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Breed, here. Campos, present. Cohen not present, farrell, present. Kim not present, mar not present, peskin, present. Tang, present. Weiner, present. Yee, present. Kim, present. Mar, present. That president you have a quorum thank you. Please join us in the pledge of allegiance. [pleage of allegiance] thank you. Mdm. Clerk any communications width lunch report mdm. Pres. Colleagues any changes to the september 20 20 sitting board minutes . Seeing none, is her motion to approve those minutes . Motion by supervisor campos second by supervisor avalos. Colleagues, can we take the approval without objection . Without objection those Meeting Minutes will be passed after Public Comment. [gavel] mdm. Clerk but go to the consent agenda. Items 13 comprise the consent agenda. If a member objects to the these items be on consent and item be be removed and considered separately. All right. Be seen no names on the roster mdm. Clerk please call the roll call on items 13 cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye there are 11 aye those items are finally passed and approved unanimously. [gavel] x item, please item 4 and speed is to appropriate 100,000 from the general reserves the department of Emergency Management to provide leave to earthquake victims in italy for 201617 will call both on item 4, cohen aye farrell nay kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang nay weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed nay campos aye there are eight aye and three nay with supervisors farrell tang breed in the dissent be was the ordinances finally passed [gavel] supervisor tenant i like to make a motion to rescind the last boat moved and seconded. Colleagues could take this without objection bequest without objection the motion to rescind passes [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call the roll on item 4, cohen nay farrell nay kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye dart eight aye three nay width the ordinance finally passes. [gavel] width the ordinance finally passed. Mdm. Clerk i like the motion to rescind the boat. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Without objection the motion to rescind the vote passed. Mdm. Clerk the clerk on item number four please call the roll width supervisor cohen supervisor cohen nay farrell nay kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang nay weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed nay campos aye there are seven aye and four nay supervisor cohen in the sentence be was the ordinance finally passes [gavel] width please call item number five item 5 a ordinance to amend the administrative code great neighborhood operate crime unit said district stations in the Police Department width will call vote on item 5 on item 5 the ayes have it. Nay farrell nay kim aye bart aye peskin tang nay weiner nay yee aye avalos breed aye campos aye there are seven aye and four nay. The ordinance finally passes [gavel] item number six. Items 6a ordinance to amend administrative code to reflect changes in job job classifications in bargaining units. Supervisor peskin thank you mdm. Pres. I believe based on a calmer station last week and we will hear from ms. Mason from the department of Human Resources that i would need to operate amendment to delete line 4 on page 30. Why we hear from ms. Mason president breed supervisor Suzanne Mason Employee Relations director and as a followup to last weeks questions by supervisor peskin regarding the pns classification code 3246, i had the opportunity to talk with the recreation and parks rector Phil Ginsburg who explained that there werethere are two individuals still listed in the 32 46 classification. Though, because its an as needed classification they have not worked in a number of years. They still were in the specialized classification. The department has taken to using a more broad based classification for recreational leaders and specials. Pier no for teaching and playing a cultural event use the 3279 pacification of recreation leader. As such, the 30 2 46 pm best classification needs to go through a process of releasing the employees in that class will not work for us for many years have outside employment. Then, abolishing the classification which will take a little time but we are going to initiate that we appreciate the issue being raised to our attention because when we look in the personnel system we saw the two individuals in the class. So to date before you, and i have the revised ordinance, we are proposing to eliminate the pns 3246 classification on page 30 of the ordinance. Supervisor peskin i would move deletion of line 4 on page 30. Supervisor peskin has made a motion seconded by supervisor and he could can we take that without objection . Without objection the medics passes [gavel] be was on the item as amended mdm. Clerk can you please call the roll call roll call cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye there are 11 aye the ordinance as amended passes unanimously on the First Reading [gavel] please item 7a ordinance to authorize the settlement of a bankruptcy claim by the city filed against gotto for approximate 110,000 to make revocations filed on august 20 720 and 80 United States Bankruptcy Court the Southern District in newark and the citys claim was filed on gender 27th 2015 colleagues can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection the ordinance finally passes unanimously. [gavel] item number eight item 8 resolution to authorize the department of Emergency Management and technology to enter into two agreements first for purchase and installation through a term to 30th 2012 and for maintenance and support for term through september 1 2035. The citywide 800 mhz radio system with motorola for total amount not to exceed 76 million in authorize and the director of the office of Public Finance to procure financing in the amount not to exceed 35 million colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. [gavel] item number nine item 9 resolution to retroactively authorize the office of the dist. Atty. To accept and expend a grant in amount of 400,000 in the california governors offices of Emergency Services were elder abuse programs from july 1, 2016 through june 30, 2018 same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] please call item 1014 together item 10 is a resolution of intention to establish the infrastructure and revitalizing financing district number one and to define the project area to finance the construction and acquisition of facilities on Treasure Island and yerba buena and provide for annexation to offer a public hearing on december 6, 2016 at 3 pm on the formation of the district and project area. Item 11 resolution to authorize the dir. Of office of Public Finance to prepare an infrastructure and financing plan. Item 12 is a resolution of intention to issue bonds for the infrastructure and revitalization i missing district number one. Item 13 is a resolution of intention to establish a Community Facilities district number 20161 improving area number one and future annexation area. To call a public hearing on the summer six 2016 at 3 pm on the formation of the district to provide for the public notice. Item 14 is a resolution of intention to incur bonded indebtedness and other debt not in the amount not to exceed 5 billion for the Community Facilities district number 20161. Provides a kim thank you president breed get number of questions of, about the establishment of the ise and i do start director of Treasure Island development here today. Mr. Bob back and i would like to bring him up for some questions from myself and colleagues. Just to give lip a little history context in 2011, one of the Treasure Island dda was coming before the board of supervisors, we had been learned about the potential dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency. At the time we were not sure if gov. Browns proposal would go through but just in case we had converted the Treasure Island development a project under the Redevelopment Agency and we instead converted it to an ifd project. One of the losses of moving from a redevelopment Financing Mechanism to an ifd is of course there is less funds we are allowed to set aside for the production of Affordable Housing. What we were fortunate about is that there is currently already Affordable Housing on site that we pleased that you may housing partnerships could the pile sure as well as [inaudible] 360 and i is the to about jurisdictions to rebuild existing Affordable Housing units. That was how we were able to maintain their lead high levels of affordability and not the original 30 that have been committed to what was a Redevelopment Area plan. Under some intense negotiations, we were still able to keep the affordability of the island 227. 5 . That was finally negotiated with the developer that year. We are now moving forward with a resolution to establish the ifd district for Treasure Island. Of course, during the time when the major issues that come up of concern to this board is the financing gap we are now seeing for the Affordable Housing thats been committed to build on that island i know this came out several months ago. We asked the Mayors Office of housing and tida to submit funding and financing plans for how we would build the committed a former Housing Units and director back, i was hoping you could answer questions in regard to that. I know my colleagues supervisor peskin has questions as well. Welcome mr. Beck thank you chairman, members of the board. Yes, bob back with Treasure Island development agency. Supervisor to him give me give you quite a bit of background on the program on Treasure Island and how we came to the program we are attempting to move forward today. I could go into some background on the irfd and cft but in brief, the tax and prevent redevelopment Tax Increment Program that was anticipated for Treasure Island has been replaced by a combination of infrastructure and revitalization financing district and Community Facilities district supplemental tax financing for the development of the island. The plan does call for us to create those districts to reimburse developer for certain qualified project costs as well as the irfd does commit 17. 5 of its proceeds under our financing plan to the financing of the Affordable Housing. With we had a number of things over the past five years that have caused us to have a gap on the former housing and financing good first, there has been a tremendous run up in the cost of construction. In 2011 when we were estimating 220 a square foot for the construction of the Affordable Housing we are now looking at costs on the wood of 325 a square foot were about a 50 increase in the cost of construction. The base plan in 2011 was for 25 with the option to increase that to in excess of 27 of supervisor kim indicated. We are pursuing that higher level of affordability but thats an additional 10 increase in number of units we are trying to deliver. So that also adds to the gap. Then, also, in 2011 there were certain federal i merrily funding streams available to us that was assumed would either still be available or would be replaced by similar federal funding streams. That is not materialize. Theres also a shortfall of revenues that were expected in 2011. So thats what contributed to our gap and so right now we are looking at how can we address that gap. First, there are some issues legislative that we be interested in pursuing at the state level one is in. One is recapture of the state share of property tax increment. That will result from the development program. Currently, the dissolution of redevelopment thats no longer available to us but if a portion of that state revenue, that state windfall, were available to us that would help us with youthat could help us with the Affordable Housing side of the equation. Secondly, would be we would be interested were looking at extending the term for the infrastructure revitalization and financing district from 40, 245 years. Again consistent with the term under redevelopment which would give us an extended permit under which to capture tax increment. In addition, there are both grants and tax programs we are exploring, pursuing the states Affordable Housing and Sustainable Grants Program which is a Greenhouse Gas funded program, Carbon Tax Program at the state level as well as new market tax credits as potential sources to help us with the development of the funding. Also, we are looking at local revenues that will be generated in addition to the tax increment as a part of this project. First, out of this local share of tax increment and 56. 7 of the 1 is dedicated to the project financing while 8 of the property tax is subordinated available for coverage on that debt issuance. If that 8 were available to fund the Affordable Housing, you wouldnt necessarily increase the amount we could leverage but it would help us fund over time additional housing. The other local revenue stream is Motor Vehicle license fee payments that come to the state could this is an in lieu payment of property tax Motor Vehicle license fees that come from the state to the city that is based on property tax and could potentially be leveraged as those revenues increase as a result of the increased Property Values on the island. So those are some of the strings would that we are working with the office of Public Finance, the Comptrollers Office mayors budget staff and Mayors Office of housing to explore how we can best get these opportunities together to make a sizable impact on the shortfall and then looking at other smaller grants programs as well as potential costs control and Cost Containment measures to bring down the overall cost of the units to close the gap. Those are our strategies we are exploring are happy to take questions. Just for the sake of the public, exactly how large is the financing gap for the Affordable Housing component . We currently have a crap of 380 million. Looking at all measures we can to close that gap. Thats on the total budget of 971 million. How long have we been aware of this gap . About a year or so weve been working on quantifying it and finding ways to strategies for containing it over the course of your have we pursued any of the strategies that you have just enumerated as potential ways that we can contribute to the financing gap . Well the first exploration was to see whether the climate would be in sacramento for reconstituting redevelopment with the city could share and the state share of the [inaudible] share of property tax increment. Unfortunately, this doesnt appear to be a time where we would be able to get that signed by the governor in sacramento although there does appear to be a great deal of support for an idea like that within the assembly. So we are hopeful that as the continued to move forward that is an idea we can gain traction on and potentially explored the that might be to take a couple years for us to implement Something Like that. I know that we had actually tried years ago we had asked sacramento and state sen. Mark leno to explore an exception for Treasure Island similar to what we explored with the Warriors Arena and we were not able to get Treasure Island and the governors r the governors rexim worried one of the biggestssed oppositionerase our financing gap is one thats not realistic. Given that this is one of the major priorities was to call back that funding back to the state for their own budgetary uses. So i guess i would express some concern being that we been aware of this gap for now a year and we are pursuing and of all of the proposed solutions that youve listed, the only one that we have been exploring is one that doesnt seem like its going anywhere. The on the assembly. I get that. Many members of the assembly are supportive of this which is great but its very hard to get the finish line without the governor signing the bill. Yes. Understood. That one may be may not be the first step in closing the gap as you indicated. It may require a new administration for us to be with to successfully move that forward. We did also apply this year for Affordable Housing and sustainability communities grant. Unfortunately, in the current cycle the first two Affordable Housing parcels will not be available for development within the expenditure timeframe for this years grant cycle. So our application was limited to transportation improvements but next false application we do we intend to pursue supplemental funding to both of the first two projects that we will be moving forward with how much is that for . The first two projects the total need is on the order of 29 million. We believe we could meet that with project generated sources today but if we are able to secure grants that would help offset some of that that would give us more project sources for future projects how much can we apply for in a program of the 29 million . Im sorry i dont have that but i believe it would be in excess of 15 million we could apply for. In excess of 15 or 50 . B was 15. In this cycle. Our application for this past year i believe was for just transportation improvements every was a total of 21 million. Supervisor kim did you have any additional questions . Not at this time okay. Supervisor peskin thank you mdm. Pres. I think to present kim as many of the questions i was going to ask. I does one put it into a larger context which is in 2006 when the board of supervisors originally passed a resolution supporting the term sheet that was negotiated at that time it was actually a 30 Affordable Housing deal at an average of i believe, 50 of ami. Later on in this actually happened in advance of the Development Going by the wayside, it was dropped to 25 is crept up i believe the 7. 2 , but that promise will not be met if we cannot figure out how to solve the 300 million funding gap over time. As i think while i appreciate the work that mr. Beck and his team have done over the last year that throwing out general ideas about how we are going to do this isnt enough. I think we need to really have it written down series of strategies. We should understand with their impacts are to the general fund and we should really determine which of those strategies are likely to get us to the 300 million could at this point, i would say that only half of that 300 million we have a strategy for filling. So what i like to see is a more robust, beyond talking about it but written down plan and i like the comptroller and the mayors of it not Mayors Officeit tells you how old i am the opposite Public Finance which is now in the consulars office to look at those and inform the board on it before we pass these five items. I know there are a number the ifp is coming to budget and finance, i believe, next week. So perhaps we can continue these items and let those catch up here in a couple of weeks maybe we can have a more robust written down plan as to how we are going to close the gap. Supervisor peskin you are continuing the item to a date certain . At the board we have to continue it to a date certain. So width you want to specify . Lets see. There is no meeting on readers were least not yet so i would say november 15. , present. Mdm. Clerk b was i just want to point out supervisor peskin the noticing requirement is been set for two separate hearings of four items, 13 it sets the summer six 3 pm hearing in addition to item 10. december 6 date what if the dosing requires around those bottom clerk speaker . It would be four consecutive weeks supervisor peskin. Mdm. Clerk we can move that were amended to a later date. For example december 13 instead within the specific resolution. I believe mdm. Pres. It would kick it up to january hearing. Okay. Supervisor peskin that is fine okay. So we willyou are making a motion to continue this to the meeting of november 15 2016. Mdm. Clerk for that should we make any amendment to the resolution . Mdm. Pres. We can make those amendment at the november 15 meeting okay, great. Supervisor peskin has made a motion to continue these items to the meeting of november 15, 2016. Is there a second . Second by supervisor avalos. Supervisor tang thank you. Maybe if the directors supervisor kims office can answer wanting to know if theres any impacts to the continuance of items . Yes. The obvious one has been noted which is it will push it out to next to january. We are moving forward the developer is moving forward with projects on the island. So there is some urgency to setting up the financing districts, but as long as we continue to move the process forward i dont think theres a fatal flaw looking it up to january. Thank you. Just before we vote on the continuance i just would like to express a strong desire to see something a lot more concrete than what was presented today in terms of how we are going to address the gap because thats really important. With that mdm. Clerk please take roll call on that into instant over 15 for item 1014 supervisor cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye garg 11 aye those items will be continued to the meeting of november 15, 2016. [gavel] paper please item 15 resolution to authorize the San Francisco initial Transportation Agency to execute a Communications Agreement with Bay Area Rapid transit district. To allow bart to negotiate license a grimace with Telecommunications Carriers to extend bart existing underground fiber in cellular infrastructure to the sfmta underground system for a 15 year term 25 your options. Collies can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] next item item 16 a ordinance to amend the please code to the director of the Entertainment Commission to extend from 10 pm until 11 pm the hours during which i performances may be presented at limited Live Performance locales in the union street neighborhood and commercial district. Same house, same call . Without objection the ordinance passes unanimously on the First Reading [gavel] next item item 17 a ordinance to amend the planning code and Green Building go to establish targets for seeking new building facilitating development of [inaudible] and setting january 1 20 something as the operative date providing findings to local conditions pursuant to the California Health and safety code and to affirm the planning firms ceqa determination. Supervisor weiner thank you for much mdm. Pres. Collies, before us today is legislation of keep San Francisco on the environmental sustainability cuttingedge specifically my making us the first city in the country to adopt a green roof requirements. Colleagues, you will recall earlier this year you pastwe passed it unanimously legislation i authored to require installation of solar panels on the roofs of New Buildings between one and 10 stories in San Francisco. This legislation which was initially intended to be part of that legislation but for variety of reasons would split off as separate legislation, will complement that legislation by providing an alternative to cover 30 of the rooftop with as a green roof were living roof. There are some buildings where it makes more sense to do a green roof solar panels. There are other situations where people would choose to mix the two and have both solar panels and green roofs. Clean roofs have significant environmental benefits. The increased Energy Efficiency of the building. They absorb carbon. They also absorb storm water in order to have less storm water runoff in our sewer system. They are just a terrific addition to any rooftop and any in any neighborhood and we need more of them in San Francisco. Some proud of this legislation did i want to thank under its power in my office for working on it as well as the department of environment which partnered with us on it it as well as the Planning Department. And colleagues, i asked for your support thank you. Seeing no other names on the roster colleagues, to take these this item same house, same call . Be without the ordinance passes unanimously on the First Reading [gavel] item number 18 b was item 18 resolution to extend for additional sixmonth period interim zoning controls in the rh one, rhtwo three sony desert by market st. , clayton street ashbury st. , clifford terrace was away using amway and douglas street required a conditional use authorization for the specified uses same house, same call . Without objection resolution was adopted unanimously [gavel] x item picker please call items 19 and 20 together item 19 and 20 are two resolutions that determine the issuance of liquor licenses two neighborhoods will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city. For item 19 type lxiv general zero lead us to boxcar theatre inc. Located at 644 broadway st. In item 20 is the transfer of a type xxi austell general license to billy goat liquor located and 3499 mission st. Recommending the California Department of alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of both items same house, same call . Without objection the resolutions are adopted unanimously. [gavel] next item item 21 to recognize [inaudible] San Francisco Garden District and is for the implementation of the portal of green plan the house . Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] next item im 22 a resolution to amend the administrator code to establish a sunset date for the best Pedestrian Committee without objection passing amazon the First Reading [gavel] please call items 23 through 25 together item 23 motion two point Jennifer Garcia residency requirement waived to the canvas Task Force Commanding august 21 20 something item 24 motion to reappoint any chin and real [inaudible] to the San Francisco Health Authority terms ending generate 5419 and item 25 motion to appoint Elizabeth Jackson simpson, debraresidency requirement and billy wang to the Workforce Community Advisory Committee for twoyear terms ending october 25, 2018 colleagues, can we take those items same house, same call . Without objection those motions are good unanimously [gavel] please call the next item 26, please item 26 part of 3 pm special order mdm. Pres. Thank you. Lets skip over to many reports. Item must 3031 considered by the landuse and Transportation Committee at a regular meeting on monday, october 24 at 1 30 pm were forwarded as committee reports. Items 30 is a ordinance to man the planning code to correct and update provisions delete obsolete or redundant sections to amend the zoning map to delete the showplace squares special sign district [inaudible] general advertising sign district. [inaudible] the candlestick special sign district and delete the related code sections to affirm the planning firms ceqa determination but thats item 30 mdm. Pres. B was the please call items 31 as well item 31 is a ordinance two when the clinical noncommercial signs are exempt from regulation pursuant to planning code articles 6 to increase penalties for the violators of the display of illegal general advertising signs to shorten the time before the penalty for the violations will accrue 12 property liens for such penalties that go unpaid and affirm the planning firms ceqa determination colleagues, can we take those items same house, same call . Be without the ordinances passed unanimously on the First Reading [gavel] lets go to roll call for introduction supervisor cohen is the first supervisor to introduce new business they give a much mdm. Clerk and mdm. Pres. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and colleagues. Got a number of items im discussing here today im excited about to introduce a package of entitlements for the redevelopment of potrero hill in sunnyvale because inside. These Development Agreements and planning code changes are the combination of years, years of Community Based planning and bring us closer to fulfilling our promise to revitalize these developments. Now these two particular properties of the citys largest and most challenging Public Housing sites. They suffered from years of deterioration isolation and lack of investment in health and safety to their residence. But instead of getting discouraged many of the residence worked with the city and to selected developers to bring forward the vision that we have before us today. This vision includes rebuilding and replacement of 1394 public Housing Units. That is 619 in potrero hill and 775 in sunnydale. To ensure that every resident currently living in these two sites can remain in the new community. At least 349 Affordable Housing units across both properties Additional Market units, and 92,000 ft. 2 of new Community Serving retail across these two particular sites. Thats nearly 7 acres of newly publicnew Public Access to open space on the two properties. It also includes a new Community Childcare facility Victor Norman yee. Billions of dollars of investment in infrastructure included connecting these two sides to adjacent neighbors and ensuring of course these sites neighborhoods are safe and walkable communities. So since joining this board up and able to work with many of the stakeholders to make this real transformative investment in rebuilding our city Public Housing sites. In the last few years we have moved residence into a we built hunters of you and Broken Ground on the building house griffith. Now a video about it into the revitalize area hunters view you can see theres a tremendous difference that the tremendous difference thats made to the families living in the development onsite on the property and just as important, but equally these to be acknowledged, the fantastic contribution that this revitalization is add to the overall neighborhood, to the overall bayview community. It is safe. It is clean. That is exactly how housing should be. Something that all residents should have access to in San Francisco. Living in Public Housing should not mean you should have to endure substandard or unsafe conditions but unfortunately in some parts of San Francisco that is still the case. These agreements i have to admit theyre very thoughtful. They are a comprehensive approach to transforming the site into thriving both he and mixed Income Community in partnership with residents who are currently living there. So i look for to moving these items expeditiously through the Committee Process so we can take another step forward transforming these sites the lives of the residents that live in them. The next item, the next items, are related to the status of the old potrero station located 2200 potrero 20 303rd st. In the dogpatch neighborhood. Theres been two fires in the last three weeks in this abandoned building. Now this is a beautiful building. It would not be the first time that weve seen a fire and unfortunately, i wanted activity in this Historic Property get why this building is currently on the Surplus Property list, i believe its incredibly important that we keep this property secured. That we keep it safe and in the best condition possible while we work with the city and the community to determine the longterm and sustainable use for this particular building. I like to ask the cover of real estate to ask for how much to provide an estimate of how much it would cost to adequately secure and protect this building particularly paying close attention to the historical facade. It could include items such as motion sensor lights, security guards, or im open to suggestions on what it would take to secure this asset. In this vein i like to make a request for the controller to dr. Supplemental appropriation based on the said estimate cost to adequately secure the and protect the old potrero Police Statement all be bringing that forward to the full board inexorably. Thank you. The rest i submit. Thank you supervisor cohen supervisor farrell i the number of items to get our think supervisor avalos trainees and mars mission 10,000 soldiers and veterans have been ordered by the pentagon to replay enlistment bonuses that they served about union was enough in iraq and afghanistan. The height of the two wars in the early to Thousands National court in california offered bonuses to reenlist soldiers. After a federal investigation revealed an Army Sergeant was is been convicted of fraud authorize the bonuses and payments the soldiers and veterans had no clue at the time he spends one authorize the investigation the pentagon wouldve the money paid to the soldiers to be returned. Soldiers refuse to pay back their earnings at todays interest charges, wage garnishment syntax liens. Its really hard for me to imagine that we are asking people willing to suck price their lives for our country to be back money they earned serving our country. Today im in choosing a resolution calling on the California National guard and Us Department of defense immediately cease collection actions and urging our congressional leadership and easy to pass legislation that will fully absolve the students and veterans of their debts. I want to thank supervisor cohen for cosponsorship as well. Senators feinstein and bob pelosi and mccarthy as well as mayor lee are in support of the make me soldiers and veterans all i think the lease we could to show our appreciation and gratitude to the men and women went to suck price our lives for our country. Secondly, im introducing legislation and what to think supervisor mar was cosponsorship as well as cause much of i feel to mention last week on the mdu axis legislation. Fiber Speed Internet is the ureter is the future technology for delivering highSpeed Internet and is are interested in San Francisco continue to lag behind many other developed countries in other localities across the country, i do believe we need to prepare for the future. Part of the reason for the slower speeds is a lack of infrastructure needed to support fiber Speed Internet. Today im introducing a ordinance along with supervisor mar though mandate with a new subdivision is created during San Francisco the developers olusegun conduit for public use necessary to sport fiberoptic cable to deliver fiber Speed Internet. This fetus was simply implement a state law provision allows San Francisco to acquire new development by african Mitigation Services facilities. Mandating these new developments is all this infrastructure will lead to higher property dollars for the owners and faster internet for our residents and business. Its a winwin. The Innovation Capital the what we should be the forefront of advancing policies to take advantage of new technologies and services being offered that your think my staff for this as was the City Attorneys Office for working with me on this legislation look forward to your support. Lastly, introducing a ordinance or announcing a ordinance regarding a chronicle story that broke last week about two entities [inaudible] Yerba Buena Consortium running political campaigns by refinancing housing projects right here in San Francisco. What to come in the near term of legislation ensuring the will for the housing developer uses proceeds from publicly funded project to fund political campaigns but today im announcing legislation which targets another troubling aspect of the story. Clinical contributions to an llc are not subject to disclosure laws. Its a loophole that exist today the loophole we need to close. I think we can all agree especially as we sit here for the end of october that money plays an outsize roles International Sterling little little little fans can and one thing to have significant money in campaigns and who full disclosure of those indeed our local meetings writing every survey about whats happening in San Francisco but its entirely different and significant worse when entities are not required to disclose the source of their contributions. It is the definition of dark money notably we should stand idly by. We can control these entities the federal level we could but sunshine on them locally and ugly the voters of San Francisco deserve to know who are funding these local campaigns. Today im announcing legislation that will close this loophole. Simple and straightforward. What new Disclosure Requirements for llc escorts and other partnerships to contribute to local clinical campaigns and committees. Communities receive part contributions from these organizations required to disclose for things. The purpose of their business, and civil officers, whether or not they receive public funds from any level of government the actual two source of the contributions. These new disclosure requirement slack to be collected and disclosed to the Ethic Commission for the Public Record and ultimately would need the support of a super majority of the Ethics Commission and are board of supervisors for passage. I do believe we need to send a strong message that were not went to severe idly by while individuals and organize in situ hard to see dorset key contributions. I look for to sport the rest i submit thank you supervisor farrell supervisor kim width submit supervisor mar thank you. Today im introducing as a followup to our budget Analyst Report to Public Health equity and reducing alcohol sales in our community. I want to thank our ongoing Grassroots Community coalition the San Francisco Prevention Coalition the leadership of Youth Leadership institute, ucsf alkyl policy working Group Department of Public Health. Our our San Francisco [inaudible] enter Police Department for ensuring were strengthening the voice of our committees building holding healthier todays regarding health equity. With our coalition we will be analyzing budget Analyst Report that we looking at our 10yearold socalled deemed approved ordinance with the products of this Grassroots Coalition with over 10, 15 years ago that advocated for it but also white our ordinance over a 10 year period has not achieved what it was set out to unlike other cities like oakland, and others that are passed similar legislation. I want to thank the Budget Analyst Office for quickly doing this research in a Grassroots Coalition keeping the pressure on big alcohol in our in our city to protect our committees from health harms. Also this coming weekend through money which is halloween was a number of great events along clement street in the outer balboa area. From friday through monday theres a number of events. The ymca the richmond y on friday night is having a great not so scary but the fun halloween party. The theme is an alice in wonderland down the rabbit hole from toddlers to middle schoolers including a bouncy house. Food and drinks art activities pumpkin decorating and a lot of other activities could for more information you can go to the richmond ymca. Org. Also on saturday way out in the outer balboa. Youre the balboa theater and st. Thomas school st. Thomas the Apostle School is our Second Annual balboa] i would think that of all Merchants Association for organizing this for a second year and hosting also bite st. Thomas the Apostle School from 111 nope, 114 neighbors around balboa street from 36 avenue and 30th st. 30 9r organize a bunch of activities good games, more bouncy houses food and lots of activities. Small businesses like the new eat americana cafes opera offering beer floats on the sidewalk and many other businesses have special stuff going on on saturday from 114 pm. Also coming up on sunday and monday were two events at the clement street Merchants Association that my office is helped to reinvigorate tremendous leadership for the businesses of their. Clement street Merchants Association on sunday is having along with our Farmers Market on clement street between come on out, mask decorating on tantrum. The circus theme store that is a branch on cold street but [inaudible] is doing facepainting and a lot of other things and theres a costume parade for the young people that starts at 11 am. Sore meeting at the Farmers Market at third avenue and comments. Theres more music and activities and arts activities all along clement street all the way from bible to 12 avenue where the quickbooks is. There are three ice cream free ice cream and lots of things as well. On monday, halloween date october 31 two agencies p. M. We on the clement street area will be doing a lot of stenciling with chalk on the sidewalk in front of storefronts and keeping the neighborhood safe as children and anyone is doing trickortreating along arguello 2 8th ave. I just want to give a special shout out to the clement street Merchants Association but also the outer balboa knows cold balboa Merchants Association for organizing these great events. Lastly, on the 25thwere today, the Second Annual halloween photo spot at angelenos cafe in california and 22nd ave. Be please stop by and get a free photo in front of a Spooky Halloween back up the street for more Information Contact our office and the rest i will submit. Thank you supervisor mar. Supervisor peskin. Thank you mdm. Clerk colleagues today i asked we adjourn our meeting the memory of one of the great aggressive leaders of our time, tom hayden , who i had the pleasure of knowing. As a matter of fact he came to the chambers a number of years ago to urge us to pass the sweat free ordinance and its with Great Sadness that i learned of his passing on october 23. His wife Barbara Williams said he died in a hospital after being treated for heart problems. He fell in july while attending the Democratic National convention in philadelphia. He was of coarse a resident of the state of california in santa monica and passed away at the age of 76. Tom was many Different Things to different people but is undeniable that his brief was born out of a turbulent time in politics when calls for social reforms and civil right each day boiling point in the 1960s. In the counterculture civil rights in if you were movements of the time he was a radical thought leader deeply committed activists. He was a founder of sts students for Democratic Society, the defending Chicago Seven trial at the rights of the 1968 Democratic Convention in a peace activist who went on to Mary Jane Fonda after hearing her gift and passion in fewer speech. He escorted american prisoners of work home from vietnam. As a civil rights worker he was beaten in mississippi and jailed in georgia. In his cell began writing what became the port huron statement political manifesto of the sts and new left the division and alliance of College Students in a peaceful crusade to overcome what they called repressive government. Corporate greed and racism. The team was to create a multilingual and multiracial Egalitarian Society and like his allies rev. Martin luther king and sen. Robert kennedy were assassinated in 1960, mr. Hayden opposed violent protests but backed militant demonstrations like the occupation of the Columbia University campus building by students in the burning of draft cards. He rocked the boat were generally later in life with a Progressive Political agenda is an awardwinning amazingly prolific author his book trial covered his Court Proceedings that indictment by a grand jury with his fellow seven chicago defendants including Abbie Hoffman and bobby seale. He didnt talk numerous courses on social movements at scripps college, at Harvard University and it concealed college. And occidental caused each other class at ucla in protest from port huron to the present. He was the author or editor of 19 books including the long six use from 1960 two barack obama writing for a Democratic Society the tom hayden reader in his memoir, reunion, they also served on the Editorial Board of the nation. Of course, later hayden served in the California State Assembly for 10 years from 19821992 the state senate 19922000. Esther hayden was gov. Browns appointed chairman of the solar counsel which encourages Solar Energy Department from 19701982. As i said earlier, i the pleasure of working with him on our sweat shop, sweat free legislation along with my then colleague tom on beyond hope who had this to say recently with regard to toms passing. A note on tom hayden. Worked with him on sweatshop legislation that at first he was seized that then mayor newsom seems supportive. We try to get him give him a diplomatic heads up regarding nuisance policies and when newsom pulled the rug out from under him and stopped returning calls hayden burst into our office. Sentiment we do something i said welcome to our world. He settled on and continue to do great things for social justice cause. I knew other college would like to speak their grateful to have known this giant amongst men and social justice. Leaders the rest i will submit spews thank you supervisor peskin. Thank you supervisor peskin. Supervisor mar views thank you so much supervisor peskin for speaking about tom hayden. I will just say we would do him to teach a course at new College Law School when i was there. What an amazing history support her on statement was drafted by hayden and i think why to bother sts leaders at that failure i was born but it had an impact on the student movements and to student nonviolent court in committee and the Student Rights Movement i think the patient that came out of the port runs invisibly i think about everyday. The biggest visionary approach from radical and revolutionary politics into electoral arena something thats really important get lots of lessons she taught us and what an amazing figure that impacted the youth movements of the 60s to civil rights and even how we look at it looked oral politics today. I will miss him greatly and do want to express thanks to supervisor peskin for raising his name in the backseat had on our city and our country and world. Thank you supervisor mar. Supervisor weiner. Okay. Supervisor yee. Spews thank you mdm. Clerk. Thank you mdm. Clerk it today on cementing legislation for file 160019. I have dedicated my life my whole life making San Francisco familyfriendly familyfriendly city and a supervisor at work to increase investments to pass legislation to accomplish that. In january this board passed a ordinance to increase childcare impact fee which is an important step in increasing funds for the construction of Childcare Centers with this alone will not address the unmet needs for quality care for our citys children. There are currently over 3200 children on a waitlist for childcare. The legislation im introducing today has gone through a number of revisions and i continue to work tirelessly to address the comments we have received. This legislation will be the first in the nation creating a program to give developers who are looking at least 10 of portal units the option to dedicate Housing Units to Family Child Care. If passed, this program would be the first of its kind in the nation. Developers of Residential Rental projects will have the option to dedicate to three units dependent on the size of the projects to be dedicated to these Family Child Care programs. This would allow them to receive a decreasing amount owed for the childcare facilities impact fee. We have a tremendous unmet need of families for quality child care and just would be this would be a way to start addressing some of this. I strongly believe this legislation would lead to the creation of dozens of Family Child Care homes units that would have the potential of assisting hundreds of families in the future. I look forward to working to have the support of my colleagues as this legislation goes through the process to be used as a tool to help address the tremendous unmet need of the citys children and families. The rest i submit. Spews thank you supervisor yee. Supervisor avalos i made guttural nothing to submit thank you supervisor avalos. Supervisor breed spews submit your supervisor campos thank you mdm. Clerk. Mayor lee and i dont always agree on some of the issues that come before the city but we do agree in principle that the development benefits to stay in the neighborhoods where development is taking place. So it is i am very thrilled today to work with mayor lee and introducing introducing legislation that allows fees from residential developments of 25 units or less to remain in the neighborhoods with the new development is actually being built. The fees we used to purchase buildings are longterm tenants who are at risk of being evicted and then using the proceeds to turn those units into permanently Affordable Housing. Currently, developers can meet there for the housing requirements by building the market rate units on the project site, on another site or by paying a city wide fee. The legislation that the mayor and i are introducing today offers 8 4 choice. This fourth choice would be to allow that the fees actually stay in the neighborhood by investing in a Small Site Acquisition Program which, in turn, can be used to purchase small buildings that the greenhouse tenants at risk of displacement are within a mile of the market rate developments. The deposition fund was started in 2014 is a ready stabilized 78 units of existing housing at work with the Mayors Office of housing, the district 9 office has sought and won almost 1000 units of Affordable Housing or the last few years. This legislation will allow even more permanently Affordable Housing to come online in record speed. If the nextgeneration of San Francisco is going to be able to get here in the city we need to make sure that the government and benefits actually stay in the neighborhood where the development is taking place. Again i want to thank the mayor and his staff. I also affect the council on Community Housing organizations. The Residential Builders association, which is also approached us about this Important Program and the small site project lead for their incredible work on this effort. I also want to acknowledge the work of sheila hagan in my office who worked diligently to make this possible. The rest i submit thank you supervisor campos. Supervisor jim on direct view we referred yes. One of the organizations so grading 20 years is the internet archives, to ask if colleagues and anyone from listening and committees can join us in celebrating an organization that really really believes in democracy and access for all. Democratizing the internet and the Technology System that i want to say that [inaudible] kyle the founder, was one of the original founders of alexa internet which was eight when the precursors to our internet system but brewsters vision has been like the house andrea Egypt Mission of libraries that serve all but two have a Digital Library with everything in supervisor avalos will appreciate this meeting from bootleg grateful dead tapes and concerts to this him and called the way back machine that allows you to look at websites that are changed over time that sometimes people try to hide what used to be on them but its also access to home movies of our neighborhoods over the years and a lot of their Board Members promote different issues with the internet archive right on clement street and bunks in your the [inaudible] greenbelt is in an old church but its an amazing place with vision of the internet and Technology Used for all and for democracy. The celebration begins tomorrow from five until 9 30 pm. Cocktails, taco trucks, handson demos are some of the Coolest Technology stuff that was technology in the hands of regular people. Attendees can scan a book thats the other thing. They scan large numbers and volumes of books so that its not privatized but its open to everyone and they are doing that for different libraries and different systems all around the world. Attendees can also look at Virtual Reality arcades where you can play the old video games that you mightve grown up with on machines within the church or the old former church. Also lets see, 5 pm is kind of the handson demo. 7 pm is a program with Paul D Miller a. K. A. Dj spooky whos a composer, author and multimedia art hes creating a short montage drawn from the audio collections which is an amazing range of music and speeches and culture that theyve compiled online that anybody can ask it could also focus look back at some of the defining digital moments of the past 20 years and explore how media and messaging captures the political tv and archived at the internet archive is impacting the 2016 election. Fascinating stuff they use at the internet archive. The visionary mind of Brewster Kyle but also the great stucco works there join us if you can. I dont have the url for the website but you can easily google, internet archives located at clement and wanting. Thank you. That concludes the introduction of new business. Thank you mdm. Clerk. These read Public Comment yes. At this time the public may now address the entire board of supervisors for up to 2 min. On items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board. To include the minutes and the items on without reference to committee calendar. Items 3440 Public Comment is not allowed when an item has been previously subject to Public Comment and pursuant to the boards rules directly remarks to the board as a whole not to individual speakers, not to individual supervisors and not to the audience could using interpretation assistance will outweighs the monarch to testify the like to display your document on the overhead projector please clearly state such to sfgov tv and remove the document when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting. Speed speed thank you next speaker, please. My name is joseph and there is somethi cohe youre looking at [inaudible] i had printed up just for you and i thank you. It says sparrow childrens park. Its a name created to express the possibility of a new part in San Francisco located just below [inaudible] target arun peskins district number three. Aaron has known about this for a long time. I found out about a year and half ago and ive been working with great commitment and now with a group of seven other people. We very much want this park to occur as opposed to a triplex condominium complex which has been approved and we pray to god and to this wonderful board of supervisors, and you are very committedmy daddy brought me up to politician the he said respect the president when they are elected. This year itll be an interesting case to do that. However, we are going to have silly limo on a live that long but we want to put in this part we like to have a drink with studios could we would like to walkways and benches which included many lombard street perhaps. Vegetarian guardians and flush vegetation painting by the telegraph 12 owners themselves to a gazebo for performances perhaps with a baby grand paean up and all disconnected to the garfield school. And have them come up and have a beautiful childrens garden connected to this part. So i try to condense my feelings and my thoughts as best i can. We will be in touch with you with further wits and strategies which include the opposition and proposals and we will also be do a documentary on this so you will be able to actually see the public and local commenting on how much they want and need this part. My time is up. Thank you for listening thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. I like to put this up, effeminate sfgov tv, please i was really glad to see what looks like 3000 of the fallen gone across the street i was listening to Michael Savage on case about and i told him you should call [inaudible] 7482 and get in your story with him. I remember he was interviewing donald trump and i literally was yelling and screaming out the window, turn your radio 2k sfl. Seriously. Donald trump called and to Rush Limbaugh today get cranked up my radio was doing the same thing. Hillary clinton wont go on talk radio. She can handle free speech. But donald trump goes on all of them, man. All of them. He is not afraid. He may disagree on this or that but is not afraid because is an honest man. Hillary is going to shut down talk radio i cant help but think a great laugh out loud ago if you google the reason hairpiece joe base thats his name hillarys hairpiece annies giving her orders and she barked like a dog and honestly got to do that with that woman we did to nebuchadnezzar we called around like an animal. For seven years did he can do that to hillary clinton. I cant help but think in these days that were living in this is date 7000 523 from the end of the times of the gentiles which ended 25 from one king nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple in jerusalem and thats a very important date in quite remarkable that the following day began the year of jubilee. The 70 jubilee and the Matthew Henry commentary we read that the 70 weeks fell in sequence with the jubilee cycle. This is the only prophecy in the Old Testament that gives us the precise year that christ would die on the cross for our sins. 70 weeks before it happened. Thank you next speaker, please. [inaudible] all the petitioners [inaudible] for our people. Dangers back to security that would secure everyone and having full guarantee for the commonwealth of a peaceable kingdom. You must [inaudible] in delivery of [inaudible] in helping out people of their difficult days. We must reach out to the people with two principles for the awakening. We must make Good Progress of true justice to prevail firstly, one practices the cultivation of heavenly heart. Secondly one practices the cultivation of good virtue upon one subject thirdly, one practices the cultivation [inaudible] for the promotion of wholly immersed. One has to work on good reasoning and to understand of principles for profitable practices of elevation. [inaudible] sincere practices [inaudible] once credible [inaudible] for making a commonwealth of true success. Of having a spirit of true self nature of [inaudible] humanity. Thank you next speaker, please. Thank you president breed and all the coconspirators. My name is still christopher doll and i live at six and howard 10 blocks in less than 40 years from sea level. I rise to comment on crimes against humanity. For all the hours and hours candidates have spent debating each others lack of morals or lack of intellect, backup solutions, the hours spent comparing the size of their hands the size of their wallets, the overspend measuring the color everybodys soul and of everybodys skin, for all those hours and hours there were but a few errors seconds when someone discussed the health to our planet and gave a thought for our climates. How long did it take to say, Climate Change, i think l changes important. Elsewhere putting the word conspiracy in the same sentence with Climate Change was not well thought out. To be true, must think member avalos for focusing our attention for some moments on that very subject. His remarks were much more relevant to the issue get far shorter than the whole challenge of actually responding to Climate Change require meds could that little time spent here quite overshadows how very little the candidates spent on the problem. We may now confront crimes against our constitution or crimes against our trust but in their collaborative silence the candidates commit crimes against humanity. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervise. My name is rob poole with Housing Action coalition and i hope you are having a good day. I just want to visit a topic thats making a lot of headlines lately that is housing for the homeless. I believe theres about a month ago in this room you discussed a local developers idea to build new housing for San Francisco was population that the microcap. Theres 160 squarefoot steel modular units and this will actually be coming to San Francisco on monday. They will have 160 squarefoot microcap park literally a knife and Mission Street for the public to walk inside and check out. I think these next two weeks as we are terrific opportunity to the public to actually see tangible solution to what has been a chronic problem in the city and many other cities. For decades. Justin the past week, just microcap itself has been in a lot of articles. Theres a lot of challenges and issues around it. It will take a while while to resolve it [inaudible] and try to learn more about this potential solution is a couple things we need to keep in mind in that just last year we recorded over 6600 Homeless People in the city. We spent over 251 million to address homelessness in the numbers only been going up. Government subsidies are dwindling and Construction Costs continue to skyrocket. So if theres a solution out there that can build homes for those without a home affordably and that makes a real impact without using additional public subsidies that we dont have, we believe that it deserves your attention and i hope you can check it out. Its going to be a knife and Mission Street just out out outside the panoramic building and i hope you can spread the word as well. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervise. My name is thomas mcdermott. I would like to comment on a few things that dont necessarily meagerly pertain to you but pertain to us all. I think the rather vicious president ial campaign is an indication of a nation distress. Donald trumps ascendancy indicates the satisfaction with the manner in which the country is going to the nations political representatives need to address the fundamental problems that are impacting the country. Wages have been stagnant in the us for about 30 years. Yet there has been enormous increase in productivity and financial growth. The number of people incarcerated in this country is an indication of a nation extreme distress. People dont belong in prison. They belong in the workplace. Contributing to the Family Community and to nation. The enormous Political Risk widths between the two parties in washington is not good for the contradict Climate Change is happening yet a large segment of the political within the political process dont believe this. The earth the planet is very sensitive place. We must treat it accordingly. As we go about living out our lives could this country needs genuine economic and political rejuvenation thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Yes, Ronald Johnson get im asking for cooperation in opening up an investigation into criminal acts possibly embezzlement, extortion. There is fronted the building manager where i resided the ensuing u. S. Postal service mailed repeatedly, shredding up other paperwork for federal housing benefits for people. Also a lot of the tenants are noticing that theres a lot of frontage missing out of their payments from general assistance as well as Social Security and we are suspecting that the manager is taking the money somehow someway. Shes denying a lot of rights to the tenants as well. In violating shes trying to charge me for repairs. That is not my wrongdoing and not my cost, really. Its very wanted either very healthy lawsuit on filing against them. I want you to be aware of that. I want you to assist me. Ivan at the item they were devastated california paperwork against her with me right now liver is ready to do this. Thank you thank you, sue. Before the next speaker are there any other members of the public would like to address the board because these, step up. Please continue, maam good afternoon members of the board. Would really appreciate your attention. Im here in representation for the residence of Treasure Island. I bring this to the board to the full board, because of the way the residence of Treasure Island have been completely ignored all were all these years. I personally the bunch of team members of mine got together all the Voter Registration list for everyone on Treasure Island and we call them. We asked them, were you aware of this resolution before the board of supervisors without exception maam im going to posit time for a moment. You are not able to speak on items 1014 as they are on our agenda today on that site about items 104 jim tucker the residence of Treasure Island. And there was no common session on the item when they came up today what you resume your time but if you would stay way from item 1014. That is absolutely fine. Thank you. Here we go im here to talk what the residence of Treasure Island the lack of voice, the lack of any sort of was that from Treasure Island Development Authority and the lack of access and complete ignoring by our own District Supervisors. I personally have struggled to meet with my supervisor and was given 10 min. Once a month when she had a meet and greet with the rest of the city. Im very very complicated matters you cant get anything done. On the same matter i was able to meet with supervisor campos for an hour. So it seems to me that i am begging the board of supervisors to consider divina Treasure Island residents San Francisco residency and renters rights because the rules thats a bit from them were associated with the Redevelopment Agency and the redevelopment agencies were dissolved in 2012. So i ask you to seriously consider this and i know i cant go to the District Supervisor because she never does anything for us. He was thank you. Seeing note thank you. See no other speakers that are present any other members of the public that would like to provide Public Comment at this time seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] mdm. Clerk lets go to the adoption without reference to Committee Items madame president items 2629 are still out there to be continued to november 15 i believe okay. Lets go back to our 3 pm special order. Please call items 2629. Item 26 a public hearing persons interested in the proposed project located 1515 s. Van ness ave. To allow demolition of the existing building a new construction in the determination of exemption from Environmental Review the California Environmental quality act issued as a Committee Plan exemption by the Planning Department on july 12 2016 approved by the Planning Commission on august 11, 2016. Items 2729 are the motions associated with that public hearing. Thank you. It supervisor campos thank you mme. President. At the quest of the project sponsor and with the consent of the appellant hereby like to make a motion to continue these items to the meeting of november 15 supervisor campos has made a motion to continue the items the meeting of november 16 22nd and second by supervisor farrell. I would like to open this up to Public Comment on the continuance only. Are there any members of the public would like to provide the public specifically on the continuance . Seeing none, the comment [gavel] on the item to continue the meeting of november 15th 2016 speaker please call the roll supervisor otto aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye there are 11 aye the items are continued to the meeting of november 15, 2016. [gavel] b was mdm. Clerk lets go to the item production without reference to committee please items 3340 are considered for adoption a single roll call vote may enact these items. A member may object and have it considers b was all right. Supervisor avalos [inaudible] [off mic] excuse me . I like to item several items 34 please b was seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues, can we take the remaining items speed same house, same call without objection without objection those items passed unanimously [gavel] uber please 34 item 34 a resolution to condemn violence and hate speech accessing solidarity with muslims and all those targeted for the ethnicity race or religion. Supervisor avalos colleagues i want to draw your attention to this resolution also been replicated many municipalities across the country. A couple weeks ago austin texas had signed onto a similar resolution and more are going to be on the way especially in the nextin the few weeks before the election. I think also its really important we make such statements because were godless what happens after the election we will probably still see continue to see islam a phobia continue. We need to call upon ourselves to do more to protect people in the bay area. There have been actual acts who are muslim word seek or middle eastern descent who have been attacked physically and we have to be on our guard. So this is just a statement of solidarity with the people who are under attack and i urge your support could colleagues, thank you thank you. Colleagues, can we take this item speed same house, same call . Without objection its adopted unanimously [gavel] it is now 3 30 pm. We have special commendations for 3 30 pm. Okay. Sowelcome everybody. We are at our special commendations and we have some very special guests. In honor of filipino recognition month. So at this time i like to recognize supervisor tang with opening remarks. Thank you very much and i just want to welcome all the honorees here today. I got a wonderful chance to meet each other at the reception earlier. Of course, there is something that all of us want to acknowledge that are so special about each and every one of you. I want to thank you and all of the legislative aides and special [inaudible] for my office for organizing this event and try to make a very special for all of you. So with that am i able to proceed with my commendation shirt. He was great. Today it is my honor to recognize someone was transform the lives of hundreds of students at Lincoln High School in the sunset district that person is in enriquez. Is he here right now . I dont know. You might be still making his way back. All right. Sorry. It is not here hes not here right now. Okay off to defer to another colleague at the moment with that, at this time we will recognize supervisor eric mar for the first commendation of today. Well first on the list for a long time this is great. Im really happy about the honorees today in celebrating filipino heritage month. The person chosen has had a huge impact on many young peoples lives in the education system. I described her as a master teacher. The best in the Laboratory Education tradition. As dr. Allison [inaudible] with allison could come forward good i see others that are here from filipinoamerican studies ethnic studies as well good allison was recently promoted to full professor in the college of ethnic studies at San Francisco state. Im going to veer off of my script to say that i think the 15 years of the creation of Educational Partnerships and Amazing Organization that looks up and nurtures young people and educators from the Filipino Community is incredible. Her leadership in establishing ethnic studies in our San Francisco Unified School District and our city is amazing could often the politicians take credit for everything that is because of allison and the youth from chinatown city cdc to Filipino Community center and terrys can be honored later, but a youth that lift us up and make it easy for the politicians on the School Boards or board of supervisors to claim credit. But credit should be due to the Grassroots Movement that allison has nurtured is an amazing not only laboratory educator but organizer in our communities. She also is a faculty member in the Doctor Program for Educational Leadership in sf state school of education. Beyond teaching shes incredibly dedicated to the Filipino American community to respond to the lack of social academic and emotional challenges in the lives of youth. In 2001 she founded Educational Partnership benefit 30 educational island that creates partnerships and programs that works toward social justice i would just say art concordia and other [inaudible] ethnic studies requirement. Silly cat allison that management is inspiration not just emerging from Balboa High School but studying for money other schools in our School District. I dont think the state of california would have passed the ethics studies for all without strong leadership from the grassroots and the bottom up. Pat sent hundreds of students to college, graduate school and credential programs e. G. Were proud to a produced hundreds of critical transformative teachers and 20 of them to doctorate programs all of which are serving their communities and social justice organizations in teaching in schools and colleges across the nation. I just want to say that empowerment within pap is critical. Frank scott will have a quote each generation must undergo to the obscurity discover a mission to fill philip perpetrating good i think what pat and allison do is really looking up a new generation to fulfill their mission of community empowerment. Also on language the quality is part of our working pap, shes developed a curriculum with School Districts bogus on filipino language in the Elementary School level from longfellow to many other schools. The Filipino Education Center to Betsy Carmichael and many other schools. Also related to that whenever major accomplishments as work with community organizations. Again to pass the ethics studies policies in our School District which is spread to other cities as well. Shes a consultant the School District on developing the curriculum along with concordia from balboa high and others. Shes worked with a coalition of teachers, students and youth to pass different policies are many different levels. Now to some critical accomplishments. She cofounded the institute for sustainable Economic Educational environmental designer we are shes the director of culturally and Community Responsive Curriculum Development and teacher training. She also has received 2 min. Oh words from universities and grassroots and Community Groups for her work. Most recently uclas distinguished young alumni award and 10 years ago Faculty Service award the office of Community Service learning from San Francisco State University which is granted to only one faculty member au. Five years ago she was designated as the sewage faculty work for service for sf state where the highest awards given to a faculty member. Two years ago she won awards and Community Community advice you were from the critical educators for social Justice Group and the American Education Research Association could also our association of Asian Studies give her the work of engaging scholar and to top it off she was named as one of the 100 most influential filipina in the world. Along with her work in both academia and in the Community Partner [inaudible] from balboa also a teacher and Athletic Director coach jujitsu instructor, the partnership has greatly influenced the interest from their date interdisciplinary f along word. Essential part of her identity as an activist as an educator in her life is her being a mother to her daughter [inaudible] totter so much about how to act with love and hope. Congratulations to allison for the amazing work her first commitment to social justice and deep roots in our communities. Allison, [inaudible] [applause] do i get to Say Something . Okay. You have to Say Something now. In the book that you held up pedagogy of the oppressed, Paolo Ferrero said liberation is like childbirth. A painful one. When you list the listing also vital to back hurting. I think partially because i think thats what we do. We are constantly giving childbirth. As a community, i feel like this award really is for pap. Its for i see its for all the people who fought for ethnic studies. To me, its about the community that is not only just bursting birthing children. I mean not birthing projects but also raising these projects. I mean we race as a community i really want to appreciate not just thank you for giving me the work, eric, but really its all of us who been working towards this Work Together including you thats me this all happened so, thank you, thank you and appreciate the continued work that you all are doing both locally and also you are getting continued to move on to the state and National Levels could really appreciate all the work this board has been doing. So, thank you. [applause] congratulations. I will now go back to supervisor tang thank you very much. Almond do this over again. This time i honoree isnt. Today is my honor to recognize someone was transform the lives of hundreds of students at Lincoln High School in the sunset district. Today i like to bring up in in regards. [applause] ian is a counselor in the Wellness Center in particular works with Committee Health outreach worker at Lincoln High School. He is countless, shermans but one thing important is that he serves in her role as a supporter and advocate and mentor to filipino immigrant students at Lincoln High School. He grew up enough as a filipina and into the United States to attend college they always speak out in support students that are new to the United States. Ian has up a Wellness Center grow in his 15 years at Lincoln High School. In fact i heard icily in the last year theres about 900 visits to the Wellness Center at Lincoln High School and already 200 since school has started. Thats a high number there. He started pink tsunami and a cycling event thats awesome into the huge event that many students participate in. Ian also started health ida which is a health, vision among the staff and students. Each week as a physical and Mental Health competition advertisements are eliminated until one remains the health idle. House i always recognize the outstanding nutrition and Fitness Program in california was presented at the cdc in atlanta georgia. Other schools in the country since were to replicate the program. Ian also started the improv group at lincoln and have fostered a Diverse Community of marginalized students into a group that actually know gets paid for their performances. Every thursday to meet alleged practice and he gives them individual feedback on their performance and ensures that all students grow from the natural to the beginners. He started a club as a fundraiser for service trip to nicaragua over the summer work ian and students help build an Elementary School baseball field, and planted fruit trees. Now the club gets hard around the bay area to perform sometimes incorporating Health Education into their shows. Ian works carefully with the transition and Early Warning indicator students to accord eight supports and interventions for those students who are in need. He was also the driving force in establishing effective Student Assistance Program at lincoln. In this role, he works behind the scenes with Wellness Care resources, teens, counselors administration and teachers an outside Service Providers to prevent [inaudible] make sure the support is appropriate and make sure adults on campus and know what is going on with the students. Ian is also a hiphop dancer. And is a sponsor of the hiphop club at school which perform several times throughout the year in fact i see myself ian performed along with morgan my High School Friend who also works at Lincoln High School on many occasion to i thought you were student previously but now i know youre part of the stock it yields teach the students how to dance, not only how to dance but also about choreography. In fact ian is also professional bs instructor on the side. So as of ian did not have enough to do, he is also a member of the russell walk clockers good i had to because of it in case youre not familiar with what this is, think thing with wooden clogs. Did i get that right . Sort of. They will actually be performing at city hall on friday, november 4 at noon in the rotunda. So i invite everyone to watch him in action. For everything that ian has done to support our School Community at Lincoln High School and beyond, i extend my deepest gratitude to you the monitor present this recognition to you today. Thank you. [applause] i would like to think the board of supervisors for doing this for the Filipino Community when thing we were talking about in the back is how although [inaudible] second largest asianamerican community in the United States please speak directly into microphone force. Yes. We are very invisible community. When it started the School District work at ben franklin which does not exist in Morningstar Group for filipino dish and a person they said to me, where have you been. Nobody knows where we we are. We get going, the bullies get talking and nobody cost was that even worked with the kids at lincoln by patiently their essays and stories their writing and i asked him, why are your heroes white . Where you as an asianamerican youth and writer creating stories about people from the dominant could wire not soandso is about your own . Where are our heroes were are your heroes were the heroes that look like you . It starts here. Starts with recognizing the community thats on a lot of great work for some reason is flying under the radar. So thank you again for the work and thank you to all the other honorees as well for the great work you guys are doing in the city and congratulations. [applause] congratulations. We will next go to our district to collect supervisor mark farrell. Thank you supervisor weiner. Colleagues, and people here today in the audience monitoring somebody i should to individuals not able to with us here today. But they are having a real difference in making a real difference in district to i think throughout the city of San Francisco. That the owners and operators of that food truck. Become an incredibly popular so many destinations around our city. Senior assisted the Family Business in a fusion food truck with a special twist on a filipino happy hour [inaudible] longtime friends and Restaurant Owners are evan kundera and gil scott gil graduated from the cordon bleu re academy and zero get the inversion ambition to start is but instead of a traditional storefront shows the food truck concept that has not looked back at entrepreneurship and runs deep in thought their family blood line and only matter of time the shared love of Filipino Food would turn into a restaurant here in our city. The menu is female filipino fusion composed of family recipes taken from his fathers family recipes and general region renown as a breadbasket of the philippines for its legacy in array traditions. They took the portability of their favorite mexican taco dishes and melded the two together to reflect a very diverse palette. Even the name [inaudible] is a fusion of cultures filipino mexican. Theyre incredibly popular. I know here residents in the area but also throughout district to what youre rating reviews about them all the time but im a big fan and want to congratulate them. Today in this month as we honor them and look forward to seeing them out in the neighborhood in the near future. Congratulations to them. [applause] thank you very much supervisor. Next, we will go to supervisor peskin. Sorry supervisor cohen. I took marching orders from our board present in numerical order. Supervisor peskin district 3. Thank you. Today the honor recognizing a good friend of many years and San Francisco legend thomas [inaudible] do much has been made of the plight the Small Business in the last several years. Legacy businesses have been disappearing and with them little the soul of San Francisco. [inaudible] is part of the soul and we are lucky to have them celebrating almost 40 years of taylor artistry here in San Francisco. Welcome, al. Born in manila, al moved his family to San Franciscos Mission Excelsior neighborhood when he was nine years old he attended lowell studied at city college San Francisco state and later uc berkeley. Als first job was as a progress newspaper boys which is maybe why he loves the cut of a good news captured he waited tables on Fishermans Wharf at the old joe dimaggio and spent summers picking fruit in the San Joaquin Delta get in college al got his first date us date of shoe leather Cutting Tools authentic craftsmanship were working at an oldschool edward schoo store. He opened his own shop on mission and 22nd we provided accommodation of retail customer shoes and repair that attracted many work from local theaters and entertainers. In fact he was the first to start porting sneakers which unleashed a fashion frenzy in San Francisco. Al received a jolt of fame when the late great San Francisco, his hurricane gave his former store the taming of the shoe a shout out in his column. In 1993 europe and another store in district 3 also tired in northeastern after running a string of instore boutiques standalone sheet streets in the caster, haight asturian chestnut retailer is pursuing his love of fashion he moved into vintage clothing business around 2000 and later, in 2011, he moved als entire two blocks to grant [inaudible] kitty corner from the cafe trieste break continues to pose a flurry of neighborhood and celebrity as in the paintings adorn the walls and bus and mannequin show up as later fashion creations. Hes recently taken over the basement of former even genuine oddity shop, [inaudible] not far from his original Mission Based provider s other great love, arts music and social gathering. Al is one of the was last rates in the proud tradition of tellers and she may could stitching a personalized tag into every piece of clothing he makes. He makes was a template of every piece of clothing which he uses for his personal fittings with clients. Clients get to choose from an array of vintage buttons, lines class and piping. Benefiting from house kenai for the Little Details of flair and disaster make an outfit reflection of its wearer. If he is not in a shop is across the street at restaurant were drinking americana from the cafe trieste. Clients included carlos santana, tom waits, rob schneider, even designer Stanley Gaddy and all the Halloween Costumes for the man kids as well as a couple of suits for supervisor john avalos. On a personal note proud owner of two of his suits two pairs of handmade shoes by al. Als also very involved in the community it served as a former Small Business commissioner, was on the board of metain todays on the board of worth beach business association. He is charming, gregarious, soulful and artistic is a proud father of three beautiful kids we leads to bedtime stories every night even if hes not actually physically with them in the philippines you read to them via skype. He was supposed to be in the philippines for a special fashion showcase this week but that typhoon saw fit to keep him here at todays ceremony. A recent customer pulled up and had his cap rate with all his suitcases just so we could run in deposit issues with al. Hi, you still live. And use it such amazing job with cheap broods over double the issues further. Al asked if we could, the victim if you want to mail them, great you did such an excessive job with my last pair i cant wager itll give me something to look forward to when i come back to San Francisco. You have given us all in San Francisco something to look forward to, al. To another 40 years of your incredible craft, congratulations. [applause] thank you board and aron. I did not realize was going to be like this. This is a last minute thing for me. But listening to a history and looking at some of the honorees here, i consider myself a humble shoemaker making a living one stitch at a time. You try to do a Small Business in the city and i am honored by some of the other other two people in that the body of work they have done, but one of the things is a Small Business in trying to survive in the city, some of the areas San Francisco and especially my shop in the mission, and some of the shops i had on castro and in the and haight press. And in the north was to these areas had empty storefronts. It wasnt like we have today where its one of the most expensive cities if not the most expensive city to live in. Its getting harder and harder for smallbusiness to survive but one of the things as a Small Business is to get involved get involved with the local merchant community, getting involved with the supervisors and there is an effect that can happen and that happened with me. In the mission which is now one of the hippest places on the planet. Specifically, valencia. Sometimes you are a victim of your own success is now he stay in place for 2025 years and its very difficult to continue and i would hope that this would resonate with this board that its difficult for me to continue. Its very difficult to build a team and i know with some of the board over here and do a great job of making the city affordable for small cousins. And thank you for this honor. [applause] congratulations. [applause] we will next go to art district 6 college, supervisor kim. Thank you so much. Actually, i was going to begin todays month to honor a member of our Filipino American community here on behalf of the entire board of supervisors. We had an on expected passing of a really Great Community leader and what is so amazing about this woman is that i know very few people that have not interfaced work at some point in their organizing and advocacy life. I do want to recognize alisha penny of laws passed away last friday in daily city. She was a hero to many of us here in the bay area and in particular to the filipinoamerican community. Alisha leos known as [inaudible] as she was lovably referred to by many was a unifier force in the community. She was an advocate on behalf of underrepresented groups. She shared the filipinoamerican democratic caucuses when outspoken advocate for the rights and benefits of the filipino veterans who served our country during world war ii. She was also an appointee of pres. Bill clinton to the federal council on aging in 1993 and was a delegate to the white house conference on aging in 1995. She was also an advisor to several state attorney generals and she was named to 2006 woman of the year for californias it assembly district. Im asking that we close our meeting today in honor of haifa alice on behalf of the entire board of supervisors that you want to recognize her grandson, charles , [inaudible] whos here in the audience was accepting a certificate on behalf of her family. So [inaudible] left us a rich legacy and her grandchildren are a key part of our key filipino institutions here in San Francisco. [inaudible] which runs our Filipino Education Center at Betty Carmichael the Filipino Community center in john avalos is district in the excelsior. So charles oh to bring you up good i personally first met peter alice when i served on the Lawyers Committee for civil rights and we want to find a representative for the Filipino American community in san mateo. On the behalf of the Filipino Committee [inaudible] in San Mateo County board of supervisors because they were the only county and 50 counties in the state of california that is it insisted on doing countywide elections versus district election. Due to her leadership and advocacy were able to successfully file case and settled in san mateo and we now have the First District board of supervisors race in san mateo and super exciting to see own gauge the filipinoamerican community has been to fight to elect someone who will represent the community. That is just a drop in the bucke give you an opportunity to. on be half of my family it is a privilege and honor additionally id like to acknowledge the passing of inaudible now talking about mommy alice she enjoyed these discussions. Being an educator i learned the values of being part of the Filipino Community. She always told me two things other than respecting our families. Having a quality education and involving filipinos and the community in the political process. While working with others to make community s stronger and healthy for all. I know that there needs to be a lot of work to be done. That is why i feel that her with my sister having worked for the Filipino Education Center, and for myself working with the cultural center, which advocates for workers rights, i know she would always encourage me to always meet her other contacts. I would look forward to meeting with you or working with you in the future in the different avenues that she introduced me to. It is about helping and giving back to the community. Thank you again, board of supervisors. Thank you again. thank you for being here on be half of your family and your grandmother. It was a big loss for the bay area to hear of her passing. I wanted to take a moment quickly to thank all of the Staff Members that put together filipino heritage month this year. Its important for all to recognize. Given the diversity we have filipinos contribute in every level to our city. I have worked where many of you to fight for more Affordable Housing, schools, i also want to recognize the staff that put together todays fest the numbers of the clerks office, christine, brent, and robert laguna. It is your work behind the scenes that makes the us successful. So thank you for your work and putting on this great event. I wanted to bring up my honoree. Only one of a handful of women who own bars and restaurants in San Francisco. She is also a mother of two and a very active member of our community. I mentioned that shes here with her partner, her kids, her mother. Id like to have them all come up. She also founded hood games i mentioned that she is on the board oh took a real big risk in deciding that we can do an organic locally sourced soul Food Restaurant in the heart of the market long before anyone thought of investing in that neighborhood. I can walk in on almost any given evening and bump into also providing a space for the community. Really being a glue throughout the district. Thank you very much for being here. i just wanted thank the board of supervisors for this acknowledgement. At the core of what we do is Building Community s. My work in the tender hroeupb is here to my heart. I feel like the work that we do for the project ask really there to have resources for those to succeed. Its no small feat. I feel very honored to be able to keep doing these projects. Theyre like painful births. But every project that i do and my husband participates in has been a joy and pleasure to reach so many people. Its going to be in the south market district. Well definitely have a lot of influences from the filipino culture. So that will be within a couple of months. Thank you for the acknowledgement. thank you and again congratulations. Its my turn to provide an, award to janet al she works with the community to promote multi cultural her father immigrated from the philippines in 1928. After the war he began documenting post war america life in San Francisco. From a Close Knit Group from the philippines janet discovered his photographs and now documents and preserves more than 3000 images one of their exhibits which my staff and i had an opportunity to visit is showing right across the street. A filipino experience. What an, amazing collection. Not only do these photos look amazing every one is dressed to the 9s. It includes black and white photographs playing pin oh jazz. Filipino America Military service. Social clubs where africanamericans and filipino americas gathered. Her work within the community highlights the need for all of her contributions to the community im proud to honor janet. In joining her are a number of historians and advocates. And if you can all please stand. thank you and congratulations for ill just take a few moments. Thank you. Im proud to meet you and represent that portion of my fathers archive. I was born and raised here. Much later after those pictures have been taken. It is filipino America History month. Im proud to be from district 9 but my parents did start in the western addition. Im deeply honored to be part of this city and day. Thank you. thank you and dont forget to go check out that exhibit right across the street. Id like to recognize supervisor norman yee from district 7. i want to congratulate each of you. My honoree is the nursing officer ma donna come on up. We just celebrated the anniversary of city hall. It was around 50 years ago that this was built. The people that care for them are made up of many people including 750 nurse leaders, registered nurses, nursing assistants, Home Health Aids and unit clerks. Guess what ma donna does. She supervises this team. It was no surprise because what i hear about you is that your well known by not just the executive colleagues but the front line carriers. She believes in collaboration, team work and a can do attitude. Frequently she is attending meetings, she believes in a Residence Center approach. Including well , and well being. Including being a staff nurse, charge nurse, nurse manager, to work where she is today, which is the top nurse. She is a great nurse leader and a great colleague. She has taken care of thousands of patients there. So please join me in welcoming her. thank you so much. Im grateful to be the recipient. Really what keeps me going every day are our 780 plus patients who count on 800 plus nurses. Im very fortunate to be working with amazing leaders. This is really i want you to stand up please. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you board of supervisors. i want to say thank you so much for taking good care of her and so many of the other folks. I can attest firsthand. You all deserve a round of applause. Supervisor scott weiner. thank you very much. Today i have the pleasure of honoring richard you want to come up . Sergeant recently retired or a few years ago. He was born and raised in San Francisco where he attended washington high school. 31 year veteran of the Police Department. He was the coordinator of the cpr instructor. Contributions earned him numerous awards. A certificate of honor for dedicated service. He considers his two greatest contributions, enabling him to start a scholarship fund. Last but not least he feels there is no more rewarding experience than to spend time with the seniors, so thank you for your service as a community leader. Congratulations. thank you very much. Im very honored because all of these honorees i think are more important than i am. Im lucky, when i came to the Police Department i think there were only 3 filipinos there. We started a scholarship fund. Every we started only 8 years ago we now have chapters in los angeles and san diego. We have an office in the philippines, we help train the officers over there. We bring used equipment that they need over there and we try to do the best we can with giving them as much support as we can even though were here. We have been doing that since 2000. As far as we originally started thank giving and christmas we would feed them, serve them, talk with them. A lot of them were soldiers that needed our help just trying to get Social Security and stuff like that. So were really happy to do that. Id like to thank everybody and honorees that you have picked are fantastic. I want to thank them for all their work. Thank you very much. next we have supervisor from district 9. thank you. I want to acknowledge the Incredible Group of honorees. Its Pretty Amazing to see the contributions that the Filipino Community has made. Id like to call on tina dell mar. Tina is a parent who has been a strong leader in health care, patients rights, nurses rights. She has worked in labor and delivery. She has been an active member of the California Nurses Association serving as a c n a represent for the past five years. I can tell you from my experience in this field. Its a tough job to be a representative. She was an active participant in the fight to save saint lukes. District nine, i want to thank you for that alone for helping to safeguard such an important institution. Tina is the daughter of filipino immigrants from the 1960s. Tina is the mother of two girls. Theyre students at sacred heart and she is pursuing a dock rate thank you, congratulations. thank you. This is such an honor. Its an incredible honor to be part of this Filipino Community and stand with all of these leaders here today. I feel like kind of when youre a nurse and youre working every day or youre knocking on doors on saturdays and sundays to help your community. This reminds me of what i do every day. I love my community and the people who i work with. Thank you again. id like to now recognize the supervisor from district ten. Malia. we have an opportunity to recognize we have Asian Pacific island er. I want to pay my respects to when i got the news that she passed away my heart broke. She sat with me and she told me to practice my and coached me through a couple phrases. I had the great pleasure of growing up with some of her nephews. Today we really have come together to recognize an every day hero. We look into the community and we look for people that we know, people who we have established relationships with. Today i decided to help someone who helps us every day in a tremendous way. As you can tell from the expression shes not pleased being in the lime light. But i think its time to recognize people who help us every day. This woman has helped me run the community , she has cleaned up messes along the way, messes that she has not made. This is an opportunity to pay our respect to an incredible woman. Im going to share some information about her. A Third Generation fill pin a. She returned to her home town with her boyfriend and to be closer to her family. She cares deeply about taking care of the children in her family. Her father was also born and raised in valet oh. I tell you this is a thankless job. So we want to say thank. Working for the city of berkley she obtained her degree. She is an incredible woman and i want to say thank you for your work. phraf paragraph. im not even sure what that means. Thank you supervisor cohen. The work we do it can be thankless and you guys dont usually recognize it unless something is going wrong. I couldnt do any of this without the stuff of the clerk of the board. Also the clerk of the board angel hra for giving me the opportunity to serve all of you. So thank you again. we would like to congratulate all of the honorees today. I am honoring a great person. Someone who i look up to greatly. He is one of the founders of the Filipino Community center. Providing workers, immigrants, youth, women. Through his work its become an important part of the city. In just the last few years they have helped workers win over 2 million in owed wages. Terry has also been a leader in our district. Working with other community s to bring about grass root victories. He has recently been selected by the levis corporation beyond the f c c terries work to. Empower the leading campaigns for immigrant rights. Against human trafficking. He is not only a great leader but an advocate for human rights. I had the pleasure to travel with him to cuba. Promoting urban farms and free medical, school just this past weekend he was in chicago political repression. There to mark the second year of a brutal killing by a Chicago Police officer. Thank you for your service. [ ez. thank you very much. Its been great to work with every supervisor here and all of your staff who have worked with me. Im honored to be here with all of these honorees. Were here to carry on the legacy. We have to carry on that legacy, push forward our community. Were leaders, nurses, Police Officers, a lot of the honorees are from there. And we still have to keep those places. So were there on the ground every day, continuing to build leadership, workers rights. We build a water project. Disaster prepared workshop. These are critical times right now for piece in the philippines. Thank you. this was the last for today. This concludes our event. I just wanted to say congratulations again to all of the honorees who are here today. Thank you for spending the afternoon with us. We have some amazing people in the Filipino Community. Thank you all so much. And again congratulations. With that madam clerk lets go back to our agenda. todays meeting will be a skwrourpbed a hreurb a pen i cant tom hey den. this brings us to the end of our agenda. that concludes our business for today. Thank you. Good afternoon recruits im going to be very short, because i am [laughter ] okay, i should start off with a joke you have to laugh. Anyway, first off, its my pleasure to be with the chief and with our department of Public Health director to welcome you into the finest Police Department in the country and i know that because that is what you have chosen to do and im very gratified i could be here in front of you as you ago through this invaluable academy and training. Really two points i want to raise. One is to thank you for making that choice. You can join any other department in the whole bay area, but you have chosen our city and im grateful for that. Second is that today i especially appear before you to make sure that you understand what we are trying to do as an entire city with our Police Department. Were undergoing one of the biggest Reform Efforts in the history of this department, and our chief is leading that, and one of the reasons today is that you will undoubtedly be involved in many of our confrontations that other Police Officers do probably on a daily basis. And the trend has been that there are more people that are victims of alcohol and drug abuse, and will exhibit in many occasions a danger to themselves or others and you will definitely be called upon to intervene in those situations. One of the principles of our Police Reform that is going on today, one that i greatly value is the principle of the sanctity of life. You probably already have been receiving training on that. But you also will be trained in the practice called receiving time and distance. That is when you are called upon, i think well ask you to do your best to create that time and distance for the purpose of preserving life. In that, i want you to know that the rest of the city is not simply asking you to carry the entire burden of that. ; that were going to be partners with you the best that we can and one of those strong partnerships that i am and this administration is funding with the full cooperation of the police commission, your chief , all the management staff is to say that when you are asked to intervene and if you can create that time and distance with everybodys safety in mind, well then have Mental Health and Public Health experts to be at your side. So that they can do the specialty crisis intervention that you create the time and distance in order to have. We have got to work as a team. If were going save more lives out there, we have to make sure that we have the ability to get some professionals to work alongside with you, so we can intervene in the sometimes very tragic circumstances and if we can get the Mental Health expertise with the people standing behind me, the crisis intervention specialists, they are referred to as our entire team train by our Public Health department to work in these crisis situations, were going save more lives and ultimate ly that is what you seek to do in your profession and we want everybodys lives to be here. You will get crisis intervention training. You will be introduced to the sanctity of life principle, but in the realstreet situations that we have, its your ability to implement that in an effective way with the chief and all of the managers crisis and all of the trainers that are here. That we want to do it with your safety in mind and with the immediate peoples safety in mind so we can gain that valuable, sometimes minutes to be able to introduce a professional. So that we can go on and perhaps save a persons life even more times than we have in the past. Quite frankly, it has worked in no less than probably five situations in the past several months. And i was with the chief on one of those occasions, almost three to four hours in those negotiations and we saved everybodys life and everybody walked away. We need more of those opportunities, because there is drugs, there is drug abuse, there is a tremendous amount of Mental Illness and you cant do it all. We dont want to tell you to do it all, but you have an invaluable part of that process. So those are two messages. Again, thank you for choosing the city and county of San Francisco to work in and well be there to create more classes as more of our officers decide they want to have an even better life and retire and at the same time, we need to get enough officers to meet the challenges of population, and the needs of every one of our neighborhoods. Thanks for being officers in the city and county of San Francisco. Chief. First of all real fast im with the mayor every wednesday and the joke you heard i have to hear those every wednesday when i meet with him [laughter ]so the sympathy should be flowing my way. The incident that the mayor was talking about wasing at market and jones and it was a support armed with a firearm and the officer showed incredible restraint and saves that mans a life. I have since met with the mother and father of the mans life that was saved and they are incredibly grateful to the San Francisco Police Department. They spent about two hours praising our efforts, and giving us kudos for making sure that resolved the way it did. That is what were trying to push forward and we all understand its not always going to work out in our favor and things that happen that are well beyond the control of anybody wearing that uniform and we need to make sure were Crystal Clear on that, but at same time, to approach every situations a lifesaving situation. The department is moving in a different direction and were trying to be at the front of this and not the back of the line. I just sat in an awards ceremony, voting process for Department Members to get silver medals and awards and most of the recipients came up in situations that they tracked about what they did and talked about using time and distancing in deescalation. One an officer was stabbed in throat on the freeway onramp and went for his firearm which he reholstered to baton because he recognized that the situation changed and the individual no longer had the knife and he had presence of mind to think about it as it unfolded. Another situation a gentleman was sharpening a knife and had residents holed because they were too afraid and they formulated the plan of creating time and distance and they subdued him and took him into custody without shooting him. Arguably a yearandahalf, two years ago the officerinvolved shooting scenarios pure and simple. That is what were trying to preach and push today and the Group Standing behind me are meant to give you additional tools in the tool belt when you have those situation and the San Francisco Police Department is proud to partner again with the department of Public Health on Mental Health services to the community and the San Francisco police have worked with department of Public Health for years including mobile crisis teams providing assistance to child Crisis Services which helps youth in crisis. This new team of clinicians standing behind me isa valuable to San Francisco Police Officers to support negotiators in the field and conduct crisis assessments and debrief persons involved and affected by incidents, and consult with victims and provide Crisis Services. They are going to also assist with our ongoing Crisis Intervention Training Program to help our officers improve their ability to recognize people with Behavioral Health problems. This program is part of an ongoing reform system that the department has undertaken over the past year and again, im talking about the San Francisco Police Department being the lead, not following, not picking things up from everybody else. We were using a model that is still effective, but there is say better model. And our people are now researching that model to bring it to San Francisco with dealing with people in crisis. That is part of us taking the lead. Were under a Collaborative Reform Initiative review by the department of justice right now that we invited in. Because again, all of these changes are meant to make us better. So i want us all to make sure we embrace it and look behind me at these white jackets with another tool for the San Francisco Police Department to use to enforce the sanctity of life on the streets and save people, because that is our primary mission to preserve life. I want to introduce director. Thank you you and thank you all of you and i saw you standing at attention to so long and you are so fortunate to be part of a city and part of a police force that are going to be at the head of many Police Forces in this country in terms of really understanding the impact of substanceabuse and Mental Health on many of the individuals that you may meet. Behind me is a team that we have been over the last decade working very closely with the police, and coming to any incidents of violence and providing assessments and support to family members. Were going to be expanding this team with three clinical psychologists and social workers to work deeper with all of you and give you training how to engage and meet the needs of many of these individuals. And also, i have been on the calls and some of these interventions that the police chief talked about, and we believe we can really give you really Important Information about the background of an individual, who you may be negotiating with. And so were very proud. Im very proud of the team that is behind you in the white coats and im very proud of the team in the blue. And together were going to be really providing you, i believe, some essential training and also support. And we believe that doing this together, we can reduce improve the health of many of the individuals who you are going to come in contact and reduce the incidents that we have at times when we have to be more forceful with individuals. So we look forward to this. Were going to be quickly hiring these individuals, and the police will be involved with this in hiring. So we have the right type of individual who will work with us closely and by the new year, well be really working closely and responding. In between now and then, this team behind me will be taking that place until our new staff is expanded. Were 24 7, and were located in the bay view, but we travel throughout the city in order to provide these services. So i want to thank you for your attention today and we look forward to working with you, and proud to see all of you today becoming new Police Officers. [ applause ] were going to conclude this and any questions that the press may have well be outside in the hallway for you

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