Currently 32 schools well go up to 42 schools well look at addressing another officers for the schools within our area there is obviously an increase in Police Personnel personnel well adding land and the chief said the staffing has i have no speaker cards we will increase our staffing other northern stations to handle the additional calls for service those are some of the challenges we see as some of the positives is what the chief said originally northern station there are 10 district station in northern station is probably one of the fewer destinations the city large enough if accommodate 50 officers some have exchanged by the size currently, we have not one hundred and 50 but one hundred we have the ability to add locker rooms and park facilities that the stationed may not be able to so we moved further west the second reason right now if i stand in the a parking lot at northern station and throw a rock across the street to Martin Luther king that is not our district thats the Park District when we are looking at responding to calls for service many of us know where park station is located at 8th and for the officers to get to this area didnt make sense to the chief and a lot of of us us one the positive things behind that we will be adding two Housing Developments to the area that is important currently have 4 Housing Police officers Police Officers that are 10i7bd to the housing win the Northern District by addressing Martin Luther king and marcus scaring i didnt my officers will distract with the youth to have a quick responses and alleviate delays in responses because our station is so close one of the other positive the chief and i went to the grabbed opening that was a boys and girls club that opened up on you fulsome street its a beautiful venue Swimming Pool a baseball courts an unethical place the presentation all at children in the tenderloin and western edition will have a place to feel safe and be involved in athletics and other activities where we can gave me with them Law Enforcement and the community is a could see them and they can grew up in a wonderful environmentalist whether from marcus gary i didnt or the pits youd like come there as one group that will allow my officers who work with the children to bring them so they feel welcome the last positive i saw as we looked at the chief said there is currently some crime issues in the past well have in the triangle right now around the depose triangle is 3wrd read do by the northern station we divide theres been activity and issues i have a concerns is the homeless and we at the Department Think its important that one station as best i can has responsibility and oversight to address the the concerns 0 northern station will be able to respond to one location to one station to request when they have concerns in the neighborhood so weve done a lot of outreach some of you may have seen this on the newsletter i met that the supervisors and supervisor london breed and supervisor farrell weve dispensability time going to the haurnl and the depose triangle we talked about the visitation it was important for me to let you know you can present our positive and negative responses so that commissions is the prengs presentation i think its a good congressman we can support with the staffing and with the resources that will be coming in a woo that services the community what we do with that ill leave it up to where we go from 0 here. Im a member of Controllers Office here in the city weve been working on the redistricting project with the Police Department for the better part of the last year im going to spend a few minutes talking about the methodology and the project overview as at chief said earlier, one of the key drivers in the passion the population continues to grow as the economy has improved there is a sense of workload between the districts in the city we wanted to address eaten, of course the board of supervisors legislation that does require the analyze to be done every 10 years back in the spring the sfpd and the Controllers Office teamed up and hired a consultant called the Public Strategies safety group 38 they came out and as 34e7ksz working with the working group to put into a motion analysis that developed a series of maps and fald this Decision Making that ultimately led to the number of final opens that that present to the chief and the Steering Committee and ultimately is where we are today, were talking about the specific changes currently wrooer were in a 90 day Comment Period those are the only proposals at this point but there will be two more beyond this meeting practice briefly this includes the pd and multiply stakeholders were swufd interviewed with the Police Department and the working group consisted of command staff and a Steering Committee that consists of the 3 people chief greg suhr as well as the corral of the city as well as the Deputy Director at the Management Department named robert they need to be included in the response of 911 the project timeline started last year with the data complex e collection and that we spent time with the work group to the maps to ultimately get to the fall where the Steering Committee has chosen those maps and now were in the 90 day period where the Public Comment is provided some of the objectives the work H Working Group parities how often are calls coming in the station and whats the officers typical day Response Times and preserve the integrity of the neighborhood and district specific operations logical alignment with the community and something that can be implement in the shortterm that the working Group Considers a number of available a whole bunch of bullet points those represents the Foster Service the data points you theyve looked at but all of those on the list were considered and things they thought about the process went as such in wants on the board the focus groups have multiple single line changes throughout the city a number of maps thirty were presented to the working groups and the working groups edited them and gave suggestions and came up with a final recommendation to the Steering Committee that consisted of the chief d e m and controller that group has been able to choose the finally map you see today as you can see this is the final map as proposed that the working group and the Steering Committee came up with thank you. Dr. Joe weve been joined by commissioner dejesus and commissioner marshall will you please introduce yourselves dr. Joe. Good evening, everyone dr. Joe marshall been on the commission forever we run a program called the boys club and the 30 soldier and the man that was close to me for many, many years so love being here and im commissioner dejesus that been on the commission for 6 and a half years maybe more im happy to be here my can i job is an attorney i am happy to hear about the plan that was not put in stone your comments are important and well be making a decision shortly so at this point inspector call the next line item. Item 2 Public Comment all matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered by the board speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and the department ocii personnel neither the police or ocii personnel or commissioners are required to respond to the public but may provide a brief response the police and commission and others staff shall not have to respond we have a large group well limit the comments to 2 minutes first come, first serve at the podium two minutes thank you. Now is the time for Public Comment if you can come on up. Folks dont you form a line or come up as available welcome. If you could identify yourselves. Daniel mohammed for the record and Daniel Andrews first of all i want to give praise and honor to the house of god and thank you, commissioners for coming out to you our community for this important meeting i represent and was smond to the day for the black and Brown Alliance mere in San Francisco real quick two minutes i want to say in terms of the district boundary in 2008 when the report was released with the comprehensive study that of those done everything pointed towards time response that needs to be considered as a he go forward mapping out thing the Response Time in the Northern District as well as the Bayview District was longer than according to that report in the terraceville and Richmond District a thats one of the things we really, really want to press is the time response the hot spots in the city is tremendously higher in the districts where the response is alone ive prepared also a letter on behalf of the alliance to recess instruct the report and ask questions what was implemented and not implemented and why not implemented just to get an update the Community Needs an update thats why you havent seen this for the commission to reflect the San Francisco charter as well as the d o g the department so ill provide this to the commission tonight we look forward to meeting with any commissioner as it moves forward thank you. Mr. Mohammed you can provide any comments to the mr. Monore. Next speaker im pass take care harrys harris a member of the black and Brown Alliance we go pretty far back i went with daniel to the occ to represent our city the city has done so many reports 2 wasnt going to be another report but here is another study but also ive worked with did i live on and maddox ive been around the Northern Police station so hopefully with the one hundred and restraining order officers they come in the new officers that do come in with a Community Policing attitude that really we havent seen from San FranciscoPolice Department you know so hopefully in this can be added a policing add you know to the chiu new community to the new districts wherever those districts are so thank you. Thank you pastor. Next speaker. Hello, everyone im from the lower hate Neighborhood Association earlier this week we spoke what lieutenant escobar and some of the groups were in favor of the redistricting i guess we wanted to know when and where we can find more information regarding the sectors and how theyre to change i know if i recall correct 1, 2, 3, 4 were going to expand or a new inspector was going to be introduced how will that effect the Response Times as well as whats going to change in regards to the beat cops in the lower hate theres been issues that will be focusing in the octavia area we want to get more info on that. So the captain is here and can answer some of the questions tonight. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello hi, im Paulette Brown as usual im here to talk about my son and staples for mothers that have lost their sons to homicide im talking about my son who was murdered in 2006 thirty round from a semiautomatic gun that hit my son he died saving someone elses life he only hollered out and said run they use my son as the target and shot him that many times since that day ive been asking asking for justice his case is a cold kinds i have no justice there are 6 perpetrators that shot my a sonny bring outline i youll the sons i know wag a Thompson Hannibal and at this moment i dont recall the other names i dont have a place to put this poster except in my home we need a place instead of hanging them on the pole and somebody tearing them do you think im tried of someone tearing my sons picture down if we can put our sons or childrens pictures and a venue to solve the homicides there are too many unsolved homicides i used to have this poster on the bus but how long will the picture be p there i always show my picture people ask why i do this because i have a son laying on the gesture new dead that i dont have he was my only son so mind you how i feel i have two daughters left stefs my only son i want to people to see what i go through i want to people see i can talk about all day please help us solve those murders. Thank you, mr. Brown for people that are watching increase awning unanimous tipline in you know anything about the murder of aubrey the 4455754444 thank you, mr. Brown. Next speaker, please. And the chief wanted to Say Something excuse me. Sorry. That tipline is for any on homicide we had a homicide 4 young men were killed in the car we know the passenger is here in the audience jill lane was on a lunch break he was not affiliated with the gang i promised his mom at the first opportunity in public setting ill set that straight some people suggested that everybody in the involved was in the gang jerry iron was on a break a lunch break and payroll no criminal record so were sorry for your loss maam if anybody has my information the homicide for the four young men that took place on laguna or a any 5755544 thank you, thank you chief. Next public speaker. How much time. 2 minutes. Two minutes sorry two minutes. Good evening, commissioners. Good evening since my presentation is 3 minutes ill to ad lib i want to appreciate the chiefs comments about the young men not gang affiliated i want to ask to me theres a lot of talk about whether someone was gang affiliated or not to me its tragic either way we choose to be many in dpang when a when their born their comboesz exposed to the situations that makes that regrettable choose one teenager i would killed on the streets of San Francisco is one teenager for many i dont care what that person im the director the bayview opera house no boyfriend we are the Epidemic Center we experience violence everyday theres killings and numerous shootings sometimes, i dont hear them im told we run Youth Programs our main focus to bring the children out at the bayview opera house to enjoy the community and get into the buildings built in the 88 eight hundred and so many times kids cant come the parents are afraid to send them out in the streets in the schools for instance in the Elementary School i talked to them theyve been on lockdown everyday this week because of shoots it is unfair it have the children imposed e exposes to that level of violence. Thank you, maam im sorry your time is up. So, anyway for the sake of the children that are experiencing and maam im sorry. We need more help in the bayview. Thank you. Next speaker. Waiting for the council and audience glad to see so many citizens im from the San Francisco a bay area and affiliated that the black and brown organization alliance on the other hand and the Community Foundation me Small Business know me within our San Francisco bay area me, im a causation based person i think that dr. Marshall when i was privileged to be in one of the member the original about his club member that acknowledge i designed gave me the ability to bounce back from the wronz i wrongs i committed those kids dont choose the lifestyle they have if were serious about the solving of issues of the violence very is the models of the way programs in the responding and models such as the more Magic Program that needs to be wider spread i worked as a tutor at Mira Loma Middle School and worked oneonone with the kids at a younger age we need programs more consistently this will put a large dent in the violence that were experiencing i certainly want to put that point out there we have a lot of soul and pain and my hearts go out to the moms and dads who has lost loved ones i feel the home zone type model and the models more consistently talking about 10 or 15 years that will help our community thank you. Thank you, sir. Next speaker welcome. First give honor to god and to the commissioners and everyone this is present my name is madding i didnt scott with the nation mothers in charge campaign for San Francisco im here on behalf of whats happening in our city and the homicides such those are interrupted our souls i lost my son 9 years ago 19 years ago when there was 96 homicides his case remains unsolved i feel like right now we are the critical stage in San Francisco on every thing when w it comes to africanamerican and latino males in our community i feel like the redistricting cant say that word we needed to be before i draw them make sure we have the Community Input on that were left out a lot of times but were looking things differently we have multiple multiple post tragic stress were dealing with and my son as i say that was years ag