Transcripts For SFGTV 20140620 :

SFGTV June 20, 2014

About 48 fund crisis lines, legal services, intervention and advocacy programs. About 30 funds bed night and Domestic Violence transitional programs, a quarter of the funds go to support prevention efforts. I want to acknowledge beverly up ton who is in the audience, executive director of the Domestic Violence consortium who works really closely with these community agency. Next slide. In terms of outcomes, what are the Service Outcomes for these programs . We funded 31 programs last fiscal year. This is 1213. Were still collecting data from 1314. There is a 3. 3 million allocation, about 20,000 [speaker not understood] individuals were served, providing 40,000 hours of supportive services, our Partner Agencies did that. About 22,000 bed nights at emergency shelters and transitional housing programs. And we have two crisis lines. One for Sexual Assault and one for Domestic Violence. They fielded 18,000 calls. And what is important to note about that is 911 gets about half that many calls. Its real important to do both, Community Based crisis lines as well as 911. Just a few more slides. Citywide antiviolence advocacy initiatives, just want to touch on three briefly. Many of you are familiar with the justice and courage Oversight Panel on Domestic Violence policy reform. We will have a final report for you in the fall and actually [speaker not understood] played a political role in putting that together. Im pleased to report 120 recommendations from the original report had been completed. We still have 100 remaining and that work, those recommendations will be put now under the Family Violence council. Then the Mayors Task Force and antihuman trafficking. Our department is staffing, we created a new Data Collection tool and evaluated gaps in San Francisco response. Women in the workplace, in recognition of the fact that three out of four women do not work in government and they work in the private sector, we are doing work on the Family Friendly workplace initiatives to make sure that employees and employers are well aware of this legislation and then the gender quality principles initiative. Were launching year two of [speaker not understood] encouraging corporations to let us know their best practices in expanding gender equity in the workplace. And then cities for ceta. In march at the u. N. We launched a new campaign with the first lady. Mayor lee has challenged 100 mayors to join us in creating a ceta ordinance that has three core elements. First, a gender analysis to look at Workforce Services and city budget in order to integrate gender into operations of local government. Number two, an oversight body to ensure that the work continues. And third, funding. We are advocating that municipalities put some money behind their ceta ordinance. A modest sum, between 10 cents to 25 cents per woman resident so there can be some capacity. And this work will culminate in june 2015 when San Francisco hosts the u. S. Conference on mayors. So, finally in your packet youll find a copy of the slides, an organization chart, Detailed Service report for violence against Women Grants Program and our Department Annual report. Im happy to answer your questions at this time. Okay, thank you, dr. [speaker not understood]. Colleagues, any questions on this presentation . Okay, much appreciated. Thank you for being here. And since there is no budget Analyst Report, you are off the hook. So, thank you. Thank you very much. Thanks for being in front of us. Up next was our department of public works. Its actually going to be moved until wednesday. But, madam ill tell you what, why dont we go straight to our board of supervisors. [speaker not understood] if you can be here. Madam clerk, can we call item number 12 with this, please . Item number 12 is the hearing to consider the findings and recommendations of the clerk of the board pertaining to the requested cost of living adjustment to the fiscal year 20142015 contract for budget and legislative Analyst Services. ~ for the thank you very much, madam clerk. [speaker not understood], thanks so much for being here. Thank you, chair and the [speaker not understood]. Im the clerk of the board, angela [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood] our administration and finance manager, and [speaker not understood] our accountant to present the departments physics consolidate year 1415 and 1516 approval. As you can see it has not changed from the version i presented to the committee in february. However, what is not included in this proposal is the budget for Radio Broadcast Services of our board meetings and i will offer an option to remedy this at the end of this presentation. And finally, i will provide information for item number 12, the budget analyst request for cola. To begin with in the current year, the budget is approximately 12. 9 million of which is nearly 96 or 12. 5 million is allocated to Fund Employee salary and fringe benefit costs to provide budget and legislative Analyst Services to [speaker not understood] annual comprehensive annual financial report. The remaining 4 or 400,000 is for the following. Material supplies, departmental work order agreements and to provide additional Staff Support to the assessment appeals board to reduce the current backlog of property tax appeals. Slide 3 shows the distribution of current year and budget year funding. Among the various sections of the department, as you can see from the bar graph, although the departments proposed budget is expected to increase to approximately 13. 5 million in 1415 and 1516, the proportional allocation of those funds among the various divisions of the Department Remains relatively unchanged from year to year. The division of the board of supervisors continues to be the largest cost center in the department followed by the office of the clerk of the board, the contract for budget and legislative Analyst Services, the assessment appeals board, the Youth Commission and finally the Sunshine Ordinance Task force. Moving to the budget year or fiscal year 1415, the departments proposed budget of 13. 5 million is approximately 6 07,000 more than our current year [speaker not understood] budget. [speaker not understood] which i presented to the committee in february. Of the 6 07,000 increase 3 61 is due to base budget adjustments. The remaining 246000 increase is due to department increase in budgetary adjustments. ~ listed on the slide again presented in february. This is designed to address the Business Needs of the department. Slide 5 dee picts the departments proposed out year budget or fiscal year 1516, 13. 5 million and it is approximately 24,000 less than our 13. 5 fiscal year proposed 1415 budget. The table on slide 5 lists the proposed changes from the budget year. These changes reflect the sunset of the assessment appeals board backlog reduction. Project funding, the removal of onetime Capital Equipment funding and reduce aab system maintenance costs. These reductions offset citywide wage increases and the fiscal impact of prior years personnel adjustments. That concludes my presentation specific to the departments proposed budgets. As i mentioned there are two policy considerations that have fiscal impact that are not currently reflected in the boards budget that id also like to present to you. However, before i do that, id like to just pause and thank ms. [speaker not understood] jones and ms. [speaker not understood] for the preparation for our information today. Id like to thank Deborah Newman from the Budget Analysts Office and [speaker not understood] for their thorough review with our budget. We are in agreement with the Budget Analyst Office with the recommendations to r our office. With just two slides left i would like to move to slide 6. This is about the Radio Broadcast Services. As you are aware, in april the board of supervisors passed a motion directing the clerk to prepare a request for qualifications, process to enable a Radio Station to broadcast the weekly San Francisco board of supervisors meetings for an amount not to exceed 150,000. While it is our intent to allow the pool of prequalified firms to inform us the cost of providing this service, the motion included a not to exceed amount of 150,000. Since the board made this decision after the budget was submitted, funding for these services is not included in the departments proposed budget. And to remedy this, i would suggest the budget and finance committee add 75,000 to the budget. I am not requesting the full 150,000 because it will take six months to complete the competitive solicitation and contract award process. Of course, ill come back to the Committee Following the competitive solicitation to recommend a contract award. My staff and i are happy to answer any questions you may have before moving to the final item, item 12. If no questions supervisor mar. Yeah, mr. Chairman, thank you. I just wanted to thank ms. [speaker not understood] for that suggestion for the add back for broadcasting the board of supervisors meetings by radio. I know that as the board discussed that several months ago that what was emphasized was the need to have more Community Awareness of what happens here in city hall with various policies. And i know theres a long history with kpoo radio 95. 5fm [speaker not understood]. When i talk to many constituents they ask why dont we broadcast the board on Community Radio any more. And i think that would be a way of increasing our reach to many, especially under served neighborhoods that stations like kpoo or others kind of reach. But that process [speaker not understood] ill do my best to work with colleagues as you suggested. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor mar. To item 12. Item 12 is the hearing on the cola request from the budget and legislative analyst. As you recall in february, the budget and legislative analyst formally requested a 3. 5 cola increase to the fiscal year 1415 billing rates. In your packet is a memo where i have outlined the methodology and analysis. And from my review, i recommend the committee consider a 3 cola increase valued at 60 ,000 for the budget year 1516. I considered the budget and legislative analyst request of a 3. 5 increase to be reasonable. I am recommending a 3 cola because the contract language limits the increase to no more than the cola rate set by law for employees of the city, state, or federal government which are at the highest. The mous generally increased wages 3 in fiscal year 14, 15. The budget and legislative analyst made the request for 3. 5 cola prior to the completion of the mous. Should the Committee Support the 3 increase, the contract requires the board to adopt a motion to enact a cost of living adjustment to the contract and should the committee wish to proceed with the cola, i have identified onetime savings in our current year budget that upon approval of the controllers office, it can be carried forward to fiscal year 1415 for this purpose. I thank you for your time and consideration and ms. Bow chan an jones are here to answer questions you may have. Thanks, ms. [speaker not understood]. Colleagues, any questions before our budget Analyst Report . Mr. Rose, can we go to your report, please . Mr. Chair, [speaker not understood] 57,104 dollars in 1415 all of which would be ongoing savings which would still allow an increase of 5 49,719 or [speaker not understood]. These recommendations will result in 57,104 savings to the citys general fund in 1415. Our recommended reduction to the proposed [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. And as i understand it, the department concurs with our recommended reductionses. We would be happy to respond to any questions. Okay, thank you, mr. Rose. Colleagues, any questions . Supervisor breed . I was just wondering if we take the recommendations into consideration, how are we going to pay for the cola for the budget and legislative analyst, mr. Rose . Mr. Chairman, i think that question should be addressed to the clerk of the board. I dont think we should comment on that item. Ms. [speaker not understood], do you want to give a little bit more clarity on that, on the current year savings . Yes, chair farrell. In the current year savings we have identified funds from the 027 character of the professional services that we have remaining in the fund. In addition to in addition to other funds that we have in the department, chair farrell. In terms of these policy decisions and, and questions that are around this, my recommendation, chair farrell, is that you continue this item to next week where we can come back. I understand you cant make any decisions until after Public Comment on june 20th. Just to clarify the question. My understanding is that your current budget doesnt take into account the cola. Thats correct. And, so, you have been able to locate funds for that particular purpose. So, the budget and legislative analyst recommended cuts wont impact that decision . Thats correct. A okay, thank you. So, to our controller, just to clarify the action the committee should take should you wish to take this ~ the current year savings in the board of supervisors saving would follow yearend close. You could reappropriate that as a source in next years budget along with this or any other use. But a Carry Forward would not be an appropriate action to make that happen. Thats correct, okay, thanks. And also just to be clear, the difference between 31 2 and 3 is what other departments are getting and thats the rationale . Thats correct. And the mous. Maybe to our Mayors Office or controllers office, just to be clear, my understanding was 3 was an october 1st 3 for next year, starting october 1st. It was president actually [speaker not understood]. ~ wasnt [speaker not understood] kate howard. [speaker not understood] effective the first period of october. The cost of that is 2. 25 . If that is a policy rationale, i want to make sure were clear about it as were thinking about actual numbers putting on our budget to next week. Why dont we continue this to next week and we can get it wrapped up. Thank you very much. Okay. Thank you very much. And, again, i certainly want to go on record saying im fully supportive. I think the work of mr. Rose on this and the entire team is incredibly valuable to all of us here. Okay. Up next excuse me, mr. Chair. Would you like to take Public Comment on item number 12 . Okay, well do that, thank you. Is there anybody that wishes to comment publicly on item number 12 . Please step forward. Anyone will have two minutes. [speaker not understood] the city college situation. Excuse me, sir, this is on item number 12. Oh, im sorry, okay. Okay, thank you very much. Is there anybody that wishes to comment on item number 12 . Okay, seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] so, i have a motion to continue item number 12. We can just call of the chair and we have a motion. We can take that without objection. [gavel] thank you very much for that. Madam clerk, lets see, we have our we can go to the Mayors Office at the end. Our accessory quarter. Ms. Chu here. Is the Ethics Commission here . Health Service System . Ah, [speaker not understood] is here. Okay. So, catherine dodd, health Service System. The mission of the health Service System is dedicated to preserving and improving sustainable Quality Health benefits and enhancing the wellbeing of retirees and their families. Its governed by Health Service board which is made up of three elected members and four appointed members. The primary responsibilities include purchasing and administering over 737 million in Health Benefit contracts and keeping in compliance with state and federal law for four different employers. As you can see on this slide. We also devise and implement strategies [speaker not understood] while maintaining Fiscal Health of the city and three other employers. And we administer [speaker not understood] benefits for well over 109,000 covered lives. The mayor has actually identified in the mayors budget summary the importance of cost savings of the health Service System has achieved over the past few years in terms of reducing our post Employment Benefit liability or [speaker not understood] over the next 25 years. Weve achieved many things and i want to highlight two which will impact the budget. These are the first is in term of rate negotiation. This years rate negotiation was voted on by the Health Service board last thursday in a negative 2 negative 2 rate reduction by

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