Transcripts For SFGTV Commission On Community Investment In

SFGTV Commission On Community Investment Infrastructure 111715 December 1, 2015

Hearing none, for planning purposes, will we have a packet for the january 5 meeting, and if so when you think we will see that even the holidays . I think by regulation we have to pay packet that goes out to the public when the notice, the official notice goes out side thats going to be sometime after christmas before new years. Will get it to you as soon as possible. There likely will be a memo regarding both the feedback as well as the budget. The two separate memos, i should say can i request it be sent to at least an email given the coding i would request the same. Too i hear a motion to adjourn. Moved and seconded. Of the comment . Hearing on the commission will stand adjourned and Merry Christmas and happy hanukkah and happy thanksgiving and all the other holidays. [gavel] good afternoon. It is 1 09 p. M. This is the regular meeting of the commission on Community Investment and infrastructure. The successor Agencies Commission to the San Francisco redevelopment agencies for tuesday, november 17, 2015. Welcome to members of the public. Madam secretary, can you please call the first item . Thank you madam chair, the first order of business is item 1, rollcall. Commission numbers please respond when i call your name. Commissioner wanda hart is absent. Commission youer penmental. Here. Present. Commissioner singh. Here. Commissioner bustos. Here. Madam chair rosales. Here. Commission wanda hart is absent. All other members of the commission are present. The next order of business is item 2, announcement. A, the next regularly scheduled meeting of december 1, 2015 will be held at 1 00 p. M. At city hall, room 416. B, announcements of prohibitioning of sound producing Electronic Devices during the meeting. Please be advised that the ringing of and use of cellphones, pagers, and signally sound producing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the chair and the removal of the order room of any persons responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similarly sound producing electronic is devices. See announcements of time allotment for public country comment. Please be advise said, members of the public have up to 3 minutes to make comments on each agenda item unless the inaudible it is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit that completed card to the commission secretary. The next order of business is item 3, report on actions taken at a previously closed session meeting, if any. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business is item 4, matters of unfinished business. There is none. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. First, the consent agenda. 5 a, approval of minutes, regular meeting of august 18, 2015 and september 1, 2015. 5 b, authorizing a third amendment to the Legal Services contract with the Thomas Law Group to increase the contract amount by 100,000 for a total aggregated amount not to exceed 250,000 dollars. Action resolution number 732015. Madam chair. Thank you. Do we have any speaker cards from the consent calendar . I do not. Does a member of the public would like to address the item on the consent calendar, please come forward. Can you please state your name . Yes, how you do. Thank you so much commissioner. Shawn walton, bayview native, resident of bayview and also of Young Community developers. I came to talk a little bit about consent item, agenda item d and i just wanted to talk about the partnership of Young Community developers and the Community Benefit agreements and some of the placement that we have been able to be successful in. On the shipyard due to the Community Agreement dollars received. Can i interrupt you for a second . Do you have time to wait until that item is called because right now, were on the consent calendar . I can come back, yes. Im kind of in fours today so thats why i tried to jump in. I see. laughter if youre not able to come back, we are able to hear your comments. I just want to make sure you dont use up all your time. Thank you. I just want to say weve had the opportunity place dozens of individuals directly on projects on the shipyard because of projects we received. We have been able to take care of union deuce and pay for drivers license issues and deal with restitution and things for individuals in the system. Of aside from that, weve also been able to provide resource for trainings and we train a lot of individuals with families on Hazardous Waste removal, ocean tend safety, cpr and things that prepare individuals for careers in the construction stkreurbgs not just jobs, but actual careers. Were not just placing individuals on the shipyard but throughout San Francisco, as you know, we have a lot of work going on and our work with la northward has made that highly possible. So i just wanted to share that and i want to share 1 more thing. Y cd is a partner along with block 49. Those 60 units of affordable houses, that 60 person edit of a m i, those units will be finished, hopefully in april. Well keep our fingers crossed. Were excited about that partnership and that, of course, that opportunity has been made available also through our work with the Community Benefits agreement and with lanar. So i just wanted to speak on that. Thank you so much for allowing me this time in this session to do this. Its a lot on me today so thank you thank you. Okay. But do we have any speaker cards on the consent calendar . No. Okay. So Public Comment is closed on the consent calendar. Do i hear questions, corrections on the minutes, or motions on the consent calendar . Motion. Second. Okay. Theres been a motion by commissioner bustos, second by premental. Please call the roll. Okay, this is agenda 5 a. Commissioner penmental. Yes. Commissioner singh. Yes. Commissioner bustos. Yes. Madam chair rosales. Yes. I have 4 yeas and 1 absent. So the minutes are adopted for 5 a. Did we call 5 a and 5 b on that . We havent called 5 b. Okay. I think with the commissioners permission, we can have the same motion and second. Okay. Can you please call the roll on 5 b . Sure. Commission members please announce your vote when i call your name. Commissioner penmental. Yes. Commissioner mondejar is absent. Commissioner singh. Yes. Commissioner bustos. Yes. Madam chair rosales. Yes. Okay. I have 4 yeas and 1 absent. Okay. Can we also call the regular agenda, 5 c . The next order of business is regular agenda. 5 c. Authorizing a memorandum of understanding of what the city and county of San Francisco Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to grant up to 8,000,259,000 dollars in tax except bond proceeds. Subject to approval by the Oversight Board and department of finance. Discussion and action resolution number 742015. Madam director. Thank you madame secretary. Good afternoon to the commissioners and good afternoon to the members of the public. Thank you so very much for joining us today. Commissioners, as you are aware, there are a number of bond proceeds that youve authorized transfer to the city for for use in the selma, bayview, and other kwra ers. This is the last of our bond proceeds that were issued pre2011 and state disillusion law allows 1 if weve completed a series of audits and made payments to the state, were allowed to transfer to the state for purposes of those bond proceeds, these dollars, or rather taxable proceeds for purposable consented with the issuance and weve worked diligently with the citys housing of Community Development and through consult with other stakeholders to identify a proposed program of uses which youve seen and weve previewed as part of over the course of the last budget season. And now were ready to propose a particular m o d with with your consideration of the citys 8. 2 million. With that, the housing manager will provide you a little bit of overview, a little bit of the background, the specifics of the proposed program and i see hes also joined guy mow cds direct as well. Thank you tiffany. Director bohee, jeff white, program manager. As tiffany summarized, this is to summarize the Community Development to grant up to 8. 25 million in tax bond proceeds subject to the overview of the department of finance. Theres 2 proceeds identified and theyre both critical needs. The first is for urgent elevator repairs at Public Housing sites and second, for existing reaffordability for nonprofit organizations. Excess, deemed bond proceeds. The bond proceeds are pre2011 and exceed the amounts needed to satisfy our enforceable obligations. And why o c i. Has numerous Affordable Housing obligations as you know that we have remaining, the tax exempt nature of the particular bond proceeds make them really difficult for ocii to use on the Affordable Housing regulations because the bonds are low for lowincome housing credits. And all of o c i u Affordable Housing projects rye lee on lie tech funding. The transfer of these funds will be pursuant to the 2 categories i mentioned. A little bit more specifically, mow cd plans on using approximately 3 million of the 8. 26 million for urgently needed elevator repairs at 9 Public Housing sites. Its to assist elderly and lowincome residents so they can live in safe conditions with access to the elevators, obviously. And to facilitate the repair and modernization of those elevators. The 9 properties are all owned by the San Francisco housing authority. The work excuse me. The elevator work is ongoing and will be able to continue with the assistance of the bond proceeds and completion of anticipated by december 21, 2015. And the second category of uses outlined in the m ou are using the remaining 5. 26 million in funds for rehabilitation and repair the existing Affordable Housing sites that cant leverage lie tech financing which has made funding this needed repair work very challenging. To award these funds. Mow cd will issue a funds of notability or know fa. The know fa is subject to the approval. And by march 2016, the awards will be finalized and the funds will be expended by december 31, 2015. To understand the needs, m ocd has a list of projects. The list includes 29 Properties Totaling about 49 million in repairs. So the 5. 29 isnt going to cover all of that. 11 of those projects, of those 29 projects are located in the mission. In order to ensure both maximum impact and that funds are available for multiple projects, m ocd anticipates the awards on average will not exceed 5 1 million each. The n o f a will define eligible feeds fields of work that will include roof replacement, light safety, electrical improvements, plumbing upgrades, accessibility kpwraofpltsz to assist attend ants. The work must be completed and comply with the citys contracting and labor policies. In your packet, there is a red line of the resolution that includes 3 modifications. Its in red line so you should be able to note it. 1 is a clean up language. A clean up modification of the s e qa language. The cheng calls out explicitly the compliance with that m ocd role that applies to the projects that are awarded funding. M ocd awards that with their projects but this will explicitly apply that. The other added language is the extent for the possible 5. 26 million to go towards projects in approximate mission. This concludes my presentation. Im ken hartly with m ocd and i can answer any questions you might have thank you. Thank you. Okay. Before we entertain questions from the commission, do we have Public Comment cards . I do. Mr. Sam moss. Good afternoon commissioner. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today. I wanted to come and say that myself, on behalf of Mission Housing and Development Corporation, certainly support using this money in the way that was just described. The majority of the properties, i shall, that are listed in the mission are Mission Housing and Development Corporation assets. Theyre small sites that were inherited or purchased through 1 public fund or another from the early to mid 80s to about the mid90s and they are in dire need of rehab and modernization. I think that 1 part of the Small Sites Program now that the city has, some people hesitate because theyre worried about the longterm up keep and key habitat. These funds will do just that. They will take properties that are old, relatively speaking, to new construction and ensure that they remain affordable and in the high quality that our affordable tenants deserve for decades today. I wanted to come today to give my support to this. So thank you. Thank you. Are there any others that want to speak on this item . I have no more speaker cards. Okay. Do we have any questions, comments by my fellow commissioners . I move that. Ill second. Okay. Theres been a motion by commissioner singh and a second by commissioner bustos. I want to say before the vote that im very pleased with the resolution and the direction of this item. I certainly like, of course, because ive made it clear on the record when we have had this item before us in a workshop, and i think its been a couple of years now that weve been talking about this, that this is, at least from my perspective, a way that this commission can give to another sector of the city that we dont really have jurisdiction in or other areas i should say. The Mission District being the 1 that i think is in great need of this kind of assistance. So im very pleased with this language, and of course, im very pleased that we call out that the city will do of course, what it normally does which is to apply its contracting and local hire requirements to this work. So we have a motion and a second. Can you please call the roll . Commission members please announce your vote when i call your name . Commissioner penmental . Yes. Commissioner mondejar is absent commissioner singh. Yes. Commissioner bustos. Yes. Madam chair rosales. Yes. Madam chair, i have 4 yeas and 1 absent. Very long. Thank you. The motion is about the thank yous. Please call the next item. The next order of business is 5 d, workshop on the Community Benefits provided through the Hunters Point shipyard phase 1. In Candlestick Point, hurpblgts Point Shipyard phase 2, disposition and Development Agreements. Hunter points shipyard and bayview Hunters Point recan Development Project area. Discussion. Madam director. kpheurgs and members of the public, this informational presentation stems from direction and request from this commission dating back to march to provide an update to the commission and the members of the public on the status of all of the Community Benefits at the shipyard, both Hunters Point shipyard phase 1 currently under way, and Hunters Point shipyard kapblgts stick so this is getting going. So this is a status update to review whats been on to date and how we plan to move forward. So with that, ill have the Hunters Point yard candlestick senior manager to walk you through this presentation. Thank you director bohee. Good afternoon chair, rosales, drew with o c i. Specific with Hunters Point stick yard and Candlestick Point. I would like to let the commissioners know im joined by la shawn walker who is the director of urban. And the chair of our Citizens Committee for the project area. As director bohee mentioned in her opening remarks, this presentation is an informational item to provide you with an update on the phase 1 and phase 2 Community Benefits associated with the Hunters Point shipyard and Candlestick Point projects. An overview of the presentation, ill be providing some project background as well as going indepth the Community Development in phase 1 as well as the phase 2 in candlestick deposition disagreement, Hunters Point phase 2 in this presentation and in this slides. So just to oriented everyone to the project site, this is a project map. The Hunters Point shipyard phase 1 includes hill top and hill Side Development parcels which are located in the center of the right slide. Phase 1 is being constructed on parcel a which they may be transferred to us in 2004. Phase 1 includes 1600 units of housing, at least 27 percent of the which will be affordable and 26 acres of open space. hufrpbts Point Shipyard phase 2 is contained in the raeurpl of the shipyard shown on the right side of the slide. And candlestick is to the left. Together, they will include 10, 500 units of housing of which a third will be affordable. 325 acres of open space, 3 million square feet

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