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Will publish and invite all committing candidate winners the next in the interest of preventing injuries the san mateo helped to orchestrate a day at lake shore elementary on may 19th and 20 he want to offer a special thank you to the commissioner mendozamcdonnell and convene truest and other for attending. Thank you. clapping. id like to shout out my teacher and best friends in the back. clapping. so last friday we had our Leadership Team at a dinner banquet and we got awards thank you, mr. Truett and well not have any more san mateo meetings because school is over but next year you guys can come every other monday in the he cafe. For the next item of business thank you sal our san mateo crossroad sal come up here real quick. So sal on behalf of the sat we made a scrapbook together we hope you have a great summer without us. Wow. Oh, yes. Good evening, everyone. Im very humbled thank you very much entices its a privilege to serve as a coordinator and work with those fantastic student leaders theyre not leaving just yet theyll be here in two weeks actually june 24th so thank you. clapping. and now if theres no objections from the board id like to open up an item item r which is the children outdoors bill of rights so my objections seeing none, ms. Csa could note this may we have a motion and said or done on the support for the childrens outdoors bill of rights tonight. Roll call vote, please so moved. Seconded. Ms. Way. Mr. Logan arrest mr. Haney. Pa ms. Maufas. Police vehicles. Ms. Norton. Ms. Wynns and president fewer. 6 is. May we have a motion and second. So moved. Thank you may i have a reading of the resolution by ms. Norton im going to read the finally, you are whereas in the interest of time this is American People possessed whereas is San Francisco outdoors bill of rights sorry about that a set that insures every kid what develop to their potentiality further be it resolved that the San Francisco subsequent hereby enforced the San Francisco bill of rights in which every childs has the right to explore all the places in the city and harvest or plant a seed and watch it grow and invest and take care care for a local plant and play in the soil sleep under the stars and climb a tree and ride a bike. Thank you clapping and we have public speakers that have signed up. When i call our name come to the podium. calling names . And come to the podium please press the red button and say our name you have two minutes each. Thank you very much. Well, good evening my fellow san franciscans of all ages and to the board thank you very much for having us. I have written my notes. Just a quick back story on this multi Agency Initiative in 2007 a statewide recreation act was made by schwarzenegger the children bill of rights over seven years more than 25 states and cities have been expired to develop their own charters only recently the city of ontario joined the ranks during this period we became an urban species now handbags lib in the cities. What you are the implementations of childhood in 2010 on earth day a disciplinariany group convened to begin a conversation sparked by a book last child in the woods. In addition to group was concluding formal educators and Landscape Architect and pediatricians this forum has been guided how to communicate and make visible the childs right to explore the nature world and what are the experiences of and a half over time and what Public Policies support connecting schools and children with and a half. What are the collaborative projects with the forum or a local version of the childrens bill of rights youll holding in your hands. Rooted in an experience within the 7 by 7 of San Francisco. What you see it the result of a 3 Year Community based effort to find of the experiences and roll them out on a Voting Campaign that included many students. The poster was designed by a u. S. St. D parent please if you have a private conversation go outside. Good evening. My name is Charlotte Hill im the co director of the nature forum the kids and parks provides educational lessons for the children 80 that provides trips to the local parks. Im happy to see to the briefcase that theyre having the childrens bill of rights. It embodies and achieves is goals of joyful learning that a student turning over a log an a a wet afternoon and discovering a bug for the first time or watching their seeds grow are power joyful learning. The San Francisco outdoor births is about making Nature Available for all students to provide a low cost experience for people like camping or riding a bike or going to the beach for that the first time. Theres an abundance it demonstrates this such Critical Thinking and reduce stress and improve the body and nicer people. In addition to the logos on our draft poster we have thrilled to join our San Francisco Public School community. Thank you for your time clapping my comments from the board members. Yes commissioner norton i want to thank charlotte and her colleague it was backed up by the rec and park theres beautiful posters theyre down loadable and you can print them out. Is there a place you can download them we actually have the usf logo weve be printing thousands in the summer. Their tralthd in chinese and spanish and english this is very important for your community. Thank you. I love the sentiment and simplicity of it thank you for you for bringing it forward commissioner mendozamcdonnell. Thank you so this is great i really appreciate having i bring this forward commissioner norton. I wanted to say this morning we waved good bye to the entire ethnic grade class that is spending time at the camp so is this for the publics and rec and park this is the First Experience outside in the camp madeer and this is where the bill of rights speaks to what were imposing our children theyll be back in 3 days. Thank you. This means a lot any other commissioners. Ms. Csa could a roll call vote please. Mr. Locally canning an oar mr. Haney. Commencing. Ms. Norton. Ms. Wynns and president fewer thank you very much congratulations. clapping. item e an serious council if theres no objection well take out of order the el cap finding in section k and begin with the cap report. Oh, hello theres a presentation. Okay. So weve got to move. Good evening before we actually start congratulations to all the recipients tonight this is why we do the work we do to bear witness to our students accomplishing those millstones in their lives and wishing the successes so congratulations to all the recipients tonight clapping so good evening, everyone. Superintendant interrestraining order and all the commissioners at home and in the audience. Im the coordinator for the Advisory Council and my colleagues to introduce themselves im Alyssa Rodriguez im the program farther im merry random marty work with the Public Schools and a member of the Advisory Council. Director of parented policies and common advocates for the children and youths. Hello, im eric im Parent Partner with the mission graduates. Tonight well be presenting our report and finding on our Community Engagement on the local Accountability Program for the district and its a collective effort we do this as our Community Based Organization Chinese for affirmative action and we have common advocates for the mission graduates and the Public Schools a Second District michelle couldnt be here and support with children of disabilities. We want to acknowledge our district partners ruth from the office of Community Engagement who was institutional and bye webb if the services and carla from the office of assess and a special thank you to the superintendant and the d t right from policy and operations. So im going to go over quickly how our approach is process weve had Small Community conversations to the school sites focus groups like you Foster Parents association, ruth and families if transition to name a few and a few Public Forums with the pta and close the gap coalitions we want to share the information and provide the strategies and under the circumstances to hear from families what is working and where what we could approve and especially hearing from students from protecting families and Foster Parents. We heard from over 4 willed parent in 29 conversations from parents and guardian and educators and community members. The offer half of our participants were from families who are speaking other than english and 59 percent qualified for the resz recessed lunches and 18 percent Foster Parents or working with foster youth. Again over 55 percent of our youth after english. We heard from representatives of 68 different schools in the district. And the ethic breakdown 23 latino and 23 chineseamerican and 14 percent africanamerican and Asian Pacific islander and 7 percent nonwhite. This graph is kind of to show our demonstrations in the enrollment of our students eased in some cases exceeding our numbers in the distribute. Just to talk about how we gathered the data when we did this outreach to families. So we had some great ideas to engage on those issues given the short amount of time to present something as el cap to get the feedback to be incorporated we realize we couldnt get into all the areas provided by el cap we xhoensz those priorities into 3 themes chaucht and Family Engagement to name two. The idea we went out to the sites where we were holding Community Conversations and really wanted to get openended feedback on those teams we did it in carrousel fashioned so they asked her whats working at the district and how could they approve the services from the el captivities and feinstein what would success look like and how families measure what is successful four their children in their education. So from those conversations we took notes and compiled the notes and themes e mergdz and we put them into finding and top questions those finding we were presented to district staff on april 24th. And the purpose of this presentation was really not to read a list of the finding but really give an opportunity for district staff to engage into a conversation with families and to kind of have a mature exchange of information we were really, really happy about how many people from the district turned out there was 17 staff there and very, very open to engage with our finding and the peerntsz who were there. The one thing we noticed theres a disconnect between the work that the staff were doing and the feeling on the ground of what was happening and what the parents were feeling. So what does this mean. Were not going to present all the finding i have that in usual packaging pact but well go over is key finding and so a couple of overarching themes first and foremost many parent indicated that they participants said theyre a lot of things working well in the school but not consistent specifically with deeper inequalities within the system. Another important priority that we heard kind of a cross the cardboards is the desire for better conversation for the parents and schools and between the parents and the Central District. Also an important thing to note the parents wanted to see more done to create a welcoming inclusive environment at the school and district as well. Another thing parents particularly those of city halls underserved feel there was low expectations for the children and also the parents within the structure of the el cap it was clear that there was a part to describe the english learns and for low income students but nothing called out to what the services are for the africanamerican and the parents wanted to find out more about and lastly allocate thing for the High Performance students wanting to know what kind of challenging support for their students as well. Great can everybody hear me. You want to just. Betters . Not really. Okay better . Great down to the meaty stuff the first is the Student Access and achievement one thing to see an improvement teacher quality leadership for example, one Foster Parent said the it are done on time and followup by the administers and teachers. This particular piece was cross the board and hooilth the need for bilingual qualities. The next one is for support of the students in general from could you please state your name for the record, please more nurses and more substitutes and anymore credit recover and more everything for clapping to support our students success and the last one is more staffing in classrooms to know the students so reducing the class size in the upper grasdz and for the city hall engagement is city hall climate that was a big provided on relevant practices like field trips to understand the kids engaging in the environment and another thing more consistent resource practices and one parents said we need more practicing to stop bullying. And finally an area of Family Engagement. One thing was communication communication communication especially between schools and families was manage that parents crave. And secondly the diversity they need tools to bridge to address conflict and build strong community. We need to increase the Diverse Community and this middle school of Race Relations and communications another element was we also offered an opportunity for people participating to ask questions. Tends 83 and we took all the questions and summarized the top 10 and of those top 10 we created the top 3 a thats what you see here. The number one most important question which is till proirnt or pertaining will my voice really be taken into consideration and how will be better. The big one the meeting like this for two years no change or interest on the part of the district. That sounds harsh but is a little bit consistent with i know in terms of the sentiment we heard a lot of times in the conversation. Another thing that we heard a lot of was questions about transparency with regards to the document itself. Once its been adapted 0 how will the parents know whats in it or part of the acknowledge that the district is going to have with regards to the el cap they want to see that and lastly questions about funds but how theyll be different and what funds will stay in the Central District and those are questions that we saw from the conversations. Overall this planning process were excited about the number of families in districts that participated that we thought it was an exciting and engaging process and despite the fact it was new a lot of people gave is a shot appreciate that. We know theres room to improve the one thing ill reiterate there was a little bit disconnect with the excitement and the actual participation of the people parting in the planning process and then what the xhont content was in the el cap there was concern about the planning process didnt inform them it was based on internally created documents. And so, now onto the meat of our recommendations that we only have preliminary recommendations we saw a preliminary el cap demonstration but the overall Community Conversations so to really her that the Community Engagement is timely and engaging for a variety of reasons we couldnt start early in the year but the recommendation is to start early in the year and really map out with the district staff who are involved in writing the el cap and representatives of parents to map out a yearlong process of how families will be engaged and timeline. Secondly, to think about how it is possible to change the budget timeline in the district. Its been an ongoing issue that by the time budgets are active kids are out of school and not a possibility to get the Parents Feedback on the budget allocations, and, secondly, we would like to find a way to demonstrate the ways it Stakeholder Engagement has been engaged to see how their voices have been heard in the el cap. That involves conceptually that well. And so in terms of the process thats our recommendations at this point clapping so next, we have the recommendations for the concept to be included in the El California so as we hear before conversation was the main thing inner finding we have the concerns about confusiversation with the teachers so one of the recommendations to finish the plan we dont see the el cap so we would like to see the allocated sources and identify the strategies in the el cap for the Community Engagement plan including the strategies so they can ores those thats one of the conversations mentioned

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