Transcripts For SFGTV 20121212 :

SFGTV December 12, 2012

Could go to our four p m special order. If you could read the items please. Colleagues west front of us today the appeal of the review exceptions for the proposed project on each street and we will consider the sufficiency of the projects determination that the project has the project has so i took a look at the plan that was in the city bicycle map that you could buy at Hardware Stores and other places, and it showed that the recommended pass through the panhandle, once you got there, was to go north one block, up to hayes street, and take hayes to scott and scott down into the wiggle. As we looked at how to route that traffic that teeme seemed e way to do this. Traffic engineers would never mix different substantially different speeds of vehicle traffic on the same piece of pavement. And thats what this plan does, thats faulty. So when you look at when you look at the eir for the bicycle plan, that was approved finally in 2009, this sentence jumped out at me, and that says, when you implement plans like this, its not just exclusively for one set of constituents or users. You have to look at the entire picture and present a balanced plan that addresses all the needs of all of the people of the city. And clearly again this plan doesnt do that. As president of the Haight Ashbury Improvement Association i worked on this initially and this was the chart that i had gone to with the mta and they refused to listen. So what this proposes is that for People Living south of the panhandle and the park they can make their way to the wiggle, eastbound that is on pave street which is a downhill descent into the wiggle. For those living north, coming down hayes street makes a lot of sense. Likewise to avoid going up paige street, that one block hill on paige, returning from the wiggle, they can go scott to hayes, and then three blocks west, and turn left again, and into the panhandle at baker. The reason i would propose that is you can see is visually obvious. This is at rush hour, looking down hayes street a block over, actually two blocks away traffic moving in that direction inundates the street at this hour. President chiu supervisor wiener has a question for you. Supervisor wiener welcome. So one of the things i think i sometimes struggle with in these appeals and im sort of seeing it here, is and this is an appeal under ceqa, its not an appeal on the merits of the project. And so i think there are times when appeals ceqa appeals come before us, and you sometimes arguments about the merits of the project get mixed in, and that may be because thats the only way for the item to come to us. And whether agree or disagree with it but in 1999 the voters gave the policy authority over these kinds of issues to the mta board of directors and took that authority away from the board of supervisors. So im hearing, both in the written submissions and also in what youre saying today, rernss references to whats good or bad engineering, whats a better route or a worse route, references to disability access, to fire safety. Those are all very legitimate and important policy considerations to weigh and coming up with any plan. But how should we think about this distinction between what is the right policy decision, which is not within our power, versus whether this project was categorically exempt or not from ceqa. Because i think its really important for us, regardless of what anyones personal opinions are, to keep that distinction. Yeah. Well, let me cut to the chase with that and say that this lays the foundation for looking at the environmental potential Environmental Impacts of the proposed plan. And this alternative has a way of accomplishing the same result of moving cyclists through the panhandle to the wiggle, without any of the Environmental Impacts that we see as jumping up in this plan. The congestion that will come from decreasing levels of service on intersections on oak street, from the unique structure of putting up plantares on oak street that will make it hazardous for cars, using their curb cuts and driveways to get in and out of their garages, et cetera. So all of the potential problems that are there, that have been categorically eliminated, just by wave of an assertion go away if you come up with a better plan that doesnt cause doesnt disrupt the status quo on oak street. Supervisor wiener but if the issue here is whether this kind of project is exempt or not, whether it falls into one of the or i guess two of the exemptions or not. As opposed to there could be a better plan, or a kind thats not as good. So i just think its important to focus on whether it falls into one of the exemptions. Because if it does, then regardless of our view of whats a better plan, its exempt or if its not exempt, then its not. But i think thats the real key. And my colleagues will talk about specifically to that very point. Supervisor wiener thank you. About the categorical exemptions. President chiu thank you. Why dont we continue and continue the clock as well. Howard shaf ner president speaking to the nuts and bolts that supervisor wiener asked about, first of all, in our briefing i think weve dealt with that quite a bit, and also briefing from our council. But first of all, you cant have categorical exemption when theres cumulative impact with another project and that would be the case with the masonic project. The Planning Department itself sis in their brief the cumulative impact is the streets and their vicinity affected by the project. Masonic is the major northsouth thoroughfare and fell and oak are the major eastwest thoroughfares. Masonic has 32,000 Motor Vehicles a day its a few blocks from baker street. In fact, they were going to remove a bus stop on central, which is only one block from masonic. The masonic project would remove all Street Parking on both sides of masonic for over half a mile including through fell street around 171 Parking Spaces reduce travel lanes on masonic during morning and evening rush hour just as the fell and oak would remove on rush hour and reduce lanes on baker which between fell and oak. Many motorists basically, and pedestrians, turn north on masonic from fell and oak. Many who are proceeding southbound on masonic turn left on oak. So the masonic project will have Environmental Impact on the same neighborhood which will be compounded by this particular project. Because of that theres no categorical exemption. Supervisor wiener do you think that if the masonic project didnt exist, would this project be categorically exempt . The answer is no, it would not. It would still not be categorically exempt because the two exemptions they rely on really dont apply. One is existing facilities, which is minor alteration of existing facilities involving negative liberal or no use. And one of the examples is cited of an existing facility can be a bicycle trail. Well there is no bike lane existing on oak so the exemption doesnt even arguably apply to oak. There are no buffer strips on either street nor are there raised plantares. So it wouldnt apply to that piece of it. And i guess getting out to the idea of raised plantares this is also a unique circumstance which is one of the other item one of the other categories that takes you out of the exemption because this is the first time in any project in San Francisco where you can actually have these raised concrete plantares in the middle of the street in effect which will be safety hazard and so forth, plus all of the parking lots, when you combine the two, would impact each other. But getting back to the supervisor wiener do you think any time you add a bike lane does that require an eir . Any time. Supervisor wiener if you add a bike lane to a road that didnt have it before. I think theres a pretty good argument thats the case but we dont have to get to that here because youve got the plantares, youve got the fact that well what i would say is this particular exemption would not apply if youre putting a bike lane where none exists before because its a its for existing facilities. The other one is minor alterations and again this is not a minor alteration. Youre putting raised concrete plan tars along fell and oak for three blocks of a densely populated congested area and turning it the other direction, if the removal of parking lanes or travel lanes and replace it with bicycle lanes were automatically categorically exempt which seems to be what the Planning Department is saying then you could remove every single travel lane in the city or every single parking lane in the city and say it is categorically exempt and that would be ridiculous essentially the city tried a similar argument several years ago with the overall bike plan saying it was categorically exempt and the court said no and the city lost time, and money, and was, you know, judicially criticized for doing that. May i have another minute or so . So [timer sounding. ] so basically the two supervisor wiener ill let you continue since i took up some of your time, if you could continue. Thank you. So the other thing is that there are unusual circumstances. So basically both of the exemptions claim do not apply. The minor alterations and existing facilities. But even if they might have otherwise applied theres two reasons why you cant use categorical exemption. One i just dealt with in terms of the cumulative impact of masonic plus this project. The other one is simply unusual circumstances. And if theres a reasonable possibility that the project will have significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances, you cant use a categorical exemption. A lot of our submissions, and those of in support of us which are part of the record talk about the congestion that would be increased, the circling of parking, the density of the neighborhood, the fact that there are wood framed structures in the neighborhood, fire safety would be impeded. I mean they remove the bulbout at filletis market because the struks cant get by. If a delivery truck cant get by what about fire trucks. When you look at the entire neighborhood as a whole and combined with the fact that you have these raised concrete plantares which are totally new and unique and they are a part of the permanent physical structure, and the fact that you have about 29 or 31 driveways on the scott i mean on oak, that would be impacted, just again getting to the density of people having to back in and out, past this bike lane, and when you consider that not many bicycles dont use lights, day or night, many of them blow through red lights, they you know, they just drive recklessly, a lot of them. So when you add that situation to the existing density, the complexity of the neighborhood, the fact that its a lot of pedestrians, tourists, a lot of businesses, theres a hotel on divisadero, the big sp, former sp hospital building, which is a senior center, theres an orthotic and pros at the timic center servicing disabled people on divisadero, when you combine that, any change to a neighborhood like this, that is might even seem small, would have a major impact and i think there are so there are unusual circumstances in this particular neighborhood that would preclude using a categorical exemption. Supervisor wiener lets talk about bulbouts, lets say there is no bike changes but we were to say for 10 blocks in a row we were going to bulbout all 10 intersections could that trigger an eir . I dont think we have to get to that here because, again, this whole project has 15 different elements. I can read them all but i think everybody is familiar with that. I dont think we have to look at each one piecemeal and say would that element, in and of itself, require an eir. Were not to get to that. The point is we have this complex cocktail, this complex mixture of things that are all part of this project, and all together combined require an eir. Supervisor wiener and i ask because, when were even though each ceqa appeal is unique in some ways, we do set a precedent in a way because, in the Planning Department, next time they evaluate something, will look to what we did in a particular case. And so when you talk about things like a bulbout or adding a bike lane, even though i understand your argument, youre saying cumulatively in this situation it trichs into an eir in terms of determining whether a categorical exemption applies i think it sets a certain precedent because we do, you know, try to improve Pedestrian Safety in the city and try to approach streetscapes in different ways. And if everything is going to trip into an eir, which is enormously expensive and time consuming, it really changes the way we make policy in terms of our streets in the city. Thats why im really pushing on that. Well i dont think we i mean this is the result of this particular appeal is not going to be a Binding Legal precedent. So i dont think you really have to get to that issue. But if you were if youre saying if they did 12 bulbouts in a row would they need to do an eir, probably not. But i think its a huge safety impact if you do that many in a row. Let me also just add that the tpt which is the predecessor of this department doesnt have a good track record in our neighborhood when it comes to things like that. A number of years ago the paim h paige street traffic circles was a temporary project for one month. These would have impeded fire safety. We have documents from the Fire Department stating that but they did it really without any analysis. So getting back to your bulbout question, no, i think probably if you had a project that involved nothing with bulbouts but thats not this project. Supervisor wiener thank you. President chiu i have one followup question what supervisor wiener asked. I heard you answer a question earlier about how its your perspective that there is Environmental Review thats required here. And i certainly appreciate that there are differences of opinion in the community about whether this is good policy, whether this is the right thing to do. But i think the question in front of us is again whether this ought to be categorically exempt. And what im having trouble understanding is that plain language of one of the exemptions for Environmental Review is the creation of bicycle lanes and existing rights of way. I cant imagine being clearer than that. What i dont understand is just, again, how are you proposing we get around what is clearly stated statutory if that is the question. The preamble says minor alteration. In both exemptions, they have to be a minor alteration, and bike lane is listed as one of the examples of a type of minor alteration. But just because its a bike lane doesnt therefore mean its a minor alteration. Its a twopronged basically the criteria its got to be a minor alteration and then bike lane is listed as one of the possible types of minor alteration. But that doesnt mean every bike lane is a minor alteration. That was the as i understand it, that was the argument that the city made on the big bike plan and they got slapped down by the dort when they made court when they made that argument. President chiu if i could respond to that the code refers to what is described as quote minor alterations for example new landscape, filling of earth and then it lists a number of minor alterations of land. Again, colleagues, in case you hadnt had a chance to read other exemptions, it refers to the new gardening, filling of earth, minor alteration in land water officially designated Wildlife Management areas, minor having no permanent effects on the environment, minor trenching or backfilling and then goes to other descriptions that arent qualified with the word minor. So if your suggestion is that we have to read the word minor into a minor creation of bicycle lanes, it just doesnt seem to be backed up in the statute. Im not following what youre saying. I think the preamble to that is minor. Those other examples you cited mostly have to do with landscape and gardening are examples of things that would be typically or that could be considered minor but that doesnt mean that every single thing on that list is always considered minor. Again, i get back to the this is one of the exemptions that was relied on when this city decided not to do an eir on the big bike plan. And the court said no, you its a question of fact as to whether something is minor or not minor, depending on how extensive it is. In this case we have the raised concrete plantares which had never been done before, which are going to be in the middle of the pavement on two of the busiest streets in the city, youre going to have trucks going down there, youre going to haves cars circling, bicycles in close proximity with fastmoving Motor Vehicles. To say thats minor i dont see that. President chiu again, i think i appreciate we have a difference of opinion on this. The only last thing i would say seems to me that youre reading a requirement into the code that simply isnt there. There are certain types of alterations that are qualified with the word minor but others in that list theres nothing that refers to the minor creation of bicycle lanes. No. I dont have it behind me, its hard to reach. I dont have it in my notes right here. The preamble that says minor refers to everything in that in the list that follows it. President chiu if i could just be clear and again we dont have to engage on this, this says this class consists of minor or public alterations examples include but not limited to and theres a list and some of the items are included with the word minor, as i said but others are simply if you are engaged in gardening or landscaping that is exempt. If youre engaged in trenching that is exempt. If youre involved in bicycle lanes and existing rights of way that is also exempt. Are you suggesting the court was wrong when they said the city had to do an eir . President chiu im saying i think youre reading words into statutes that dont exist but again i appreciate we have a difference of opinion on that. Supervisor campos. Supervisor campos thank you, mr. President. Thank you for the presentation. Im wondering, along the lines of what president chiu was asking, i mean whats your definition of minor . I mean again, i dont think we need to get to what would be minor. In this case, its clearly not minor when you have a creation of a bike lane on oak where none exists at all, when you have, on fell street, youre moving a bike lane about seven feet over. On both streets, youre putting in these fixed concrete plantares. Youre also narrowing the youre reducing the road capacity on oak street in the middle of the morning rush hour by 25 , by taking out one lane. Youre als

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