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What the status of those projects is. This is a map of p the projects that we funded, and the three capitol, and a little blurry on the screen and it shows the spread of the projects throughout the city. We have already, seen a number of positive results from the ntip program. From the projects that are out and run and this highlights a few of those out comes on the planning side. And we have been working to advance, the projects, possibly sooner, than they otherwise would have advanced. And including a wide range of Community Involvement that has been taylored for the project and you will see that demonstrated throughout the presentation, and the Planning Project, recommendations that the envision would become the capitol projects and establishing the pipeline obama the capital size, advancing projects quicker, and such as the v cha vez area or the projects that you will see further in the presentation and improving competitiveness, when the funds were put on the design phase and then it obtained the funds from the active transportation program, for construction. And so, advancing projects to show a demonstration of the local support. For the district one projects, for the district one project, rather, for this is annual , allocation, and as you heard, craig just describe the work that the mta is doing to prioritize, the capitol projects stemming from the bicycle strategy, this is picking a few of the corridors and the district one, and then advancing those as a stand alone, planning effort and this is for the safe walking and biking along the east and 23rd avenue as well as along a. Rguello. And we can mending improvements for further study and the improvements on the corridor and coming up with designs for arguello and has completed that work and has multiple rounds of ouft reach that has been conducted. And the next round of Public Participation on is schedule for january, 28th, from 4 00 to 5 30 p. M. And for the folks watching at home you can meet at the north east corner for the walk through that will be conducted at that time. And additional for this plan and the final report will come to the transportation, authority, board or sorry for the plans and programs complitty for adoption in june of 2016, as is the ka israel for all of the Planning Projects they will come back to the board for adoption. District two, the Planning Project funds have been allocated to sfcta for managing access for the crooked street portion which is determined the crookedest street in the world this is to evaluate and identify the circulation and we want to keep the streets character and manage congestion and avoid, spill over, but recognizing that there is, there is an issue to be at least, explored for how to manage this streets access. We have completed the condition analysis and we have done a first round of out reach, regarding condition and Solutions Working closely with superintendent far rals office and will will work to bring it over the coming months and bring a final report in may of 2016, a lot of these reports will be coming doo you in may june and july that you will be seeing several presentations on these planning studies. For the capitol projects, the lumard street, and this is the larger corridor, project for the pedestrian and transit improvements and this is to be done ahead of the cal transpaving project, schedule for 2018. The scope of work includes 19 but and pedestrian bulbouts and mta has been working on this for the last several months and working to complete, engineering and working closely with the Supervisors Office and with the public and also with cal transto come up with the design recommendations and integrate the feedback into the designs complicated as far as the number of agencies and there is a high level of enter agency, coordination and design and environmental and cost, estimates and construction. And so that is something that has been able to be advanced with the funds, and the prop k, funds are levelling as i mentioned the regional acting transportation grant and the general Obligation Bonds for the construction phase and it is an advertise indicated to be done this summer. The next project is the kearny street, for transit and performance and bike facilities and the project, limits are on kearny and montgomery from market to broad way and from washington to clay. Sfmta has reviewed, existing conditions and has been putting together, work for out reach, and plans to do the final report, approximately, one year out from today. Commissioner peskin has a question. I am new to this panel, and i have done a little bit of out reach to Community Groups in the area that i think that have actually worked with mta in the past that sounds to me like some of this has already been studied. I would love the opportunity to meet with you and your staff is maybe we can put a little pause on this until we do that . Okay. Certainly, all right. Thank you. And i believe that the project manager is here as well. So he is hearing it first hand. And will Work Together on that. With your office. For the district five, the western plan, this has been a project that is focused on pedestrian safety, and security, throughout the project area. And i have a map on the subsequent page, but it is geary and fulton are the general areas for outlining the project area. 100,000 has been allocated and these funds are a community, based and so we are seeing the leveraging on the planning side and in addition to the capitol side. Mta is partnering with mo magic and the existing condition analysis, and they are nearing the second round of out reach, and completing that and will integrate all of the feedback that has been done into a final report, which is expected in march of 2017 p. And the 100,000 for the study and to minimize the impacts of the potential future development of the reservoir, and the future and current activity at the city college and the activities in the side, and the sunny side, neighborhoods and it refers to a set of strategies. And that are aimed at reducing the demand for the roadway travel and particularly, the occupant, vehicles and so one of the studies is to come up with an invin tory of possible, measures that may include, transit passes or permit areas, or etc. And we expect a final report to be issued in october of 2016, and the project team, involved with sfmta as well as cal trans. And just to make a plug, if you were interested in getting involved www. Sfcta. Org with a low on the left, high on the right, next up is cesar chavez. , and this is to advance the design of wider, multiuse or separated bike and pedestrian path to makeup grades, lighting plans, for the interchange, area. And so the public works has already, surveyed the key areas, and it is coming up with the initial, lighting plans, and mta has had a walking audit of the area and working closely with the bike coalition, and supervisor cohens office and other stake holders, and has actually performed a walk through of the project area. And this project stems from the transportation, authority, 2015, neighborhood, Transportation Plan, and for, a weak design for constructing the bulbouts with the planting at five intersections and in the area, and the terrace and the Public Housing sites and we are expecting to be completed in 2016, but we are working to get a revised, and this is part of the Parks Program which has been implementing a host of projects in 2015. Just a question, who would be responsible for maintenance . That is a good question, unless somebody behind me knows the answer, i will get back to you. I dont want to say the wrong, agency, so let me get back to you. Okay, because i am concerned, always, when we make improvements, and we beautify neighborhoods, and no one takes responsibility this happened to us on corridor with the trees and some of the improvements made and i just want to make sure that things that could be used to work with the folks who live there to have them actively involved in some way and i just want to make sthur that when the improvements are done, they are maintained and supported by the community in some way, thank you. All right, thank you for your questions. Okay. And the final slide, is for the current and the future scoping efforts and so the ntip, Planning Fund has yet to be allocated for districts 4, 6, 8, 10, and 11, so we have allocated for six and these are five of the districts that remain, to have funds allocated for projects. The ntip capitol funds are available for every district, two of the district to highlight, where there is active, project, development, and are district six, for the pedestrian, safety, and soma youth, family zone and this is for the Planning Project that the board will likely see in march. And also, for the golden gate, buffered bicycle lane that you will see next month in february as well as the mid block crossings at bessie and that will be a capitol project, actually the last two would be capitol projects. And in District Eleven for the san jose, gene va would be for planning and working with the station area, and cac and mta and bart, ta and a host of agencies on coming up with the best projects scope to advance and working closely with supervisor avalos as well as the traffic calming locations in the area. And we also look forward to working with chair tang. As well as others, to advance, projects in the other districts as well. So if you have any questions. There are several, project managers here to answer questions, that you might have. All right, thank you very much for your presentation. And any other questions or comments from Committee Members . Okay, i just say that i do appreciate the ntip program. And if you put in place, and we do look forward to continuing working with you on this. And so, at this time, then i would like to see if there is any member of the p you believe that would like to speak on item six . Seeing none, item six, the Public Comment is closed. And if we can get a motion on item six, please . Information. I am sorry, it is an information item. And since, we have commissioner breed here, i apologize, i would like us to go back then to item four, on the geary brt, cac. And apologize, to keep the am mrip applicants waiting. Thank you, and thank you. Commissioner tang i just want to express my appreciation to the members here for appointing richard hoshimoto and i know that we have another, seat that we want to fill today. And he has been very involved with all things related to japan town, and geary and the corridor in that particular area and he has been instrumental in helping us, move things forward. And make the appropriate changes and he has been a great, representative for the community. And so i am gla glad that he will be continuing his service and with that, i know that there are two applicants and at this time, i guess, they can come forward to express their interest, starting with fong is the last name is that person here . Commissioner breed, we just had one other applicant who was here today, newsome who gave a presentation, if you like to call him up again. If you could come up . Thank you. Thank you, commissioners. Sorry i missed it, but i did take a look at your application and the other application, i was really impressed and if you could give me an overview of your desire to serve and what you want to do on the committee, that would be great. I have lived in your district, and the entire time that i have been there and i would love to anything that i can to improve it, and i am an attorney and i have some experience with eirs and eis and some understanding of what is going on there and i have a vested interest in doing that i can to improve it and the neighborhoods around it. And did you look at the meeting schedule, on the number of meetings and how often they meet and the time, that is involved and investing in those meetings as well . I did. And it doesnt seem unreasonable at all. Attendance is really important to me, and so i just want to make sure that you are prepared to commit to time in order to represent our community, on this committee. And so, thank you for your interest, in serving. And i am happy to support, moving your name forward. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for being here. So, it sounds like why dont we go and rescind the vote for item four. So moved. Moved by breed, and seconded by yee. All right, so we have, and now commissioner breed do you want a make a motion . Okay. I would like to make a motion to reappoint is this the are we rescinding . For the whole entire thing. I would like to reappoint, richard hoshimoto and also to appoint, william, newsome. Is there a second to that seconded by yee, thank you very much. And why dont we do, i guess that we could take this without, objection or actually you know what . We will do the roll call in case. Because commissioner breed was not here earlier. And take a Public Comment. Okay. Any members of the public who wish to speak on item four . All right. Thank you any other members of the public . Seeing none, closed. On the motion to reappoint, hoshimoto and new so many. Breed. Aye. Far ral . Absent. Peskin. Aye. Tang. Aye. Yee. Aye. The item passes. Thank you and congratulations to our appointments. All right. And now lets move on to item 7, please. Item 7 introduction of new its ems. Public comment on item seven . Good morning, commissioners, representative a short of achieving of the Common Wealth of society, inaudible others to the people. Stud j should be agreeable with passion inaudible this way. Our selfnature and destiny inaudible nature, and so nature inaudible rest upon inaudible mighty nature inaudible personal inaudible selfdirection on course inaudible internally inaudible and taking on inaudible with time, place, man and affairs. inaudible and well adjustment, naturally having inaudible all right, thank you very much. inaudible life obstacles. inaudible parental love bound ward inaudible manners, inaudible thank you. Okay. Any other members of the public on item 7 . Seeing none, okay. Public comment is closed on item 7. And that was an information, item and item 8. Public comment . All right, any members for item 8 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And that leads to our adjournment. And the adjournment, thank you. Our meeting is adjourne issue. Homeless in San Francisco is a challenging issue that effects owner in the city in many different was as of the 2014 Homeless Census over 64 homeless in individual in the city to try to address the issue weve got a program for chronic homeless welcome to the Navigation Center. This Pilot Project is for People Living on the street what makes it different the Navigation Center is able to accommodate homeless encampments lowell u allowing people to keep their pets and bring their personal bloonlz. The full realization that people dont want to be homeless not refuse services but from the services dont meet them and not relevant theyre not going to be successful if you look at the budget losses weve got a community sacrifice important people to get food and laundry were standing next to the bathrooms it is designed to be a dynamic and brief residential experience where right of on this site city staff to connect you to homeless places to return to family dine is up for medical and all those things that are complicated for people. The other exciting thing city agencies come on site and provided the services for folks this is existed to see when the goal of streamlining a a whole processes of getting people on go gentle assistance into housing as much as possible. Way totally different you can come and agree as please and get Laundry Services and showers any time of the day and night its twentyfour hours a day whatever and twhefr its not like any other she recalls. They come and help people for what it is theyre required the issues they need and reach out and do what we can to say okay how can we accommodate you to get you set up and straight never in my mind imagined a program like this this place it different and a a lot a lot that better it works. The navigation is center is a collaboration of partnerships too city departments one is the Homeless Outreach team managed by the San Francisco distributing i look forward to the Navigation Center well have our agents go out and help and say dont go anymore over and over send our dayshift out theyve meet the population and hang out and hang in the encampment and transport people and be with them and make immediate impacts with me and my staff. Bringing our wloongz whatever you go presents a problem this place their help with the storage i dont have to worry about it staying here you know youre getting things done they need to get things down done to get off the street avenue of the hope alsoness is gone. They help you if youre hungry go eat if e you need to go places go. Theyre 4th district it awe auto. It was funded through a unanimous donation and of may 2015 an additional 3 million to help to continue the Program Beyond 18 months. You see people coming out theyre ready to being so the future homes you know how variable the Navigation Center is my message for the constituents yes something can be done do break chronic homelessness it is being done. This is a community that sets an example but i how to pick an area that was funky theyve seen were trying to do is help their neighbors theyve seen getting sicker and more frail and broken down on the streets and welcomed us thats a powerful Statement People are exist and president in theyre becoming to see the movement for folks and people on the streets are only survival modes where is there next meal and their itch more carefree. The staff here is interpretation the first day i have a appointment and everything was made all you do is go through them this makes a huge difference. To get settled in a helping hand, to get on my feet, take care of the issues i have and get out of bed and help. Even though the Navigation Center has been up in march 2014 the program is creating successful outreach for its clients. A month ago they came to me and asked me to go into a new program i moved into here and now 3 months later i have my own place it is mine i lock my door dont worry about my stuff it feels human again [gavel] good morning. Today is tuesday, january 12, 2016. Welcome to the finance committee. My name is john avalos chairman of the finance i forget im doing to my right by commissioner eric mar and by david campos. We will be joined shortly by commissioner melia cohen. Is he actually going to be here . I think well have a motion to excuse her in a moment. The clerk is stephen say most. Could you share with us on office no announcements. Okay. Todays meeting is broadcast today by Jennifer Lopez charles, neck from sf of katie. Thank you for your service. If we could have a motion to excuse commissioner kim. Some of moved and seconded. Moved and seconded. Well take that without objection [gavel]. Well go to our second items. Local [call of the roll] avalos campos cohen. Cohen absent mar speeder a quorum is present. Thats going to second item item to approve the minutes of november 3 approve the minutes of november 3, 2015 meeting. Any changes to the minutes seeing none, will go under Public Comments. The comment is now open on our minutes. We will close of the comment [gavel]. A motion todo we need a motion speaker just woke about on the moment its been its avalos aye campos aye cohen absent mar aye the minutes are approved next item. Item 3 recommended award to a threeyear consultant contract to an amount of 150,000 for the planning and visioning services for the San Francisco longley chance rotation plan program and authorizing the executive director to negotiate contract payments and nonmaterial contact items p2 good morning commissioners. What we have before you today is contact Transportation Authority in partnership with the defendant Planning Department and San Francisco municipal transportation agency. Working with services to support longrange Transportation Planning program. The presentation for you here today like to start off with welcome back before the end and walk you through the procurement process. We have Melissa Espinoza to show you the presentation. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good morning commissioners my name is Melissa Espinoza. Im here to provide you with an overview of the San Francisco longrange Transportation Plan program a multiAgency Collaborative effort to tackle San Franciscos chance rotation challenges now and in the future. A little bit about the program. Several key components from the work were projecting. The first is a Transportation Vision to develop an understanding of the longterm future transit affecting San Francisco look at land use and transportation. We undertaken a series of studies on different transportation modes. Well also look at updating the San Francisco Transportation Plan to look at funding opportunities and strategies and a Funding Program in the next couple years. All this will involve stakeholders, members of the public and so this is why its important to have this multi Agency Collaborative effort underway. A bit about the patient. Its anticipated completion as early as 2017 again looking at overall goals objectives and evaluation framework and looking at existing conditions and needs. The modal studies will be anticipated to be completed through 2017. An update of the San Francisco Transportation Plan is anticipated to be completed in mid2018. This will also include an update of the citys transportation elements. In the future look at an update to the overall general plan is part of that. For the nearterm schedule and budget our agencies are beginning task now. We hope to come before you for a contract consultants and we expect the first initiation of our beach in the spring or summer of this year. Happy to answer any questions thank you. Colleagues, any comments or questions . You can ask questions after the procurement buses. This was an rfp issued by the Department Released on october 22, 2015. We had a preproposal conference and was an overwhelming 27 firms ashley to attend for networking event and to sit in for a briefing on the item. Our goal is 13 . The firm were awarding this to proposed up with a utilization of 35 . The firm includes womenowned firms and asian subcontinental. This item was advertised with six different newspapers, along with urban planning websites and distributed to all small disadvantage and local businesses that we have identified through the sf database. This item has not gone before the cac because it was no meeting in december but we have a meeting in december 2. In terms of budget, or plan to pay for this project with accommodation of city funds, federal spe funds and proposition k funds. We can answer any questions you get with that were more than happy to answer questions. Okay. I dont think we have any questions. Go to Public Comments. The comment is now open on this item. We can close Public Comments. [gavel] rollcall vote. Next item please speak to item 4 min. Approval of the 22nd state and federal legislative program. An action item. Good morning. Amber with Transportation Authority. The item before you today is simply as every year our state and federal legislative program. This is a program that general policybased guidance that we also bring the matrix use to you every month on the specific bills that this program really informs the positions that we take in our overall advocacy at the state and federal level. With respect to the state mark watts is good give you a little more information about what we anticipate happening in 2016. But the big effort is around raise new revenues for transportation. Will definitely anticipating in support of raising revenues, but also to ensure transit and transportation get their fair share of revenues moving forward. There is also policy initiatives. Will be pursuing at the state level. Probably most significantly, supporting sfmtas effort to get authorization for automated enforcement. Basically, cameras see enforcement in support of a vision zero effort. Russell going to be working with the other congestion agencies on reform and update of legislation governing the Congestion Management Program which is one of the key functions of the Transportation Authority. With respect to highspeed rail, of course, we are going to support the project to move forward but also make sure its in support of caltrans Modernization Program and that the project definition continue to include the extension awfully to the transbay terminal. At the federal level its a big surprise in december was that they actually passed a federal transportation bill a multieuro bill i think the last 10 years thats been our biggest advocacy point at the federal level. So, we are going to continue to work the program is fully funded with giving us an opportunity to focus on advancing San Franciscos ironies at the federal level in particularly with respect to the new start small start and court catastrophe program. We want to make sure that central subway, currently in the pipeline continue to move forward as well as line up the next round of projects to get into the pipeline including the downtown extension and. Michelle is going to give you a little more detail on the transportation bill in the next item. At the federal level, were also going to be looking for new Funding Sources as part of policy initiatives. So, explain road uses them of carbon fees, looking for those things to move forward as well as looking for more federal support and for 04 vision zero. Some project delivery is another thing we consistently had in our agenda in order to get projects faster and cheaper. One of our, probably our second Big Initiative this year is worth hoping to have you sponsored legislation to give the Transportation Authority authorization to pursue construction manager general contractor projects methodology for phase 2 of the project. This is something moving forward very quickly on with the help of mark watts. With that, we are seeking a recordation to approve the Lunch Program and ill be happy to answer any questions you have. Colleagues, any comments or questions . Thank you. We can go to Public Comment on this item. Was there another part of a presentation . Public comment is now open. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] s this item passes next item imbibed state and federal legislative update. This is an information item. Good morning commissioners. I was can cover briefly two of the most recent transportation Funding Proposals that have emerged in the last week or so. Just as a reminder, special session for transportation has carried over. The Conference Committee that was formed is still in condition to move forward if theres a will. This discussions between the two cochairmen esther gomez on the Assembly Side and [inaudible] whether they want to rely on newly introduced bills move it back into the Conference Setting and use the parliamentary maneuvers available under special session and thats openended. In the meantime, the governor last week introduced his budget to the legislature and to california and contained in there was a transportation funding plan. Basically, it was very similar to what he had allowed to be released by the secretary of transportation at the end of last summer with some modest changes. Essentially, just as a reminder and is an update, he is lookinghis program depends largely on a new registration fee. They called the road charge but it will be assessed on every vehicle, including hybrids and electric across the board same level 65 per vehicle. The reason about 2 billion. Another element of the proposal, which we find is now migrated to a couple other proposals, is reestablishing the old tax swap annual board of equalization excise tax setting a forget getting rid of that just reestablishing the tax at . 18, which would be an increase or restoration of 6. 5 cents to where it was more than a year ago. That is expected to raise 500 million and very importantly, for cmas in other industries around the state, it would have the effect of replenishing the step funds without this action looks like we will not have much capacity to program against in the next step cycle. In addition the governor proposes . 11 per gallon increase in the diesel tax, and adjust that for english. That raises about a half billion dollars, and he includesthat is probably what most significant changesa 500 million increase in and trade dedicated to transit capital purposes, which is i think significant indication on the governors parts that he wants to get this enclosure on a funding package. The final piece of the funding is 100 million in expected efficiency, that is caltrans get the governor proposes to dedicate that to funding atp programs that are now funded through other sources including federal funds. So its the augmentation of elite out 75 , augmentation to the atp program in the state. In addition, there is several delivery streamlining opportunities in the bill. One is the extent of Public Private partnership for 10 years and in addition he would grant to caltrans and additional six projects to be delivered under the cmg see construction manager general contractor authority. How can probably has that but they use al authority that they were granted and this would expand it. It doesnt roll over and at any regional entities to use so that will be a source of discussion during the budget process, as is measured moves forward. Then, thursday of last week the chairman of the Transportation Committee Assembly Member fraser, Cost Accounting county introduced an major new ale. Notably, it was not a special session look at the regular session bill. So not sure how that is going to be integrated as we move forward. His measure raises ongoing amount of about 7 billion a year in contrast to the governors 3. 5, and is largely dependent upon fuel taxes. For example, the gas tax would be increased by 22. 5 cents per gallon. Under his proposal and he indexed on everything your cycle. A portion of that would be used to stabilize the stipulation as a indicated that the governor is proposing to do. In addition, that 3. 3 billiondollar raised by the gas tax would be split 5050 between state and local entities, cities and counties for road repair purposes. A small amount, i forget the percentage right now, ive just been reading the doganis set aside to encourage stakeholder partnerships through selfhelp we wards. The diesel tax under mr. Frasers proposal would be increased by . 30 per gallon and dedicated to trade corridor improvements throughout the state. This is analogous to what was in proposition 1b from 2006 where trade investments were funded through state resources. Mr. Fraser also includes a 30 registration fee, and those a be dedicated to road maintenance and the state on a 5050 basis as well. So, by and large, we have gone from a governors program to about 3. 5 billion. A senator bill is rewriting his bill. We will see it later this week. It was around 4 billion, but its expected to go north of five in total. With a lot more emphasis on transit that has been seen on the past. Then that mr. Frasers proposal raises about 7 billion ongoing. There was a focus in addition to maintenance and repair, of another focus on trade corridor. So, standing here looking forward, neck steps would be senator bill. The revised bill, which is being presented with discussed with his caucus today. Will be unveiled sometime in the coming days. Oddly the Commerce Committee will get back together and look at some matrix or solutions that they could try to generate support from all four caucuses. We, hopefully, will have a good discussion with the governor on a final package coming out of the legislature in february or march. So thats how looks at this point in time. Cedric thank you. I know this is late breaking news. Thank you. I would appreciate if you had either the something in writing you could share with us that we can look at and over to when youre telling us. Just a followup question when you presented, we are just interested in more funds overall going towards transit pedestrian and bike rather than highways. Thats a new trend were trying to promote and make sure the city is also doing well. The legislation you mentioned, is that the trends were seen how this legislation is crafted and structured . I think partially. Not only to the degree you would prefer that i think at base, theres an attempt to catch up on deferred maintenance on the roadway system. In addition, supplementing it with more transit and active transportation programs. So, i would say in each of the cases, im not sure how to estimate the amount, but the underpinning is for roadway repair as opposed to new roadway construction kit and then later on top of that is an ever each cycle, each iteration of the bill introduction more money for transit and in this case is more money for active transportation. I think its going in the right direction. I dont think anybody will abandon the deferred Maintenance Issue at this point in time. Thank you. Colleagues, and you have comments or questions . Okay we can go onto Public Comment. Thank you. Anyway like to come and we do a little additional update on the fastback at the federal level. The first time in over 10 years we have a longterm transportation bill at the federal level. 305 billion bill for five years of projects. We anticipate that this will bring approximately 30 million additional to the bay area over what had previously expected in the prior transportation bill. Also, in December Congress passed the omnibus tax extenders bill. Which prominently extends the transit commuter benefits to bring it to parity with the parking commuter benefits. So that raises it from 130 a month to 250 and 255 next year. This bill also included 500 million for the tiger Grant Program which is been beneficial to San Francisco in the past. Again will continue to work with partners to ensure that San Francisco primary projects get funded. Thank you. Thank you very much. We have already open public, so anyone in the public would like to comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] mr. Clark could you call our next item. Item 6, introduction of new items. This is an information item colleagues, and a new items to introduce . Public comment on new items . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] next item item 7 of the common general Public Comments. [inaudible]. Thank you. I like sisterhood as well as page resume and brother. Since there are no other members of the Public Commenting will close public almonds. [gavel]. Next item, please speak up and make adjournment colleagues, we are adjourned. The tangle. [gavel] 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe Neighbors Park Fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that Public Investment has transformed our neighborhood. The playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the childrens play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so ere were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features. The playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. We want kids to be here. We want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. We are given a real responsibility to insure that the publics money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. We generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. And it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. We have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp and we are sending a strong message that San Francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. This park is open. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Id like to call roll. Please do. Commission president loftus is excused. Commission Vice President is excused. Commissioner marshall is excused. Commissioner dejesus, present. Commissioner mazzucco, present. Commissioner mazzucco, you have a quorum. Also wuls is inaudible representing the department and gregory p. Surr ladies and nt

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