Transcripts For SFGTV LAFCo 32217 Local Agency Formation Com

SFGTV LAFCo 32217 Local Agency Formation Commission April 6, 2017

To my left and fewer to my right. And i would like the thank the staff of sfgov tv for bringing us live, madam clerk do have you any announcements . Yes, be sure to silence devices, speakers to be included part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Madam clerk, could you call item number two. Item two, approval of the lafco minutes from the december 9, 2016, regular meeting. Do any of the commissioner vz any changes to the december 9, 2016, regular Meeting Minutes . E seeing no comments, i would like to call public speakers. Does any member of the public have any changes to the Meeting Minutes . No . Seeing no public speakers, Public Comment is closed. Can i have a motion to approve the minutes . So moved, by commissioner rohnen and a second . By commissioner fewer. And these minutes are approved. Madam clerk, could you please call item three. Election of the chair person and vice chair person for 2017. Great. Do any of the commissioners before taking nomination foz the chair and vice chair, lets open this up for public xhenlt, are there any members of the public that wish to comment o iment it em three. No. Seeing no public speakers, Public Comment is closed. Could i have a motion to elect could i have a motion to elect the chair and vice chair for 2017. Move. Oh, can i make a motion, may i . Sorry chair, this is my first meeting. May i make a nomination at this time . Yes. I nominate Hillary Ronen to be the chair person. Are there any other nominations . Wait, are we calling these together . You can call them separately or together. Would i like to call them together chair if that would be permissible. I would like to nominate Hillary Ronen for chair person and cynthia for the vice chair. Okay. Are there any other nominations or second foz that motion . Second. Seconded by commissioner ronen. And do we want to take this to i cant so moved. Yes. And nomination rz approved. The nominations are approved. Congratulations, chair, ronen and to myself to continue to serve this body. Could you call item four . Consideration and approval of the proposed lafco budget for fiscal year 17, 18. I believe executive officer jason frieed will be providing an overview and direction on this matter. Direct, executive officer for lafco. In your packet you have a proposed budget that goes over what the spending will look like over the course of the next fiscal year. As always we look to the state amount of 297,342. Because we have access to another fund of money outside of our general fund, we normally do not need to use that full amount in that he given year, at some point we will. What i would recommend is that we will continue to keep our rights to that money, but that to the degree possible that we return what we can as is the tradition of lafco and take what we need and give back the rest of it to the city and county so that they can ko do all of the functions that they need to do as well. On that note, we did since a couple of you are new, normally in december, the borz comes and say what do you need for the following year. This is much earlier than what the state requires to us do or responsible to do by the state law, we are covered by the state rules not by the city and county of San Francisco rules. Our budget process is by may 15th. We need to pass a proposed budget, by may first, we need to pass, and by june 15th, we need to pass a final budget. What we are doing today is that proposed budget not the final budget whashgs we do is we transmit whatever actions we take today will transmit to the city and county of San Francisco and here is what we are looking at and opens it up for any comments that they choose to make or anyone else choose to make and at our next meeting we will pass the final budget. One of the things to keep in mind since this is our first meeting of the year, and we have for the most part a brand new commission. We have, and thank you for returning to this body and being the one lone body that was returned from last year. We were not sure exactly what this body was going to be doing this year. Because last years body most of them were termed out and left. And so what we transmitted to the city and county, was what was the very basic status quo budget . If we did nothing different than what we are doing exactly today whashgs would that budget look like . And what that budget looked like at the time was we would need about 144,000. Since december, we have gotten new updates and that number seems to be consistent, the reality is that we are going to hold a discussion about the future agenda items, if we take on a new item, depending on what we take o there could be the potential of needing additional money, what i did do is i looked back for the discussions today, when have we used outside consultants outside of the cta, they are expensive whshgs we have done those project therz large and bigger than what we would need to do for the next calendar year, based on the sug matter discussion that we have it, i look to the report that we did on how the garage collection is done in the city, we spent did 50,000 without sult ant and i will put that report together. So i used that as if we did one of the reports oefr the course of the next year, we would need to add that amount to budget in order to make sure that we have the correct amount to do things. And that amount comes under the 297 number and so what i will be proposing today is at a mun mum that we approve a budget that we know where it is going to need the 144, based on fsh further discussions between today meeting and the next meeting we, may need an additional 50,000, we are retaining our rights to the 297 number, but that we are figuring out what that exact number is less than that, and i dont think that we are going to need that full amount and we are trying to full out the exact details given that it is the first meeting of the year and commission. And we need a little more time and i am hopeful that the city and county will be understanding of that and give them a range of here is what we think is going to be needed for the budget and on that i will if you have any questions on that part or process, i am happy to answer it, and miss miller is here to answer any legal questions of how the budget process itself works, if you need it. Great. And just to clarify for the new commissioners, is that the state regulation is that or the state legislation says that we must ask for the same amount that we asked for last year, which is the 297342. Could you, do you remember the amount that we paid for the report which would be a more robust report than the garage collection . The report was more than one fiscal year, the entire report itself ended up costing us, i want to say 200,000, but that is a much different type of thing that anything that we are looking at right now at doing, outside of the cca so i dont know if we will need to get that level for that report. And we might want to have that discussion and we to have a much different budget as that will eat up the entire budget just to have that one report done i want to keep that in mind if we talk about the future items Going Forward. Because there is a difference between 250, in the budget that is small, and if we were for do an indepth report based o you know, an item that this Commission Wants to we want to mindful of that if it is a prelim report this year and something larger that we would have to go to the board of supervisor foz funding. The thing to remember is that it is not it is a final product report, you are looking at something that is multi year, we may not issue an official like report t was a specialized report. Right. I would view what we are doing as something that is not, it is detailed but not in the same way and not with the same level of expertise, but i do agree with you, that they can range widely and what, i think that we more need would support for at least the next year would be more like outside the legal tech support of exactly how to do the stuff that we are looking at doing and maybe, an expert here or there might be needed as well. Okay, great. I have one question. Chair, thank you very much. Mr. Fried, just for clarification, so i pdz that the 297,000 that is in the lafco budget. Correct. If we dont, if we actually are looking at a Budget Proposal of like we might spent, 144,000, and retain another 50,000 in case we need to hire an consultant, but dwoe have the remapder of the funds that we can access if we should need to; is that correct . . No. We get one bite at the apple. Once we give it back that is it. Once we do the not todays budget, once we get to the budget we approve in may, we get one time to say yes or no to our money. That is it until the following fiscal year. Just as for those of you that may be familiar with the board of supervisor these like to put money on reserve. They cannot, we are separate agency, they cant say that we are going to take that 50,000 and put that on reserve, it is one time that we get to do it. There say provision for some reason we spent more money than we had, we couborrow money off the next year, there is language that allows for us not to be insolvent but to be able to pay the bills. Would i never want to get in that situation, i always have a little bit left over, a small amount, this year we will end up with 5 or 10,000 left in our account, little bit of wiggle room not too much. Then i would say, it would be my preference to be more cautious. If we decide that there is something that we would like to investigate and do a report o that could be more extensive. Than 50,000 is the minimum amount that we would put aside. Sorry. Thanks. Nancy Miller Council to lafco. I just wanted to say just a couple of things because this process of where we adopt the budget at 297 and we dont use the 297 is has a historical context. Which is we used to have a very large reserve, close to million and we would not have to take from the city general fund every year. Because we had our own reserve that was set up years and years ago. We have spent that down and we have also received funds from other sources such as the sfpuc account that was set up to help us monitor and work with the sfpuc. So what we are trying to do is say, well, the revenue will come from other sources. And then the city and county of San Francisco. So we have this accounting that we go through, which is we adopt the budget for 297 and we actually say that is our budget, but we are going to give back to you, a certain amount and only keep what we really need for that year. That is, the the one time that jason is talking about. We do have to figure out what that amount is. You are entitled to the same budget and so if the other sources of funds go away, our reserves are mlu, and you would still have funds to continue to do what you want to do with respect to the activities of the commission. So, we do have this one time, where we talk about it, but i want to be really clear that we talk about it in terms of we are starting with 297,000 and then we are deciding how much of that, where that is coming from, and only so much of that will come from the city and county each year. Correct. I hope that that is. Sure. So, what i think we should do now, since the final budget wont be decided until may, is if i could make a motion where we sort of estimate the range of what we will probably end up using and to p that we will return the rest to the city and county of San Francisco for other needs and then while we are figuring out sort of what the focus of lafco will be Going Forward and refining that and having a better estimation of the budget when we need it and if we are indeed going to have contribution from other source and then we can revisit this at our next meeting and perhaps give a more exact figure, does that make sense . And i can make a motion to that effect . Sure. Sure. I think, so let me just clarify. You are saying that you would ask for the 297, but not include a number that we would return and just leave that part open . So ask for the 297,342, and reserve our right to request that amount Going Forward. But it suggests that we are going to keep amount lesser than that. Within a range. And then when we further flush out the role and sort of the focus of this body and that at our next meeting or in the future meetings, certainly by may. We will settle on an exact figure. Okay. Sure. And i just also twoont say i think that is fine, i agree. Personally, i know that there is some maybe, some political things we should consider, but personally, i dont mind spending the 297,000, the full amount even though it has been practice to rush some of comblont to the city. And i know thatvy been in this position for two months,vy seen the city spend money. So i think that really if we should need it then we should use it. Because it is what allocated for. And it is not a huge amount of money. When i have seen what has come before the board and what we have approved, the million and hundreds of millions, of dollars. Actually this money, very little amount of money for the work that it does. Thanks. Thank you. So with that is it okay if i make a motion . I want to clarify one more thing and we should open it up for Public Comment before we entertain a motion. So just to clarify with miller, do we have to specify today the amount that we will return . Or can that be left open until may . We do not have to specify the amount that we will return, you can estimate it today and come back it may and finalize it or june whenever you choose. Okay, great. So like to open this up for Public Comment. Is there any member of the public that would like to speak on this item . Hello commissioners, eric brookz. I am representing San Francisco, the coalition for San Francisco Clean Energy Advocates. Which has been working on clean power sf and Community Choice. Also, california for Energy Choice which does that kind of work on the state level. I didnt speak to your previous item because you are all great and it didnt matter who was president and vice president. I just want to get that out there. And we are not dising you, and on this budget issue i kind of like would launch off of and amplify which is what commissioner fewer said. We now as Council Miller pointed out. We have burned through our reserve, and this lafco is going to have important things coming up like public broadband is something that we have talked about in the past year. And that is going to be on the horizon and it is going to be big this year, especially with the trump trying to privatize the internet. We need to get that on this year. That might require more studies if we find that the department of technology does not get off the dime and do what needs to be done to set up public broadband and then with the clean power sf, we are finding that, you know, sfpuc staff has done a great job of moving the ball forward when in far in the past that was not happening, but we are finding that because the sfpuc is an Enterprise Agency that is focused on the rate and pair and protecting the rate pairs and the things like getting a local build out plan, are dragging a little. And in the past things like that, that would be on the level of the expanse or maybe even the report were needed to get the vision of clean power sf moving for ward. We might need the lafco to create a build out of a local build out plan like sidny australia, for San Francisco. And in that case, not only do you need your whole 297 budget but you might need to do what was done before and which is request from the board and the mayors office, some added funds are there any other speakers . Public comment is closed. Can i have a motion to approve the proposed lafco budget for physical year, 17, 18 . Moved. Sure, i am going to make a motion to approve the proposed budget for fiscal year, 17, 18, at 297,342 dollars and reserving the right in future years to the full amount of 297,342 that is receives in the city and county of San Francisco to keep between, 144,000 and 200,000 for use in the next fiscal year and return the unneeded portion back to the city. And that staff should make needed adjustments to the final budget in may. Could i have a second for that motion. Second seconded by fewer. Seeing no objections, the motion is passed. Madam clerk, could you call item five . Community choice activities report, status up date on the clean power sf program, status up date on the proceedings of the California Public Utility Commission and up date on the state legislation. All right. I believe that we have presentations from general manager bar bra hail and executive officer, jason fried . Thank you. Good morning. Assistant general manager at the San Francisco puc. Welcome, i am pleased to be here to present the status of clean power sf. I will also address, if it aappropriate, chair, all of the items that the secretary read together before turning the microphone over to executive officer fried. Snaechlt is great. Thank you. And just to kick things off i wanted to introduce the support team at clean power sf at the puc. That you will be seeing over the course of the year. Making presentations responsive to your questions here at lafco. I introduce myself, im bar bra hail assistant general manager for power, with me is mike heinz, if you would stand. The director daytoday director of the clean power sf program and the clean power sf staff report to him at the puc. Charles, our acting Communications Director at the puc is here. And his staff person, pasaro and we are happy to welcome, this is what . Week two . And marina report to charles. She is the Communications Lead for power enterprise at puc and as i say she only just joined us. So you will be seeing us as a Team Responding to your inquiries. So i wanted to take our first meeting as an opportunity to introduce the team. So now move og this to where we are at with the program and if i may i would like to switch microphones. So by way of making sure we are all understanding the Meeting Minutes<\/a> . E seeing no comments, i would like to call public speakers. Does any member of the public have any changes to the Meeting Minutes<\/a> . No . Seeing no public speakers, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. Can i have a motion to approve the minutes . So moved, by commissioner rohnen and a second . By commissioner fewer. And these minutes are approved. Madam clerk, could you please call item three. Election of the chair person and vice chair person for 2017. Great. Do any of the commissioners before taking nomination foz the chair and vice chair, lets open this up for public xhenlt, are there any members of the public that wish to comment o iment it em three. No. Seeing no public speakers, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. Could i have a motion to elect could i have a motion to elect the chair and vice chair for 2017. Move. Oh, can i make a motion, may i . Sorry chair, this is my first meeting. May i make a nomination at this time . Yes. I nominate Hillary Ronen<\/a> to be the chair person. Are there any other nominations . Wait, are we calling these together . You can call them separately or together. Would i like to call them together chair if that would be permissible. I would like to nominate Hillary Ronen<\/a> for chair person and cynthia for the vice chair. Okay. Are there any other nominations or second foz that motion . Second. Seconded by commissioner ronen. And do we want to take this to i cant so moved. Yes. And nomination rz approved. The nominations are approved. Congratulations, chair, ronen and to myself to continue to serve this body. Could you call item four . Consideration and approval of the proposed lafco budget for fiscal year 17, 18. I believe executive officer jason frieed will be providing an overview and direction on this matter. Direct, executive officer for lafco. In your packet you have a proposed budget that goes over what the spending will look like over the course of the next fiscal year. As always we look to the state amount of 297,342. Because we have access to another fund of money outside of our general fund, we normally do not need to use that full amount in that he given year, at some point we will. What i would recommend is that we will continue to keep our rights to that money, but that to the degree possible that we return what we can as is the tradition of lafco and take what we need and give back the rest of it to the city and county so that they can ko do all of the functions that they need to do as well. On that note, we did since a couple of you are new, normally in december, the borz comes and say what do you need for the following year. This is much earlier than what the state requires to us do or responsible to do by the state law, we are covered by the state rules not by the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> rules. Our budget process is by may 15th. We need to pass a proposed budget, by may first, we need to pass, and by june 15th, we need to pass a final budget. What we are doing today is that proposed budget not the final budget whashgs we do is we transmit whatever actions we take today will transmit to the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> and here is what we are looking at and opens it up for any comments that they choose to make or anyone else choose to make and at our next meeting we will pass the final budget. One of the things to keep in mind since this is our first meeting of the year, and we have for the most part a brand new commission. We have, and thank you for returning to this body and being the one lone body that was returned from last year. We were not sure exactly what this body was going to be doing this year. Because last years body most of them were termed out and left. And so what we transmitted to the city and county, was what was the very basic status quo budget . If we did nothing different than what we are doing exactly today whashgs would that budget look like . And what that budget looked like at the time was we would need about 144,000. Since december, we have gotten new updates and that number seems to be consistent, the reality is that we are going to hold a discussion about the future agenda items, if we take on a new item, depending on what we take o there could be the potential of needing additional money, what i did do is i looked back for the discussions today, when have we used outside consultants outside of the cta, they are expensive whshgs we have done those project therz large and bigger than what we would need to do for the next calendar year, based on the sug matter discussion that we have it, i look to the report that we did on how the garage collection is done in the city, we spent did 50,000 without sult ant and i will put that report together. So i used that as if we did one of the reports oefr the course of the next year, we would need to add that amount to budget in order to make sure that we have the correct amount to do things. And that amount comes under the 297 number and so what i will be proposing today is at a mun mum that we approve a budget that we know where it is going to need the 144, based on fsh further discussions between today meeting and the next meeting we, may need an additional 50,000, we are retaining our rights to the 297 number, but that we are figuring out what that exact number is less than that, and i dont think that we are going to need that full amount and we are trying to full out the exact details given that it is the first meeting of the year and commission. And we need a little more time and i am hopeful that the city and county will be understanding of that and give them a range of here is what we think is going to be needed for the budget and on that i will if you have any questions on that part or process, i am happy to answer it, and miss miller is here to answer any legal questions of how the budget process itself works, if you need it. Great. And just to clarify for the new commissioners, is that the state regulation is that or the state legislation says that we must ask for the same amount that we asked for last year, which is the 297342. Could you, do you remember the amount that we paid for the report which would be a more robust report than the garage collection . The report was more than one fiscal year, the entire report itself ended up costing us, i want to say 200,000, but that is a much different type of thing that anything that we are looking at right now at doing, outside of the cca so i dont know if we will need to get that level for that report. And we might want to have that discussion and we to have a much different budget as that will eat up the entire budget just to have that one report done i want to keep that in mind if we talk about the future items Going Forward<\/a>. Because there is a difference between 250, in the budget that is small, and if we were for do an indepth report based o you know, an item that this Commission Wants<\/a> to we want to mindful of that if it is a prelim report this year and something larger that we would have to go to the board of supervisor foz funding. The thing to remember is that it is not it is a final product report, you are looking at something that is multi year, we may not issue an official like report t was a specialized report. Right. I would view what we are doing as something that is not, it is detailed but not in the same way and not with the same level of expertise, but i do agree with you, that they can range widely and what, i think that we more need would support for at least the next year would be more like outside the legal tech support of exactly how to do the stuff that we are looking at doing and maybe, an expert here or there might be needed as well. Okay, great. I have one question. Chair, thank you very much. Mr. Fried, just for clarification, so i pdz that the 297,000 that is in the lafco budget. Correct. If we dont, if we actually are looking at a Budget Proposal<\/a> of like we might spent, 144,000, and retain another 50,000 in case we need to hire an consultant, but dwoe have the remapder of the funds that we can access if we should need to; is that correct . . No. We get one bite at the apple. Once we give it back that is it. Once we do the not todays budget, once we get to the budget we approve in may, we get one time to say yes or no to our money. That is it until the following fiscal year. Just as for those of you that may be familiar with the board of supervisor these like to put money on reserve. They cannot, we are separate agency, they cant say that we are going to take that 50,000 and put that on reserve, it is one time that we get to do it. There say provision for some reason we spent more money than we had, we couborrow money off the next year, there is language that allows for us not to be insolvent but to be able to pay the bills. Would i never want to get in that situation, i always have a little bit left over, a small amount, this year we will end up with 5 or 10,000 left in our account, little bit of wiggle room not too much. Then i would say, it would be my preference to be more cautious. If we decide that there is something that we would like to investigate and do a report o that could be more extensive. Than 50,000 is the minimum amount that we would put aside. Sorry. Thanks. Nancy Miller Council<\/a> to lafco. I just wanted to say just a couple of things because this process of where we adopt the budget at 297 and we dont use the 297 is has a historical context. Which is we used to have a very large reserve, close to million and we would not have to take from the city general fund every year. Because we had our own reserve that was set up years and years ago. We have spent that down and we have also received funds from other sources such as the sfpuc account that was set up to help us monitor and work with the sfpuc. So what we are trying to do is say, well, the revenue will come from other sources. And then the city and county of San Francisco<\/a>. So we have this accounting that we go through, which is we adopt the budget for 297 and we actually say that is our budget, but we are going to give back to you, a certain amount and only keep what we really need for that year. That is, the the one time that jason is talking about. We do have to figure out what that amount is. You are entitled to the same budget and so if the other sources of funds go away, our reserves are mlu, and you would still have funds to continue to do what you want to do with respect to the activities of the commission. So, we do have this one time, where we talk about it, but i want to be really clear that we talk about it in terms of we are starting with 297,000 and then we are deciding how much of that, where that is coming from, and only so much of that will come from the city and county each year. Correct. I hope that that is. Sure. So, what i think we should do now, since the final budget wont be decided until may, is if i could make a motion where we sort of estimate the range of what we will probably end up using and to p that we will return the rest to the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> for other needs and then while we are figuring out sort of what the focus of lafco will be Going Forward<\/a> and refining that and having a better estimation of the budget when we need it and if we are indeed going to have contribution from other source and then we can revisit this at our next meeting and perhaps give a more exact figure, does that make sense . And i can make a motion to that effect . Sure. Sure. I think, so let me just clarify. You are saying that you would ask for the 297, but not include a number that we would return and just leave that part open . So ask for the 297,342, and reserve our right to request that amount Going Forward<\/a>. But it suggests that we are going to keep amount lesser than that. Within a range. And then when we further flush out the role and sort of the focus of this body and that at our next meeting or in the future meetings, certainly by may. We will settle on an exact figure. Okay. Sure. And i just also twoont say i think that is fine, i agree. Personally, i know that there is some maybe, some political things we should consider, but personally, i dont mind spending the 297,000, the full amount even though it has been practice to rush some of comblont to the city. And i know thatvy been in this position for two months,vy seen the city spend money. So i think that really if we should need it then we should use it. Because it is what allocated for. And it is not a huge amount of money. When i have seen what has come before the board and what we have approved, the million and hundreds of millions, of dollars. Actually this money, very little amount of money for the work that it does. Thanks. Thank you. So with that is it okay if i make a motion . I want to clarify one more thing and we should open it up for Public Comment<\/a> before we entertain a motion. So just to clarify with miller, do we have to specify today the amount that we will return . Or can that be left open until may . We do not have to specify the amount that we will return, you can estimate it today and come back it may and finalize it or june whenever you choose. Okay, great. So like to open this up for Public Comment<\/a>. Is there any member of the public that would like to speak on this item . Hello commissioners, eric brookz. I am representing San Francisco<\/a>, the coalition for San Francisco<\/a> Clean Energy Advocates<\/a>. Which has been working on clean power sf and Community Choice<\/a>. Also, california for Energy Choice<\/a> which does that kind of work on the state level. I didnt speak to your previous item because you are all great and it didnt matter who was president and vice president. I just want to get that out there. And we are not dising you, and on this budget issue i kind of like would launch off of and amplify which is what commissioner fewer said. We now as Council Miller<\/a> pointed out. We have burned through our reserve, and this lafco is going to have important things coming up like public broadband is something that we have talked about in the past year. And that is going to be on the horizon and it is going to be big this year, especially with the trump trying to privatize the internet. We need to get that on this year. That might require more studies if we find that the department of technology does not get off the dime and do what needs to be done to set up public broadband and then with the clean power sf, we are finding that, you know, sfpuc staff has done a great job of moving the ball forward when in far in the past that was not happening, but we are finding that because the sfpuc is an Enterprise Agency<\/a> that is focused on the rate and pair and protecting the rate pairs and the things like getting a local build out plan, are dragging a little. And in the past things like that, that would be on the level of the expanse or maybe even the report were needed to get the vision of clean power sf moving for ward. We might need the lafco to create a build out of a local build out plan like sidny australia, for San Francisco<\/a>. And in that case, not only do you need your whole 297 budget but you might need to do what was done before and which is request from the board and the mayors office, some added funds are there any other speakers . Public comment is closed. Can i have a motion to approve the proposed lafco budget for physical year, 17, 18 . Moved. Sure, i am going to make a motion to approve the proposed budget for fiscal year, 17, 18, at 297,342 dollars and reserving the right in future years to the full amount of 297,342 that is receives in the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> to keep between, 144,000 and 200,000 for use in the next fiscal year and return the unneeded portion back to the city. And that staff should make needed adjustments to the final budget in may. Could i have a second for that motion. Second seconded by fewer. Seeing no objections, the motion is passed. Madam clerk, could you call item five . Community choice activities report, status up date on the clean power sf program, status up date on the proceedings of the California Public<\/a> Utility Commission<\/a> and up date on the state legislation. All right. I believe that we have presentations from general manager bar bra hail and executive officer, jason fried . Thank you. Good morning. Assistant general manager at the San Francisco<\/a> puc. Welcome, i am pleased to be here to present the status of clean power sf. I will also address, if it aappropriate, chair, all of the items that the secretary read together before turning the microphone over to executive officer fried. Snaechlt is great. Thank you. And just to kick things off i wanted to introduce the support team at clean power sf at the puc. That you will be seeing over the course of the year. Making presentations responsive to your questions here at lafco. I introduce myself, im bar bra hail assistant general manager for power, with me is mike heinz, if you would stand. The director daytoday director of the clean power sf program and the clean power sf staff report to him at the puc. Charles, our acting Communications Director<\/a> at the puc is here. And his staff person, pasaro and we are happy to welcome, this is what . Week two . And marina report to charles. She is the Communications Lead<\/a> for power enterprise at puc and as i say she only just joined us. So you will be seeing us as a Team Responding<\/a> to your inquiries. So i wanted to take our first meeting as an opportunity to introduce the team. So now move og this to where we are at with the program and if i may i would like to switch microphones. So by way of making sure we are all understanding the Program Opportunity<\/a> here, San Francisco<\/a> program is enabled by statute that was passed in 2012, excuse me, 2002. Go ahead. Yeah. Did we receive a powerpoint for this . I am happy to get you copies if you you like, i thought that you were able to see them. Yes. In the future, and miss hail, i think that i work bet we are a hard copy, and it is difficult to see it on the screen, quite frankly. We have some 1980s technology here. It is a little fuzzy. Thank you. No problem. So there is some hand copies there. So we were authorized as a jurisdiction to implement the program through this assembly bill, 117 in 2002. And by statute cca is the program that allows an injures jurisdiction like San Francisco<\/a> to take over the supply and responsibilities to delivering electricity to residents and businesses. Cca customers by statute are enrolled automatically and are noticed about the program four times. During that noticing period, they have the ability to say, no thanks, you know, im opting out. So when the board enabled the puc to go forward with the program, it basically said, okay, we will have a program that allows San Francisco<\/a> residents and businesses to make the choice. So we are enabling that through the clean power sf program. And again we just provide the supply portion of the electric service. Our goal for the program have been defined through our commission and board processes. We really want this to be an Affordable Program<\/a> for San Francisco<\/a> residents and businesses. Providing comparable or Better Service<\/a> to pg e through cleaner electricity and making choices for the electric supply that serves our residents. And emphasizing local, we have defined, local as within the 9 bay area, counties and we are looking to take that revenue stream, that would otherwise have gone to pg e and make the local Investment Choices<\/a> with it. And all focusd on having a sustainable program. We have these three or four, we have these four objectives that can be competing against each other at times and depending on where the market priesz are and the local Development Costs<\/a> are and so we are in needing to balance those objectives we are offering two services, the First Service<\/a> is the default service, when you move to San Francisco<\/a> and want to initiate electric service now, you dont automatically get enrolled in pg e, program we get enrolled in our program, so we are the new default provider and that provision is at the Green Service<\/a> offering. And we are providing 40 percent, california compliant, renewable content that exceeds the renewable content of pg e default. And it is the premium product, what is referred to as bucket one, or pcc one. In the energy lingo. And it is where we purchased the kilowatt hours and the attribute foz a california provider. We also offer a super Green Service<\/a> and that is if you wish to take 100 percent renewable service, you pay a little more for that. But it is 100 percent renewable for ghg free product and we have had quite a bit of success with customers signing up for that. Ze been operating the Program Since<\/a> may of 2016. We have had an additional enrollment in november. And we offered the program city wide for anyone who raises their hand and says that they want in. They are enrolled. And we have also performed some auto enrollment the power enterprise, at the sfpuc supported the launch of the program with the working capitol from our operations with a commitment to pay those funds back. The program has been operate with 15. 5, full time equivalent staff and a reserve requirement, excuse me, a revenue requirement and by that i mean, the total cost of the program for the year of about, 38 million dollars. That total, and that combination of our rates, and pg es fees that influence ours customers bill. And so we have designed our program, as have the other operating ccas in california. And in recognition of the fact that there is this Additional Charge<\/a> that pg e makes on our customer and so we try to set our rates to buffer our customers bills from that impact. And in april, we will be bringing our next Rate Adjustment<\/a> to our commission through the citys statute or rate making process, which imaging that you are familiar with. And it begins with the presentation to the rate fairness board and they make advisory recommendations to our commission. And our commission then through a 30 day noticed hearing process, adopts those rates. And that it sees fit. And those rates then fit before the board of supervisors for 30 days. If no action is taken, they become effective. So we will be bringing to our commission, for rate consideration, some recommendations in april. So stay tuned for that. And we will be reporting at a future Lafco Commission<\/a> meeting on that item. Miss hail. Yes. I just wanted to ask really quickly, i think that this is maybe the first time that commissioners are hearing about the pcia which was a big topic for us last year. Do we anticipate any changes to pcia in with the pg e new rates that they put forward. Yes, so they adopted new rates, excuse me, the california puc adopted new rates for pg e, that is effective on january 1 and they increased their fees and rates. So we saw an increase in the power charge and adjust sxment i should take a moment to explain that and i will. The effect of that is that right now, from january 1, until we adjust our rates, the effect on our customers bill is that they are paying, a tad bit more for clean power sf service under the Green Program<\/a> they they would if they were a bundled utility customer. The power charge is the california puc implementation of the state policy, that says, rate payers in the electric system, should not have to bear the cost of long term commitments. The invest on the utilities made. And when those costs were enkured on behalf of a larger set of customers. So, when cca customers leave the invest in the Utility Electric<\/a> supply portfolio and join a cca, urndz this state, statue need to take a share of those long term commitment costwise them frshgs a policy perspective, i think that actually the city agrees with that. That makes, a good policy sense to make sure that everybody pays their fair share and as the members of the commission, who are also supervisors know you are representing cca customer and pg e customer and so you have an interest in protecting both of those sets of rate pay sxerz this say policy that treats them fairly. The implementation of that policy, at the california, puc is where they establish this methodology named the power charge and different adjustment, they go through an annual revision process that begins with an application from pg e in june and that application then is in the public setting and, there is opportunities to comment on it. And it is really just a calculation proceeding, and it is not a proceeding that allows to us argue about the methods. And that has been one of our challenges because we do have problems with the method in november, that projection, of what the pcia should be, that pg e, they typically issue a decision in december. Pg e takes that decision and revises the calculation, posts if as final, on their website. On p the december 31st, and then it becomes effective on january first. Now i described to you, that our rate setting part of our effort is to buffer our customers from that charge. That process i just described where we find out what it is on december 31st and, it becomes effective on our customers january first does not really allow us much opportunity to buffer. And so here we are in this period, where there is no buffer, our customers are seeing a little bit of bill impact as a result of pg e Cost Increases<\/a> and we are hoping that through the rate making process. That is schedule for april, we will be able to make some adjustments. Great, and i just also want to ask one thing thanks if you could just clarify, i know that some san franciscans have seen a dramatic increase and that has nothing to do with clean power sf. Right. And so the pg e rates have changed for the electricity as has the gas costs. And i think that some folks, we saw the inquiries come across our desks about why is my bill so high . And for some of those customers that was actually gas increases that made the bills dramatically different. So we have been taking calls and trying to help folks understand their bill, when it is an electric charge issue. You know, we talk them through the clean power sf rates. And the effect of the pg e charges. We have not seen a mark, you know, really, a change at alln how many customers are opting out of our program. And so, i think that the work that we are doing and helping folks understand the bills, is helping them to see that there is continuing to get a good value, or from the clean power sf product, especially since it is so much more renewable than the pg e product, thanks for clarifying that. You also asked for activity on the pcia Going Forward<\/a> and i will dress that during this part and, i think that it was con the agenda. Okay . Great. And we are really, you asked the questions about the bill, we are really looking at the clean power sf program as the seamless customer experience, the customers receive the same pg e bill that they have in the past, there is an added page and the summary of the bill is shown here, and you can see that there is an additional item there, the clean power sf electric generation charge which replaces the pg e, electric generation charges on the bill and the extra page included in the bill prosides the detail on the charges. So as a mentioned we began enrolling customers in may. We are continuing to enkwurage preenrollment where customers let us know on our website or through other less computer oriented methods. That they are idnterested in participating in the program. And we also contact automatic enrollment in phases. I mention that had we had a phase in may and in november. And what we are seeing, is about 75,000 customers, participating in the program. Today. And we have a very low opt out rate, just 3. Percent and it seems to be steady around that 3 perng level and we are very excited to report that 3. 4 percent of our customer vz said, sign me up for 100 percent, demonstrating an interest in both the better product and a willing nsz to pay a little more on their electric bill to achieve that 100 percent renewable and that ghg reduction. Miss hale . I am sorry i just want to jump in here about this super green enrollment. This is great, i am just looking at the december minutes, and it looks like we had a 2 percent enrollment and so this is a good bump. Yes. Moving for ward to the 5 percent goal, could you break down which super green enrollments were in district five and eight. And verses what is in the city wide, because i know that super green, any one of us can and should join the clean power sf, super green team, and get clean power sf even if their district has not auto enrolled in it. And so, i just want to ask, does this report, include city wide . Yes thanks is city wide. Okay, great. And i neglected to mention at the top of my presentation, that charles will be making a presentation for you, about our out reach today. So before i surrender the microphone to executive officer fried he will come up and do a deeper dive and how the out reach is influencing enrollment. Great. Thank you. We are also doing additional work to determine what our next phases of enrollment should be. And we are characterizing that work as a growth plan. And our growth plan covers these 6 topics. Really focused at this point on completing the growth plan where we are intending to make a presentation at our commission in the april, may, time frame. And we will come to lafco as well. To share the results of our growth plan analysis. And it is really an effort to hit those same goals that i mentioned at the top of the meeting. In a, you know, a financially responsible way. Growing our program from the 75,000 or so, account wez currently serve, to the 320,000 or so, accounts that are active in San Francisco<\/a>. By the time we complete that, that enrollment, just to give you a perspective, we will be serving more accounts than the Water Department<\/a> serves. And we will be an Enterprise Fund<\/a> with a revenue requirement larger than the waste water enterprise at the puc. So that just gives you a sense of how big a change this is for the city. And how impactful the program can be. So some of our challenges in the opportunities looking ahead. And key challenges, clearly financing, financing constraint and our trade off foz growth and, how quickly can we grow . How much electric market risk are we willing to take on in order to achieve the positive impacts that the clean power sf opportunity presents. Is there a lot of unpredictability and the instability in the rates and in particular the influence of this power charge and different adjustment, and this exit fee that we talked about, it really, it is really quite, it swings, dramatically, that we have seen. And so we are spending quite a bit of time working with the legislature, and the california puc on educating them about our program. And about the influences that the pcia has on us. And looking for methods that they can adopt to make it a more stable, less volatile and more predictable component. Because as i said we are not looking to get out of our customers getting out of the responsibility for paying their fair share. We are just looking for it to be a cost that is more predictable and fair. And a key challenge as i mentioned already is the fact that for this period, between january and july, when the new rates would go into effect, we expect our rates to be higher excuse me, our bills and impacts on our customers tore higher than pg e and i say that we expect, because we know that pg e is going to have another rate change, probably in the may to june time frame, the puc will issue another decision. And wher not exactly sure what the influence that have one is going to be. But, we do expect to get our rates back into alignment, after our rate making process goes before our commission, in april. In terms of opportunities, the market place and the electric sector is getting familiar and comfortable with the idea of Community Choice<\/a> arrogators which is great. We now have banks that are indicating new interest in providing financing, you know when we started our journey, on cca, we would have to explain to all potential counter parties whashgs it is, what the states foundational Statutory Foundation<\/a> is for it. You know whashgs is the opportunity is. We had to do a lot of explaining. And now we have folks knocking on our doors and saying, hey we would like to provide your cca service, which say much better place to be. We are seeing expanding cch Community Readiness<\/a> within regulatory and legislative environment to really push on these key issues like the power charge and difference adjustment. And we have been at the forefront of organizing a trade association, among the operating ccas and the local government communities that are interested in embarking on a cca. And in fact, i am the president of the trade association. We have done a lot of work this past couple of months. Educating legislators, and engaging with the california puc commissioners and we had two new commissioners come on in january, and so we have what i would characterize as meet and greet, opportunity tlz that we took advantage of, and really helping to emphasize for them, that we are sort of the new kids in town, as a Cca Community<\/a> and the electric sector, but we have a lot of work to do with them. And looking to influence their decision making. And then when we looked more internally, the key challenge and the key opportunity is to really finish that growth plan and identifying what our sort of charting our course forward from the 75 counts that we are serving to the city wide service. And on i am going to pivot now to talk more about the legislative activity and unless have you more questions about the presentation. I do. If we could just ask a couple of questions and i want to allow commissioners to ask questions before we move on to the legislative up date. Could you just remind me, or the next roll out is that city wide or additional, or just the incremental districts . Yes, so we have a small enrollment that is happening in may. And that is to, take on into the service offering, everybody who raised their hands city wide already, so the waiting list we are bringing the waiting list into the program. And we are also going to bring in to the program, some of the Net Energy Metering<\/a> customers in districts, 5, 8, and 10, and because this is a good time of year, to enroll customer whose have solar on their roofs. And so we are going to take that is and those customers again that is a small enrollment and then he after we get direction from our commissioner on the growth plan s when we will be able to answer the question of what is next . The whole rest of the city, some increment of the city . You know . What is the pace of enrollment Going Forward<\/a> . And that is what the groerth plan is intended to answer. Great. When do you present the plan to the commission . Yes, we are presenting the target is to present the plan in late april and, early may and then we will be looking to work with your executive officer to get on the agenda here to make the same presentation. Great. And i just with the opt out rates so, low, it seems really positive and encouraging that we would move forward with the city wide roll out. Sooner rather than later. And so, if your commission and lafco obviously support that growth plan, then when or what is the ramp up that you would need to move from this 76,000, to 323,000. So looking at the plan slide here, you can see the topics that we need to make sure that we are addressing in the growth plan. I would say key to kwet you are asking, is we know that the customer demand is thereof from the low opt out rates and i say that recognizing the areas of the city that we new would be most amenable. And the districts that we continue to enroll in the san franciscans we would find the. And higher through, and with such a low number, manageable amount for us. And the key question is whether there is supplies, in the market, to service, at a Cost Effective<\/a> rate. I think that we put in the problemry and the thanks and the words like that and words like that in front of it until we actually put out a request for an offer and see the bids come in, we will not know that for certain. And then the financing needs is a key issue. You know, we will need to have the capacity to transact the business in the market. And the more capacity that we will need, could we get that Cost Effective<\/a>ly, letters of kred sxit we have a 40 million with Morgan Stanley<\/a> right now and, we would likely be able to get another letter of kred fit we needed it, but those are again, we will put out a request for offer, for the Financial Support<\/a> for the program and perhaps the one that is the most in our control, but challenging is the issue, and what is the additional staffing need . We have identified what we think that our ad dishing staping needs are. But the pace of being able to hire within the city may be one of the constraining factors for us. We are working with the hr, and the dhr, and every position that i request to fill, even if they are already authorized in the budget needs to go through sort of a gauntlet that takes some time and so that operational readiness issue, is a key factor in being able to make the judgment of how quickly could we go in we can take off all of another questions. Great, i know that at the time president breed had moved for the, or moved through the board of supervisors that contract that you needed to procure, is that something that we will do again . So we have authority to contract without coming to the board again. Great. So it would depend on what particular form of contract we do. But we do have because of that good work that the board was very supportive on, we do have some discretion to contract for additional power, subject to the budget utilitys Commission Approval<\/a> and not having to go to the board. I think that we have good readiness there. Super. Commissioners do have you any questions before we move on to the legislative up date . No. Great. Thank you. You bet. So on the legislative front, i already mention that had we have been doing quite a bit of education and out reach. And we do have a bill senate bill, 618, sponsored by senator brad ford that we are concerned will under mind the community in the Community Choice<\/a> ago agree gages, and specifically, it requires that any Community Choice<\/a> aggregate perform an integrative Resource Plan<\/a> thanks was actually part of a prior piece of legislation that we supported. It is a good utility practice to take a look at what your resource needs are and to have a thoughtful plan put together. And to take that integrative Resource Plan<\/a> in this new bill and require it to be reviewed and approved by the california puc. So instead of that plan being subject just to our local jurisdiction review and approve ashlths senator brad fords bill 618, would require the california puc to review and approve. And we are officially now opposed to that piece of legislation. Mayor lee has signed an opposition bill that has been transmitted to sacramento. And it will be heard on april four and this we will be at the first read and so stay tuned on that. I imagine that you will be hearing more about it. That is the primary legislative activity. Turning to the regulatory activity. We have participated and the various proceedings and the most unique for this setting would be what they called an on bonk hearing. They had a hearing before all four and all five seated, commissioners. To talk for the full day just about the cca programs in the state of california. And how they influence electric service provision, and the ability for the state to achieve its goals. So we spent a day there and they have a large auditorium that was full, the spill over room, hearing room was also full. They reported that they had over, 800 participants on the video line. Electronic feed of the meeting. It is probably one of the best attended meetings that the california puc has held in a decade or two. So there is definitely a very strong interest. And the growth of Community Choice<\/a> ago gages programs across the state, and programs at a future meeting we can take a little bit of time, more on my cal cca role to describe what the other ones are doing, and i think that our very positive aspect of the attention, and the industry sector is getting, is the ability to identify all of the interested parties who want to see this type of programming really succeed. And so we are finding a lot of Strong Partner<\/a> to work with, and make sure that in getting best practices and learning new things that we can bring to the San Francisco<\/a> customers which i find very positive. We are very active on the proceedings that influence our cca program, pcia being the biggest, and the general rate case that the pg e has before the cpuc, and the pg e, Resource Plan<\/a> and the plans to retire deablo canyon, the Nuclear Generating<\/a> station. And their interest in replacing that resource was Additional Resources<\/a> that they would then charge not only their customer foz, but also their cca customers for. So, those are all areas that my staff, together with city attorneys office, collaborating with like minded individuals, are participating in at the cpuc, it is really quite an active area of work. Very complex and technical as well. And so, i would like to conclude my remarks and move to the communications up date, if you are ready. Sure. I just want to ask, i think that it might be beneficial. This is such a huge topic. It would be great if you or someone from your staff could take a moment and even a couple of hours to talk about you know, just where we have come from, where we are, pca in a nutshell, how we compare to other ccas, and maybe a basic primer on energy and how we procure energy for the commissioners staff who will be staffing them on lafco just moving forward i think that it would help just to have a general understand and maybe the executive officer, fried could do a review of the report and how we got here and not today. I understand. But sort of moving for ward, but for the next meeting would be great. We would be happy to provide that kind of support to you and your staff. We did a similar presentation to legislative staffers in sacramento. And we could add on a little bit to that to fill every topic that you just mentioned, chair. And happy to do that when you are ready. Great. I just want to add one last thing which is that senator brad ford is my favorite senator in california. He has kept me on my toes in terms of watching legislation every year for how he tries to destroy clean power. And cca and so, i thank you and p v the other ccas for the hard work in keeping an eye on his legislation and trying to neutralize anything that would you know, take away from the hard work that we have done here, thank you. Thank you. I think that also, when you meet with our legislative aids, just the political relationship between the california puc and the cca. Okay. That would be great, too. Sounds good. Thank you. Thank you. P good morning, commissioners charles shen director of communication for the San Francisco<\/a> public utilitys commission sxishgs moved some things around and i am glad to be here and a poll guys for the confusion yesterday. And i am here to talk a little bit about some of our out reach initiatives and specifically how they track with super green up grades, and super green, sign ups throughout yeert. And so i am going to just kind of jump right into it and i am certain that you may have questions. On the first slide, the line on top the blue line that is those are our up grades with the super green and so those are customers that we enrolled or customers that we have had since the beginning of the year that we are already serving Clean Electricity<\/a> to, that have proactively elected to upgrade themselves to super green. The line below that are the customers that we have not enrolled, those are the sus mers that have siendz up early and raised their hand and said that i want to be a part of your program in the next enrollment phase and so that is the line below that, that is mostly yellow orange. And before i walk you through some of the events, because when i put in there was some of the big ticket items that we have done throughout the year to both, encourage those early sign ups as well as the up grades. And i want to preface my comments and state that we do activities throughout the year. And so, so you are always seeing this constant weekly increase in up grades and in sign up and so you see that, like we are kind of always above zero and we are always working with our 350, sf partner and represented in the room today torques keep the information going and, keep the clean power sf in front of people at fares and festivals and sets and, we have done a good job at making sure that there is a steady green for the up grades and sign up tluz out throughout the year. And we see a lost success around the times when we are actually enrolling customer and so i am going to jump into the chart here. And so you see in the green bar, represented below the chart thanks is the time period when we were enrolling our first customers back in may 26016 and, it was 7,000 business customers in district, five, 8 and 10, so at that time we are spending the enrollment notice and being enrolled in the program and, presumably they have heard from us from the out reach and etc. And you can see automatically, the difference in activity between the spring enrollment which is a smaller enrollment and focus on the business customers which was focused on the residential customer and it was enrolled around 75, 8,000 customers. I think that the earth day events in 2016, were kind of a water shed moment for us. We worked with our 350 sf advocate and we staffed numerous events throughout steet and the big earth day festival. And we got like 50 sign up frz that one weekend and we all just stood back and said wow thanks was a good event and we need to do more things like that and we need to partner with 350, sf more and so we have got more aggressive on that front. And Society Earth<\/a> day event that i have note there had, you can see the spike and there say correlation of the nuchl sign ups, and that reinforced the need that we need to do more of these. The second item is our Business Times<\/a> ads. And we did those because we were enrolling businesses, and we wanted to make sure that again, all of the businesses knew the Business Community<\/a> knew, the businesses boekt that we were enroll and the businesses that may have wanted to sign up throughout steet and so we did the Business Times<\/a> advertising, we saw a little spike, it was not as dramatic as the, you know, earth day that i just mentioned. But Going Forward<\/a>, there will probably continue to be a resource for marketing out reach when we are enrolling business customers. And the next item were the linked in ads, this is our first time that we had advertised on linked in for clean power sf and it kind of came right at the tail end of a spike that was probably from, the out reach activities that we were doing. And we did not find them as effective as facebook. We were targeting businesses because that spriet mare customers that we were enroll and so we may revisit them in the future, but i am going to talk more about the facebook ads later. Definitely, i found facebook to be the most compelling online form of advertise thag we have done. We do want to branch out and do other forms of advertising as well. And the faflt forward a little bit. We did a phone bank in partnership with the seeer ra club, where they provided us a list of members in San Francisco<\/a> that we called and, explained the program to, and encouraged them to sign up, we had the Club Volunteers<\/a> in the office and we had volunteers from 350 sf and it was a big effort and we saw a spike over the next couple of weeks, kind ever like a reverbation effect that continued to reverb brat and so we found that to be effective and we want to do more of those volunteer phone banks and again with the club and, the league of vote sxerz there is probably other like minded organizations that we want to partner with. And so all of that leads up to our fall enrollment, which is mostly residential customer and this is our first large, you know, 80,000 customer enrollment for the first big residential enrollment and so it is going to be different than the business enrollment earlier in the year and we kind of prefaced that with the ads that began, in september, october, time frame. And that is right about when our enrollment notice started going out and what we saw immediately when the enrollment notices went out and they kind of go out on a rolling basis and, so it is like 2shgs 0,000 for the first week, and that is about 80,000 and then 20,000 for the next month fer week and, so you are mailing about 160,000 mail pieces before you actually cut the customers over for service and we started seeing huge spikes in super green, up grades for these customers is that were enrolling and so it kept getting big sxer bigger each week. And we had always suspected that the enrollment would be our best vehicle to advertise the program, to market the program and to create a buzz in the communities, because there is one thing to talk to someone and they, you know t may not be on the radar, you are talking to them about it but you are not going to enroll them so they may not take action, the enrollment, kind of the people stand up and notice. They are getting enrolled. And so, you know, they are going to make a decision, do i want to stay with the program . Do i want to opt out . Fortunately we have a low opt out rate. But they also commit to the opportunity for the decision to upgrade the super green and we saw that throughout that entire Enrollment Period<\/a> and we would like to think that we were kind of fanning the flames of that desire to upgrade and we have the lead stories and the outdoor advertising. And we have the welcome events for the new customers that we invited everyone to and we have seen a surge in the super green up grades, and you can see that during that Enrollment Period<\/a>. I have a quick question. Just to clarify, we are looking at page 2 of the presentation that you are giving us, this chart that is, lets see comparing super green sign up and up grades with the out reach activities. If you could just have that back on the screen. Thank you. Sfgov tv, so we are looking at the period between say, october 31st 2shgs 016, and december, 31, and so i see that spike that is spike is only between, 200 and 250 customer snz no, i think that it is probably more than that. Because this is not cumulative. And i just dont have the cumulative number. But that is the spike number. Correct thanks is the spike number for that week. That week i see. So yeah, i dont have the numbers, i could probably track those cumulative. What is the total number of like number not percent so i dont have to do math. The super green, numbers. 2500 right now, i am looking. Approximately, 2500 super green customers right now in the program. Going forward we will cluster activity in terms of out reach, education burkes during those periods, between enrollment werz going to be doing, education and out reach and encouraging the people to sign up for super green, early and so it is always a work in process. And so that is slide two. And we will move on to slide three. This is a snapshot of how individu communication or field communication activities did in terms of super green sign ups. I am sorry to interrupt, but could you just switch to the slide three for us. Okay tlshgs we go. I am sorry. I am using my paper version right now. Thank you. So the San Francisco<\/a> department of environment at our behalf we contracted with them to increase our presence out there in district five and 8. And our field presence specifically because they have their own on the grouped field team. And so, they did a number of activities for us, they augmented our tabling at fares and festivals, they went doortodoor for us in district 5z, and 8 and they held their own networking super Green Initiative<\/a> and they did intercept and that is when the people stand on the corn sxer say hello, do you want to talk to me about clean energy. And a few other things as well. I followed up on phone calls, based on conversations that they had. And for each day, they did intercepts forks each festival. They table that, they kept you know a record of how many super green, sign ups that they generated. We kept those records as well. Because they give us those forms. And so, i asked them to prepare a graph that kind of showed what were the best performing activity and what did not perform as well as others. And so it is selfexplanatory and it thinks up of what we are experienced as well. The tabling events like what we did at earth day was a successful event in the department of the environment found that they are tabling the one timetable and the reoccurring events were successful. And so we are going to continue to do more that have Going Forward<\/a>. But the doortodoor was a little more challenging, because we are going doortodoor to customers that we were enrolling. But you need to give folks some time, you know, they have gotten their enrollment notice, so what they found when they went to the door and people were reseptemberive, but they were doing more education about the program, and then, we tracked a few of those conversations and some of them did result in up grades like a month later. But those are or can be hard to track. And so they were productive conversations but they did not always, immediately result in a super green upgrade. You know, just as we found with organizing it in the communities, you know, if you got, and have you friends and, have you family, if you reach out to your het works you will get and encourage sign up and so they were successful on this front and intercept some, and probably of all of the activity and perform, you know, did not perform as well as the others. I dont know why that. It is a little hard on the sidewalk. It can be, hard on the sidewalk. So we did learn from these events and if did sync up with what we knew and it is interesting to seat numbers on paper. I think that this is very helpful and so thank you for put thanksgiving together. I think that it gives us an idea of the types of activities that staff and advocates are doing and how we partner with the department of the environment and where the successes are and where the opportunities are. And just to clarify, you will be sfpuc will be out there on earth day this year. It is going to be april 22nd. Yes. April 22nd, i think. And yeah, i believe that we have a sponsored booth at the earth day festival and it is now at the big festival in the Civil Center Plaza<\/a> it is not on the street that is disappointing because it was a great event last year. But we will be there at that same event and, there will be a few other events that will be out as well. If you are watching this at home make sure that you come and you might want to take note of your pg e account number and sign up on the spot. Or sign up online. Clean power sf. Org right now. Thank you. I two more slides that i can be brief. This is our budget for 2017. It is fairly selfexplanatory, we have a number of mailings that we have to do, they are statutory obligations. The enrollment notice and move in notices, people moving in and out of area that we are serving customers when there is a new person that moves in, they become our customer and send them the move in noise so there are hundreds going out each month, we also have ab bli indications to those who subpoena grade to supper green, since it is certificated by the center for Resource Solutions<\/a> you can earn lead points, there are a number of obligations because we are leafed accredited and so every super green upgrade, triggers a noise notice to the customer about the program and it is a good notice and explaining what it is and why they are getting that notice. There are a lot of mailings and we turned into a bit of an instruct mail shop. We also have a line itd em for video and animation and especially as he wei look to the future, once the growth plan is finalized we want to be gearing up for larger enrollments in the future, for the line item for advertising as well and of course, the out reach and sponsor ship and another community organizing, initiatives. And so great, and like at the total budget of 746,300. How does that compare with Something Like<\/a> the sf water customers s that like small they are year and will be larger weighs look at and enrolling the entire city . I mean, how does that, how does that compare . Off the top of my head would i say. It is okay. I would say that the clean power sf marketing and out reach budget on an and we are Going Forward<\/a> on a year to year basis, will probably be larger than the market and out reach budget for water. Because we are proactively enrolling customer and communicating with customers. And we are competing for customers. Water enterprise, does not really do any of those, functions and now they have different educational and marketing opportunities and investigation buzz they are different with what we are doing with clean power sf. And so i think that over all advertising clotteral, direct mail and, i do believe that clean power sf has a larger Marketing Budget<\/a> than kind of like the equivalent functions in the water team at the sfpuc. Great. Yes. Sure. Thank you so much. Sure. For the presentation. Thank you. I just wanted to tell my own personal story. In the context of the President Trump<\/a> and his administrations dismantling of the epa and a roll back of all of the progress that we have had around protecting our climate. When i signed up for the super green plan, i just had to say that the satisfaction that i had knowing that this little act of resistance and fighting back and knowing that 100 percent of my energy is coming from Renewable Energy<\/a>, felt really great. So for anyone watching in the public, this is a wonderful way to contribute to fighting back against the defamation of all the protections that we have in place with the federal level. And a way to actual locally, that really makes a difference and feel good sxts really easy. I just wanted to put in my personal plug for that. It is yees to sign up, about two minutes is all that it takes. Yeah. I just have one question also for mr. Sheean. I wanted to know when you are going the out reach activities in the marketing materials, do you offer them in different language snz yes. Yes, we do. All of our enrollment notices are translated into chinese, spanish and filipino, and most of our materials are also translated into chinese, spanish as well. Especially the chinese language and the spanish languages. We also as that translation for our sign up page o line. So you can see it in spanish, chinese and english and we have an automated phone system and, so if you call you press one for english and two for chinese and, three for spanish and, we actually for chinese, mandarin, voice, automated and cantonese automated phone system. Part of the task is to explain energy to the customer and it can be come mri indicate and so we want to make sure that we are explain tg to them in their own language. That is smart. It is come mri xat and technical. And so i am wondering also, when you it looks as though these tabling events are pretty successful. For your super green out reach. At your tabling event, do you have people who speak another language other than english . Yes. We have hired a latino organizer, within our team. And then the larger San Francisco<\/a> Public Utilities<\/a> commission has multiple Staff Members<\/a> that are fluent in mandarene, they are the voices on the automated phone recordings and you can go and hear them and, we were they china town, new years festival with those staffers featuring clean power sf. And so, again, we want to make sure that we are getting to everyone in San Francisco<\/a>. And languages is not a barrier. Good in my neighborhood i have at Large Russian<\/a> population, and so i think that in my neighborhood we would need that translation. We are going to take a look at that as we roll out to other parts of the city that may have their own limited english proficiency, population and so that is something that we are looking at as we go forward. Thank you. I think that especially as we look at the earth day, tabling event, and sign ups f we could have as many you know, Foreign Language<\/a> speakers at that event, to really capture all of the people that will be interested. And i think that, would i hate to miss the earth day opportunity. Sure. I think that so many people are fired up and especially as he mentioned, just with you you know, the fear of losing the power of the eba. I think, you know, now is the time. And to realize that the clean power sf is the way that San Francisco<\/a> can meet our climate goals. Thank you. Thank you. I wonder if we should i dont know if we should take it for Public Comment<\/a> on that or executive officer breed would like to present something for us yeah, jason fried will keep my part brief and quick, and participate wg all of the stuff that miss hale and he said that we have been participating. And in front of you today is one part that i wanted to talk about was sb618. We have not taken a position just so you ar wear of when the legization and when the things come before and how we do it. What do i is i first look to the sf puc and the city and county of San Francisco<\/a>, what are you going on this, and i go to cal cca, before it was all the individual, cca and i can go to cal and, say whaf is your position. Normally they are close, but sometimes there is differents. Knowing where they are at and i go to Community Groups<\/a> that are out there advocating for cca and say what is your position on this to give us a good broad base understanding of where we are at. Last week when i checked in with the community groupdz they are doing their Due Diligence<\/a> and have not taken a position, but the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> and cal have taken oppose it 618 and i encourage to us do the same. If we do take an opposed position, i will participate and pork with cal cca to determine where the right times and there is a hearing on april fourth, is it appropriate for us to be there, is i will go to sacramento if that is the case and join them in their lobby efforts and speak on their behalf. One of the thivengz that does occur with the legislation sacramento, it is be fast moving, ones it get through in a serious manner for us to be meeting regular enough for us to kwhang the position what his is accustomed to the past f they are okay, keeping this is that i work with the chair of the commission, now, the chair, and talk with her about any changes that might need too be made to our position, and continuing to keep the philosophy of are restaying in line with the allies and the sfpuc and cal cca and the Community Groups<\/a> tlshgs are times where like for example, last year there was a bill that they went to neutral. We stayed with the community alliechls on that bill, we were not opposed what the city was doing, but steet took a different position. Would i look to keep that type of tradition f you want toshgsd you could designate the commissions to be the lead person with us and, it will be up to the commission to give me direction on what to do. But we need to be able to take the action between meet sxgz could use the support in how to do that. So, on that, you have some information in front of you and any questions that you might have on thachlt i actually am comfortable myself having jason actually representing us. Great. So, do i is there, how does anyone feel about it . We just need to make a motion to officially oppose the legislation and to authorize executive officer fried to work with the chair to revise that position, should any changes be made at a later date. Great, i second that. Okay. Thank you so mudo we want to take the Public Comment<\/a> . I do believe that we will lose quorum very, very soon. So we will move quickly. Is there any mim of the public that would like to speak on these items . Thank you. Alina ingle. Since the chair is leaving, i am a district nine resident, long time resident, and i am with 350, San Francisco<\/a>. Sovy been responsible for finding volunteers to go out and canvas for clean power sf. So what you are going to hear is more of a report from the field. We have been out and we were at earth day and sunday streets and we do farmers markets and all of these kind of Public Events<\/a> and we go and sign people up for early inrollment or for 100 percent green. And i want to say that we are thrilled that we are now at 40 percent, as the base line from 35 percent for what our energy mix is. And it is thrill thag we are also green e, certificate and because that, that makes people feel that this is really a program with integrity, and you can be sure that it is really green. And i guess that based on the enthusiasm that i see from san franciscans in the field, i think that it is ridiculous that we have a 5 percent goal for 100 percent green . Lets be bold. This is silly. This is people are ready to go. This is if you nrp texas maybe, or some other place. But, and my other question is, when are we expecting to have all customers at 100 percent, i mean that we have not even rolled out yet, which we need to kind of start moving on. But, people want this. So, and one other one small thing that i would say for the chair is that it is not a small act to go 100 percent green. Because the compounding aspect is this, as we go more to electric and we get off of fossil fuels, electricity is where we are going to. And if our electricity is 100 percent green, that means that our charz and electric cars are 100 percent green and our house whz we fuel them with electricity are 100 percent green. Thank you. I just want to ask we will lose commissioner ronen in mere minutes, and lose quorum. And i dont want to keep any member of the public from speaking, and so as you know thanks we are all open to receive any comments, by email or phone call and i can make myself available, to anyone. But i would like to ask if there is anyone that opposes the motion on the table . We do need to approve the 2017 schedule. Or we cant meet again. So which is the next agenda item is there any member of the public either melissa who have turned in a speaker card that turned in that would have an objection that would like to speak at this time. I really appreciate your help wg that. So, seeing no other member of the public speaking Public Comment<\/a> is closed. And could we take a motion to oppose the legislation that mr. Fried is at senate bill, 618. And with any changes that the chair sees fit over the next couple of months, on the committee. So, moved. By. And second and seconded moved by commissioner fewer and seconded by commissioner ronen. And madam clerk could you item six . It is a 2017, lafco regular meeting schedule. Jason, the executive sneshgs front of you have two meeting days, may 18, july, 20, september 21, november, 30th, at 10 30 in this room. Any changes to the room assignment we will let you know ahead of time and you might want to approve that we can move on. Motion to approve. You need to take Public Comment<\/a>. Is there any Public Comment<\/a> on the proposed 2017 lafco schedule . Seeing none, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. And that was moved by commissioner ronen and seconded by commissioner fewer and seeing no objections the meeting schedule is approve. Madam chair could you read item four. Executive officers report. The only thing that i will say is turn in your form 700 commissioners i know that some of have you done that already. If you havent, make sure ta do so. They are due by april third i believe, whatever that monday is. Great. Are there any public of the member that would like to speak on seven, Public Comment<\/a> is closed nochlt action for the commission to take on this matter. Madam clerk could you read eight. Public comment. Is there any member of the public that would like to speak at general Public Comment<\/a>. Yes, eric burks again, San Francisco<\/a> Clean Energy Advocates<\/a> San Francisco<\/a>s for Energy Choice<\/a>. And just to take an opportunity if you need to head out commissioner ronen that is fine. But now i want to take the time to make some key comments on clean power sf. First of all San Francisco<\/a>s for Energy Choice<\/a> and 350 bay area are also now opposed to 618. And the key thing that is going to object your plate now, that we need to move forward on, is to remember that when clean power sf and another Community Choice<\/a> programs first got started, the objective is here to get San Francisco<\/a> on 100 percent local and regionally sourced generated Renewable Energy<\/a> within five to ten years and that is still the objective. And what we are facing state wide, i can tell you from my state wide work. That within the next five to ten years it is conceivable that every possible customer in the state with a utility will become a Community Choice<\/a> customer. At that point, the demand will be so high for renewables that if we are not building robust, renewables here in the San Francisco<\/a> bay area, trying to go on the market will be expensive. We need to get the plan under way and the key to that is to growth plan. We need to do the same thing without that Customer Base<\/a> on board, we will not have the financial ability to leverage the bonds to do the builds out that we need to prevent a scenario where there is not enough clean energy to buy, so that is next thing on your plate. Thank you, and are there any members of the other members of the public that would like to speak at general Public Comment<\/a> . Im with the club and i would want to say congratulations to you. And i just wanted to make a quick emphasis on Community Choice<\/a>. And i want to emphasize the importance of 100 percent customer inclusion and we would like to see more aggressive marketing and planning on moving forward. And we want to see a plan on the local build out as eric mention and we hope to Work Together<\/a> as to advance the clean power sf and i look for toward to seeing the green plan. Thank you, are there any other members of the public . I just want, and i do want to emphasize that, you know, okay. I will be very quick. I also i am from 350, San Francisco<\/a>, and i wanted to that we have the people signing up and talking to them and explaining the programs, and but right now, very little specifically super green promotion supports the table of these effort and they could be very much more effective if there was specifically super green promotion and i also wanted to point out that since the sign up of the super green is online, that online promotion is a natural and especially, via social media. And so, we would like to see much more aggressive and specifically targeted promotion of super green and this will help us to really push 100 Percent Clean Energy<\/a> in San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you very much. Thank you, and i just want to apologize again for members of the public that showed up today, to speak to us. That we are running short on time and i appreciate your working with us and looking for ward to having some more discussions. Thank you so much. If there is know other member of the public, that would like to speak, the Public Comment<\/a> is closed. Madam clerk could you call item 9. Future agenda items. Okay. I would like to make a motion to postpone item nine to the next general meeting. And then, if any discussions happen in the next two months prior to that, that need some additional discussion, then we can call a special meeting. We can even move future agenda items to the beginning of the next meeting so that we are talking about the budget more fully, taking into consideration, future agenda items is there a second for that. Second. And we do need to have it opened it up for Public Comment<\/a>. One more time, eric brooks. With the two groups that i mentioned before and also with public nat San Francisco<\/a> which is working for public broadband, i just want to flag two key items. On that front, one is we need to get public broadband fully under way in the lafco this year, because this year when it is going to happen. This year is when the Trump Administration<\/a> is going to try to privatize everything in sight on the internet and this is it and we need lafco to be on top that have and i am also with the San Francisco<\/a> green party and our city San Francisco<\/a> and we have worked closely with clean action and other Environmental Justice<\/a> organizations, on making sure that there is proper clean up of the navy site in the bay view, point and on Treasure Island<\/a> and since you probably have seen in the news that revelation vz come out that the contractor was covering up and falsifying data on radiation and toxic chemical clean up. The problem we face and we need lafco to take this up especially since the Treasure Island<\/a> authority is a separate agency and it falls under your purview is that when we have spoken for the epa and the department of toxic substances in the bay view Hunters Point<\/a> we are able to get the navy to hold up and transsdperz we have stopped the transfers of the property in the bay view Hunters Point<\/a>, and Treasure Island<\/a> is not officially recognized even though it is really dangerous, and toxic ask radioactive. It is not recognized by the federal government as a super fund site. So what epa has said to us that it is not in their jurisdiction and so we need a mechanism to get the halting that is happening in the bay view unters point before the lands are transferred to happen on Treasure Island<\/a> to protect those residents from radiation, no one is doing that right now. So i would strongly recommend that since the board is not taking this up, we need great, thank you so much. Is there any other member of the public . I would just like to direct executive officer if you could maybe just get us more information before the next meeting on Treasure Island<\/a> and up date from the department of technology of where the broadband is . Just the informational item. Happy to do so. Great and, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. Madam clerk is there any other business before us today. That concludes our business for the day. Thank you very much, local Agency Formation<\/a> commission is adjourned. Afternoon. Morning everyone. Morning thank you for coming to the peoples palace of San Francisco<\/a>. clapping. let me begin by thanking all of the religious and Community Leaders<\/a> that are here impart together today thank you all the city agencies, thank our immigrant Rights Commission<\/a> our human Rights Commission<\/a>, want to thank so many people that came together with our priorities and our office and all of our friends of our immigrant Community Today<\/a> is a day we stand together as one city of people clapping. i also want to note and im very thankful to a lot of the organizations","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/24\/items\/SFGTV_20170406_080000_LAFCo_32217_Local_Agency_Formation_Commission\/SFGTV_20170406_080000_LAFCo_32217_Local_Agency_Formation_Commission.thumbs\/SFGTV_20170406_080000_LAFCo_32217_Local_Agency_Formation_Commission_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240627T12:35:10+00:00"}

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