Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Replay Rules Committee 2817 201702

SFGTV BOS Replay Rules Committee 2817 February 17, 2017

Participating, more people taking an interest in the community, and i think participatory planning is important thing and we need to respect that. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good afternoon. My name is [inaudible] and i am representing the Compton Coalition for the comptons cultural district for transgender people and as a team were excited to see the formation of 180 jones and a team and implemented negotiation as innovative and tailor made to this region of the tenderloin and were in full support. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good afternoon. Jamie mayer manager director of the theater and the nonprofit space for the market development. The ordinance enabled project in farther costs more than the other option. In addition the developer is providing more than 5 million of Community Benefit package to ensure existing neighborhood residents participate in the benefits of the project. Its essential that the committee pass this ordinance to make much needed Affordable Housing to the neighborhood. The community made it very clear this is the Affordable Development solution it wants and needs and we believe the developer is paying more than their fair share. Any delay causes harm to those in need of housing in the tenderloin. Without passage of the ordinance our option is build the fireable units on site and fewer units on site. This is not a solution for the community. The neighborhood has waited long enough for jobs and how longing and programming for this site. We encourage you to support this ordinance today so that the project can move forward. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon. My name is donel boyd and i am here to support the 180 jones ordinance because its a step up program and for me who just got housed it adds back to the natural flow of things from homelessness to the shelter to sros and then to an Affordable Apartment so i would like to endorse it, and i would like to ask supervisor farrell a question. He said in the beginning that we are holding housing hostage in San Francisco, and we includes you; right . And i want to know and word hostage means youre holding something for something and what does it take to get housing flowing and housing it held hostage. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Before you go sir let me call the next cards up so they can come up. [calling speaker names] my name is steven ten us and a 30 year residents of the tenderloin and worked and volunteered with sro collaborative and i am or was a number of the 950 Market Street coalition. For a year and a half we worked hard. We worked long hours. We went to over a hundred meetings in that year and a half and we had a deal with group i. Now i dont know what your motivations are mr. Farrell but i think you really blew it on this one. We had an agreement with group i. Its not just about money. Its about step up housing and getting people off the street and into housing and people like me and in sros to get something than a sro. To delay this is unconscionable. Youre doing nothing but harm with the delays. There is no reason for delays. Theres an old saying if it aint broke dont fix it. This aint broke. Everyone wants. Why you dont i have no idea. Please pass it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Hello council people. I am reginald meadows from the tenderloin people of conquest. I want to first of all thank jane kim and her efforts shes putting forward to help the community and others to make it possible to have Affordable Housing down there, real ones that circumstances not the condos. It is important to note that what we are discussing is something already agreed upon by the [inaudible] and the developers. The agreement should stand as it is for the monies and programs already agreed upon there should be no need for further discussion. As those joined in and determination has agreed. If money was what they really needed more of they would have discussed it at the table, not with your help mr. Farrell, so for mr. Farrell we need not that you jump in at this time and make any changes period. Lets turn this situation around. If we were sitting in your chair where youre at in your nice suits and your community. How would you like it and dont concern yourself with the deed of the people but the money you get in your pockets so we have to change all this now. [inaudible] because we voted you in so why dont you act like it and do your job correctly. Thank you. [applause] thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon Committee Members. I was part of the 950 coalition negotiating the Community Benefits agreement. Its great were working on this this week. Wednesday is the 100 anniversary by attempt of politician and Church Leaders to shut down the tenderloin and businesses and thousand people out of work and they thought they put a lid on the neighborhood for good but as you know the tenderloin is kicking 100 years later and coalitions like the one and members of the tlgb community and nonprofit folks and others come together in the tenderloin and make our Community Thriving and arrangements to keep our neighborhood strong. What more could the Land Use Committee want . Were coming with a deal worked with the supervisor and the developer and Community Groups and a deal that will have benefits to many sectors of the community. We believe fully because we vetted this project for months there is an overall fwf and here we hear nitpicking what percentage of growth we will see over the years so we can less what level of profit the developers will make. Were not interested in slowing down the project because if the developer loses money and we reviewed the programs and Community Groups in the tenderloin reviewed the benefits here. Were confident that the project should move forward and trust the neighborhood in what is best for the neighborhood. Every question youre asking we have asked for ourselves. Hundreds of developers met with Community Groups have not been value whd think going the overall benefits here. The deescalation training they offered for all Hotel Workers to be trained in so they know how to deal with residents that hasnt been evaluated. The 300,000 of job training funds that hasnt been evaluated. There are benefits that havent been considered in the amount of profits the developers stand to make and understand we went through a two year process and trust the numbers and the process and we ask you to move it out of committee with a recommendation and approved by the board of supervisors. Thank you. Let our residents step up in the step up housing. Thank you. Next speaker please. Greetings supervisors, mark, aaron, jane, katie, daift Elliott Lewis i am have been part of the negotiation process with the developer for two years, part of 950 Market Street. I am implore you to look at the big picture. This project is entitled its Going Forward. Its being built. Ground will be broken soon so the question is do we build on site 31 units of condos for people that most people in the tenderloin could never afford or do we build twice as many units off site on 180 jones street and half of ami and this is step up housing for people who live in sro rooms and i dont know if you spent a night in a sro room. I have. Its a small room with a bathroom down the hall and you dont get a kitchen. This is a chance for a life changing event for people who live in the tenderloin to step up their lives. Again 950 market is Going Forward. It can go forward with off site housing or not and for you to argue about you know, potential rates of growth and profit, potential rates of growth and real estate prices which nobody has a crystal ball. Lets face twe didnt know in early november 7 what would happen november 8 that we would have a maniac for president. We didnt know that. How could you know how could you know what is going to be the potential interest or growth rates next year or five years . And if you look at the construction gap of what is going to cost to build 180 jones street versus not its much smaller than other gaps in the community. The Community Supports this. I implore you supervisors not to obstruct off site housing. 950 is being built. Lets help the community. Dont block us. Support us. Thank you. Next speaker please. Hi. My name is Allen Stewart and on the board for the magic theater and i just had three quick points. One is as a former Business Owner in the city i understand the need to look at numbers and the importance of numbers when youre building something but i heed the Terrific Community support that is out there for a project like this and just listening to what is going on here it seems like a no brainer to move forward so i sergeant urge in that regard. In regard to the the magic 38 who hopes to theater who hopes to occupy a space there and we represent who the city represents and we speak to the community and to the Tenderloin Community in particular and great to bring that voice to the space and the third point which has been said but is valuable and worth repeat suggest that the neighborhood has waited long enough for the jobs and housing and programming for this particular site and encourage to you support this ordinance today so that the project moves forward. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Hi. I am Sonia Fernandez and work if the 38 on market. I am surprised about the delay. Maybe i dont know City Government but as allen said this is a no brainer. Its my understanding as a resident of San Francisco and the lack of Affordable Housing is the number one biggest problem in the city. Through the 180 jones project group and adding the below market rate unit to the housing supply. This is Affordable Housing that the Community Needs and as you have heard asked for. Delaying this housing hurts those in the tenderloin. As a personal note as a former renter and resident of the tenderloin and a person trying to stay in the city and raise a family in the city please take action and keep us as San Francisco. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon. My name is adam and im a literary apprentice at magic theater and reading a statement on behalf of a trustee. I am offering my support in the 180 jones street Affordable Housing ordinance. As a volunteer in the bay area and arts organizations in the bay area and 35 year resident i try to support these proposals and offers that we can bring a swift and impactful solution. Housing is a completion issue and the full resolution is an iterative process instead of a master plan. My frustration is that Many Organizations search for complete solutions with difficult issues. From my perspective there is a real offer from group i with a meaningful solution and delivered quickly and a step in the right direction and support by the community and ask you to approve this ordinance. The key points that offer a swift solution is this Housing Ordinance would add up to 70 below market rates to the housing supply more than double the units created on site. The off site housing was conceived and driven by the community from the start as the best way to serve the tenderloins residents. To make this a Reality Group i is dedicated and purchasing the land on jones street and providing the payment and gift for the construction of this Affordable Development. These numbers are based on an equivalency study conducted by [inaudible] consulting hired by [inaudible] to confirm there are no additional profits to group i besides building on site and the project costs more than the bmr project option and developer is providing 5 Million Community benefit package to ensure existing residents participate in the benefits of the project. Please approve the 180 jones street Affordable Housing ordinance. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is Gail Seagraves and work at city central sro collaborative as a tenant objectioner here in the tenderloin. I am here in support of 180 jones. On a personal note i have been in an sro for eight years, not because i want to but thats all i can afford. This gives me and other longterm residents an opportunity to have hope to actually move into a place with a kitchen and a bathroom. That happens to be very important. And i just urge you to please trust us, the community. This is a good project. We worked hard. Trust the community and pass this please. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please mam, before you speak i have three last cards and i will call them up. [calling speaker names] hi. I am Felicia Smith and a tenant ob at organizer at the hotel. I went through a bad dedivorce after 25 years of marriage and unexpected. I was told i had two weeks to get out of the house they lived in for 27 years. I didnt know the laws. I left. I slept on a park bench for two months and a broken down pickup truck. A Police Officer that would come and check on me when i was sleeping in the park told me about 311 which got me into an sro. I was very grateful, but i have two kids. Too many riewps and regulations. I cant have my kids with me at the sro. A step up program would be perfect. I could have somewhat of a normal life again. I was so depressed and desspondant until i heard about 180 jones and other projects like this and it gave me a sense of hope. It gave me hope that maybe i will be okay one day, so please dont delay this anymore. We need it. I need my kids. [applause] thank you. Next speaker please. My name is otto dusty and i speak to speak last and i like to hear what people say and the discussion here and i appreciate it and i find my own thoughts about things improved or changing by that. I would say that i agree that the focus of this on a slightly lower income of people, working group, not the lowest income by far but lower group will work out much better for the loin. I dont know if there is more money on the table or not and maybe unless you carefully put that money in a good direction i dont know even if we get more money it will improve the project any. Thank you. Next speaker please. Hello. My name is jawlian dash owner of holy stitch and seat two for the midmarket district. I am in full support of the ordinance. I think it goes without saying and everyone saying we need housing. The Community Asked for this, desires this. Knowing everything that is based on a relationship and people to people basis when it boils down to things my perspective and sentiment and knowing joy and Business Owners and the community me myself cell clothing and art and i have relationships with many of them and support of joy and what we would do and the ethos of the community and not just as buy in in and not facetious but another level. I lost housing. I was living in the tenderloin and having a family and business that i rely on my art i see full sierk circle. The saw the project and youth for the factory and because of the disparity of housing being in the community of the tenderloin, being a Business Owner, relying on my hands for my survival and family i see the necessity of the project to get done as soon as possible. My business is across the street from the 950 project and i see the ins and outs of it and again i am in full support of it in anyway. Thank you. Next speaker please. Hello. My name is windy. I am speaking today as a member of the public. I would like this project to go forward without any further delay. Very few Affordable Housing units are built under 55 of area Median Income which translate to approximately 41,000 a year. Okay. People are fixed income generally pop out at 18,000 a year. That is not even enough. Theres no housing being built on that lower end. Any delay is going to add costs, both time and financial. I dont understand why there is such a high level of scrutiny on this project. If you want something to scrutinize okay balboa reservoir for instance, okay. The numbers are 18 for those making less than 41,000 a year. Thats 55 of area Median Income. 15 of those units for people making 90,000 a year or 120 of air Median Income and then 113,000 or 150 of area Median Income. 17 of the housing is there. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon. My name is judy young and im the director of the Vietnamese Youth Development center and edie and mason in the heart of the tenderloin i am hear to support group i and have been working with us for three years and truly understand the needs of the Asian Community in the tenderloin. Theres over 30,000 families and young people and single residents that live in the neighborhood and we want to make sure that their jobs and housing for the community as well so our center works primarily with immigrant youth and families. We urge you to pass this ordinance today so our youth and young adults and families will benefit from the purchase. Our clients will get jobs on site and our familie

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