, their growth, the increase in their capabilities, it hasnt happened overnight. And it has happened regionally. They operate pretty much freely between iraq and syria. Do we have perfect information about them and their capabilities whether its on the syrian side of the border or iraqi side . No, we dont. Were gaining better knowledge in iraq because we have been flying more surveillance flights over the country since we were asked by the Iraqi Government to do so. And because were in better and more frequent contact now with iraqi and Kurdish Forces. So i think theres a growing sense of knowledge there on the iraqi side. But its mixed. Just a quick question. How many flights have you conducted over iraq since the beginning of the year . I dont have id have to point you to i havent been tallying each and every flight. As chairman dempsey said to you last week, were up over about 60 isr flights per day in iraq. But it varies. Some days its more. Some days its less. I dont have a total for you. Yes, sir . Sir, the head of air combat command recently said he wouldnt fly a10s over syria. This would obviously extend to other platforms, like, say, the predator. How are you possibly conducting these operations without some sort of coordination with the Syrian Government . Well, the question presumes that im going to talk about the operations being conducted. Im not going to do that. I just said im not going to talk about Intelligence Matters here. And i havent seen the comments from the acc commander about the a10, so i wouldnt have any comment on that. John . Back in june when things were heating up in iraq, you all announced you had moved the george h. W. Bush Carrier Group into the persian gulf. Have any Additional Forces along those lines been added, either to the persian gulf or to the med in recent weeks . And also, did you ever get a response from the chinese about that barrel roll incident . Im not aware of any additional naval assets. That said, john, naval forces come and go t routinely swapping out on deployment. Id point you to the navy for any update on the naval laydown in the persian gulf. Im not aware of any major muscle changes. The bush is still the only carrier we have available in that part of the world. All i saw in terms of a chinese reaction was Public Comments they made through their media that they did acknowledge there was an intercept but stressed in their view that it was done at a completely safe distance and with professional demeanor. We obviously take deep issue with that characterization of the incident. Is there a meeting with chinese officials later in the building here this week . I understand that the navy is having some discussions this week with some of their chinese counterparts. Id point you to the navy for details on that. I would also, from what i gather this morning, john, this was something that was long planned, long scheduled, sort of routine staff talks kind of thing. The degree to which this incident will come up, again, id point you to navy. Already got you, phil. Nancy . I want to follow up on the uae flights over libya. Last week out of this building from the joint staff and from osd, you said repeat there that the u. S. Didnt know who was responsible for those flights. What is it that youre able to learn in the last few days to then say those flights were being flown by the uae and why couldnt you say so last week . I couldnt say so last week because i didnt know. And now we know. So now im able to acknowledge it. I mean, i dont think its worthwhile going through all the mechanisms through which we learn information. Last week there was i think it was the first such strike. And it was unclear as to who conducted it. All i could tell you for sure is we didnt. Weve since gained more information. In light of this second strike over the weekend, weve been able to ascertain that we know it was conducted by uae and by egypt in some fashion. But again, id point you to those countries to talk about that. I guess im having a hard time understanding, if the u. S. Discouraged them from conducting such flights, how did you not know they conducted them . I did not say we discouraged them. I said we dont talk about our diplomatic discussions. And is it the position of this building that you welcome that the uae and egypt are trying to tackle the terrorism problem independently without u. S. Help . Our position is the same as the United States governments position, which is we want the issue to be solved peacefully and through Good Governance and politics and not violence. We discourage other nations from taking part in libyas issues through violence. Thats our position. Yeah, david . Will these weapons deliveries that you talked about from that coalition begin theyve actually already started to begin. I can get you a better sense of that later. Whos delivering it . I know albania and the u. K. Have already started to deliver. But again, id have to get you more fidelity on that. This is an effort thats really just sort of starting. And id also point to and weve said it before, but its worth reminding that we, too, have taken part in some of the delivery of equipment and personnel im sorry, equipment and material to Kurdish Forces, helping the Iraqi Government conduct that resupply using some of our aircraft. And another question on iraq, where does that request from the state department for additional security personnel stand . Still reviewing it. Still looking at it. I would also remind you that we get many requests for forces here in the pentagon. Some come from the state department. Some come from rpts combatant commanders. There are many options on how you address those kinds of force requirements. Were working through those options right now. Yeah, phil . On uae and egypt on the strikes in libya, why wouldnt that be seen as something that would be helpful if the United States wants allies to step up in support against militant threats . Why wouldnt it be something helpful . Why wouldnt the United States be applauding that . What we dont want is more violence on top of the violence thats already existing inside libya. Its already a tenuous enough security environment as it is. And we do want to see that resolve. We do want to see a peaceful, stable future for libya and for the libyan people. Its not just good for them. Its good for that part of the world, which has already got issues of security as it does. But adding more violence on to it, we dont believe is the answer. Yeah . I have to have ask because the parallel seems to obvious to iraq where were conducting air strikes. Thats violence on violence, as you describe. Could you describe what differentiates the two situations . Sure, sure. Yeah, absolutely. First of all, were there at the request of the Iraqi Government. This wasnt some unilateral decision by the United States to strike targets inside iraq. Number two, we are the construct under which were conducting air strikes are being done in a very limited, target, discreet manner to protect u. S. Personnel and facilities, to assist the Iraqi Security forces as they go after this threat inside their country on behalf of their people. Then two, to help contribute to any humanitarian missions that might evolve like we saw happen on mt. Sinjar. But were there at the request of the Iraqi Government. Yes . Along those lines, would the dod consider any role as part of an International Force in libya . Im not aware of any such consideration. Yes . This terrorist organization, where do they get their financing, training, and military equipment or weapons . Weve talked about this for a long time. Theyre well resourced. They get money from donations. They get money from ransoms. Frankly, they get money from this is a group that tries to develop their own revenue streams. Its why they take over facilities. Its why they wanted to control the dam. I mean, they actually grab ground and try to keep it. Theyre selling oil on the black market. So they have many revenue streams. Theyre well funded. They get a lot of their sourcing and training and sustenance from across that border in syria, which is one of the reasons why we have to take a regional approach here. Weve talked about this before. Second if i may but this is it. This is your last follow up. Yesterday there was talk about Osama Bin Laden what im asking you, are you watching the situation right now, whats happening in pakistan . Second, do you still believe they have Training Centers for the taliban which they used to have before . Who has Training Centers . That pakistan has Training Centers for extremists . Weve talked abo abouweve talk again, too, before. We want to continue to work with pakistan to deal what we believe is a common challenge and Common Threat faced by both our countries and by afghanistan as well. Thats extremist in the safe haven they continue to enjoy in pakistan. But the Pakistani Military has taken action against some of those extremist threats in their country. Theyve conducted operations not too long ago, just this summer. Its important to remember theyve taken casualties in that fight. Its a Common Threat. We dont always see eye to eye on how to address it. That remains to be the case tod