Transcripts For SFGTV CCII 32117 Commission On Community Inv

SFGTV CCII 32117 Commission On Community Investment And Infrastructure March 24, 2017

With police condition with police conditions all right. Take a bow looks frost aye lee aye bierman aye thomas aye caminong aye perez aye tan aye the motion has. Congratulations. [inaudible off mic] [laughing] thank you very much. We have a few more things to go through today. Item number eight is the session and possible action regarding draft ordinance amendment. To the please code this is mine. I asked for this to be put on there again becauseand this is prior to commissioner bierman being here. He did a nice Powerpoint Presentation on this piece of legislation regarding some amendment to the police code relative to amplified sound and the resolution that conversation sort of was unfinished i guess i would say if your call. I know its kind of late and we could push this to april 4 but i do need a more formal action from the commission so that i can move forward for the sponsor potentially at the board of supervisors for this piece of legislation to start a legislative process for Mayors Office or however i proceed i cant do it without a formal action. So if youre exhausted anyone outside workers on april 4, its fine because its waited a long time as it is. Or, you could give me some i think we [inaudible] good question. Did anyone do that . Did you read you did here. Well i dont think i have read it. I personally do not have any reason to follow it. I didnt realize you needed a formal action. I do. Im happy to move that could i dont know of commissioners want to have a little more time. The task was to read it over over comments to our director if you have those. Weve couple months to do that now. I know sometimes we would need reminders but i think most of it was really really good thoughtful cleanup of our current code and try to give a little more tools to dealing with outdoor sound amplification. So just to clarify, does it also include the street performers getting the permits it does. Just a question. We need from us is a formal action to continue pursue this as is . Without any changes essentially proving this as is right. It obviously may change within the legislative process because again its not a piece of introduce legislation so theres ample time if for some reason the commission thought i missed this the first time to make changes to it i wasnt given it, i dont think because [inaudible] i figured i would love the opportunity to read it over between now and the fourth. Absolutely. Thats fine. Im fine either way. I just want to make sure we dont lose the ball here. Can you do a motion then, to continue this item until the next meeting . Yes i like a motion to continue this item until the next meeting great. second. They gave the looks same house, same call . Yes. You will move on to item number nine election of Vice President. This and was commissioners to nominate and elect the seat of Vice President of editing commission did not had a Vice President since commissioner joseph left the commission. Now we have a full commission here. I have spoken with commissioner thomas to see if she had interest and will be willing to step up in the role. The Previous Public Health representative, commissioneri forget his last name,anyway [inaudible] anyway my point is he was former vice chair before event that and its appropriate for Public Health rep to be on the think he played a leadership role actually invoicing questions and asking our applicants poignant things that i think having graded gives great capacity to run a meeting which is the main part was based chair does. So i would like to move to approve an nominate commissioner thomas as vice chair. Hopefully there is a second . Second. Great. Any further discussion . No . All right any Public Comment known in the public. Lets take a boat frost aye lee aye bonilla aye caminong aye perez aye tan aye. Congratulation. Thank you for stepping up into that role. Item number 10 is commissioner amundson question any final thoughts from commissioners . Commissioner frost just to director stopped anybody is summoned coming in for us to modify their existing permits, for a change of permit that we get a twoyear history on complaints that been filed. Speed is twoyear history combines thats a great idea. Thank you. Did halcyon password extension they did ask for a continuance. I know if you hear the beginning but we continue the item on the quest also mentioned that they have 60 days to actually make sound increments and abatements for [inaudible] from our first hearing. So i think it was march 7. Thank you we notify them of that . No. I dont know. I just emailed you guys this afternoon about it so probably not. So youve got to let him know that. Not just a planning decision. Its now youve got to get your soundproofing done in 60 days correct . What the code says it triggers another hearing and at that point we would sort of decide we think theyve done their part and done enough after the afterhours permits visibly [inaudible] for everything. Again theres numerous ways to bring someone was a complaint. This is just another one am happy to formally send her a notice relative to what you are talking about. Its a little cumbersome on the backend so im hoping she makes improvements so we dont have to wander into formal suspension territory in front of you. If we can do a lot administratively without that. Understood question. What happens if you just suspend their extended hours . Their specific criteria do we have to sort ofssay that they have not met and because otherwise they can appeal it and i think that triggers a whole process. Therefore its there for them to defend themselves if they feel like we have not been good to them it seems like all the problems with the afterhours if i could caution you guys its not on the agenda as a point of discussion. The conversation. Fair enough do is i the couple things, completed briefly discussed 11 street zone before him and i think i dont want to spend the next 3. 5 years listening to the same three neighbors come back here. And brian made the point was trying to bring that up as well that theyre going to have to take some action over there and i think i just want to volunteer myself to help with that if i can in any way. The date needs to be some organizing over there i agree with you because i dont want to the other thing i want to bring up really quickly that something and were discussing in the bar world a lot is there was a shooting march 17 on 19th and mission on 19th st. It was incorrectly reported [inaudible] and picked up by speed the outside of [inaudible] and implication was that the implication was that somebody from one side of the [inaudible] has been a partitioning or that they somehow been partitioning. The neighbors around [inaudible] mark was done a great job of organizing [inaudible] as well as [inaudible]. Forcefully push back against that the common section and the letters to the editor in the sf retracted that statement, which as far as i know, that its maybe a first for many and i know this is public i know theres nobody here but currently but just on record i want make the point that the news they need to separate themselves from these issues forcefully if they clearly had nothing to do with them because it puts us in a worse position puts them in a worse position with entertainment and worse position than i does work. I just want to go on record for that its kind of interesting that [inaudible] there some kind of something happening and on the other tv stations are not really covering. I dont know of [inaudible] doesnt like nightlife or whatever because is a mass of confusion unusually involved. So thats great that you point that out. I definitely agree with that because it is it stop some pretty good when please of entertainment is somehow connected to some type of violence it done the report theyve come to us and we do, i agree with you, ben, that we do have to get the industries or the places of entertainment if they are named after come out and defend themselves because down the line, when people do their research in three years to say how much violence is been around a bar therell go to get that first article, something came back against it going to include that was another one. Incorrectly. Bring up 11 street corridor of something happened there would have been the same. Name them all. So thats what some people are doing i think it all right. Commissioner caminong did you say form 10 [inaudible] 1070 . From 700, that is right. [inaudible] april 3 or maybe 1 april actually. They are due april 1. He was there you go. [crosstalking off mic] if youve done one like a newish, commissioners may not have to do it again. May have to call [inaudible] they are due. Another note, if you dont get them in on time they will start the be monetary fines. The adamant about that. Going online but the really keeping track of late filers. Thank you. Number comments from commissioners if theres no one in the public of the common is quoted we will go ahead and adjourned the night and adjourn this meeting. Thank you. [gavel] [adjournment] b was good afternoon. It is 108 p. M. This is regular meeting on Community Investment and infrasfruckture. The Successor Agency commission to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency for tuesday march 21, 2017. Welcome to members of the public. Madam scaert please call the first item. Roll call. Commissioner pimentel. Present. Bustos, here. Singh, here. Mondejar, here. Rozauls, here. All membererize present. The next is announcements. The next meeting will be held april 4, 2017 at 1 p. M. City hall. Prohibition of sound producing electroning devices during the meeting. The richcking and use of cell phone pager and similar sound producing e devices are prohibited. May order the removal of the person responsible for use of cell phone pager or similar sound producing electronic device. C, announcement of time allotment for Public Comment. Please be advising a member has up to 3 minute to make comments on each agenda item unless the xhickz adopt as shorter peerd. Members who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card. The next item is 3 action taken at closeed session. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business, matters of unfinished business. No matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and relural agenda. 5 a, approval of minutes. February 21, 2017. Madam chair. Do we have speaker cards . Y i do not. No speaker cards. Commissioners we have Consent Agenda approval of minutes february 21. Any edits, comments, motions . Move that. Commissioner singh moved and commissioner bustos seconded. Commissioner members please announce your vote. Pimentel, yes. Bustos, yes. Singh, yes. Maund maunds har, yes. Rozauls, yes. 5 b alection of chair and vice chair. Discussion and action. Madam chair. Yes, sometime annually usually we have election of officers and even though we are in manch march will we have the election of officer today because 3 members were sworn in for new terms today. Commissioner bustos apimentel and singh so have a full compliment the commission. I want to take nominations one office at a time and like to make the first nomination for chair. I like to nominate vice chair mondejar as the chair for the next year. Ill second. All is a second. Any other nominations for chair . I believe i need to askyes, is there a member of the public who would like to comment on the nomination for chair . Seeing no one, can you please cal the roll. Her fan base havent arrived yet she is saying. Please call the roll on the nomination for chair. Commissioner mands har for chair. Commissioner penmental, yes. Boousto, yes. Singh, yes. Mondejar, yes. Rosolace, yes. The vote is 5 aye. Congratulations, commissioner. [applause]. I nominate bustos. That was my next item. Nomination for vice chair of commissioner bustos for vice chair. There is a second for that nomination. Any other nominations for vice chair . Seeing none, can i ask is there a member the public that would like to comment on the nomination of commissioner bustos for vice chair the commission for the next year . The fan base is outside as well. Seeing none, can you please call the roll. Pimentel, yes. Bustos, yes. Singh rfx , yes. Madam chair mondejar, yes. Commissioner rosols, yes. 5 ayes. Congratulations to commissioner mondejar and bustos. Thank you. [applause]. I think it is appropriate at this time since im no longer the chair, you want to switch places . [laughter]. Okay. Thank you fellow commissioners for your confidence in me and electing me and chair rosales. [applause] i want to thank commissioner rosales, so used to calling you chair rosales for your more than 4 years of service. You really have guided this commission, shepherded it and especially during the beginning when it was difficult. We were going through a transition, so i have big leadership shoes to fill so hope im able to come up to your expectations and thank you for your extratime because i know what its like to be you know, especially as a chair all the side meetings before this meeting actually happens, so thank you. Lets see, where am i . Next order of business, madam screert. The next order of business is 5 c, conditionally apruchbing per sunt to owner participation agreement with mbllc. 5. 5 acre part in Mission Bay South within the scope of and described in the Mission Bay Redevelopment project approved under the mission bay final subsquents Environmental Impact report. Program eir and adopt Environmental Reviewper sunt to ceqa. Mission bay soget Redevelopment Area. Discussion and action resolution 122017. Madam interim director. Thank you. Through the chair i like to introduce this item. It is 5. 5 acre park with lots of aminities that will include plaza as well as trail paths so i would differ to the project manager, mark slokeen to present on the matter as well as we have the Development Team who will also be presenting. Good afternoon madam chair mondejar, commissioners, director; mark slescon project manier for mission bay and before and is mission bay Bay Front Park Schematic Design, request we will have for you guys as a conditional approval of the Schematic Design for Bay Front Park p 22 as well adoping Environmental Review finding pursuant to California Environmental quality act. Today we will go over the site information, the design standards, project design, the team introductions, community outreach, mission bay cac, sbe contracting, ceqa findings and next steps and any questions. As you can see here, this is the largest park in Mission Bay South and it is located on the east side of the project area along the bay. It is across the street from where the future event center will be. Here is a amenities map with all the amenities growing in mission bay. I dont think anything new since the last presentation but have a birch more coming soon on 4th street. For the design standards, two sets of standsards, Mission Bay South design for development. That was requires we have open flexibility use lawn areas to accommodate passive, active and major recreation use, soccer field and other sports. Performance area, and accessory use and restaurants under port ownership and the port will build a restaurant in the northern part of the park not part of this design. There will be a pad for later use but will work with the port on that design and also some restrooms in that area. Also, pathways linking city and regional pedestrian and bike systems and continuation the bay trail on the eastern park. There is also the San Francisco bay conservation and Development Commission permit and that calls for the Bay Front Development enhance the viewer of the bay and maximize efforts to provide enhance and preserve use of the bay and shore line especially from the public areas and the bay itself. With these guidelines contrains what we can do, but you will see a great presentation. The team here today the land owner is port of San Francisco and david [inaudible] is here any questions later. The Master Development is fossil mv and Mission Bay Development group and luke stort is here representing them. The Landscape Architect is surface design and raujric wally [inaudible] representing surface design. Private coordination [inaudible] dana perry and [inaudible] will be here shortly. From the Civil Engineering dealing with storm water management. Graphic productions is omni digital andnot here yet. Same with outreach and programming site lab and another Civil Engineer ghd. Now well switch over to the presentation from roderick wily of surface. Roderick wily with surface design, thank you for allowing us to present the park to you today. As you know, project like this is a big sort of team project. So, we are really thrilled to be presenting to you a design that incorporated all kind of team members recollect Civil Engineering and community outreach. I know i want to make sure i touch the right button. I think that you are familiar with the site. It is a site we are really honored to be working on right at the bay, sort of eastern tip of mission bay. We think it is a amazing opportunity to provide open space for the city and for the neighborhood. Also, it is opportunity to really celebrate the bay, the water, but also to celebrate the maritime history of the site. So, thats something that weve incorporated into our design thinking. You can see that this is part of a sort of larger master plan that the western edge of the park is the newly aligned nob naeb Terri Francois boulevard. Apologies forthere we go. Thank you. This is th

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