Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance SubCommittee 62

SFGTV BOS Budget And Finance SubCommittee 62916 July 10, 2016

All right. Mr. Chairman item 14 closed session the mta meet to talk about this and the boards approved the case and no action on the other two cases item 15 for a motion disclose or not disclose the information discussed in closed session. Motion to notice disclose. Second and. All in favor, say i. I. The is have it. Were adjourned in memory of carla johnson. Thank you. Thank you mr. Chairman. Okay. Good morning everybody. Welcome to the San Francisco budget and finance Committee Meeting for june 29, 2016. Its great to be back after budget season. I am mark farrell and i want to thank sfgtv. Any announcements . Yes yes. Okay. So we have a decent amount to get through this morning so with that would you call item number 1. Item 1 is an ordinance authorizing the recreation and Park Department regarding the funding and stewardship of a new park on the francisco reservoir site located between hyde and larkin street and south of bay street. Thank you madam clerk. For the last five years i have been working with the neighbors and and recreation and park to turn this into a park, a project we voted on a year and a half ago and we have been working with the Francisco Park conservancy and made up of the four largest neighborhood groups in the area. The neighborhood stepped up and the project wouldnt be possible without their partnership and support. They have helped build a broad group of support of over 40 organizations that have been involved in the effort. They have commitments for the funding to maintain run the park in perpetuity and with their help we can turn this dilapidated site of concrete and fence to a area that the city can enjoy everyday. The puc agreed to turn jurisdiction over to the rec and Park Department. In the ordinance are four components in the next milestone in this process to build this park at the site of the old francisco reservoir and authorizes parking on the site and accept an inkind grant for Construction Services and annual grants from the Francisco Park conservancy and for the future maintenance of the park. It authorizes rec and park to accept and expend grants from the Francisco Park conservancy in improvements in the new park and amends to be listed as a park and no alcoholic beverages can be consumed the rec and park will maintain and operate the new parker will start. The project of the conservancy will administer and over see the design and construction and maintenance and operations of the park. Next steps we will hold a Public Outreach meetings for the proposed design of the park. I look forward to being there hopefully at all meetings and start the construction capital and for park and Rec Commission for approval. Colleagues this has been once in a lifetime opportunity that presented its in San Francisco. As the population grows our need for open space continues to grow and we have a turn to turn this concrete and fence site into a place for residents and tourists to enjoy and i want to thank everyone that are involved. I am excited were here today. We always want this to go faster but this is the right agreement in place. I want to thank everyone involved. I have speaker cards but this has been truly, truly a Community Effort from the neighbors and huge thanks to the recreation and Parks Department and i know we have staff here to present this on item as well. Thank you supervisor farrell. Good morning supervisors. My name is lisa brandon the director of the partnerships at recreation and Parks Department. I am thrilled to be here this morning to talk about the francisco reservoirs transformation into a park. I guess i want to echo supervisor farrells words in really thanking the Francisco Park conservancy for their hard work, advocacy and stewardship to take the steps were taking to transform this site into a beautiful park for all san franciscans, so on june 16 the parks and Recreation Commission voted to recommend that the board take actions were seeking today which is approve the agreement between the Francisco Park conservancy and the department, to accept the inkind grants for design and construction of the park, cash grant for Park Maintenance and grants for future park improvements and also to amend the park code to add the park to the list of parks with no alcohol can be consumed just for background the francisco reservoir is located between hyde and larkin street south of bay street and the site dates back to the 1860s when it was used for a reservoir for San Francisco and closed in the 1940s when the near by lombard reservoir opened. Sis reservoir is one of five site thats department has acquired or in the process of a quiring in order to continue the mission to preserve open space for all san franciscans. Two years ago after years of advocacy by Community Groups the departmented entered into a mou with the Public Utilities commission to acquire the property with immediate jurisdiction over 12 years. As part of the process the group that became the ftc committed to funding of maintenance of the new park and this agreement say formalization of that commitment so preliminary development of the site is in process already. The fpc has developed a preliminary baseline and have a design team under contract. Rec and park and fpc has done preliminary stsd of the site and the next step as supervisor farrell mentioned is to develop a final concept plan, a donor recognition plan and potentially change the name of the site to Francisco Park and all of the items will go back to the parks and Recreation Commission for approval potentially next spring so as this is the preliminary base plan that the group has been working on with input from the community, and you will see it contains a number of really important park amenities including a dog run, ada accessible pathways, a restroom and a site for potential childrens play area. Excuse me. Supervisor yee. Excuse me. Do you happen to have a handout for this and when i look at the screen i cant see much . Sorry. I have one copy of my slides. I believe jeff was making this them as well. Why dont you give them to supervisor yee. Sorry about that. I know the base plan is pretty small. The public doesnt realize what we see on our screen we can barely see it. Its not over there. Okay. Sorry about that. And so the next slide is just anticipated schedule, and you will see that were at step one, and the group happies to begin the more hopes to begin the more formal Concept Design development and outreach shortly, potentially later this summer or early fall and go back to the commission in the spring of next year, and hopefully have a new park in 2019. And then i just wanted to call out a couple of highlights of the agreement, so as i said before the agreement really formalizes and creates a longterm partnership between the Francisco Park conservancy and the department for the stewardship of this resource for the city. The term is for 20 years with ten year extensions possible up to 50 youres. Spc will Fund Development of the park with expected value 25 million. And then for the term of the agreement fpc will fund Park Maintenance of approximately 150,000 a year but that will be finally determined once the park design is complete, but the funding will cover one full time gardener, appropriate custodial staffing and supplies for the staff. And then rpd and fpc agreed to meet three times a year to review operations and maintenance and fpc plays an Important Role in ongoing stewardship and they will develop an Asset Management plan for the park and a landscape Management Plan for the park which really is a wonderful thing for the department because were starting with these two plans before the park even opens rather than having to go back and develop them on an existing asset so this is a great opportunity for a longterm Public Private partnership on an important new asset for the city, and then lastly the action seeks to amend the park code section 410 which prohibits alcohol in 58 park sites or about a quarter of San Franciscos parks and this rule is designed really to promote good park behavior and positive park activation. The park listed in the section of the park code includes sections of golden gate park, Neighborhood Parks from Pine Lake Park to dubois park and in highly trafficked area like hayes valley and Conrad Square and Fishermans Wharf. And so just to repeat the action items are to approve the agreement, accept the grants and amend the park code, and i just wanted to add as we take the next step in what surely is a Long Partnership with fpc we want to express our gratitude to this group their persistence, advocacy and stewardship and we really do look forward to preserving a beautiful part of San Francisco where everybody can get out and play. Thank you. Thank you lisa and thank you to you for all of your hard work on this project as well as well as all rec and park staff. Colleagues any questions right now for staff . Okay. Before we go to Public Comment mr. Rose should we go to your report please . Yes mr. Chairman and members of the committee on page three of our report, the bottom of page three the Francisco Park and conservancy budget of 25 million for the new Francisco Park is shown in the table and thats on page four of our report, and we note that the Francisco Park conservancy will provide annual funding of 150,000 a year to pay the departments cost for one full time gardener and custodial staffing on a joint level. We report that the citys estimated cost under the agreement are 250,000 for Environmental Review, 180,000 for recreation and park project manager to over see the project so that totals 430,000 in general fund costs and the department estimates 10,000 for cost and materials and supplies related to Park Maintenance. On page five of our report we report that because future gifts from the Francisco Park conservancy to the recreation and Park Department could result in new costs to the city and revise the ordinance to require board of supervisors approval from the park and gift to the Francisco Park conservancy of 100,000 more and results in new outreach and management Environmental Review or other costs and consistent with the administrative code that requires board of supervisors approval of acceptance of funds in the amount of 100,000 or more and as i understand it funds have been provided in the budget for an additional 430,000 for the recreation and Park Departments budget and other budgets i believe, the mayors budget, and thats through the and also including throughout boards reappropriation process which will go before the board in a couple of weeks, and this is consistent with prior board policy so we do recommend approval of the proposed ordinance with the amendment and the amendment our recommendation for the amendment is stated on page five and state then the proposed ordinance to require board of supervisors approval of the acceptance of future gifts from the Francisco Park conservancy 100,000 or more if it results in new costs of Public Outreach, project management, Environmental Reviews or other costs. I would be happy to respond to questions. Thank you mr. Rose. Colleagues any questions for the budget analyst. Supervisor yee. Im not totally familiar with historically what the agreement was. I stepped in a few years ago when this was happening and i was supportive at the time, and so with the donation that were talking about was it originally going to cover these costs or are these just new costs . Yeah, these are more internal city costs in terms of ceqa review and a project manager to allow the rec and Park Department to work alongside the neighborhood group. Original at the beginning it was about the construction and maintenance of the park itself and thats exactly what actually what the agreement is, the ordinance were voting on today is agreement to accept funds from the Francisco Park conservancy to construct and maintain the park, yeah. Thank you. Okay. Seeing no other questions or comments again i cant thank the neighbors enough and the community enough for coming together on this one. I know we have a number of cards. I will call them up in the order i have them and once your name is called. Everyone will have two minutes if you like. [calling speaker names] good morning. Thank you for the opportunity to speak in front of you today. I am a supporter of the park. Im the president of the aquatic neighbors, one of the organizations that joined together to make up the Francisco Park conservancy. We appreciate your time and diligence on this and we fully support and you do too support this park. Not only my members, the 350 of them that i talk online or in person everyday with. Theyre anxious to get the park going. We see people in the area asking what is this land and when will it be accessible to us . This is a public jewel that you will be given the public the city citizens and visitors alike to visit and hold in the public trust forever. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. And feel free to use either microphone if you want to use that one. Whatever works. Good morning supervisor farrell and tang and supervisor yee. I cant believe were here today actually considering how long its been, but i want to talk a little bit about tell hyde Neighborhood Center as i was unsuccessful in having the speakers that spoke so eloquently in front of the park and Rec Commission two weeks ago. Tell high represents a mic rocosism of the neighborhood of the city, its diversity. They serve 500 up citizens who come there who are babies all the way to seniors, and so i decided to get all the people i have been speaking to about this i decided to say lets meet on hyde and bay and im going to show you what i have been talking about for the last five years so i hiked ken lee, who the former principal of Francisco Middle School and three of the managers that grew up in the programs and live in the neighborhood. They live in chinatown and north beach and we walked the interim of the park perimeter of the park and they couldnt believe the size of it because you cant see it at bay and i convinced them to come to the commission and what that would do for tell high and everyone else and thats what i wanted to say and thank you to park and rec and to you and margo kelly who is not here today, the indispensable margo kelly. Thank you. I totally agree. Next person please. Good morning supervisors. My name is matthew tag and a resident of south city, and i used to work in and bay and hyde street area near the reservoir and some days i would walk up hyde street and its kind of a lengthy work. Its very steep so i would take a break and enjoy the view for a bit and it was a great view and when i took a break i wondered why this thick plot of land and pit was there and always thought something could be done about it especially for the communities and people in San Francisco, and so when i heard about the Francisco Park project it was something i could get behind and support and i really encourage the board of supervisors to approve this next phase and a great benefit to the community of San Francisco, people around the bay like myself and even tourists alike. Thank you. Thank you very much. I will call the next speaker cards i have. [calling speaker names] good morning supervisors. My name is jo fiona and work with the elderly and here to support this Francisco Park project. As you know chinatown and the north beach area in need of public parks and open spaces especially for the underserved populations. We at supper for the elderly hope that creation of this new park will go a long way with approving that. Chinatown is tourists the neighborhood where the park will be built in San Francisco park. Representatives have reached out to us throughout this planning process which we appreciate. We look forward to the many benefits the parks will offer to the seniors we serve. We strongly support the creation of Francisco Park and encourage you to approve this next phase of project. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good morning. My name is Frank Dawkins and resident of brunel heights and a park advocate and express my support for the sis park project. I have seen many c

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