Transcripts For SFGTV Environment Commission 11915 20151126

SFGTV Environment Commission 11915 November 26, 2015

Some very special folks were providing translation tonight. So, can we please get around warm round of applause for oscar [applause]. And monica wong. [applause] and julie barrios. If you want to givethank you, joe. If you want to get a quick word maybe starting with oscar here at the microphone. Write up here. Into the microphone. Just like that. Excellent. So, if anybody needs interpretation in spanish, [foreign language]. Thank you. Monica, where is monica . Good evening, monica. Hi. My name is monica wong, cantonese interpreter. If anyone needs help up the back of the room. [foreign language]. Thank you, monica and joy. Good evening. My name is joy audio. Im the teacher of the filipino teacher at uc berkeley. [foreign language]. All right, thank you for everything you do. My name is joshua arce. I have the honor of chairing our commission and on behalf of all of us, we are so excited to be here because we feel that the neighborhood, the portola is a hidden gem environmentalism, of conservation, of neighborhoodbased approach to greening communities and cleaning San Francisco. For those of us that also care about Environmental Justice, this is an Environmental Justice committee. This is a community where we have freeways on two sides. We have the pollutants that happen would be near high traffic areas. And we have people like ruth wallace that are thinking about not only greening their community but think about how we dream our areas around these freeways to mitigate the impacts of this environmental injustice. So, tonight we are going to hear the story of whats happening in the portola. We are going to hear from some neighborhood leaders, Portola Neighborhood Association, greenhouses budget, were going to hear about the portola garden tour and will hear from a lot of folks from the public. I see the San Francisco Parks Alliance is here jackover there. In a moment, well hear from a special guest that joined us very recently, but i want to thank, before we get started universe think him enough, the good folks at sfgtv. Give them a big round of applause. [applause] no pressure, anyone but everything you say and do is going out across the city right now which i think is great for the portola and good to get your practice on tv for folks. Without further ado, i want to introduce our fearless leader of the department to share a little bit about what is going on and before we do, i think she would say right out of the gate, lets give a big round of applause for San Francisco environment now at an apartment and sunshine for getting the word out. [applause] so, please give a big round of applause. Shes an amazing director for this department. Shes has been with us a year and a half now doing amazing work. It is such an honor to work with her. I could have her rate now please give a big round of applause for debbie raphael. [applause] thank you, joshua pres. Arce and my fellow commissioners up here. You will be hearing from our special guest next to me. I want to say what a distinct pleasure it is and humbling it is to be in the portola neighborhood with all of you. Its a neighborhood that is both famous on one level and a little bit invisible on others. When i talked to my colleague, one of the people works in our department was in the portola neighborhood and i asked her, mary, what is your favorite thing about living in this neighborhood . Why do love portola so much . She said there were two reasons. One was the incredible diversity of people who are her neighbors that there are people from all over the world here who call this place home, and who have a passion for this neighborhood. The other thing she said was interesting. She said theres no pretension in the portola. Were all just potential folks. Which is folks. We are just neighbors. Were neighbors who care about each other and want the best for each other. In San Francisco thats a pretty special thing. So thats a special place to be living in a place called portola we you can say that about the people around you. So, my job tonight and the job of my colleagues who are here, is to be active listeners. You are going to hear some presentations about her work, things you might not know that we are up to in that apartment, and what we are also going to do is hear from you and we will be listening at the same time that we are speaking. Because at the end of today, a successful meeting to me will be one where we understand the portola a little better and the portola understands our department a little better. Because, together with omega city great. Were going to greening the city. Were going to greening from the local to the global. We need each other to do so. So, with the help of my fellow commissioners, with my colleagues here, i just want to say thank you for being here tonight and for sharing your wisdom and your perspective so we can do a better job of serving you. Thank you. [applause] now, before we go to our next item, you come out to the neighborhood and people find out and people that want to join in celebrating San Franciscos Garden District, and one of those people who was our biggest ally when he was a San Francisco supervisor indicated that he want to be with us tonight and we said that is phenomenal. Because he helped us pass, first, first in the nation legislation around healthy nail salons around banning the use of single use plastic bottles, single use plastic bags, about passing a program called solar a program called solar vision 2022 spread solar panels throughout the city. He has worked with us on urban have a culture, water, Community Gardens, Environmental Justice, and that was just when he was here in San Francisco. Now we have them in sacramento. Hes our assembly member. These Welcome Assembly member david chiu. [applause] thank you mr. President. Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much for having me. It is wonderful and always great to be back in San Francisco. I have to say, this commission. I appreciate the invitation to come back kid we had been talking for a couple months about me joining the moment the commission. This is a commission i worked with very closely when i served on the board of supervisors on and under the leadership of this director in this amazing commission we were able to move a lot of first in the country pieces of environmental legislation that now working in the state legislature i realize how much of a luxury it is to live in a city where san franciscans get it. We know what it means to be good to the environment and really lead the country when it comes to global warming. I was asked to give just a very very brief update on a couple of things were working on in sacramento and i do want to say word about what we are doing here in the portola around urban gardens. But just so folks know, im at the end of my first year in the California State Assembly and my office has been focused on a number of areas when it comes to the environment. First and foremost, having to do with Public Transit which is not something that im afraid to say, is supported by all of my colleagues in the state legislature. But, this year we were able to get three bill signed by the governor that i authored with the help of many folks in this room. In part to make sure community is working more efficiently i know that can be seen as a little bit of an irony at times, but we are moving a Pilot Program to ensure that socalled transit only lanes are protected so that our muni buses move faster than 8 miles an hour. I also make passed a bill cosponsored by the california by coalition to ensure that new electric bikes and other sorts of bicycles, that the rules around how they engage on the road are clear, and that they are able to operate on the roads in ways that are safe good then, i also was able to pass a third law to move forward the electric vehicle industry. San francisco and california has been leading the way, but we know we need over 1 million electric vehicles on our streets truly have a dent at the kind of fuels that we do not want to consume. I was able to pass a law that would move forward charging stations for the electric vehicles because we know that many folks dont like ed because theyre worried about the range of battery life as we move them on our streets. I also should mention that, at the moment, the state legislature were having a significant conversation about how we Fund Transportation and how we fund Public Transit. In fact, we had about 80 72 billion hole over the next 10 years when it comes to our lack of planned investment in Public Transit. We are having the discussion right now about we move this forward. I have proposed to the dismay of those in the diesel fuel industry, a significant diesel fuel tax to make sure that we are bringing in the monies that we need to pay for Public Transit and that we are disincentive icing less environmentally friendly type fuels. And the conversation will continue. I should also mention this year, this number things are Legislature Passed was proud to support. In the area of the environment including for example, phasing out socalled microbeads in shampoos, so soon, the state of california will be enforcing a ban in that area. To banning into byproducts that are often used in farm animals so i think many of you who follow the health of what we eat and will be ensuring in the coming years that california is leading the way on that. Then, we take a moment to mention the passage of what will likely be the most significant environmental legislation this year, which was a called sp 350. Web by gov. Brown, led by the democratic leadership. We were able to establish a standard of shooting in the coming years for 50 of all Renewable Energies to come from energies to come from renewable sources, to see a 50 and increase in commercial building efficiencies. And really move forward a national and International Conversation around the environment. Im really proud that a lot of the impetus for environmental work that we do have come from San Francisco because this is a city we pride ourselves on being one of the greenest cities in the world. Again, thanks to this amazing department and the Community Leaders that you see here. By the way, i will say as an aside, i know every member of the commission here not through our work on the bimetal commission, but to work with Nancy Pelosis office in the academy and used about my work into the labor movement. Youll wonderfully diverse and competent commission here and i want to thank you for that. But he mention just two more things and then well move on with the rest of your program tonight. A few months ago i announced we were kicking off a task force on the topic of nail salons. Some of you may know a few years ago San Francisco becoming the first city in the country to establish a socalled healthy nail salon program. That your director of the apartment of environment hopes to run to incense some of the hundreds of nail salons in our city to use better practices when it comes to the health of their workers and the customers. We are going to be proposing a package of bills in a few months at the state level to carry this work statewide. There are literally, thousands upon thousands of nail salon workers and obviously millions of customers that attend nail salons and we want to make sure everyone is safe. When he disclose on a topic i care a great deal about. I was with my mother this week and she when i was five years old made me gag in the dirt in a little urban garden in the backyard where i grew up. We grew tomatoes. We grew squash. In part, that was white years later when urban agriculture activist and the city can join office San Francisco, we pioneered the way to change our planning code rules allow for more urban garden can do is that which is citywide urban strategy when it comes to how we garden, to great to be the first city in the state to establish a tax incentive when it comes to burden the gardens and i know that urban agriculture is at the top of my residence here in the portola. Weve urban gardens and farms that the best, elementary. At the Community Garden here at Elementary Schools and the Portola Library. But i know that theres even more demand for urban agriculture and urban art in that we have the capacity to do. So i want to take a moment and congratulate the portola urban green and Steering Committee for all the work that they have been doing and i know that we have some of their members who are here. I know that theres some effort to officially recognize the portola as San Franciscos Garden District and i want to just say here, i know theres other folks that support it, but im happy to be a public supporter of that effort. It is something that is going to put a real stamp, a green stamp, on this neighborhood and on San Francisco. I very much look forward to the efforts to make that a reality and so, with that, i want to let folks know im in office in the state building on the 14th floor. You can find us on the web. This is my first year of representing the southeast neighborhood so i look forward to seeing all of you regularly and with that, return back to your good chairman. Thank you all for being here and being part of our San Francisco environmental movement. [applause] thank you Family Member chu. So, i also want to thank Hillary Ronan fromfor coming. And thank you [applause] and before we go to the next item, we have the opportunity to moment for members of the public to address the commission on anything that they are working on the things they want to see us tell us about. I know hazel from the San Francisco Shanghai Association i know will hear from during Public Comment but theres an opportunity to comment on this item here before you do. A big round of applause for i think all this commissioners in particular want to thank our Vice President of this commission was nursing a cold, was here under aerobic circumstances to up us make quorum, thank you vice pres. Sarah wan. With that Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, recall the Consent Agenda, monica please. Consent agenda all matters hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda are considered to be retained by the commission and will be acted upon by single local vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission so requests in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item. The item on the Consent Agenda for saddams approval of collected minutes of the may 26, 2015 commission on the environment regular meeting. Commissioners in your pocket you have a copy of the corrected draft minutes. Discussion and action item. All right. Commissioners, do we have any you want to pull from the Consent Agenda where can i get a motion to approve . I move second moved and seconded. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. No Public Comment to Public Comment during the committee hearings. This is a new innovation since your last trip. Okay. So, then i dont have a also all you suspended motion approved. Item 5, please monica next item is approval corrected guidelines for the use of impound account funds and in your packet is a copy of the corrected guidelines sponsoring speakers debra rafael, director. Discussion and action item. I apologize if i called three and four together. Is there any desire to have a separate discussion on these items about colleagues . If not can we get a motion to approve . Can i get a second that emotion from commissioner bermejo. Just an abundance of caution does anyone have a Public Comment on the Consent Agenda was items three and four . Seeing none, public on as a close. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. Its approve. Item 5, please public almond. Members of the public may adjust the commission on matters that are within the commissions jurisdiction and not on todays agenda. Yes. I can exercise the prerogative of the chair we had to supervisor combos Hillary Ronan to start us off. Thank you for coming. Thank you. Supervisor combos semi and to give you an update on what our office has been doing to recognize the unique nature of this amazing neighborhood. I also am a proud resident of the portola and have been extra excited about the project we are working. First of all, we want to let you know that a couple years ago we been working for several years with the Portola Neighborhood Association and the Greening Committee. We were able to secure funding that led to the staffing and the creation of the amazing portola green plan which i know you will hear more

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