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The president may set a reasonable time limit. Tonight Public Comment time is limited to two minutes. Speakers must speak from the podium when addressing the commission and speak clearly the n to the microphone. Refeign from using profanity or yelling or screaming. Under the public address questions or remark tooz the commission. Neitherer Police Personnel or occ personnel nor commissions are required to respond to questions accept when to caso by the president. Refrain from entering into debate our discussion mpt members of the public may not express vocal support or statements made by members of the public address the commission. Members of the public may not display signs [inaudible] endanger par tis paints. Cameras and taping devices may be brought into the hearing room but prohibited from using flash, camera lights. [inaudible] after being warned such conduct can lead taremoval. Disorderly conduct that disrupts the meet g ing. A brief to the [inaudible] conduct or violent conduct intend today disrupt the meeting. Disobedience of the Commission President shall include the order to be seated. The other undue [inaudible] great, it will take the cooperation of everyone to help us. Please call the first item, request the chief of police to accept a dump trailer for the Asian Pacific ilenering Community Forum to be uses by the mounting unit values of 3630, 31. Request of the chief of police to accept a donation from the new asia restaurant to be used by the pin yuen Summer Youth Engagement Program you have information on the requests on the consent calendar, any questions . Do i have a motion . Move we accept the consent calendar. Second. Public comment. Any Public Comment on the matter . Hearing none, pubhook comment is now closed. All in favor . Opposed . Motion passes. Next line item item 2, report to the Commission Discussion to chiefs report. This is allow the chief of police to report on recent Police Department activities and make announcements. Follow up report for redistricting and update on Body Worn Cameras, update from the professional Standards Bureau. Update on Additional Resources for major crimes unit. Presentation of the first and Second Quarter 2016. Occ directors report. Are we going to call the csi. . If there is anything you want to start your report with and feel free to call the csi kids up call the csi kids up in the interest of time the Community Initiative is a partnership with the commission, mo magic. We work with young people for two years to employ with summer zaubs and build relationship of trusts with communities. They are sworn to serve and continued recruit from all Diverse Communities across so we will get a presentation. This is a final product of the summer work of our inturns and maybe mrs. Davis maybe you want to start with opening remarks as we get started. Thank you again for the opportunity for the young people to present. I know they will trunicate a lot of it and thank you [inaudible] i know they were supposed toprint last time. Theyi dont even have words because i know some of you may not and know and some may not but it has grown. There was a group working with developer squz Affordable Housing folks and those young People Living in the hope sf sites got aftered a internship through the project so she will work there through the school year. We had two students working in the Culinary Group also hired to work through the school year so this is opening the doors and those are children from Public Housing sites so it is a entry into the real world so thank you for taking the risk. Proud of them and at some point it will be helpful to have opportunity or occasion to speak with them individually because as you go through the process they can share with you, jerry and jorder jordan are back incology college and what they saw one year to the next and how they grow with you. Thank you for the opportunity. Hi. Good eveningfelt my name is [inaudible] i prernlly worked on the Outreach Program and also the interviews on this project and in the course of the summer, we worked on the sfpd pow, operation genesis. Sfpd willingness, sfpd Cadet Program and Community Safety initiative. So, the sfpd program is Police Activity linked and pals Cadet Program, sea hawks football Conditioning Program and basically they train inturns to show them what they will expect in the future as they become a please officer. Here is a video of the captain explaining the program. [inaudible] our main program is probably the cadets and the cadets [inaudible] expected to come up to a school year 3 thursdays a month where we go over [inaudible] this is the real sea hawks team [inaudible] use basically [inaudible] there are a good amount of program they provide to the community and youll hear from cadet members about the benefit of being a part of the programs you get a wide array of contacts and get introduction into Law Enforcement. [inaudible] you get to do things none of your friends do whether it in is the summer talking to the swat team or k 9 unit or maybe see a court trial or talking to the community or [inaudible] you wouldnt probably otherwise have. Here is a program and i prernlly got to go on one of the trips with them and we got to go to [inaudible] and it was a great experience to see a different part the city that [inaudible] dont see in the city and it was also good to gain personal relationship with the officers. I really do recommend kids to join these programs because it is good for them to get in touch with the Police Officers that since negative things been going on between Police Officers in the community, it is good for them to gain the relationship and know a different side of the officers. Here is a video of the one of the officers. We will skip the video. [laughter] operation genesis a 10 day all expense paid trip to ghana opportunity to learn about cultural backgrounds and participate in eye opening activities. They get to go to ghana. The Bayview Community center and he takes young kids to ghana and theyofficer jj takes the kids to ghana and they get to give back to ghana and build schools for them. Community Safety Initiative is a paid summer internship and they are exposed to careers within Law Enforcement. They go to field trips to different departments within sfpd and become a leder in their community and that is us, we are csi, the Community Safety initiative. Sfpd Cadet Program is a paid opportunity to gain speerns with sfpd and there must be a full time college student, Flexible Work hours, make connection, become a leader in your community and maintain a 2. 0 grade point average. Moving forward is yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Hi, how are you doing . Good, how are you . Im great. My name is aeneta [inaudible] here to discuss recommendations that we came up with. We would like when we have activities or outing or event when officers do come, maybe they shouldabout just talk to each other and become more engaging with the people around us and active. We also feel like maybe they shouldnt come in uniform all the time. Maybe seeing them how they address more regular. Also recommendationsmaybe also we think they should speak out on social injustice or how they feel what is going on. I also think that maybe we should put more money into showing what the Police Department is doing currentsly for the youth. Maybe commercials so more people can see it and not hear about it. Sometimes it is good towhat they really do for the community. Geneta what you learned this summer, do you think most people your age know the department does these programs . No, not at all what sth best way to let them know sh y i think they should make fliers and put them around town and think there should be some commercials. I dont see it at all. This program showed me what they do and it want like i saw it outside. I think that is what it should be done. Not media, but just to where like they can look on the wall and see there is a event with sfpd and stuff like that. Okay, thank you. Hello mrs. Morgan, welcome back. My name is Morgan Tucker, i am a part of mo magic, based out of the Western Addition and put the program together. I work under mrs. Davis and started this last year during the program so a summer lead and came with all these great recommendation squz honestly that is what made me want to get into the Police Department. I found out there were so many different opportunities in it and it wasnt just the outfit and being on the street all day. There is the Community Department that we have as well as the you can also be awhat is it . I forgot what they are called. There is a bunch of different departments you can get to and not just in the street in the car, which is good and love that and like to see that but there is more than just that and most are not notified of the things so it is great oo let them know those thingerize available to them so this Program Helps the younger kids get into it. This is how i got so many other kids fl to it, i was a police cadet as well. It is good to help the kids understand it and if they dont get into it it gives a idea what it could be and what a Police Department can be like. In San Francisco we work with neighborhoods that are underprivileged so letting them know the Police Department isnt just a negative aspect. Operation genesis where kids can go to africa, nobody knows but putting it out there and have other kids go to these places it is really good and glad you have the program and glad you are helping us put the program together to make sure it goes together. I will let the young people here introduce themselves and want to piggy back on what morgan said. She did come through the Program Last Year and applied to be a cadet and was a cadet and going through the process to become a officer. Morgan is from bayview Hunters Point and whole family is here so that is a big step and commitment so thank you for the opportunity to engage in that. Just tell us your name and where you are from. My name is mira and from sunnydale what was the 5erate part of the program this summer . My favorite part the program is go to different field trip tooz the bomb squad and the boat. We got to see sth officers train and how they prepare themselves in different situation squz it was very eye opening. Thank you. My name is [inaudible]ime rrp from San Francisco california and have a great experience at the mo magic and learned a lot in Law Enforcement like when we went to the [inaudible] i learned there is something called a [inaudible] where it is like a 4 wheeler and can turn into a jet ski. Everybody loves the quadski. My name is blossom from bayview Hunters Point. My favorite experience about mo magic was like meeting people in our group. We all got close i learned new things about my community. Great. Thank you. Hi. My name is kion from San Francisco california and my favorite thing upon the group was being able to work with wonderful peers and find out what the police is about and a lot of people dont know and go off the things they see [inaudible] thank you kion. Thank you for your time. Everybody didnt make it tonight and know it is a big deal to cover out this time, they do have their reports that well forward to you all and links and put it on line if need be. I just want to stress you all have been great in terms of providing a space because everybody isnt jumping at the chance to work with the police and you opened up the headquarters for them to work out of there this year and you opened up yourself for very critical feedback so when you some the reports and some the full videos you will see there isnt this kind of like, we will just say the police are great because we have the opportunity to earn money, but there are very critical this is what we think needs to happen but thank you for providing the space. I want to say they came to drop family members off were not necessarily interested working with you all, so thank you for being open to having conversations with people who dont like you. [laughter] with everything going on im afraid to bring the young people up to share their experiences because i dont want people to be critical for them for coming here and doing that so i want to make sure people understand that this is their process and if they make a recommend for a bbq or to engage is that is from a community and Young Persons perspective and we shouldnt poopooon that. I want say that because they have taken a huge risk not just in terms of the adults but only community. We learned last year a lot of the kids participated in this got negative feedback when they went back home for working with the police. As often as we can to support and praise them. The other thing i want make note of is somebody said to me at one point, of course they are amazing because they are the cream of the crop so i want to say they are the cream the crop but everybody doesnt always recognize that so understanding if you take time and give space and have High Expectations you will be amazed at how great and wonderful these young people are if you can just get to know them and think that is what Community Policing is about, getting to know the people enyour community so they are not just a vagrant or a young person or loitering but they are mell ody duneta and amber and real people and to humanize them. Thank you. I see you every day. I just want to say to you young people. I hope you get what im saying. You may get push back and may get this but your truth is your truth and you know what you have seen. Dont be afraid to say what you seen. You know 2 plus 2 is 4 right . Your experience is your experience and doesnt matter what anybody else says, you center seen this and speak your truth. If others dont like it who got the problem . They got the problem, right . What you seen you just know your truth and speak your truth and feel comfortable with that because the problem is, this side of it doesnt get out. Good news is not news. The other side and voizs shout down what is often the truth so i urge you to speak the truth and if anybody has a problem that is your problem and if they hurass you too much you tell me kwr cheryl and well deal with them. How is that . Commissioner melara. For some reason i get a monitor or mic [inaudible] we are sharing. This is the way leadership works, we share. I want to congratulate you and dont know what the composition of the group was but i see a lot of young women tonight and really proud of that because i like to see women in in leadership positions. Following dr. Marshals remarks is being a leader takes risks and what other kids experience last year was unfortunate, but that is part of being a leader. People areyou are not always going to be liked. Congratulations on what you have done and hope you continue growing through your process. Thank you. So it isnt over. Morgan was here last year in the role you were so you see how many programs there are, there is a lot of work to do. The path ahead is long and mrs. Davis we wim ask for some of you to come to the meetings we have about what we are look frg in the next chief and help facilitate the conversations because this is a partnership and want to say to all you, i dont think any of us up here like had it together on the level you do at the age you have to have a internship and being on the marine unit and bomb thing and all that. Morgan is a great example. There is a lot of people who invested in you so thank you for the time you have taken. We will read your recommendations and criticism is welcome so we appreciate your advise and recommendations but your decision to be part of the solution is what i want to commend you the most for so thank you. Alright guys. [applause] thank you chief chaplin for graciously differing some time. No problem. We are ready. We had a shooting on 8816 on unit block of second in the southern. Approximately 0214 hours officers of second and mission regarding a shooting. Located a male vam on Second Street that sustained a gun shot wound in the butx and transferred to San Francisco General Hospital. He was very uncooperative and avaseive when questioned and refused to provide information. [inaudible] several subjects were detained and released so arrests made. The Investigation Unit is investigating on the update on the homicide from 8316 on julian avenue. A homicide with a sharp object. The aarrestee was daniel [inaudible] taken into custody for larry peavey. Booked on felony charge of homicide. A second suspect was taken into custody 72816 so the tw suspects are in custody on that particular homicide. There is also a homicide of note that occurred in San Francisco, but in a jurisdiction of another agency, u. S. Park police and that homicide was on at 3250 van ness in the central. No arrest made occurred 8616 at 945 p. M. Responded to aquatic park. Arrived on scene and there was a 20 year old victim shot in the torso, uncautious [inaudible] began cpr. The victim was pronounced deceased. [inaudible] witnessed informed a male was leaving the area immediately after the shooting. No arrest made. U. S. Park police will investigate that case. And we had a incident in taraval district that resulted in a barricaded sus spect that started as a [inaudible] the witness saw the suspect in the address and well known to to the community and lived at the address. Directed to location of the suspect who wouldnt come out of the apartment. A Critical Incident in place. A Hostage Negotiation Team responded and perimeter set. The Hostage Negotiation Team [inaudible] overnight. Most of the Tactical Units went home and Hostage Negotiation Team continued to negotiate. The next morning the suspect wouldnt come out on his own. The event went tactical at 2 47 p. M. The sust pective taken into custody. Officers were injured. The family was appreciate the sfpd showed. That is our recent events. A follow up from our last meeting where you wanted update on redistricting. After the last presentation you asked to gather more detailed presentation on regards to call for service and Response Time. We did analysis of each district and the maps show each district before the redistricting and indicate which areas [inaudible] calls for service [inaudible] across the board there was no endication the redistricting impacted numbers of calls for suchbs. Response times there is no indication Response Times are impacting and this is the packet the commissioners were all provided. Chief i vacouple questions on redistricting before you move on. I dont know if you are done with that yet . That should be it. First of all, thank you for putting together this response. You know i think other commissioners referenced after going through the process redistricting and making sure we spread out calls for service so Response Times would be fairly distributed and i heard from Police Officers that their concern is some calls or you say hanging on the board for a long time. I see Police Officers shaking their heads. If it appears a priority calls were not impacted, calls for severs were down at every station accept tenderloin which we predicted. It seems the trnd that i observe was that c priority calls, Response Time went up despite calls for Service Going down. That is correct. I dont know what we make of that because those are sort of themaybe you can share with everyone the difference between a, b and c call a is high priority call and get there now and maybe siren necessary. B is serious call but not serious enough to rush there. C is lowest priority and usually maybe just a report or a citizen request a interview. The realty is the c priorities will suffer because you pay more attention to a and b calls. Now we are in the process bringing Staffing Levels up. We are well below what we need to do and project maximum staff in [inaudible] which will have a great impact on the c priority calls but the priority is give n to a and b calls. Right, there could be a couple reasons like i look at richmond calls for service, it is down significantly. Park district january 15, 3244 calls serviced. At that time respauchbs time for example for c priority call is 7 minute. In december it is down all most exactly a thousand calls for service and Response Time was up a minute. It could be there a number of reasons. We are trying to make sure there isnt so much pressure they move so quickly each interaction is done right. I also think the majority of calls sometimes could be c priority and it is how people feel the Police Department is respondsing to their call. I wonder if that is something you guys flagged and it sounds like your response is this will be solved by staffing. I think it will be solved by staffing and there are things that occurred that can impact the c calls. If we have a Critical Incident the c priority callstened to linking longer and we leave those hanging. There is a a or b call we may ask for outside district to respond and help out. Colleagues do you have questions . Otherwise i ask we have the same report in 3 months. Looking at tinder loin which is where i heard some complaints, it seems like they have the highest number of calls s service. We are trying to balance the calls for service [inaudible] what i heard about tenderloin is that because of sth nature of the tenderloin there is a lot more on view incident where they dont show as calls for service. The officers are directly engaged and see it happen . Correct. If those are not showing up andteneder loin has the highest calls for service do we need to do rebalancing since they have sth highest call for surfbs. We are looking at the staffing level atteneder loin with regards to that because one of the issues with the [inaudible] you talked about where the officers see something and act, they are impacted by if they make a arrest they are taken out of the pool to response to calls fl service so the calls may hang longer and that may impact the Response Times, but we are looking at staffic for tenderloin because that district expanded greatly. It was a tiny district but a high concentration of crime and it got bigger so calls jumped so we are looking at the staffing for tenderloin. I just ingeneral, it looks like in general calls for service went down but Response Time stayed about the same so what concerns me is the number of calls for service goes up to normal levels that will impact the Response Time. We are anticipating that and why we look at that for the dense population in the tend erloin and that is growing fast. The mayor officer communicated a concern about that area as well. Thank you. Thanks chief. And the next part of my report will be update regarding the body cameras and for that presentation i call deputy chief schmit to do that presentation. Welcome dep ity chief schmit. Good evening commissioners. Director hicks, chief. Im deputy chief of the Administration Bureau and here to do a update where we stand with the roll out with body worn ram rus to puparole. June 1, 20s 16 after a lot of work by members of the commission, by sergeant kilshaw and members of the community looking at model policies and best practices and all the issues surrounding Body Worn Cameras we approved and agreement on general order for Body Worn Cameras. So, in the Administration Bureau, we have the Technology Division and trainic division and facilities unit and having the general order in place we set those unit to work to make sure we had a plan and practical way to roll the new program out and get this in the field in a responsible way that gets the best use. Facilities, working on a plan since the spring and through june and july. Did the infrastructure work to district station so every district station has a docking portal for the equipment. They need the infrastructure of internet conductivity and secure areas for storage and make sure that we could get the devices linked to the computers for the report writing and all the signage so the members worked very hard across the city to make sure every station was ready for the roll out and that construction finished by midjuly. At the same time, we needed a training plan. The general order itself says officers are not authorized to wear the equipment until they are trained. The training has the technology side, the equipment and tool and how it work squz how to use it and the policy side. When do i need to use it, when do i have to use, when can i not use, who can look at it, all the stuff in the policy every officer has to be too be trained. The goal of the training to train to the functionality of the new equipment and train to the policy so every officer who has it will have the full picture before they go on the street with the equipment. What we did is had Field Operations bureau which is where patrol fits select 64 trainers across the city. Sergeants and officers who become our trainers for this program. We brought them in beginning july 20 for a 10 hour day of training in small groups, groups of 15. For the cameras to function it has to pair with the officers individual phone. The office showed up at the training with the phone, the axon trainers issued the device, paired the device and linked that particular camera to that officers phone. The training day went Something Like this, they came in and started with two hours on the policy, they then had the technology aspect, where do i wear the device because you only have it in authorized position, basically a front center mount to capture the video and went through more policy training so total of 4 hours of training and two hours of scenario based exertions to give them examples and work through the type of things they would see on patrol so they come up with the questions. What if this happens . They are given a scenario, for example, you are dispatched to a call to speak fooa citizen with no other information and as the scenario developed, criminal information came to light and triggers the activation of the camera. The policy is specific on shall activate and activate in incidences of arrest when conducting searches, during traffic or pedestrian stops but the camera is put at the beginning of the shift in a running standby mode and requires the officer or sergeant to make the decision, this is incident where i activate the camera and the camera buffers for 30 seconds and captures video and the policy tells how long the video is running and their connectivity is that incident nds and the policy speak s to when you reactivate or start a new incident. It also tells when you shall not activate the camera and it just covers everything. It is very thorough. They received the training over a 10 hour day and after a week of sessions we have 64 trainers ready to go. What we did next is deployed them, the trainers themselves in the fields to their regular district stations so they could have regular patrol experience on the functionality and policy and camera. Every day they are responsible for wering the camera and using in accord wns the policy and working with the officers to make sure the evidence they tagged was connected to reports if that was the case and downloading that footage and providing a daily list to the Training Division of tagged videos, case numbers, and who is responsible for the investigation. So, we tracked that in the Training Division and provided a daily summary to the District Attorneys Office. We did this 3 week breakout of letting the trainers work with devices because we want to make sure when they go out in the field to train they really are true subject Matter Experts. We feld if you just spend a day covering what is written on paper and saying you are good to go, you have done a disservice to the tool itself and the officers you will train in this. This time the field allows them to develop the muscle memory necessary for them to exercise this new tool. They will have in the back of their head and will be better position to tell people, you needed to hit that or give advise when things come and go. Throughout the 3 weeks, any time they had a question on policy or something where they were unsure because what is happening in realtime in the field they brought that back to the Training Division and it was a tech issue the axon trainers or Technology Division dealt with it and policy issue we dealt with it from policy or sought guidance from the risk madgeagement office, legal and we are able to get back to all our trainers and send out a email. Here is a issue that came up yesterday, this is the response to that issue and move forward. We are improving our understanding the Practical Application the tool as the trainers develop their expertise. This week we brought all the trainers back for a two hour session to talk about the total experience and make sure we didnt miss key issues and make sure everybody is on the same page. And so, basically from july 20 to august 7 we had 1800 videos uploaded from the deloyed cameras. 288 hours of video. Pretty much averaging 86 videos a day. All these videos were uploaded Risk Management office captain Wallace Division is reviewing those and District Attorneys Office if cases are taken and rebooked have to have access to that. While we train people on policy and equipment we brought in the station investigate Team Sergeants and sergeant throughout the city and rebooking officers who prepare packages for District Attorneys Office and train them how to access the video indicated in Police Reports and provide access to the District Attorneys Office through evidence. Com so the tagging videos relative to cases are part of the discovry package to pake a rebooking decision. That process is running at the same time. I have to say that sharon [inaudible] from the District Attorneys Office was huge helping us stay on top of the issue from their end, pointed out times we didnt make the connection right away and make sure they had what they needed and improve the process. To go from the first week of a lot of emails and calls to no emails and calls this week at all, we have been able to develop the system so it is streamlined and will get better going forward. We are at the point, monday we start the First District station roll out and the way the roll outlet works for patrol is we move by station to station and train all the officers and sergeants and lieutenants in one station. We spend a week at each station. They do the training at the district station at which they work and receive about a 4 hour program. The trainers will be on site around the clock and once they are trained and equip they will go to the field and do their regular patrol and if they have to activate the camera and it is related to a incident they have the ability to have trainers back at the station make sure that is right, put it here in the docking or view it on your phone. Here is how you tag it and connect to the report to make sure the whole process is explained. That starts next week, bayview station. Bayview is the first station to go and should have by the ends of next week 110 officers equip with Body Worn Cameras. The week of the 22 through 26 we have a pause week to make sure the way we roll it out is working and move forward to ingleside and northern and mission, etc across the city a week at a Time Training all the officers that work at the district stations. As we do we will pull trainers into the stations to make sure we have sufficient resources and look for any problems that pop up that we need to address. We should finish all patrol by november. We have holiday weeks. We have critical events throughout the city which would make diverting that much actiffinty from wrun station difficult for operations, sowe are very confidence by the ends of november we will have all patrol train and begin moving into tactical and traffic and the rest of the department for training. That is the schedule. We are studying things as it goes along and daily reports for any problems that come up and looking where is the workload impact. There is discussion and focus on getting to calls for service. We are looking at howobviously as you start a new tool and officers learn to use a new tool, it is going to cost time and energy to learn how to use that most efficiently and looking maybe things we didnt foresee and how long it takes for officers to work toort to get the evidence tagged and more statements. We make sure the interaction with the da goes forward more smoothly and want to be a resource for them and have Technology Issues, bandwidth issues thank you. Knroe july 27 and august 7 is a short period of time but are there key learnings about things you needed to tinker with or change to make the program work better . Is there anything that sticks in your mind that had to be altered . Most the issues were respect to the policy says i 5150, Mental Health detention is you activate the camera but there is proclusion from using it in a medical facility. Questions came up 23 there is a transport in the ambulance. A lot of the resolutions is in the policy because the policy allows for officers to use discretion in that. If there a reason not to deactivate they document why. A lot of discussions came around that. The issues that on the front end that were a little tough to overcome is having the resources to train inspectors and sergeants on how to access the video and provide to discovery in enough time for the District Attorneys Office because the clock is running and have to make a charging decision. Those issues were some of the ones we dealt with going out. Deputy chief, one of the best practices that came through is leave the camera on all the time and libertarians and people that evaluate Community Policing said that isnt practical. The camera cant stay on all the time but see departments struggling with a incident and the idea is the police didnt turn it on and that triggers the sense of distrust there was a reason so i wonder there is a lot to train to in the policy but it seems a threshold thing is turn it on. We list the situations where they need to turn it on, but how is that going in terms of getting the message across. Any incident enforcement action, searches, they are turning it on, how did that message get through . It is concerningit is daunting when you have a list of 13 and trying to memorize that list. It is very sort of all the reasons make sense and there is the default of, if you are in doubt, activate the camera because at the end of the day if that footage shouldnt have been record there is a mechanism in place in the policy requesting the footage is confidential or deleted and the Risk Management office would receive those and make a determination in those cases. So, as with any new tool and policy and especially one with a lot of public scrutiny with, we can expect they will be anxious about it but it is tool that it is a transparency tool and accountability tool but also a evidence tool and i think that any time you train officers about the potential for their being evidence that will help them later in court they do get excited about that. We have seen any anxiety they have that is why we wanted the training. I did a National Night out and might have jumped up and down. This poor officer at [inaudible] because i thought he had a body camera. I saw him at Central Station and cohort of nokes at bayview so it was wonderful to see them out. Commissioner wong thank you. You know, i was looking in chicago they had a shooting and captured on the vid yecamera and shot the individual and not captured on the camera and the chief of police was quick to say shooting at a car was a violation of the policy and those officers are stripped of the duty. When it came shooting add the suspect not captured they said we are new to body cameras. When you get out of the car and chase it needs to be on. I want to know if you are training because that is something that may happen when they use it is forget to turn it on and think you need to show that. In that particular thing there was consequences. I dont know so wonder if that is part the training. I cant speak why the officers made the decision in chicago they did. I will say that is one example that shows that many officers equip, some activated and theychicago pd said did not activate the camera at the time and that is a reminder starting a new piece of equipment it is so important to develop muscle memory because in the highly stressful situations you need that tool to be activated. Dr. Marshal you were saying and what the [inaudible] was saying. This is new. It is mandated and i was persuaded by what you said in terms how it can be helpful, but i know it is a small sample size but as you go alongwhat we hope is the officers see it as something that is good for them. Without devulving names how was that reaction . Im curious about their opposed to the new thing they got to be used. Mindful we are at 64 folks selected by their captains and stations. So they are excited to be trainers and want to try the new tool but they did have questions and concerns and it was spirited training where they did not shy from saying what if this happens and that happens and walking down scenarios. That is what we wanted. We want them to really look at the policy, be engaged and take it on. When the general order was approved the Department Released it and put out everybody this is coming, read the general order and as we were doing the first training sessions we put out a bulletin to the members telling them we are taking a huge step with this very soon, read the general order and be mindful of some specifics but also the whole policy. We have obligation squz responsibilities wens the cameras are out and around you and it is a huge opportunity for you. We had cases madewe have a case in process that is a hit and run case where officers equip with a Body Worn Camera had footage that identified a hit and run suspect that is the type of stories when we do the training and talk about the potential opportunities here just by following the policy that you may provide information that helps some officers down the road or solve a crime that happens in a totally other district. Anyone walks up to a deaf deputy chief in charge of a program and says im really against it. There is the murmuring in the background. The other side of it is that now we hope and [inaudible] identifying but also when they are a accused of something, right then and there their actions are on camera, so it should be a win win for everybody and hope that is the way it ends up. Thank you. Anything further for the deputy chief . Okay, keep us posted on the progress and will probably ask for something chief whatever the next milestone is maybe half way through and in particular if you get feedback on the policy things that are not working and need to look at we did say when you create a policy that is brand new we are open to suggestions to make changes, so please let us know. I will. Thank you. Thank you, chief. Next is update from professional Standards Bureau in rarz to collaborative review status and Bureau Organization presented by catherine conally good evening. [inaudible] im mike conally and transferred into the principle policing bureau as a Commanding Officer and just giving you updates tonight which is third in a series where i can tell about the progress of the bureau. As you realize and recall that the bureau was formed in relationship to our collaboration with department of justice and conducting their collaborative review of the department and just to remind the commission, the areas the review are covering covers review of policies and [inaudible] bias policing to ascertain if we have policies that create the environment. Procedural justice, best practice for accountability and best practice for improving diversity outreach. This is all in conjunction with the president 21 st Century Policing report issued may of 2015. The issues im covering tonight are updates for the bureau itself, Body Worn Cameras which was gone over with deputy chief covered. Use of forth update, crisis intervention, Hostage Negotiation Team [inaudible] compliance measures and Building Trust in Community Engagement. I have to apologize, for the length of the presentation but it is difficult to reduce the information when you talk about strides and progress. As of the last weekend the professional Standards Bureau had one sergeant, two officers and civilian transferred to the bureau to incraes the staffing and [inaudible] additionally we are finalizing the description for the Program Manager which is a civilian manager so finalizing the language and hope to have the posting and hiring in the next month or month in a half if all goes well. Body worn cameras as deputy chief schmit gave a overview, this is a important policy and the significant for having the policy developed and adopted this [inaudible] understated. Essentially this is developing transparency through policy development and use of technology so we look to enhance those aspects moving forward. [inaudible] which is a hot topic obviously. Again, when we talk about policy development we moved a policy into implementation at lightening speed and that is unusual but great because we had the same policy for the past two decades and needed revision and through a collaborative effort [inaudible] that was agreed upon june 22 and currently with the department of Human Resources for final adoption. As we talk about force option training in regards to the policy, the entire concept is being reviewed and reengineered. Especially in fire arms training. Staff is developing Team Training on force option simialator which is the training simialator where there is a collaborative effort between a group of officers. The range staff is developing alternate training and mindset and both trainings and all the training for force options is integrate the concept of time and distance to critical analysis and [inaudible] in the last 4 months we acquired additional equipment. We had fire 4 deployment system that allow to deploy [inaudible] bean bag rounds and training personnel our specialists assigned special operations. [inaudible] additionally we look atplexy glass shield training and use of plexy glass shields were dealing with edged weapons and containment, however, as we review the policy or review what the Industry Standard is we hope to develop the policy where that is implemented and have regular deployment. Protective equipment which is crowd control equipment which is helmets and 36 inch batons is required to be carried by all personnel and in the event we create the time and distance that is factors for [inaudible] crise Intervention Team is obviously the training that officers receive to deal with individuals in crisis. California peace officers standard and training is mandating crisis intervention training across the board. They are curptly developing a curriculum and a training block in the academy so that is under construction. As far as in the department we are in the process of reviewing department general order as relating to crisis intervention training and it is under construction to provide further guide for officers in the field. We are also developing deployment concept, which essentially means a group of officers will be cit trained and approach a situation and each has a function. There is a multiple person deployment to deal with a situation. Is one of the officers assigned to deus collation . That is primarily driving force. Deescalation is in crisis intervention. It is integrated into the use of force matrix. I think the public would want to hear that. Since 2011 the San Francisco Police Department trained 677 personnel in crisis intervention training. We have 602 active cip personnel deployed. Our Training Division and cit is being inunidated by request to train outside agencies. Obviously our focus is currently on our department but as the concept rolls out there is a great demand for it. Hostage crisis Negotiation Team is a crisis team [inaudible] one lieutenants, 35 active negotiators and respond to hostage situations, barricade situations, unarmed suicide intervention and dependent on what the incident is if it is Critical Incident which is search, arrest or prolonged [inaudible] 2013 to this year to date, the hostage crisis Negotiation Team responded to 167 call outs. As you can see from the listing there, the calls per year are increasing. Just a great incraes. There is 47 percent increase to the number of calls for the hostage crisis Negotiation Team. 201614 percent increase however rsh we expect that to rise incrementally. So, Response Team and crisis negotiation and hostage Response Team is at least 4 incident in the last two months which demonstrate the alsos in our programs are working. First everybody [inaudible] thrfs a individual in a altered mental state by narcotics and armed with a fire arm. That period of integrating time and distance and slowing the process down lasted 3 hours and in that particular deployment for apprehension tactical shields were used in conjunction with other tactical tools. Next incident was on [inaudible] july 13 a week later there was a Mental Health crisis where a individual threatened suicide and homicide and armed with household chemicals and used his electricity to create a barrier. That individual after 22 hours was taken into custody without injury. However, i would note that individual did throw chemicals on officers and those officers documented that in their reports. Next is timberlen street july 26. [inaudible] a large [inaudible] a very large night was having a serious issue and we waited them out for 16 hours until he got in a position to deploy shields and take into custody without hurting him. Finally, [inaudible] on august 3, Mental Health crisis a wanted felon, individual had history of psychiatric issues and that was a 26 hour standoff and again, we didnt know if he had weapons but the house was [inaudible] he was taken into custody without injury. [inaudible] some may know we have been [inaudible] grand jury and number of reports issued by the civil grand jury. These are listed as the [inaudible] in San Francisco that the proliferation of burgries. Officer involved shootings and opportunities for timely and transparent reports. Homelessness which is a small portion and [inaudible] we are in the process now of responding to the grand jury findings and recommendations and collaborating with our internal and external stakeholders to insure we have the best responses for them. There is also San Francisco District Attorney Blue Ribbon Panel. We looked at the report and along with the civil grand jury report we presented all the documents to department of justice to analyze the documents for inclusion or possible inclusion in the recommendations. As you know, the primary driving focus is in collaboration with dp apartment of justice and work wg them as they compile information to generate a lengthy report. As you recall, they rolled out the [inaudible] in february 1, 2016. The anticipated completion is somewhere within the next 60 days. It could be pushed back but they are in the editing phase and continue to collect information for their report. As you are aware, this review was requested by there chief and mayor and it is a collaboration, it isnt a mandated review. We asked for it so it is important to recognize that as you hear different Department Justice reviews throughout the country. As part the collaborative review process, Justice Department will conduct a thorough independent objective assessment of San Francisco Police Department, policies, practice and accountability systems. The findings will allow the Police Department to be better prepared and change the culture and align ourselves with modern practices. [inaudible] dealing with department of justice and all the civil grand jury, the District Attorney blue ribbon report, we are reviewing our policy development and our policy Development Impacts several different areas. General orders, manuals bureau orders, Department Bulletins, training bulletins, information bulletins and sfpd email. These are all methods of how we deploy policies, so we are looking and reviewing all of it. Since the beginning of this year we moved quickly to development and create policy and reengineer policy. It is pretty much unheard of to get a policy use of force and any other policy in the timeframe we have seen it come through. There are 2 general orders, use of force and Body Worn Cameras and two more in the pipe line which is crisis intervention training and social media policy so you will see that. The department issued 40 related bulletins for force options and different aspects to train officers in force options [inaudible] or critical analysis integration. There are 3 b priority reports issued. Department bulletins which are two year life cycle so we review the bulletins to see if they are in line with best practice rchlt we conduct a paums review, policy development and see best practices and implementation. We also look at the training and standards associated with those policy and are we in line with current practices. At the conclusion of issuing the bulletins we look at compliance and ways to audit or insure documentation in auditing of the policies in compliance with them. This is another part of the professional stanered and principle policing bureau. We have Community Engagement and may recognize some the slides from troy dangerfield. As of beginning of this year we had 142 attendants from january to current period all most september. There is 836 Entry Level Police officer applicant tracked as of january 2016 so that is a lot of applicants to be tracking. Recruitment unit staff is in contact with applicant via email or telephone. Improvement workshops, we had 5 hiring workshops from july 2015 with targeted 275 potential candidates who attended the workshops and these workshops were primarily in the African American community. [inaudible] collaborative effort. Building trust to Youth Engagement as we saw earlier tonight we have a number of summer youth jobs. The garden project coming to a close shortly. Employed 200 youth [inaudible] project pull was 7 kids. The future graduates sf city which is a big program had 36 involved in their program and again, that is just ending this week. Community Safety Initiative you saw the kids earlier. Great program and [inaudible] mo magic and 25 youth involved. The Career Academy had 13 youth involved so that is [inaudible] out of bayview station. Additional events include coffee with a cop, which is a 7 events throughout San Francisco which is a non agendized meeting. It is casual opportunities for people to have a conversation with Police Officers over a cup of coffee or tea. We have bowl wg the cops which target youth. We had 8 event and kids between 10 and 18. Have no idea what the bowling score is on that, but imagine it is fairly good for the kids. I like to know who won. [inaudible] we have Community Engagement camping program. 12 youth from bayview went to redland park. Two nights three days. Basket tournament. Another is cops versus the community. There is discussion about this in the meetings prior to this. Competition [inaudible] i dont know who won that competition but i think everybody is happy to be involved. We have the [inaudible] touched on earlier. Again, the huge factor is being involved with the School District and Community Based organizations. The target range is 5 and 15. Hiking, backpacking, outletdoor activities that get them involved to a different environment. Thatthere are 69 events in the program encompassing 1100 youth so a significant number of kids impacted. And that is as quick as i can make it. Thank you captain. I got a number of questions and know my colleagues do too. What is helpful is it shows the breath of the reforms. Often times people focus on one like Community Engagement isnt enough or training or policy or body cameras isnt enough but you did a nice job giving the overview of multiple approaches which i think most people is common sense but if one strategy doesabout work and you are doing a number of them. I have questions but colleagues does anyone want to jump in before i ask my questions . Okay. Commissioner melara. It is me. My question relates to much broader question in terms of what wuchb one of the kids said today because i have been trying to figure it out myself. How do we get the information to the community what the Police Department is doing . What is out in the community is all the negative information t. While we want to be able to balance everything, negative and positive , the positive you just talked about here and the great things we are doing with kids is not getting out in the community and im trying to figure if we need to hire a publicist or somebody to begin to do some pr. I dont know. Just to jump in, we have a social Media Program and pushing that out on the Facebook Page and twitter but we are still not connecting with everyone because one the reoccurring complaints is with the things we are doing, there are folks that are just not connecting and trying to figure why. We are redesigning the website now. Our cto is working on a new dashboard for the website to get some the points but it seems like there sadis connect with social media piece. It is there but people are not looking so we are trying to figure a way and think the kids said it best, it is like you need to do a leaflet to get the word out because we are engaging in social media but photos and tweets you think you can reach people with it isnt connecting with some of the communities. I think listening to what the young lady said with the fliers may not be a bad idea, ret row and old school to get the word out. Commissioner mazzucco. In line with what the chief said the Police Department is following the twitter account. We have to get traction with the press. We heard of a example tonight where the officers waited out mentally disabled young man and subdued him after 14 hours and there was a headline in the paper saying Police Officer shoot, development disabled youth with a bean bag. That is the way the headline started and started poorly and ended with beanbag gun so need fairness in the press. In fairness they did shoot bean bag guns. Right. I hear what you are saying but i say this maybe this is a mother of small children coming out but there is [inaudible] and what we can control so appreciate that, but i think the editors get to decide what the headlines are, not even the journalist. Any other i know the first 3 stories made this since the paper, small and brief, but the last one on the miramar, was there publicity on that one . There was publicity on that and to go back what commissioner melara said earlier, this is a issue with the press. I had a press conference the beginning of summer to announce all these jobs. We had all most 500 jobs for youth. At the end of the press conference i was asked one question by a reporter, the only thing about recent issues at the Police Department is the only thing on the news. There was no running about the summer jobs so everything covered about the summer jobs and comprehensive presentation through a powerpoint i went through most of this beginning of summer to kick it off and none made press. That is a issue that obviously we have no control over. Again, going back to what i said, i think we have to drop the leaflets. The miramar case was covered extensively and it was a long process. They did the initial coverage, but as it went down the road the coverage started to wane. They had a blurb saying it was successfully ended. Im doing my own press. I have been cataloging all these incident and first of all, congratulations because the proof is in the pooding. It is one to put it on paper and another for things to be resolved without lethal force. I actually send it out to people and other departmentsfelt i send it to places where there arei sent this out to the miami folks when they had the gentlemen with his hands up and trying to make contact with them. Just to your point, this is just i got an email from the member of the public and first thing she said is [inaudible] why dont we hear about the stories at least two days with lots of praise for the police and effective information for the public. We hear about shootings by the police and killings. I appreciate media giving the types of stories. We know it wont happen so the perception that is why it is a real lip getting out that we had 4 situations. I wont call incident. They didnt go the other way and we will have to keep pushing. I guess what i want to say is, we talked about the time and distance and all these things and apparently it is taken to heart because the approach is in the incidence and you are to be commended for that. I agree but hope at some point it is no longer news and these things are happening on a regular basis. There are incident that didnt rise to this level happening with reg arity it is just they dont [inaudible] the deescalation piece hopefully at some point it is no longer news just the way we do things and besxhing a norm and think we will see more as we roll out the body camera. The written press has done a good job and chronicle writers but we dont get the active news coverage. It is what it is, we wont stop what we are doing and pressing forward and want to keep doing good work and just try to keep people alive. Just one last thing, the thing that amazed most people is the amont of time. 22 hours, 13 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours and you see the incident around the country something happened in the first 10 minutes. That really says something there. Every report i have read from other agencies and our use of force study conducted by chief gascone, it is amazing within the first minute to 5 minutes these things occur. The more we can elongate these situations, the better the outcomes generally are because you are able to get people to the scene and do things. Im not announcing things now but there is a lot of work behinds the scenes to bring in Mental Health professionals to be a back stop and there been things coming down the road but fl most part we look at everything we do and see if we can do better. That is part of what captain conallys mission is and [inaudible] is getting these things looked at and analyzed to see what we can do better and we will do it as we roll these policies out. Thank you. If i can close by addressing commissioner melaras comments how we get the programs out. These kids are our advertisement and our seck sess stories and i was a kid 38 years ago. Im standing here because i was involved in one of those programs. We need to exploit their successs for us so it sustains the future. I have a couple questions. Thank you, captain. I agree that there is both pathways and have been there some time and excited we are bringing a crop of city kids to take advantage of them and think the fruit will bear in the years to come with Morgan Tucker are Police Officers. I have questions. The occ september 2015 they did a report on 19 recommendation frz the department that were specifically from the president s 21century taskforce. I want to know the status because there rp 19 specific recommendations so where are they in the bureau and have you looked or incorporated at the moment . There are a number of reports and havent looked at that particular report but i will have a answer for you at the next update where we are with implementing those i ask you to look at those, there are 19 and very specific and think a number are in place but others give great guidance. If there is a disagraiment it is great to flag but i was reminding of the property so appreciateioaprioritizing that. Doj and implicit bias training and didnt hear that in the report and want to make sure everybody is aware of that. Three weeks ago we trained about 30 individuals and training in implicit bias. This past monday and tuesday the command staff selected Community Stakeholder jz wnt through two day intensive training on implicit bias and anticipate in the next two months captains will be train ed. The reason we train lieutenants and captains is when we involve the [inaudible] have a frame oof reference what that means and insure compliance. [inaudible] wellversed in implicit bias and how we move forward. I did get the feedback they were very impressed every member of the command staff was there so thank you for your leadership and that sends a message how important it is so that is great progress. [inaudible] we each had to bring a member from the community that had issues with the Police Department and it got a little contenses at times but you partnered with a member of the community and there was robust discussions in the room. When we wrapped everything up everybody had a better understanding of everyones perspecktdive. Bottom line is everyone has bias and it is a matter of recognizing it and understanding the fact Law Enforcement has a unique ability if they act they can have a positive influence. That is the piece everyone took away. It wasnt just the command staff, it was also folks from the community. Some of them like i said had issues in the past with the Police Department and a lot came out and relationships were built. Which is good because that is one of the 19 recommendations including community and training. Department of justice is completing a course for implicit bias tied on policing so under construction now. As our training first of the year rolling out a program and will be in the annual training so would roll out implicit bias and procedural justice hands in hands in very aggressive manner. Three last things, two related, towards the end of chief suhrs time here we had a number of meet wgz occ and Community Members and working group around edged weapon protocol and identification and advanced cit trained officers and there were plans to do that in december. [inaudible] Senior Officers at the station level to show leadership in the instances. I didnt see that in the update. Maybe it can come next time. I know my fellow commissioners and i the concern is 2 to 5 minutes with a edged weapon sus poket and we areif we get past the 2 to 5 minutes we have seen great outcomes and that is fantastic in the instances had some work started and dont know the status of that. Part of the crisis intervonegz Team Training is incorporated into that. They will become foundations. We have a process to identify cit trained officers . Have to come back with that answer. That is a a bone of contention. We are looking at best practice about seattle. The citdgo was reviewed and flaws written in and it is rewritten. Department generalordsers covered the San Francisco Police Department. Very [inaudible] the problem is it incorporatedmandated dph do certain things and general orders caents mandate the department do anything. That is through a mou with other departments like dph or other city agency so we had to parse some of that out and refine it down. [inaudible] we had to parse out the things that we could not force other entities to do so that is cleaned up and there is a draft nowrevised draft i will take a look at that deputy chief [inaudible] put together so will look at the changes and correction i know there were ideas around doing application process for advanced cit officers [inaudible] he is probably aware. Thank you for that. I know that we in the past have gotten greater updates on the data. I know there were certainly coverage around disparity. There is a inquiry into the cause of that so love to get that back on the docket. I dont know if you anything for tonight or put that for next month. Absolutely. My colleagues, petra de jesus. These are old. I have a couple questions and one is you taurked about advertising but agree we need to have a pub lucyst and put it in the words that we want. [inaudible] i just want to emphasize that because that was the point. There is a couple things you mentioned , use of force policy that is currently in the process and wonder if you have a up ppidate or know where the in process it is and when we may expect something it is being reviewed by department of [inaudible] and they are working with poa to insure everything is what they agreed to for implementation and adoption. In terms of a timeframe i say probably the next 60 days. I just want to make sure they are having meetings or still negotiating when they will meet . I will ask for a update on dhr next meeting. They are meeting. There are meetings scheduled. [inaudible] and so they put one down the road but they are definitely meeting and there are robust discussions about the policies and we are trying to get it done. All parties interested getting a finished product and 100 percent adoption. Right now we have in the earlier slide presentation the Guiding Principles for 80 percent of the policy which are most important are up on the slide and Department Bulletin put out and discussed at the Police Commission some weeks ago sothat is in the form of Department Bulletin but hope to get 100 percent agreement and be able to bring out and implement the department generalordser i thank you for putting out the Department Bulletin. Maybe september 7 we know where we are but want to make sure they are meeting. The reason we put out the guiding principle to get in front of this and utilize the things we use now to deescalate situations we have been involved in and the 4 cases highlight that. Like i said, there is a lot of cases that we were not talking about today that these are Guiding Principles of use of force in play now. Which Department Bulletin it is if they want to look it up and see what we have in place . It is bulletin in the 16112 dated 72116 and titled principles to consider regarding the use and application of force. Great, thank you so much. I have a couple more questions. We talked about department of justice doing review that we asked them to do and wundser if you have any idea when we anticipate the doj or cops findsings . They are working the final edit. They havent given a timeline because there are many different reports they are working on and because they condense the timeline they brought subject Matter Experts so they are going through the final edits so anticipate in the next 60 days. Do we anticipate they request any particular audits they may recommend doing or make general recommendation . We willwhen the ninel report is released we will work with them on a Strategic Plan that involves potentially creating audit track and we have to know exactly what we are looking at and [inaudible] they dont just drop in rks they stay for a period of 3 years total, so not just the report and leave, they are here also to make sure the implementations are made. You mentioned the Blue Ribbon Panel, you reviewed the panel and recommendations they made. I would like to suggest that we actually invite members the fwlu rr ribbon panel to give highlights of the findsings and criticism because we need to hear the criticism and we can address that. We probably have but we need to hear it and would like them to come. One thing the Blue Ribbon Panels oned is audits and we havent done them in a long time. We may want to consider some audits and i am thinking in terms of technology that is a issue that the more we talk the more unclear it is. Im not sure what we can and cant gather. The improgression is we gaether a lot of information but dont store in the manner it is retrieved. We write down hard copies and not in a database. A lot of criticism is on the report and have to agree the reports are thin. They are lt nolike los angeles and give a stat of 94112 had 6 issued. I dont know all the gyp zip codes. In this community there was 6 shootings, 4 were African American and two white. They are detailed use of force reports and mentioned to chief suhr and think the commission should take a stab what we expect for report so think we may consider audit on technology and fumbling arounds but the ability to capture, retain and report the data that is described in many reports, the grand jury, the Blue Ribbon Panel and 21 Century Policing have the ability to capture and analyze it and while they do that does the data show improper use of force or racial bias or practice. I dont know how to put that together but it may be time to do a audit. I know technology is our weakness and reports are the weakness and think it is something we need to address. If i can address two or three points. The Blue Ribbon Panel is given to doj and believe civil grand jury reports recommendation [inaudible] it will be addressed through the doj recommendation and findings. In terms of technology and showcasing the items you are discussing, deputy chief schmit is in [inaudible] to find a dashboard type environment that is public facing that is elumeinating the information you are requesting. That is a process now. There is it challenges and with our web page but we look toovercome that to be able to display that information. In terms of budget i wonder if you do that analysis the short coming can we analyze that and see what we need to bring it up to par so see how much money we need to include in the budget if not this year next year but it is critical. The more i read the reports the more i realize my goodness we are filing in file cabinets no longer we dont have the ability to give the information. That is something we should look at and glad you are on it. Maybe ill talk about potential audits. I think we should about technology. Do you know when you can expect deputy chief schmit would work on the Technology Issue . I dont know the timeline, that is different bureau. I can work with deputy chief schmit [inaudible] that would be great because i like a timeline in place to see our next step. The other thing you mentioned recruitment and since we put out the chief credentials i get a lot of calls is it true the chief needs a ba or doesnt or [inaudible] are we choosing to have a ba and not sure what the criteria is if we have a criteria listed for the chief and basic recruitment. I understand they dont need a degree and maybe it is time to reevaluate and put a 2 or 4 year degree so that is something we need to talk about as a commission to put a committee together to look at the basic criteria to apply and move up in the department to whatever falls for hiring and the requirements we expect or anticipate or update. That is somethingyou dont need a degree at all . That correct. You can be 18 out of high school and apply. You have to be 20. There is a age requirement. Maybe we should reevaluate because that is a criticism of the community and [inaudible] we talked about in the letters to the mayor called this out because we heard this prom thepublic there is concern about how candidates are done in the background so that is something your bureau is working on. As we hear from you it does make sense to pull out the data as well and pull out background and open questions around that. I will say, there is a feeling and floor, i know the president of the last Police Academy had a stanford law degree so dont want to give the public the impression the people across the board dont pursue Educational Opportunities for them, but because that was particularly impressive. Go ahead. Ill talk about the criteria. I think we have a presentation. [inaudible] i have one more issue. You talked about the cit and Mental Health training. It looks like we had a third of the force. We have 2 thousand and [inaudible] third of the force that do cit. Some of the public and criticism coming our way is that we really need to train Mental Health exerts in the field and unfair to put this on the the Police Department and know wree doing well with the cit but think it is time to look and analyze and not sure whether we need a study or we needwhat you call it, but we need to start thinking about whether we need a Division Within the department of trained Mental Health unit that goes out with the Police Officers so you have a trained Mental Health unit and Police Officer on the comwhen we know it is Mental Health issue. Literally trained. Department of Public Health had a mobile crisis unit which was deployed at our request. [inaudible] efirst responders and called the Police Department to support their operations. I think over time those positions may have eroded through budget process and that is department of Public Health issue, so to speak. We would welcome any assistance from department of Public Health. This is thinking outside the box. Maybe we bring that back and figure a way to bring that back and put pressure on the mayor to fund that or open or own mobile unit and create a division and hire specialist to work with. [inaudible] chief, do you want to speak to the meetings you had with department of Public Health . Just as a side note, i think [inaudible] dph is ramping up trying to deal with these. I dont want to get in the weeds about what dph is doing. Some of the issues are caused by showing up in uniform and sometimes it is appropriate to have other folks show up. In the situations where we involved the high profile ones [inaudible] involved in some way shape or form. It is matter bringing them in and in the process. That letter sent out in february and remember reading the letter and had no update. What i like to dpoo is perhaps keep it on the timeline to have a update where we are with that and anyway to hook up with department of Public Health or 16 months down the road. The problem embedding them with us is you have a dph worker with you and you get called on a active shooter call and or some dangerous call with nothing to do and that person is liability, what do you do with them . You want a gunman running out of bank america, it is a liability and tough thing and have to figure how to get them in the scene and not in a position they roll with us in a dangerous situation all day long. You may go the entire day. I think you misunderstand me. What i mean if the mayor is thinking about department of Public Health putting back a mobile health unit we work in congentian with so they go their own way and not part of you, that is a great. We need updates and need to know if that is a feasible idea. I understood you but you gave a bunch of options and that is why i say that is a touch one to put on the table. Everything is under consideration and looking at allaus but the goal is deploy them to the scenes and that comes under the heading of [inaudible] i just want a timeline what the status is because it is a criticism we get. Those are good points and remind you i think there is a process issue here with captain heart before deputy chief chaplin we had transitions but commissioner de jesus makes a good point, a lot of these in the form of a letter. I reviewed the letter before tonight to look what i wanted specific updates for because i know that we have the monthy update. The point is the letter didnt lie, we get monthly updates on the reforms. What commissioner de jesus suggested is a chart with everything there and things we added so very quickly we can look at the status in process and then if a commissioner has a specific question we can look back. I think that will help going into dojs recommendation because a number are in place. They may cross reference and get doj. It is important the public see this didnt start when doj comes in with their recommendation. I may recommend for purposes of making sure the commissioners rup to date those are listed in that format. Well get a copy and create a matrix. Great. Thank you. One other point that i think you will take under consideration, one of the biggest for impetus for removing requirement for the degree for entrance to the Police Department is it shown it effects the black and brown communities because of lack of finances to get the kids in and that is why a lot of policies were instituted and we are trying to integrate being able to do that while you are in the Police Department. It can be a impediment getting people of color in the Police Department and those are the folks removing the barrier to employment over many years. It is something i want you to consider. That is a great point so maybe we look at it and say we leave it as is but say within 2 or 3 years in the department they have Junior College promotes or pays for or puts them on the way soi think Critical Thinking comes from call age so if you take them under the wing and train them to be a Police Officer maybe they go to classes at the same time to come up with at least a aa. I got my bachelors degree in a Police Department and think you are doing a lot of the work and tough to get incurriculum going or if you come in earlier you may not finish college. Right. I want to commend you for that because the public should know because you do that at night on your own time and it takes many years sometimes to getd degrees. I say we institute a program so the young officererize getting training and on the freeld and classes that count toward a degree within a 2 or 3 year timeframe. I thipg we incorporate that and make sure they get the training. They havethat isthose are ideas so maybe that is what we do. I just say we need to evaluate things like that. Anything further for captain conally . Okay. See you. Next report, chief. Next we have update on additional resource for Major Crime Unit if unsolved homicide and that report is given by captain obrian. This is another thing that we included specifically in the letter from february at the advocacy of paulette brown. There were unsolved homicides and concentrated in certain areas. We at last asked for Additional Resources toward those and at the june 22 meeting i asked for the breakdown by zip code so ill take that criticism. I hear what happens in 94124 and being a native san franciscan the zip codes are how we identify so with that captain, please give your preezen taishz. Commissioners chief thank you for having me. My name is alexa obrian the capt chb of the major crimes unit. Major crimes has homicide underneath it and to speak to commissioner de jesus we have a crime analysis which can provide you any breakdown of anything that you would like. It was just this is what was requested this evening and that is what i brought for you. Thank you, i appreciate that. No problem. I was lieutenant of homicide before captain. I was transferred and here with breakdown of zip codes. The red dots that you are seeing are the cleared cases and the blue dots that you are seeing are active cases which means we didnt make a arrest. The 307 cleared cases that we have werewe consider that an arrest. We made a arrest on the homicide. Whether the District Attorney prosecuted it to the full end, that data isnt here this evening. The top zip code and 94124 which known as bayview, we had 139 homicides over a 10 year period. 89 open and 50 cleared which givers 35 percent clearance rate in that zip code area. Next top or shouldnt say top, but our next zip code with the highest is bernal heights, 97 homicides over the last 10 years with 63 open and active and 34 solved. Which is 35 percent again clearance rate for that zich code. 94102 which is considered the Downtown Civic Center area is also very high with homicide, 67 percent67 homicides and the percentage next to it accounts for 10 percent of the total homicides over the 10 year period. That zip code Downtown Civic Center is 10 percent of our homicides occurred there and that actually has a clearance rate of 49 percent in that area. 94134 is excelsior visitation valley with 66 homicides, 40 open and active and 26 cleared with a 39 percent clearance rate. Soma is the next, 94103 and that has a 51 percent clearance rate. We had 57 homicides. [inaudible] you can continue. There is now outburst, she will have time for Public Comment. Here i showed the open and active casewise the cold cases on top of one another. I did make two others be open and active by itself. To be able to read the zip codes in that area. So, you can kind of compare if you put all 3 maps together you can compare the concentration of the homicides are in the top zip codes but the clearances are also concentrated in those zip codes as well. As far our Additional Resources to cold case we have set in place a few things before i became captain and currently. One isnow the budget is cleared, we have a better idea where we will place our resources and so we are geeing to have more monies to obviously hire more 960s and can you share what a 960 is . A 960 is a code for once an officer retired we rehire them on i guess a contractual basis, 20 hours per pay period they are allowed to give us services and like homicide will try to get retired homicide investigators to come back because of expertise and training. Now we just had a excellent homicide investigator who retired as a lieutenant and trying to get him back as a cold case investigator. 960 refers to the number of hours they are allowed to work and in the year 960 hours, that is why the term 960 is applied there. I did not know that. We also just completed a homicide interview process ongoing while lieutenant there but have a active list that we created and are going to hire off that for new homicide investigators to beef up our own unit. The homicide teams that currently work are current homicide cases, we also assigned them cold cases to take a look at and also see if there is evidence that can be resubmitted for forensics to give their opinion and evaluation of the case. If witnesses are Still Available and if there is evident that hasnt been looked at. Everybody in the homicide unit has cold cases assigned to them as well. I am alsoi spoke to a grant supervisors this week who is going to help me find programs where we can get revenue into solving cold cases. Hes very excited work wg us and said there is one program he is look ing at where we have to liaison with the community and maybe a nonprofit and i was all for that and said willing to take that on to get Grant Funding in our cold case unit. And, i also spoke to a Media Relations this week. When i was a lieutenant at homicide we would profile cold cases and started doing that when i was a lieutenant there and will bring that back and start profiling old case squz think that is way for media to kind of get what they want and we get what we want out of that. It will kind of satisfybecause i mean peoplepeople want to hear the negative, but they doi think it is a Good Opportunity to take advantage of media and helping us solve crimes. And another thing and i talked to mrs. [inaudible] prior to coming up here, i am excited about getting the cold case victims with their names, dates of birth, dates of homicide and location of the homicide and case number assigned to their case up on our web, so that we can kind of have the Community Help solve the cases. A lot of the cases that have gone cold dont have video or witnesses around but maybe somebody who 10 years didnt to come forward but maybe they want to come forward now so they will be able to go on the website and look at the picture of the victim and also they will be an Anonymous Tip Line and email for them to send the tip if they want to remain anonymous. I asked paulette brownshe actually hasshe has the laminated pictures of homicide victims and i would like to see it on the web page like that but with case numbers, names and location of the homicide. That is what i envision for the peb page and in touch with the Technology Division and Media Relations and they will work with me to put that up. I was going to ask paulette ifim sorry, mrs. Brown, if she would like to help us maybe even ask families if they want their loved ones picture on the web too. That is all i have, if you have any questions, happy thank you captain. It is wonderful to hear your energy bringing back what works and new ideas. Great. The reason that i asked for this broken down by zip code was partly in recognition that certain parts of San Francisco who suffer the most violence also suffer another injustice when their cases for a number of reasons are not putting this completely at the investigators are challenges cases but suffer violence and dont see a and usts system that delivers accountability. Seeing bayview is at the top the list. Prioritizing the cold cases, the question we had bringing thees together i think commander [inaudible] we just wanted to know is the suspension cret the vast majority are in 94124 and given the Additional Resources come in under the reform effort very porpt some of those resources are specifically going towards 94124 cases where there sadis proporinate unsolved homicides. I agree. We do have something set in place to prioritize the cases. A lot of times investigators will leave like a to do list on the front of their case file and that helps us kind of organize what still needs to be done on this case, what we can redo on the case. A lot of times we have to retalk to witnesses or whatever. So, we do prioritize the cases and assign them as leads develop. It is kind of a fluid process, there isnt like a a, b and c. It is dependent if there is evident that needs processes, if there are witnesses and video, if it has tangible good stuff for us to run with, we will run with it. The ones that dont have that are very very difficult and those are the ones that suffer the most. I do agree, but we work on those, it is just we need the communities help and that is where i think putting stuff on the internet and putting stuff out there on media and just to keep it like mrs. Brown, she keeps her sons murder in the press and news. That is how to do it and so im going to help do that as much as i can for the cold cases, but i need the help the community to help us solve some of these. They just dont have the evidence that some others have. Are the 960 s looking at the cases . Is there video we missed . Is there a process for that because there are 360 cases so how is that . Yes, you were a attorney and know what a homicide book and investigator and sometimes they can be thick. It takesit is a tedious process, it takes so long for them to go through page by page of evidence, but they do it, it is just a very long process. We made a arrest in the quadruple homicide and it take as year and a half sometimes to develop one person in a case. Thatwe are lucky that sometimes we tf it takes time. It takes a long long time and that is why we need all the help we can get. One of the 960s we used [inaudible] retired lieutenant, he went in and meticulous gentlemen and testified in older cases and looked at every binder because one thing you have to do in those cases, you have to look for things the technology didnt exist at that time. There is a lot of new dna tests done where you extract dna from things you couldnt maybe just 5 years ago so those are cases that are being looked at first. There may be evidence and tested. I have a on my phone my email so what happens is i get a old dna hit on cases where someone was arrested in florida and their dna was uploaded thip database and got a hit here. That is constantly happening. We will send inspectors from homicide to florida and go to whatever federal or State Facility and interview the person and come back. One thing the 960s can help do is be able to do that work without depleting local resources. We had a homicide earlier today and you want folks here to do those homicides so that is the benefit to 960s is be able to go and reinterview people and as you go down the list you look for cases where there are witnesses unavailable or out of the country for a long period of time and are back and do a Google Search and know google for a lot of homicides didnt exist them. It is easier to find people now and some of the databases we have access to. There are a lot of metrix in place with regard looking at the files and prioritizing and that is bhaut the 960s are doing. It is tedious looking through the binders. There are tons of binders for these cases. We are at storage cases because homicide case isnt like a regular case. Regular case may be a manila folder or one binder dependent how in depth the investigation is, but a homicide is several binders full and sometimes boxes full. The information has to be gone through because you never know what clue is in the boxes. We have to beef up the 960s program and biggest resource is the public. That will be a big part the social media. [inaudible] people can keep looking as time goes on and at some point decide to act. There is a another factor the fear of coming forward in one of the homicides is it is real. I mean, these people who have no regard for life who are murdering people, theyif somebody will give their name up, that persons life is in jeper dy so a lot goes into coming forward. If they qualify for witness protection. Sometimes you have to meet certain criteria to qual for that. What is protocol for communicating with victims families throughout the process . What type of protocol . For example, a case goes cold. We hadmize brown say i never heard what happens, so we had the conversation around Sexual Assault kids. Kits. Is there a process in place for howwhat the expectation is of communicating with the family. Throughout the years different lieutenant have put a requirement on the investigators to go through the cases once in a while and make the necessary phone calls even if they dont have something to report but just do a check in or say im still here and working the case. As captain of major crimes i will put that in place and have my homicide lieu tenant do that because im a mother and these murdered victims are somebodys child so i agree, i think we can do better at that and i will put something in place so we kind of keep up with them throughout the years. It is hard because the investigators retire and move on, but we dowe cant forget about them so i will update you as soon as i figure how to put something in place, but think that is quh i was at the das office it was difficult to get cooperation with victims. For all my cases i kept a spreadsheet with name the victim and phone number. Probably too much for homicide. Your individual practice oppose today the standsered so great to hear how to do that. Case Management Software and one of the metrixes is mandatory where you have to make contact with the victim and that is for special victims unit and homicide so that will be a automatic process. Commissioner wong. Hwang [inaudible] do you think it is factor of Police Community relations. I look at the top 5. Civic center and soma have a clearance rate. I can tell you when we looked at the 94124 and bayview in 2006 they had 24 homicides that year. 2013 they had 9 and 2016 they had one. Back when the shootings were extremely high and the chief was [inaudible] and had 100 a year, 24 of them happened in the bayview and then we didnt have great cameras or the technology we use today with cell phones and things to solve crimesism i think what is happening is you are seeing in the earlier 2006, 7, 8, 9, 10, we are just Getting Better and better solving these crimes. 94124 i think it is, we went from 24 to 1 this year. That is one reason. It is also gang injuckzs and arrests and trigger lock. Things helping keep the murders in jail because a lot of times they may kill one personal there is one homicide unit and respond to all zip code so have the same officers . No. There are specific officers that go to 94124 . We have 14 [inaudible] two teams of 3 and two teams of 4 and they are on a on call rotation basis so it is dependent on the day that those homicides occur which team goes out. I will have you know right now, my homicide investigators, they are top notch. Theyi worked with them for 3 or 4 years in night investigations and covered for homicides when chaplin wasnt there and worked over probably 10 officers involved shootings. I can tell yoi they treat every case exactly and methodically, it doesnt matter what neighborhood if they are the most blighted neighborhood, in a area where there is no video and no evidence, they will treat that homicide like they would if it happened in the middle of union square. It doesnt matter what color the person is or who they are, how old they are, if they were a drug dealer or drug user, even if they were a murderer that homicide is treated like the next homicide because they are methodical. I think what you are asking and the realty is, a lot of the homicides are crimes of tonight. Some are planned out but crimes of opportunity and that is dependent on the time of day and where you do it and if there is video available or not. Sometimes [inaudible] there was a two young men that did a homicide and killed a young man at 5 a. M. In sunnydale and drove to bayview Hunters Point and killed another young man at west point and middle point. They were able to piece together city cameras and personal cameras people gave to show them leaving one location and in a span killing somebody at another location and witness accounts of the car and everything. The first location we got the vehicle license plate and have part the car with the shooters in it and pieced where they wnt and tracked them down to third street where they committed a robbery and two blocks away from the car and got the car and got everybody. That was because we have the cameras. Another is Domestic Violence homicide where the suspect was in a resident and you have the Industrial Area in the bayview where there is no cameras, zero foot traffic and it is tough to solve that because there is nobody out there accept for the victim and suspect. It is just dependent on each case is its own case and there is no way to say how they will go or not go. We had a homicide today in the westville mall and in a area there is a lot of foot traffic, but where the homicide occurred there is all most zero foot traffic because it is a cut out area. It is dependent on where the homicide happens and geo graphly speaking it is dependent if there are cameras and witnesses and there is no tried and true way to say why the numbers work out the way they do because they just do. If it is more witness we want to invest money in witnesses to step forward, if it is technology we want to invest in the heart of it. I do think we need one thing i not familiar our department has it or the city has it, but like something outside the department where they can give anonymous tips not connect would the Police Department. I think sometimes people feel more comfortable giving it to like Crime Stoppers or something of that effect that isnt connected to the Police Department because maybe they dont like us for what ever reason want to give it to a separate entity than the department because of their fear of getting involved with the case. I thinkim looking into Something Like that and how to tap into the that resource. [inaudible] recommended an app but not sure they [inaudible] that would be great to follow up because i know they had the same idea talking to people in the community. They want to know if they share information it wont be traced back. Colleagues anything further from captain obrian . Oica, thank you, captain. I will actually depart from the agenda briefly. If i can just use my discretion. I think we are half way through a lot of reports and after that we will get Public Comment on that report but there are people here who like to address the commission so i will move Public Comment, item 4. Take general Public Comment now. If you are here to talk about something not on the ajen genda, i appreciate your patience but wim move that up because we have a number of lengthy reports. Come up. Everyone has two minutes. High. Good evening president loftus and commissioners and chief chaplin. First of all, where is your name plate . We didnt see that in the meeting is being televised. I think you are appointed for a couple months. It is great to have your name plate there. Again, im here to commend the efforts of police chief. The word on the street is that actually you are going all the communities and extensive outreach. Folks that were coming here to protest and now hay are calming down and giving people attention. It is one of the great things that needs to be continued. For the first time people get the breath of what the commission is all about. I was listening to very interesting president loftus before, you have all these wnderful programs and thank you again to chief tony chaplin for bringing mo magic because now the public can see all the efforts but nobody knows what is out there. Your commission is a ambassador and should sit on every Workforce Development in the city. The mayor is making a effort to bring jobs. Saw the stats in the bayview, it is unacceptable and think we can have more jobs because of the Socio Economic conditions. Every job at the [inaudible] toward the bayview and the targeted areas you will see a tremendous improvement. You are on the right track. We need to broaden the outreach and please you are out doing what you are doing and basically we want to see a change in the bayview. There are good people in the bayview and we need help with some of the families and some of the kids need help especially training and thank you. Next speaker. I appreciate you moving the time up and think we need each section for Public Comment. Anyway, this is not is not on the agenda but would be remisif key didnt talk about the poe journal which had black [inaudible] matter it was appalling and hurtful and racist and i read through the whole germ. It is shocking what is in the journal. It is inflammatory. [inaudible] with big capital letters, full of crap. That is what it says, full of crap. Gascone is totally [inaudible] the judge on that commission is totally depericated. She is not respected, they are puppets in a game. The message of the Blue Ribbon Task force is predetermined is what it says. Article after article. I dont know how you chief can have a letter in there and be a part of that without commenting. You made no comment. The press asked you to matter. Black labs matter rsh all labs matter. Are black people dogs . Obvious implication. The poa isnt changing. It is still back in the use of force. Just shocking to me. Over and over again, they just continue with their secrecy, they racist comment and poa is running this Police Department still. We got to do something about it and chief, you need to Say Something to them and cant just write a letter that is kind and respectful like you did. In the midst of that mess and be a fart of it, it is not okay. Next speaker. Good evening and welcome. I ask that the commission would consider allowing me to exceed their time we have to do it on advise of the City Attorney and two minutes per person so we cant. My name is jeffrey king a San Francisco resident and bay area native. My parents met in San Francisco and fell in love here, they were married at 40 mason and live in glen park and born at ucsf where my mother was a nurse. My parents drove from vallejo to pick up a gallon of mitchells ice cream. And stayed in the bay area for college and law school. And care about the city sw community and how the department serves those who live here. July 26 near where my parents lived bayview station officer [inaudible] entered the memory care facility where my 72 year old mother is living out her final daysfelt they used Excessive Force to detain my mother who has alzheimers and deaf and cannot speak. They did this over the objections of medical staff. All of this over two dementia patients who argued about a chair. My mother posed no threat. She was on the shofea when officers arrived. The other [inaudible] i do not begrudge her for this. She is suffering from the same terrible disease. The Trained Medical staff told sfpd there is no need to intervene. When officer [inaudible] officer haase did this after a nurse asked her not to do so. I arrived shortly there after. My mother was on the sofa hands in her lap. She beamed when she saw me and stood up to give a hug and sat back down. Officer haase informed me my mother was detained for 5150. Officer haases never received crisis intervention training and informed likely to hurt anybody irrelevant and directed my mother to be hand cuffed searched and placed in the squad car. Thank you, mr. King. J my name is [inaudible] have mast urin Public Health and instructor at San Francisco university. We continued [inaudible] made the detention decision to take my mother from a memory care facility to sf general. Public records indicate she was trained in crisis intervention this june. The officers on scene violated 6. 14 which governs 5150s in a half dozen waizs. It was a 6 and a half page document. They were recklessly indifferent to my mothers rights and rights as a disabled person and all this while everybody else told them their actions were wrong, unnecessary and harmful at each and ever step of the way. The psychiatrist in charge indicated within minutes she should not have been there and likely released that night. Sf general did their best to expedite the process 8 hours elapsed between sfpd arrival and the moment i walked my mother back to her home. Her [inaudible] as a nurse my mother spent her entire life caring for other people. Now she is cared for by competent thoughtful medical professionals. Every person who witnessed what happened the care home staff, the state elder care, the staff at sf general, every one was horrified how these officers conducted themselves. There are 4 elder care facilities near bayview and pleny more throughout the city. As concerned how my mother is abuseed im equally concerned for other individuals, elders, youth and everyone between. Sfpd says it is committed to deescalation to crisis situations. Hereofficers created a crisis that didnt previously exist. I ask commission to demonstrate that commitment through thank you. Attorney in San Francisco and im here in support of just before i read the last paragraph i want to say my father has parkinsons and memory loss so im very sympathetic to what happened. Before i go i like to note [inaudible] was here. However she had to leave because Public Comment is at the end of the hearing rather than beginning. The aclu appreciate the opportunity to address the commission in writing. Thank you. Welcome. Thank you. Um, hello, my name is kate im [inaudible] 4 years. By now you heard about the experience carol suffered at the hand of police. I want to talk about the negative impact this behavior has on San Francisco seniors and what can be done. Carol is diagnosed with alzheimers [inaudible] with time dementia will cause her to lose control of basic muscle functions. Like swaulying and breathing. I want to emphasize to you with dementia is a brain disease and not a mental illness. Carol is not alone in this, it is estimated half of all senior over 85 suffer from forms of dementia. San francisco has the highest percentage in the nation and 1 in 3 of the resident 75 and older live in poverty. Jeff and i are asking you amind policy and implement better training to protect San Francisco seniors. Sfpd admitted it needs help learning to interact with seniors and officers receive some training during crisis intervention training. However the training is clearly insufficient. The officer reported carol was [inaudible] taking her away from care giverers and medications is unconsciousinable. I understand police are not medical professionals current 5150 policy requires officers to make mental helths assessment. Without Training Officers are left to rely on stereotypes and bias putting San Francisco seniors at risk. I ask you to think about your parent or your sevl in 20 or 30 years and how you would like the police to treat you. The crisis intervention training is being revised, think of carol as the training is updated and take action for our seniors. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening and welcome. My name is chris gates and here to support jeffrey king. Im a emt and worked in the city for a few years and the way this was handled seemed very abnormal. It seemed to take a woman who has documented is documented as altered out of a Specialty Care facility and take her to San Francisco general in a squad car in handcuffs seemed very inappropriate choice which makes me think that the officers need more training around how to deal with situations like this. Because in situations like that, if a ambuliance would have been there potentially those choices would have been different. We wouldnt take from one Specialty Care facility to one less equip to handle the condition she was in. Like the rest of these people i ask that you consider better training for your officers in handling situations like this. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Gates. Next speaker. Uc berkeley with focus on human rights and hear to support jeff and all the company he keeps. I think what was said about what happened is said so just want to say this, i sat through and know you have too about a little ova 2 and a half hours of a long meeting and wouldnt do that unless i didnt take this to heart with great seriousness. Everything you just heard. These are not just good people, these are great people. My friend jeff, the best you hope for in the friend and the best the city can hope for in the citizen. Im proud to be part of that. In the human rights world, the care and treatment of the elder is one of the most porpt issues in human rights. San franciscos one of the first city to turn the office of civil rights into office of human rights so it is taken seriously and if i reinforce everything that was said, it is mainly one incident but it concerns every citizen of San Francisco. I appreciate the care you put in to the matters discussed tonight, please treat this with just as much care. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening. Im danielle kellers mom i brought you information. This article that will pretty explain the blame game that goes on in San Francisco about the murders. What i had tried to givei bring daniels hair. This is what i have left of my daughter. A lock of the hair i got to cut off at the mort ware. I became a expert of Domestic Violence and tried to give the information to Beverly Upton but she said your daughter was murdered in marin but all the crimes were committed here [inaudible] when he pulled the gun at the club and a month later when he pulled the gun on her. Any idiot can say [inaudible] i tell you this is a dvrt from connecticut. It is really [inaudible] succeeded so much the doj gave them unheard amounts of money it train. It isnt rocket science. The lady was a advocate just like my daughter had and just [inaudible] this man kept abuseing and nobody did anything. [inaudible] because he is a mitchell. The Domestic Violence is [inaudible] look at that and they are training 3 [inaudible] in contra costa was chosen as one of them. [inaudible] it doesnt take the governor to sign, you can put this on. When my daughters child was going on, as Beverly Upton said your daughter was murdered in marin. I thought i discovered [inaudible] thank you. Thank you. She can speak now. I will provide a brief response i just see the folks here on behalf of mrs. King are speaking with Senior Deputy of the occ so i will provide a brief response. I have one more thing marry morgan and [inaudible] thank you. [inaudible] im so sorry but have to keep it two minutes per person. Im so sorry for your loss. Next speaker. So, the response i will provide, i see to the folks who came this is a moment for everybody watchwe dont understand how the Police Commission works. It is all of us, the chief and occ reports to us. We are the oversight body. The occ investigates where there is a citizen complaint so first request people come with a complaint by a ufser. The process is the same which is speak to a investigator, that investigator will look into it, take witness statements, look at the policy and what happened and make a determination if it was out of policy. If it is out of policy dependent how severe it was it can come to the commission for discipline or chief of police for discipline dependent what is found. Again, any specifici know you spoken to occ. So the process that is how the process will go and the occ will also determine if there was apologist failure where there is training specific things done wrong we can do better so wanted to provide that response. I want to let mr. Kings family know it was raised to me by the Critical Incident team and just contacted me and askedit wasnt raised in the form of the complaint but after i spoke to the captain this morning so that is the process i was going through. I would share with you the Community Partners expressed a lot och concern and did see this as a not in accordance with what they train folks to do. Likewise i got similar concerns that have come across so the steps that will go from here you are speaking to deputy drether baultzar and he can guide with additional questions. Next speaker. Good evening and welcome mrs. Brown. Hello everyone. [inaudible] we are hear to talk about my son. Aubrey obrucosa murdered august 14, 2006. On the 14th of this month it will be 10 years and im still waiting for justice for my son. I want to thank you chaplin for letting me know about the rehiring the investigators to come and look at my sons case, james blain, i thipg im saying his name right. He called me and i spoke with him yesterday and they are looking into it and im happy about it, but it took 10 years for this to happen. The only investigator i thought helped me in the past is calvin jones and he is no longer here, but im glad to have this happen. It is giving me a little bit of hope that something will happen. Im still weary and still want people to see what i have to remember every day. My son laying on the gurney lifeless. Me standic over his cas dt when he was murdered. Im still in pain even though it is 10 years. I want people to knethat it is just not just my son recollect it is other unsolved homicides to be. Mothers like myself are suffering. But i do want people to say that. I want my beautiful sons case to be solved so i can get closure. I havent any and tired of crying and got on the phone with inspector [inaudible] today and was in tears and i didnt think i would. I said i want to see my sons clothed he wore when they murdered him. I want his tennis shoes. I have nothing. I have nothing. If anybody has information to the murder of aubrey obrucosa call 4155754444. Thank you, mrs. Brown. Next speaker. Pardon my cell phone. No problem. Next speaker. Good evening and welcome. [inaudible] born and raised fillmore San Francisco. When i was 16 i wanted to be a San Francisco Police Officer so i joined the police and was a cadet, learned how to fingerprint, traffic control, responding to drunk case, rape case, Domestic Violence and learned how to shoot at the range that then was a army base. My point mentioning this is that if you have these cadets that are active but you cant be a officer till you are 20, i really emphasize as internships and or scholarships as possible to keep your hand on these people so they will not in those two years be lost and go ahode and do Something Else because they need a income and if you do a scholarship you will solve the problem with mrs. De jesus said about getting education. I went to the military so i could pass on substance and i was lost. However, my second subject i want to emphasize recruitment of women because i did do 10 years in the military and women need to boo be hired and the issue of sexism needs to be brought to the forefront just as much as racism in the department because a lot of women will not speak upon it because once you do, you get treated bad in different Law Enforcement departments. In my 8 years in Law Enforcement i didnt one time see a woman respond or abuse use of force, not one time. It was always the men. I always saw the women use thir communication skills and deescalate very violent men, veryMental Health issues and drug issues and so forth. [inaudible] thank you so much. Next speaker. Good evening and welcome mrs. Bar net. Im here just a few things on my mind. I want to start with i am happy about the break in the quadruple homicide. That is my community and neighborhood and that was heart breaking so i want to commend the San Francisco Police Department for that and glad they are bringing back 960s to do more investigations. But i also am here because ii didnt know what happened with this elderly senior lady and want to say i was in tears. I dont know them and not here to testify as a friend and it is heart breaking. I have a mother in her 70s and this is unacceptable and outrageous and no scenario where that is okay and this has to change. I read the article about [inaudible] who gave false testimony and resulted in a conviction and think that is a problem Police Officers give false testimony. There is a article i dont know if you saw it. I also really want to agree with the first speaker and emphasizei did have one more thing, petra de jesus left think education is very important and want to emphasize i think for new recruits to promote education. The poa and think is a huge problem. I think every day they reveal to be more insensitive and disgusting and more until and im a unionist. They dont represent a union or somebody who advocate saids for working people and the black labs matter and all labs matter, there are no words so just want to echo how disgust td and angry i am i dont know how there is discipline for this. Most work sites wont tolerate this racism and think there should be repercussion and unfor givable and there should be action. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening. My name is john jones. When i saw the poa cartoon and [inaudible] i figured there will be a lot more people to talk about it. I dont want to address the merit to the cartoon, but i want to tall call to the commission attention we live in what is trying to be a Multicultural Society and in a Multicultural Society in my opinion you need to cut a lot of people a lot of slack. I you need to listen to what the other person says even if it is a prior speaker commented ins sensitive and disgusting. I encourage the commission to view cartoons like the one discussed now and other information it received from the standpoint of reinforcing and acheechbing a Multicultural Society that our Political Leadership suggests we have. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Any further general Public Comment . Come up. Just one question. I forgot to ask if you can be there friday at two oclock at my sons press conference. They will do media cov erage for my son. His anniversary we will take a break and maybe you can talk to the chief about that. Can you come . Thank you mrs. Brown. Tom gillbirty. Community moments. As a young girl here spoke thought maybe seeing the police and maybe cop like uniforms could hel. What i would also like to include, gunless. They have a belt and like to see it removed. We have trainees. After they are trained, training not real on the street, maybe the first 3 years they dont have a gun. Maybe they are part of a 3 man team of vets that are 10 year vets that havent pulled a gun or shot a bullet. They can serve as mentors. Traveling to gunless countries where the police dont have gun would be nice trips to have sponsored. I think that is part the education that needs to continue. I think without guns the police can be better officers. I think they can be better people across the board. I think they can be happier and more involved with the community. Which leads me to the commission, you need to stand up and shout. We need the Police Living in our city. Not preferential apartments or condos, dedicated apartments and condo. Fireman, mta, everybody, we need our people here. Part of our community. Going to the shops in casual not in their uniform. The cit, the angles, they need to be independent. They need to be part of the clinics that can take these people safe and secure and dependent of the Public Health department. They need their own funding and need to be like all angles. Thank you. Any further jenroom Public Comment . Hearing none Public Comment is closed. I will take a 10 minute personal break for the group. Well return at 20 minutes to 9. Is that right . Thank you everyone, we are in recess. [Police Commission in recess] combined version orphfirst and Second Quarter 2016 fdrb and review board and then where we are in there office [inaudible] these were submitted as two presentations and will give the first half and jump to the sec and get into theso, we got First Quarter. Previous convened september 23, 2015 which is 4th quarter. The First Quarter convene wednesday march 30 and reviewed completed investigation, two were discharges, two shootings. Fdrb in the First Quarter consisted of deputy chief [inaudible] who at that time at the chief of the Administrative Bureau was the chair rchlt deputy chief redman and [inaudible] special operations and schmit from the airport bureau. Commissioner de jesus was also there. Director hicks, captain peter walsh. Lieutenant gene from training and sergeant [inaudible] from sfpd rangeism a beef summary oof th4 cases with the finding whether the use of fire arm is in the policy. Officer involved discharge oo 515 occurred in antioch as resident of a officer. At that time he was attempted to install [inaudible] and not properly cleared it and slntly discharged the weapon. No one was hurt as a result of the negligent discharge but not in policy. Similarly, discharge 0715 occurred november 10 at officer in oakland california. That officer was off duty and conducting a dry fireic exercise which is like a drawing practice or practing with a fire arm. She discharge td a weapon. It had not been properly cleared. No one was heard. Officer involved shooting 13008 acred in the noren district Northern District when on the 200 block of [inaudible] several officers including uniform and plain clothes officer responding to piece and chestnut and understood a robbery occurred. The victim was pistol whipped which caused trauma and the officers located him on the 200 block of miorca. The suspect attempted to conceal. The officers came out and poipted the gun at the approaching officers. 4 officers fired the weapons and the suspect was struck and taken into custody. That was in policy. The fourth case reviewed occurred 100 block of bayview january 12, 2014 at midnight. A off duty sergeant was driving on [inaudible] involved in afund urbaner and she and the other driver pulled at a gas station. The driver became belligerent and identified as a Police Officer and comed 911 twice. The driver began to punch her and attach her. She fired one ron in self defense. That round ricocheted but a fragment struck the suspect causing a cut on his calf but he frokebroke off the assault and subsequently arrested and booked. He refused medical treatment. That was a policy finding. Ill skip to the rather than review the open cases as they were in we will go to the Second Quarter fdrb. The Second Quarter convened june 30, 2016 and 5 completed investigations. This board consisted of june 30, sorry. Deputy chief Denise Schmit now the Administrative Bureau of dc chair, deputy chief [inaudible] commissioner hwang was there and [inaudible] from occ captain walsh and [inaudible] and sergeant [inaudible] from the range. So, the cases we viewed include the following, officer involve shooting 13003. March 15, 2013 spruce street was the location and this case officers from Park District respanded to the northern [inaudible] tied up on a run at 0448 hours, looking for a car jack vehicle. The suspect stopped at the enof the street. The officers believed he would run into julius con or surounder and approached on foot and made a 3 point turn back towards the officers. One officer fired at the driver who continued to flee and left the scene. The driver was not struck and later apphanded but the officer was foupd to fail to properly move to place of safety. That was not in policy finding. Just toaddress the date because that was a longest open date. The date of occurrence march 15, 2013, we have da charging decision in that case. It was dated february 5, 2016. So didnt receive it until a few days after thatism typically we use the date on the da charging decision letter. We use that to kind of for [inaudible] purposes and so the juneSecond Quarter 2016 was the first opportunity to present the investigation. Can i ask you, that is 3 years and it end up in a finding of not enpolicy, so that we talked about how does the Department Given the process it cant be closed or final determination until rf a the da. We are veer claer we have no control over how fast the da muchbs on the casus despite what the da says about his commitment to investigating officer involved shooting. 3 years is way too long, so what we can control is our sidehow do we take the lessons and policy fail wrrs especially here. This is a shooting in cars that was a policy ferrule. Did we miss a wipdo to change training . Yes, maam. So, in this slide what i try do in the slides is address the yuss of fire armism in this case you are receiving a letter from the chief that has a report. There are definitely policy changes that resulted from this, clarifications resulting from this so as a example with regards to policy, chief suhr issued a bulletin emphasizeing our restriction with regards to shooting at occupants in vehicles and training was enhanced to really clarify what is prohibited and what is restricted along that nature. The issue that i see is that the administrative investigation, the personnel investigation has a dependancy on a criminal finding. A officer has to have acted legally. We are dependent on that. Where we can this isnt a example of that, but where we can we do bifurcate cases. We had cases were there is a pursuit and we break off the pursuit look at the total incident. Say a pursuit investigation will break off the pursuit and do a comprehensive part of the piece we can break off. Maybe it doesnt involve the officers or have done them where it involved the officers and look at them separately. The use the firearm and the moment where the shooting happened, we need to make sure that we are on the same page as the da or who has the responsibility charging. There are examples across the country where departments may get ahead of the ball think it appears in policy and there are statements and the da is making charges on the officer. There is a whole two questions. It is great for ussometimes where think disconnect is we dont whether it in policy or not because we can do discipline afterwards so thing members of the public dont understand where commissioners are constructed. We are not are not voting. When the chief does issue bulletins after your initiali think we talked about a prefdrb it is great to have those included in the packet so we see what you see. Here are things learned from the shoot ing and the policy and training. That is just the piece i think mising for us. In this case there were no injury. How did it take 3 years if there is no medical examinener. For the record it would have taken longer. I mean for the da. I do this 4 times a year i ask questions that need to be answered by the District Attorney but you rin front of me. Chief suhr or chief chaplin. That particular case sergeant [inaudible] reached out to me. I wasnt chief at that time and i made a few phone calls and that reportwe would have still been waiting but [inaudible] by stating what you just said. No one was struck or hit. It is the last case of 2013. Can we please get it. At some point we got it. It didnt come on its own, it took a little tree shaking to get it to fall out. I want to address that point. One thing the Blue Ribbon Panel did st. Look at the District Attorney and ask why is it taking so long and there are a couple reasons. There is no deadline so they have other pressing matters so it sits until they get around to it. Of course in the newspaper he says he needs more money and cant do his job but i thipg we put a deadline on it and need to know by march 1, 2016 or whatever and [inaudible] way for the District Attorney to review this and we have nothing and we just [inaudible] we continue to show the public who was [inaudible] because we cant say we have no role i asked surgeant kudo the last time we were together because it happened in san mateo and got a charging decision in 6 weeks so asked to survey surrounding county. What is the average. It is fwt 18 to 20 months. I did a random sampling and talked to agencies from saxrimento and san mateo. We talked about process too. There are agencies that do nothing on the personal investigation until the criminal investigation is adjudicated. In our circumstance, that could be a very very long time. The government code allows cases to [inaudible] put a pause on the one year statute of limitations on the investigation. The government code allows cases to tol until a related civil matter is adjudicated. We dontwe do what we can to the degree we are able and i think it is importanti kind of appreciate the sentiment that the da is playing a Critical Role in the city and county when we talk about the fact we are the only Municipal Police agency and they provide that third Party Overview with regards to transparency and public trust without having the ability to get another agency in our county. We dont have that. They have to comply within 6 months, if not they have to [inaudible] just something. Maybe we talk to the board of supervisors and put a deadline. A concrete response to. That answer is above my pay grade but in look ing at things commissioners, i have seen for example, la county has a mou. I know there is talk about maybe looking that mou and that may be appropriate place to put those things and there may be different degrees of complexity. There are issues that effect it, but maybe if that conversation starts to happen also, the civil grand jury goes into and think they said the biggest obstuical and bottleneck District Attorney offices. The public doesnt want to hear the agency going like this, they want the job done. At the enof the day i agree what you say it is important process but it is more important now with this idea of [inaudible] everybody loses when the case ages. It is two years old, witness memory fades and the officer who potentially may have been clear of misconduct and not guilty lives under the cloud of that and that effects promotions and everything. There is a idea the urgency seems to be in everyones interest so this commission i like the idea that commissioner de jesus had, i dont know given investigation has to be done right and think the da can say i got to do it right but think it may be time for the commission to at the very least weigh in on this and when we still got 7 cases and got a case 3 years old with no medical examiner that is difficult to explain. Commissioner hwang in this case you are looking at negligent discharge or assault which is 3 year of statute limitations so past 3 years they coulden prosecute the case. That is by default. When there isnt anyone shot there has to be a 3 year deadline. Do rely on the da to track that . The way i handle at my end is reach out to the da and i will occasionally contact my counterparts and say this is what i understand we have, do we have other letters i dont have accounted for and they confirm or tell me we have one coming to you. There are a couple more. In this day and age, there is concern that the Department Says hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, the Public Perception may beyou are dammed if you do and damented if you dont. I think that is fair but i think that is a good point and we have been around this a long time. Not just in the current climate but joe and tippy will tell you years ago it was far worse so there is progress but at theened othf day we get the reports and the public has a expectation we just get to a resolution sooner. [inaudible] work with the board of have supervisors and District Attorney to come up with a solution or dead line [inaudible] or we could ask for if there is a delay beyond 12 months the District Attorney provides factors involved. Keep track the statute of limitations. I interrupted you. Continue. So, the next officer involve shooting considered is code on february 4, 2014 officer involved shooting 14002 occurred at third and 20th street. Uniformed officers attempted to stop a stolen vehicle. Stopped at third and 20t and began ramming vehicles to wedge his way through. Officers approached the suspect vehicle at which time the driver reverses and steered towards an approaching officer. The suspect was not hit. Vehicles started to scatter and he was escaped and arrested several days later. This is a example president loftus of this case waswe bifurcated this. The pursuit was looked at separately so we get it done right away and when we got indecision on use of firearm, we finished as a separate investigation. Not on pursuit. I made a note of just in case the question came up so on that particular one, occurred february 4, i have one the charging decision datedwe receive it after this but that was dated january 29, 2016. In our unit we are trying best we can to at least be in a position where we have couple weeks of lead time and couple Little Things we got to tie up to present to the next quarterly fdrb. [inaudible] it is all most two years. Officer involved shooting 14008. Occurred on the 900 block of leavenworth in and in this case a off duty officer was a Training Officer of the training leaving for work when he was a victim of the attempted robbery. He was outside his apartment inside the apartment building. A physical struggle ensued during which time the suspect attempted to remoouv the officers fire arm. A struggle ensued over control of the weapon and weapon was fired and suspect was struck and continued to fight with the officer until in custody and treated to gun shot wound to the abdomen and charged with a number of crimes with robberies, assault and threfts. The officer went above and beyond trying not to use his firearm. The discharges reviewed, 00116, the discharge is a much quicker process. 15th and rhode island street. Uniformed officers follow up on a wellbeing check at homeless encampment with unrestrained bog, a pit bull. He retreated and called for someone and said get the dog on a leash. The dog charged and officer fired one round and dog broke off attack and [inaudible] and mending just fine. That was a in policy finding. The other discharge reviewed occurred march 31, 2016 on the unit block och turner terrace at about 5 in the morning when a unifornled officer assigned to the Tactical Division conducting a high risk search warrant attempted to reach a closeed locked room. While attempting to breach the room, the locked bedroom door the officer lost balance and discharged his department issued firearm. No one was hurt. Discharge but out of policy. Currentsly the Third Quarter 2016 fire arm discharge review board is scheduled to convene tuesday september 28, 2016 scheduled through the administrative group. Ill give you a overview where we are in the open investigations. So sth preechbious report First Quarter was written report submitted april 7 so since then our current status. There are three investigations we just talked about presented to the fdrb. Similar reports in process being signed off. You may have one or two already. These cases are closed. One ois investigation is basically ready for presentation. We opened a new ois investigation and the current crimial investigation by sfpd homicide, sfda qu medical examiner. As ouf august 10 we have 15 open ois investigations. One is ready for presentation to quarterly fdrb, 7 are criminal investigation under review with the da. Like i talked about the administrative investigation are [inaudible] 6 criminal investigations are active with sfpd homicide, medical examiner and or da and one investigation is [inaudible] because of injuries to the officer so we are not able to conduct the administrative investigation yet. Just a review where we are, a overview. Now the open cases with sfpd. 201314, 3 are now closed. 14003 will beprinted at the next fdrb. 14006 and 7 we are waiting for discharging decision. 15001, 15002 and 3 and 4 waiting for discharging decision. 15006 is tolling and the remainder 15007 and 8 and 9 and 10, 16001 and 2 have active criminal investigative aspects. That is where we are. Questions for sergeant kudo . If you can get sergeant kilshaw whatever information you got from the suropding counties how long it took and copy of the mou for the commissioners to review that is helpful to determining next steps. Thank you. Sergeant call the next iletm. Item. Item 2 b, occ directors report. Allow the director to report on recent occ actativities and make announcements. Presentation of the occ annual report, presentation of the occ 20 squaen 16 first and Second Quarter report. Presentation of stats report, summary of cases, mediation of complaints and judeication of sustained complaints. I want to first thank you and your whole staff for graciously two things you allowed the youth to speak first and to accommodate Public Comment. I know that delayed this presentation and these are very important reports so thank you director hicks and all wrour staff that is still here. President loftus and members the commission, you are welcome. I have offered a suggestion when the occ is giving its annual report and several quarterly reports. Perhaps we can have that report come out of order in front of some of the Police Department reports. But, i am going to proceed. I do want to say guy evening and to you president loftus and commissioners, chief chaplin and members of the public. I am going to start off with announcements before we begin the annual report presentation. So, im pleased to announce that i have appointed carl [inaudible] as a 8124 occ investigator. Mr. Via real is in the audience. Thank you, i thought so too. Mr. Via real serves as National Direct of the Lawyers Guild for 12 years. Prior to that we practiced law in austin texas. Carlos is member of texas bar and bachelor of arts in sociology and [inaudible] during mr. Via reals tenure at the national Lawyers Guild he managed a staff and volunteers and governed not Profit Organization and collaborated with executive board. [inaudible] legal and political issues for a range of publications and oversaw support materials for transjnder materials. Please me in welcoming mr. Via real. You gave the number classification but what his role will be . He is a 8124 investigator, junior level investigator and he will join the staff. We have 18 positions, plus another 4 that will actually come on line in october. Total of 22 investigator positions. We will be interviewing for four vacancies we have now because we promoted three investigators. You met them at the last Police Commission meeting so there is a lot of actirfbty at the occ and we are meet ing with the Building Management at 25 van ness with the Real Estate Department to determine where we are going to put all this new personnel. The occ has had a tradition for its investigators for the investigators to have individual offices because of the interviews they conduct. It is becoming complicated but we are working on all those issues. Welcome. And just moving just briefly to a few more announcements. August 1 i attended a Panel Discussion hosted by the Common Wealth club and commissioner hwang was there as well and that was a more information more of a report for the panel on the Blue Ribbon Taskforceism. The panel consisted of judge cordel, [inaudible] bell, van jones, District Attorney gasgone. They were introduced by former Supreme Court Justice Chris renoso. They didthe panel did endicate that they had hoped there would be someone from the Police Department on their panel and deputy chief ali was in the audience along with captain [inaudible] and so deputy chief ali stood up and said im here so they had him come on stage and [inaudible] gave up his seat for deputy chief ali. The occ staff is very busy with outreach. Staff members ateneded National Night out at the various National Night out locations. Theour coordinator of outreach mediation and outreach Donna Salazar is organizing the efforts and her going to National Night out activities, last saturday she ateneded a back to school event at the [inaudible] community center. A backpack distribution and prompted other members the staff to attend a similar one that is going to be at young blood coleman park. That concludes announcems and can jump into the annual report. It isnt showing up. There she goes. Like to thank you president loftus for providing me the opportunity to present the report this evening. Occ staff instrumental helping district 4 to include information, technology, business [inaudible] who is on vacation. Deputy director eric bault zar attorneys [inaudible] who is also on vacation. Donna val sar zar and my executive assistant who is unable to join us. Present this evening and operating the powerpoint is gene senior investigator sarah mand rb and also in the audience are senior investigators sherri hall and ed mc man. Air recollect baumentzar is here and [inaudible]ed your name. John alden is aults present and attorney, many ford as well. I got you. I have you all. Forgive me, it is late. This evening we will talk about the history and mission of the occ, organizational development, the budget, the investigation, the legal unit, the policy work, mediations and outreach. It isnt moving. Most of us here knee the occ was created by oo board of have visors Charter Amendment in 1982 and became staffed and operational in 1983. We are under your jurisdiction, that is the Police Commission and have a mission to investigate civilian complaints of Police Misconduct our negligented duty to make recommendation on police practice. The annual report concludes in december of 2015. So many things have happened since that 12 month period. In 2015 our occ staffing was constrained by city recruitment processes and long term staff absences. We had a hick up on our staff, the executive assistant pam law thompson had jurey duty all most 12 months on a criminal trial and she is not just my executive assistant but helps run recruitment [inaudible] if one piece of that puzzle is missing it certainly delays things. Staff vacancies that we did have at the conclusion of 2015 included 1 journey level investigator that had to remain vacant because of the attrition and staff adjustment. Two senior investigator positions. One Business Analyst assistant and the reason for those delays was because of recruitment and testing issues. 8177 attorney, since that time as you know, we have hired that 5th attorney, john alden and we have hired three senior investigators. Additionally, we have hired carlos via real who i just introduced to you and regarding the business we are going to begin interviewing candidates for the 8124 position, that is journey level investigator positions probably around the beginning of september and doesnt count for the additional 8124 positions given to occ in this years budget. Moving to the 1516 budget which is now history. Increased occ positions to 39 including the directorDeputy Director, 5 attorneys, [inaudible] 2 individuals [inaudible] one accounting position and clerical positions. Again, another challenge for the occ is that our senior account clerk, laura tam who was also the only person on the staff who spoke burmese in addition to several other languages retired after many years with the city. She retired 30th so we are in that recruitment process as well. I provided you with organizational chart that shows the positions that we had in place. I will move to the Investigation Unit and the work that they did in 2016. We received 673 complaints. We closed 627. That means we closed less cases that we opened meaning the backlog was beginning to grow. The vacancies on the staff and also the number of reports that we generated did increase the number of days of the closeed cases. Moving to investigator case loads. Investigators had a average case load of 25 cases but there were 13 journey level investigators with full caseloads at the close of 2015. 28424 investigators were senior investigators, two of the 8424 investigators were new hires and there were reduced case loads for 2 investigators because they hand 8d officer involved shoo shooting investigation. The best practice is 16 cases per investigator. The occ has 16 cases in 2015. We had 4 officer involved shooting complaint under investigation, two came in 2016. The cases that are currently opened are [inaudible] lopez, mario woods and luis gongora and jessica williams. Moving to the cases we still have open two, 2011 sro complaint so under the federal criminal investigation we anticipate closing those cases within the next quarter. The officers involved shooting complaint, 3 under investigation in 2014, alexand row nieto, [inaudible] lopez and mario woods. We closed alhand row nieto in 2015 but the [inaudible] lopez and mario woods remain open. All 3 resulted in the subjects death. Moving to the next case as note , at the enof 2014 we continue to investigate the detention of a man with a prosthetic leg. The next case that we had of note and concluded was investigation of complaint about a vehicle pursuit where a officer discharged the firearm during the pursuit. The next case we concluded involved investigation of a complaint from a Sexual Assault victim who complained about sfpd failure to process evidence. As a result of the case samara marion made numerous policy recommendations that arose from this investigation. We concluded out our investigation of a complaint regarding an alleged mistreatment of physically disabled man in a wheelchair in visitation valley. At the end of 2015 we still had open a complaint regarding a woman who was shot and killed by her exboyfriend before he turned the gun on himself. The victim made a series of calls for help from the home where she was murdered. Another case we concluded our investigation rarbding incident at the hall of justice between sfpd officer and San Francisco public defender. We also continue to investigate complaint of racist and home phobic Text Messages by sfpd members. We concluded of investigation of the complaint of officers wrongfully arresting a man and forcefully taking the 10 month old son from him because he was riding his bike while he had the child strapped to his chest. The other case of note we continue to investigate regarded a man who questioned by the fbi as well as member of the Police Department. It was regarding a freedom of information act request that the man filed concerning his recent travel issues. We conclude our mediation of complaint from San Francisco Department Head about an alleged battery committed by a Police Department lieutenant during a meeting. Which case . The fbi one. It is still open and we are planning to close it. We have gone through some meetings with one of the complainants who filed a hearing request. The complainant provided a lengthy legal opinion, we reviewed it and we will will be making a recommendation based on that. The complainants who requested the hearing ultimately did not want the hearing but wanted a resolution which we believe we have reached. Youre welcome. Moving to the dem ographic [inaudible] it hasnt changed much over the years. Particularly between 2014, 2015. Caications make up 28 percent. Twive percent African American, lutineo, 11 percent, asian american, 7 percent. Pacific islanders and native american, 3 percent. Declined state, 27 percent. 96 of our complainant speak english. Two percent spanish and less than one percent [inaudible] in the office we have investigators who speak spanish, tugolic and french and [inaudible] we have non investigative staff who speak mandarin and cantonese. Our burr mese speaker who also spoke mandarin and cantonese retired on june 30 of this year. Looking at allegations by typed, this hasnt changed much. Unwarrantyed action, 35 percent. Conduct 28 percent. Nudge duty 25 percent. Unnecessary force, 3 percent. Discourtesy, 3 percent and racial and sexual slurs, less than 1 percent. When we look at the findings we make we made findings and 2204 allegations. 4373 officers with allegations and the large percentage was not sustained, 55 percent. I am hopeful with a Body Worn Cameras we will make a better finding either proper conduct, unfounded or sustained opposed to the not sustained. Proper conduct in 2016 findings, 16 percent. Sustained, 9 percent and unfounded 3 percent, no finding 4 percent and no find withdrawn, 3 percent. Looking at the type of sustained allegations, 50 percent of sustained allegations were for negligent of duty. Unwarrantyed action, 35 percent. Conduct discredit. 9 percent. Unnecessary force, 3 percent, discourtesy, 2 percent, sexual slurs, 1 percent. There were claims of bias. 12 percent of the caseload. Of the 79 cases, 74 of them involve racial bias with 11 percent racial bias and then solely racial bias. Less than 1 percent gender bias and two cases less than 1 percent racial and gender bias. As is pointed out in the Blue Ribbon Panel report and as i have pointed out myself, that we have not sustained any cases for bias but this is not uncommon nation wide. Difficult to prove unless someone says theyLaw Enforcement action because they were bias. But, with more robust Data Collection and analysis, it could be possible to prove or disprove but even with that, it is not easy to show even when you see a pattern that the reasons for the stop was because of bias. Moving to the legal unit. In 2015 we had 4 lawyers and now have 5. Two tile attorneys who provided sustainability review and finalized sustained reports. They prosecuted 4 cases. When i say prosecuted i say may represented the chief in the chief level hearings involved 9 officers. The rounding out of the legal unit in 2015 policy analyst samara mereian and the mediation and outreach coordinator, Donna Salazar and two trial attorneys [inaudible] and many ford and our newest attorney, john alden will do a variety of things or is doing a variety of things at both providing sustainability review, finalizing reports as well as cysting policy analyst on policy matters. When i dock about the sustained reports several of the reports exceed 25 pages, so the more we increase our sustained rate, then the more effort there is on the part the investigators as well as the lawyers because there investigators do draft the first draft of the sustained report and it goes through a review process from the journey level investigator to senior investigator to the Deputy Director, baltzar and then to the lawyers, then to me. It is a process. There are some cases that do not go to the lawyers and Deputy Director baltzar and goes to me. Moving to policy work on policy recommendations. In brief rfx mrs. Mereian does lead the policy work for the occ and her work focused on chernl of arrested parent. Police respond to Mental Health crisis and [inaudible] as president loftus mentioned earlier, mrs. Miriam reviewed president obamas taskforce on 21 Century Policing recommendations and she identified 19 policy recommendations for the Police Department in response to the taskforces report. She was meeting regularly with deputy chief signez during 2015 and will review those meetings. We have all been otherwise engaged with the various look sees that have been taken by civil grand jury and by cops, Community Oriented policing service and Blue Ribbon Taskforce. In addition, mrs. Miriam conducted webinars on children of arrested paernts, two webinars with experts including former chief suhr and these were viewed nationally. And toshe also wrote an article for the review on children of arresting parent protocol to provide mrs. Miriam relief i represented the occ and Stakeholders Group on Body Worn Cameras and you heard about the Body Worn Cameras earlier this evening. And then mrs. Miriam in addition to the meetings she holds with various stakeholders and theall the work she has done helping with Police Department with training, she also makes policy recommendations based on the cases that we investigate as well as information she obtains about best practices. I think the highlight of mrs. Miriam policy recommendations last year had to do with the collection of the analysis of Sexual Assault and we heard about that earlier. Moving to mediation and that would be Donna Salazar. We have an Award Winning mediation program. Last year 45 cases were mediated by probono mediators and represents more of the average yearly case closers of one investigator so those mediations result in time and cost savings and most important thing is they result in great satisfaction for the officer and complainant when you look at the number of not sustained findings that we make, nobody is happy with not sustained so you have 100 percent unhappy people and when you have a mediation you can end up with 95 percent of them being satisfied or well satisfied. Outreach. It is outlined the occ community Strategic Plan. We have one in the making but we have our prior plan on the website. We give Community Presentations and collaborate with Community Groups and the Police Department. That is what mr. Miriam largely does and what i did for the Body Worn Camera protocols. We give presentations as nakeo conduct training and distribute materials and have our website. I believe that that concludes my report, but i would like to thank the hard working staff of the office of citizen complaints, the investigators, staff, the lawyers, Deputy Director baltzar who worked tirelessly to keep it all together and we are all committed to investigating complaint of Police Misconduct and conduct mediation, policy policy recommendations and engaging the community. That concludes 2015. Thank you director hicks. Colleagues, questions . I was looking at that and you showed the stats. We talked about this before. Before i go there i want to thank you to you and your staff and want to say thank you for the mediation program. It is Great Program and good to see that is still working really well. You have done a good job. I do want to say outreach is something we talked about before and looking at the stats from latinos and asians and it seems low, but did i hear you right that you dont have a cantonese investigator right now . Or did i not hear that right . You said you have staff that speaks cantonese, but wasnt sure if you had a cantonese investigator . We do not have a investigator who speaks cantonese, we have a investigator who speaks tosean and it is a dialect, acountryhe described it as a world dialect. He grew up here in chinatown, but very few of our complainants speak that language. I wonder when you do your search, are youis that one of the things you are looking for is have a cantinacy investigator . I assume the staff people dont go then field with a investigator . If they have a cantinacy speaking person do they take a staff person with them . They do not take our staff people out to the field and if we are in need of Interpretation Services then we would use a Language Line just like the department does, but im always keeping my eye out commissioner day having a diverse staff, but we have a list that wethese are Civil Service positions so we dont get a lot of bilingual candidates. Just understandingjust looking at that. I notice that looked low and when go into the mission we hear stories how Police Officers are abusive to them and family and mother but have low staff and wonder about outreach. Do we make it accessible to them. I know it is a issue before andi know we do street fairs and those type of things, but wonder how to get the word out to the asians and latinos that we are here and have a service. I just want to know if that is a real stat or are there people not coming forward and not filing complaints because just going on that, what i saw is 95 percent of the people who submit complaints speak english. If seems to me there may be, there may be a gap with people who dont speak english and whether they smf somewhere along the wline line as we do outreach, we need to contact the chinese, the Spanish Language media and say this service is available to them. It is not to say you need to complain, but rather, these are services that are available to the community because obviously if 95 percent of the people speak english, it isnt getting to the people who dont speak english and dont feel they can do something. That would be something to add especially in thosethe Chinese Community is so large especially the cantonese speaking community so it is something to think about. Thank you commissioners de jesus and melara. With regards to the Spanish Speaking media, attorney fraub fraub has in fact appeared onnot appeared on the radio, but participated in the Spanish Speaking radio show. We are always open to recommendations, where to go and who to talk to because you are absolutely right. This is organic, it is not enough to go to street fairs andbut, we need to know where to go and so if there are contacts that the commissioners can think of, our Community Members that you can send our way, we are open. I saw dr. Marshal and commissioner hwang. I would renew a sushz i made which is subcontract with the nonprofits to do the outreach. I know when i worked in the nonprofits i was doing some more police work. We got 2 or 3 complaint every month and i faumo the occ complaint but they come to us because we have a longer reputation in the community so just think about moving into next years budget a subcontract outreachi think the same way a lot of folks make a complaint with the police they have same concerns with the occ agency. [inaudible] some of the other groups can help with the outreach and partner on[inaudible] help with inoutreach side. Commissioner hwang, those are i think that is a excellent idea with regard to the outreach. The investigations are by charter something that the occ staff does and they go through background checks and there is always the danger with either a conflict of interest or appearance orphconflict with a xunty group that is a Advocacy Group and we are neutral. We have to provide due process protection and, but contracting with nonprofits is a responsibility if we could get the funding to do so. Because the realty is, that occ staff iswe are up to our ears with work with investigating the complaints. I still think it important that we are a face in the community and we not subcontract away all the outreach because you lose touch nlts youre out there as lawyer or as a investigator meeting people and seeing them. But, certainly there is room for both. Again, thank you director hicks. 2015 we were here so a lut is familiar from the quarterly reports but it is important to look at the whole year and see the totality of the work so thank you. I was reminding of the 19 recommendations and think so that is good too. I will say one thing that stood out to me which we hear a lot around the country, the idea there are so many men and women doing the job and doing a great job and tough time. I was glad you noted 79 percent the San Francisco Police Department force was complaint free in 2015. Again, we want to make slur we reach out and making sure Everybody Knows how to do it, but in the universe of the complaints that all most 80 percent of people that put on the uniform last year didnt get one complaint. I just think that is a important reminder for us the people that treat people right every day and doing a difficult job so appreciate all the areas where we improve but as we talked about, we tend to have a negative bias, it isnt justwe spent time on the media tonight but we arethe mind goes toward the bad thing and this is a really good thing and i also know you tracked where it appears there are problem officer jz i know we are revamping how we Early Intervention gives points so we can identify earlier. Just think that is important stat for us to keep in mind. Just a short addition to that and the reason why we have the reports when the public is here because not a lot of people spend their nights watching us on tv so it would be nice for people to under the positive outcomes. The occ is doing good work and what ouryour data that needs to be shared with the public. I think that would be the annual report goes to the board of supervisors and the mayor and so i can agree. Director hicks did you have a response or thought . Something you wanted to add . No, just thank you. Commissioner marshal im doing this from memory and when i say this it is a double edged question, but basically, just in my years on the commission [inaudible] it seems like complaint have gone down over the years consistently and want to make sure my memory is somewhat accurate there. Yes, commissioner marshal. Complaints have gone down over 30 percent over the years. I would say over a 9 year period. Yeah. Okay. So, i know we have the first two quarters of 2016 so my question to commissioner melaras point is would you prefer to put this as at a earluritem on future agenda or keep going. . I think if we can put it at the earlier part in the agenda, i think it is better for everyone involved. Put it over is fine with me that we put it over and occ staff will allow me to come back because with the quarterly reports we dont do powerpoints and what i was going to do was just to highlighti wont going to give the First Quarter report but highlight the key policy matters but we can do it, it is just too late for people to hear one more word. I appreciate that and thank you to all the staff here for your work and new folks and folks that were promoted and continue to do incredible work, thank you. Yes, and your [inaudible] we are all most at 10 oclock so thank you so much. Please call the next line item. Item 2 c commission reports. Commission president report, fuse core felto, commissioner report, update on chief of police. Okay, ill start off. You have in the packet a reference to a program the fuse core Program Senior Fellowship Program that seeks to get people from experience with the prifent sector who want to make a difference in the Public Sector and give 12 months. They are highly accomplished individuals looking at specific projects. When this commission asked fl more resources i know commissioner de jesus and hwang is a champion for us. This brings expertise in a quick way and so these folks recruit people for specific projects working with us on reforms to all the stuff we talked about. Track the forms and getting the reports and aware orphbest practices. We have relied on samara mereian and sergeant kilshaw and we are excited to bring in someone who can serve the commission in the critical time especially as we look to dojs recommendations coming down. So, this is the program, we will have interviews next week. I believe commissioner dejesus and melara are trying to make them available and interview the folks and understand the process and will report back. Essentially it is the first time the commission will have these resources. The person is paid so not like a frebe internship. They are paid by dhr and make sure they have appropriate access and they will be able to support this commission. Thank you for those who are able to do that interview. Lets go to commissioners reports. Any commissioner reports before i can just jump in . You all have a memo from [inaudible] status report available to the public as well. They are not here tonight but they did provide update. The Community Surveys were finalized and stranzilated into spanish, chinese, russian, tugolic and vietnamese. These translated surveys were sent to working groups that worked add a Language Access working group and domester Violence Working Group and hosted our website as well as the aner son anderson website. There is a special email and this webt out to district captain [inaudible] i had a excited officer come up at central that he had put it on next door with sargeen kilshaws help, so he was asking me if i had gotten it. There is interest getting the world out so thank sergeant kilshaw for coordinating the efforts. 637 responses to Community Input survey and 189 to department survey. Controlling for the fact we dont have a way to verify where folks live and asked them to identify that but that is a good sign we are getting out there. The public process is sth only thing i want to go through. Sergeant kilshaw will reiterate these but it is august 15 at 1800 oakdale, 6 to 8, wednesday august 17 at gordon j low. Thursday august 18 at mission high. Thank you to them as well. August 24 [inaudible] we go to a lot and monday the 29th saint marys from 6 to 8. Thee are smaller more informal meetings. Not all will be at this so it will be different groups of commissioners. The ideaif it is small group it is small conversation, larger group people break out so everybody can be heard. The Ralph Anderson will take notes and put together for commissioners. Each group at each location canyou have flexibility to make it work based on the size of the folks you have. The brosure is out there and advertised widely in the recruiting and making calls to chiefs and the application period runs through august 31, 2016. The one thing they did want to flag for me is regardless what was put in the brosure about requirements they will pass on every application. That is that. Any questions on that colleagues . I keep [inaudible] [mic not working] i think it is case log but i dont know. [inaudible] they dont have to live in the city. I can jump in. She hasnt sent an email but it may have been her or katie porter said there is a constitutional provision in the california constitution so get a written opinion because it important for Community Members not to think we are making it up and have to follow the rules. [inaudible] i heard [inaudible] when he became a Supreme Court judge and wanted to live in the city and won. He lived in the city anyway. It was a judge [inaudible] i like something [inaudible] i guess when they release the brosure everyone is ask is it a requirement for the chief to have a ba or something we decided to do and dont know if there is a statutory set of rules for chief of police or just putting stuff together so anything thing i like to know the answer to. We talked about it before and where we came downthis wasnt hard and fast but the starting point. The Community Sessions will help determine the type of person we are lookicing for and think the commission agreed it was highly desirable for that and think even advanced degrees were said to be highly desirable. [inaudible] it is a legal question. Do we have requirements we set for the chief or something we set up . Im not aware of being a requirement in the code or the charter about the qualifications. That is good to know. How about the californiai think we got a email from john crew and he raised how the california post because that seems like it excludes a large class of california member of peace officer, im not sure on that. [inaudible] that is in our advertising materials that excludes a lot of folks from coming. Every should apply who wants to apply and thinks they are qualified. People have already applied. [inaudible] it should be removed because if it is not a requirement we need to look into that. According tothat is a another conversation. That is a whole another conversation. That is a conversation well have. I really think that iswe can ask the City Attorney to look into it and let us know. That will be good. [inaudible] so, also Community Members want input and i say well, we selected but they are trying to brainstorm how to have input. [inaudible] for the finalist let me say i think i said this before, i was reading other community, smaller communities for a chief of police and one thing they had is select a finalist and would have a meet and greet for the three finalist before it goes to the city chamber or council or mayor. [inaudible] they know who they are and they have input in the selection. That is a Human Resources issue. I understand the applicant may want to keep it confelsh and some may not and half the time [inaudible] just saying that is one idea but they wonder if there is input from the community. I know it is complicated but something to put out there and know other communities have done it so dont know if we can do that. Think it is important point because we will not get applicants if they believe we will make it public they are a candidate and knowing they are a finalist and not chosen, i dopet know who the last 3 people were in the last thing i think part of our job is insure we get the best pool and i do understand i think from you guys and recruiters that candidates look at the commission now and say is that a place i can put in a app scaigz and trust like any other job my confudenchalty is confidential. If the city manager finds out they applied that could detrimental to their career and livelyhood so think the commissioni totally understand what you are saying, tell what you are looking for but law, the charter, everything requires us to do it in a process that is not public. Maybe we volunteer say if they want to participate in Something Like that if they feel comfort able maybe we ask. Maybe candidates who are not i say forget it. That isnt the way we want to go. We want to keep it confidential. Maybe that doesnt work. Maybe there are Something Else that can be done. I just say to members of the public, that is why we were intentional and 5 Community Meetings across the city. If you want to be involved and people apply for jobs and understand the delicacy and if we leave it up who is willing to be public that provides a benefit to certain people and disadvantage others. It is tough, we have to ceef it fair and preserve the confudenchalty. We want to make sure with internal and external candidate the process gets the best chief for San Francisco and in order to do that attend within of the 5 sessions and well do our best to get the best. [inaudible] we want to encourage applications. People are watching now. [inaudible] i feel very confident that this is a commission process it has no influence from the outside and that is the one thing i want to assure people of and dont want to tamper with that. I wouldnt. Just trying to think out of the box to get other input. I agree and take pride in the last Selection Process that nobody knew who the 3 finalist were. They had bill bratton in there. In order for us to do this right i think you cant force the folks with jobs elsewhere. Even in the San Francisco Police Department you may not want members to know they are applying. The last thing i want to say is sergeant kilshaw we have the Community Conversations but if you take the leads on scheduling the lineups because we have the community and the police. We want hoohear from everybody and think commissioner dejesus was it done last time. Okay, colleagues, anything further on this . We are getting to that next. Sergeant call the next line item. Item 2 d commission announcements and scheduling iletms identified for consideration at future Commission Meetings one thing schedule is update on social media september 7 and meet and confer with poa regarding use of force policy. I want to flag for you the civil grand jury report on officer involve shootings named us as a responder so they provide responses and they provide responses and looking for volunteers to work with the department. This wont happen until 6 months down the road but need to start the conversation. [inaudible] ill gladly do that. I meant the bring this up when we met with the [inaudible] group i said this before, they say that one of the [inaudible] houston chief of police when they brought tasers in they set up a group, they set up a Community Group [inaudible] any discharge of tasers are taken like we have the discharge firearm review but had Community Participation and access and went forward that way. We have a discharge review boarwe dont have tasers but one thing is there a way the community can have input oen the discharge review board or have representation on the community discharge review board similar to what houston has done with taser review board . That is something i like to put on the agenda for discussion and see whetherit is not [inaudible] more transparency and have Community Representation on there and think that is helpful. I have a recommendation because that came through the doj recommendation when we got the use of force reform. It is great in the next principle policing update for themthey are work wg cops every day. That would be policy thing but it is under their where i think that report may make the most sense. Very very careful selection. [inaudible] [multiple members speaking at same time] it rfs a few recommendation they early on around something they get good results. The community feel they have input. They do a National Look at that stuff and dont look at [inaudible] as a result they are notthey may have made the recommendation early on without regard to [inaudible] you may be in violation of in california. See if they can participate and to what extent. There may be areas they have to step out. It is working in other communities and have a look at the [inaudible] the more we keep it hidden the more they imagine what it st. And the more the community has access it is policy discussion and djo and how they apply the facts. I think they can see it is a simple process. Anything further . I think it has come up a couple times discussing Police Qualification recruiting qualification and i had a couple ideas. I dont know to what extent that is a realm of authority because it is both a Human Resources internal operations, but i think that there is not enough input from the public and ideas we may have that we put on the plate of Human Resources to start thinking about how else we can recruit Police Officers mpts. Sarge nlt kilshaw ill talk and see if is a dhr to talk about that, backgroundf had this is the challenge, we have 17 ,000 reports with 1400 recommendations so trying to streamline and not have people chasing tails. I think this all falls under principle policing and reform so at amer prioritizing what reports we want. Commissioner melara makes a point it may need to be supported from dhr because there are some aspects that may by beyond. I have one more on my list. I have talked about eis and got push back, the djo needs to be revised. I am happy to sit on it because i help set it up before and seeing the [inaudible] it has and criticism had has and it needs to be reviewed. It is something i like to put on the agenda and start looking at it seeing how it should be tweaked. That is definitely on our share priorities. I appreciate you for attending those meetings and staying up to date so that is something well find time for. Okay, anything further, colleagues . Sergeant we will take Public Comment can i make an announcement for. We will be dark at city hall on august 17, 24 and 31 and back september daev but there will be 5 Community Meetings instead of the formal ones and all mentioned tonight and on the website but ill read them off again. August 15 at the Southeast Community sener at 1800 oakdale wednesday august 7 at gordon j low, thursday august 18 at mission high school, 3750, 18th street and august 24 at scottish right center and the last is monday august 29 at saint marys cathedral, 1111 gough street from 6 to 8 p. M. And welcome your attendance. Okay. Great. We will go to Public Comment. Any Public Comment on 2 a2 d . Welcome back. John [inaudible] it is late. My comment will be very very short. With regards to director hicks comments with the meeting at the [inaudible] club. I have read the newspaper reports and from my experiences at the commission i think the charge that the [inaudible] panels result of a favorable choice of judges reaching a predetermined result is well taken. I think that report upon which panel this panel relies and upon which others rely lacks seriously reliability. There is another reason why i think the report is a bad idea from apublic policy point of view. [inaudible] District Attorney. The District Attorney is the officer in the county that puts people in jail. If there is anybody you want in a box it is District Attorney and dont speak out of prejudice but it is bad public policy. Any Public Comment . Hearing none, Public Comment is close td. Item 5, adjournment. Action item i ask to make a motion in memory of retired officer at this time. Thank you. Commissioners, i like to adjourn tonight in the honor ofophorouser rich acrit retired after his wife was ill and passed. Off rer acrit has two College Aged Children and something to be proud of the San Francisco Police Department. He is a frnd and served 34 years as a San Francisco Police Officers and stayed the rank oof Patrol Officer and all 34 years spent working the midnight shift at northern station patrolling the [inaudible] he quitely went about his business every day and never before the commission for disciplinary charges and served the city faithally and left after his wife passed and suddenly fell ill and leechbs his two children. He trained a lot of the officers. He quitely did it. His kids went to school where my kids went. All the tuition was spent on money for private schools. He was a good man and silent leader. It is ironic we do this tonight when the midnight shift would break up. I like to adjourn in officer acrits. Do i is a second . All in favor . We are adjourned. Thank you, commissioner mazzucco. [meeting adjourned] i didnt o sound familiar do you keep on getting up theres an easier way. Of course theres easier way get rid of of mosquito they breed whatever this is water no water no mosquito mosquito feed on good blood the eggs hatch and stay near the waters San Francisco to breathe and the adult underlying mosquito waits on the as many until its sexuality hardens water pools in any areas and creates places youll not normally think of budget and any container that holds water and hidden in bushes or else were dump the water and do it over soil not into a drain the larva can continue growing in the pooled water is sewage disthe first of its kind the area if the sewage is two extreme have a licensed plumber assist water pools in rain gutters and snaking and cleaning out the water when keep the water from pooling and keep in mind that mosquito breed in other waters like catch balgsz and construction barriers interest crawl spaces with clmg is an issue you may have is week to cause the water to collect this is an sour of mosquito so for buildings just fix the Clean Air Act drains and catch basins can be mosquito ground it will eliminate it as a possible location keep shrubbery and growths estimated any water to can be seen and eliminated birdbath and fountains and uncovered hot tubs mosquito breed but it is difficult to dump the water out of a hot top cant dump the water adding mosquito finish rids the source of mosquito there are also traditionally methods to protect you installing screens on windows and doors and using a mosquito net and politically aau planet take the time to do the things weve mentioned to eliminate standing water and make sure that mosquito are not a problem on your property remember no water no mosquito all right. O 2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down green number 2 the San Francisco lawn club was the first opened in the United States and the oldest on the west their registered as San Francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. Make sure you see the one in to the corner thats me and. No . Not bingo or scrabble but the pare of todays competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. Play ball. Yes. Almost. clapping . The size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is youll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. Were about a yard long. Aim a were not player ill play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in im righthand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. clapping. who one. Nice try and hi, im been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in there play lawn bowling in San Francisco Golden Gate Park ever since then ive been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the peoples and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. Mayor the San Francisco play lawn bowling is in Golden Gate Park were sharing meadow for more information about the club including free lessons l undertaken. All right. Well good morning and welcome future for thank you very much for being here im sure vince one of 5 public works compared angle officer with the labors local 261 and im a special assistant to oscar de la torre wire here celebrating i did signing of a historic agreement it is a project Labor Agreement that covers the Sewer System Improvement Program so thank you. clapping. well have a few speakers but a Quick Program for more than a hundred years the city of San Francisco as protected the Public Health but operating a combined sewer system it collects and cleans sewage sewage and street run off before returning to the bay and ocean over high strourld the southeast supplant that is the heart of citys system this planted and others parts are ending the years of their useful lives this is a multi billion dollars citywide investment building a seismically resident system one of the later projects undertaken by a city agency that agreement within the sf puc and labor unions will help us make sure those projects are delivered on time and on budget project deliver agreements with not uncommon for large projects what exists us the unique nature of that agreement and that about allow to focus economic benefits on community and workers that need it most and will help us cultivate and train the future workforce in the city and county and insures that yes. clapping. my bad; right . It insures the contractors pate prevailing wage and finally it insures a steady supply of skilled Union Workers for the projects jobs are training and prevailing wages and benefits thats why were excited to be here today, this is a historic event is possible through the agencies partnering with the building and construction counsel i shout out to the secretary treasurer clapping. also to larry who is in conference couldnt be here for his leadership and commitment to all the folks and harlan kelly our general manager i consider to the brilliant. clapping. and the great staff of the sfpuc. clapping. finally to the labors transitioned are the carpenters and plumps and the sheet Metal Workers and the engineers and the teamsters and the labors and get my drift of men and women of the building and construction trades thank you all for being here clapping. it is my great pleasure to introduce our first speaker a man that is dedicated his entire career to benefit the workers families 4e78 e helping us with the Community Workforce and show the pathway to create opportunities were not just jobs but access with health care and Retirement Security hes our 43rd mayor please welcome mayor ed lee. clapping. vince thank you very much im striving to be your brilliant mayor laughter vince thank you for your leadership and labors my own, of course, working with the buildings and trades cant have a greater partnering let me say it welcome to alex Southeast Community Facility Center in our bayview. clapping. how are things going all right. All right. Youre still in shape keeping healthy im happy to be here on every occasion to be in the community were talking about good paying jobs and families and careers working with the labor unions but i want to say alex name i think hed be happy to be here if you knew him about workforce training and part of puc family and part of everybodys family and came from the Bayview Community making the connections with weve been asked for many decades we see those plant in our community can we be a part of a better environment and get the good jobs for dwaerngz promised and yet really hard to fulfill were here to do that before i talk about this particular p l a and sign the documents we have i want to say this week were on a roles last night and for the last 48 hours we have been helping another group of workforce men and women thats our be janitors. clapping. as of last night they averted a strike because they were serious about it because they have to be serious because the wages and benefits as all labor unions are because theyre on is lower end of wage aribnb careers they need to do everything to help their names our staff assist and reached a tentative agreement we have to go and do the ratification everybody abroad were happy to see the managers of the buildings and the labor unions and the membership avert a strike and thats in a way why were here today because awhile weve diverted a strike and something for the janitors the ultimate reason were here is about labor peace it mroo project is what i think our brilliant Department Head harlan kelly said this is the expression of a pipeline a pipeline that the labor unions know about when they form unions this was the feeder into all the great jobs we have and people working really hard to make those labor union pipelines for directly beneficial i have educators people in education with the city college or Public Education you have people unrunning for officer in the school board i hope youll have people on the school board trying to tell our kids heres his or her how to be successful and build careers work in the Education System and make those connections with our nonprofits communitybased organizations theyre doing a lot of training getting ready for the jobs the pipeline that our workforce confirmations Development Workforce hopes to work with our labor organizations and enforcement people are making sure that everyone knows those are our pipelines pipelines is more than pipes it is the extra and how to get both that infrastructure if you know me i think the trades know me as the infrastructure man, im all g about infrastructure selling it to residents through bonds weve been successful with the General Hospital or the water system were able to do or the Emergency Water system were in the middle of completing we want to make sure this water system infrastructure works for everyone not just the system and not just the handling of the water and the cleans water by the wastewater as well and mr. Kelly reminded me take a drink and said thank you for drinking the watering no, no its clean water but clean enough for all of us to be respect of we want the water that everybody is drinking in the city whether the living in our Public Housing or living in the highest unaffordable unit in the city they have to have clean water and the warriors eastern will have water and itself lucky museum every infrastructure in our city will be touched with this infrastructure were building a 7 billion investment 7 billion clapping. of rate payers and residents and communities particularly the bayview will all be proud because what we are talking about today is a project Labor Agreement that isnt just about our unions it is with our unions creating the Apprenticeship Program and now because of special leadership that people have over the years working with us on local hiring the preapprenticeship communitybased organizations getting people ready for jobs who were not ready if you took them off their jobs now wouldnt succeed a apprenticeship and the Union Hiring Hall and the agreements we reach this is the pipeline that were talking about that will reach our residents or rate payers for all the jobs and what makes our city successful with our bond and ratepayer programs what the infrastructure programs were not just talking about bridges and revise but Water Systems that the rest of the country are talking about we are doing it and doing it the right way thank you to everyone in the entire spectrum of this building of pipeline from our trade Union Leaders to their activation working with the brvrtsdz, to our workforce ready folks to the people that are in the communitybased organizations saying we have hope for you if you learn those skills while your young those skills will help you get into good fatiguing jobs that are whether carpenters or all the disciplines, transitioned all the other disciplines that help us focus on the infrastructure of our city so on a role no labor and peace pa p is what it takes and several billions of of construction with the airport and the revising our terminal and the port working on the piers and get publicprivate partnerships that will again respect our labor pipelines to make sure we are fitting in the local residents we are and already not even the major contracts that coming up apprentice hours on the water system 77 percent San Francisco residents how about that. clapping. and just didnt happen by itself it takes dedication of everybody in this yard working together collaboratively together making sure were not working in silos but making sure we talk and think about not only the labor peace both who it is were trying to get jobs for and be a part of this Labor Movement im very proud of the city very special time to the be the mayor of the San Francisco sure challenges and Housing Affordability and homelessness need for more Affordable Housing are all there to tackle we can never make any significant really improvements in all those areas without labor working with us, without our collaboration with community this is all works together really well, were building a pipeline and the other thing i want to say is this this program particularly are harry lanes leadership is a direct contribution to reducing violence in our communities direct contribution clapping. wet have our kids really touched and involved themselves in the hopefully jobs in the skill setsdz in the preApprenticeship Programs and getting them out of the isolated things we know contribute to less than peaceful resolution of peoples problems i know i see offstreet parking here thank you youve been a big champion as a former supervisor of this district and know full well, we have the conversations how to make sure those pipelines are created but all the Community Activists that have been here for years were fulfilling old promises not creating new ones that water system when we were doing it and the creation of pipeline is a promise weve always said to be there were now making it work for the right folks thanks to everybody that is here and dedicating their time in doing this and making sure were doing the right thing and keep the collaboration going it will be to everybodys benefit that our unions have a lot good Talent Resources that will feed into their pipeline that will feed into the major, Major Projects in the city and ill keep on doing any work building more Affordable Housing and getting people off the streets, keeping the city economically strong to have good partners in private sectors and a Public Sector to keep the jobs going congratulations vince for your leadership. Thank you everybody for being here clapping. thank you, mayor ed lee for helping you guess in the Career Pathway and shout out to the Northern California carpenters for being here clapping. thanking you for helping me understand the finer points and commissioner Shamann Walton thank you for all your hard work. And it is a special treat after school maxwell thank you for being here and all you do appreciate it. Our next speaker a mentor of anything like that helping me understand more about the ropes and expand any scope understand how it is we can add value not only to 9 Community Workforce but to san franciscans in general im proud to stand with them im proud to have an opportunity to learn from him he sees the good orchestra that the water system improvement and obviously clean power and now with the general manager launching this great Sewer System Improvement Program harlan kelly clapping. thank you vince the amazing Vince Courtney thank you very much laughter got to give each others names i know thats how that works first of all, i want to thank the mayor for those of you who dont know the mayor and i go back when he was the director of public works and we knew we had to make sure that the Community Participant in the building of that when i came to the puc those were the traits i carried forward and coming to the puc i came to run or construct the waters System Improvement Program a 4. 6 billion program i know that has an engineer 70 percent of the cost is new construction i knew i had to make sure that we had harmony out in the fold and make sure we have quality contractor and employ people in the community so we reached out to the building trade and the unions and got the deal of 4. 6 billion and the System Program is a model of how successful programs could be rolled out and what is really amazing about the mroo is that in times hiring local people they stepped up we had a lot of specialized projects and how to get the Community People to participate we went to the union they came up with a Training Program with people in the community to participate in the training and worked with the contractor to put them on projects thats the model in the community i want to applaud the union for coming abroad clapping. and not only that theyre working to help Small Businesses get on board and role them of course, like them to be union but it is a great opportunity also want to thank my staff where is tommy . Tommy the one that has the 7 billion im sure he got chance lying around and so tommy has the money and karen is spending it and where is ma suicidal making sure our Union Community and contractors are 2, 3, 4 alignment and todd wheres todd theres todd hes a big part of getting this together so heres a great opportunity and great to see folks who ive been working with i remember offstreet parking we went to florida and i played i got the mike shamann he wants to know when the program is rolling out i like being a member of the community i cant get any hair cut or play basketball when are you going to do this im proud today, were signing the project Labor Agreement i know this is how we embrace the community and have them participate in building this awesome facility we plan to build thank you, everybody for coming today and look forward to signing the contract clapping. can i get Robert Harrison and megan please come up to the front. clapping. so ill tell you ive learned a lot from a lot of the people in this room right now but learned pro bono more from the workers we represent i know that john you know what its all about and charley and anthony the union labors guys know you in fact on the work and forgot to focus on the people we do a good job in focusing on the needs of folks all over the place proud of the work weve done and harlan ann and the mayor to make sure we connect folks to those Career Pathway and connection them to sold careers again in the just jobs but solid careers in the industry and would San Francisco for tomorrow mayor ed lee deserves credit for being the workforce hero and not forget what the workforce can teach us so, please robert. clapping. first of all, how is everybody do thank the mayor first and foremost for the programs what am i speaking about oh. First of all, i have im a resident of San Francisco i have been for 35 years and i have been trying to find a way to get ahead you know with the jobs i was landing im saying not enough inform support my family and not enough to do anything ive been hearing about w c, d, and city build i took it upon myself to get into the program you know and to see in any could you know obtain some work i went through y c, d, and did a 12 week program at the w cd and the service i objected at w cd was enough to get into the construction field and further i want to you know thank 4ru67 and Western Water for giving me the opportunity to show any skills pretty much and im approval of the draft minutes right now you know what im saying my whole thing was like going through the program so, so other guys like in any community could you know one day theyre saying like they never get the opportunity to get a job or to get a better job so as people start seeing me going introduce the class they saw how serious that changed a lot of things like hanging out and hanging with the you know guys i used to hang with and have to say w cd gave me the steps you know what im saying the real you know what im saying the strength to know that i could you know go through these with the certifies with the certifies i objected and saying that to say i have been like a kind of like a role model like a lot of people that see me and like knowing how i used to be and used to do and like go through city build and w cd also and saying that to say man, im drifting. Okay but my overall thing is that the program is working you know i mean because of myself you know i dont know about a lot of people i got a lot of people that friends that went through the program not just me and seeing what i went through i gave them and pushed them through the same thing i went through like for instance, i got a nephew that also went through city build and got you know a couple of nieces theyve seen any check saying laughter clapping. they seen one of my checks and saying wow. laughter like how did you get all of that on one check you know so i was explaining through them in the course i went through as far as like city build i mean w cd that was my whole thing to say to walk them through steps they can you know what im saying get what i have and basically got two niece it is trying to follow any lead and nephew that is working also you know and what else do i say laughter clapping. so i know

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