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Two ukrainian drones at once interval between explosions 16 minutes. First ukrainian a drone was seen over the kremlin 2. 27. At night, it exploded over the dome of the Senate Building of the kremlin , the impact of the second drone was recorded at 2 oclock, 43 minutes the wreckage fell on the territory of the kremlin. Moscow has banned the flights of any drones, except for flights specially authorized by the authorities, and moscow also reserves the right to take retaliatory measures quote, where and when it sees fit. Zelensky by the way the residence was vacated in advance the hour he is in finland the First Official comment by the press service of the president of russia timely actions with the use of radar warfare systems. The devices were put out of action due to their fall and scattering of fragments on the territory of the kremlin injured and material damage. No, we regard these actions as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the president , held on the eve of victory day , the may 9 parade, at which the presence of foreign guests is also planned as a result of this terrorist act. The president and his work schedule has not undergone any changes and continues as usual. The russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures, where and when it sees fit. Assassination attempt on putin right now on all the front pages of the World Newspapers in new york, they are informed that if the attack is confirmed. This will be the most daring attempt to strike at the territory of russia at first , its Washington Post suggests that what happened could be a pretext for an escalation of the war in ukraine scania publish comments by a military analyst. Sean bell who is perplexed. Was kiev so daring to attack the kremlin and calls this attack outrageous daily mail online writes that a quote was made from russia, a chilling threat, moscow reserves the right to return a kick in a walster. The journal recalls that the United States warned that kiev was about to attack russian territory. Although throughout the conflict they were supplying weapons with intelligence. And thats just what happened. It is known that the United States did not receive. At least. They claim early warnings about the plotnikov attack on the kremlin , cnn reports, citing a senior official. According to him , washington is gathering information about what happened. Well, a few minutes ago i was in kyiv an air raid alert has been issued right now. It is already roaring across much of ukraine breaking news, russian officials have said that ukraine has attacked the kremlin with drones they claim it is a terrorist attack and emphasize that they reserve the right to answer that we know about what happened now we are in a position to information war, and so the details and very few, apparently, two Drones Attacked the kremlin last night, but it is very difficult to say exactly what happened. Ukraine made it clear that they were conducting attacks using an asymmetric approach, but as a rule, objects in the border areas of russia become targets and it was not as outrageous as what happened today is. And that moscow was preparing a line of action in case ukraine really strengthens its position in the upcoming offensive , a lot of commentators believe that moscow will stage several false flag incidents inside russia of course, this is shocking news, and we can only broadcast what we receive from official russian sources. They claim that two drones were seen last night trying to attack the kremlin where president Vladimir Putin is located they added that he is fine and continues to work two drones were neutralized from the first russian reports. We can understand that they were not shot down, but they were forced to land with the help of electronic weapons. Its very hard to be specific here yet, but this is extremely Important News because this is the first time weve seen Something Like this happen. Russia says it prevented the attack. Ukrainian drones on the Kremlin Russia accuse ukraine of trying to kill Vladimir Putin with a strike drone. Rasi claims that ukraine tried to attack the kremlin with drones calls it a terrorist act, the purpose of which Vladimir Putin of the kremlin considers this airstrike to be a terrorist act, behind which the Ukrainian Special services are most likely and which may have been an assassination attempt on president Vladimir Putin by the kremlin. Of course, very serious accusations and now moscow reserves the right to answer it there. As you deem necessary. And this suggests that a russian retaliation may very soon follow. It is possible that now the hawks in moscow will demand a retaliatory strike on the residence of the ukrainian president in kiev. The United States saw a report of an attempted attack by drones on the kremlin, but for now they can confirm them, says the United States secretary of state states in blinkin. This lightning the United States leaves to the discretion of kiev i quote the defense of its territory in the kit blinkin both such drones of the kremlin peskov, ria novosti, is a new brother, will putin continue to work tomorrow in ogorev or will he be in the kremlin in a timely manner to report strikes against russia . An oil tank burst. Eyewitnesses report that they heard a loud explosion and a drone left a very likely strike on the oil depot, and as many as five people flew into belgorod in the region. The first to the village of ryabyakhovka, where he unsuccessfully tried to blow up the power plant. The second flew to the village of prilesie where a local resident was building protective structures, a man received a concussion, three more dropped ammunition near the village of sereda, the victims. No, five more uavs flew into a military airfield. In the bryansk region, of the victims, the only one that was not in operation was the an124. Also in the bryansk region, they laid their own railroad on the railroad, 20 wagons derailed in the region, and a plan was introduced to intercept the terrorist attacks of the kiev regime. The west associates with preparations for the offensive, which, according to zelensky, has already begun or is about to begin. In any case , a new date was announced in kiev today, may 5, that is, friday, the ukrainian authorities called on the inhabitants of the occupied kherson region. Stock up on food and medicines and forbade being on the street at the entrances, the kherson exit will also be closed, and soon at the beginning of the decisive battle. Predetermine western propagandists in the prefront territories, all journalists are strictly forbidden to enter the socalled red zones, as the press service explained vsu. This is allegedly caused by the operational situation on the front line. However, a day before the total ban, the german media explained why the counteroffensive was still dragging on, it turns out that the Ukrainian Forces cannot cope with the merciless russian general. They give him dirt or emulsion, according to propagandists. The ukrainians will follow in the footsteps of the wehrmacht on the kursk bulge and try to launch an attack when the earth dries up. Ukraine uses time to train soldiers, for example, in the zaporozhye region. We cannot name the exact location. Here goes preparations for the attack said, one of the military personnel preparations are over, they are determined. I think they will be ready to complete any task in the shortest possible time, according to many experts. Much depends on this offensive for ukraine, not only in terms of the liberation of the territory. After russia attacked ukraine with all its might, it is obvious that it is necessary to show its people and the west that they are still capable of regaining their territories in two days areas for sure. This is due to the upcoming counteroffensive of the ukrainians in other words. They are trying to damage the russian infrastructure as much as possible, that is, the ukrainians at all facilities that are related to weapons with lubricants. Something like a brigade equipped with western weapons 230 tanks is a magic number, because if you have 200 tanks, then there are enough of them for two whole brigades, especially if they also have one and a half thousand combat vehicles, the only question is that two armed brigades these are powerful units. But are they coordinated enough . Are they trained well enough, because of course they are not used to performing such operations. So, were they able to integrate their forces with the greatest efficiency in such a limited time frame, well, when will they start using them . The new rules make it difficult for media representatives to work in ukraine, the Ukrainian Military leadership, in particular, divided the frontline territories into three zones, the colors of a traffic light, into the red zone , journalists are now forbidden to eat at the front line in the yellow zone, the correspondent is only allowed to be accompanied by this church of the service of the afu, and they themselves will choose the areas that they will go with journalists and only in the green zone, media representatives are still allowed to move at their discretion; the security of the ongoing battles and the operational situation of the american infantry fighting vehicles if they are ready for the start of the counteroffensive of the ukrainians, but judging by all the plans to advance, they still prevent them from unraveling in the mud. Completely stuck even relatively light infantry fighting vehicles. Because of what again it remains only a guess, when the offensive does start right now, meteorologists seem to be the most important people in the whole. Here is a confirmation of what the thaw in ukraine is like in these frames, for example, you can see the state of the road on the outskirts of bakhmut and the ukrainians have to think twice so as not to face the next problem if they can only advance on paved roads. They will be in full view, they are unlikely to be able to get out of the shelling and mobile russian antitank units will then quite easily destroy western tanks. Of course, mudslides are a problem for attacking heavy armor, however, for ukrainians, not only in the area, which will dry out in 10 days, the problem is primarily that the enemy is still very strong. It is engulfed in fierce battles, flaming artyomov took off the footage. Drone all the way. Shturmovikevich. Vk wagner is attacked in all directions , the territory controlled by kiev has narrowed to a few square kilometers in the west of the city, this is how it looks ukrainian positions after shelling by russian sunshine reported from the field under the cover of heavy rains, ukrainian troops have pulled up reserves and are trying to counterattack, but honestly, a symbolic name. The kiev regime did not have time to rename the streets where the battles were taking place and will not have time to do so. Our fighters are gradually moving along the street and pobeda and house by house take control of the street of the liberators of donbass, it is there that ukrainian militants are one of the last key strongholds in the city. In bakhmut demoralized by great losses, which carry their units minus at night several platoons of the 97th 98th battalion of the 60th brigade of the armed forces were mechanized. Arbitrarily abandoned positions the kiev regime begins to prepare a new fortified area in the watch yar like this look at the route between this city and bakhmut when viewing the footage taken by ukrainian militants it becomes clear. Why is this path called the road of death . Dutch armored personnel carriers in ipr765 openly admit the catastrophic situation in bakhmut and western propaganda here we can, batts here we can be seen by eagles, drones. Artillery and mortars can cover them here. I want to see the sunrise after this. The situation is now tense. Well, this is now on everyones lips being prepared by the unit that is being prepared. Bakhmut is the most difficult after february 24, which you simply didnt have anywhere, but bakhmut is the heaviest voltage stress exhaustion continuity of action constant fights and night and day blood dirt, stench, ringing. Artillery is very strong. Stopping is hard. Because theyre shooting through the road. They shoot through the road very much. They start working really hard. It remains i still think that the exit of ukrainian troops from bakhmut it is rather a matter of time about 10 of the city is still under ukrainian control russian continues to try to surround the parcel, in order to then essentially take the most important route of the road under their control, ukrainians, although continue to fight, but thats it, its very grim situation. For their default command. The secretary of the treasury, the United States, has warned the countrys authorities that on june 1, emergency measures to support the budget will be exhausted, and this threatens a Global Financial crisis. The minister urged congressional leaders to fully protect the us loan trust by taking action. As soon as possible, a specialist on his own hair. After all , even a technical default can bring down the Global Financial system. Moreover , all three major us stock indexes have already reacted to the alarming news. Market, fell by more than a percentage, as did the shares of large banks such as morgan chase and bank of america but just the day before, which is noteworthy immediately after the announcement of the us chief treasurer of the health of the American Financial system. Another bank in california , west bankor, sharply increased its negative profitability. Lost. He is already 19 of the value and is confidently moving towards abandoning his financial obligations. This is the fourth case of the collapse of the us Banking System in 2 months. At the same time, america owes money not only to american investors, but to the whole world. Every american borrowed 105,000 from the planet and continues to live at someone elses expense in the eleventh year barack obama stopped the disputes between democrats and republicans 12 hours before a technical default over the past 12 years, the National Debt is 2 1 2 times, and a split between democrats and republicans threatens escalate into a civil war, the last dali understand that they are ready to negotiate, but not at the expense of the militaryindustrial complex and by reducing budget spending, we bend our fingers from wood storage for lowincome air Traffic Controllers , teachers, and so on, but before the elections before second term, oh, which dirt joe to do, he cant mean the usa, who taught the entire planet to live in the last 80 years, again put their country and the world on the brink of disaster declares that the usa may run out of money on the first of june jennet said that if congress will not raise the debt ceiling the country can default on its debts earlier. Than expected. Now President Biden is inviting four leading congressional leaders to meet at the white house on this issue. Finance warned congress that the department may stop paying all National Obligations as early as june 1 , a dreadful deadline amid the ongoing standoff between the house and house saws, republicanled President Biden is taking a hard line, calling on congress to unconditionally pay off their debt. We pay our bills and we must do this is a reckless hostage taking by some congressional megarepublicans, but in doing so, biden opens the door to talks with mccarthy and other leaders leaders of the house of representatives and the senate at a meeting at the white house on may 9 in the world, but the clock is ticking the house of representatives said that there were only 12 legislative days left this month, and the economest magazine warned that a default could return the us and other countries to a difficult session. Something in fact the us spends a trillion dollars more than it earns every year and this forces the Treasury Department to borrow money, which only increases the countrys overall accessibility. Therefore , most of the accumulated debt. Fell on last 20 years. We had two tax cut wars in two apartment expenses. What will happen if a default occurs it will be a disaster and an unprecedented event for our country a number of things would happen almost instantly, we would witness the termination of Social Security payments , the military will be left without a salary, credit rating. The us will actually be downgraded, which will lead to a sharp increase in Interest Rates that will make borrowing more expensive for everyone, including our country. This could crash the stock market, which by definition would damage to your deposits in the stock market and, in fact. All this will push the economy into a very deep recession. Will the king dollar topple his throne because of all this useless fiscal italitarian policies, will he lose the status of the World Reserve currency, and what will we have to do in this situation, if you look at the dynamics of world trade, you will see that huge volumes more funds than ever have been denominated in currencies other than us dollars. I think our Foreign Policy also has something to do with this. Relation. We pushed all our adversaries further and further away from ourselves and closer and closer to each other, but its not only Foreign Policy that brings russia closer china , it is obvious that some of this is their own work. And heres the reaction to what they did and what we dont like, north korea is also in this cage iran along with it. Now weve got countries like saudi arabia who have also been pushed to join this intransigent coalition that wants to show theyre willing to count. Anything but a dollar. So i think its likely if you treat your dollar like junk and continue to redeem huge amounts of american debt. Your dollar also depreciates. So yes , we may lose our reserve currency status. In general, the white house is increasingly making us doubt its adequacy. And as soon as the whole world begins to dump us debt bonds, a real financial apocalypse will break out in comparison with which 2008 will seem like a model for the growth of the blocs problem. Nato, rather, on paper a tiger who wants to fight from china with such a headline an article appeared in the washington times. The authors claim that nato has proved its failure as a military alliance and the accession of such countries as ukraine, japan, australia and israel to the bloc will destabilize the situation around the world. Since the individual members of the alliance have been too few for decades, those who have spent on their own defense are not Strong Enough to fulfill their obligations to the current alliance, not to mention a larger one. At the same time, even the state of a strong army in the alliance, yes, and in the world, that is, the us navy will shock congressional auditors, as reported by bloomberg audit . The readiness of the navy dropped to a minimum of the seventeenth year. And worst of all things are in the naval forces. This is of particular concern to american lawmakers, given that the fleet will play a decisive role in any conflict with china. So if washington has to enter into an open confrontation with beijing over taiwan, even congressmen doubt the unconditional victory of the United States, however, chairman of the chiefs of staff general mark mile says that the United States does not see the preparation and exercises of china at the level that would be necessary to reject taiwan, they see and prepare in taiwan, firstly, special signs appeared on the streets showing where the nearest bomb shelter. Secondly, the islands defense minister turned to australia for help , which itself is waiting for the promises made under the project, and the bite of Nuclear Submarines is in no hurry to defend. Rebellious chinese island chief taiwan diplomat says australia must counter what they see as a dangerous incursion into the pacific. If you look at the recent Chinese Military exercises across the Taiwan Strait in the first half of april, they seem to be quite intense. The chinese sent many military aircraft to cross the midline of the Taiwan Strait, and also carried out huge waves of strategic attacks against taiwan. It seems that china is considering all kinds of invasion and therefore all attacks, both sea and air, seem to be the most more likely than before the Chinese Military threat is becoming more urgent and serious. Why do you think that australians should fight and die for taiwan, we are not asking australia to fight and die for taiwan, this is out of the question, but any form of cooperation between australia and taiwan in the field of economic security. Political economic diplomatic support will be highly from the change of government of taiwan and its people. One torpedo fired by such a submarine can split a warship in two and send him to the bottom. Known as silent troop submarines are able to hide in the dark corners of the ocean in anticipation of a strike. Australia plans to build 8 Nuclear Submarines. This is the largest Defense Project of the country in its entire history. We will become the seventh party in the world to have Nuclear Submarines. Youre just wondering if the Nuclear Submarine fleet will be able to contain chinas ambitions in the pacific . At present, we are vulnerable, and now we are armed only with old collinsclass submarines, taking into account aging collinsclass submarines in the event of a catastrophic scenario. There is an extremely high probability that there will be no accidents on these submarines. There is no doubt that in which case these weapons will let us down. The fulfillment of this Nuclear Dream will cost 386 billion. This is 32 million per day for the next 32 years. Judges of what, in general, if a person becomes more and more challenges , our country is in the most difficult situation in terms of security in the Pacific Region, ideally. I would like a pair of sub virginia class boats to have us already tomorrow we live in an ideal world. We must act in the current circumstances. There are a number of benefits. This is the main advantage of virginiaclass submarines. If beijing began to conquer the war, then such a submarine would be able to reach the South China Sea and alcohol in 6. 5 days. Submarine collins takes 3 weeks and every few days she will have to surface to recharge her batteries. Which makes it vulnerable to detection and destruction. Well have to keep afloat submarines kolyans another 30 years with me, despite all the destructive power of Nuclear Submarines, australia will have few of them, even taking into account the presence of the American Fleet in the Pacific Region , it is far from a fact that they will be able to oppose something to chinas firepower, beijing has the largest fleet in the world 66 submarines, 12 of which atomic bullish. It looks like zelensky really vacated his residence, sensing that the wrong Finnish Television covering zelenskys visit suddenly decided to announce that he would wake up in finland longer than planned, by the way, on zelenskys 13 mau in the schedule is a visit to germany, which he hoped not to advertise in advance, and the peephole of the trip in the german media disappointed kiev and the visit. Now it can be canceled, where the ukrainian president will spend the next 10 days is not clear. But it is known that our northwestern neighbor finland allowed washington to host us military bases on its territory negotiations between the countries have already been held under the terms of the agreement in finland there will be not only american equipment, but also aviation and a contingent of troops parallel to the us air force they move their planes for laundries from germany to poland, that is, nato troops are also on the border with russia in lithuania, latvia , estonia, this is already for kaliningrad, located just between lithuania , the baltic sea and poland, the last pentagon increased the presence of american troops by 10,000 people in total in europe directly now, there are at least 100,000 american soldiers and officers, but the aggressor is still russia, even in the arctic, where the United States looks without hesitation, as the fiftyfirst state of the freesian, biden, is already in a hurry to please its citizens with new resource data and slowly melting to the ground. In the arctic, moreover, together with other members of the arctic club and parttime partners in nato, washington plans to recapture the arctic in russia not only to appropriate all the resources for itself, but also to create a new hot spot there similar to crayfish, american experts openly say this, but unfortunately for the hekemon of the border russia with the arctic are the largest in the world. The Russian Ministry of defense sees nato activity in the arctic, and once they are mothballing previously frozen soviet facilities, and they are on wait a minute, about 50 including the airbase. Every day the ice in the arctic is getting thinner endless ice and snowy landscapes are on the way to becoming a thing of the past this decrease in cold is transforming the arctic, making it easier to navigate drilling and prospecting for minerals it is estimated that the energy that will be produced there will be 1 of the total the volume of Oil Production in the world. Already now, some world powers are increasingly turning their eyes to the arctic, take a look at the map. Lets look at the Arctic States on the one hand, their Northern Borders unite greenland of canada and the usa but this is not enough, since the arctic border of russia is 24. 000 km, which is 53 of the arctic border. Moscow refused to cooperate. As russia eschews diplomatic relations, its armed forces. Only increase in february, russian bombers. They flew over the meringue sea not far from alaska, the borders of canada , the United States and the fans allies responded to this maneuver. Last month, joint exercises in norway since this military front determined by the climate to become a very important battlefield in the future. Recently warned the reality is that the threats we are following closely, viz. We are the eyes and ears we protect this front line. Remember the hot air balloon that flew over the United States in the us with finland joining the nato military alliance and sweden on the verge of joining the us war club, the arctic ice shelves are becoming more and more like an arctic cap. Nato russia sees this and is trying to attract an ally with great economic and military power to weaken nato china is 1. 400 km from the Arctic Circle to beijing like to call itself almost an arctic power its aspirations are aimed at becoming a more fullfledged arctic power before 2030 on april 25 in the russian city of murmansk which located in the Arctic Circle and close to the Finnish Border of russia china signed an agreement on cooperation in the arctic so far china has invested a staggering 90 billion in infrastructure in the arctic to challenge nato russia is also preparing to forge cooperation with other arctic countries such as india, iran and saudi arabia to expand its commercial presence. In the past few years, russia has thawed 50 previously closed sovietera military installations, repaired 13 kg, 10 radar bases and 20 border posts, and Russian Special forces are also part of the arctic brigade. They deploy more military resources in the arctic than all other nato countries combined and now, allied with china russia plans to withdraw from nato beyond the Arctic Circle. Now the arctic is becoming a hotspot, the largest in the world, where there will be a struggle for resources and for the future of the earth itself. The zone of special military operation ; boeing c40b reports helsion sanat flying office of the us air force today appeared at the helsinki airport writes pizdaniye. Well, okay. The reason why the president of ukraine is moving by american, especially military aircraft. Zhen a lot of news of the attack on the kremlin in dude wagner say that the offensive of ukraine has already begun zelensky Just Announced that the offensive. Heres where it starts happening. Now we will try to fix the sound and everything is always smooth in switching on from the zone of the special military operation we do not hear evgeny, we ask now to establish our directors, but lets get in touch anyway. Ill start at the end of this story that was. Today, the arctic is extremely important for us, yes, and the most important region in which the events that are taking place today are unfolding, we all look at ukraine and what is happening there, but it is the arctic that is the main stumbling block between us and the United States of america all of their satellites. And when its needed everyone tells their press that we re trying to get a strong ally. We ourselves can show ourselves quite well in the arctic, by and large, and we have everything for this, and we must understand that the arctic. Its borders norway to ramanov island, a little bit, the length is crazy and look only at the murmansk to the Northern Fleet or the brigades that are in the cookies. Well, it would probably be obsessive. It must be remembered. Tiksi must be remembered and everything that is in chukotka. For the simple reason that today in the arctic, simply by those forces , means in general with ships, as we accepted, well, you wont accelerate much there. That is some tasks. Youll get. You can with me. It will, of course, be aviation. This is Unmanned Aircraft in mass use. This is a highprecision weapon, both from carriers and missiles. It is in this version precisely today that we have our bases in the arctic zone and the presence of those weapons that can allow the first to provide a continuous radar field so that nothing can be understood once the second cover system. The arctic zone is the two third strike Warning System. Let me remind you that the mig31 aircraft was created. That is why it had an eightchannel radar ; it had eight missiles with Nuclear Weapons that were fired opposite those tomahawks that flew at us and stitched this troll together. Directly soviet after all the plane. He is still working with us , the rocket remained improved radar. That is, this Machine Works for us. This is a heavy, the only heavy fighter in the world, these are the moments. Today, the main thing is that the huge network that was under the soviet union must be restored somewhere and modernized somewhere. Part of it has already been restored today in a state of use, we know our famous petal, which was built on our islands, that is, today, in principle russia pays serious attention to this and says that another issue cannot be handled without someones help, that there are normal plans for the joint development of arctic reserves. For example, with the same china, this is normal cooperation, which actually exists. Well, as far as the armed plan is concerned. This, of course, you should not just do today. Despite what is happening in ukraine , do not forget it, but only build up and strengthen it and understand that the americans got there anyway. That is, it is a threat that is unshakable, and we must prevent it. Now about the things weve been talking about here. I already have a bunch of comments, all the News Agencies have already all the phones exploded, they already gave us there explain then explain it there nekra red line i would not want to talk about red lines now. We have already talked about them many times, a discredited term. Yes, we had reddened there, red, whatever. I would like to literally say. The next i understand that these drones were launched there in the suburbs. Yes, they could not be launched neighboring quarter, by and large, nothing really bothered. Theyre here. Theyre small on their own, so theres no problem. That is. Today we are talking about the fact that when our Railway Tracks are blown up, when we are undermined in temryuk. The base of oil products, and this is also more than im sure that they flew there from ukraine when our drones flew to the kremlin, unfortunately , today, with a personal number inside the country , those who are trying to inflict everything in military language are called sabotage Intelligence Groups and saboteurs are the enemy, who are distributed throughout the country. And today we must admit that the war came out only from the territory of ukraine in the border regions, and today it has dispersed itself almost throughout the entire territory of the russian federation, and when we are here on this program. I say, our businessmen from china report that chinese ukrainians through third countries through the third rune. In particular, Chinese Companies purchased at least ten thousand Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, two 3,000 products with a range of at least 1,000 km. I have looked speaks. Yes, it cant be. Maybe all this, maybe it is necessary to take things into account. I think that our intelligence should see these things. I have a question the next one literally stands clear that today there is what is today, it is necessary to analyze the situation, draw conclusions and a decision has been made, i am more interested in when the peace event comes , the responsibility of those who missed the explosions. On the railroad , the world is the responsibility of those who admitted that drones flew to the kremlin for you, the world of responsibility is those who admitted that Unmanned Aerial Vehicles flew in with a resume with fuel. Yes , we have today bravo reported that in the crimea they took a cell of all terrorists, but they were taken after the fact, that is, they have already shat. They are true, yes, because it happened here, but i would like it to be a preventive planned Warning System so that they are not able to be. By going here. Even coming here to commit some kind of sabotage terrorist and today this is a key moment, which i think is the main one. At this stage today, we need to clearly ask, guys why so understand . Who for what . Where and how to answer and why did it happen . If this is not done, unfortunately, this will continue. Further impunity, it generates further actions. Here is the main point. Now, as for countering all these drones. Yes, today it was forbidden to fly there syndrome with moscow yes, and as they used to be allowed, if you are already going to go state, right . It says that the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles is prohibited, this is officially here, especially in the center of moscow, there is nothing new here special no today, by the way, in kolomna , a besplonik just fell. Yes, thats just yes, another one. Today he fell, there are details. Uh of this fall, the drone fell into columns near moscow in the forest between the village of cherkizovo and the village, and a crater formed on the spot around the scattered fragments of the uav and engine specialists followed instead of falling. I understand that the ring around moscow, to which drones fly and fall, does exist. Well, its even visible. If you are going from somewhere to somewhere and you clearly visible, because the navigator starts all sorts of sorry for you to carry incorrect information, because you understand that this is a failure in the positioning system. Yes, that is a system, well, the common people, which is called gps, which we all use on our leber there, which everyone has we have our own system, the ideal glonass, another question, what is it today, that is, i understand that this drone who flew to the kremlin today not from there. Launched it. It looks like he got here. He would just yes, well, i didnt overcome the system. We dont know, its your guess. Well, heres a columned one, please. This is not the first column welled up. Drone not the first, of course, not the first sad periodicity near moscow. And today i will repeat it again. This is the moment you need to understand that today, here among us in moscow, here among us, to which we are walking down the street. Today there are those people who came here, why kill us . And to harm us, why not scare us anywhere. Today, probably, it should be completely different be an approach to vigilance. The word is vigilance. Today, any nonstandard phenomenon, any suspicious one, should instantly, that one cannot hide today , one should not be indifferent. Should not be indifferent today everyone sees something wrong picked up the phone. Call 112. We have a single number for all services for the second moment, but kolya had such a situation with us. We all rely on cameras. Yes, now they hung the whole camera for you, it seems that there is a camera. We have good experience, voluntarily. Moscow is still peter, yes, yes, well, a big country. We dont rely on the camera. I hope the system of a safe city is now being implemented everywhere, we had a good experience of voluntary squads, but today it is necessary for some. Uh, our Police Officers are not enough. We understand this very well, and at the moment we will not increase it immediately. Well, we have people who are ready to enter these squads and patrol the territories that we have limited. In areas, uh, similar detachments are being created. This means that now the law will come on the body, Andrey Valerievich somehow topolov brings the defense literally to people on plenary week, and it will be because i was just in the kursk region, i was driving from there. Ill tell you more. So i looked at this shore of the head of local municipalities. I talked to them. They say literally the following. We are basically waiting. We do not yet understand the implementation mechanism. This is what is needed today. This. Yes. There is a second point, which is serious in our border area , we have a bunch of refugees from ukraine, and no one really cares about this, the head. They all say with one voice that here they are. We we understand that we are obliged to help, but we understand that most likely, among them there are those who specially came here, and these moments are the cornerstones and, probably, this set of measures, which should be who is responsible for what or what, what will have to do. Here the decision must be made, because otherwise we will call trouble, we will name it for sure. Lets fast forward to the donbass. Evgeniy is similar, we have established a connection with zhenya. You have the floor. Yes, hello evgeny, but its worth saying here that the enemys activity in all key sectors of the battle line, contact. Over the past few days, activity has been increasing, and activity is not only directly on the front line, but also the activity of its means of destruction , which operate in the rear areas and in the north of the special military Operation Zone in the artyomovsk direction , enemy artillery is actively hitting in the donetsk direction, and in the south they continue to form reserve shock grouping and , in fact, according to our information, the formation will be completed in the coming days. There are few here who have doubts that the enemy is already in the near future. Time, and we are talking about. Well, it will probably start in a few days, but counter offensive actions, how will they develop . Naturally, we in our group do not know, but we can assume that there will be several strikes that are still probable. E. At the same time, the main opponents are aa on the line of combat contact. Uh, outside the Coverage Area of ​​​​our air Defense Systems, without flying into the territory controlled by our forces , aviation begins to work more and more actively , the formation of the kiev regime, we are talking about army aviation. These are helicopters we are talking about operational tactical aviation, as well as fighter jets that use radio e, an antiradar missile that reacts to radiation and can hit antiaircraft defenses. These fighters with such antiradar missiles are on duty along the entire line of contact, not approaching the zone of operation of our air Defense Systems. At the same time, the enemy continues to conduct reconnaissance in force. Moreover, the activity of such small attacks is more than collisions. It grows the enemy in small forces. Up to a platoon, they are trying to probe our line of defense almost daily and in almost all sections of the line of contact, but if we talk about in which areas the formation of the kiev regime is most active and most of all, aa reserves and hmm, various activities of the formation of the kiev regime, then this, of course, is the southern direction of the donetsk direction. And this, uh, is actually the north zone of a special military operation. And here it is worth noting that the enemy is concentrating large forces, also in kharkov region. And we know this for certain, in general the situation is becoming more complicated, and more and more every day and today, uh, the enemy hit the rear areas of the donetsk peoples republic, in particular, moskin. E, a blow was struck, and ukrainian shells explode around donetsk, while active advancement continues in the artyomovsk direction, and perhaps only in the artyomovsk direction, where the fighters of the private military Company Wagner continue assault operations in the western quarter of artyomovsk, in fact, the enemy. Ahah retains control an insignificant part of this settlement. Let me remind you that before the war, 70,000 people lived near artyomovsk. Actually, it remains, well, seven percent is under the control of the formation of the kiev regime, but the enemy is doing Everything Possible to keep these 7 , so as not to lose the bridgehead, which is located directly in the city, and moreover, it is located, but in fact on those communications that allow the kiev regime to supply the group. What is holding back, what is trying to stabilize the situation there. Thats how eugene you mentioned the accumulation of forces vsu in kharkiv region. This means that the invasion of the Belgorod Region should not be ruled out. Well, as it turned out, one should not rule out a strike on the kremlin, and yevgeny, in fact, in the kharkov region, the enemy formed really large forces. Oh, but how they will be used is still unknown, but the fact is that one of the probable directions of the enemys strike is north of svatovo. And for this, the formation of the kiev regime will have to act from the kharkov region, with regard to possible attempts to araid actions, or a largescale offensive on the territory of the Belgorod Region , nothing can now be ruled out. What do the military say in the special military Operation Zone . Uh, specialists, i mean, where did these drones come from here . Did the saboteurs operate from ukraine . Uh, eugene, well , the military here in the special Operation Zone are more focused on their own problems, so lets not, but guess from here where the drones were flying from . Thank you very much evgeny like our legendary military commander works in the special military zone operations with the latest news that the offensive of the ukrainian side is about to start blinken. Just commented on the attacks on the kremlin, lets listen. Question what is the us position on similar attacks by ukraine or other combatants on the government during the war . Well, first of all, i saw a post about it. I cant confirm them in any way. We just dont know anything. Secondly, i would take everything that the kremlin says with a great deal of skepticism. So lets see, lets see what are the facts and its pretty hard to comment and speculate on the subject without knowing all the facts. And if we talk about the situation more globally, i have already said this, and we have already stated this. We leave it up to ukraine to decide how it will defend itself and how it will try to regain the territories that russia illegally took from it over the past 14 months, and also earlier in 2014. Well, probably, i would start by saying that the british are americans, although they terribly dislike the term anglosaxons, but they are them. Uh, always famous for skill. Fine . Dont say were wider than a term the anglosaxons, especially the ambassador in moscow , are furious, when the americans call all the ancients from the ancient medieval peoples. If you dig like that, but this does not mean that someone has been a vandal for a year and today. Eh, their core is anglosaxon. So, there is no getting away from this. Well, leaving the terminology in the country, i will say that they are always famous for their ability to combine politics and strategy, so i do not exclude that one of their possible actions. During the e, the socalled counteroffensive or the attack of the whole will create a threat to us on the other flank, why in order to divert part of our forces to another . Do not let the reserves be used and at the same time suck us, uh, both in the diplomatic and in the militarypolitical nature, maybe transnistria, but i would connect it with zelenskys todays visit to finland , where in the baltic, lets remember that no one be, and current us president joseph biden. And back in may of the fourteenth year, he delivered the famous bucharest speech. Where he said the following, that in response to any strengthening of russia in the black sea. We have to the americans respond by creating an adequate threat in the baltic sea, that is, for them it is a single region between the sea from the point of view of the United States, what threats can we create there . We first saw a scenario for working out such a threat already in june. Remember when lithuania began to create problems for our Railway Communication with kaliningrad and the region, and for and moreover , they will not necessarily go to war at all. They can just try to create a blockade of the kaliningrad region and will tell us quite calmly. And you know, well these are economic problems, and the European Union and nato have nothing to do with this, deal with lithuania yourself, but if you use the armed forces, then we will put into effect the fifth article of the washington treaty. Then the next moment. And where these same American Military bases in finland will appear, they may appear very close to our borders, which again will require distraction of forces, they may hold some kind of demonstrations, they may start discussions in the finnish parliament. But did the soviet union legally take the Karelian Isthmus first in fortieth, then in the fortyseventh year , approximately according to the paris peace treaty , the finns can try to genos the paris peace treaty. At least start such a discussion of the fortyseventh year. So in no case should we relax here, especially since sweden, a country that is very unfriendly to us, still looms behind us. And here the third moment arises of a bond with the arctic, that is, the arctic itself, which the americans and their junior partners will covet. And lets evaluate briefly in three words, where in the arctic we may have sore points the first northern sea route, i remind you that the swedes do not recognize our exclusive rights to the northern sea route, they say that the swedish expedition nordan scheid in 1878 was the first to pass it. He is your legal, but this is not your internal transport artery. That is, you do not have the right not to let our ships into this territory and close ports, the americans actively support them in this. Here is the first link that arises, for example, to send some military, yes or just cargo ships on the north sea route and will try to create a kind of military crisis there. To begin with. The second point is the territorial claim to russia. After all, we satisfied part of the ritual claims of norway in 2010 under the murmansk treaty. This immediately encouraged finland and the voices that spoke. And why, in this case, do not we put forward territorial claims to the front of the cookie itself. And why dont the americans tell us to remember that once the delong archipelago was discovered by nonrussians, and by an american, uh, to the expedition and only then the russian polar explorer baron only in 1885 forced him out of there, the United States why dont the americans tell us to remember . What once, by the way . Soviet russia in the twentyfourth year even had an Armed Conflict over the island of rangel, since canada declared it its territory and the United States helped in this. So , they can create a crisis for us at this moment both in the baltic and in the arctic, and in the future you think the direction will oppose us, they will only strengthen. Well, for now, we have e on our western crises are brewing at the borders, and a distinct one, in principle, continues. Yes, zelensky announced that the counteroffensive was about to begin, this was done in finland, where a visit absolutely unexpectedly flew in, generally quite strange, because it was announced that the president of the country would not immediately dodge ukraine. We may cancel visits to germany where he will be, what will he do . Distinctly incomprehensible, but nevertheless, about the counteroffensive. He speaks quite confidently. Lets listen to zelensky do we need planes . I many times said, without any secrets, i can repeat. We need them very much. Whether we will have them and why i believe that they will, i am sure, but this war is going on so that we must prove it on the battlefield. First we go forward and show that we cannot be captured in 3 days, then we are given some kind of weapon. After that, we go forward again, asking for longrange artillery, but it happens in different ways. We again have a difficult success, but nonetheless. After that, we are given the appropriate weapon. And thats why im sure well have planes, because soon we will have offensive actions. And after them, im sure they will give us planes. I would like everything to be, on the contrary, it would be easier for us, but as it is, as it is, and we are grateful for everything. What kind of security guarantees do you expect to receive from nato at the summit in vilnius and i will find the best and most powerful guarantee this is nato membership while the war is going on, we will not be in nato , we are clear some powerful steps to meet us, which would motivate ukrainian society, that it is not only open doors, not only something in the future. We would like support. Today we want to have an invitation for ukraine and on this path, while we have a war going on, we need todays security guarantees, while we are not yet in nato, but in any case, our goal is to have full membership in valiance, valencia, we are chipatrip aircrafts in surzhik, president s are expressed. Will ukraine have such Vladimir Aleksandrovich in ukrainian planes . Please be responsible. Its a very good shareware, actually. Thats i would like everyone who does not know how to directly share responsibility for this. I remind you that the main part of the instanced influence took place after kharkiv kherson, thats how, in fact, lighting up all the red lines that stepped over after that. The question is how , respectively, if there is no such type of restriction now. By the way, ill note that, as if power, without rafts, also flew from ukraine , the same thing, kolomna, as it were, respectively. Its a normal drone. Like, rather in total, he fell back in march, judging by everything, judging by how it was there by the way it collapsed there. Here respectively, as though all and the responsibility. Yes, including, as it were, people who took this type of action, they prepared accordingly in previous years and you cant imagine what barrenness, yes, this and, accordingly, of course, everyone should bear it. This absolutely just means what to do next, and, accordingly, like everyone else , according to the contrast. Well, it obviously fits, judging by the fact that one of the parties to the conflict left most likely this contrast, you will be very specific here, and accordingly, i doubt very much how much it will correspond to the agreements. Here are the agreements. What does specific mean . I remind you that according to certain agreements, it seems so, accordingly, it was assumed that weapons could not be used against territory, respectively, the socalled prone territory. Now, if lately these agreements, as it were, have been slightly changed violations, therefore, traces of the point of view, respectively, leaving, and the heads of one, respectively, military in the parties to the conflict means that they are, as it were, afraid of strikes directly, as it were, in the center of decisionmaking, by the way, which has not been working for a long time, everyone has been sitting in a bunker for a long time here , therefore, from this point of view, as it were, apparently, zelensky will not return in the coming weeks, absolutely exactly those of ukraine. That is , accordingly, the activity of the fact. Next week here, respectively, will return , we will not know at all. What difference does it make that it is related to the counteroffensive, however. This suggests that , as it were, some, respectively, response components are expected, and therefore, because of this, it comes from the fact that there will be some actions of a certain type, it will be necessary to see what they are, because if everything moved apart. If only in a southern direction, respectively, when he did not leave, because before that he would have to transfer to a boarding school. Naturally, he was. Accordingly, here now, as it were , i would also be there, there are such suspicions that concerns, respectively, the situation in the whole world, no matter how seriously it is aggravated. These are the consequences of the conflict, which we managed to extinguish last year, but now, as it were, the whole thing is returning and very Serious Problems are returning. Everyone. Who, respectively, are, as it were, on this world plus or minus the oilproducing countries, which, respectively, saw oil today at 72 per barrel and 68 per barrel, even respectively, when there will be ti and, accordingly, developed economies, which are naturally friendly watched 237 yesterday. Thats when two banks failed, not a single bank fell, two banks out of five banks already at the beginning. First, respectively, five banks, as it were, collapse, in principle, of all the six largest banking ones, and the banks that have collapsed in recent years, five of them are collapsed now this year. Question about this here, respectively, with regard to , respectively, the ceiling of the National Debt, as it were, how it was vanged, but the problem is, not even this, the problem is in the timings. I remind one would already have it themselves g7 on the eighteenth day of the eighteenth day, respectively, may 9th. He gathers congressmen accordingly in order to agree on blue. Thats because, as it were, if there is at least those defaults, it will be very very good for everyone. I under i wanted to note in general to everyone here, therefore, from this point of view, no one has the time of the week to agree on the fact, from the ninth there, plus or minus. He is there on the seventeenth of may. By this time, as it were, agreed, it is necessary, plus everything, it takes several days for this laminate everything properly endorse, that is, in fact, the timings are very strict. I will continue it all tonight at 21 00 to 20 00 all this will be a state. The fed will decide to raise you rates to 0. 25 on this the market will react the most important, respectively, then a press conference, because 21 30 will start tonight. Here, in fact, how would paulo announce what he is going to do there on his next, respectively, the meeting is wonderful. Heres a bet hell make he will raise the rate already at 20 00 the decision of the fed and the fed press conference the fed 22 2130 he will tell what will happen next next the next will not raise. He has one more bet thats already 100 . And already such a situation in fact in the economy, it is as if it is already impossible to do it normally. That is, as it were, respectively, the situation is stabilizing , which, as it were, for everyone else, it means that it is stabilizing for energy, most likely. Here they react quite positively, but in any case, not really in fact, after the energy crisis, which was caused, including in part by the conflict, it approached a very serious, component, because the recession, which may be, it can be very dangerous, in fact, we have data, accordingly, employment in december the us left 11 million. About plus or minus now at nine and six. For 3 months with all that, how would it still seem to eat on april began, so to speak , then march was considered, and in april the financial crisis there to say more layoffs from us, but this is not with us, but in the United States , since oil prices are falling here, this is also with us, because it is our income, it is all connected with us. This is the money that comes in, respectively, to steal the perimeter is all we have in the end on the planet. Earth, you are like elon musk, who is now blocking all the tweets that users write. They are all sent from the planet. Earth thats great, but for now it will be sent earth, i understand, martian, of course. The question lies elsewhere. Our main main problem, as it were, in general, that we underestimate, respectively, what is happening, as it were, outside of us, so to speak, but this is not us, very very very much, we are following this. Historically , traditionally, sometimes dmitry gadovich, there is a feeling that we overestimate, you know, when the bank falls into the fest republica . And then the next day, Drones Attack the kremlin, i wont even think about it. Which event is more important, right . Here in the moment, and it is clear. This distant reaction will follow on the Financial Markets of communication. Naturally , Development Income per gdp and so on, but thats right now and such an attempt on the life of president putin by the kremlin, why did this happen, because in many respects, Financial Support was provided from colossal reservoirs, which were if, respectively, this crisis, which, accordingly, is now flowing, it would have flowed last year, which initially it was initially assumed that at the first timing only the throwing away of large funds by tightening the rates was possible, how to postpone the year so if the experience had happened then. Of course it wouldnt from a financial point of view, that is, the problem lies in the following problem is that we must understand what will happen after the restrictions, which classes why everyone has pushed, naturally in may here some began to tell that nothing will happen in may, because it is based on Political Economic timings, and because you put in some kind of military there, there the problem is connected, as it were, with timings, related to the level of support. Now. Naturally, the last ranges. Thats because that after the test 59 of republicans are against further support, respectively, there are more than 40 of democrats already against support, that is , the problem is as follows, that is , in fact, the internal economic component, more precisely, is gradually becoming more important than external political component , moreover, at a certain level. It will be even more important than taiwan china at a certain level, that is, mainly in the twentyfourth year, therefore, from this point of view, how important it is must understand must understand what happens if there is an option like a recession, choosing between a recession, if the war is a technical priority, of course you will choose to fight the recession. This is the most important basic suggestion, because as a result you have sort of got busy on you selected on the nose. You have a political component of the choice you will not win. And here respectively they high inflation. You can definitely lose, like last year, for example, from the lower fee of the us parliament, so this is an important factor. Must share all points of view. We also need to understand what we are going to evaluate in this way. So, accordingly, the situation in the regime in the east remains difficult, let me remind you a little. Who is discussing this, as it were, but the second tank already smells of natural wounds. By the way, over the past week, that is, not the United States but iran is already starting to stop them, and there 40 of the total oil trading means. So so, by the way, is, therefore, from this point of view , there is a conflict to object if it is related to traffic blocking. Here it will be a very, very, very serious problem, as far as china is concerned with india, and lets say a court with a cow. I remind you that india is our owner and shareholder, looking at our projects that are located directly in the arctic zone, so, by the way, china is a shareholder, so they, in principle, extract Energy Resources there so understand the cooperation, with regard to the northern sea route, then the main known customer of this sea route, that is, where it ends with exactly the energy carrier, that is, its main traffic goes, respectively, as if from west to east, of course, it is desirable to score it. As if back from the east, but it doesnt matter. So this is india interesting for those who are moving about the northern sea route. And i hear a million no less, and here are the comments of serious people in the west, and here. Such a northern sea route, but who needs it, why is he investing money there . Yes , no ships will go there, and now everyone is just looking at him, as i dont know what happened, because the ice is melting. Yes, not therefore, because i dont understand, because on the northern contour to the northwestern ports that work for the European Union began to work sharply from a place to the southeast lane and the shortest route of the northern sea route became sharply the same, generally short, shorter everywhere, but it is not shorter, everywhere the cameras are very in specific periods, because it is very difficult to pass there in winter, whether it is necessary to make profitable posting in this problem. Who is the largest fleet of icebreakers, and it doesnt matter which country it doesnt matter for now which side is the only one, whether the fleet is broken so lets say and still, for the time being, that this is not enough from the point of view. Here is your lng there, in fact, we have gas production, which is now going on in Southeast Asia , the best way to deliver it there is lng and , in fact, an icebreaker, they basically pierced lng before that, respectively, madrie, and everything else. In fact, technology has changed, which we also saw belatedly. Now, if thats why they understood, the northern sea route was immediately filled with the necessary content, because it was a problem consisted in the northern sea route is the filling of goods with cargo traffic. There was discussed coal. Actually, now you kind of have the opportunity to do this if there was no conflict with the European Union in return, that is, china can send their own container ships there, for example, if there was no conflict, and so on no chinese european so deliver. Naturally, while you were talking about very important things. Came just a million news, because it is clear what is now, uh, the main lightning in the news space. Yes, what is the world discussing . The us authorities are trying to find out whether the attack on the kremlin was carried out on the orders of kiev or some kind of pro ukrainian garupment to the orders of kiev was involved in it, and what we tell you, and officials from the Biden Administration on wednesday evening will hold a briefing for members of the Us Senate Intelligence committee on regarding the drone attack on the kremlin , the pentagon said that the agency cannot yet comment on the information about the drone attack on the kremlin, but is aware of these reports. In the suburbs, following the capital, it prohibits issuance of permission to fly a blea, at the service of vorobyov and a. Air Defense Systems worked feodosiya over the sea reported the destruction of a drone that flew towards the offshore oil terminal zelensky claims that kiev did not attack putin or moscow the United States received no warnings about a planned drone attack on the kremlin , which moscow called an assassination attempt on president Vladimir Putin, reports this a source in the Us Government that it did not happen we were not warned in advance, another official source. Told cnn that the us is still working on evaluating the kremlins claims and cannot yet evaluate the kremlins claims that ukraine tried to assassinate Vladimir Putin more details after the publicity. The premiere on the channel russia will definitely blow it away. Well, lets go. Thank you, but im honestly just sorry you saw. Asking, i can offer my warm old sweater, but its at home. And this is far all today 20 on the channel. Russia is in the kubanka. Pensioners can get special conditions, so some are already taking out a loan, others rejoice at the interest that you need in the branch and online sovcombank age of its advantages. Svetlana now knows for sure there is a park. Sergey vitalievich wanted a new square. I received it, and Maria Ivanova whispered to us that the playground of my hands will influence the improvement of my city. Maybe everyone choose a project and vote for its implementation on the site outside the city sreda. Ru. Ice deluxe is mountains of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and enchanting tastes. Try ice deluxe and on linku a sea of ​​exotics. Ice deluxe manga Passion Fruit only at a delicious point. Credit up to 5 million. And now you are already sporting from the light of wallpaper in childrens loans from sovcombank to the branch and online it is conceived to be number one for everyone who first of all finds something new in the morning, who needs to switch first, then to give it their all to share fresh cats. And for those who have set up the feed to watch what they like right now, dive into the world of the freshest and most diverse content, together with 25 million users, the Meeting Point of impressions, moscow coffee houses a combination of tradition and cuttingedge technology of the highest class. So it was possible, of course, to pay for the world cards easily, if you have an application, pay for purchases in any way you are used to from the world card or the mirpay application, as usual noncash, by the way, who are you listening to . Love the quality this is an activewear superior. We open a good season you see how the world is rapidly changing the future of millions of people under threat they want to cancel your language and your culture, and tear your homeland to pieces. How to find a foothold and defend what is dear to you . Worth the effort which will restore justice as the backbone of the country. Protect your future and the future of your children. Today , in this studio , songs of the war years are heard ; like a gate a little more a little more the last battle. Songs with all my heart andrey malakhovs holiday show may 9 at 17 45 oliver stone called putin the great leader of his country the director finished work on the film near Nuclear Weapons and called russia the most responsible player. On this field john f. Kennedys favorite american president has become a fan of his close relatives and president ial candidates robert candy jr. Said today that the United States crossed red lines by supporting the killing of russians in the donbass, adding that the west needed to listen to putin if they did not want to provoke an open military conflict. We should have listened to putin all these years. You know, we have undertaken obligations to russia before gorbachev that we will not promote nato for any inch east. Why did we then go further, we lied, we brought 13 new countries into nato, we supplied them with Missile Systems with Nuclear Weapons. And if you address russia with hostility from the very beginning, of course, their reaction in response will be hostility, and then we know what happened in ukraine. The us supported in fact the coup detat in 2014 against the democratically elected government of ukraine. You will understand the United States is our biggest enemy. Now took over the government of the country they did hostile to us, and then began to pass laws that are detrimental to this huge russian population. It is also as if mexico did it and then the Ukrainian Government would start killing. Killed 14,000 russians, if mexico had done this to the americans, we would have invaded in a second. So i think we should put ourselves in the place of our opponents. Mikhail mikhailovich , of course, at present the focus is on the attack of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the senate corps of the kremlin, everyone has a question, how is this became possible we, of course, still have very few details to judge this incident thoroughly, but nevertheless. I think the investigation is already going to start with what , yes, yes, start with the auction posting card, that is, who discovered these Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, who accompanied them . What data was issued to the next command posts . What air Defense Forces and means were brought to readiness to open fire, what combat missions did they receive if they did not complete it . Why didnt they do it, but i think that the investigation is in this direction and goes e. Well, here, there is such a stalinist revolution. And what is our air defense there because everyone has a question. Well, how is it . How did it happen, but for starters, i can say that, for example, uh, relatively recently, until 1991 and in the first years after the collapse of the soviet union , the Moscow District stood on the cover of the city of moscow, the moscow industrial district, the Central Industrial district of the adjacent regions, antiaircraft defense in the composition of as many as eight corps, list the second corps, rzhev the third, yaroslavl the sixteenth. Uh, then gorky now Nizhny Novgorod, the seventh bryansk and four corps stood directly on the cover of the city of moscow. First, sixth, tenth , seventeenth. How many of these buildings do you think are left . Yes, not a single one all died, uh, as a result of a major reform and reduction in the combat and Numerical Strength of troops against air defense, for example, 28 zenith missile colonels were directly covering moscow, eight remained. Well, that is, more than three times reduced , again, the combat composition. Well, heres Something Else case . Im against the fact that here on the forces and means of air defense. Here they were moving forward. Or would such accusations be groundless . Why because, well, when the zenith system of missile cover for moscow was created, it is also called sometimes a50. It was then that no one knew such words, such words as, for example, a smallsized Unmanned Aerial Vehicle made of composite materials, flying at extremely low altitudes, and this whole system was focused on combating airborne and cruise missiles. Seabased, strategic and tactical aviation. Now, of course, the situation has changed and what i am saying about our former power. Its not at all yaroslavnas task for this and now we are deciding what to attract, firstly, we need to seriously think about covering up especially important objects directly within the moscow region. To do this, it is necessary to put all possible forces into the service for the sake of electronic warfare, and up to the point of deploying visual observation posts to immobilize a smallcaliber antiaircraft gun artillery and machine gun mounts. Use lasers to blind the optics of enemy electronic systems, that is, we must now make the most of all the forces and means that are at our disposal. The mega blaster definitely fits. There are some artificial intelligences, but the task must be solved by the teams of forces and means that we have at our disposal now. Two strike drones shot down by Russian Forces and air defense in crimea have just been reported by the adviser to the head of the region. Many of you are such crimea successfully worked out the air Defense Forces of damage and there were no victims, we will return. Selected to fulfill the responsibility can premiere from may 9 at 22 10. Women hold on to everything now dont forget to buy seeds from martin. The best gloria jeans is enough for my children. Vk clips are the Number One Service for everyone who finds something new first thing in the morning, who needs to switch first in order to give it their all later. For those who are important to be the first to share fresh cats and for those who set up the feed to watch what like right now immerse yourself in the world of the freshest and most diverse content, together with twentyfive million users, a Meeting Point of impressions, moscow coffee houses a combination of tradition and advanced technology. Pyaterochka helps out make out osago savings on the number one Comparison Service in russia we are unique fashionable every day with friends we love to put on new images of gloria jeans how i feel good with you movies on weekends. By Evgeny Sidikhin calm down Vladimir Sterzhakov a face among the killers. Where can he hide . It can kill a person depends on what this thing is soaked in . I need help. For a while, you understand, in fact, and you live there in this one with them, we pass the motherland chooses us to the mechanics. Here is the yenisei creek, ashgabat behind each of these an amazing person who once made a choice and almost all of them said, if not we, then who with tape by Vladimir Solovyov can i stop and not change myself, can i go forward and win the premiere on sunday 22 45 on channel russia attacked kremlin with two drones. Peskov called from this incident an attempt on the russian president as a result of the attack. No harm done. Putins work schedule has not changed and will continue as usual. The russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures, there and so on. And when they consider it necessary, they announced in the kremlin in moscow and the region, also in the Northern Capital , a complete ban on the launch of drones was introduced just in helsinki and zelensky commented on the situation at a joint press conference with the main governments of the nordic countries he stated that kiev did not attack putin or moscow, but that it was fighting exclusively on its territory, but nevertheless , a new brand was announced in ukraine after strikes on the dome of the senate corps of the kremlin politician, reports that the us authorities are trying to find out whether the attack on the kremlin was carried out on order of kiev or some pro Ukrainian Group is involved in it . We are receiving live breaking news that russia has accused ukraine of attacking the kremlin in moscow with two drones that night, russian officials called it an assassination attempt. President putin and described it as a terrorist act. Do you want that the Kremlin Press Service made this very dramatic statement, just a few minutes ago. Tonight, the kiev regime attempted to strike with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the kremlin residence of the president of the russian federation, two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles were aimed at the kremlin as a result of timely actions taken by the military and special Services Using radar warfare systems. The devices were put out of action due to their fall and the scattering of fragments on the territory of the kremlin, the victims and material damage. No, we regard these actions as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the president , carried out on the eve of victory day on may 9, at which the presence is planned. As a result of this terrorist attack , the president was not injured, his work schedule has not changed, and continues as usual. The russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures, where and when and when they deem it necessary , information arrives that Vladimir Putin was not in the kremlin at that time, and his work schedule has not changed. Regardless of what kiev says about whether this is true or not, the russian state is making such a serious statement. And its a major escalation because we dont know what they can do in response to this wills that we dont know right now. So this is, were these drones . Loaded with explosives. We know that drones are being used by both sides in this war and they can be civilian drones that have been modified to carry explosives. Which can be lethal and of course the Ukrainian Government has the knowhow on how to use these drones. In any case, on the internet. There is an image of how ukrainians are made. Or rockets, Something Like world war ii technology, Something Like v2 is a picture of what they make at home from pieces of pipe. But what we are talking about here is most likely these turkish drones that they bought, and they adapted their question of whether it has insufficient flight range to reach the capital of russia if these are really two drones filled with explosives that were launched at the kremlin then it is very difficult to regard this as anything other than an assassination attempt, or at least , as an attempt to cause significant damage to this extremely important building, the heart of the capital of russia. In the artyomovsk region, the highest activity of ukrainian aviation is observed, both along the perimeter and inside the front, but as reported by the Russian Defense unit the Airborne Forces managed to operate on the flanks during the battles for the city, the rear of which does not stop being attacked by russian assault squads, pmcs. At the same time, on the outskirts of artyomovsky, ukrainian militants conduct excursions for american propagandists, to the positions on which the heavy equipment of the bundeswehr is working, they are talking about selfpropelled howitzers, ptskh two thousand. Early dawn ukrainian unit fires one of the most powerful and deadly artillery systems in the world selfpropelled howitzers 2. 000 or pch2000 rounds and can produce 10 shots per minute target Russian Forces. Up to 43 miles away. These hightech cannons are very powerful in ukraine and only about thirty defending them from the enemy is the most important thing. Even our military expert didnt give us the location of the unit. You are now on your way to a selfpropelled artillery unit about 6 miles from the russians , close enough to hear the distant sounds of pizza. Need to have trained these former civilian slaves, the modern target pointing system is a very smart system. This is a capable soldier actually in february last year. He was a kiev computer now at the age of 31 he is a crew commander, how did you become a commander so quickly, germany i was in germany and studied to be a loader of shells. He says that his nato instructors, seeing how quickly he got comfortable with the Computer System , put him in charge of fiveman units and sent them back to support the infantry on the front line, destroying enemy artillery this morning, the crew is preparing for battle. They load their selfpropelled gun with 2,000 rounds of new fuses. I check the cartridge cases, prepare the automatic loaders and enter the current parameters of the wind and other weather conditions. Now that their gun mount is ready and set up. Theyre just waiting for orders on where and when to fire, theyre going to drive down this road into the open field to shoot back and then return to this hidden position. Sometimes they dont go far, especially now, when getting stuck in the mud, it can be deadly dangerous, you can be seen by a russian drone and be destroyed at you have enough ammo shells enough. I will not answer this question because the russians may use this information for propaganda. Well the answer to this question is the answer, which is a state secret. It may well be decisive for success in the offensive circuit after many battles of great amounts of time by both sides. Now they are looking for new personnel, new Weapons Systems and more ammunition. So far , it is known for sure that the russians have not changed their strategic goals. They will continue capture more ukraine and as a result ukraine must continue to defend itself. And, of course, kiev is going to return the territory that the russians have captured. So i think until we see any desire to sit down at the negotiating table either from the russian side. It is very difficult to predict from the ukrainian side. How exactly will the war end . Well, while the germans praise the products of their militaryindustrial complex, n. You sleep at 100 hz, ptsh 2. 000 turned out to be ineffective in ukraine, they cannot tolerate dirt. Their electronics are moisture sensitive. Mechanical parts need constant longterm maintenance, so reliable soviet guns prove themselves in a real war. Better than the delta, on the eve of the offensive , the whole question is, what awaits, but in ukraine its Something Else. The children of the german funnel tanks leopard edition note that the russians will destroy them in three different ways with modern russian atgm antitank mines and russian main battle fire there. More indications that the ukrainian counteroffensive is something of enormous strategic importance, for them against the ukrainians claim that they will not announce its beginning, however. There are indications that his prelude, or even the counteroffensive itself , begins last week. We have heard reports of explosions in the east of the occupied kherson region from the russiancontrolled coast. Dnieper, there were reports of possible landings. Very small groups. Is it a distraction or something serious. Ukraine tries not to confirm any of these reports. Find evidence of the beginning of the countercontrol of the pvsu, in fact, kiev is still being attacked exclusively on the internet, ukrainian propagandists spread fakes on social networks, the capture of the village of spartak near donetsk , the nonexistent thirtyfourth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine on youtube. In its current state. There are more and more indications that an offensive may take place military issues should always be taken into account that it is very difficult to look into the crystal step, what exactly can you say . So this is that at the weekend the commanderinchief was laid in germany and met there with the chief commander on such and probably. They talked about some possibilities there, as zaluzhny himself said, he tells the commander of nato forces in europe in detail about the operational situation, along the entire front line , and the situation for the armed forces is clearly no better immediately after that he told congress. Usa what is the argument that kiev is winning mistakenly, most of the russian army did not suffer during the ukrainian conflict ; moreover, moscow, according to nato intelligence, is already rebuilding its armed forces. They will become even larger. What happens if russia wins and ukraine loses stratified points of view, it depends on what the underpowder means, where will the Russian Forces end up, where will the Ukrainian Forces end up geographically, what will be their composition . What opportunities they will have, but we will definitely have to change our containment position if they end up much further west than they have managed to get now. The tsar of the usa blinkin reassures since ukraine still exists , the russians have already lost and promise counternaz the coming weeks blinken believes success on the battlefield. A better way to peaceful pergamum , minister of defense of ukraine reznikov, in an interview with atlantic, reports the capture of crimea without a fight. Such crazy statements confused even the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of ukraine, danilov, and reznikov , the imperious hall. It seems that reznikov generally says that crimea will be given up without a fight. Why minisweetly affect . It is difficult for me to say whether they will give something away without a fight. I can only say that if necessary, we will release in a way that we will consider it necessary and no one we ask for permission, so we are not going to the occasion. This is our earth and our task is to liberate it. In order to continue sending ukrainians to slaughter, the supreme rada adopted the bills proposed by zelensky on extending the martial law of mobilization. And for another 90 days militants. Now the defense does not want to be cannon fodder, they are indignant, why are they thrown to the forefront, and listeners with heavy equipment sit behind their backs . Why is this normal . And who gave us, it turns out, our boys are ahead of the barrier is ahead. Yes now our brigade is on the first line of defense. Cnn commentary of the words of a soldier of the 46th separate airmobile brigade with the call sign arthur well, the militants are worried that they will not have the element of surprise. And the longer the command waits, the more the russians hit the ukrainian weapons depots and places of deployment. The russian army is also actively destroying the remnants of ukrainian longrange air Defense Systems. For this, group strikes by lancet drones are used up to ten pps in one on the fly, an informed source told renu ria novosti. The big problem for ukraine is that the Russian Armed forces used to prepare this long period, which was due to seasonal weather, climate, weapons, ammunition and logistics. They took advantage of this moment to replenish their supplies prepare and build significant fortifications in the direction of attack and this will make it difficult for the Ukrainian Forces. Fast promotion. Im afraid that we are again waiting for a long and expensive war of aggression. Victory, kiev in the west stubbornly continue to believe only. Ukraine bo during the debate in the house of commons, he demanded to take ukraine into nato, the kiev regime also has less and less confidence in western benefactors. The authorities of ukraine are hiding from them the details of the spring counteroffensive in isu. And zelensky, in an interview with your pus, complains that the americans didnt even warn him about the pentagons secret data leaks. Zelensky found out about the disclosure of information just like everyone else the rest of the news in advance. I didnt get any information from outside the white house. No pentagon, zelensky said we didnt have this data. I personally didnt. And its definitely not good. History is unprofitable. For us, it is bad for the reputation of the white house and i believe it is bad for the reputation of the United States to improve its reputation in the eyes of the kiev regime. Washington today will announce a new package of military assistance to ukraine for 300 million , reuters reports in the package war the eu is getting ready. I will put the industry into a war economy mode and plans to increase the production of artillery shells to a million a year, the breton european commissioner said, but it still wont be possible to quickly defeat the russians warn mark miller, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us army i dont want to talk about whether there will be a specific offensive or no, let me just say that over the past few months the ukrainians have been asking us for military assistance to help them train and equip their Ukrainian Forces. Now they have the opportunity to attack. They can carry out offensive operations, however. I think the likelihood that one of the parties will achieve their political goals. Very low it will be extremely difficult and frankly i dont think its anything like that this year. There, the background in nato does not smell of unity, deputy Prime Minister of poland glinsky accused half of europe, in particular germany reparations for world war ii use germany as a political punching bag before the elections, in addition to the poles of the british and finns. Western countries slow to ramp up munitions production sounds alarm, Washingtonbased Center for european policy analysis, for western aid to continue Ukrainian Military must demonstrate its ability to move forward and retake at least part of the territory currently occupied by Russia Ukraine needs to achieve a significant breakthrough in the field fight because another stalemate could prove too much for some of the allies, ponata, whose commitment to helping ukraine is on principle. How much will it take to reach a Tipping Point sooner or later . The Security Council will freeze Dmitry Medvedev just said that after todays terrorist attack, he means an attack on the crimea and the kremlin by drones, there are no options left except for the physical elimination of zelensky by his clique. Ill risk not being a military expert until the dog responds. So it has to. More and more talk to you more and more and more about military and related matters. So i will also speak on my own account , of course, these drones pose no real threat to russian president Vladimir Putin, this does not mean that this symbolic psychological political diplomatic act itself should not be considered as a terrorist attack aimed at destroying the laws of power in the country although i repeat, i am sure that there was absolutely no such physical threat. The second one, in my opinion, was heard here in one of at least one of the speeches. Thats before this big big commercial break, but again, they wont be a specialist. Ah, that, of course, it was banderas ukrainian operation in moscow at last. What, and it was already full in our country before, uh, february 24 last year. They know how to wait a long time. For a very long time and in the crimea, who all these years was from the fourteenth year. I have been there several times a year. Constantly locals, im not talking about more uh some officials have talked about it. I hope that our special services, i see it all, knows it works, appropriately, but i think it needs to be demonstrated. Uh, some more energetic uh measures, actions are found here, well, now excuse the city of moscow, but we are still arguing. What to do in television newspapers. What to do . As a tactician who waters hot russia in these conditions . Weve come to this, we cant solve Public Opinion for some fucking reason. To shut everyones throats in this situation without any decrees on the dissident and without references to the criminal codes. You cant. All those there is a lot of information, there are owners , a command is given to the editorinchief and everything is blocked instantly and then on the tv screen. I see, uh, those in the ads. Those who, in any case, verbally acted against russia, this is the first thing i want to say, the second again, alas, the military about this offensive itself. Here kiev adopted a method of the west of classifying ee information of an important russian tradition of the soviet at least, but it will not let me lie about how the information was kept secret. Here is a secret pen. She was created around her alone several privacy zones, as much as possible a little less a little less. And so, at a distance of 20 km. All this was covered. And there everything is automatic just in case, he was a secret titanovich saxons, they scatter, uh, 1,000 pens and one of them is secret, therefore , the more. They talk about the attack on the crimea all the less. I believe that this main blow will be covered. Psychologically, this is understandable. This is demoralizing and so on, but i believe in it the less, the most vulnerable points. What gifts are also here, kaliningrad you can change clothes, of course, health, this is the second front. In fact, it creates for russia, moreover, how else can it be transferred there . I hope everyone is ready for this. Then say, kaliningrad will not listen will cut attack on kaliningrad, i do not rule out even an attack by the poles. And for poland ill be back. Here but to cut, if possible, all the ways of the podzas, and there the people of the equipment. Uh, only by sea and air is good and the air can be cut. Of course, transnistria is simply creating a second front right away, and we cannot but respond. If only i will go. Of course, extreme effect. It is clear that they cannot win by military means in any of their counteroffensives, but psychologically the maximum impact, how can it be . In russia, on the russian authorities , to put that day you are in a position to enter the territory of your own russia, therefore the kharkov direction. I wouldnt count me out. Just drop it. This is russia not for a kilometer and not for these two groups and sown, but to massively capture several villages. Eh, heres a giant problem for you. Well, of course, actually, donetsk this, of course, if the shock donetsk is more or less successful, then this is a gigantic effect. The next thing i wanted to talk about, theres a lot we dont know is again. Here is our system , the secrets of everything, well, it can spoil it. How effective is this grain deal, which they say no one can understand who these five specialists are and directly. When what effect does positive russia give, that is, a grain deal to help. Dardagan to be elected, they say a lot more, but we dont know anything for sure. We do not know, for example, here he is, and the antidollar operation that is being carried out, that is, we see that we dont know how significant the agreements between the leaders of the respective countries are, how far they are ready to go, and so on, that is , this whole military situation fits into the context, and also in this global situation, but there is things, in my opinion, are completely obvious. Im still not i in this studio said more than once youre only in this one, i cant understand, were not a single political upheaval of diplomats. Today, for countries that are actually fighting with the hands of ukraine, uh, against us, but not committed. For what us official relations with the European Union . Why do we need them there is a set of countries with each of us includes our favor will give enemies. Sometimes you have to maintain a thermomatic relationship with hitlers germany until june 22, fucking, fortyone, type of relationship. Sometimes it comes. Why is there still 66 billion dollars of trade turnover . This is sex with individual countries. I the European Union itself does not produce anything. This is trade with individual herds, where they will not disappear from the fact that we break off relations with the European Union. And the last thing i said, we take it lightly. Eh, i understand, bravato, thats all. And there shouldnt be any panic. Uh, its definitely, by the way on this occasion already to shut up some. Who is still speaking to prorussian television, not only on television and other media, but somehow constantly laughs at these ukrainian leaders. Here kuleba said, and everyone laughed at it, who only laughed at god and laughed at what ukraine now decides. What country . What is not civilized. You, too , unconditionally brought this story to yourselves, perhaps more today. But he said that the american further permission to demand from any western country whatever we want, if they dont give it, complain, the americans will come to call us, fly in, summon us and talk. Why dont you do what the cave needs, yes, not a civilized, not a democratic country. Thats what hesitation said, so these are two. Uh, ukraine is the current kiev regime and, uh, polish by the throat. Yes, behind the hands of this damn europe, supposedly independent. And we laugh all the time when he speaks the truth. They say a lot of what is in reality, so ahead may 9th is our victory day. And the fact that today more than ever. We need a new victory that is equivalent in terms of geopolitical effect, because it was the ninth of the fifth year. Im not saying that by all means for the holiday and so on. This is already decided by military experts and the political leadership, as accurately as possible by a Strong Military strike, producing a corresponding political impression. But of course we uh, were all looking forward to it. As for the grain deal, in my opinion, it is not very clear and cynical in terms of the fact that we need the goods that turkey supplied us, uh, through the socalled parallel imports. But turkey needed it. E grain in order to speculate and process it, and in this sense, of course, everything is understandable. Yes, absolutely, i understand well, naturally, and these questions are absolutely fair, but now turkey no longer needs our grain, and part of the deal is not being fulfilled. We do not receive, but those benefits. Uh, who were supposed to receive, so it seems to me illusory that this is a deal after the eighteenth of may, brother, as for zelensky, he, of course, denies the attack on the kremlin says we did not do this. Lets listen. The kremlin today accuse you and ukraine of trying to assassinate putin, i can repeat this message. I think it will be clear to everyone. We are not attacking, not putin, not moscow putin, we are fighting on our own territory, we are defending our towns and cities. We dont even have enough weapons for this. Thats why we dont use them anywhere. Thats why were in short supply, we cant use anything anywhere, thats why we didnt attack putin. Said again , this is another example of how many times theyve said they dont have enough weapons. Every time they say, i also, in my opinion, told the studio, but donetsk is shelled every day. And uh, actually, uh, russian territories. Uh, the old ones are shelling every day, lying. They, that they do not have enough weapons planes. Tomorrow, these howitzers are already found by the crews on the battlefield, and everyone told us that they had not yet made a decision, they deceive. Every day, you know us, yEvgeny Petrovich, about this attack, of course, the easiest, so i heard in your studio today where our air defense is. Why didnt they shoot down, so to speak . Why didnt they intercept for some reason, there is an opinion that modern air defense is simply obliged to intercept, uh, any target at any height, ranging from one meter to 10 km any stealth of any of any material, but this is not so, but if you remember the eightyseventh year, uh, when the rus flew in and sat down on uh red square, flew on a small plane at an extremely low altitude, he flew along a highvoltage power line. Well, we didnt have the means to simply wave it from the ground to him there , people who, so to speak, cultivated the fields, because they flew at a height, there, 1020 meters 15 meters, the air defense team was nevertheless shot of everyone removed. The minister of defense was removed from the commanderinchief of the air defense, the commander of the army was removed, the air defense was filmed there by the dozens. Uh, because of this although objectively. If you look, but there, well, thats okay, this is the story here. Here it is completely incomprehensible to me what kind of drone. Where did he come from. Maybe he flew from barvikha. Maybe he flew from odintsovo. Maybe it flew in from somewhere near moscow, or maybe from the territory of ukraine, these are all completely different drones. These are completely different means, so, uh, this case should be considered not like this, yes, this realistic act, but we must be aware that ukraine has begun. Uh, quite openly a terrorist war. Trains are being blown up, leaving here in bryansk areas have gone. Uh, the tracks were undermined from the second week the second one the week before broke through. They took hostages there. Uh, drones and drones are already flying all the time. Uh, surface vehicles are attacking sevastopol, that is, uh, you know, i get the impression that all that really is a counteroffensive or offensive has already begun, but it began precisely in the form of a terrorist war. And we need to be very tough. We are my deepest conviction. We need to hit hard like we hit hard on uh a terrorist attack on the crimean bridge, when they began to carry out, er, regular strikes on the Energy Infrastructure infrastructure. So now we need to answer. Uh, and answer harshly and answer in kiev and answer. Just a dagger, of course, so that no one could intercept a couple of pieces, but im not talking about the central part of kiev, its the ministry of defense there, according to the banks, it will determine, but you need to answer tough now about this counteroffensive. You know, in my opinion, the whole world is already waiting for the start of the ukrainian a counterukrainian offensive, and in its classic form, but i get the impression that it will not start in its classical form. Because uh, you know, well, miracles dont happen. And despite the fact that, yeah, its not world war ii. Yes, now they have changed, so to speak, several forms and methods sit with the advent of new means of destruction, but still in order to launch some kind of meaningful attack on some direction of the direction of the main strike or on the direction of the auxiliary strike. You need to create an appropriate grouping. You need to create two layers. It is necessary to create a breakthrough echelon. It is necessary to create an offensive development echelon, but without this, uh, in small mobile groups along the entire line, along the entire front line. Something there to feel to break through. This is not a path to success. This will not lead to any cutting off of the land supply routes to crimea there or, uh, the liberation of some of our own. Eh, or rather our territories , the capture of our territories. It wont work either. And if the concentration starts, i think we have intelligence facilities. Yes we are a little bit, so to speak, we got tired of the americans, e in the means of Space Reconnaissance of Space Reconnaissance, but we have it, Evgeny Petrovich does not get tired of repeating. If there were no raisins, then, of course, well, your words, raisins, eugene perfectly took raisins , but raisins are sloppiness, well , sloppiness, these are raisins, you know, mobile groups, when they groped for holes in our defense, and a groped for those places where are standing, and those people who covered it with reports, like this , yes, they will say now, right . Here let me say. I know, i know the position of our correspondents. I know the position of our small mobile group, but when the National Guard stands there, which is not designed to repel the onset of considerable mobile groups, and even more so large strike groups. But this was a no brainer. What we got carried away, now there is no such thing, now there is no such thing. Naturally, now the equipment, the Defense System created in all directions for everyone, for example, maybe there are some holes somewhere, but if some kind of lowmobility group seeps into these holes, it will be destroyed. At ukraine has no advantage in any component, so to speak, they dont have e for an offensive operation, they dont have air superiority either. Well, if we talk about aviation there, the three tasks are air superiority. Uh, the suppression of air Defense Systems and the support of ground operations different types of aircraft, fighters, fighters, fighters, bombers, bombers, attack aircraft are not, they have advantages, the active phase of the offensive will not begin in the coming days, you think, i think if it if it starts , then they they will simply lose this attack, because i hope and i am sure that as soon as our intelligence reveals the concentration of ukrainian troops. In some area here is a blow to pavlodar, they concentrated for several months. There they accumulated ammunition for equipment. Here the blows were dealt to the ministry of defense. He said that all e targets were hit. I dont know what targets were hit there , because uh, its not u specified, but i hope that really the targets given, so to speak , the force, uh, of the sounded explosions, that uh a certain, so to speak, amount of these ammunition, ammunition depots and fuel and lubricants was destroyed, this can slow it down. Eh, rather. Well, in any case, cause significant damage to the offensive potential. So im just like a military man, i want to see how this offensive will develop. It will be a new military science if they manage to capture some territories simply by the actions of lowmobility groups of small numbers, so to speak, without air cover without uh, they have 100 aircraft. We even have an open plane, source, open open source. We have about 2,000 aircraft. And they have ways and not 100 aircraft, different sources give from 100 to 30 americans, some uh sources give 30 aircraft that would remain and capable. Wagner captures, uh, active even hyperactive such a formulation. They use the use of ee aviation in the artyomov direction right now, of course, vigilance. No need to sedate. Yes , this is a very serious challenge that we have to face and in this sense, ah, there will be surprises. And, of course, an easy walk this offensive will not be for the armed forces, nor for our citizens, however, until the ukrainians themselves. They say that, in general, not very ready, what is the effect . Surprises lost, but we do not believe them, but listen. A ukrainian soldier with the call sign artur told cnn that his brigade is ready for the longawaited contour offensive. However, due to the delay , the armed forces may not live to see this operation. The Russian Aerospace forces are smashing, warehouses and positions of the Ukrainian Army a number of such aspects. In anticipation of the counteroffensive cause concern. Arthur and his ukrainian fellow soldiers will not have elements of surprise. After all, every smartphone screams about this contour offensive. So the russians may not know where it will be. Or maybe they know and are already fully prepared, he said, the more they wait and accumulate forces, the more the russians hit their warehouses and places of deployment, moreover, they constantly attack the front line of aviation defense. If ukraine continues to play for time, it may not live to see the counteroffensive. And if russia hits warehouses with weapons, then they have the data artur also said that Ukrainian Forces are no longer waiting for fighter jets, which president Volodymyr Zelensky and other leaders have repeatedly asked western countries for. They learn to fight with what they have. Andrei andreevich i hope that those military men who are really responsible for direct planning today. Aand our response to the counteroffensive is aware that the lack of aviation in ukraine is not at all a problem for ukraine in the presence of highprecision longrange Missile Systems, with which they will be used instead of aviation to strike at airfields against our aa, headquarters and control centers, unfortunately a war, and each new war. It differs from the previous veterans. The generals who commanded in afghanistan were convinced that now, having entered chechnya, they knew exactly how to fight in the mountains and how to fight in such conditions, and they had to relearn on the go, they turned out to be completely unprepared for the practice that was applied in afghanistan and moreover, the practice, and received through blood, turned out to be absolutely not applicable in chechnya, the practice, and the applied during the counterterrorist operation of the war in the north caucasus, where, by the way, the troops of the nation were the troops of the National Guard then, but simply the internal troops of the great general military and battles and the hardest city battles and showed themselves perfectly in them. Well, by the way, yes, since you say that they are not ready, i dont know, it seems to me that the veterans of the internal troops are now, but they were a little angry at how they were not ready. So. Ah, it turned out that, for example, e in the 2008 war. Although, it was short, this practice was not at all applicable, although the experience of the army was obtained colossal. Yes, skills, for example, reconnaissance, uh, companies, and so on. And in private . They were applicable in urban battles, but in general , the army retrained on the move during these five days, and then siri. And then we retrain these events every time, and this is not the case. Its okay, but you just dont need to build illusions that we already know everything every time we can face a situation that we dont know something, and were not ready for modern warfare, because i remember how in this studio, and people seriously explained that now we are like a Tactical Nuclear weapon, roll out like red lines, draw everyone scared. Well, today, but there was a blow to the kremlin, what where . Where are these people who threatened and talked about the red lines. Right here in this studio, the former general understands, and the fact that the uav, when you flew to moscow or any other large city, well, it was clear from the very beginning. That is why ukraine was developing its own loot. It was for this that western experts reworked the old soviet stu143 drones in order to strike deep into our territory the entire regime. Ah, kievsky, all of todays political ukraine is one big project one big such political project. You pmcs directed against us will have more powerful drones. They also left them nothing. In general, in fact , for those who seriously followed what was happening , the last year did not happen, and well, by and large. And let me say, maybe it will upset someone, but it does not affect anything. Not tactically, not strategically, even, if 50 drones arrived. Yes, at least that this does not affect the final results, it does not at all. This maximum affects the psyche of people who may not have been ready for this, because drones will fly to the houses of moscow or some large cities, because they also heard , here are those soothing speeches, all right, everything is fine , we are strong and we have something to answer. And here we have red lines, and red lines, they shifted, you know, and impunity did not begin yesterday, and not today, and never did you kill children in donetsk impunity began on may 2, 2014. On this day, the war of ukraine against russia began ; yesterday was an anniversary, another on this day on may 2, 2014, a war of political ukrainians against russians against the russian world began against russian meanings of people in ukraine in odessa they were killed because they were russians because that they wanted to remain russian because they went to the city center under russian flags. Some even under the imperial flag, remembering that, and the city was founded by the empress, the criminal empress a a city was founded and they were killed. It was because of this that they then. May 2, 2014 were the first lines of defense of russia in this global confrontation. And what happened next, and then in moscow, our liberal party laughed vilely at the victims of may 2 over the russian people who were killed, how is it, uh, which of the members of the Anticorruption Fund in bc wrote past the house of trade unions without cocktails, i dont go, yes , such ditties they laughed at this woman who broke her spine on that woman who screamed terribly out the window that she is killed to the laughter of the crowd but all right, those people, and so to speak, oppositionists and so on. Okay, cultural figures who went to odessa like Boris Grebenshchikov and who went to odessa when saakashvili was governor there sang in front of him and everyone said, well, well, this is Boris Borisovich, we will not touch him. And Boris Borisovich then took and donated 12 million to help the allunion, and she a year ago, yes, during her concert, so, but that position is understandable opposition to all of us, when we talked about what happened there mass murder, that this is genocide, this whole party made fun of you and our colleagues, and the rest were silent statesmen and were silent and said many times, yes, that is, even when people came out, they said yes. This is a crime this is genocide. And how it ended, and this topic ended, for example, that the bastard goncharenko, who was looting there, was broadcasting live from there to savek shusters studio and spoke. Here it is , the antimaidan camp has been destroyed. He came to moscow he was detained. And right there released just a few hours later. Who gave this distraction . Where are these people today, who gave the order that goncharenko be released. They must be working somewhere. Or maybe not work. Maybe at first this special operation ran away somewhere. Yes, they live somewhere. I dont know, but this was the situation in which we lived and the people who fought there, we know them. We have at least somehow, lets say the name of gennady i am kushnareva, well, the leaders of the odessa squads, who fought there to the last, saved women and children brought out was killed. The name of vadim is a negative poet , they are somehow immortalized no. And this is where this impunity, the red line, began. When i hear that now, now they have switched to terror. And when they committed terrorist attacks in crimea, and when they killed children in the donbass, it was not terror, it means, dear colleagues, that something here somewhere is not quite right for all of us , since we think that this is what Something Else was some were not our people. No, it all started, then and today we get some consequences. But it doesnt matter that we flew, but this does not mean that we simply lost something and there is no need to despair, in no case should we despair. We must prepare. We must prepare for the offensive and for the reflection, and for the fact that we will win anyway, and the struggle will be long. Well be back soon. All the same, 50 previous episodes, excuse me, please, you dont look after your bag. Yes, of course, julias acquaintance and novels began. Its nothing together. Oh. Wait, each of them hopes that this is their first and last meeting. I have today there were so many adventures, but here we go. Enough meet roma sergeevich do you know each other . To put it mildly, yes, and how did you call . Whats with the emperor . I met, and then for yulia, but fate has other plans, he runs up to you, does an indirect heart massage, stretches about a narrow one. Yes, there is something. Everyone will win. Continued watching today 20 we are on the russia channel of active substances a triple blow to the beetle, the Summer Season is just around the corner, and in the rbt there are successful discounts, so the pozis refrigerator with a volume of 285 liters for 19. 990 summer cottage discounts. Now i wish kfc had a whole easter crispy and juicy crust. Choose your basket from 169 rubles. Thanks to the alps, where the austrian Clothing Brand northland was born 50 years ago. Thank you for the morning fogs of the boundless sky and the routes that brought us here. Thank you for these peaks northland, born of the alps number one for everyone who finds something new first thing in the morning, who needs to switch first in order to give it their all later. For those who are important to be the first to share fresh cats and a variety of content along with twenty five million users. We are unique fashion every day with friends we love to put on new images of gloria jeans your task is to give for Outdoor Recreation for purchases from 450 rubles. Russia what is your name . From may 9 at 22 10 on the channel, russia amazing people exist amazing people legendary show returns soon on the channel, russia i need the address of one of the passengers. He left his dog here. She is very sad for him, who will succeed in fidelity. May 8 at 17 50 the 21st century shows its bestial grin, you can turn away, but its impossible hide. So we need to accept the challenge thrown to us by evening with Vladimir Solovyov today at 23 25. New footage from crimea theodosius air defense destroyed an unidentified drone. The drone was shot down over the sea and , according to eyewitnesses, flew in the direction of the oil terminal, but mine is transported to the United States Valentin Bogdanov in direct communication, but what the hell, he actually approved the drone strike. Good evening eugene well , in general, of course, it is interesting to observe. Uh, how the American Media information field unfolded here today. Uh, some moments of bipolarity are present here, but, if we compare it with the tail, in this case with kiev, which the dog wags, and in this case the United States, then this dog turned out to be in a very folded position. That is, on the one hand. She needs to sort of admit that its not her tail, but on the other hand, that he doesnt even waggle it. This was the first thing they did on cnn there. Eh, for some reason immediately began to question. Uh, even the video footage, uh, that was taken. E at night over the kremlin e blame the russian side for everything, but it is clear that e . Apparently this line of conduct will continue, while the americans themselves are well aware. They said many times that they were the ukrainian authorities. Wrote in the New York Times in the Washington Post do not report to them and do not inform them about any actions of such a sabotage nature. Well, in general, this narrative has also begun to appear in the American Press today. And not only in the press, the pentagon is already reporting that they did not know anything, the state department and so on. Well, lets see how it unfolds. Anyway. U time ukrainians are less and less given to them. Uh, this is at the highest level, but in particular, uh, the head, so to speak, of the American General staff. Yes , the general of the miles said that they are provided with everything necessary. However, he does not believe, uh, in the success of the military operation, uh, there is evidence that uh, there are, as they say, the options here are for them. Well, in any case, they will push, especially since here, of course, it should be noted. More and more, aggravating the situation within the United States itself, uh, judging by the economic all the latest, which come from here from new york from the american stock exchanges. Uh, banking crisis on the one hand. Eh, everything is getting worse on the other side. Uh, the situation with the ceiling of the American Public debt is incomprehensible until june 1 , this ceiling will need to be raised and not by the republicans. Not biden, they dont want to turn off. In general, for zelensky well , to put it mildly, not the best background here now. Well, well see evgeny thank you very much Valentin Bogdanov the chief of our American Bureau on direct communication from Manhattan Island we ll be back. How good of you to come . 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And for those who have set up their feed to watch what they like right now , dive into the world of the freshest and most diverse content along with 25 million users. You like clips place meetings of impressions of the moscow coffee house on a soldered combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, and the taste of pleasure i say, i recommend to my children the best quality of gloria comfort style blood jeans. Gather a collection of unique coins and win prizes for a coin from pyaterochka on the Number One Service in russia if you have insurance, then be sure to compare i died to be born for another life. I lost countries of friends and gained myself and rooney people who became with me. And with a shoulder. I found them there on the front line. Behind the tape , Vladimir Solovyovs film flies there as Prime Minister on sunday at 22 45 on the rossiya channel. He meets with the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. It is interesting that, of course, normality continues in parallel, no matter how the governor intends it now. Here, i remind you, you know, apparently. They will be in september. Here is a single voting day. Well, how important it would be to actually understand what will happen after this, because we still rested, as it were, although in reality it should be noted that it is necessary to approach this very objectively in a slightly adult way, because we seem to have all the data, that is, everything is plus or minus, its clear how its starting to rake out now, how would the air defense, respectively, near kiev, how would it to this contact is warmed up. That is, as if in any case, the entry will be inevitable. This is obviously already wat. The question is what will happen after that, because you need to understand. Heres what will happen in the long run. I would Pay Attention to the first main main, taking into account the fact that as though it, at least will proceed more than a month. This is required, respectively, correctly approaches to the economic component, 100 political component of this process, because it will be necessary in the near future. It is natural to receive the necessary income, first of all, in order to fulfill the budget , plus everything else. Apparently, there will be very serious stress for the economy for all the world component of the need, how to prepare, as it were, a reserve line, so to speak, gold should be noted. Well, we we produce as we buy ourselves, respectively, what needs to be done is necessary, respectively, what china is doing now slowly and surely. In fact, this will be a serious blow to the dollar system in fact, because it is very serious, and it will rise, respectively, uh, weaken the national currency, and therefore it is necessary now to actively build relations precisely related to the other, as it were, in other financial corridors, before just use modern Technological Solutions for this. Because if there was a Digital Currency now, with the digital ruble, with everything related to it with the test, the possibility of it, respectively, how to limit it, for example, in a direct exchange and, accordingly, with the yuan will be much less. Here it will be there they are 4 hours, until 20 minutes of the law of cryptocurrencies vanguy that this is a very long process. Well, as an agreement. I say the following now it is necessary to prepare the most important thing, respectively, for the oil shock that we can expect this term and the second this most important thing is to prepare for the reserve. 200 see it was 60 minutes, goodbye. On tv channel and russia big scales in the studio Evgeniy Rozhkov hello everything we have the whole picture of this environment ukrainian attempt to attack the kremlin in the air neutralized two drones. At the same time, Vladimir Putin did not change his schedule and holds scheduled meetings

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