Transcripts For SFGTV LIVE BOS Budget And Finance Subcommitt

SFGTV LIVE BOS Budget And Finance Subcommittee July 27, 2016

All right. Good morning, everyone thank you for your patience welcome to the tuesday, july 26, 2016, meeting im katie tang and to my left is supervisor yee and chair farrell will not make it well make a motion and clerk linda wong and thank you Jennifer Lowe and march. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the august 2nd board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Can what he get a motion to excuse our chair farrell today. All right. Without objection thank you item one please. Item number one reduces for the rec and Park Department to accept from the how administration a design and Development Services for approximately 1. 7 million for the ocean beach trail. Thank you very much and just a few brief comments i supported this item and thank you to the various agencies were working with on were dealing with the severe erosion facing at the great how south so were excited about an update project in conjunction as the vital issues with dealt with with that, im going to turn it over to rec and park for this item. Good morning supervisor tang and supervisor yee my name is tony the grants manager for the rec and Park Department Capital Improvement division and on behalf of the department to request our recommendations to accept and an cycling grant if the how approximately, 1. 7 million the administration authorizes the general manager to enter into the Grant Agreement for the project the federal how Administration Grant will handle the trailed project and administrative code by the federal lands how division with rec and park oversight the project located on the western lanes of great how between skyline and sloping those will be permanently closed as part of how reroute project by the public works the rec and Park Department has jurisdiction over this portion of great how and has been working with the National Park service and spur and several agencies to develop a plan to provide assess to the parklands to this end the rec and Park Department proposes to create a pedestrian bicycle trail on the completion of the reroute project the project will include the surfacing and 8, tenth of that mile for asphalt a 12 foot wide pathway that will provide twoway multi use transportation between slope skyline and the removal of one and 60 square feet of asphalt the revegetation of one and 69 square feet with nature plant and to manage the soil and erosion and bicycle parking and automobile parking upon approval the grant well move forward with the Environmental Review and design and expect it to begin in 2018 and completion will happen around july of 2018 on hand i have the project manager who what o can answer any questions im available to answer any questions. Thank you for your presentation can you talk a little bit about about the matching fund. The grant match is requires 11. 4 percent of the entire cost the grant if prop k that was approved at the yesterdays San Francisco Transportation Authority Board Meeting we have a match in place. Okay. Great thank you very much seeing none, no questions at this time and no budget Analyst Report Public Comment on item one. Any member of the public wish to speak. Im from the Bicycle Coalition were thrive to see im happy to see this today, the biennial transportation and ocean beach master plan thank you for usual long dedication for the ocean beach really open space for people were seeing this throughout San Francisco before the closer of the openly up for people biking and walking and ocean beach has particular serpz with tSea Level Rise wer glad significant Public Benefits with the trail and your commented to this over the years. Thank you very much. Is there any additional Public Comment on item one please come on. Im the district congressman for jackie spier and this is a, long time collaborative process between the community and the city and it is a wonderful project we hope the board of supervisors will reenter into the agreement thank you. Thank you very much is there any additional Public Comment on item one seeing none, Public Comment is closed. If we can get a motion to send this with a positive recommendation to the full board. All right. Without objection. Thank you item 2 please. Item 2 resolution approving the amendment to a contract with al stone transportation to manage and extend the contract for an additional amount of 45 plus million. I believe we have john haley from the sfmta. Good morning, supervisors thank you for the opportunity to address you on this topic back in 2012, we started a very focused program with our support to renew and rebuild our fleets that led to a number of procurements youve helped us accomplish to make the Service Better and today, were asking you to continue the support for Management Initiative called the vendor managed inventory is somewhat unique to our system where the needs are unique in terms of our fleet we run a very diverse set of cars we run old cars many of which have suppliers and sub suppliers gone out of business and so what is put before you two years ago a Management Initiative to use a vendor management to allow us to improve our service and to improve our best practices and what i hope to show you this morning that the efforts weve made have been successful and we ask your support and experiencing the option in the last that two options in the contract going forward. The focus of this management effort to improve the rail service that is critical just to direct your attention to this this is the distance the flare this is our fleet of cars what is interesting over the last 5 years a steady increase in reliability this despite the fact the cars are running more miles a focus of the maintenance effort of which this is a part when we came to you 5 years ago and started asking for approval for money for our fleet renewables one of the things you as the board asked show us your maintenance we need better maintenance that is something you need to focus on weve been doing that religion rigging and throats help of looking at the maintenance practices and the Staffing Levels and looking at how we get a parts on a timely basis to your vehicles so in the case of light rail vehicles our reliability continues to improve and these are the reasons he mentioned this is how weve done this with the focus today how weve been able to address and long standing problem making sure we have the right parts at the right time to support doing our preventive maintenance as well as our repairs on a timely fashion vmi fills a gap from the structure that is bringing on a firmer with knowledge of the industry an expert that works with both materials management staff and our maintenance staff to inu unify the industry and someone if we have a difficult part or concern about quality how do we get this part in i wont go over the issues some of the results weve seen ill show you in a minute are availability of parts has improved from the Service Perspective that enabled our safety to improve by doing complete and on time inspections as we run nor miles on the cars because of the increased demand and special event from a business perspective it is lead with the 3 threelegged stool to better forecasting and planning and resulted in psychologist efficiency and in the system this chart simply by showing the consumption huge increase in part consumption this the level of maintenance we need to be doing this will keep the system safe and reliable and justin the best practices to hope to support this is key this is really a dramatic increase over a period of time period of years and we need to do this at this level to sustain and make improvements in the system this is the focus of this has been on the pause but we get help and support with the pcc and historical. Mr. Haley on that chart the huge part increase due to the fact the trains are older or from another reason. No, it is not because their older it is because the part consumption is in our maintenance prevented active Maintenance Program are based on the mileage this show you were doing all the inspection on time and a complete inspection with the Replacement Parts ahead of time at regular integrals as called for by the manufacturer not just wade for something to fail part of it has been a problem here with due do lead time and complexity and so the consumption a combination of highly availability, better, more miles run and the other thing about the consumption that allows us to utilize the cars one of the things weve done over the last two years in particular is stabilize the availability if rush how are you dont have two car trains think is l and m and enough cars to schedule the services thats been an issue so the parts consumption is really a combination but really about us developing and growing into the kind of Maintenance Program that we need to do at your you know we looked at the challenges you gave us to improve the maintenance and weve done that 0 through looking at the practices and Staffing Levels and the kind of work we focused on campaigns or over halls of components and systems that fail all the time all those things have lead to the improvement and the parts consumption does that answer your question. Okay. Thank you. On the by his side we have for years struggled with virnd as one of the other side of having a difference fleet is having parts from one type of vehicle that didnt fit on another vehicle our practice to rotate or turn the inventory over one of the things weve seen no more now the expectation rather than the rule when a mechanic has to make a repair fills out a card and walks to the window as has the part that was not always the case this is something to be focused of a better planning effort so we know the parts we need that means both business economics and service and reliability when we look to extend this we look at other alternatives to not extending the option, however, we think this extending the option builds on the success that is, established and the best alternative to right now we are asking you to you to exercise two options the budget analyst recommendation was to extend those two options we embrace that we asked originally for an additional two years in their report which we continue to support they suggested prudent to exercise those two options right now and wait to see what the marketplace looks like in two years with the additional completion thats a wise recommendation well endorse that and pledge to do with that time is i mentioned is a model that fits outline unique circumstances of new and old i think what well want to do at the sfmta work with other transit systems to develop a market i mean right now not a lot of people that provide parts for equipment no longer made maybe opportunities as our new l l v to work with additional concerned we support of recommendation and ask today fewer approval to exercise the last two options. Okay. Great, thank you for your presentation do you have any thoughts about the contracts for the bus fleets as well. Yes. We have were on our 8 procurement for rubber tires for the including the option weve exercised and going to look at that with new flier that is manufacturer of both buses and trollies we think that is a concept that will work and summit our best practices were going to look at that over the next several months. Okay. And then i know that you had a chart that showed the average distance between breaks down and Maintenance Requirements and that has obviously in terms of the miles traveled increased over time thats a good thing in terms of translateable terms for the muni passengers what are they seeing for example, reductions no details and set forth what other metrics do you have to show this system is helping to improve the turn on or near time when you have an issue. I think that on a daily basis now with vehicles we have bus and rail between 50 and 60 details on average the chart i showed you called mean distance between failure mentions how long the cars run before a mechanical defect and that mileage goes up it causes not to delay that is a symptomatic less details i can provide you if you request specific numbers of details we have right now versus back to 2012 on the rail system for the power but this number the viability will not look like without a reduction. Great we would like to see this information. Supervisor yee. In regards to your i think what youre talking about is consistent might make sense but maybe make sense but wonder if you have factored in the fact that we have been purchase a lot of newer vehicles and i would think you when we were purchasing new vehicles that was about oh, wont breakdown as often not old and we wont have to maintain them as densely as the oldest ones so when you talk about spend less or being more efficient in terms of breaks down is it due to the maintenance of older vehicles or are we factoring in the fact that newer vehicles dont breakdown as often. Let me try to make sure i understand your question, sir. I think that the details in the breaks down inherently older vehicles breakdown more in the case of the vehicles we showed here i would suggest that they were probably under maintained for a number of years for a varieties of reasons thats not so what weve done as we began to look at the fleets to improve the maintenance practices so the fact were able to get older vehicles to one vendor is a combination of making sure we do our inspections on the mileage cycles so the training the mechanics part of it is understanding those part that have been difficult to get so frequently parts were not replaced on the integrals they were supposed to be so those things as well as part of it is we focused on the day to day servicing my name is if the vehicles have a problem while in service can you recover quickly those kinds of things that is a combination of things and having the what this bmi practice provides is the ability to get us the parts that we couldnt get before i think im convinced that you are thinking about all those things ill actually, the question comes from commissioner sanchez thoughts in terms of how we measure the effectiveness of the way were this system you have versus the old system and it will show that we will have smaller breaks down when i see the data im suggesting the data should be apples to apples we shouldnt for instance, when include the maintenance records of last any new vehicles we purchased in the last two or three years because in the past we had a lot of older vehicles we should compare the data with older vehicles. Understood and on the bus side we have that data and we will provide data right now we have no new rail vehicles we will later this year have them and, of course, start that practice i agree i understand now thank you. Thank you very much so at this time go to the budget Analyst Report on item 2. Yes. Madam chair and supervisor yee we report the actual contract expenditures of the contract from september 1st, 2013, to august 31st, 2016, are 29 million plus the contract budget to be for the remaining for august 2018 is 25 million plus in a subcontract of 55 million plus that is for the 5 Year Contract and an option on to basis to august 31st, 2020, will increase the contract by 25 million for a total amount of 80 million plus and this is shown on page 3 of our report. On page 4 we note that the sfmta originally decided my understanding it concurs with our recommendation we report they decided not to issue an rfp for the Management Services for the parts and instead to expand the contract from cement first 2018 to august 2020 to it is provided the services that resulted in efficient and cost effect purchase of parts and sfmta has not identified other contractors to provide the services for sfmta l r v we conclude on the bottom of page 4 to extend the option for additional two years through august 31st, 2020, is two years into the future the availability of contractors to provide the parts for the Management Services could change no our recommendation on the bottom of page 4 we recommend you amend the promoted resolution as the same data as august 31st, 2018, and reduce the contract not to exceed by 25 million plus and 80 million plus to 55 million plus if you accept that recommendations this will eliminate the 25. 5 million for the two soltice in order to allow a new option for 2018 and recommend you approve the recommendation as recommended. Mr. Haley sounds like you are in agreement with that recommendation . Yeah. Great so why not Public Comment for item 2 anyone wish to comment on item number please come up seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Now a motion to adopt the budget analyst recommendation. I make a motion to adopt the budget Analyst Report with a positive recommendation to the full board. Without objection. Item 3 resolution authorizing the department of health to accept and expend a gift of a collection to the laguna hospital and the rehabilitation fund. Thank you. We have deanna chang from the laguna honda. Good morning. Im here on behalf of the laguna honda and were grateful to the lady for her generous donations nostrils a need with the laguna honda hospital we will provide fund for disabilities for a highlevel of injuries or mropz or strokes the technology it had any tool that helps individual to their environments and help to gain independence with a meaningful activity so example of the use of those are voice activeed and Communications Devices we are

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