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I have no speaker cards. Does any member wish to speak on an item thats not on our agenda . If so, please come forward. Seeing none, and hewitt will close Public Comment is closed. Commissioners that are places under Department Matters item 1, directors announcements of good afternoon tim fry departments after the rectors bar was included in your package happy to answer any questions should you have them. Seeing none, commissioners item to review of past events of the Planning Commission staff report and announcement good afternoon tim fry Department Staff. For items to share with you. I have no formal report from the Planning Commission. However, a few items from recent board of Supervisors Committee hearings and board of supervisors hearings. On this monday, we along with the Mayors Office and the Entertainment Commission attended the Land Use Committee hearing regarding the lgbtq Cultural Heritage strategy in district proposed by resolution through supervisor weiner. There were no formal presentations by staff. However supervisor campos did intend and encourage whatever working group is put together that it reflect the diversity of the San Francisco and the community and we are actively working with the Mayors Office in ensuring that the list of names we supply to the supervisors to reflect that diversity. So as things progress and move along, we will give you periodic updates on the progress of getting the working group together. Then at the full board you may have seen in the newspaper supervisor peskin was sponsoring a resolution encouraging mta to attain the ban as you know this commission and Architectural Review Committee is encouraging mta to retain four of them that are in the civic center when mark disappeared however this resolution goes a step further in execute seeking solutions to attain all of them get will certainly give you an update on the progress of that effort as well as a final certificate of appropriateness is required for the project. That involves the trolley pole so that will be before you at the end the end of the year. So you will see that again for the four polls within the district that is correct. We anticipate they will have at that time youll have more to report on whether not they can maintain or save the remainder of the polls. Then, as you saw the most endangered list from the National Trust was released today and the embarcadero was listed as a feature that is endangered and as you know the couple numbers of the hpc are in a working group working with the port under longrange efforts. We certainly are happy to provide support to the port or this commission. To address the issues identified by the trust. Then, finally myself along with president wolfram were in anaheim last week to celebrate the California Preservation Foundation design awards. The Planning Department was recognized along with its consultants for the civic center landscape inventory. The lgbtq Historic Context statement was awarded the Trustees Award as sort of an exemplary context statement reflecting social and Cultural Heritage and or many other projects related to work this commission is involved in an Planning Department staff. So San Francisco was well represented and we again congratulate the award winners. We will have more information on the ceremony in your packets were in the directors report in the future dates. That concludes my comments. Unless you have any comments or questions. Commissioner hyland i want to add onto the embarcadero district district that is known 11 most dangerous list for the National Trust. It specifically the seawall and the threat of the seawall that has placed it on there, not only because of Sea Level Rise date because of the seismic issues related to its. That will help us get some more exposure to help us fix it. Thanks seeing nothing further commissioners we can use onto commission matters. Item number three president reports announcements the was no report or announcements today item for consideration of the drops in draft minutes for the a rc site visit for the september 21, 2016 in the draft minutes for the hpc september 21, 2016 commissioner hyland i wonder if we should continue the a rc site visit minutes until next meeting because it does nothing for flat what occurred that day these are a little premature i apologize was a followup that are a rc here in chambers as well as the members who were present is not quite correct. Maybe we should commissioner turman was not at the site visit and then [inaudible] commissioner hyland correct. She would take Public Comment . Yes. Any other comments on the other minutes or these are the only minutes we have . No. There is the regular hearing commissioner kronenberg i dont have it in front of me but it says which degrades representing it in organization. Its a liberty cafe. [crosstalking] [off mic] under item 6. Thank you. At this time well take Public Comment on the a rc Meeting Minutes of september 21 and a regular hearing of september 21. Does any member of the public was to comment on these . Seeing none, and hearing none, we will close Public Comments good to have a motion to continue and adopt . Continue the a rc and to correct theto reflect the meeting and approve the hpc minutes very good. Do i hear a second . Moved and seconded. On a motion to continue the a rc site visit minutes to october 19 and to adopt the regular hearing minutes for september 21 as corrected, commissioner hasz aye johns aye matsuda aye turman aye hyland aye and wolfram aye that motion passes unanimously 70. Commissioners places under item 5 per commissioner comments and questions. Commissioner johns thank you. Before todays hearing someone called me on one of the matters that is coming before the commission. I would just like to say thati say this to those in the audience and i hope everyone who will appear before the commission in the next three years who will be watching us today. I really dont like to get calls about matters that are coming before the commission and the reason i dont like to get them is that i like all the commissioners to be operating from the same set of facts and have the same information. So if someone feels that they need to get something, either in support or opposition to a project, to us after the packet has come out, the way i wish those people would do it is to send their comments to the Commission Secretary who can then distribute them. Then save whatever they have for the hearing and particularly important to me that it happened that way because if were all in the same room my fellow commissioners frequently asked questions and elicit information which i dont have and might not have thought about. I suspect thats true for all commissioners and if we can all do it together then we all have the benefit of each others wisdom. So thats my pontification for this afternoon. Thank you. Any comments or questions be one we can move on very good commissioners that a place is under consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item 6 the case number 2013. 0384 u. Can keep [reading ordinance] ive no speak regards any Commission Want to comment on this continuance. At this time will take Public Comment on the matter of the containment of item 6. Anybody in the public wash to comment on this item . Seeing none, and hearing none, will close Public Comment. To have a motion to continue . So moved seconds thank you on emotion than to continue items has proposed hasz aye johnck aye johns aye matsuda aye turman aye hyland aye wolfram aye so moved that passes unanimously 70 places under consent calendar. All matters listed hereunder constitute consent calendar considered to be retained by the Historic Preservation commission may be acted upon by a single rollcall vote of the commissioners. Do we know separate discussion of this item unless a member of the commission or public or stuff so request in which event the matter should be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or future hearing. Item 7, administrative certificate of appropriateness and minor permits to alter delegation will motion number 241. I have no speak regards. Any commissioner was to remove this from consent . Does any member of the public was to move this item from consent . Seeing none, anywhere we will close Public Comment and bring back to the commission. Moved to approve seconds thank you. On a motion to approve items seven point of order i have a question. Renewal of motion this is kind of a new procedure that i have not seen since ive been on the commission. Is there some origin the if you want to discuss it we can do it off the consent calendar. Were either up or down the vote work and talk about would you like to remove it from consent . Well i we can remove it from consent. Its not a problem. I would like to remove from consent so i can ask a question sure, okay. We will remove it from consent calendar. As a regular item. Should we heard at the beginning of the regular calendar . The was item 7, for administrative certificate of appropriateness and minor permits to alter delegation. Good afternoon commissioners tim fry Department Staff. Renewal of motion 241 is the delegation of minor permits to alter or other work determined minor by this Commission Per pursuant of article 10 and 11 of the planning code. There was a twoyear limitation to motion number 241 so now that its about to expire we were asking the commission to reevaluate the delegation if theres any additional work that may be determined that you get attitude this the draft motion or subsequently you may take away any of the scopes of work that we define as minor if the full commission would like to see those now on a regular basis. This is our third delegation get we believe everything is working fairly well and theres only been two request for hearing that this commission has reviewed, both times, good the commotion upheld the departments review of those matters. So at this time, we are not suggesting any changes to the motion and the previous motion is included as an appendix in the new draft motion is included as an attachment to this cover memo. Thank you good i guess i did not realize it was expired. I think the procedure is great. Its working well so maybe that was in a package and maybe i missed that. Anyway, thank you. At this time will take Public Comment on items seven. Any member of the public which to comment on this item seeing none, and hearing none, Public Comment is closed. When a motion to approve moved to approve the delegation seconds on a motion to approve items seven, commissioner hasz aye johnck aye johns aye matsuda aye turman aye hyland aye wolfram aye so moved that motion passes unanimously 70. Places us on item 8 for december 2015012307 pga 340 mason st. Major permit to alter good afternoon commissioners. Planning staff. Before you is a request for major permit to alter 340 mason st. Also known as green 1990 geary st. Located on the southeast corner of geary and mason street. This is a twostory building that is a category five unrated within the current market Southern Conservation district. The proposed scope of work includes construction and a third floor with a partial open air terrace. Removal of brick cladding at the eastern day of the beginning street decided and new metal and glass curtain wall that looks than from grade to the new third floor. The placement of storefronts and windows system with new compatible systems and a program for new signs and canopies and awnings for future retail tenants. As well as interior remodel and seismic upgrade. Staff finds the proposed work condition as recommended will be in conformance with her arms of article 11 and sec. Of interiors standards for rehabilitation. Proposed design appears to be compatible with the character of the surrounding district particularly in the proposed masking scale detailing and ornamentation and materials and color of the proposed design. Staff for luminary recommendation as noted in your package is to approval with conditions. Staff recommends two conditions of approval. One for the continued development of a more consistent Color Palette so new materials and finishes. And, two, four detailed plans for the signed awnings and canopies under the proposed program when a summit those permit applications. These details would be addressed. The details of these conditions would be reviewed by staff. No Public Comments have been received since packets were submitted. That concludes my presentation. The project sponsor and architect are here but they will make a presentation if you want to get otherwise they are here for to answer question be think it commissioner turman one of the motions talked about defining the Color Palette. Can you talk about what is what the issue is here is the you will note in the renderings that the upperthe addition the back painted glass is a whitish gray and also the base the concrete base of the existing building is showing up as a pretty stark white. White is a color that is compatible and identified as a compatible color within the conservation district. However we kind of feel like in this particular building context which is a reddishbrown brick of the existing building, while we wanted to be a contrast we feel like the white is a little bit to start right now and so we just would like to see more consistent. With the existing building. Thank you. Does anybody want to have a presentation on this from the sponsor . No. I think any other questions or we can take Public Comment. At this time will take Public Comment on this item. Does any member of the public wish to comment on the item eight . If so, please come forget your free minutes in the be a warning bell commissioners my name is [inaudible] we represent 600 properties and 1200 businesses and 27 blocks of downtown San Francisco. The project sponsor good presentation to our board on july 28 in which the board unanimously approved the project. Were very excited because currently the site is vacant. At night it basil becomes a nuisance. Of my stab at enlightened and activate the street particularly in the evening. We did approve its on condition however that the project sponsor had done their Due Diligence in terms of the Public Outreach process. We did receive comments from several adjacent properties that they had not received any or have any outreach from the project sponsors though we were just concerns was that worked on . What was the result of that work . I just want to bring that to your attention and with the project sponsors here perhaps they could answer that. Thank you very much thank you. Any other member of the public wish to speak to this item . Seeing none, and hearing none, nonwe will close Public Comment and bring it back to the commission. Do you want to ask the question . I like to hear the answer to the question about the outreach from the project sponsor. There was additional outreach. Good afternoon. Project sponsor. We did notwe have some informal discussions early on. But two of the neighbors that reach out to us we were not able to connect and we did call and try to reach them but we were not able to meet the more formal discussion. Thank you. Commissioner hyland [inaudible] just curious could want to know whats gone on a couple thoughts and questions. I actually like the project could i think this is an interesting design. I dont think weve seen much of this in San Francisco but its kind of cool to spit i personally dont mind the white and the contrast personal. I dont know if were other commissioners have a an opinion but i do wonder about the band of frosted glass above the transom at the base of the second floor. Looking at the existing permit to this i am wondering if that ought to be clear i shouldve clarified. The rendering is actually incorrect. The frosted glass has been removed to both the spandrel. We clear glass there. Good answer. Right answer. [laughing] commissioner turman i agree with commissioner hyland. I was ashley pleased to see this because here is this modernist addition to a building that has the historical attention given from 1968. I agree also that i like the contrast. I think if this gets closer and closer to the color of the brick 20 less impactful. Last visually interesting. So i would advocate on the Color Palette that gets any idle think should get close to the redbrown corrected i think you should stay in the great whitish zone. It also accentuates if youre putting a restaurant on top maybe commissioner hasz could comment on this if youre putting a restaurant on top of having that engines there have some snap to it distinguish it from the building also would be a good signage and of itself without a signed it. I agree i think its a very good project and vote to approve mr. Hasz i concur with the previous two comments. Actually the vertical nature of the lord part of the building continues to get vertical with a lighter additional top. I think of the field to squatting and push down if youre colored differently. I wonder whether we shouldnt we could leave the condition of approval that says they continue to develop a Color Palette im sorry commissioners the person with a phone could turn that off, please. We would appreciate it. Thank you. We could leave the condition that asked them to continue the Color Palette but say the commission feels a contrast and Color Palette is appropriate. I think i would be okay just to clarify i think thats fine. If you want to change it away. We still want there to be a contrast and not for it to be matching but just feel like the white particular database would be toned down a little bit. Its fun we will amended as you discuss. I think the white base is not a great. Is very modest. The existing building has [crosstalking] [off mic] theyre proposing to change that . Is that right spewing theyre proposing to change the color of the base. The existing concrete base there is a base of their yes. It about 6 inches . [crosstalking] [off mic] it gets fairly large so you dont want to be bright white of course i dont that we want that to be white because i think you want the white to be any opening up vertical addition. I think that leaving a condition that says they should refine their Color Palette that we think there should be some contrast the stock should approve i think would be appropriate [inaudible] i think we could leave the wording as stated. I moved to approve this project. Second thank you. On a motion than to approve the project with conditions, hasz aye johnck aye johns via matsuda Janet Perlman aye hyland aye wolfram aye the motion passes unanimously 70. Commissioners that places us on the item number nine for 2015 5890 des. 546, 540, 554 fillmore st. And 735 dollars st. And six its the oaks to get this is to initiate landmark designation. Good afternoon. Staff Planning Department staff. Im here today present the Department Recognition regarding Lambert Administration of the former Sacred Heart Parish pump lets located on oak street. In the Western Addition neighborhood. The landmark designation report was funded by the stork Reservation Commission and [inaudible] elayne bounced out. The parish complex consists of the Church Directory school and convent. The Sacred Heart Parish complexes significant first associated with the Western Addition. In catholic religious institutions in San Francisco in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Its also significant for its association with father eugene boyle seen in the lower left photo. He was a prominent and influential civil rights activist in the 1960s and 1970s and he was pastor of the church from 1968 until 1972. Was involved in the black Civil Rights Movement vietnam war urban renewal fair housing and the farm labor Worker Movement in San Francisco. Finally Sacred Heart Parish complex embodies the distinctive characteristics of the romanesque revival style. The church and rectory are also significant personalization with master architect Thomas J Welch 10 in Northern California architect. Staff recommends to periods of significant 18911936 and 19681972. The first period encompasses the full development of the component buildings in the parish complex and the second project encompasses the tenure of father but get this resignation differs from the designation report. Sapa leaves the time period in the designation report is overly long. Its 18 [inaudible] and the two recommended. Of significance better income is the parish complex association with event persons and architecture. Also in an effort to provide clarity that has refine the character defining features. Staff is also removed two items from the characters list of character defining feature to the first item is the wood connector between the choir loft and rectory. You can see it in the top right photo. The connector was constructed during the period of significance is not taken on significance overtime. The second item is the interior volume journals and finishes of the not fax at the site. These buses been altered. Theres no known public or neighborhood opposition to designation of the Sacred Heart Parish complex. As an article 10 when i got the department leads several letters of support for the designation and we will provide any course funds received after the submittal. The Property Owner support with staff to refine and finalize the character defining features and are both present today to answer any question. The department believes the building needs the stylish eligibility records and landmark status is one. The Department Reference the hp with the changes recommended site that it initiated today department will turn at a Subsequent Commission hearing with the resolution recommended article 10. This concludes my presentations and am happy to answer questions. I believe mark riser from the sponsor is here as well . 212, had before the p public commen thank you for excellent work on this good thank you for [inaudible] could not be heard today. I was going to interest myself but i guess i dont totally need to do that logistics bankrupts the benefit of the public if not for the commission. The story preservation funded this nomination we selected the consultant and prepare the case report and we manage the project. At the request of the department we spent at the original scope the project to include the entire site. That is a total for buildings. Its a little hard to hear you im sorry. Is this an improvement . Yes. For some reason its not louder as you know, he eats bse is advisory to the Mayors Office of economic and workforce about and rise to seven independent public members so selected by the appointing organization should be made grants using the proceeds of a legal settlement that resulted from the citizen of lawsuit some years ago over the violation of conditions of approval at the Westfield Shopping Center site involving [inaudible] Emporium Department store building. We make grants[inaudible] for the stork reservation purpose. Normally i grants are made to nonprofit organizations and city agencies. In this case the committee initiated this project themselves. Im really very pleased to be here and im gladvery pleased this nomination has reached you. We value our working relationship with the project sponsor and with the department can however, we do have two categories of concern that made to bring to your attention and i have to say that i only saw the staff report and the proposed ordinance at the same time you did. So i would have welcome props and earlier opportunity to bring this to staffs attention. Ive not been able to do that. Arkansas assaulted two categories. The first is the exclusion of certain character defining feature. Without really with all due respect to that apartment, sufficient rationale. Second, a certain ambiguity in the staff report in some cases what could be construed i believe as a contradiction between the language in the staff report and the language in the proposed ordinance. I dont think my time or perhaps your patience probably lets me get into the latter to too great a degree but if theres time for staff to perhaps refine or clarify some of these points between this hearing and the second one ill be happy to meet with them or in whatever way he provide Additional Details to your attention. We give take issue with the exclusion of the socalled, connector. Were bridge between the rectory and the sanctuary building, which the staff for reasons we are not able to understand your really have been offered, why thats been excluded. This connecting structure was built between 1913 and 1920 based upon documents in evidence. It joins the two oldest and most architecturally significant buildings on the site. It represents an early evolution of the use of those buildings and how their architecture reflected that use. Its a very unusual architecture feature and it adds complexity and authenticity to the principal structure. Are you all clear of what the component is . Is that little element of fear at the third story. When you read the context statement and the basis for the designation, it is clear this component is fundamentally closely linked with the history and function of the complex and the reasons why the context statement finds the complex to be significant. It is certainly significant or appears to be a significant to us as other features which the department has supported being included. It existed for three quarters of the time that the main sanctuary building on the rectory had existed on that site. I have sought to engage that apartment in the past and in a more detailed conversation about why they made this decision and a fortune m, wait no clearer now than i was at the beginning. Second issue is the narthex. The socalled narthex, which in laymans terms i mightve called a vestibule before i had to learn some of these very specific terms that refer to portions of a religious building. If you have a case report in front of you, if you look at page 11, figure 15, it will give you some sense of the woodwork in that narthex or vestibule area. The department has deemed that the narthex should be completely excluded. Everything from its volume to its finishes from the list of character defining features. On the other hand, if you look at page 14, figure 22, you will see a corner of the choir loft where the much simpler wainscoting was badly damaged by a prior owner removing fragments left as i understand the staff report. The staff is calling out those aspects, those damaged fragments remaining fragments, as historic features and asking the project sponsor to protect them, in effect. I dont understand why you discard the one retained the other. The contrast, although not perfectly oh stated in those photographs, did you some idea what im talking about good again, page 11 figure 15 versus 14, figure 22. By committee is unanimous in continuing to feel that the exclusion of the connector is a mistake. That the rationale has not been offered for its good i have to say with respect to the narthex, this is somewhat new information to us and frankly weve not had a Committee Discussion on that question but simply offer the information i have for your consideration. In general, i believe i understand the staff report that it is the intention to exclude the narthex. Which is explicitly stated on page 6 of the staff report. If you turn to page 7, where the list of interior features which are to be included as character defining features is enumerated, the wording is such that one might wonder whether the narthex is in fact to be excluded or whether the woodwork in the narthex is to be included with along with the rest of the world work called out generally in that section. There are small places where the staff report intends to address individual buildings. They dont always make clear which buildings though they are. Finally, i would point out on the same point, if you go to the proposed ordinance and you look at the language relative to character defining features in public spaces, if you dont have the staff report right here beside it is not clear that the departments intention to exclude the narthex. So leaving aside whatever the Fund Committees personal opinions baby in that regard them as think everyone would be helped by greater clarity because certificates of appropriateness applications, long five years from now with some of the staff have change a thing to be an unnecessary struggle to clarify what the department intended to do and what the official action was of the Preservation Commission and thanks for your patience with that rather longwinded and each of the clinician thank you very much. One other thing theres a number of Committee Members here in support of the tomato think they all intend to test lab wouldve asked him momentarily to stand the way of letting you know they are here in support of the nomination. Thank you. Very impressive. Thank you. Do we have before we take Public Comment with questions from the commission for either staff or four mr. . Commissioner hyland i like staff to maybe respond to the narthex. I think i understand the bridgeish. I dont need further to hear about that. So the wall between theand the narthex have been moved and some of the faster as well as the i believe the wood detailing has been removed from those two spaces. So that is why we excluded it from the character defining features because that has been altered. As for the connector piece, no Building Permits were found to actually date when it was constructed and we dont really know exactly why were why what was used for. I think the speculation. Theres no documentation that we could doubtless found as to why it was constructed. We dont believe its taken on sig significance overtime. The narthex, does it still have a feeling[inaudible] on page 11 we believe it does have a feeling in the woodwork is that not there anymore . I believe the tapestries most compromised but because the wall between those two has been removed, the volume of the space has changed the was tenuous language wall. Im not following. Is the wall thats transversal wall or the wall between the narthex and the century . As you enter the church, the back tapestry if youre standing in the narthex, cure rights within the tapestry. The was is the wall between the narthex and the [inaudible] thats missing the thats correct but the volume between the front doors and the sanctuary, that space is still there with the ceiling in the woodwork . Yes. So i think i dont recall there was a plan in this case in the report. Was there a building plan . A four floor plan yes no. So would be helpful to include or exclude features and there are walls remove or not it would helpful to include a parent because its hard for us to understand that commissioner johnck mr. Reiser, is this the result of recommendations you have on the character defining features, what you just spoke about. Is that the extent of it or do you have more ive one other one but im trying to limit the issues here. We need to focus on what you just a doable one other question if youd like me to articulate it relatively to defining peachpit i can do it very quickly. Again discussed to this terminology. I learned that the main spacing the pews were located referred to as the native. That the term sanctuary that i formally wouldve referred to the worship area really refers to the area of the altar or behind the altar. At the front of the nave are three huge arches that are i guess, the access to the [inaudible] and the sanctuary. It is not clear to me from the case report whether the staff intends that the plaster decoration around those arches in the plaster decoration which are illustrated in another figure here, if i can find it quickly enough. Page 19, figure 32. You can see those partially illustrated. Its not clear to me from the staff report whether the staff intends those to be included as character defining features were excluded. Thank you. Thank you. Any other questions for staff at this time . I believe theres a more speaker cards at the front there certainly are. The was we will take Public Comment and i am going to limit it to 2 min. Since we have so many cards. Of the members of the public will be able to accomplish their comments within 2 min. Each. Therell be a warning bell at 30 seconds before your time is up and the first person is [calling Public Comment cards] hi. My name is rich tapani. Im a residence at 660 oh treat the convent and im speaking on behalf of the comment Arts Collective. The community of multidisciplinary artist including musicians and painters , writers and dancers and myself i have a practice in doing Interactive Digital art, which is currently featured right in front of this building in front of city hall we are redesigning the playground and adding some amazing new hightech interactive art pieces the be available for people to play with my children of all ages permanently. We are very happy with our home at the contraband could theres two dozen of us as tenants living in this amazing beautiful multiunit building and we have a strong passion for preserving our home were very in favor of the designation and its really interesting time in San Francisco because as a changing wave this gentrification. Theres a lot of artists than leaving the city and we are very much happy that the space has enabled us to make art here. We want to do Everything Possible to continue our ability to stay and make art as professional artist. Her home and really leave the Program Marking the building protects the art of the building and the facade, and allows us to help create art and continue the tradition of San Francisco culture as representing art and even those formerly of conduct we have a wonderful new mission to share with all San Francisco revitalize the art scene in a vanishing San Francisco art scene. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] hello. Good afternoon. Im gabriel goldberg. What a phony numbers of the comment Arts Collective. Im an artist and composer currently as an artist in residence at grace cathedral. I would just like to share about how the space is been very beneficial to us as a community of ours the last six years. How we are looking forward to integration with it becoming a landmark in space. How that can continue to support the Art Community within San Francisco. And help to support the continuation of art space in order to support the Arts Community of San Francisco. So i just like to thank you for your time and, yes. Wish you a good afternoon. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] first of all i appreciate you pronouncing my name last name correct. Very impressive. My name is john wins im also one of the residence at the comment Arts Collective so we are multitenant space get on a dancer, performance artist, and artist educator. I would like to again seconds what, and third, with richard and gabriel have said and for myself as a dance artist, it is very difficult to find space. Thats the biggest thing and just to be able to have a place where there is actually space to practice my art, that does not cost me Additional Resources and also live in support with other artists that are working in the community and in inspiration. Were also looking to get more involved with the community as well gone over doing already with art shows. We are in discussion with john deere Elementary Schoolnot Elementary School John Muir High School now to start arts programming there and makes it a lot easier to be able to live in the same space as our my collaborators and to discuss informal means of always meeting to external spaces. Thank you. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] greetings, commissioners. My name is Robert Prichard is present of the sacred heart gospel choir and board member of save our sacred hundred also representing the still existing sacred heArt Community in refuge at st. Boniface. We hereby strongly support the article 10 city landmark designation for the sacred heart complex structures. Sacred heart church remains a highly visible breath of fresh air architecturally across the city for many vantage points. The state office of Historic Preservation, Sacred Heart Church unanimously eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places in 2010. We urge the hpc to recommend city landmark designation to the board of supervisors. We implore you to allow our beloved architectural masterpiece Sacred Heart Church tremaine standing sentinel and a testament to our history as well as for the family of architect Thomas J Welch. His last San Francisco ecclesiastical structure still inexistent please, note, we do not willing to leave our beloved xray and paris. Like our family of st. Bridget, we were not allowed to retrofit our sanctuaries. Concluding statement. Sacred heart church is the most imposing landmark on the skyline of the Western Addition neighborhood. Its lender [inaudible] can be seen for many blocks away. The church possesses the careful detailing and beautiful finish were expected in all important buildings of the period. Which are so rare today as we are seeing. Its interior embellishments alters paintings and staying glass windows did qualify his major works of art in their own right. Sacred heart is in fact comparable in quality to the european charges of that size. In europe, such churches are revered in their preservation is assumed as a matter of course. Sacred heart church is not as old as most european charges are as fully as important to San Franciscos as european charges are to europeans. Sacred heart parishioners expenditure tremendous sums of money to donate thank you very much. [calling Public Comment cards] thank you for saying my name right malls. My name is Sandra Finnigan my native daughter of San Francisco and i represent both the irish and family legacy of Sacred Heart Church. My great aunts rose and della mcnally were parishioners of sacred heart as well as their own goal before them. The irish Sacred Heart Church and parish was the largest irish parish west of the mississippi in its heyday. So to speak. I think they have a lot of [inaudible] i wont go there. I personally support the landmark visit nation in one of the founding members of the save our sacred Heart Organization could ive been asked today to speak to read a letter from the tricia and welsh whose family built the church. She apologizes for not being here but her health does not allow. Her name is Patricia Welsh and shes the greatgranddaughter of thomas welch the pioneer San Francisco architect. It is her wish and those of her family that the Sacred Heart Parish complex the given landmark designation be protected and preserved for future generations. After reading through documents i realized some information was missing. Sacred heart church was designed by my great grandfather the romanesque revival style. You might not be aware of this there are only two churches of this style west of the mississippi. The other is in Southern California judge is certainly one of San Franciscos treasure. Thomas was oneofakind. During his lifetime he was known as the peoples architect. He didnt grow houses for the people that did not have stable in weight 18 early 1900s thomas did over 700 buildings in california the majority in San Francisco. After 1906 earthquake the Supreme Court buildings [inaudible] homes and other buildings were destroyed. There are very few of his magnificent buildings left could sacred heart being one of them. Thank you very much. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] hello commissioners. President wolfram. Thank you so much for your work on behalf of our beautiful suited my name is merle eastern. I personally support the article 10 nomination for sacred heart complex to be a city landmark. I also speak for the Victorian Alliance in organization of aboutim sorry250 people. The alliance voted to send a letter of support to the stork preservation. Its a General Number ship meeting in may 2015. That letter is included in your executive summary. The Victorian Alliance was formed in 1973 out of concern that the Redevelopment Authority would continue demolition of buildings and choose methroughout the city. Our mission to educate and preserved San Francisco architectural heritage. I became familiar with Sacred Heart Church that alliance meeting. We were given a tour i believe by Robert Prichard whos already spoken here included the basement and the investment rooms. We learned about the black panthers Practice Program and i wanted to help the dedicated parishioners were worried about the future of their church. This was around 2000. In the first period of significance between 1891 and 36, the architecture is already been covered here so im just going to ask that you do consider the continuance of this item to the board of supervisors or wherever the next step is. He thinks thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] hello. The Sacred Heart Parish complex is actually named aptly named. Served at the very heart of our community from us 130 years. Through the many social and demographic changes swept through the Western Addition neighborhood which is been called the most diverse in the west, it has served the needs of every Community Versus a Church School and convent and then as a center for social activism to my school for singleparent families and even as a polling place and arts complex and movie location and rollerskating rink. Generation after generation san franciscans up all origins and beliefs have gathered here to worship, work and play together. Tourists come from all the world over the world to walk through the neighborhood and take your full pictures of the Thomas J Walsh designed church group the beautiful tall camp and ill can be seen from many places in the city. No matter where i am in San Francisco, i see that tower i know how to find my way home. Thank you thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon commissioners did my name is jan robinson and a longtime resident of the city since 1983. Im also member of the committee to save st. Bridget church. I wish to voice my support for the city landmark and of Sacred Heart Church. This magnificent building has been such a highly important part of the skyline since 1896. The state office of Historic Preservation found Sacred Heart Church eligible for listing on the National Register of Historical Places in 2010. In addition to sacred hearts own import history, which includes providing shelter to those who are lost homes after the 1906 earthquake, and also providing a base for the venerable Sacred Heart Hospital choir for many years, was to have the following personal note. Recently attended an event at gough street. It was in the late afternoon. What caught my eye above all else was the gleaming golden form of Sacred Heart Church. In the rays of the setting sun. It was a stunning and spectacular site that perched high on the hill overlooking the hayes valley the building seemed to always been part of the land. Its very outlined proclaims permanence. The city of San Francisco has lost far too many of its Historic Buildings excuse mesuch as the fox theater in city parroted tragically future generations will never experience such place. Derek europe facebook. Please protect were means of San Francisco history by this unique masterpiece by architect thomas was. By doing so youll honor those who fought hard to sparrow i urge the commission to mark this as city landmark into the board of supervisors. He was thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] hi. My name isrepresenting myself. Im also a member of the San Francisco Victorian Alliance. Probably been a member for about 15 years. I want to urge the commission to definitely approve the landmark status but also take into consideration the very serious questions that mr. Brought up. Then, moving it forward to the next hearing and then eventually to the board of supervisor did thank you so much. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon. I will be very short explanation of why i think it should be landmarked. Im a fourthgeneration san franciscans. Ive been here forever. The part of the history of San Francisco is important for the young people to learn as much as for the old people to respect. So be pleased to landmark this very important church. Its part of San Francisco history. Thank you. Thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] youve done well with the other names. Im a 40 year resident of my home at 584 page raven easy view out the back. Whenever im far from home about wonderful tower and many people of emphasized how special it is good to hear at the symphony and you see the towers. Its really the mark of our neighborhood both the lower haight and the Western Addition. It deserves to be preserved. As part of such a fine building others have emphasized the historical number of communities have lived there. I talked to somebody once in macys about his fathers generation when they had 11 priests in the rectory because so many irish americans wanted to go to mass. So it was a thriving in its earliest days a thriving Irish Community and now in my era, more the Africanamerican Community and the gospel choir in the social action and of the church of eight wheels with lots of families enjoying it and even some exotic dancing on sundays i think. But its a Community Space thats been used in many ways defined architectural space that deserve to be preserved. I mean i read about both new york and london are you can navigate by the Church Towers and right now i navigate on by sacred heart and i never want to lose that. I hope others do as well. I think parity spoke to that point and i think the application speaks to the architectural importance in specialness of the building and it certainly deserves to be preserved in our community will find creative uses like the arts and the italian school, i guess. Part of the sitebut was originally part of its. The two are communities of the convent and the rack three. I strongly support [inaudible] thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] thank you for having this hearing good i apologize appearing before you that she should get it was john stay at my high school. Im a member of the Victorian Alliance. [inaudible] i did on this issue for about 13 years and its a wonderful bill and you can see from all over the city as everybody has been saying thats why its important. I think the beautiful beautiful landmark and i urge you to support the limo king of it. Thank you very much thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon commissioners. Joeformer parishioner of sacred harp you just lived three blocks away. I will give some of my time to somebody else. In 21 profile the history of sacred heart. Storehouses of almost where which im donating it to you and i hope you have time to read the lowest rated version of its history. Thank you thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon commissioners. Jerry agosto from [inaudible] owners of the 735 cell. The school 546 fillmore and 660 oak. Question as [inaudible] connive more than 2 min. Yes thank you. In general we worked with planning to promote the land marking of the buildings and we are in support of its good we have spent quite a bit of money on those three structures to bring them up to current standards,. The school is now full ada adaptable. Excuse me, accessible. Its now occupied by the italian school, school international. A middle school Elementary School soon to become a middle school in growing rapidly. The directory iswas fully brought up to current structural standards. The convent, the former comment had a deferred maintenance and plumbing and electrical, that had not been completed over this. We offer preservation get we offer creative reuse. One thing i want to doa couple things one i want to set the record straight on the character defining features. There is one of the character finding the features of the convent is the extentits quoted as the extent stainedglass in the former sanctuary. I disagree those are defining features because they are no longer present. There no longer present as part of the structure. When i got into contracting that building there was a long escrow and at the end of escrow we went and did a preclose inspection and found out the previous seller the seller had taken the stainedglass out of the sanctuary and when i asked where they were they said they sold them. We tracked him to wisconsin at which point we told him we were not close escrow until the stainedglass was returned. They packaged it back up when they shipped it to us and we received it in a box and we closed escrow. Since that time we took the stainedglass annuls that are fragile and brittle and [inaudible] broken but we have frames put the item on the overhead it willthere you got it so we have frames made. Local still drive made frames. Inserted the grass in the frames. This is in one of the courtyards. What they left after they had taken them out, they replaced with plexiglass and this is a condition of all the windows at the convent in the center. With the current leasee has this place in front of the window. Some of them are not. This picture was taken yesterday it allows more light. So my position is that these no longer part of the building. There no longer character defining features. We went out of her way to track them down and bring them back. We think they are important but it creates in my mind a sparrow private party to call them character defining features i think will cause problems in the long run. What happens if there damaged, destroyed or itis and putting the question out. Is it appropriate for this to be a character defining feature . That is number one. The other item want to bring up has to do with again, the school is grown. There you are talking toabout maybe expanding in the backyard. There, possibly a roof deck for playground on the school. The talk about meeting a need for parking underneath the structure, which will require a garage door [inaudible] and i spoke to planning about where we talked go and i dont know what the process is, but i want to just maybe have it on record, these expansions, these changes, are important part of maintaining Historic Buildings and that there will not be awe will be able to do these and responsible way. There is also the ada issues with existing directory in studying the buildings, it seems like possibly the best place to put it on the side of maybe my definitely not on the front facade around the corner tucked away exterior elevators. Things of that nature. I just want to put on record that those are changes that are being contemplated and i would absolutely hope that when the time comes to do those changes, that this when market would not preclude making those changes. Other than that, i think that were to give i think john pollard, who owns the cathedral or his group, should be applauded for taking on that charge but it was too much for me. I walked away from even think about doing that. Its amount of money need to stabilize the beautiful camp any old the beautiful tower is can be significant anything we can do to help him maintain and achieve that is goes forward with its development should be done. So, thanks thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon commissioners. Francine sosa lewis. I am a former parishioner of Sacred Heart Church. I grew up across the street from the church. It has been a winner and a beacon to San Francisco all these many hundredsover 100 years and ive beseech you to move forward with hope this and all the people that come in support of landmark and Sacred Heart Church. Again the native san franciscans my breath out this 527 fillmore st. I can imagine the building not being there. Thank you so much for hearing us thank you john, do you wish to speak . Good afternoon commissioners. Planning staff. And could i do ask for little more time than the 2 min. . Youre the owner of the church, yes yes, you can have more time. Thank you. First i like to think planning staff are working over the past its actually been 34 years we are working with shelley and with tim and multiple staff they been an incredible asset to us. Its been pleasurable. Id also like to thank mark riser for taking this on in his group, hp fc, its been working working relationship and going back and forth in finding details. I would like to say one thing before i read a letter. I believe commissioner johns said anything we submit we submit it to the secondary sophia letter we sent it to jonas. Okay, thank you. A little bit slow on that. We do have floor plans so will submit that to jonas as well so i can clear up any ambiguities in the plans. I think, before i read the letter one thing i would like to say i think you would be beneficial to everybody in the community has come out and supported this in the city of San Francisco as a whole, is that we try to slow this process down a tiny bit to clean up all the ambiguities could some of us were raised one religion. Some of us were raisedis that where the priest is that the [inaudible] and i think with the connector, dont think there is a wall there. I know the building pretty well. I think theres some doors missing but i think the plans will kind of bring verification. I also think that its important that we just get every detail lest out between staff, mr. Fry and shannon. And through reisners group because marks the one that put all the time into it. Hes the one thats written the report. Hes done Detailed Analysis on it. I think if it helps that its better to slow this down a little bit. It may not have a second hearing lightweight but we get all these details out of the way. I respectfully ask for that to get a complete package so theres no ambiguities we cement our final plans. But we want to do. I would read as fast as i can a brief letter that we wrote that i think otto finds everything. It starts oh, dear commissioner members. Byebye for fillmore street llc has been the owner of the former Sacred Heart Church at fillmore street since 2012. In 2015 we were approached by the Planning Department regarding the landmark designation of the property. Along with the other three buildings in the original campus. To that, we worked with planning and historical consultants tonever say this wordthe process and give us their input. We also reached out to the Historic Preservation Fund Committee and like to thank them for their time and guidance which continues to be very much appreciated. The property if ive had for fillmore present a unique opportunity to build a Community Connector between hayes valley, lower haight and visit errol corner. The development as outlined in the ppa the rough draft proposes the property developed into a mix of Residential Commercial space along with the Community Center to serve the surrounding neighbors. The development of the property is the delicate balance between preserving the historic fabric of the building allowing for change to ensure the economic feasibility. We in the process of refining the project based on the ppa letter issued by planning december 31 2015 and to have some concerns regarding the inclusion publicly accessible interior spaces of the church is character defining features. That goes back to flushing out the rest of the details. [inaudible] historically accessible to no longer and not likely to beginto be, again, under the proposed developments. In addition to the majority of the committees work focuses on the extra or visual character of the building the iconic bell tower which you can see literally from everywhere in the city. We would like to ask the property be treated consistently the other three properties in the campus in the sacred heart campus that the designation focus on the public visible exterior of the boat. The report list the insured of the nave as a character defining feature which could be strictly interpreted to allow no changes in this area. The majority of the property. Such an intervention would prevent an economic as opposed the inconsistent with the planning feedback we have received in the ppa as follows this is a quotation from planted preservation staff regiments retained some portion of the original interior volume to allow for better understanding the historic use of the building preserving the original choir loft above the main entrance by providing a substantial setback of all new interior construction on the front wall to maintain a sense of the volume light provided by the loft design. Thats from planning subject additionally designation report which revisions by planning staff outlines of three significant criteria the complex article 10 significance criteria. One, two, and three. A productive significance that extends from 1891 through 1996 and then again from 1968 through 1972. In order to more clearly identify the clear catcher defining features of the Church Property we would request the evaluation of the landmark designation report be further refined to provide separate permits of significance and character defining features under article 10 significance criteria for the church as an individual building within the larger Sacred Heart Parish complex. We also request the justification for the end of the period of significance, 1936. Be further clarified in the report to understand what physical fabric and alterations relate to this date. This clarification be essential in forming our project the evaluation of proposed design according to the secretary of interior standards for rehabilitation and certificate of appropriateness. The case report by planning staff number comments recommends [inaudible] finishes of the north baptistery and sanctuary. The north x [inaudible] it should be noted the extent stainedglass windows and then north x are character defining features. As currently proposed list of interior character defining features now includes only a few features made up of the interior space the building associated with this committee can use as a church. We would like to understand the reasoning of partial removal and would expect either all the interior character defining features be removed from the list or at some extent features associated with the church be include. Notification related to the integrity of features is been provided for the removal of just the north x in the baptistery. An century. At this juncture, we would respectfully ask for the consideration and clarification be made to the inclusion of the interior character defining features. We look forward to working with planning staff and Going Forward with this commission to come up with an adaptive use for this wonderful property. Thank you commissioners thank you it is any other member of the public was to speak on this item . If so, please come for. You will have 2 min. My name is sylvia johnson. This church that has already put a lot of [inaudible] knowing we can restore this [inaudible] put on the foundations to bring back a lot of our sparrows that we have in the history of our San Francisco set up for our own examples because we never regain we have the knowledge because of some landlord marking [inaudible] that did not even put marking the church of the history of San Francisco. I think this is where all of our misunderstandings and probably with our abilities [inaudible] have been disregarded in historical foundations which can be [inaudible]. Our church was one of the examples that was put a remarkable [inaudible] i dont think we should forget all of these historyhistorical elements boundaries thank you. Any other member of the public wishing comment on this item . Seeing none, and hearing none, we will close Public Comment and i think the members of the public pick him up to speed today. I know youre all very busy and we appreciate your time you put into come here to our hearing. As for a meaningful to us. Mr. Fry commissioners for the sake of the permits and for maybe the public, i want to remind us all of what character defining features are and why theyre listed in designating ordinances. Essentially the character defining features are a list of elements that help justify the significance of the property. They are not meant to be a list of things that can never be altered or touched as we all know. So the purpose for including a list and i would say sometimes the specific sense but more so in a general approach is because a general description gives us a little more flexibility and leeway in interpreting that character defining feature in the future when a project comes forward. It is hard to sort out presuppose what should bewhat are all of those details that should be protected and not touched without really looking at an overall project in on balance how the project affects the Historic Resource. So i know theres been some discussion about what features have been included versus what happens. We are happy to take any direction this Commission Finds is appropriate to a refund the document and the students want to comes back you but again just to remind us all the character defining features not things that should be preserved in their totality. There is some flexibility there. As we all know under the secretary of interior standards commissioner hyland ive quite a bit to say. Hope might fellow commissioners can indulge me good and cute all the Community Members they cannot to speak to this. Its really touching to see an adaptive reuse and continuing use of such an important structure could i know its been struggling other parishes have had not as much luck and its been challenging for them to find uses and its great to see the artists living in the buildings. This project could actually be a case study for character defining features and when marking. It touches on everything that is an issue and while mr. Fry, i understand what your point about listing the character defining features and that not an exhaustive or exclusive do not touch list, but these items to become heightened if theyre listed and thats why its important to identify those that are important and potentially not identify those that may not be. You almost lost your chair. Any and any alteration to this building with its landmarks or not have to comply with the secretary of interior banners that are viewed the guide the changes that need to occur. A couple thoughts on the items that have been brought up. One is the extent stainedglass windows and that if they were reinstalled in their original locations, since we do have them, quite often we only have photographs of these things we have to recreate them. I think then it would become a piece of the building again and maybe that is one option could i do know the condition of the market that could be one option. The north x and the baptistery, in my work when i identify character defining features i have our practices taking them a little bit further and identify the features in the spaces as well as identifying why the spaces are important. So i would ask or i would look for some language for the north x and the baptistery because those are spaces are certainly important for the building even though there may be some integrity issues with the current condition of them. But they could be recreated. So i would put that out there. I guess the last thing i want to point out was the connector. So actually there were two other things. The connector. I am not so sure. I guess im kind of torn. Diners and mr. Reisers concern for that but at this point in the land marking, do we want to identify that as something that significant enough to be put on the list so it doesnt get lost . I dont know. I dont have an answer for that. One would look at it from an Architectural Design perspective and wonder whether that was a mistake when it was first built. So did it impose what did it degrade its own integrity at that time . The flipside of that is has it earned itswhat do you call it significance in its own right because of its age could so i think that is a challenging conversation and i guess i would lean towards not including it on the list. However the future projects could evaluate it in their totality with the standards. Maybe thats one way it could be fleshed out. Then lastly, its interesting to separate the buildings. One of the speakers talked about separating the buildings and identifying the. Significance for the individual piece. I might be something we want to explore. This could be an hourlong presentation at a conference. So, but thank you to staff and to the Fund Committee for putting effort into this. Its a totally in support of making this a landmark. Thank you commissioner pearlman thank you. I also want to thank the community for coming forward. I know it takes a lot of your time so these are things that we love in our communities. They are our landmarks, personal and marks as well city landmarks. I want to thank you, all, and the staff everywhere dont get also want to thank the owners mr. Mr. Pollard these are very expensive and challenging projects and i know both of them and i know their work in the community and theyre the type of people who in my opinion, typically when i take on these kinds of projects because as developers the building housing in the city as developers to make money. So i think both of these guys have gone far beyond the typical role to take on these incredibly challenging projects. So i really want to thank them for that. I saw the question about the bridge. Thats definitely a challenging thing. I think just because we dont have a Building Permit to identify a date doesntisnt a measure of whether we should keep it or not. I am also torn as commissioner hyland said, because it is a very unique kind of thing. Im wonderingive been in the building but i dont remember if theres actually a hole in the side of the church in the side of the rectory building can i assume there is. Mr. Augusta, do you [inaudible] they are covered up. Okay. [inaudible] right. Thats another piece of the problem. The not owned by the same people so theres sort of an ownership issue of what happens down the center. Also what happens if you take it away and got up patch that up in a way that matches the material. So again, yes, i am not sure of the best solution that i agree with commissioner hyland that architecturally clearly that was not supposed to be there. There clearly two unique separate buildings. Thats kind of the disposition of the physical space, and that at some point im sure there was a priest who did not undergo up in the rain and want to sneak in the back to work and so Something Like that was built. I also want to talk about the north x also the same point about spaces. Working in his buildings particularly challenging. I think the narthex is particularly important part of the church sequence as is any significant space from the outside all the way into the nave and the altar and all that area. But what happens in modern times of course is out challenging it is to of the space that big, a threestory volume of space, and then saying, well this is whats required for us to understand what this building was used for. Well theres a hell of a lot of things that church like that tell us this was a church. I dont know if it isi mean there are many ways and of course we would not know until theres a project about building a building in it inside the space where there are balconies or glass, where you can look through it and see that, yes, this was clearly the space. Theyre beautiful. I think i seem to remember there some beautiful murals and i dont remember besides. I think as well and of course the stainedglass windows, or the windows that are there. So i think the issue of the character defining features is one that does create the heightened sense of the amount i cant touch that kind of a thing. While you may be here today, five years from now summons can come in and want to do this and say, well in there so therefore you cant touch that could its a way to interpret character defining features. So i think that between the staff and mr. Pollard in particular, i dont know thats an issue with the other building, but certainly mr. Pollards concerns to my dont think we should necessarily remove all the interior spaces. At the same time, there should be some way of coming up with a language that it doesnt hold this whole thing in its got to be this shape and the space or were not want to know what it is. Is that to me is the fallacy of course we will know what the space is. Then the question of the ppa that apba was submitted and staff actually recommended again ive no idea what was in the ppa but recommended things could be built in that room have to be reconciled with the issue of is the nave and the sanctuary and altar, are those character defining features that cant be transformed in a way that the ppa said it could be good so i think that has to be resolved before we finalize this. I think for mr. Augusta, think the question that mr. Fry talked about about landmark buildings are added to and modified and remodeled and i think it fair sensitively done a garage door on the lower part of the hill, there was handled sensitively and architecturally relates to the window pattern or some piece of the building, is definitely something that could actually be approved. Again it doesnt mean this is the beall and all new. Here. Nothing ever happens. So i just want to reassure you these are things that happen all the time. I think thats my list. Thank you commissioner johnck one of the speakers made a very poignant actually all of the speakers were very captivating and poignant about the proposal. What resonates for me is this site, is really more than just when marking these buildings. This is a cultural landscape. The way i look at these buildings and i think one of the speakers said, a building has have always been part of the lands. That is where i think about my studies and work, professional career and archaeology and cultural landscapes. The idea of this landscape and then we talked about character defining features, there is a reason for the connection of all these buildings on the site where it is, in the Western Addition in that particular geographical location. The community and the culture that has served over the years, differing communities, i am remembering my son one of my sons 43 years ago, 45 years ago been baptized there. What i would call the sanctuary. So i guess my whole thought about the where we had with this, the direction, is more as we think about the character defining features think about how they relate, the rationale in the land marking as a cultural landscape. I definitely think they should move forward to the board of supervisors in favor of initiating a landmark status but if theres any more work to be done to clarify the ambiguities on some of the discussion we had because ive been looking at the report on my computer in the context and rehashing in my mind. Its kind of hard being right on site but i think some of them are worthy of inclusion and maybe others may not be. So based on the testimony to date i think we get you anything to clarify some scrabble that would be helpful thank you. Commissioner pearlman is really question what happens from here. With all the indie duties and all the issues outstanding, do we continue this to initiate or can always be resolved and we can initiate then we can continue before it comes back for recommendation to the board spewing the purpose of this hearing is really for the commission to provide feedback on that ordinance and the report and in the meantime we will try to clarify these issues and bring it back to you at the second hearing if the required timeframe for the second hearing happens the was there is not. Id also like to mention is a Standard Practice the commission now is having at least two members of the commission go to this site prior to the second hearing so that will be an opportunity for the commission released a couple of you to see the site at the event hearing. Thank you. I would to make a few comments. One, i feel that connector i think when the members of the public spoke about the time that this parish sported 11 reasonable living in the rectory and they can imagine the hub of activity in the priest rushing to mass. To me the connector feels like an important part of that history. The fact that maybe it doesnt fit perfectly with the original architecture was a little quirky disaster positive thing. So i seeive heard no reason the connectors should not be included. At least nothing that says it doesnt have significant [inaudible] especially for saying that period of significance extends the time when it was built in the quirkiness the way, commissioner johns said all the buildings are connected. I find the connector to be an appealing part of it. So i would like to petition to have that be included. I do think we need to have more time to work out some of the questions that mr. Pollard had about the interior and i think obviously having four plants in marked up floor plans and more diagrams would really hope that discussion and probably interior elevations or sections through the spaces so we can understand them as little bit better. But im very excited about the potential they marking of this good im very supportive of the project and i would urge us to move to initiate. Commissioner pearlman other comments . No. Just one comment before we move i think theres a mistake in a draft motion. It refers to us having a hearing on june 15 26 and i think thats meant to be today. Jonas, when you i think the motion is incorrect. If we dont have any more comments is there a motion. Commissioner hasz he one last comment it just on the interior adjusted a little nervous on limited interiors of private buildings. The church is not around as a parish anymore. Its currently used for Something Different than the public is not can access it. So i just get a little leery of going into private property and then marking interiors. To me, less is more on the interiors. Thank you thank you. I moved to initiate limerick status based on including the commons that weve expressed. Second very generally be laughing a lot of comments that were made [laughing]. I guess so one question was about the connector. Is thereis there different opinions am supportive of the connector being included others of expressed other opinions. Is there consensus about the connector . Yes. I think mr. Reiser has done all that work and he seems very passionate about it and you make a good case. I mean isolate can support that as well. So could i so the connector is one question at the stainedglass windows were brought up by the owner that we should exclude them because theyre no longer installed. Commissioners if i may add something. The reason or the justification for staff including those stainedglass windows even though theyre not installed is because they were removed without benefit of a permit. They were part of the original structure and we are thankful that the current owner did secure them and bring them back to the property but as such, we believe that their rightful place is as part of the structure. Commissioner hasz he were you going to Say Something . This is very difficult. The stainedglass windows of a public facing . Where are they in position to the building . It changes the complete book of the building. I get very nervous about it. So do we know where they are . They are located on the interior to my knowledge. The department could issue enforcement and require them to be installed is the other approach here which is we would not want to do. We are just happy theyre part of the structure. Since there are other interior defining features to be considered, we werent necessarily going to be tough on their exact location but we did want him to remain with the building. This is in the convent building, correct. Yes. I imagine the problem is you have People Living and working in there. Now of course very different use than praying and they probably need the light that those windows went back in the would severely impact the current use of the building. I agree that they should remain on site and i think mr. Augustus is gone to quite an extent to stabilize them and have them somewhere in the building. Again, i dont know we can ashley do about that because if theyre not physically attached to the building of course that means they could leave the building as well. So i dont know because the other than to force an action but i imagine that is the reason why mr. Augustus does not want to have them reinstalled. We are happy to explore that with the City Attorneys Office and get back to you at the second hearing. Thank you than the other issues but the character defining features of the interior. I dont know whether we couldone idea is that we have sort of more information about it and maybe we have multiple options that are presented that range from great little of the interior being listed unto more to weaken selected based on the more detailed information maybe thats a different hearing from the final initiation hearing. So we have some time to go over that and weigh the pros and cons of different alternatives. If i might, continue on that, also hearing from ownership with a possibly want to do right on the interior and im sure they want to save a bunch of because theyre putting this great effort into this amazing building that is a good omen site in a classical sense. So they want to keep a bunch of it. So i like to open and work with them what are your possible uses here and remodel plans, and maybe kind of do it that way as well. Keep that in mind at least commissioners, if i may, i think you would be a big task for staff to put together a variety of options but we do see a benefits of creating some plans and sections that illustrate where these features are and how they relate to the structure. I think we would prefer to bring all that information to you and then have the commission decide what features on the interior i was thinking the option be discussed at the hearing because we need the information absolutely. Just as a point of heightened just to be clear, we have been having numerous meetings with the project sponsors to get a better sense of what they have in mind for the site and how that would affect features. So we will continue to have those meetings to narrow that down in time for the second hearing. San diego commissioner hyland title quest about interiors. Ive a question that the interiors. [inaudible] where does that fall policy wise for the designations the was the code and the board of supervisors may designate interior spaces that were currently publicly accessible or historically publicly accessible. [inaudible] correct if that was to become a singlefamily home for some reason, we would stillyou would still have the authority to designate interior of the church in response to commissioner hasz i think the character defining features of whats going to give guidance to what happens and so i think those features that have the interior features that have been identified that things are important and lacking those the potential designer that would take on this project at some point in the future may not have that guidance. So i would propose we keep them in there. Commissioner pearlman im wondering in constant commissioner wolframs comments to we want to bring this before the nrc before the second hearing. So we could work with the project sponsor what theyre proposing for those it seems to me its the church i dont think the many other spaces i think are already used and theres the artists space and the school. So i think would talk about the Church Building itself. Maybe that would be a worthwhile exercise prior to our second hearing on it that is a good idea. Commissioner johns several years ago we had another church before us. This one was not so far from don ramons restaurant. Right that sort of the comb at this point but as to that church, and there was a proposal to build structures as i recall within the main hallway and there may bei think lover suggested the erc really hit on something because as one of the owners who asked that this be slowed down a little bit i think was indicating that this needs more consideration and more details that need to be worked out. So i think it would be a wonderful opportunity to, now that certain things have become with it clarified, to now work on them further and parc seems to be a great place to do it. Great. I think we have a motion and a second. I just have one other comment in response to commissioner johns good i like to see this expedited at some point i mean yes, we need to do our Due Diligence but okay to all of the landmark designation at nausea yes, we want to get it done. Commissioner johnck on emotion than to initiate wimmer designation, on this property, as corrected for date and to include comments regarding the connector stainedglass windows in the interior character defining features, on emotion commissioner hasz aye johns aye johnck aye matsuda aye pearlman aye hyland aye samaha aye the motion passes unanimously 70. He was unable to go short break before the next item. Will be back in 2 25 pm according at in [gavel] good afternoon and welcome back to the San Francisco distort Preservation Commission regular hearing for october 5, 2016. I like for my members of the public to please sounds your mobile devices so they dont sound up during the proceedings measures we left off on your recordholder on items 10 a, b, and d good mls 2015006185 mls 201600618 mls in case number way 160629 and mls for 101 through 105 Cedar Steiner st. 361 oh st. 1036 vallejo st. 1338 filbert st. Respectively. These are millsap contacts. Good afternoon commissioners ferguson Planning Department staff. The arms before you today our four historical property contracts. The legislation authorizes local governments to enter into contracts with private Property Owners of qualified historic built properties. This agreement provides poverty taxes and reductions to owners of those Historic Properties can allocate the savings towards inappropriate maintenance and rebuild patient plan. The department currently holds 22 active millsap contacted the prominent receives six mills act applications by may 1 the filing date when application was incomplete. The remaining five applications were reviewed by staff for completeness. Comments were provided and the parents have provided preapproval inspection. When application was subsequently withdrawn by the Property Owner. The remaining four Property Owners want to welcome those that conduct with the city. The agreements are tenyear revolving contracts are renewed annually. Your Commission Packet contains draft evaluations for each property. Aligning the potential property tax savings. These figures were compiled by the assessor Recorders Office and be finalized prior to review by the board of supervisors. Each Property Owner has outlined with assistance from Department Staff revocation of Maintenance Plans that ensure work will be conducted in conformance with the secretary of meets your standards for rehabilitation. The first those that conduct is 101105 steiner st. Its a threestory over basement with frame multifamily dwelling designed edwardian stock it is constructed in 1903 that contributed to the stewart park historic day. The Rehabilitation Plan includes repair and incline replacement of windows will prepare replacement seismic upgrades repair incline replacement of siding and painting. The Maintenance Plan clues annual section of the roof and drainage system at it and added exterior wood siding windows, ports, Basement Foundation and inkind repair of any deteriorated features. Department staff recommends the hbc recommend approval to the board of supervisors is the properties historic under article 10 of the planning code and revocation Maintenance Plan sounds of the appropriate for the Historic Resource and all work meets the secretary of interior standards. The second millsap contract is 361 ocean its a twostory wood frame Single Family drawing design in the italianate style. Its the city in the california restaurant in the hayes valley ttest. [inaudible] seismic upgrade compatible with windows new roof and new painting the maintenance includes annual inspection inspection with inkind replacement and repair. Department staff recommends a store permission and recommend approval to the board of supervisors as the building is listening california register in the Maintenance Plan and Rehabilitation Plan was found to be appropriate. All work is intended to meet the secretary of interior standards. 1036 vallejo st. Is a 2. 5 street woodframe singlefamily line design in the builtin 90 security contributor to the russian hill vallejo street crest National Register it disappeared the revocation plan includes repair and in time the placement of multipane windows seismic of great if necessary income repair would trim and shingles within better repair and inkind replacement front stairs. The Maintenance Plan includes annual inspection of windows with siding shingles and gutters as well as inspection of the roof every five years. To permit staff recommends Historic Preservation commission recommend approval to the board of supervisors is the property is in jupiter to the National Register of Historic District in the rehabilitation of Maintenance Plan is appropriate for the Historic Resource. With the work intending to meet the secretary of interiors standards. The last mills act conduct is 1338 filbert st. It can system for twostory wood frame Single Family dwellings designed in a vernacular [inaudible] style with reference. They were built in item 7 in 1943 addition. The property is San Francisco denmark number 232. Substantial rehabilitation work is artie been completed including historic protection during construction seismic upgrades, inkind roof replacement and inkind better replacement can imposed revocation plan includes retention and inkind replacement siding structural reframing retention of doors and windows, and asked your painting and restoration of the gardens. The main planning goods cycle periodic inspections to the brick masonry and the gardens exterior walls and windows. Department staff recommends Historic Preservation recommend approval to the board of supervisors for is the property is a store resource under article 10 and revocation Maintenance Plan is appropriate for the Historic Resource and will meet the secretary of the interior standards. This concludes my presentation. Im happy to answer any questions and also the Property Owners are here as well i can answer any questions. Bay area aqmd. Commissioners, any questions . At this and will take Public Comment on this item on items 10 a, b, c, and d. If any member of the public wishing to comment on this item please comport seeing none, and he would Public Comment is closed. Get to i have a motion to recommend approval for these items . I move that we recommend approval thank you seconds b was motion and second. He was on emotion than to adopt a recommendation for approval for items 10 ad commissioner hasz aye johnck otto matsuda aye pearlman aye hyland aye samaha aye that motion passes unanimously 70. Battle places on items 11 or a, b, and secured c. [reading ordinance] for properties at 1737 haight st. 1457 powell st. And 275 cap street respectively. These are legacy business applications. Good afternoon commissioners. Stephanie cisneros Planning Department staff. The items before you today our 43 legacy Business Operations and application submitted to the Planning Department on september 3 and ready for your recommendation. The department received these three applications that were previously reviewed by the office of Small Businesses for completion prior to transmittal. Your Commission Packets contain a draft resolution for each business aligning physical features and traditions associated with the success of the business. The first application before you today is for escape from new york pizza pizza shop with original location at 7037 haight st. Is published in 1986. Escape from new york prices up and work style pizza its unique employee printed Business Model and dedication to giving to local charities. The second application is for gypsy rosalie waits and vintage a local lake and vintage coffee shop located at 1457 powell st. Gypsy rosalies was established in 1960 and best known for its arrivals week style and classes and vintage apparel has been maintained longstanding relationships with various event groups and communities. The last application is for oddball films the Stock Footage Licensing Committee located at 275 cap st. In the mission district. The business has provided access to rare film and footage of San Francisco to filmmakers and is become a wellknown film archive and film preservation institute. The business also works to teach its class to future generations of the lakers archivists and preservationist. After reviewing these applications staff finds the legacy businesses that met the criteria qualify for listing on the legacy business registry. This concludes my presentation and am happy to answer any questions you may have and we also have a few representatives from the businesses would like to speak. Thank you. When we do that as part of Public Comment. If you like to speak as a representative of your business open Public Comment now and please comport. All have 3 min. The be a warning bill of 30 seconds before your time is all. Im a little hard of hearing so if i cant hear or something im going to say it. Anyway first i want to thank the commissioners for even allowing me to be in this position. Ive been so blessed and so fortunate to be even standing in front of you people here. A little bit about myself. I came to San Francisco from stockton in 1957 and got a job immediately in north beach at union and powell for a beauty salon. The thing is that when i was leaving stockton my mom. My license for four months because she did not want me to leave stockton but i was 19 years old and i believe that i wanted to go where money was and i was fortunate enough to land in north beach at the right time. After a few years there i opened my first little store on broadway and powell, and was only paying 75 a month rent and the first three days i was able to earn on was 600 by myself in that store. But i had been building a clientele. One of the oldest group of client tells that i can remember is from the for i knew it all the girls from the girls were coming and people would see a busy little store on broadway and then on top of that, it was about the time when the topless movement came to San Francisco. So my customers would get arrested and come in and i was very fortunate because i wasnt too many salons in San Francisco. In north beach that were doing high styling kit i was buried last that was able to do high styling and so when the topless movement came to San Francisco before i knew it, all the girls were coming in and most of them, im not saying all them, but several of them and they tell me i got arrested last night and to meet their stories but it was helping their business. Then, i knew that i was getting such a clientele i saw the old dope shoe store at 1319 stockton st. And i decided to be gutsy enough and we had a got the whole building and i took it over and built it up to 13 hairdressers. I had editing with richard mary wilson, several of the entertainers from the neighborhood. So i was there 10 years and then i went down to columbus, 782 columbus. I had we will give you another few minutes but you wrap it and appeared again you another few minutes to speak. Thank you to make a long story short i was eight years in the pulpit area and now im back in north beach where i feel its my home because i was there 51 years and so when i offer the neighborhood is im also a license cosmetologist and instructor. So i started giving classes to cocos, which was an agency that did [inaudible] and before i knew it they asked me to give classes to some of their people because they wanted to incorporate a hairdresser with a makeup artist. So out of 16 presented about 30 classes. Then i got a reputation doing classes. So what i do is at dance styling classes ive had several top salons. I cant go into all of them right now but ill set union square, patricks of sacramento and i could go on and on. But what i want to do mostly is i got very strong in the wicked business so most of my customers were the drag queens that performs. I just did a show forcanyway city of angels they hard need to do their show. So i have Something Different to offer to the community because there are no weak stores in north beach. Theres nobody that has my experience of 59 years at it and so im able to help a lot of hairdressers because when youre in this business in any kind of business, the more you know about your business the more youre going to advance yourself. So now eight to meet i should retire but i told mr. Tony [inaudible] from the magazine he did a story on me a few years ago. He said when are you can attire, rosalie. Excuse me i been playing for 57 years and getting paid to play and i dont feel like stopping playing yet. As long as the good lord gives me my health and my drive i come from a family of achievers and i want to still be able to get the legacy or whatever they want to give me but im here for the long run. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any other member of the public was to speak at this time . If so, please come forward. Good afternoon is the members of this story Preservation Commission did i miss enter notedirector of the Cinema Foundation established in 1967 in the bay area nonprofit dedicated to distribute them and providing access to artist [inaudible] i am happy to be here today to support oddball films application for the San Francisco legacy business registry. I met the director oddball films stephen part of the association of movie image archivists conference in 2007. Is a highly respected member of the community and renowned for providing the students with a prayer handson Training Opportunity to oddball films robust Internship Program at this unique program among Stock Footage companies in that it offers training in the care reservation projection and overall use of film. It is one of only two of its kind in the us to do so. Many of the interns will attended this program is gone on to become leaders in our field and hold positions at the library of congress, Bay Area Video Coalition lucas films, berkeley art devil this is only naming a few. What i find remarkable dog legacy is not only that the internship provides handson training that mr. Park also distills the importance of community as well skill and resource sharing in its participants. Mr. Parr give me my first job after moving to San Francisco in 2010 could ive mastered degree from the school of film preservation work as a manager with a worldfamous collection at the George Eastman using at rochester you are. My spirits working at oddball films is a film archivist was instrument further developing my skills connecting me to the bay area Film Community and ultimately played a significant role in putting me on a path to becoming the director of a communitybased film organization. As the director of one of the few remaining organizations working to provide access to film collections, kenyan cinemas in places they history of [inaudible] to the early century and as such im very know very well that the story goal legacy imports of what oddball films old. And provides. Oddball films has been supporting the film and Arts Community continent since 1994 having hosted hundreds of well attended Film Screenings for the public and benefits are not only us the kenyan cinema but with the San Francisco cinematheque San Francisco International Film festival and only naming a few. In addition, the unique historical film footage they store preserve and ultimately license to film actors here and worldwide provides a vital and unique resource for moviemaking. Oddball films is your placeable is a Community Resource for film makers dont students the community at large and all those who love and study film. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi good money ms. Paul gunter and i dont escape from new york pizza. You have our application in front of you. I started escape from your pizza 30 years ago. Though im very proud that we have five stores in all them fit into the community architecturally, with the haight street store reflects the Music History of the haight. A downtown store at wpa style bureau that integrates San Francisco and new york. Our south of market store celebrates the new york giants since they escape from new york the way we did also. [laughing] more importantly, what i would like to say is just the same we dont judge a book by its cover, or judge people by appearance, the reality is that we should judge a business by its sole. What makes escape from new york pizza special is that we are just the same way we may not be able to affect the larger country as a whole but we can affect what i call our personal nation. We can affect the community we live and we can affect the employees the immaculate. We can affect the customers escape from new york has from the very beginning and based on my philosophy that we have a benign attitude to all those elements. We incorporate all employees in profitsharing. We feed charities in each of the neighborhoods we serve from hospices to afterschool programs can we have the testimony of all these people i think before you including commendations from state sen. Mark leno from david campos. So when i think about whats important in San Francisco i think whats again, most important thing is we are not what we are. I hope you will judge us by that concept and see how important we been to the communities that we serve. Thank you thank you. Greetings to all of you. Probably very tired people. I am dr. Karen jacobs and fight them here as a film person i have a phd from berkeley and i talked screen writing at San Francisco State University and then i talked courses in films at cal berkeley for world cinema about movies of Africa Asia Latin america and also courses in minority in american films. Lately ive been teaching in other countries. That three fulbright scholarships to teach film making in india and in pakistan in a be going back there in february. In fact early this morning was on the phone with fulbright in dc talk about this. The reason i am here to just get into it, the way i got into it, i love animation even though its been many years since i was a child. But i did go to cartoons i still go to cartoons and i go to lots of animated movies and sometimes there i see them at oddball. Because im so interested in animation become part of the Information Society of San Francisco which meets every month and sometimes its at oddball and that is how i met the place and that stephen part when i walked in it was like the space is so big it is places just filled with the reels of film. Over 50,000 meals are film. This is an immense collection. The largest one here in Northern California and it is used by many people here and used by mainstream hollywood as well. Some of the footage appeared in films such as milk about harvey milk and the films steve jobs and also being currently used in the Television Series great Popular Series called, transparency. Transparency. Which is about people with other approaches to gender, transgender people, which we are somewhat used to in San Francisco by too much of the nation its really new and stephen through his collection here is a lot of footage for people who have that life. So the real reason im here is to advocate for oddball films and to highly recommend that you consider it a legacy business for the city of San Francisco. Because we need to maintain this remarkable cultural treasure. It so valuable for us and for the history of this place. So lastly, i just brought this in case anybody needs any more information you this is a program of the mill valley Film Festival and on either sunday or monday you can go over to see a film about this in the film is titled, oddball. So thank you for hearing me and best wishes thank you. Any other member of the public was to speak on this item . Seeing none, and he would will close Public Comments and bring back to the commissioners. Commissioners were many comments . Commissioner pearlman yes good i want to thank all these businesses. Im sorry rosalie stockstill here because i think we should make her a landmark. [laughing] i think shes been around long enough and certainly is part of our community. I said this at the other hearings weve had about the legacy business. You are the story of San Francisco and for those of us are never gotten awake but i certainly even this pizza from escape from new york that the story of our city and that big part of what we as a store commission have charged to help retain and promote so thank you very much for participating in the program and participating in the life of the San Francisco. So is there a motion to adopt a recommendation to movies forwards i so move second thank you commissioners on a motion to adopt the recommendation for approval for items 11 ac commissioner hasz aye johnck aye johns got matsuda aye pearlman aye hyland aye samaha aye that motion passes unanimously, 70 before i adjourn i like to reopen matters the question to make sure we have a quorum on the next hearing commissionermyself and commissioner matsuda will all be out so i will make sure ive heard confirm it from all for committing commissioners. No one has to recuse themselves from any items . We might want to check that before we have a there has to be a recusal. Very good otherwise the hearing is adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment]

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