Transcripts For SFGTV LIVE Transportation Authority - Full B

Transcripts For SFGTV LIVE Transportation Authority - Full Board 20160712

Gm and welcome to the San Francisco Transportation Authority im scott wiener the chair of the Authority Board not the vision zero i think accidently flashed but the full Transportation Authority board mr. Clerk commissioner avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen absent commissioner farrell absent commissioner kim commissioner eric mar absent commissioner peskin commissioner tang absent commissioner lee commissioner yee we have quorum thank you very much item 2. Item 2 enforce the transportation an information slash action item colleagues before us the expenditure plan relate to the half cents state tax at the board of supervisors as you may know we have two different sales tax pending a half cents dedicate to transportation and three quarters cents with a separate Charter Amendment dedicating funds to transportation also to Homeless Services and were here today to discuss the three quarters dedicated half cents tax measure a presentation from staff i see that it commissioner avalos is on the roster so commissioner avalos. Thank you im not sure if staff is presenting their presenting great pr. So want to say we have this chair chair wiener two measures one of them going to the ballot one that has been introduced by the mayor as the board of supervisors is one half sales tax combined with twaerts sales tax for Homeless Services this measure is a tax dedicated state of the art half cents sales tax under the jurisdiction of Transportation Authority with the other measures under the variance jurisdiction that was putdown forward and been in the works for many, many years and all aligned with the citys effort that has stepped up in recent years to make Real Investments in transportation we have approved a whole bunch of resolutions supporting new buses and have something here at the board of supervisors and whole planning effort around investments and deferred maintenance weve not done in many, many years decades perhaps with the rediversion around the transportation a collaborative efforts amongst the board and ta the Mayors Office so a lot of credit to go around but we want to make sure something to go forward to give us a chance were not able to moved on the transportation homeless tax measure this will go forward and we actually are amendments here that have before made to this measure to anywhere the structure of the transportation side of the half cents or the three quarters cent state tax well be presenting here today and ill let staff go through that and lastly my office has been engaged with many people in the transit field especially around transit equity and justice working with the mta as well as to create an equity framework how the mta makes decisions on how they serve different neighborhoods and capital is invests in san bruno neighborhoods to make sure that neighborhoods that have traditionally fallen behind on Capital Investments and the planning for thats been part of any effort and making sure those two measures can be meaningful to all of San Francisco so well go to staffs presentation. Thank you commissioner avalos its been a pleasure to collaborate with you two ochz working closely for months on the expenditure plan for transportation with our advocates and the Mayors Office and mta and Transportation Authority staff and dpw and its been a broad based collaborative effort with a strong expenditure plan come out of it and i agree the goal to move forward the general sales tax and Charter Amendment but keeping the three quarters dental expenditure tax measure viable in the event the sales tax dont move forward well have a back up it is good were keeping the various options allowing ill ask the staff to presents on the expenditure plan. Thank you chair wiener this will be a shorter presentation to the slides ill focus on the Public Engagement over the past since two months the input that was represented and how the input is reflected in the changes as commissioner avalos said we want to see introduced to the transportation sales tax measure. So for that benefit of those watching only one set of ballot a dental expenditure plans that has 6 different programs ill go through briefly in a hundred Mental Illness a year with the voters approval i want to say no requirements that the ta board endorse the sales tax it is listed as an information action item, however, tomorrow is probably the last chance to introduce the amendments to the expenditure plan that the Budget Committee. Were planning to introduce at the Budget Committee tomorrow to conform the expenditure plan so theyll be identical. Thank you so heres the 6 categories under the first categories is allocated to the mta to administrator with the category of public works to Transportation Authority administering the other 3 and the same categories in the state tax but the ta will administer the programs this is over last time quick highlights and a shout out to the office of supervisor wiener and commissioner avalos our communication staff have done a tremendous amount of work and alone 12 Public Meetings within ta and the board of supervisors on the expenditure plans dozens of meeting with Key Stakeholders and many oneonone meeting and held a town hall on june 29th that was really short notice we feel that 80 plus paternities were in english and mandrin and spanish and ongoing conversations with the Technical Group that has the Property Owners with the agency so this is what we heard in 3 categories here on the screen and the first are input youll likely here with any revenue measure raising taxed is a big deal no matter what the comments around questions about do we need nor revenues on the other hand, other folks recognizing yes revenues particularly local revenue and there was concern not money to do everything we want to do and many people raised concerns about the ballot could be crowded and confusing and makes things difficult to patios i know that chair wiener in piss capacity as mtc commissioner at the committee where the committee took actions of support for a whole bunch of transportation measures headed to the ballot one half sales tax if sacking county and contra costa and the park bond and a canopy of bonds measures that included both transportation and housing so a lot of stuff moving forward the second group of comments which were echo by the cacs the vice chair is here can give input a lot of comments about the progressive i dont like the source or how to address that issue similarly a lot of input as asking for more funding for equity and affordability that makes our streets safer for everyone cyclists and pedestrians and support for and content why we are are needing a local sales tax to fund the transit and transparency and affordability a show how revenues will go to programs their intent and spent on the right thing. So the changes ive cop chair wieners summarizes from the board of Supervisors Committee the changes that were made are highlighted on the page and most significant ones all those addressing the issues of equity and affordability and sales tax there will be in order here one is there was a slight increase in the revenue forecast for the sales tax that was reflected on the Charter Amendment in the transportation sales tax that increased the funding between the muni and the affordable to the category amongst things and the save and complete streets category it is slightly changing the percentage in table one in your packet a trigger before that allowed bad budget years the mta to convert up to 25 percent of the Capital Funding for the infrastructure category that cap has been removed the mta can flex up to 100 percent and the last significant change were not to the allocation which has the largest category under certain conditions the board of supervisors with the mayors approval can reallocate to those funds to the other categories two of the triggers has to do with securing other funds for the street where a vehicle license fee in this case, the funds are redirected to the other 5 categories the last typewriter trigger it in year 10 with the three quarters of supervisors and the mayor can say theres a reason to take the fund and redirect those to the the categories and last but not least ive mentioned the transparent and affordability input that you saw in the Charter Amendment with of much more brief adding details and adding requirements at the Controllers Office conducted periodic audit and others changes in the packet in attachment 3 commissioner avalos said mirrors the changes in the charter keeping it to the parallel of the technical cleans up and typos particular to the transportation sales tax that are in there this is the assault of increasing the revenue forecast and splitting the new money towards the transit and affordability and im sorry vision zero categories the new percentages reached categories and as i mentioned the 3 triggers in all cases the relocation of the distribution for streets it the same i think that is on the screen the thirty is for affordability and 10 percent to regional tript transit and well note youll see triggers are one time triggers not reversed and lastly a slide for tomorrows budget and finance whether the changes will be introduced and keep your eye on the times change and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. And as i mentioned the cac vice chair will report on the cac special meeting they considered the same item. By way of thank sfgovtv charles kremack and Nona Melkonian for broadcaster todays hearing to commissioner avalos. Thank you wanted to thank the Transportation Authority staff for your work and represents an ambitious plan a couple months ago strechd and want to thank for their effort to make this happen and want to acknowledge that we have many, many stakeholders come together on the expenditure plan and we gave a little bit to make sure that we can have the agreement we were able to increase the level of service of the expenditure for Transit Service and affordability that was a key ask for the transit equity people and especially to be able to have flexibility in our budget to continue with free muni for youth and seniors and people with disabilities and there are other places we gave and took. And the service has come down as well as to accommodate those convicts all these around the Mayors Office to members of the board and different agencies to bring this into a more unified expenditure plan and the mayors expenditures plan for the other tax amendments and charter before us next week. Thank you commissioner avalos. Okay. At this point id like to ask peter the vice chair of the Transportation Authority cac to briefly report out. Good morning, commissioners im peter section 8 the vice chair the Transportation Authority Citizens Advisory Committee well have 4 meetings weve discussed the expenditure plan and a number of things have come out of that first a broad support for what this plan turned is it so important we continue to invest in were long run like the subway whatever that project, the m line subways it is conceptual but those are long term and see the expenditure plan to move forward by funding design and research and promoting Community Involvement also things like caltrain and downtown extension potential peninsula car sharing and value the effort to include the affordability for transit in the expenditure plan with that said, there are a variety of concerns that all of the members of the cac have expressed 2, 3, 4 one way they are concerned about the regressing nature of the sales tax given that whether whether or not voters are paying prop b and prop a sales tax and putting one on top of that raise the concerns of equity and the best way to do that a couple of people times up e us to see payroll tax and not feasible but in the long run prop 13 and had concerns the ballot box budgeting and particularly with the Charter Amendment it is confusing the voters why homeless and transportation are bundled together not to discount the importance but is it possible that option to one of those may jeopardize the other and one of the things as recommend last night amending the trigger that allows muni to flex its capital fund to operation this not recognizing the tensions to shift the money but compulsory nature is the language it shall transfer all portion of the funds kind of puts munis planner in a bind they must raid the capital fund we recognized back to Say Something like the agency may transfer up to 50 percent of Capital Funds the intent to free up some of the money for the coordination but not depleting that the unmet Capital Funding is really large so anything we take out of out of that if a bad year without a mechanism to restore to the future as i said we recommended approving that amendment, however, unable to remedy the overall expenditure plan because of the opposition of the members the cac great. Thank you and thank you for your work. Sure. Okay. At this point commissioner avalos. Yes. Thank you and just one of the reasons there was a push for affordability was because of that concern about the sales tax and we want to be able to offset 3 with something that gives people a sense well be more affordable so stabilizing the rates and having free muni for youth and seniors. Thank you okay. At this point, well open up for Public Comment comment on this item . 2. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And this is an information slash action item we dont have to take action but could a endorse the expenditure plan so i dont know if someone wants to make a motion. Ive spoken too much this morning no ill make a motion to approve the expenditure plan for this sales tax. Okay. Is there a second to that seconded by supervisor kim and mr. Clerk this is our first vote call the roll. On the motion to endorse the proposed transportation expenditure. Commissioner avalos commissioner breed commissioner campos commissioner cohen commissioner farrell absent commissioner kim commissioner eric mar absent commissioner peskin obtain stain and commissioner tang commissioner lee and commissioner yee that is 8 is and on abstain that motion carries. Thank you item 3. Item 3 introduction of new items. Colleagues, any introductions commissioner avalos is up from before. That was from before seeing none, any Public Comment on introduction of new items seeing none, Public Comment is closed. This is an information item number 4. General Public Comment. Any general Public Comment. Actually wait if there is any general Public Comment wait until i complete that statement. Hello commissioners truly the truth of happiness with the entering collaboration for selfnature once in accomplishing good works and would be the holy truth for the people and while the political leaders should easy off the schedule and performance more holy works once with the position to a hair level of which i shouldnt of pure happens of holy studies are for true success as well as for former public official works one didnt perform the holy mission of world vascular custodial for all patience and great ham i didnt one is the stay of excellency a nation of kilogram in sight awhile outline patience are accomplished the work without bias a vascular custodial is good deeds of a big obviously for the mission and the force of council we must Work Together to make it to the vitally step to good beyond the Global Warming and areas in landing on the holy kingdom amen. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item number 4. Excuse me item 5 and adjournment. Were adjournedhour. Good morning, everyone and welcome to the peoples palace and im here this morning to announce yet another milestone in our citys commitment to raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour by and people will work this fourth of july weekend we are celebrating our countries birthday but recognizing in the celebration throughout the weekend people like the people had that are standing with me are working whether the restaurants or hotels or Health Care Workers and others and and we all feel for working people that is hard in our expensive city to survive unless you have a december sent wage thats why a couple of years ago i destined or joibd the board of supervisors full board of supervisors to place before the voters an 15 an hour minimum wage and people that work in all those industries we did it together and were celebrating because today it goes from 12. 25 an hour to 13 and up to 15 and after that cpi takes over i want to remind everybody this city was brought together with our labor unions and your working families made up of all the exit are represents our city and got this done in a strong collaboration with everyone and showed not only the cities around the bay area but the state of california if we got together and thought about peoples lives what glosses the challenges every day we can get this done for th

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