Transcripts For SFGTV 20141226 :

SFGTV December 26, 2014

Nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Vicepresident , lets call roll, please. President loftus is excused. Vicepresident turman, here, commissioner marshall is excused. Commissioner mazzucco . Present. Commissioner dejesus, present commissioner hwang and commissioner melara and we have the chief of police present. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the wednesday december 10, 2014, meeting of the San Francisco Police Commission. Before we get started just a few announcements to make. Because of the storm is approaching we have made the decision and we want to certainly hear from everyone that we are going to be limiting Public Comment to 2 minutes tonight. So please bring us your comments. We certainly want to hear from you but we need to limit for 2 minutes tonight to make sure we finish our agenda and get everyone home safely. Also, at the end of this meeting, the Police Commission will be adjourning tonight in memory of officer hope nakuda who served in the San Francisco Police Department since 1996 until her death. Well talk about this more. Please call the first item. City clerk item 1, consent calendar. Request of psa sanity os joseph for approval to accept a jack daniels gift box from a gentleman he assisted while on duty at Sf International airport. Ladies and gentlemen, you will find a memo and there is a motion to accepted that. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . City clerk request of captain lazar and turnac for engaging for viaduct productions for value of 176. Also there is another memo in your packet about allowing the Engagement Program to attend the ice skating event at union square. Do i have a motion . So moved. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Any abstaining . Thank you, motion carries. I want to thank mr. Thompson of willie via tech productions which is valid at approximately 176 to allow the youth Engagement Program. Again, 176. Okay. Next line item. City clerk line item 2. General Public Comment. The public is now welcome to address the Commission Regarding items that do not appear on tonight aide genetic but that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. Speakers shall address their remarks on the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. Under Police Commission rules of order during Public Comment Neither Police or occ personnel nor commissioners are required to pond to questions presented by the public, but may provide brief response. Individual commissioners and police and occ personnel should reflan, however from entering into any debase or discussion andw speakers during Public Comment. Two 2 minutes. My name is daniel. I participated in the government response to the aids crisis. Im also a cofounder of queer nation San Francisco. Working with these two groups i witnessed firsthand the Excessive Force by the sf p. D. To protesters and blocking them and ordering them to disburse. When they did not comply, they were beaten and arrested people. Things got so bad that frank jordan had to fire his brother for over seeing a police riot bankrupt backed up in the castro. A rare kind of justice against a deep and brutal system. Now we are in the present and the patterns of abuse and brutality mostly go unpunished. As far as im concerned, the most dangerous gangs in the street respect the nortenos or the bloods, the most dangerous gangs are the police. The thugs that beat the homeless manner no different that willn the police in this country where brutal pigs get away with murder. These individuals and groups that attack people do it because of fear and hate and because they see their victims as less than human beings. And if the establishment isnt going to meet our justice, may the constitution guarantee that the people will. My name is tom. I have been coming here for years and i have been harassed and told to shut my pie hole. Guess what happened, they were affected boo the feds because they are criminals. The difference between regular criminals and cops who are criminals they are given badges and authorities to use against any people with no oversight and no accountability. All what you are seeing is not about police brutality. They are about accountability. They are protesting you and those that havent done your job. A little aside, president mazzucco is no longer a president. I was told that you are not allowed to insult. I was told that ice i was able to insult. I will let president mahoney check this out. Let me go on. Let me quote the San Francisco weekly article on the recent convictions. They quote the gentleman who pled guilty mr. Officer vargas, he says he blames the culture for their actions. Apparently the p. D. Says that is not true. You have no credibility. Thank you, have a great day. Merry christmas. Next speaker, please. Dont worry im not up here to beat a dead horse down. Im here to maybe give you up lifting as an african that has been victimized by the police in my department, beat down, stay away orders. Its not all your fault. Im here to put a notice to this city and county as well as to the united states. We here in San Francisco and you know i said this that African Americans are in a states of emergency. My name is ace and im on the case. Although weve had some killings here in San Francisco. We came before you were involved. Brothers shot by police. We had that all that years ago right here in San Francisco. But since the city that knows how with the you urban renewal and Housing Authority, we are in the mere existing of the commission here, our African American community. Even though we have African Americans in the caos office and dpw and those that control billions of dollars of industry. If you go out to cranes you dont see us because our population is down. We must have a mechanism. This city what is called the 10year infrastructure, i can going to plan the infrastructure for my kids. Im a grandpa. Im 60 something years old but today im 40. Weve been telling you about the problem with the Police Department for years. Now we are talking about police commuting. This is a brand new area. We have no time for errors. Misguided leadership, misleaded programs and undermining our community cannot be accepted by blacks or whites or reverend that they say they work for us. My name is ace and im on the case. Thank you, mr. Washington. Good evening, commissioners, any other name is sharon nutrient. I worked in this city for over 30 years. Im here wearing your shirt that says peace, people ending all conflict everywhere. I would like to offer myself as a great grandma as well to see what we can do to enhance this moment, this vortex, this opportunity to bring the community together. I have work on the black and brown issue for over 20 years, i think despite this dark cloud that we have and opportunity to obtain the model and i would like to offer the men and women who offer themselves as peace officers every single day and im here to say that black lives matter and we can create a new paradigm. Public comment, please. Greetings commissioners, david elliot louis, from the county of San Francisco and so collaborative which we have members in the audience here about the issue of redistricting. I have 2 minutes. I want to say im will also on the cit oversight committee. We have trained over 280 officers in the commission. Im hoping we are going to get the entire police force trained. Regarding redistricting im glad to see my neighborhood tenderloin is going to extend its boundaries. I live near the current boundary of larkin street where some of the drug dealers figured out its the tenderloin with the precinct in a no mans zone. I think they found a loophole. However i hope that you institute a full public process and get a lot of Community Feedback in these new boundary proposals and this precinct has given a lot of thought. But the input is more crucial. May believe you will do some here and in public forums. Thats all. Thank you for your time and attention. Thank you, mr. Louis, we will be announcing all Public Meetings in all areas especially those affected by redistricting proposal. Good evening, commissioners, my name is Jackie Bryson and i cannot believe that its actually december 2014 and its our last meeting. A lot has been accomplished in this past year and i look forward to whats going to be happening in 2015 including more officers up in the tenderloin station because im very concerned about the storm and im going to get home and im going to zip out of here but i wanted to comment on the proposed redistricting particularly in the tenderloin area. Having the tenderloin area extend to south of Market Street makes a lot of sense and going all the way to van ness makes a lot of sense and i know there is going to be a presentation and there is a map and all this information will be available and people will be able to come out and speak later, but i wanted to get my 0. 03 in now. Thank you very much and happy holidays . Thank you, i will let you know that january 28th well be meeting the in the tenderloin district to discuss redistricting. Good evening commissioners, my name is johnson and im an organizer and i have lived in the community for over 35 years. I appreciate you guys gave us a segway. I have Mental Health issues as well as being disabled and part of this sol team that talks about Suicide Prevention it it was great to come to you and have you come out and some of the crisis that you face on the streets as dealing with potential suicide risk. I wanted to say thank you to that and hope you continue that process. Its only a 6 months process but we are hoping to extend that, thank you. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. Im sorry. Other Public Comment . Hearing and seeing no other Public Comment, Public Comment is now closed. I want to thank mr. Pies, mr. Louis and mr. Johnson, you have all raised concerns and raised issues and certainly issues that you have said the commissioners all have individualized and so many collective views on. I cannot say i agree with everything that was said here, but what i can say that we hear there are concerns. We are working very hard to address those concerns and we are always willing to listen. Next item. City clerk line item 3. Chiefs reports, review activities. Commissioners, public, im going to defer most of my time to the presentation on the redistricting. I know there is a lot of people here that want to hear it. That said, we did unfortunately have two officers or actually unfortunately have two officers where they were convicted friday afternoon on felonies in federal court. You have paperwork in their packets where im requesting immediate termination. One of those officers has already resigned. The resignation is in there as well. I think its important though that i do have assurance from the u. S. Attorney early on that it was her opinion and that the of those from the fbi that they did not believe that there was a systemic problem within the department but believed the actions were specific to the officers that were indicted and convicted. On another matter we did experience two more homicide since the last commission. We had one on sunday on the 3400block of 20th street. There was a group of males involved in an altercation. During the altercation, another suspect walked up and struck 1 shot and struck the victim. Literally minutes after that homicide on the 600block of valencia, there was a stabbing that occurred, officers responded and were able to take the suspect responsible and the second suspect attempted to dispose of the weapon into custody. That investigation is on going but the suspects are in custody. That is the total for the year of homicide to 43 which although is a low annual total obviously its more homicide that anyone would like to have in San Francisco. On the current events, again in our offer to get after the guns we are doing a gun buyback at 1038 Housing Authority street on saturday beginning at 9 00 a. M. Weapons can be turned in, no questions asked. Hand guns 100, assault weapons 200. Anybody living in the valley area near the playground that begins on saturday at 11 00 a. M. Christmas for the kids. So with that, that will conclude my report and i will defer the rest of my time to the presentation after any questions. That concludes my report. Any questions for the chief . Commissioner hwang . There was a homicide reported last week involving the homeless man beaten to death . Yes, we have still video and there is tremendous leafletting in the neighborhood. Captain is working v e closely with the homicide detail and we are asking for the Publics Health and tomorrow well make sure we release the pictures to the media. A very good picture. We would like to get this person into custody as soon as possible. Any other questions of the chief . Thank you chief. Item 3b. Occ directors report. Review of statistical reports. Summary of cases received in november 2014, immediate eagles of complaints, in november 2014, adjudication of sustained complaints in november 2014, and companions reports. Good evening, vicepresident turman, commissioners, chief and members of the audience, today occ commissioner salazar hosted their Mediation Program. They invited ms. Salazar to spend 2 days with them last year as they set up their Mediation Program. So we are now hosting l. A. P. D. , and their Mediation Program is under way. I met with their sergeant from internal affairs who runs their Mediation Program and tomorrow members of their command staff will visit as well. They are going to be visiting internal affairs for sf p. D. You have in your packet the november 2014 statistical reports and companions reports from november 2013. As of november 30th, the occ received 662 complaints compared to 672 complaints november 2013. We have 94 complaints compared to 2013. We mediated 28 cases and 54 as of november 2013. Moved to the chief proposed discipline. The chief acted in 8 cases in november. In all of but one of those cases it was admonishing and training and five of those was failure to collect traffic stop data and in other case officers unmarked vehicle in an unauthorize traffic stop condition and arrest and did not collect traffic stop data. Another case involved conduct self inflict iv credit, when citing for a Traffic Violation he sent her four personal text message which she did not respond to and also approached her when she was in court to contest the citation. The officer was suspended. In the final case an officer failed to write an incident report when the crime was reported by a taxi driver and that concludes my report. Are there any questions for director hicks . Congratulations in terms of hosting the l. A. P. D. And showing the Mediation Program that won all of these awards which was a great opportunity and if good for you in the office. Congratulations. Thank you very much. The l. A. P. D. s Mediation Program is very different than the occ. The Mediation Program is run through their city Attorneys Office, but it is achieving success and they do have a limited jurisdiction. They are only limiting, they are limiting their mediations to only racial profiling allegations. Im sure that they will seek to expand it, but that is what they are doing at this time. Ours is much broader, right . Ours is extremely broad. This is the initial step of the Mediation Program, is that correct . It is a year old. Its a pledge Mediation Program and they have had to lay the groundwork to persuade their police union that it is fruitful to engage in mediation and that is succeeded. Thank you, director hicks. Any other questions . Thank you. City clerk line item c commissioners reports and commissioner president s reports. The commissioner has not left any items that need to be discussed. I will however announce to the folks here the members of the commission and folks listening or watching on television that we will be having a presentation tonight on the redistricting proposal. The commission in response will be meeting within the community to discuss those issues as well as others that maya arise in the community. I will be posting this information, but please understand the commission will be very much interested in what the public has to say. Well be meeting in the tenderloin on january 28th at 6 00 p. M. In the northern station on february 11, 2015. At 6 00 p. M. Southern station on february 25th, at 6 00 p. M. And bayview on march 4, 2015. All of those meetings will take place at 6 00 p. M. The locations are not yet finalized. We will be posting and distributing that information. Please know that the redistricting information tonight is a proposal that we are excited to hear. We understand there will be Community Input and we want everyone to be fully informed and understand the dec

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