Transcripts For SFGTV Entertainment Commission 92016 2016100

SFGTV Entertainment Commission 92016 October 1, 2016

Perez based on his communication. I it would be nice to see you it has been a little while september meeting was cancelled first item of agenda Public Comment that you dont currently see on the agenda any Public Comment. If it is on the agenda well get to that later okay not seeing any, move on to item 2 approval of the minutes from august 16th commissioners i think that is not in the binder but handed to us separately move to approve. All right. A motion is there a second. Second. Great is there any Public Comment on the minutes not seeing any, lets take a vote. Uhhuh do you have a something you want to change. Making sure i can vote even though i wasnt here. From the record here on out if you are that not through well not delay you can approve it which will help with the backlog of minutes can he take a vote. Commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner joseph president tan. That motion carries well move on to item 3 report from executive directors report and the rest of the staff and commissioner perez is entering the room fanatic is my notes laughter thank you and good evening. Hear take one and pass it down there we go everybody good im going to be quick if possible this evening i wanted to remind the commission and bounce and date out there weve been working with the City Attorney and potential sponsors on a piece of legislation like fairly large in scope to make sense of the amplified sounds like seconds is under the ms. Hayward we have amplified sound outside weve come to you over the years with a sort of difficult tour in the loudspeaker permitted and use to tool for different sidewalks didnt work well, for us so we are rosemarys those amplified sounds like sections and not to do introduce to the board have a hearing here with as much the people that could potentially be impacted as possible to bang out any and all initials again create a permit 3 if exist with the sixth amplified sounds like that is permeating attempt related and talk about you know fixed place venues that might have indoor and outdoor spaces and tackle the street perform issues meaning specifically on i dont know a year ago now you promised well bring back all of this raked up in one long piece of legislation ill do my best to summarize when the time comes im hopefully that november 1st is target that i would like to devote and will be a few hours or an hour nature just to understand where were headed this again have to decide it now but i want to put that out there pubically to keep it clear of many permits as well thats been coming spending a lot of time and a legacy piece of legislation to be honest a big piece. Any special outreach to just people that will normally apply for those kinds of permits or just a regular meeting of announcement . No. Were going to go outside of that obviously our list relative to the street perform piece in particular and those areas of the city struggling in powell street outoftowner and the street performs that came that night to talk to you obviously the police are going to have that weigh in in a big way were going to move around the police code and they need to use the article 1 and then much of it is really your world and maybe not anyone else it is about 15 one and what is in you know the section that is all about entertainment. I dont want to go as deep into that i know your trying to brief me but does it address the multi day permitted issues. Absolutely and great. Were trying to make consistency so ill work on charting it out so everyone is clear on that issue and sort of multiply days conservative versus nonconservative. Are were going to regulate overseeing street performs that do amplified music. Thats correct. Not the one, if i got up and sank without any amplification people will run. Thats so bad but. Your First Amendment protected right to do so therefore i cant say anything about it. Okay. Would the bucket man. Well have this conversation later. But this is yes again, our Regulatory Oversight is the age if i had sound and okay. So thats coming again november 15th like my target at the moment i handed out what ben copied for me a resolution introduced by supervisor wiener. Did you get a copy. Thankful i have it is a mouth full but basically a hearing last monday regarding the loss of lgbtq night life in not just soma but soma is a big part of this and also a discussion of heritage district that was created years ago but the plan for it was created the Planning Department never sort of played it out and implemented the things in the plan so supervisor wiener i think if he didnt introduce it to the full board but at Committee Level at the full board today and this is the text of it urging the starjt after a lgbtq night life and Cultural Working Group and this is important for you he made clear in this resolution this working group the board urges the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development and the Entertainment Commission to con seen and work with the Cultural Working Group to promote and expands the programs in support of lgbtq night life and currently heritage we were tasked loan along with the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development to create this working group and bring a strategy to the board within 6 months which is a short time frame but didnt mean we are implementing the strategy only implementing the point of strategy so anyhow this is important i wanted to let you know about it commissioner joseph attended we sort of live facebook part of it standing there in the corner and i do think that is for the western soma planning piece is you know stalled, if you will, this is important to the night life 2, 3, 4 general spoke on behalf of the the whole and i think that the outcome of this is really interesting something that i could use peoples help in offering people that might be on the working group not only are we talking about night life operators but saying more than that like culture of Lgbtq Community in San Francisco a little bit broader than the one trick pony i dont know who those people are working in the daytime. So one thing weve heard from planning at the meeting was that a heritage district is not necessarily confined to one geography california area the heritage district can be citywide or heritage what he said that he said that that the heritage thing can be citywide. Yes. This is the language and here it is talking about a citywide lgbtq can remember heritage strategy that is the focus obviously and we did talk with planning after the hearing about that and notion more lgbtq sort of history to be preserved outside of western soma so it has to include those areas. So if oewd would want me id like to be on that group. Fantastic i got one. Did say home people. No basically, the spofz is leaving it up to us and look towards heritage district the filipino and it is complete i think finally. Next month so things we can look at as models. There or other districts. And a lot of work been done we have a nice base and i think i w i was panicked but get most of away way there in terms of the strategies and doing the stuff is the harder piece after you say how to do it just do it. Right. Theres that i wanted to turn it over to dillon youve met and not heard itch from to update you on a couple of things i you got our feet on the ground. Thank you jocelyn kane it is a pleasure to be here for my first report out to the Entertainment Commission so there is a couple of areas i want to speak to first of all, sort of analysis of the 10 b Police Officer process the city and then whether those an upcoming working group and Data Collective so first of all, regarding the 10 b Police Officer in the spring as you may know the board passed legislation to have the Data Collection for when events are required to hire off duty Police Officers most of them are liquor this is a response to what weve been hearing about the rules and the process for hiring is officers as well is the cap on the fees have been unclear or inconsistent and also with the cost and timeliness when the final amount is due from the Police Department not known until after the event and did the for the mraernlz in terms of budgeting my role im working with the Police Department to first of all, come up with inventory list effected by the 10 b a standard definition free events serving alcohol and meeting and security plan and did amplified sound and making sure that the event producers are aware the process and then Entertainment Commission per ordinance is required to receive each post report called an after action report of the Police Department one 60 days of events so sideline tasked with making sure we collect those reports and data those reports should you know a number of officers hired locations, number of arrests or citations and the difference between the estimate that was given the producer and the actual expenses and that will be presented that data will be presented to you as well as to the board by the end of this calendar year and the idea we want this to help improve you you know interagency and use a evidence based approach for policy making down the road and is this piece can i ask a quick question. Who is producing that report is it like by each i dont know. So maybe i was not clear the Entertainment Commission is tasked with creating a report by the board that will probably be me. Youre getting information from the Police Department who at the Police Department is giving that to you. Were working with the sergeant but all of the after action report radio written by the different districts. Great. So im assume hell be the one to assembly them for me. He collects them from them and bunches it and send to you. If it changes ill let you know. Moving on to the next thing october 3rd a part of my job to do a feeds assessment of the policies and progresses that effect outdoor effects and find long Term Solution for the quality were holding a working session and happy how are you see a flier in your packet october 3rd at the main library with a networking happy hour at the sugar lounge and 27 folks and calling and emails to get more people to come casting a wide net the point to listen it the needs and priorities and help come up with solutions collectively and this data should be captured to help to support the evaluation and the policy change moving forward and then im using this as a way to introduce myself to any constituency to the event producers and that the city has this new effort to support the community after events and then the survey audrey mentioned is as sort of a complimenty way to as far as this Data Collection effort to find out you you mention what are the missions of the event and the organizations too size and capacity are those organizations and what are the factors that really effect the success of detriment of the events and some of the questions are specific and some broad to get a sense last week taking temperature of the Event Community and in general the feedback well get you know that that would be great but to commissioner wolfram the events and policy making and sorry and resources. I have a question. The survey with this my curiosity anyway. Sure did they take Public Transportation do they take bart a nice might be. 20 people attending. Well, they normally do they come from ill be interested. That is something to bring up with the event producers how theyre learning and how the attendees are getting to the events sampling that is cool to see how that dovetails both the nuts and bolts transportation conversations. I didnt really look at the survey can you tell me if youre asking questions of people from out of area. We have been inviting people who produce one or more events in the city and city and county of San Francisco. San Francisco Pride has anymore between seven hundred thousand and one Million People attend the majority are not from San Francisco. But this is the producers. That is. Oh, the producers the first questions are you an event producer that producing one or more events in San Francisco. Why would you ask them about distribution. Sometimes you who to oh, the attendees. If they know that information. It is interesting. I know that some is surveys aware taken years ago and that information didnt exist how they drive to a bar. Just to make you all i dont know why i need to say that dillon as an internal analyst to consider from the preserve of a producer how to make the city interaction with a producer better not necessarily to worried about the patronize for the impact studies a lot more about people that come but his job needs to focus as far as im concerned, what are the processes that the city has control over we can improve so that the events stay here that new events what come up and the ones that have been here a long time dont get priced out we the close read if anyone excuses why someone is doing this on the Entertainment Commission owe are wanted to remind you guys there used 0 to be a chapter 98 of the charter or the administrative code. 90 a. 90 a 2009. Was the musk and cultural sustainability policy that is primary where the focus you know and where we were able to suggest not only the Outdoor Events were worthy of a fulltime employee trying to make sure that someone speaks for them and we improve things but also it is part of mission of the Entertainment Commission it is important that you know that two. Everyone please remember that if you dont i have a question about the survey is there a reason you didnt ask for their identity it is seems to me as an optional field that would be helpful because then youll know who said what. Yeah. Im trying to get as much candid response some people may not want to identify themselves we have an optional question mates the mission of the event so im clear and also when is the events happening. Great. So some of that but the point to get a very honest response and i dont want that to be an issue and then anyone that comes to the working session will obviously be there so well know who those people are, too, and some of the people that couldnt make it to the working session on august the next thing i know have an opportunity to be heard. Thank you sure. So for maybe further serves that would be helpful for people to selfidentify not required redondo valley who they are but most people will be candid what we have they think it good or bad events are produced here so i think outside the box as great survey and great feedback im glad youre here those are things we dreamed of doing that cant be possible with none around to do it so thanks sxauft and commissioner lee. I agree with commissioner, i think that has great idea but on the other side of the coin i understand why people dont want to give a give their name i wouldnt want to criticize someone coming back next year. My event is in Civic Center Plaza so rec and park would it be an advantage to say an organizer of that to come to this. Yes. Okay. Cool. Which im assuming anyone from rec and park attending this event. Yeah. So weve invited them their sending a rep and will let us know for certain who is coming. So how else are you perform from the list of festival people can we send out those working groups a list or email there are he festivals that may not get this. Thanks one thing i want to make sure were covering as many territories as we are with an address and audience and in general they know im here weve been looking the emancipation proclamation scott plaques. A lot of the people that sign the applications are top dogs and may want to know so spread it out. Thank you. Since we have you over the fire too few laughter i think your website needs updating about a section heres what is happening in San Francisco on the random months of year if you could set up that that would be great. No, we talked about this and certainly work on and ive been here long enough to file the page regarding what ease doing. Fair enough. No way to be on our City Government website. Will you make a presentation at the summit. Yeah. Ill recap some of the positive packets that led to the creation of any role and this now direction the impact study that was worked on and just more of a scope of what the work im doing and what the commission is behind. And then one other question when you spoke to sergeant did you ask him about the fees they charge for 10 b you know i wanted to ask that question. Just to clarify the fees are charged per officer, did you ask for those fees at all. We well, we didnt we dont have any control over that. I was curious if people were complaining about the fees. No, we didnt ask for the newest lastly and greatest but know that the influencing but like i said theyre reporting what estimate is and the fees they charge. Has nothing to do with with the rate. Respect. It a little bit closer than nothing. Okay. The reporting part was most important. All right. So then if youre done dillon im going to turn it over to physicals other questions im going to turn it over to the inspectors. Who wants to go. First john burk well done senior administrator analyst and good evening, commissioners. Good evening. We have a few complaints the black cat received inform complainants a jazzy club on the calendar in front of you next hearing the village on market

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