Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 41216 20

SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 41216 April 13, 2016

Good afternoon everybody and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting tuesday, april 12, 2016 mdm. Clerk can you please call the roll. [roll call vote] please join us in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] olleagues, can we take this without objection. Without objection the Meeting Minutes are passed after public comment. Lets go to our Consent Agenda. Items 1 through 5 would comprise our Consent Agenda and consider it routineseeing no names on the roster mme. Clerk please read the role on items 1 through 5. [roll call vote]have passed unanimously. Item 6 is an ordinance as part of a provement of a Chinese Hospital pursuant to the Sale Agreement need to copy these in favor of thirdparty utilities and private party owners and seqa determinations and adopting and adoptingother findings. Without objection this has passed unanimously. Item 7. Same house and call without ordinance this has been passed unanimously. Roll call vote on item 8. [roll call vote] 9 ayes, 2 nos. The ordinance has past. Next item please. Roll call vote on item 9. [roll call vote] to visit thank you ordinance passed 9 and 10 together. Item number 16 is an ordinance amending the Building Code to authorize the director of the department of building inspection to stop all work on a construction project whenever there are repeated violations of city codes on the project; and affirming the Planning Departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. And item number 17 is an cohenordinance amending the building, housing, electrical, plumbing, fire, health, planning, and administrative codes to clarify and standardize enforcement procedures for violations of municipal codes relating to buildings and property, to require departments to report on Code Enforcement activities, and to direct the city administrator to coordinate the preparation of standard citywide model forms for Code Enforcement proceedings; setting an operative date of june 1, 2016; and affirming the Planning Departments determination under the California Environmental quality act; and making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1. Question shall this ordinance be passed onhas been living in unacceptable conditions for quite some time. What we had we discovered looking into this issue and having an oversight hearing a year or so ago and we have found that there is not enough coordination among the department or the city codes are not consistent with one another and there is no requirement that the department has actually asked to address a code violationwe need serious ones. The City Attorney does not have the pool that he needs to go to court when there is a serious violation. They equip the unified Code Enforcement process for building construction, for the Fire Department and to and for the Public Health and we are taking further administrative action and we are referring problems to the City Attorneys office for litigation. Second, we will provide the City Attorney Clear Authority to act by going to court and we will 1st require that the department actually asked the city to tourney to act and currently the City Attorney typically cannot file a lawsuit in less the case is referred to by a department and this significantly hamstrings our City Attorneys ability to act and protect the public welfare. 3rd our legislation in designate quarterly requirements for accountability i am sure we can all see what is pending and asked why this will not go forward. Nation creates a code supervisor wiener is proposing it will have a Significant Impact on those who are forced to live in homes that are notthe legal muscle to go after the bad property owners. Thats what i have just met. Thank you. Thank you supervisor . Mme. Sec. Can we take items 15,17 and 18 same house same call [gavel]item 11 please. Item 11 is an ordinancemayorordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of certificates of participation in an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 95,000,000 to provide funds to assist in the development, acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing projects; approving the form of a Supplemental Trust Agreement between the city and county of San Francisco and the trustee named therein including certain indemnities contained therein ; approving the form of a supplemental property lease between the city, as lessor, and the trustee, as lessee; approving the form of a supplemental project lease between the trustee, as lessor, and the city, as lessee; approving the form of an official notice of sale and notice of intention to sell for the certificates of participation, if sold by competitive sale; authorizing certain actions relating to the certificates of participation, if sold by negotiated sale, including approving the form of a purchase contract between the city and the underwriter s selected in accordance city policies; approving the form of an official statement in preliminary and final form; approving the form of a continuing disclosure certificate; granting General Authority to city officials to take necessary actions in connection with the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of the certificates of participation; approving modifications to documents; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith. Same house and call the item is passed unanimously on the 1st reading. Next item please. Item 12 isresolution approving the acceptance of a distribution of vizient, inc. Common stock, by and through the department of Public Health, and authorizing the director of health to enter into an agreement with vizient to accept the distribution of shares, including the 11th amended stockholders agreement and the joinder to the amended and restated stockholders agreement. Same house and call item is approved unanimously on the 1st reading. Item 15. Item 15 is a resolution authorizing a lease between the city and county of San Francisco, as tenant, and pbv ii, llc, as landlord, of office space located at 5646 street, consisting of approximately 17,500 square feet from july 1, 2016, through june 30, 2026, subject to citys termination rights, for use by the Adult Probation Department at 70,682. 50 monthly; for 848,190 rent in the initial year with annual 3 increases and four fiveyear options to extend. Next item please. Item 18 iswienerordinance amending the public works code to incorporate changes to ensure consistency and compliance with californias municipal stormwater permit requirements; to revise application of the requirements from projects disturbing 5,000 square feet of Ground Surface area to projects that include construction or remodeling of 5,000 square feet of impervious surface area; and affirming the Planning Departments determination under the California Environmental quality act same house same call the item is passed unanimously. Next item please item 19 isa resolution establishing the soma pilipinas filipino Cultural Heritage district in the city and county of San Francisco. Do we have any testifiers . Filipinos represent currently 9 of all of the immigrants here in the San Francisco metropolitan area including an additional 2 in the san jose area. The market has been the face of this community over the last 100 years. This is much much more than the separation of the culture and community of the Filipino Community. It is also to preserve the ongoing existence of this community in the future. I talked this morning about how i became a beneficiary of so many filipino americans and just ordinary residents and many of them led the fight for the 1st and only multiuse park in the south of market it was named after the 1st filipino to win a gold medal for this country. She was born and raised in San Francisco and swam in our own rec centers. Weve also increased our Elementary School that has the only Public School in this country to offer curriculum into tagalege we look forward to the preservation of existing rent control housing. This morning we celebrated our 3rd acquisition in the south of market. Seniors, working class households and families, ardors 1st responders. They need to live in our neighborhood and these are my neighbors and im so proud of the fact that we are working to help preserve the diversity of this neighborhood this resolution just kicks off the process of something weve talked about for many years and we will be working over the next few years and the Mayors Office of Economic Development and the department of Public Health and many other City Developments to make sure that we are creating a district that has real pull to ensure that we are protecting our organizations and our art. But also that we are protecting diversity in our neighborhood. That filipino filipino americans can live and thrive in this neighborhood. I want to thank the filipino Womens Network that filipino art expedition the Filipino Community center. And for all of your work all for the last several months who crafted this resolution and come up many ways the guide or the plan for work that we need to do over the next year to make this a reality. Finally, i do what the recognized one of my legislative Staff Members to work very closely with my committee to draft and we will continue to make this plan a reality. We will organize and direct the south of Market Action network. Colleagues i do want to recognize my cosponsors for your support and we look forward to the real work ahead of us. Thank you and breed as well thank you very much. Next speaker. Long live the high hotel 2 generations ago it would still be there. Can we take this item same house same call without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] congratulations. We will skip over or 230 and 3 oclock special orders and go to our Community Reports mdm. Clerk. Item 22 is considered by the government audit and Oversight Committee for a regular meeting on monday, april 11, 2016, at 1 30 p. M. The chair intends to request the committee to send the following items to the board as a Committee Report on tuesday, april 12, 2016. Item 23 is aordinance amending the general plan by revising map 5 of the downtown area plan to include a note stating that the proposed height and bulk districts on block 1 assessors parcel block no. 3740, lot nos. 027, 029, 030, 031, and 032 , on folsom street between main and spear streets, and a portion of block 2 assessors parcel block no. 3739, lot no. 004 , on folsom and main streets, of the transbay redevelopment project area shall be consistent with those provided in the transbay redevelopment Plan Development controls; and making findings, including findings under the California Environmental quality act, and findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1. Same house, same call. Item is passed unanimously on the 1st reading. [gavel]. Item 24 item 24 isan ordinance exempting the humidor, formerly located at 275 battery street, from two prohibitions in the Tobacco Sales permit ordinance on the issuance of such a permit for the humidors new location at one Embarcadero Center the prohibitions on issuing the permit in a supervisorial district with 45 or more such permits, and on issuing the permit to a tobacco shop. Good afternoon everyone colleagues today i am introducing a resolution requesting that the state attorney geeneral initiate an investigation of the racist practices that are going on in our Police Department. Im sure that all of us are appalled and angered to learn that a few weeks ago a new group of Police Officers had been exchanging racist and homophobic Text Messages and i think we need to say enough is enough we havent sat in the chamber time and time again and say we need to reviewthe Government Law enforcement policy but again here we are confronted with explicit buy bias for those who are sworn to take a specific oath to protect our community. We are asking our attorney general not just to look into the recent text message scandal but also look broadly into the practices of our Police Department which suggest there may be racial bias. The members of this board that i spoke with are all concerned about the use of force policies in our Police Department. The Police Departments own data shows that in the last 2 years africanamerican drivers were stopped and searched more than 4 times more than white drivers and latinos were pulled over and searched more than 2 1 2 times that of the white drivers. The black community are 7 times more likely to be arrested. 11 times more likely to be booked in the communityin San Francisco than their white counterparts. Officer involved shootings have resulted in the deaths of 4 men of color in our community. These things have real lasting effects on our communities. It is absolutely essential to Public Safety in our city. Collectively, all of these incidents and issues have eroded the trust. It is going to take a collective effort to restore it. Our stand with the mayor and our police chief to call and review our department policies. However, the cops team that is currently conducting a review does not have the authority to mandate changes in policy in our department. Additionally, while the District Attorney has also convened the Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the text message scandal and make a recommendation they too are not required to implement or suggest the changes. They had a very unique authority to mandate release and Law Enforcement in our state if they find those practices depriving people of their constitutional rights. We need muchneeded review, investigation evaluation into these issues as soon as possible. I want to take a moment and thank a public defender for calling about our investigation i urge all my colleagues to join me in this request today. The rest i submitted this time. Thank you supervisor kelly. It is now 230 we will go to our 1st commendation given by supervisor peskin. Today ive opportunity to celebrate a true San Francisco hero. As many of you know i start my mornings with a swim in the bay. I try to encourage my friends and some of my colleagues that many of the officers in Central Station to join me in these morning swims and one of the individuals that i got to start swimming years ago is it officer pete mcglocklin that text me the other day to let me know that he had a Police Officer done with this individual had done that Police Officer would have gotten a silver star. What is particularly amazing is that this individual did the same thing and was honored by the board almost a decade ago for pulling out an individual who attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the municipal peer. It is my pleasure to honor jeff thunders in here today. Jeff is the most humble, unassuming, person that i have ever met. I have to say 1st of all, he is a librarian at the San Francisco Art Institute as opposed to the academy of art which is an institute that began in 1871 but that is another story. Just a couple of weeks ago on march 30 as jeff was swimming out what we call the opening which is at the end of the municipal peer a fully clothed individual jumped off the municipal peer and jeff struggled to save him while focused on the peer he called the National Park service and the police and ultimately 50 minutes later came and jeff help fish that individual out of the bay all the while telling him its a good day to live and we all have a mission and that people care about him and the strangers on the pier cared about them and the people on the boat coming out to rescued him cared about him so mr. Thunderson it is

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