Value and have independent drivers for development and deployment. Using free energy to make fresh water to irrigate new trees will achieve world carbon balance. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Again, i want to recognize that this is Domestic Violence month. And take a second for all of the survivors, the children, the families that are destroyed by this kind of violence. Its horrible. Its sickening. Let me tell you about my own personal journey with Domestic Violence. As a gay man, i was choked by my partner. I reported to the police he was arrested. Because i filed charges against him he turned into an insane lunatic is the best way i can describe it. I made tens and tens and tens of reports and the Police Department helped me as much as they could, but actually the laws can only help so much when youre dealing with a person on Domestic Violence. You talk to people, their eyes kind of glaze over when youre telling them youre in a Domestic Violence situation because people feel powerless. Yes, Community United against violence did help me prepare some legal documents, San Francisco woman against rape helped me prepare legal documents. And my own resources, wayne friday actually did intervene and helped me tremendously because he felt that Domestic Violence on same sex should be held accountable in parity with Domestic Violence violence on opposite sex. But that was not enough. I had to move, again, relocated to texas for 2 years. It was a horrible, horrible, horrible situation. But when i hear that other people in this Chamber Support people that are batters like julius and i will not say him name, who is an official. A Police Commissioner and yet, scott wiener was also a person who was part of the alice president so was julius, so you have to ask yourself, who are the hypocrites in this chamber that go against one perpetrator of Domestic Violence, and yet protect the other. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Tom gilberty. 40 to 60 of Police Activity is involved with Mental Health addictions. We need crisis intervention teams and we need basically people like saints and Health Practitioners to direct these people to clinics, hospice, hostile, safe harbors where theyre not redumped on the street. Wells fargo took 6 a month from me because they signed me up for internet. I have never been on the internet. Dealing with wells fargo, we need a San Francisco public bank. That needs to come back again. Yesterday, i was at the land use and transportation. I like to apologize. I spoke for a minute and 40 seconds or something. Pridal dawn, i should have said Mary Christmas and happy hanukkah and get whatever you can and good luck. This is a wonderful room thats 100 years old and tomorrow im going to be 66. Its a nice place to have become a public citizen. I think reality can work with the situation in our city right now encouraging a healthy sustainable [inaudible] for all people. Refugees have been in the news, theyre from iraq and lybia, the state is doing a big involvement with, but yet when you go outside and you see the homeless on our streets, these are refugees from the american political and capitalistic society. We need to take care of our people here. They have broken minds, they have broken lives, they need help. Good luck, thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Madam president , my name is duffy. Im a nearby resident here by city hall. I appreciate hearing the numerical information about the racial ceo pay to the lowest workers pay, i guess i typically hear the number 400 to 1 a lot. Its a high number. I my mind kind of grasp things like that mathematical ideas and the one that came up to me today and i think i said it before, it strikes me is that approximately 99. 5 of our 900,000 people that sleep in our city sleeps under a shelter or a security or appropriate conditions. And yet in 40 years since the homelessness issue became a problem in the late 70s, in the 40 years, we have not been able to close the gap on that last one half of 1 . So thats the issue. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who would like to address the board of supervisors. Seeing none, madam president. Maam, im sorry, you had an opportunity to speak. Can i say something. Public comment is closed. Maam, well have to address you after the meeting after were done with our business. Thank you. Thank you. All right, madam clerk, call the item for adoption without reference to committee. Items 2024 are being considered for an immediate adoption without reference to committee. A single roll call vote and a member may object and have an item severed. Kim. 24. Supervisor cohen. 23. Madam clerk, on the remaining items, can you call the roll. I think we should serve 22 since item 23 is connected to it. Correct. Okay. On the items 20 and 21, can you please call the roll. Supervisor campos. Aye. Supervisor cohen. Speaker aye. Supervisor farrell. Aye. Supervisor kim. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor possess skin. E peskin. Aye. Tang. Aye. Wiener. Aye. Yee. Aye. Supervisor avalos. Aye. Supervisor breed. Aye. Breed, aye. There are 11 ayes. The resolutions are adopted unanimously. So would you like us to call 22 and 23 together. Im going to speak on item 23. Call item 22 please. Madam president , because the outcome of item 22 is reliant on item 23, we should take 23 first. Okay. Call 23, please. Item 23, is a motion scheduling the board of supervisor to sit as a committee as a whole on november 1, 2016, at 4 00 p. M. In a joint meeting with the San FranciscoPolice Commission to hold a public hearing to consider the findings and recommendations of department of justice initial assessment report of the San FranciscoPolice Department. Im proposing a simple amendment to supervisor campos as the original motion to include reporting not only on the Blue Ribbon Panel but the recent reports with all the findings and recommendations that we have come that have come out in an effort to improve our Police Department. These incidents and reports on the Blue Ribbon Panel, this includes the department of justice, initial assessment report and the President Obama Task force on 21st Century Policing and a grand jury report. This information is valuable and we should not only consider the findings from one report, but we should actually be in lock step with the Police Commission when it comes to reforming our Police Department and evaluating all the findings from the report. There are a few changes that follows that i would like to read into the record. First, as i stated, i want to include updates from the Police Department on the findings from all the. Reports, second change the date of the committee of the whole hearing. This is largely due because the Police Commission will be holding their own special meeting on november 1st to discuss the hiring of our new chief. Third and finally i have added a request to convene a joint hearing between the board of supervisors and the Police Commission on the 15th of november at 4 00 p. M. To hear the first update and to discuss with our Police Commissioners, jointly the reform to our department. And to receive a comprehensive update on the work thats being done to date. Further more i to like to amend item 23 to reflect the proposed amendments that i have outlined above and holding the joint committee excuse me, the joint meeting between the board of supervisors and the Police Commission on november 15th. So just to be clear supervisor, cohen, you would like to amend the title as well to read okay. Yes. Supervisor cohen made amendments, is there a second. Seconded by supervisor campos. Can we take the amendments without objection . The amends pass unanimously. Supervisor peskin. I want to rise to a point of information. I believe the 1515 south van ness item is proposed for continue us to november the 15th at 3 00 p. M. And that item may go well beyond 4 00 p. M. So i thought i should throw that out there as a scheduling matter. Thank you. Supervisor cohen, would you like to amend the time of the meeting accommodate the possibility that that could be problematic for people who are going to be waiting. Yes, i would like to amend to 5 00 p. M. Supervisor cohen made a motion to amend it to 5 00. Well meet as a committee we will amend this to 5 00 p. M. For november 15th. And on the item as amended, can we take this item, same house, same call without objection. This item passes as amended unanimously. Item number 22. Motion to direct the clerk of the board of supervisors to schedule committees of the whole hearing on the first regular meeting on the board of soup adviseers of each month from november 2016 to january 2017 to hear and receive an update supervisor campos. Did you want to make comments or make amendments for this meeting for this item. Just a question to the City Attorney. Do we need to make amendments to reflect the changes that were incorporated into item 23 . Deputy City Attorney, john givener, you need to amending the date and thats enough. So just make a motion to amending along those lines. Okay. So do we want to specify we want to remove november and since were speaking to the quarters in particular, do we want to say effective in the next quarter, which would be february of 2017 . Does that make sense . Mr. Gibner . I didnt catch it, so you want to remove the november date because its already included and then to reflect that its a quarterly hearing . Okay. Is that clear . And that would commence in february of 2017. Okay. Madam president , we need a different motion because we have to january 2017 which means if were striking november, were meeting in december. We would start with the month of december. In the resolution, its my understanding that it starts with the month is it starts in november we strike december and january. Okay. Commence in february of 2017. Okay. So supervisor campos has made the amendment, is there a second. Seconded by farrell. Can we take that without objection. That amendment passes and the item as amended, can we take that same house, same call without objection. The motion is approved as amended unanimously. Item 24. Speaker a motion to adopt the Planning Departments report on the inter rim zoning moratorium to prohibit the conversion or replacement of pro duks in the market planned area. Supervisor kim. Colleagues back in 2014 as apart of our compromised resolution on proposition k, which many of you know is housing balance, one of the agreements was to pass a temporary moratorium on conversions of pdr uses in the central area over on the course of roughly 2 years. As many of you know, as an interim control, this cannot be continued. When we made this agreement in 2014, there was concern about the rapid loss of production distribution repair and this was long before we placed proposition x on the ballot. Over the last 5 years, the city lost 700 and dog patch neighborhoods. This moratorium is now coming to an end and we dont have a central plan in place. As a requirement of the temporary moratorium, the Planning Department does submit a report to the board of supervisors. It began in 2011. Over the course of 6 years, the Planning Department was task with coming up with a plan that would help protect production in the sylmar area through a report we got today simply wrote, quote the department is recommending that the issues outlined in the i jut dont think that this is an adequate response from the Planning Department and i urge my colleagues to vote against this report. The Planning Department clearly has many more recommendations that it can list on how we can support the use of pdr in our planning area. Im very disappointed to see this one sentence recommendation on a report that really requires much, much more work and which we have actually worked on for the last 6 years, so colleagues, ask for your vote no on this item. Theres a real report with real recommendations and its working on. Thank you colleagues. So would you like to make a motion to table this item . Sure. We can also do a motion to table. Okay. Supervisor kim made a motion to table and seconded by campos. Colleagues, can we take that motion without objection . Or madam clerk would we need a roll call vote. You can take it without objection. Okay. Without objection this item has been tabled unanimously. Whats next. Todays meeting will be adjourned. Its an imperative item. Oh, you do. I dont have an imperative item in my hold on. Where is it . Okay. Supervisor mar thank you, the language im sorry, madam president i have to read the item first. Its a resolution declaring october 18, 2016, as a report day in the city and county of San Francisco. Okay. Supervisor mar. Thank you, and my understanding is that the Clerks Office submitted the language to everyone earlier in this meeting or in the celebratory meeting. I declare this is purely commendatory and i also declare that we need to take immediate action to declare today october 18th, 2016, as a report day, as the long time director of the association of the government for his leadership as we move the bay area forward. I urge support for this item. So i move that this is purely commendatory and i move that we need to take action immediately today. Supervisor mar has made a motion, is there a second. Seconded by supervisor yee. Colleagues, can we take that without objection. Without objection. Motion pass. And i will open this item up to Public Comment. If theres members of the public who would like to speak to the imperative items specifically. Seeing none, public item is closed and on the imperative item itself, colleagues, can we take that same house, same call. Without objection, the imperative item passes unanimously. Madam clerk, please read the end memorial yum. Todays meeting will be adjourned many the be laurie south gate and supervisor peskin for the late richard specks simons at the suggestion of supervisor wiener and campos and the entire board of supervisors, if the late mr. Wayne friday. Okay. Colleagues, this brings us to the end of our agenda. Madam clerk, is there any other business before us today . That concludes our business for today madam president. Okay, we are adjourned. Thank you everyone. A. We all know a major earthquake will eventually hit San Francisco are reproerl presented San Francisco is making sure we are with the Public Safety buildings. This consists of 4 consultants the Police Headquarters with the from 850 with a brand new fire station number 4 to serve mission bay swimming pools at office of Economic Workforce Development in the fire station thirty. Is the the hall of justice on bryant the new home for 2 hundred and 50 uniform and voiven comprses we all it was opened in 19 so sociothat is a 50year improvement as far as structure and Work Environment had that will be a great place to work. When construction began in 2011 this was with an clear goal to make sure with the big one heights the resident will will have a function Police Department those are the highly seismic standards it is up to operate up to 96 hours from the Police Department perspective that building is selfsufficient for a main made arrest in all disastrous zake ever after we will run our operational from here no matter what happens this building and the people that serve the businesses will continue to function building is designed to meet lead goal certification and also to art installations on the campus that was designed and constructed to better sense of ability so for example, were using solar water heaters were also urging gray water for reuse inform flush water and rainwater for the cooling and irrigation locked on third street and mission rock is it serves the motorbike neighborhood and motorbike i moiks is a growing neighborhood and the intent of the bond to have please and fire serves to serve the community. Hemming helping to keep the building and the stay safe was the not the only opportunity it creates many jobs with 82 bleb businesses overall san franciscans contributed one hundred and 87 thousand hours to help to complete the project it shows the city of San Francisco the elected officials and Police Officers and more importantly the voters that paid for the building this is what we can do with when we wrorpt this is a beacon when we need to build new extra we can trust them with the money and the plan they did a good job the San Francisco public is a reminder of the importance of being presented and will continue to serve the residents for decades to come [ gavel ] good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the regular meeting of the San FranciscoEthics Commission for sep