Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 61416 20

SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 61416 June 20, 2016

[gavel] good afternoon everybody and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting for tuesday, june 14, 2016. Mme. Clerk, can you please call the roll . Thank you mme. Pres. Supervisor avalos. Here. Pres. Breed. Here. Supervisor campos. Here. Supervisor cohen. Here. Supervisor farrell. Here. Supervisor kim. Here. Supervisor mar. Here. Supervisor tang. Tang not present. Supervisor wiener. Here. Supervisor yee. Here. Mme. Pres. , you have a quorum. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, can you please join us for the pledge of allegiance . [pledge of allegiance] members, are there any changes to the Meeting Minutes of may 10, 2016. No changes, the Meeting Minutes are passed. Mme. Clerk, can you please read our first item. Campos1. 160511[settlement of claims and litigation landslide damage casitas avenue and miraloma drive not to exceed 5,000,000]sponsor yeeordinance authorizing the Public Utilities commission and the City Attorneys Office to approve settlements of claims or litigation arising out of the january 25, 2016, landslide between casitas avenue and miraloma drive, for amounts exceeding 25,000 per claim, notwithstanding administrative code, sections 10. 22, 10. 221, and 10. 222, for amounts up to 1,000,000 and not to exceed 5,000,000 in total, if the controller certifies availability of funds, and subject to periodic reporting to the board of supervisors government audit and oversight committee. Can you please join me in a moment of silence . We need to make moresome coordinated effort to make sure that there renowned San Francisco pride celebrations can express themselves. Supervisors, turning our attention back to the issues in our own cities for a moment. We know that neighborhood crime is up in every neighborhood that i visit in the districtswe need to feel safe from home burglaries and home invasions. Andthis is why my budget included the hiring and training of Additional Police officers for our neighborhoods. We need Community Members to purchase a paid in our solutions of the neighborhood crime. Today im introducing an ordinance for the neighborhood crime Advisory Board and we will invite Community Leaders to join with City Department staff to identify priorities in Community Driven solutions. We will work with organizations to make sure that these crimes get prosecuted and when the times come we will make sure that they get to stand up in court and testify so we are working together with our Police Department and our leaders to make San Francisco is safer any for san franciscans to enjoy. And with that said i have. Mdm. Clerk, can you please read the Consent Agenda . Agendaall matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the board of supervisors and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the board. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the board so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item. Questions on the Consent Agenda are on final passage, first reading, adoption, or approved, as indicated. [roll call vote] these items are passed unanimously. Can you please read item 3. Kim3. 160464[appropriation Municipal Transportation Agency revenue bond proceeds transportation Capital Projects and equipment 207,000,000 fy20162017]sponsor mayorordinance appropriating 207,000,000 of revenue bond proceeds to the Municipal Transportation Agency for transportation projects and equipment in fy20162017. [roll call vote] item 3 passes unanimously. Can you please read item number four. Agenda4. 160466[appropriation Mission Bay Improvement Fund warrior arena improvement Capital Projects 5,980,000 fys 20162017 and 20172018]sponsor mayorordinance appropriating 5,980,000 to the Municipal Transportation Agency mta , consisting of 3,050,000 general Fund Contribution and 350,000 of mtas operating fund in fy20162017, and 2,310,000 general Fund Contribution and 270,000 of mtas operating fund in fy20172018 to support planning, design, and outreach for the transportation Capital Improvement projects in connection with the proposed Golden State Warriors event center and mixed use development in mission bay. [roll call vote] there are 10 ayes in one no with supervisor avalos in the dissent. The ordinance passes. Item number five please item number five agenda4. 160466[appropriation Mission Bay Improvement Fund warrior arena improvement Capital Projects 5,980,000 fys 20162017 and 20172018]sponsor mayorordinance ordinance deappropriating 7,566,391 surplus revenue designated for general reserve from the Public Library and reappropriating as Debt Service Payment in fy20152016. [roll call vote] there are 11 ayes. The ordinance finally passes unanimously. Madam clerk please read items six through 11 together. Item 6state of California Water resources control boards Revolving Loan funds state loan funds or grant funds state grant funds , water revenues and Water Capacity fees for the San Francisco Public Utilities commission sfpuc Water Enterprises Capital Improvement program for fy20162017 at 149,910,090 and for fy20172018 at 122,323,530; and reappropriating water Capital Project appropriations of 56,750,500 in fy20162017 and 27,0000,000 in fy20172018; and placing 220,762,620 of revenue bond and state loan funds or state grant funds proceeds and 5,300,000 of Water Capacity fee proceeds by project on controllers reserve subject to the controllers certification of funds availability, including proceeds of indebtedness, and for construction related expenditures excluding program management, planning and design for these projects, as applicable, is also subject to the prior occurrence of the sfpucs and the board of supervisors discretionary adoption of California Environmental quality act ceqa findings for projects, following review and consideration of completed project related environmental analysis, where required. Item 7 is an ordinance toappropriating a total of 1,215,201,280 of proceeds from Revenue Bonds, state of California Water resources control boards Revolving Loan funds state loan funds or grant funds state grant funds , wastewater revenue and capacity fees for the San Francisco Public Utilities commission sfpuc wasteWater Enterprises Capital Improvement program for fy20162017 at 312,852,320 and for fy20172018 at 902,348,960; reappropriation of 7,000,000 and deappropriation of 10,750,000 wastewater revenue bond projects in fy20162017; and placing 1,112,601,280 in Revenue Bonds or state loan or grant funds and 14,600,000 in capacity fees by project on controllers reserve subject to the controllers certification of funds availability, including proceeds of indebtedness, and for construction related expenditures excluding program management, planning, and design for these projects, as applicable, is also subject to the prior occurrence of the sfpucs and the board of supervisors discretionary adoption of California Environmental quality act ceqa findings for projects, following review and consideration of completed project related environmental analysis, where required. fiscal impact 06 07 and item 8 is an ordinance to appropriate appropriation Revenue Bonds, hetch hetchy revenue, cap, and trade allowance of 158,125,530 reappropriation of 11,332,750, and deappropriation of 4,222,602 hetch hetchy water and power Capital Improvements. Item 9 is aordinance toRevenue Bonds and other forms of indebtedness by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Commission in an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 1,112,601,280 to finance the costs of various capital wastewater projects benefitting the wastewater enterprise pursuant to amendments to the charter of the city and county of San Francisco enacted by the voters on november 5, 2002, as proposition e; authorizing the issuance of wastewater revenue refunding bonds; declaring the official intent of the commission to reimburse itself with one or more issues of taxexempt or taxable bonds or other forms of indebtedness; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith, as defined herein. Item 10 mayorordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of taxexempt or taxable water Revenue Bonds and other forms of indebtedness by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Commission in an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 264,997,468 to finance the costs of various capital water projects benefitting the water enterprise pursuant to amendments to the charter of the city and county of San Francisco enacted by the voters on november 5, 2002, as proposition e; authorizing the issuance of water revenue refunding bonds; declaring the official intent of the commission to reimburse itself with one or more issues of taxexempt or taxable bonds or other forms of indebtedness; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith, as defined herein. And item 11 mayorordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of taxexempt or taxable power Revenue Bonds and other forms of indebtedness mayorordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of taxexempt or taxable power Revenue Bonds and other forms of indebtedness by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Commission in an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 32,483,088 to finance the costs of various Capital Projects benefitting the power enterprise pursuant to charter, sections 9. 107 6 and 9. 107 8 ; authorization to issue refunding power Revenue Bonds; declaring the official intent of the commission to reimburse itself with one or more issues of taxexempt or taxable bonds; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith, as defined herein. Colleagues can we take this item same house same call . Without objection thisordinance amending the administrative code to require the installation and use of telematic Vehicle Tracking systems in all Motor Vehicles owned or leased by the city, other than vehicles used for law enforcement, and submission of an annual report by the city administrator on vehicle use based on data derived from those systems; and affirming the Planning Departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. Can we take this same house same call . The item passes unanimously. Please mme. Clerk call item 13. Item 13 marordinance amending the administrative code to require the city to open and operate no fewer than Six Navigation Centers within twentyfour months of the Effective Date of the ordinance, offering comprehensive health, mental health, and other services to Homeless People, and moving Homeless People off the streets and into permanent housing or transitional or stable Supportive Housing that eventually leads to permanent housing through Case Management, social Service Programs, and the integration of other relevant city services; specifying programmatic requirements for Navigation Centers; requiring the development of plans for the equitable distribution of shelter and housing resources, and the identification of sustainable Revenue Sources for the development of new, permanent housing; and affirming the Planning Departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. Supervisor campos because there are some changes i would like to hold off on this. Mme. Clerk can you please call item 14. Ordinance amending the administrative code to require appraisals and appraisal reviews for certain city jurisdictional transfers, acquisitions, conveyances, and leases of real property; requiring that appraisals conform to the uniform standards of professional appraisal practice and be prepared by qualified appraisers; and increasing the rent limits for the director of propertys existing authority to enter into leases for the city. Can we take thissame house same call . This item finally passes unanimously. Itemmarordinance amending the 15 ordinance amending theadministrative code to revise the residential unit conversion ordinance to require hosting platforms verify that a residential unit is on the city registry prior to listing; require hosting platforms respond to notices and requests for information; provide for civil, administrative, and criminal penalties against hosting platforms for violations of the residential unit conversion ordinance; and affirming the Planning Departments determination under the California Environmental. Members can we take the same house same call . Item is been passed unanimously. With that madam clerk can you please call the roll on item 15. [roll call vote] there are 10 ayes. The ordinance is finally passed unanimously. Item 16 please ordinance amending the planning code to allow for greater flexibility in the screening and enclosure of rooftop mechanical equipment, modify midblock alley controls and their applicability to the south of market neighborhood commercial transit district, folsom street neighborhood commercial transit district, regional commercial district and c3 downtown commercial district; affirming the Planning Departments determination under the California Environmental quality act; and making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1, and findings of public convenience, necessity, and welfare under planning code, section 302. Roll call vote. [roll call vote] there are 11 ayes. This ordinance finally passes unanimously. Item 17. Item 17 is an ordinance amending ordinance no. 1610, as amended, to authorize the collection and levy of special taxes within city and county of San Francisco special tax district no. 20091 San Francisco sustainable financing for accessibility modifications and improvements to privately owned buildings or real property; and directing the clerk of the board to publish a notice of public hearing and other matters related thereto. Colleagues can we take this item same house same call . Without objection this passes unanimously. Next item please item 18is an ordinance deappropriating 300,000 district 7 board projects in the general city responsibility gen and appropriating 300,000 to various departments in order to support the district 7 participatory budgeting projects in fy20152016. Colleagues, can we take this item same house same call . The item passes unanimously. Madam clerk please read 19 and 20 together. Item 19is a proposed interim budget and appropriation ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated

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