Transcripts For SFGTV LIVE Full Board Of Supervisors 2016052

SFGTV LIVE Full Board Of Supervisors May 24, 2016

Good afternoon, everybody an welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, may 24th, 2016. Madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Thank you ma dem president. Supervisor avalos, present. President breed present. Campos present. Cohen present. Supervisor farrell, farrell not president. Supervisor kim present. Supervisor mar present. Supervisor peskin. Present,. Present. Supervisor tang. Tang present. Supervisor weiner. Present. Supervisor yee. President. Supervisor farrell, prept. Automatic members are present. Can you please join us for the pledge of a geedges. [recitation of the pledge of allegiance] thank you. Are there any chaimgs to the april 19th or the april 20th special budget and finance Meeting Minutes . Seen none. There is a motion . Colleagues can we take that without objection . The Meeting Minutes will be approved after Public Comment. Madam clerk, can you please read the consent agenda. One through four comprise the agenda. An eye tomorrow may be removed and considered separately. Seeing no names on the roster. Madam cleerk, please call the roll. One through four, supervisor weiner. Aye Company Supervisor weiner aye. Supervisor avalos, aye. Supervisor breed. Aye. Iewp visor breed aye. Iewp visor farrell, aye, supervisor kim, aye, mar aye. Supervisor peskin, aye, tang aye. There are 11 ayes. Those items are approved unanimously. Madam clerk, please read the next item. Item five is it an ard nans to allow departments to procure contracts threw a best val iew process with bid discounts applicable to price and to get performance and creation of a database. Call the vote. Weiner aye, supervisor eafl hes, no. Breed aye, campos aye, cohen aye. Farrell aye. Kim aye. Mar, aye. Peskin aye. Supervisor tang. Aye. 10 ayes and one know with supervisor avalos in the dissent. Next aye testimony. Item six for 4. 1 million in revenues and deappropriate [inaudible] for nonpersonnel services and appropriate rating 4. 7 million to overtime in the sheriffs department. Fire department, Public Health department. Public Utilities Commission and Police Department operating budgets in order to support the departments increases in overtime. Supervisor avalos. Thank you madam president. I voted on this last week and i intend to no on it this week as well. I did want to mention some concerns i had, one issues i had with this last week is i felt that the board of supervisors had not practiced its budget short as effectively as we generally should. Especially when it came to the Police Salaries. We had 8 million left over that was moved in this ordinance being moved from Police Salaries to cover overtime that was used for the super bowl. I think we should be much more effective in how we do a budget review. This year, and i did have a conversation with the chair of the Budget Committee today, based on the requests from the Controllers Office, according to the chair of Budget Committee, that our budget process has been bumped up a week ahead of schedule. And that gives harvey rose less time to be able to do his analysis of the budget and without that analysis, were ham strung. I have a concern again for a next budget psyche that will starts next moppett. Are we going to have the ability to scrutinize this budget the way we need to to avoid the problems all over again . Im concerned based on request from the controller that the Budget Committee following we may not be able to do that. Today again, im voting no. Thank you supervisor avalos. Supervisor farrell. Id like to divide the file and have a separate vote on fire d. E. M. And sheriff. Okay. Roll call on the initial separated file as suggested by supervisor farrell. Avalos. Fire, d. E. M. And sheriff, i add d. U. C. To that as well. To include the d. U. C. Fire,. D. E. M. And p. U. C. . Okay, so were going to vote on that particular part of the divided file first and then well take a second vote on the remaining file. Madam clerk on the divided file which initially includes fire, d. E. M. Sheriffs department and p. U. C. Please call the roll. Our minutes from last Tuesdays Division was dphuc and the [inaudible] without the fire department. Can you repeat that. Original division from last week was dpheuc and sheriff without the fire department. Madam president supervisor farrell. For clarification purposes last week we had three separated out. Pyre, d. E. M. And sheriff and a dphsfud and puc. What supervisor avalos is suggesting that we not have a 33 vote. That we lock together four of them. On second reading, that is fine. Well have a first vote, if point. Fire, d. E. M. And sheriff and add p. U. C. To that. So just for clarification, there is no requirement for second reading. Yes, the entire ordinance must pass on second reading fire requires eight votes. The rest require six votes. The division from last week doesnt have to match up with the division of this week. Thank you for that clarification. Our first vote on the divided fire with will be for the fire department, d. E. Member of the k. Sheriff and p. U. C. Madam cleerk please call the role. Weiner aye. Yee aye, avalos aye. Breed aye. Campos aye. Cohen aye. Farrell aye. Kim aye. Mar aye, peskin aye. Tang aye. There are 11 ayes. Okay, the ordinance finally passes unanimously. On the second part of the divided file, please call the roll. Supervisor weiner aye. Yee aye. Avalos no. Breed aye. Campos know. Cohen no. Farrell aye. Kim no. Supervisor mar aye. Peskin no. Supervisor tang aye. There are six ayes and five Noh Avalos Kim peskin in the descent. Ma. Clerk item seven and eight are two leases between the city and bank of america for automated teller machines for item 7 with a 365,000 minimum annual guarantee for the first year of the lease and a five year term and item 8 is the lease for automated teller machines with a 250,000 minimum annual guarantee. Five year term with a two year option to extend. Supervisor campos. This is not an easy one in the sense that ideally, i personally dont want to have anything to do with any company that is headquartered in North Carolina. I do know this institution has actually gone out of its way to fus push back on the practices of that state. In recognition of that, i will be supporting this. But i would ask bank of america and any other company that is headquartered in North Carolina that if we fail to change the mind of this state and this government that they did seriously consider coming out of that state and moving on to different state headquartered, their offices somewhere else. City of San Francisco being one is one possibility. For that reason, i will be supporting this today. Supervisor cohen. Madam president , i need to ask that i make a motion to rescind item six. I voted incorrectly. So supervisor cohen has made a motion to rescind the vote on the split file of the second vote for item number six. Is there a second . Second. Can we take at that without exception. I did not catch the second on that. Supervisor farrell. All right, for item seven and eight since we called those items together, well finish the vote with that and go back to the second part of the split file that we rescinded the vote for. Clerk, please call the roll for items seven and eight. Weiner aye. Yee aye. Avalos no. Breed aye. Campos aye. Cohen aye. Farrell aye. Kim no. Mar aye, peskin no. Peskin no. Supervisor tang aye. Eight ayes and three knows. Nos. Those are adopted. On the item number six, the second part of the split file of the vote that we rescinded, madam clerk, please call the roll. This is for dch and ffdp. Weiner aye. Yee aye. Avalos. Pd and dh no. Breed aye. Campos no. Cohen yes. Farrell aye. Kim no, mar aye. Peskin no. Peskin no. Supervisor tang aye. There are seven ayes and four knows. Avalos, kim and peskin in descent. Item nine is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to prohibit the use of city funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of Immigration Law except for individuals that are convicted of a violent felony. Avalos. Id like to refer this to later in the agenda. Well refer to later in the agenda. Madam clerk, items 10 through 14. Five resolution resolutions that declare of intent of city to reimpurse from multifamily housing rev if knew bonds. In the following amounts for item 10. Resolution in the amount not to exceed 76 million for 171 loehr street and sunnydale avenue. A re liewtion not to exceed 479 million for 158 1500 through 1508 avenue. 13 in the amount not to exceed 111 million for 54 mccallister street mcallister street and not to exceed 20 million more the knox sro. Vote. Item 10 through 14. Supervisor weiner. Weiner aye. Supervisor yee aye. Avalos aye. Breed aye. Campos aye. Cohen aye. Farrell aye. Kim aye. Mar aye. Peskin aye. Tang aye. There are 11 ayes. The resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please read item 15. Ordinance to amend the police code to prohibit any person from keeping an ire arm within any residents unless thats locked in a container or disabled with a trigger lot. Supervisor farrell. Thank you. I appreciate your hearing this item today and voting on it and for my colleagues at committee. Gun violence is a large issue not only here but across the country. One of the factors is the unsafe storage of firearms. I believe earlier this year or last year a recent study found that over 1. 6 million children and youth under 18 were living in homes withed and unlocked firearms. Can and they knew the low cautions of their parents firearms. Its into the just children and youth at risk, theyre also susceptible to theft during home invases. Over 80,000 firearms are stolen a year in burglars and 57 are used in crimes. Thats why i want this to close the loophole to ensure that all arms are kept in a locked container or secured by a you trigger lock. I want to recognize supervisor cohen as well for her work in this area. This is not in response to something that happened on the streets of San Francisco but i do not want to wait for a tragedy to enact this legislation. This proposal itself mandates all firearms not just handguns be be properly stored and have the proper trigger locks. In order to encourage risk of lost or stolen firearms, a person that would file would not be subject to prosecution under my proposal. This continues to be a top priority for everyone inside of city hall and we owe it to our families and children to be aggressive as possible to promote Public Safety especially in the home. We have the opportunity to be one of the the strongest gun safety cities in north america and continue to be at the leadership of these types of legislation and opportunities. I do want to thank a number of piano. First jeff from my office and the professionals at the law center for all their work on this issue. They do a loot of work in our country and are sphwrx. I want to acknowledge their leadership in this. Thank you. And madam clerk, please add me as a exoa sponsor. Supervisor campos. I want to be added as a cosponsor. The key here it to shak make sure we spread the word and make sure that firearms are kept safely in their home and im proud of the fact that we continue to lead the way around the issue of gun safety here in San Francisco. Thank you again supervisor farrell. Thank you. And madam clerk, can we take item 15 without objection the ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. Item 16, please. Item 16 is an ordinance to designate 35 to 45 onendagga avenue also known as the hospital and Health Center as a landmark. Supervisor avalos. Im delighted to bring this forward to landmark these two buildings for historic Landmark Preservation list. These are would sites, two hospitals one was an Emergency Hospital part of the system that was built in the 1930s during the depression. It was a system in place for about 40 years. Until it was shut down in the 1970s. Interesting about the history here, is that the when d. P. H. Decided to shut down the site, workers and residents occupied the space to keep the healthcare continuing for residents in that part of town. They held it for a month. Within the building you can see graffiti held behind during at that occupation of the building. There are other many, many historical parts of the stild building. Architecturally theyre amazing in terms of spanish architect. Architecture. And there is the health at home building. There are two murals by bernard zakheim. We found two frescoes partially covered by paint. More recently in the past five years in the lealt and home building. And were going to be landmarking this building. Whatever happens in the future, these historical remnant can remain. Colleagues, i encourage your support. Also, this measure has big support from my district in particular the new Mission Terrace Improvement Association which had filed for the Historic Preservation resolution. So, colleagues, i encourage your support. Thank you. Thank you supervisor avalos. Colleagues item 16 without objection the ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. Madam clerk, please read item 17. Clerk to amend the health code to protect the Public Water System by replacing obsolete requirements consistent with current state and federal Drinking Water laws. Without objection, the ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. Please read items 18 through 20 together. Items 18 through 20 with three resolutions to authorize the issuances to licenses for the following locations to ensure that the alcohol beverage control. Item 18 is a type 18 premises license to Frank Leclerc for gaiten restaurant. 21 is a general license to howard goh located at 5900 third street. Item 20 to issue a type 20 offsale beer and wine license to Surinder Singh doing business at 7eleven on mission street. Without objection, the resolutions are adopted unanimously. Please read item 21. Resolution to urge governor jerry brown to declare a state of emergency to this growing crises and provide state assistance to the cities and counties to provide needed support and services. Colleagues, can we take this item . Madam president ,. Item 21 weiner aye, yee no. Afl yoas aye. Breed aye. Campos aye. Cohen aye. Farrell aye. Kim aye. Mar aye. Peskin aye. Tang no. There are nine ayes and two knows yee and tang in i the dissent. The resolution is adopted. Item 22 please. 22 is an ordinance to exempt the California State University of Fresno Foundation from the chapter 12 access ordinance to facilitate the agencies entering into a contract with the foundation for Training Services required for Child Welfare staff and foster parents. Supervisor weiner aye. Yee aye. Avalos aye. Breed aye. Campos aye. Cohen aye. Farrell aye. Kim aye. Mar aye. Peskin aye. Tang aye. Tang aye. There are 11 ayes. The ordinance passes unanimously on the first reading. Item 23, please. A motion to reappoint annemarie fortier and nicole bunny math use rosenberg to the commission of animal control and welfare. Can we take this item. Without objection the motion is approved unanimously. All right, lets skip over the 3 00 and 33 00 p. M. Especially items and 3 30 p. M. And go to special items. Supervisor yee. Id like to be rereferred. Supervisor avalos. We cant all rerefer. Are you guys ready for roll call for introduction . Okay. President breed. Rerefer, please. Campos. Great, ill take it. Thank you. The first item is an item i know a number of people have talked about. But i want to give credit for credit is due by thanking former assembly man tom enono. Hes been thinking about this for more than 10 years. Hes been working tirelessly to bring people across the aisle to bring needed change in different aspects of government. You think a lot of the structural changes that made government function bet railroad because of tosm and his work. For the last six months, a blem bli member anonoeo. S have what been working with labor unions and nonprofits to draft the legislation im about to introduce which is the creation of an office of public advocate here in San Francisco. The office of public advocate is a complaint and whistleblower department empowered to fight for San Francisco residents here in city hall for the purpose of Getting Better results for those residents. Now more than ever, the public is yearning for accountability and transparency here in government. Whether its around police accountability, homelessness, housing, you name the issue. I want to thank my cosponsors of this Charter Amendment supervisor mar, supervisor avalos, supervisor kim and i look forward to adding to that list. This Charter Amendment makes three major changes. When it comes to the office. And the responsibilities. I want to thank the City Attorneys Office and tom owen in particular for all his great work in putting this proposal together. First, this office would be a constituent services agency. On an individual level, the public advocate takes complaints, and makes it sure that members of the public are treated fairly by their local government. If you get a parking ticket as an example because they start sweeping streets, and you complain because you point out rightly so that you actually were not there at the time that would have made you liable for the ticket. If you complain to the sfmta, chances are youre not going to get your complaint answer. On the systemic level, the public advocate would investigate on going patterns and problems to address whatever the issue is whether its an ef

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