Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Public Safety And Neighborhood Ser

SFGTV BOS Public Safety And Neighborhood Services 62916 July 4, 2016

Carefully tucked away, at the bottom of lumbar street, the park makes the top of our list for the most intimate picnic setting. Avoid all tourist cars by hopping on the cable car. Or the 30, 45, 41 or 91 bus. This is the place to tell someone Something Special or the place to declare to friends and family the commitment you two share. Reservations are available with rec and park for this adorable good morning. Welcome to the june 29, 2016 special meeting of the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services committee. My name is jane kim and chair of the connecticut joined by mike bice chair john avalos and supervisor campos. I would acknowledge the clerk of our committee and also recognize sfgov tv in particular leoand Charles Kremenak for staffing todays meeting and making sure that our meetings are available to the public online. Mdm. Clerk any announcements yes. Please make sure to silence all cell phones electronic device. Complete speaker cards and any documents to be included part of the file should be submitted to the court. Items will appear on the july 12 supervisors agenda unless otherwise noted. We also have an interpreter. Introduction from [inaudible]. Guess theres no introductions to get thank you so much mdm. Clerk please call the first item yes. Item number one the issuance of [reading code] thank you so much. I understand the author is not present it clear that sgt. George kennedy from the San Francisco Police Department to present on this item. Thank you. Good morning. Im sgt. Kenny you have a wedding trees located at 141 g st. Theyve apply for a license and if approved this would allow them to operate as a package tour providing beer, wine, and distilled spirits for all sale. There are no letters of protest and no letters of support. There located in 558 which is considered a high crime area. There located in census tract 1. 6 8. 02 which is considered an undue concentration area. The station has no opposition. We approval the following recommended conditions. Sales of alcohol village by those is only between 10 am and 10 pm each day of the week. Loitering is defined as eileen about, lingering aimlessly without lawful business prohibited on any sidewalks or properties adjacent to the license premises. Under control of the licensee. As depicted on the abc form dated august 25, 2015. The Sales Service and consumption of powdered alcohol and mike nonliquid oh and mike nonliquid oh average is prohibited. There should be no cups, glasses, or similar receptacles commonly used for the drinking of beverages given away at the petitioners premise in quantities of less than 24 in the original multicontainer package. The sale of distilled spirits and size smaller than 200 ml is strictly prohibited. The sale beer or malt beverages and quantitive 16 ounce, 22 want to message once, 40 ounce or similar is prohibited. Wine shall not be sold in bottles and containers smaller than 750 ml. Thank you thank you so much sgt. Before we going to Public Comment are there any questions or comments from the kitimat Committee Members . Seeing none, will open up for Public Comment on this item. At this time if you like to speak on the item number one please do approach the microphone. Seeing none, no Public Comment Public Comment is closed. [gavel] do we have a motion on this item . Moved and seconded. We can do that without objection [gavel] please call item number two item number two, [reading code] thank you very much. Sgt. Kennedy whichever presentation item as well yes. Good afternoon. You have before you and a 97 post street. Theyve apply for type xx license and if approved this would allow them to operate as a Package Store providing beer and wine for all sale. There are six letters of protest, no letters of support. There located in plot 542 which is considered a high crime area. There located in census tract 122. 01 which is considered a low concentration area. Central station has no opposition. We approval the following recommended conditions. Sales about all beverages shall be permitted only between the hours of 7 am12 am midnight daily. No noise shall be audible beyond the area under the control of the licensee as defined on the abc 257 form dated february 22, 2016. No malt beverages shall be sold with an alcohol content of greater than 5. 7 by volume. The sales of your or malt beverages in quantities of 16, 20, 32, 40 ounces or similar sized containers is prohibited. Loitering is defined as stand idly about lingered endlessly without lawful business is prohibited on any sidewalks or property adjacent to the license premise under the control of the licensee as depicted on the abc257 dated federally 22nd 2016. No beer or malt beverages shall be sold in quantities of less than manufacture prepackaged sixpacks for sale with the exception of michael theres your course which must be sold and manufactured repackage multiunit quantities of four or more. Wine shall not be sold in bottles or containers smaller than 750 ml. Thank you thank you so much sgt. Its my understanding the applicant cynthiais here as well as representative good morning. Can i have the overhead these . Please my name is cynthia know about [sp . ] mime represent the ownership of [inaudible] the orders mr. Stanley getty is owned Event Company here in the city. He wouldve been here and so they had to leave town on monday. The building at 97 post was a single Story Building with the basement which has been beautifully restored. Significant seismic upgrades were done when the [inaudible] effectively making it to stories. We will be operating a high and highquality daily style restaurant is well small Neighborhood Grocery market. A full commercial kitchen has been installed in the basement and the main floor will feature a full deli counter and a Specialty Grocery section featuring highend organic produce and specialty foods. Alcohol sales are expected to be a minor percentage of sales. Though only be sewing highquality, high and wine, champagne and maybe some specialty beers that are meant to complement our patrons meals. Thank you. Great. Thank you so much for your presentation and thank you for being here today. At this time, if theres no questions or comments, will open up for Public Comment on this item. Are there any members of the public that would like to speak on item number two . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [closed session] [gavel] colleagues, is a motion on this item . We have a motion to move forward with recommendation and i do want to think the applicant for being here today and for your presentation at we will move forward with recommendation to approve at the full board. We will do that without objection [gavel] thank you. Mdm. Clerk them please call the next item item number three, [reading code] okay. So, againactually, sgt. George thank you for being here today des moines good im sgt. George from theyou to get you have before you a report for the lot located 29third street. Theyve apply for type xl license and if approved this would allow them to sell on sale beer, wine and distilled spirits. There is zero letters of protest, zero letters of support. There located in quad 212 which is considered a high crime area. There in census tract 615, which is considered a high saturation area. Central station has no opposition. We approve the following that mandated recommended conditions. Sales about beverages shall be committed between the hours of 9 am2 pm each day of the week number two, the sale of alcohol beverages for all sale consumption is strictly prohibited. It should be noted that i spoke with the applicant, who has agreed to all the listed above recommendations conditions. Thank you so much sgt. I do believe the applicant ryanis here today. Thank you mr. Sheehy. Good to see you again. Good morning supervisors. Thanks for hearing our application. Weve operated as far since february and the purpose of converting the license number 47 two 48 is to ensure when complete compliance. That license operated as a type xlvii for 20 years. That license typically is required to be a bona fide restaurant. Thats not quite the case so we apply for the type xlviii. The other major change if you approve this transfer is to anybody on attending the premises after the conversion have to be 21 and over. Currently the 47 allows age 21 and younger to be onsite. We would prefer to stick with 21 and older at the location thank you so much for being here mr. Sheehy. See no comments or questions from Committee Members at this time will open up for Public Comment on item number one. Any members of the public that would like to speak on item number one . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] i what i do want to thank you for being here to get you many businesses met district i represent and we really appreciate your work cooperating with the Committee Members that also based on the with the Tenderloin Police station to improve Public Safety issues in our neighborhood so thank you for not only opening the businesses but also been a cooperative member working with our community. So, colleagues, and we take a motion on this item . Moved and seconded. We can do that without objection [gavel] thank you all. Thank you all for being here to the applicant mdm. Mdm. Clerk them please call the next item yes. Item number four [reading code] thank you. I do want to recognize our chief, chief hayes white whos here to present on this to get this hearing has been call for david campos all and the floor over to supervisor campos thank you. Thank you colleagues. On the Neighborhood Services Public Safety committee for holding this hearing. Thank you chief for being here. I want to make a couple of comments and introductory remarks before we turn it over to the presentation and just so people know, there two parts to the presentations. One that focuses on Fire Investigations, which is an important piece of this. The second part focuses on Code Enforcement. You know what efforts are being undertaken to impose safety codes in this neighborhood and citywide. I have called this hearing today to receive an update from city agencies on two critical issues. The status of our fire Investigations Unit and the investigations that very are responsible for. As well as the issue of Code Enforcement efforts in the mission and especially Code Enforcement as it relates to fire safety. On june 8 18th, a five alarm fire admission and 29th led to the displacement of 58 people. It impacted seven small businesses. Quite frankly, this is one of just the latest of a number of fires that have taken place in this neighborhood. I wish i could say today that the fire was an anomaly. But the fact is, its again just the latest in a string of tragic fires in the last few years. For me, this fire is simply too much for the community, we have had enough. Since 2015 we have had six major fires in the mission that resulted in the displacement. Three people have tragically died due to these fires. 30yearoldwho is an immigrant from el salvador good mohammedwas also 38 a devoted husband and father of three children. Then, mr. Ivan 13yearold daughter. The staggering 194 people have been displaced in each of these fires. The majority of them are low income latino families. This is very upsetting, deeply upsetting and heartbreaking not only the loss of life, which how do you deal with that and how do you do with thathow do you tell the family or justify what happened to the permanent displacement that is happening all these residents. Over the last two years that weve had an increase in fires ive asked repeatedly for information around these issues. I actually held a public hearing on the issues of fires in the mission last year. By the way, something that took a very long time to make happen. We had a lot of pushback from the Fire Commission, which did not quite frankly want to go. Did not want to go to the mission to have a Community Meeting. We also legislated a number of changes to increase, promote fire safety throughout the city. We created an interagency Fire Task Force and also asked for and held helped organize the first ever as i said, Fire Commission in the mission. Yet, what is remarkable is that even though weve had a number of hearings in city hall and the community there still a lot that we dont know about these fires and so thats the point of this hearing. Fire department shows this is the data that the Fire Department has provided to us that in 2015 fires in the mission made up of 9. 4 of all city fires and that in 2005, 10 years ago, mission fires made up only 3. 3 of fires. What is remarkable about the Community Meeting is that the Fire Department spent the bulk of the time in that meeting essentially, trying to convince the community that the numbers didnt really show an increase in the mission. Of course, the idea that the Fire Department would hold a community packed room that what youre sensing is not happening is just ridiculous. The numbers dont show that the Fire Department is right. In fact, the numbers show that 10 years ago the mission accounted for 3. 3 of the fires and 10 years later it three times that number. People in the mission really feel under siege and the question that keeps coming up to be honest, is the issue of arson. I have no proof that theres been any arson and i certainly believe that before we say arson there has to be evidence, but the problem with the issue of arson is that even people who are not paranoid, people are not believers in the conspiracy theories have a problem believing that these fires are just coincidental. It just something that happens. The challenge that i have with the Fire Department is that on a number of these fires have said there is no arson but there hasnt really been much information verifying their findings. You know, as ive noted, we want to trust the Fire Department. Were not going to just trust the Fire Department. The words of ronald reagan, trust but verify. We also have a very real concern about the backlog in the Investigations Team at the Fire Department. We have heard reports over the last couple of years about staffing issues and concerns in the Fire Department. Quite frankly, even though the Fire Department seems to be asking for more resources, i actually feel its been a missed opportunity for them. I dont know if its just a reluctance on the part of the Fire Department to ask for more in what is needed, or if the Mayors Office were whoever is in charge of the budget that is not giving them the resources they need. So, thats the fire piece. The in respect of the Code Enforcement piece, i am asking specifically the agencies that are responsible for the enforcement of safety codes to tell me what they are doing as it relates to fire safety in the mission. What are they doing to inspect these buildings to prevent the fires that we have seen. I want to know, do we have sufficient enforcement of our codes in the mission . Is there Something Else we should do . Is there a strategy that these agencies have to address the specific concerns that have risen in this neighborhood . Again, we will be hearing from the Fire Department Building Inspections apartment and Health Department who are responsible for Code Enforcement. I want to thank them for being here. So, with that, i will turn it over to our first speaker. I see our chief joanne hayes white. So ill turn it over to you, chief. Thank you for being here. Thank you good morning chairman kim supervisor Avalos Campos but we will provide you with an overview on some of your concerns could they are shared concerns, i believe you know that. On the morning, the afternoon of june 18 of supervisor campos, i called you as well as your colleagues, all three view from the Fire Departments perspective has always been available to me at off hours during the night if theres an incident in your district i feel warrants your attention. On that very afternoon i know you were out of town. I was its always been a struggle. Im the fire chief, mom first. I know you know my son was just recovering from open heart surgery. We actually were on our way home discharge from hospital that afternoon. At about 3 pm. Once i got him home because i have your concern because of the fires in the mission, i made sure he was home safely i responded to the alarm. It was the right thing to do. Again its always a balance between my son at home after major surgery and wanting to go to support my troops and to support the community. Because i knew it was hard to be a large loss of property could fortunately, the loss of life and very minor i

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