Transcripts For SFGTV Health Commission 12616 20161208 : vim

SFGTV Health Commission 12616 December 8, 2016

And housing to create, and to preview this and the five year, plan that you and his team have been working on and to give this committee, and our board, and about the draft plan, and further input in that plan, and i want to see the department, and creating and hopefully a new five year plan will guide us in that direction, and we would like to ask you at this point in time, our new director to come up and has a presentation for us and just by starting off and by saying, thank you, for taking on this task, and thank you for all of your hard work. And all of your partnership with the board of supervisors to date and what is to come. We appreciate the opportunity to talk about where we are at in terms of the Strategic Plan and before i begin, i want to remind the folks in our department, it is really only about 100 days old, and we are trying to build the airplane while we are flying it. And in addition to bringing together, staff from multiple departments, and having to hire a new Leadership Team and build out the infrastructure, and we also have been working on advancing building on the work that has been done in the city around homelessness and we have helped over 500 people since the department opened, and reunify with families through home ward bond and we have helped, almost, 600 people, access permanent, Supportive Housing and we have opened up a new Navigation Center and two more in the pipeline and we have got about, 5 new sites, either opened or in various stages of opening, and so, while we are doing this plan and trying to fill the new department, we are also continuing doing really great work, that we should all be proud of. A very rough draft and more of an explanation of the process that we are going through. And to give you some ideas about where we are at. In terms of this process, and i want to point out a few thinks, and this is really a tra strategic framework not a plan, and like the long term plans where you lock into a strategy, are not necessarily the best way to go, because things change, and really what we are trying to do is to develop a model that will allow us to use data. And projections and past performance to make the decisions about where we want to be investing our resources. And also, just want to say right now, when i started my job, we were hoping that we would be able to have this complete, within the 6 months, and we believe that we are going to need a few more months to actually complete it and i will talk about why and the process in the meantime. So briefly, we will talk through you, the where we are at in terms of the plan, and so the purpose of the plan as supervisor farrell pointed out is that we need to have a strategy addressing homelessness in San Francisco and having one department, creates a great opportunity to have one strategy that will be implemented by that department, and we need to provide the department a framework for starting it up, knowing what our priorities are and laying out some basic tasks around the building and the infrastructure that we need to advance our work around addressing homelessness. We want to see the system move towards a more data driven, coordinated system with a single data base, and managing the service and making it a much more client centered as opposed to a program, centered approach toward addressing the problem. And we really want to identify the measurable goals for the next five years. Where we are going to be very clear about what we are trying to achieve in real numbers or percentage and i will present where we are at on that. And then, also, i think for the long term, we are doing a gap analysis in the system, and saying that if we want to achieve goal x, this is how much or how many units of housing that we will need and how many more shelter that we will need and so that is both all of you as well as the public understand what it is going to take to actually solve this problem. And better understand what the trade offs are when we are not able to make those investments. That is the purpose of the plan. Just a little bit about the time line. This process really began in some ways in january. When the office of hope collect the data and began for the creation of the departments and july of 2016 we hired to lead the process and, other groups including home based. By the end of the Third Quarter to have the report published and so i want to talk to you a bit about the process that we have gone through so far. There are 16 focus groups and, 14 were open and we are working to do the more focus groups and specifically around the hot team. We have done over 600 surveys of the people who are homeless and have had five formal feedback sessions with both our staff and with the Provider Community and with advocates as well as with Community Members neighborhood groups and Business Associations and etc. And we have done over 40 presentations to nonprofit groups to businesses, as well as to the neighborhood groups. Very proud of the work that my staff has done to gather input. We also have done a tremendous amount of data analysis, as i mentioned before, there are 13 different data bases that tcity use and we have had to go through each one of tho s and they dont talk to each other very easily, to try to understand and to be able to build a model that will allow us to predict what our resource needs are. And we have done a lot of work reviewing the local and federal and state reports on homelessness and exploring best practice and communities. And we met with our partnered departments and dph, and the public works and hsa and many other departments to hear from them on what their priorities were. And also, have been working with our consultant to examine, the passed successes, and work that has been done in the past to build off of the successful build off of his successes and i think that the first thing that we have done, or the result of all of this, work, was to build a map of the Current Services system we are trying to break it down into adult, and family, and unaccompanied youth. And to build a map to understand the Services System so the first step was to understand where we are at. And this is a map of the current adult Services System as you can see, it is very hard to understand and the people who are homeless, have to deal with, and coming through the multiple doors in open to get the services and the pathway to exiting the homelessness and being very, very unclear. And behind this map is also just a list of all of the interventions available, in the city, so we have a pretty good understanding at this point of what resources that we have available to us. Once we completed that information gathering process, just to layout, the direction that we have heard it loud and clear is the coordinated entry system not only is this required by hud it is also, in almost every group that we have spoken to, something that is seen as very important. And let me just sort of rather than try to explain what that is, to tell a story, about what its like to try to Access Services right now. So for everybody who is homeless, you know they go to a shelter and they can get there through a variety of sources and the 311, and the hot team to get to the shelter and they will talk to a case manager there and that case manager really has no history available to them. To know what other shelters that person has been in and what other programs, and other nonprofits they are working with. And that person is often helped by a case manager. To get on to the waiting lists for the variety of the housing and they go and they get on the waiting lists and will get assessed or interviewed and asked a bunch of questions and asked the same questions, over and over and over, and over, again. And sometimes, getting what they need, frankly sometimes, getting more than what they actually need is the most often getting much less, than what they need. And so, right now, we have no way to make sure that people who are the longest term homeless and who are the sickest are going to get access to our very limited resources. And we are coordinated entry does it creates a single data system, and folks can access this system and many different ways, and we will talk about that in just a bit. And then, they will be assessed all of the same and they will only have to be assessed once and that information will be shared across allpro vieders who they interact with and they will tra being that person through the system and know about their successes or the lack of success and to be able to adjust and try to address each person as best as we can. And match them with the right resource. And we are trying to create a system that is client focused and provides the Seamless Service any obstacles that you can see. I cannot emphasize how big of a change this is. The city will be making referrals to most services and that is a major change in how folks do businesses and i think that most of the nonprofit partner and everybody in the community that we have spoken to, are very supportive of this. And i think that it is going to be hard for the folks to be able to wither asking the people to change the data system and Many Organizations have invested in a lot of time and energy and tears and sweat. And money into their data system and we are going to be asking them to use a new one, and we are going to be asking them to change the way they accept referrals. I think that over all a lot of folks are supportive and we are asking a lot of folks and we but, so far, so far no reist ans and so one of the things that the folks know and i am not ready to make a formal announcement, but some private have invested money and made the money available and so when they are struggling with a data system and the provider of the system who we are close to signing a contract with, we have the extra money to help the nonprofit, and so we want to find as many ways as we can and any part of this is also, going to be getting input from line staff workers to make sure that the system works, but also i want to say, you know, there will be some unhappiness, and i also want to say that when we selected the data system for example, we spent a day of bringing in the users of that system and did a User Experience test and we have the actual, test and, test the five systems and we will say that we selected the one where for a variety of reasons, but one of the great things about this was it was the only system that we were testing that every case manager was able to complete every task given to them and so we feel like we are trying to listen to the community and we are going to also, you know, probably meet some resistance and get passed that. Change is never easy, and obviously the status quo is no the where we want to move forward. And i appreciate your efforts and the state that we are still, talking about the systems where computers talk to each other is crazy. And so thank you for doing that. I would say when the people talk about San Francisco has been on the cutting edge, we pioneered housing, and first, lgbtq shelter in the country, and most of the other countries come here to learn about what we do, the one area, where we have a lot to learn is around this particular issue around coordinating all of these great services. One of the reasons we selected corporation is the principal working on this was able to implement a system like this m houston and it led to a 35 percent reduction in chronic homelessness in a short period of time. And so where, and we all staff have learned a lot and the community has learned a lot, and you know, we have a lot to teach but in this case we have a lot to learn and i am excited about the progress that we are making on this. So some of the other things that are critical to what we do, i think are again, creating very targeted goals for each subpop you la igs and not trying to look at the Homeless Population as one number or even one group but look at each person. And to provide them with unconditional support and achieve the goals of exiting homelessness and to make sure that the interventions match the populations, what works for families does no the work for single adult or for youth and but setting the clear goals, so that we can right size the interventions for each of those populations and i think that we need to invest more money to think about deversion programs and helping people not become homeless, if they become homeless and help them quickly and not get into the system and smf the things that i am thinking of is helping to prevent addictions from the current affordable and Supportive Housing stock. Working with the criminal Justice System and the Public Health system to slow down the number of people who are leaving those systems homeless. And you know shgs and i think that continuing providing as high quality of service that we can that is very client focused that is compassionate, and using some of the principals that the city has used for a long time. We have no interest in changing, but just enhancing things like the Housing First model and the harm reduction, and the trauma informed care. And i think that some of the other things that we are focusing on obviously coordinating from one department is critical, but also, partnering with other organizations, the department of Public Health, and public works, and they each have a role to play in this and we need to continue working with them. And they all have their own challenges, and that i know that they are working on addressing but to figure out how we can work together, to address things like and require a lot of work, and another important thing that is listening and responding to all stake holders and need to translate what that means is that right now, a lot of Community Members sorry, we already, spoke about the coordinated entry and so i am just going to skip over that and i want to get to sort of the real kind of meat of what we are trying to accomplish here. With the model. And again, what we are trying to do and a lot of this is being driven by a model which is built out on a pretty complex spread sheet that allows us to plug in data. Around past performance of various interventions like how or where the people exit after they leave the shelter and what happens to the people in Supportive Housing and help the demand for services and so kind of the inflow and the out flow of the system and we actually have to put in the assumptions because the data is not perfect. But we are able to adoapt that and come up with goals, if we cant to reduce, and what is it going to take to be able to do that. That is the model that we are working on building and that the framework and the basis of this plan, and its a little different, from maybe other plans that you see and i didnt put in the numbers yet, because what you will see when we pubbish the report, we are going to end the chronic homelessness among veterans by this date. And we are going to resolve the xnumber of street encampments by this date. And etc. , etc. , and so there will be numbers where there are xs, right now. And dates, where we just are not able to project that right now. And i am very sensitive about not putting forward until we are sure that they are based on the best data available. Because i think that ends up creating confusion. So the other thing that we are going to have for each of these subpopulation and each of these goals is the map of the system and so what you are seeing here, is essentially how we envision the new system and how it is going to work. Folks will have to the shelters and the home out reach team and the main Stream Services and the hospitals and the 311. And from there, they will be assessed and in our coordinated entry system. And then they will be sent to the right resource. Because we dont have enough resources we are going to have to match folks and we are going to have to prioritize and to create a tool and agree on what the priority will be, once someone is prioritized in housing and hopefully those will go to the housing intervention and it is not available we plan to use the Navigation Center and that is where it says, the temporary housing here and we will prioritize, the centers for the folks who are on the path to house and create a system that makes more sense for the client and also t is designed to create the through put with some of the out comes across the system. And the other document that we are going to put together and i whited out all of the numbers here. And so in that circle there and each one of those pictures you will see a number, and there will be a goal if we want to reduce, 50 percent reduction in unsheltered Homeless Population next year, this is how much shelter we are going to need and this is how much short term, rental and mid term, and this is how much actual housing we are going to need. And we also are going to be fox factoring in the prevention and the new program, called the moving on, which is i think that the people that are in Supportive Housing that dont need the service and giving them access to vouchers so that they can find the housing in the private or the Affordable Housing market and move out of Supportive Housing and opening autopsy t all of these slots wil be able to provide for you, and these are the numbers that we will need for these goals and also going to present some numbers that if we are going to actually defend homelessness in San Francisco this is what we are going to need to do one of these interventions. And again, i just dont want to put in the numbers in here because when we provided numbers, before, and that were not, done it created some chaos. And so, lastly, i want to just say that develops the other goals that we are having work on that are outside of this model, we got to get the department, fully operational and we are working on a state and federal and regional agenda. And getting the data system stood up. And obviously, redesigning the Communication Systems for the pu

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