Transcripts For SFGTV Building Inspection Commission 111616

Transcripts For SFGTV Building Inspection Commission 111616 20161118

Good moning today is wednesday november 16, 2016. Please turn off all electronic devices. The first item is roll call. Mccarthy, here. Clinch, here. Gilman, here. Konstin, here. Lee, here. Walker, here. Warshell, here. We have a quorum and the next item is item 2, president s announcements. Jrkts good morning and welcome to the november 16, 2016 bit meeting. Because of thei want to read a few long detailed information into the record here on behalf of the president announcement. Because of the unusual circumstances presented by the Millennium Tower situation the Department Works with the Mayors Office city administrator and board of supervisor tooz take step tooz improve department policies, processes and procedures to provide additional scrutiny when reviewing high Rise Construction of 2 40 feet or more especially when located in the seismically vulnerable neighborhoods. That is why director hui announced last month Effective Immediately the department will select all fuper peer review participants. Those outside experts dbi calls for reviewing 240 feet or higher and Building Design is performanced based rather than previous practice participated in the peer ruview selection process. In addition, per my more recent discussions with director hui and also with effect v immediately the director will work with staff in key areas of Building Code compliance to develop request for qualification for professional and academic experts to advise department in tall Building Design review. The new rsq process will create a dbi pool of skill sets that may need to be be a part of Department Review of Tall Building projects 240 feet tall. The department will pay the participating experts for review services as needed basis to support the Department Staff in analyzing designs where the Department Lacks such expertise or the comp plex modeling required to verify the building performance. The pool of experts may supplement or replace the existing peer review process as the department would have its own qualified experts to assess independently the Design Performance modeling and other information the project sponsor submit as part of Building Permit review process. Such a project in a area with size class f or the [inaudible] in a high risk seismic zone and subject to liqueication, project requires one or more engineer for expert panel review. Additional experts in specializing fields also may be identified for specific project if the director determines that to be necessary. With that, congratulations to director hui for the holding his 4th annual states of department all dbi and planning meeting auth 24. At the meeting attending my most department 280 employees, i stress 280, director hui stated priorities to continue the memorandum to to construct more housing unit. Strengthsen the seismic safety through ongoing implementitation of the soft story ret row fit program. Expand education and communalty outreach to insure more san franciscans are prepared and know what to do to protect themselves and families when the next big one strikes. And continue to deliver better and Better Customer Services in the department ongoing teerft review plans, issue permits and inspect work to insure structureerize code compliant and to pursue Code Enforcement to insure improved building safety for everybody and all san franciscansism we also want to absolute dbi Technical Service staff, particularly kirk means and david leon and deputy City Attorney judy [inaudible] for steadfast efforts to keep the very difficult code cycle on schedule. This code updates occur every three years and critical to building safety and require a lot of work from staff and Department Code advasery committee. The board of supervisor jz nowthey have now approved the code updates insureing we are ready to go again january 1, twnt 17 so well done there. Finally, we want to welcome katie [inaudible] sureping. A new Small Business acceleration Business Program to 1660 Mission Street where she is assisting Small Business, narfbigate the permit review and approval process. Strongly supported by the mayor offense office of economic and Workforce Development and katy tang the focus is on Small Businesses who want to start restaurant. Dbi looks forward work wg her and all Small Business owners to make this program a success. That concludes my announcements. Thank you. Is there Public Comment on the president announcement . Seeing none, itedm 3, general Public Comment. Bic will take Public Comments on matters within the jurisdiction not part of this agenda. Seeing none, item 4, election of the bic vise president. Obviously the seat was vacated by the mubing of commissioner melgar to the planning commission, where she works for a living and have the vice chair. With that and ask for commissioners who would have a nominee, please. We have commissioner konstin, commissioner walker. Second by commissioner lee. Is there any other nominees . Seeing none, can we call . So, the motion was set by commissioner konstin and seconded by commissioner lee to elect commissioner walker as Vice President. Is there Public Comment on the motion . Seeing none, ill do roll call vote. Mccarthy, yes. Clinch, yes. Gilman, yes. Konstin, yes. Lee, yes. Walker, yes. Warshell, yes. Thank you, motion carries unanimously. Congratulations Vice President walker. [clapping] were you ever Vice President before . I was many many years ago. Were you president before . Ya how many year ago was that . The moral of the story is stick around long enough. Thank you very much commissioners. Honored to serve as the Vice President. Im honored to reptd our commission and staff so thank you very much and hope i do you proud. Look forward serving with you. Thank you. Item 5, election of nomination subcommittee member. On that, i would call for nominees on that. I think commissioner warshell would be a great feet. If i great fit on that. Is there any other nomination from any other commissioners . Seeing none, call the question. There is a motion by president mccarthy, seconded by Vice President walker to nominate commissioner warshell for the nomination subcommittee member. Is there Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, roll call vote. Mccarthy, yes. Walker, aye. Clinch, yes. Gilman, yes. Konstin, yes. Lee, yes. Warshell, yes. Motion carries unanimously. Congratulations. Thank you. [clapping] item number 6, commissioner question and matter. Incommissioner may name inquiry to star for document policy practice and procedure of interest to the commission. Seeing none. Item b, future meetings and ajendsa. Discuss and dake action to set a special meeting or discuss items placed on the agenda of building inspection commission. The next meeting is december 20, 2016. What date . December 20. I might not be available december 20 so dont know if there is anybody else missing on the 20th. Ill be in contact if you like to keep that date or change it. Okay. Commissioners have any items to discuss regarding the upcoming agenda yod could email my if you dont have anything at this time. Is there Public Comment on item 6 a and b . Seeing none, item 7. Discussion on the accela permit project and tracking system. Commissioners. Sean bouleen with department of technology and hear normally henry presents and not available this morning so will present the update. Um, i believe you have the write up delivered as part of the package and have it in advance. Let me go through the update. What we accomplished over the course of the last month we finished requirements reviews, detailed requirements review with assistance of gardener and we accela and 21 tech represented throughout dbi. They were detailed and very productive and i think very successful series of discussions and meetings. And also following those reviews we had written sign off fraup deputies through dbi and sign off from the project owner, ron tom. We got all the sign offs that we would like over the course of the last month and think we are very successful on that front as well. The next thing we are working on, the plan called for proof of concept to look at areas of functionality in the gardener findings were read and needed attention. The proof of concept, we have been working othen plan what toprint and how toprint it and insure the solution can be sweet to meet our needs and that process is underway. Expected to deliver the proof of concept to dbi over the next couple weeks. The last item i think is of high importance is the Civil Service process. Of course to get funding to continue there is fairly long series of things that we have to do. We need board of supervisors approval before that we need cisc service approval, and Union Approval and have to give 60 days notice and so on. There is a little bit of the ankle bon is connected to the shinbone going on there. To keep things moving we submitted that paperwork earlier this month to get it started while we are working on other things like more detailed plan and proof of concept and proof of concept plan as well so pushing on all fronts and parallel to make sure things move forward in timely a fashion as possible. There are other things we are working on as well. One is there governance model and do we structure it. Low does the business participate and steering and decisions made from aerfblg from policy decisions to governance to differ cult design. There is governance model worked on as the currents effort and in review now and will gather input on the new guverance model as well. The big things coming up, proof of concept and expect a detailed plan from the vendor for taking us to go live and review and vetting that plan. Negotiation to make sure the plan is real and realistic and we are all in alignment and thats where we are at. There is a lot of progress made over the last couple months and we are right there in terms of these deliverables. Any questions . Commissioner walker. Thank you for this. It looks like we are on schedule like milwaukee next menth to look at path forward . I actually dont know indetailed plan is ready before next months bid but should be close. Okay. I am understanding that the head of department of Technology Left the city, who interfaced with us about the project to give us assurance that we were moving forward and i also understand the leadership of accela changed. I wonder if you can tell us how that might effect what is happening or say it isnt goingwe are still on a path. I think we are still moving forward on a proper path. I think thanks to miguel he was instrumental pointing thinshs in the right direction and dont see a significant risk posed by miguel leaving. We plan on getthere is interim cio assigned and getting the individual up to speed. I havent met him myself but i dont think there will be any risk posed by that turnover. The turnover within accela i think it has been aassureing and positive. Ree reached out to ron tom and tom hui and said lets Work Together and very positive. Our vendors are fully committed to the partnership. We had issues that led us here i think . Yes okay, thaurng. Anymore questions. Seeing none, thank you for the update. Any Public Comment on item 7 . Jerry gra dratler. I want to cumind the it department for putting in place the foundational documents that had been missing for the last 4 years and look forward to continuing progress. Thank you. Thank you. Any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, item 8, discussion and possible action regarding a modification to administrative bulletin ab032, site permit processing to remove section regarding Planning Department routing. Kirk means from department of building inspect spection Technical Service division and here to bring to you modification proposed to administrate a bulletin number 032. Site permit processing. It is got a fairly long history with the department at least dates back to the mid80s when San Francisco adopted the california code. It is very unique. I know no other cities that have a site permit process, but it serves us well in coordinating between planning and building. The changes proposed are fairly minor. We have done a update to get ready for the next code referencing the proper years codes and proper code sections. The biggest change was deleting a planning routing section that was in there and it doesnt change any of the existing processes, we just is a different document, g 20 which ask informational bulletin that describes all the routing between departments required by department of building inspection. Thats pretty much the nuts and bolts. Any questions i can answer . Commissioner walker . Nodeputy director sweeney, if you have a second, please. Just looking here trying to punch holes in this here and cant. Basically this isi will break it down. Want to do a site permit. The old days i went to planning with that, right . You still do. Still do. Okay. Site permit approved by planning and planning gives mostof your entitlements when the Building Department okays a site permit, there is normally no structural. There may be moremay not all meps are in. If you do high rise your curtain wall isnt in. Quite a few things left out. If you are doing larger projects. The basis for a site permit is give the developer or home owner the option not to throw so much money up top in a process that isnt always crystal clear. Planning can take half a floor away and tell you to set backs, there are a number of things that could come across with planning and thisso instead of having to go back to the Structural Engineer and mechanical engineer twice, you only do that once. I like to clarify one thing, the county of los angeles came up and look td at our site permit and have a version of it in los angeles now. We are clear there is no change to the site permit process . There is nowe are not going backwards we are just tightening up a process where we are saying we dont have to go back and forth to Structural Engineer . The only thing you go back to planning is your first architectural adeneda has go back to planning. 6 months ago they wanted quite a few thing jz got backloaded and had discussion and they were happy snding anything back that is required. We have a information sheet kaul called g 20 and it is on paper and tells what goes where. The site permit would sit in line and wait for a look because planning had to sign off, right . Most the work on the site permit does occur in planning. Site permit designates how high the building is and long and use. When it come tooz building we are nuts and bolts. The upside here is exactly what . Ill havethem g 20 information sheet is continuously updated and modifyed every time a piece of legislation passes we have to route to the Health Department or not Health Department or back to planning two or three times, whatever it is, the legislation forces us to redirect things accord toog the legislation. Those things have to happen on an Effective Date of the legislation so those are updated by various departments as they happen and we get the information out to the customer right away. My understanding is this is just getting rid of redundancy . That is what we are trying to get it spelled out like we are a 4 year old child. It is streamlining this . Yes. It isnt undoing any existing site permit policies . The silet permit policy and g 20 are like living documents. We change them as needed. For one of your projects you really control how your site permit will look. Your adeneda process will look and that is most important thing is what happens after the site permit. So, somebody who is a very seasoned veteran like yourself, is there any uninteneded consequencess we are overlooking here . Im all for streamlining none i can see. Okay. Thank you for that. A motion to approve . Public comment Public Comment on this item ab 032 . Seeing none, is there a motion to approve it . Move to approve. A second . Second. Do roll call vote. Mccarthy, yes. Walker, yes. Clinch, yes. Gilman, yes. Konstin, yes. Lee, yes. Warshell, yes. The motion carries unanimously. Item 9, directors report. 9 a, update on dbi finances. Good morning commissioners rchlt taurus Madison Deputy director for department of building inspection and before you is october 2016 financial report. It provides data on expenditures and receive news from jm twnt 16 through october 2016 and ill go over a few highlights. For revenues remain strong. We collected about 21 million in revenue and see that on page 1. Page 2 you see that while revenues remain strong they are lower than they were compared to the same time last year and that is to be expected. Last year in fiscal year 1516 that was the highest collection in the department. Overall, reserve news from last year to this year have gone down about 2. 7 million. If you look at innext table it shows the number of issue permi

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