Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Replay Government Audits Oversigh

SFGTV BOS Replay Government Audits Oversight Committee 7716 July 11, 2016

[gavel] the meeting will come to order. This is the regular meeting of the government audit and Oversight Committee for thursday, july 7, 2016. Im supervisor norman yee vice chair of the committee todays meeting im joined by supervisor scott weiner good the committee crk is erica meijer. The committee would also like to acknowledge the that that sfgov tv winnowed the asus and jim smith who recorded each of its meetings and make the transcript available to the public online. Any announcements . Yes. Please make sure to sounds all cell phones electronic devices. Items acted upon today will appear on the july 19 board of supervisors agenda. Okay. Before we begin can we have a motion to excuse supervisor peskin and supervisor breed . So we will with no objections the motion passes [gavel] mdm. Clerk these item the first item yes. Item number one, [reading code] it thank you. I would like to hand this off to supervisor weiner the sponsor of this legislation. Thank you very much mr. Chairman and thank you for agenda icing this important piece of land to legislation today. This legislation will be a significant step forward in our continuing quest to bring our Lgbt Community out of the shadows, into the sunlight and to make sure that we have all the information we need about our diverse community. The history of the Lgbt Community is a history of fighting against invisibility. Back to as long as theres been lgbt people, society has been trying to push us into the shadows and into the closet pretending that we dont exist. And trying to make sure that we are not fully part of society. Our fight for centuries or millennia, has been to not be invisible. To make sure that people know we are here, that we are part of society. Without data, we cannot fully be part of society get we cannot have that full visibility. We know that the Lgbt Community faces significant and disproportionate challenges relative to society at large regarding poverty, suicide, isolation, substance abuse, Mental Health and violence. There significant disparities with respect to the Lgbt Community and many of our health and safety challenges. Currently, there is no law in San Francisco requiring that our City Departments contractors or grantees that provide direct services to San Francisco that collect information about Sexual Orientation and agenda gender identity. Theres no requirement whatsoever. There required to collect data for other Demographic Data is not for our community. So, in general, we dont know how many lgbt people are accessing particular services. We dont know if there are services that are not culturally competent as reflected by a lack of lgbt participation. We dont know if this particular services that have a large number of lgbt people participating which tells us something about the needs of our community. So, this ordinance will require city dependence and contractors that provide healthcare and social services to our residents to seek collect and analyze data concerning the Sexual Orientation and gender identity of their clients. Of course, clients while the right not to provide that data but our departments and nonprofit partners will have to ask for it. The legislation mr. Chairman, was based on a recommendation by the lgbt 18 policy task force which as you will recall, was created by myself and supervisors campos andin 2012. The legislation the task force met for a year and havent made a series of recommendations to the board of supervisors to meet the needs of lgbt zenith. The first recommendation we adopted as legislation and that i authored with the lgbt senior bill of rights for People Living and longterm care the sorties. We have also obtained significant budget funding to fund recommendations of the path task force. This legislation is the next that in implementing the lgbt 18 policy task forces recommendations. The legislation applies to San Francisco department of Public Health department to services, San Francisco department of children and youth and families. Department of aging and Adult Services and the Mayors Office of housing and community development. Within 24 months of the operative date of the legislation, each department was amid a report to the city administrator including analysis of this data and identifying all services and programs with lgbt people are underrepresented along with a plan to make sure that the services and programs are more accessible to the Lgbt Community and more culturally competent. I also want to acknowledge that our Assembly Member and former colleague david chiu offered similar legislation at the state level last year that gov. Brown signed into law. Gov. Brown has vetoed that law previously and was a great step forward that Assembly Member mr. Chu was able to move it for. This legislation makes, womens Assembly Member choose work. Mr. Chairman, this legislation will help improve our outreach to support of all members of our community particularly the most vulnerable. And i ask for your support. We do have a few presentations today. First, i want to invite up dr. Marcy eight woman who is a member of the lgbt 18 task force and i want to thank dr. Aleman because she really was one of the people who came to me and to supervisors campos and45 years ago asking us for help and telling us, hey, when not doing we need to for lgbt seniors and so was in some ways her brainchild to do this task force oh dr. Aleman, welcome thank you supervisor wiener for that introduction and thank you for being such a leader on the needs and services of lgbt seniors in San Francisco. The lgbt 18 policy task force which convened in 2012 and ended in march of 2014 was charged with coming up with recommendations around service gaps and Service Needs for lgbt senior secured in San Francisco. To that end, of course the first thing we needed to do as the task force was to collect whatever data the city had and once we did that we realized we had a wonderful report given to us but we realized as much as is important as the report was for the data it provided was how little data there was. So, we set out to have another study, have a study done, and do focus groups in order to provide the task force with the meaningful information that they would need to make recommendations. You know, for me who has worked in decades for the field of lgbt aging this was another example of having to use resources and time tomoney and time to reinvent the wheel so that we could find out exactly what we needed to know to create the best policy and programs for our community. The task force took this to heart and realized that this was perhaps the most critical recommendation we could make. That critical recommendation was that the city mandate the collection of Sexual Orientation and gender identity data. Now, we could have just gone out and said lets just collect data for lgbt seniors, but that would have been poor judgment come i think at the end of the day because what we decided was that we would ask the city to collect data across departments, citywide good that way, [inaudible] lgbt seniors but seeing aging as a part of the lifecycle of lgbt people. So, thats what we have in this legislation. Theres youth and families, theres adult, data that will be collected on seniors as well. This for the first time, will give San Francisco the opportunity to create smart policy and programs not only for lgbt folks living in San Francisco today but for generations to come. So, thank you again so much. Thank you very much. Dr. 800 now i want to call up nolan, who in addition to his role at the mta iswas this staff member at the department of aging and Adult Services worked with the task force, to publicly thankfor being unequivocally supportive of the task force in the very beginning as well is this legislation and working closely with us. So mr. Nolan, he continues to work to move these items forward. So mr. Known. Thank you. Is your chairman and supervisor weiner im very happy to be here this morning about the department of aging and Adult Services and total support of supervisor weiners legislation and im joined this morning by the acting director of the department as look at inserting the Lgbt Community for many many years. In many ways wide variety of services we offer. The department has always been aware of the presence of the lgbt seniors and has supported a variety of efforts to assist them including number one, supporting creation of the lgbt 18 policy task was that supervisor weiner management contributing funding for the major way through the age of lgbt aging in the Golden Ticket the survey and focus groups that form the foundation for the lgbt passports recommendations provided and continues to provide sport that has forced now implanting this recommendation and the department is and was a key supporter [inaudible] verse in the kind in the nation bill of rights for lgbt and secondly, were currently about relating to proposals to provide culturally Probate Services for lgbt individuals around Dementia Care and isolation. There, and also funds lgbt cultural sensitivity and humility training in concert with the department of human resource. When the major findings of the passports was many lgbt seniors particularly those we see in baby boomers either extends determination or fear of it. Still because of their Sexual Orientation or gender identity. Thus, for some people back in the closet making it difficult if not impossible for agents to provide culturally sensitive and appropriate service. Supervisor weiners legislation is a big step forward. The first, google more than anecdotal information about the population and simply second simply asking the question will send a welcoming signal to lgbt seniors in vinton we are are enthusiastically supportive of this legislation. Thank you. Thank you very much. Finally, i want tosorry. Again, i recognize in some of the david chius work at the state level. Hello. Thanks very much for having us here to get im katiegunbattle Assembly Member david should these ugly member is in full support of supervisor weiners legislative last year hes only member offered 80 ab[inaudible] they did as they will level that supervisor weiner seeks to do at the local level. To better distribute government funding and resource to address needs in the Lgbt Community. The community counted [inaudible] window from Data Collected on nonprofit sister does exist in the Lgbt Community. Lgbt individuals are more likely to pay Certain Health disparities faced difficulty in finding and keeping housing and many other challenges than their straight counterparts. However with aggregated dad both used at the local and State Government level we can being in sight into the disparities that exist and effectively allocate resources to address these issues. We know this data will save lives help us target scarce Budget Resources achieve true in quality this ugly members the board of supervisors will support it. Thank you. Thank you very much. Richard chairman, if we may i like to open this up for Public Comment first of all, thank you for being in this legislation to us. I think the five departments that have been identified makes a lot of sense. I am just curious, was there any discussion or in regards to possibly looking at hsa . Also because as you know, they serve a lot of the low income and the foster kids and theres a substantial population around that. The hsa is part of this. I think it was referred to as the department of Human Services but thats the same thing as Human Services agency. I Guess Department of Human Servicesis that the official name . Okay. Yes so hsa is part of this just under its official name okay. I see that. If you look on page 3, line 6 definitions of departments, dph, department of Human Services, dos, the cys and moh cd. Thank. I will say the Youth Commission did come to us and as we include the juvenile Probation Department as well and we did reach out and weve had discussions with the juvenile Probation Department, with the City Attorney. Thus some tricky issues there around youth confidentiality and the criminal justice system. So, we have asked the Youth Commission to work directly with department of gen. Probation to come up with some ideas and if were able to do that i will its my intention to carry that as a trailing legislation. Thank you. Without mr. Chairman, if we may open it up to Public Comment did i want Public Comment card. Is there any Public Comment on item 1 . Please, come forward. Good morning supervisors. Im ashley, executive director of meals on wheels of San Francisco. I also sfgov tv you today as a former member of the lgbt 18 policy task force and look alongside my colleagues. I think dr. Aleman appropriately stated that our work has to be driven by data and that was one of the first recommendations that came out of the task force. But i actually want to speak you on behalf of being a leader of an agency in my experience with this ordinance and collecting data. I arrived at meals on wheels on in 2007 and as a gay man, when the first questions i asked of my team is, how many lgbt people do we serve . In fact, we do not know. Then, i asked her why and ultimately to a long conversation we realize how important it was restarted to collect this data immediately. Most people know meals on wheels as neil do what we are is a Service Provider in homes with supportive services. You cannot do that without trust. So beyond knowing whether or not we are serving people the right way, whether or not we should be changing operatives in the future, the biggest reason to support this ordinance is we have to build trust with all of our clients. This ordinance goes a long way to sending that signal from the very first interaction with any client in any department. So i want to thank supervisor weiner and also supervisor campos but their support of the lgbt 18 policy task force and thank you for moving this forward. Thank you. Next speaker. Mr. Chairman and supervisor weiner my name is keith baraka. On the from the San Francisco Fire Department and the reason why im here to make a Statement Today is because for some of the same reasons that dr. Aleman mentioned that we dont have information that we need to make sure our Fire Department reflects our community. Its been determined long ago that we best serve our city by having a department that is comprised of folks that are commensurate with our population are we can collect data on race, for instance, whether people are africanamerican, native american married filipino and such, but we are hands are tied when it comes to the collection of data on lgbt members. So i think this is a opportunity to also address the concerns that wethat i have had that sf rescue him player Resource Organization has had with the department and finding out how we can better determine with the numbers are for the Fire Department. So i believe it would be great if this measure could also cover departments for Public Safety like the Fire Department. Thats the statement i would like to make and i think that again, this is a great opportunity for us to voluntarily collect information so we can better our Fire Department. Thank you. Are you referring to employment . Yes. Thank you to this of the first am hearing of this but this legislation focuses on services that are provided to members of the community. This is not require any department to collect employment related data that is obviously a significant issue could i agree with you 100 , but thatsits important but separate issue from what this legislation is about. About collecting data on provision of health and Human Services, or services to residents of San Francisco. So the employment issue is important, but its notits not the scope of this legislation but thank you for raising that issue because we do need information about how many lgbt people there are in the Fire Department come in the police department. Frankly, in a number

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