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Director borden is anticipated director heinecke director nolan director ramos director rubke directors please be advised director brinkman will not be here phones, devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room cell phone, pager, or other similar soundproducing electronic devices. Do cause microphone trenches the board respectfully asked they be turned off approval of the minutes arrest second discussion. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it thank you. Item 5 Communications Directors please be advised no anticipations discussion in closed session. Introduction of new business by Board Members id like to ask the staff to prepare a report on paratransit ive been think the board for 10 years im trying to comboings id like to hear if the staff and providers consumers of the service the drivers perhaps a comprehensive idea ive heard a number of things respect or recently about the longtime to get on the system to go anywhere in the city i is a say it is partially because of traffic time for a competitive traffic director reiskin can you put this together in midoctober. Absolutely. Then i want to mention well, an award well get from the Mayors Coordinating Council for the free muni for seniors and people with disabilities well send out a formal invitation at the Library Friday afternoon anyone else with new or unfinished business. Item 7 directors report you, you good morning director reiskin. Good afternoon staff and members of the public a few staff recognized id like to ask Jerold Williams our industrial safety manager to present this quarters maintenance safety award. Good afternoon arrest director reiskin and members of the board id like here to present the Second Quarter maintenance safety award that emancipation proclamation that hiss that unit that be focusing on which is best on safety but helping the agency to meet its strategic goals with the under the influrence on safety id like to introduce michael and his team mr. Henry with his team members showed significant efforts Sherry Anderson showed significant teamwork in our injuries and Safety Training their d s c bringing the presidio facility to a zero count of injuries for the last i believe 6 months. All right. clapping . Thank you good afternoon chairman Board Members and mr. Recess kin i take it my honor to accept this award on behalf of a group of individuals that support me and the thoughts of pertain to employee safety two of my Staff Members tim and dennis and another you cant gentleman those are the guys that helped to achieve that award it is known pub that nothing at presidio is done solely by one person we hold our safety team weekly and Good Housekeeping records and question by question corroborate with the Industry Safety Sherry Anderson and through the support of her and donna we were able to achieve that award i appreciate that an on behalf of presidio we appreciate this award. Thank you clapping. director reiskin so next, we will of president to recognize a member of executive team after a quick 16 years with the city asking is going to be moving on to Better Things alicia our chief of staff joined by two key assistants laughter alicia starting work with the city in 1999 with muni in 1999 i learned one of her first jobs robbed to complaint letters that was when muni had complaints laura laughter she became the muni mta with as a budget decoration in difficult fiscal times and went to the San Francisco City Planning Department and held a bunch of leadership and finished as chief of staff we lured her back to the mta about three years ago where shes been serving ann as the chief of staff what id like to do is ask a couple of members susan and john halley to come forward to speak on behalf of all of us on the team and agency to acknowledge alicia and wish her well as he moves on. Good afternoon Tom Nolan Candice director ever Communications Im pleased and honored to be speaking on behalf of Alicia Alicia eye worked on the sfmta two weeks apart at the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013 we were capable from the start i knew i found a partner and someone i learn from as a working mother and as someone who truly wanted to make a difference no surprises to anyone that alicia lives up to our expectation and exceeded them in her time she is made a defensive in 80 so many aspects of our work at sfmta it is easy to talk about from the Transportation Sustainability program and see it is moving introduce the legislative process now to the process to the passage of prop a with the 500 million general Obligation Bond to the projection to increasing our operator hiring and training so were on our hundred and 5 consequence day of the prop goal; right . John alicia steadier the course so many of the achievements were high profile and visual but what is less visible how she went about her work at sfmta that left a legacy of hope at the agency are ii asked a few people to share their prospective ill read a couple of the quotes she has a unique ability to bring out the best for the goal of sfmta she going above and beyond to get the project outcomes she has the rare ability to know the policies well, shes not only unafraid but actually eager to tackle big issues shes fantastic at bringing together the right people from all walks of City Government to get things done shes calm you feel that; right . With 4yearold will twins sitting in the Board Meeting this was something i didnt know shes visited every con innocent in the antarctica ocean alicia i know youll be only away ill miss you for quick laughs and i know the agency and everyone on the board will as well so on behalf of our executive team and staff and others members well miss you and we honor you and our honored to have you been a part of the our professional lives im going before i introduce john haley for additional words the team wants to present you with this gift and photo card laughter and it says for the record alicia changemaker for a better tomorrow clapping. and ill introduce john haley director of transit probations. Good afternoon mr. Haley thank you candice id like start by thanking my colleagues for providing me the opportunity to speak about alicias contributions and how much shell be missed that is an honor as candice indicated to show our collective appreciation one the great debates raging for years and years in support history was billing russel and wilting charming listen for his tremendous permanent scoring records and russel the winner team player winning his position in support and also won two matt championships was a regular rider of the 540 so that i couldnt verify but it makes sense televised in this discussion right thinking people came down on the side of russel in a team game he made his teammates better alicia is our version of bill russel in successful organizations like with sports teams goals are accomplished by working together per alicia focused and developed her role as chief of staff in collection with all of us to focus to achieve the agencies goals and objectives she focused and galvanizing the resources within the organization to address them she tigerlessly brought individual and unit throughout the organization to get solutions to get a fair and equal attendance policy after most and most of tireless efforts she made the teammates betters as a leader shows without peer no knowing how to find the right person for the job mike henry if youll stand up. Way back when when were at a Crucial Point trying to get a approval from a Labor Council to get proposition 8 to fund our future Goal Investments alicia suggested that mike henry might be the guy to step up and advise the Labor Council mike is a terrific manager hes well liktd by all the employees and a good technical knows vehicles but im thinking Labor Council i dont know thats a lot to place michael in but to is a say mike next in order it out of park it was an example how she made her team better by working with us as a team as she also led the charge to pass the bond issue with her corroborate style she led meetings and visits for the mayors key counselor and advisors on the long term needs jonathan if you would john was one the staff alicia showcased to gain support for this Key Initiative yes. She made her teammates better led the process not only to establish the management fixture but ear skill and persistence i dont want to say he invented but pioneered the use of something called the action law. laughter now the action law has become not only a function it is your at every Agency Meeting regardless of division but it serves to reinforce the essential organizational core values of respect for others in honoring our commitments again she made her teammates better alicia is the standard for treating everybody with respect there is no issue no grinds two small or insignificant that didnt require somebody looking at it and making sure weve dot all the is and cross the ts and resolved it to that end stafrnd in for travis box is jonathan oh, theres travis im sorry traveling is recently been appoint at chief office and part of the duties to make sure he tracks down every issue to make sure we followup again incurring every feedback big or small just like mr. Bill russel she makes her teammates betters im sure under different circumstances alicia could run of the statistics like someone like wilting chamber lane but hats off to the were far better for having the privilege to work with her and well miss her dearly clapping the board would like to thank and congratulate you for the grace you do our job very, very well, we wish you well. Thank you very much i had all these things i was planning to say and touched by whatever you had to say thank you very much for that i was regretting as mentioned earlier in 16 years i worked for the city ive been thinking about my past over the last 16 years and all the letters since 1999 people actually wrote letters they were hardcopy letters he was responding to and there were some of them were thanking us but the majority on other topics what i being the person i am i felt we should tell people why the bulls passes went up or the bus went out the service or the train door wouldnt open or the air conditioning was running full speed on the coldest day what happened on it day what i found was literally highrise probably thousands of people who were working with extreme commitment and daigs dedication to deliver transit city and circumstances is in which they especially\have the necessary resources and the bus was going out of service because it was thirty years old and you know, i tried to give them answers in the letters i left the mta inform about 8 years when i came back in 2012 obviously the mta has been bigger and more complex and has a broader mandate but what had remained constant there were literally thousands of people and mta everyday with complete dedication to deliver services for the city ive been proud to be most of you know them working on the projects ive been allowed to work on at the mta is special to me in i look at the whole cycle of my time with the city i started out by planning out for myself as well as the many people writing letter what a lack of investment in our system will do in the last couple of years ive thank you for the opportunity to address the situation i was grateful to have had that privilege all of this going on particularly in the last 3 years i just want to acknowledge nothing ive done that would have been comfortable in isolation not the way things work ive tremendously enjoyed work for this board and appreciated our guidance and leadership and frankly our counselor in some of the different decisions and really appreciated it and really appreciate as leadership shes a clear vision of what the mta and challenged each of us and entrusting me with work that is profound and impactful i also want to acknowledge my colleagues on the achieve team you you know im not sure weve been giving each other hi 5s but we worked well together and it is a group of people who just have again, this very deep commitment to serving San Francisco and to making transportation really work in this ever changing city im grateful to have of the opportunity is it work with them and want to acknowledge my team like the others teams ranging from the team it came together on transportation 2030 and in transit and specifically wanted to mention 3 people that have a huge impact on the ability to move forward specifically sophia i work with on a daily days and patricia and chief of staff that have contributed a tremendous amount and made it possible for me to do what ive done im going to grateful for the 16 years with the city and essential the past 3 years one thing i cant forget to do that i want to see thank you to my family that was a period of time in the front row there was a period of time we were working through the labor negotiations and were there was a lot of late nights and early moernlz and im grateful for them and being able to be here today so thank you very much clapping. tough act to follow one the alicia kids going like this right now i cant wait another mormon detain things later this month we will be nirt and putting into place another round of Service Increases you passed the two year budget were in the middle of the unprecedented 10 percent in the budget we did a big increase in march the next one this september well be on september 26th increasing service by 80 thousand hours had brown will impact the routes that effect about hundred and 40 thousands of our customers so a really big significant increase in particular increasing the frequency on the crowded crosstown route the 22 and the 24 and little 43 as well as adding some rush hour trains on the k t and m line so focusing on the increases on the lines that are carrying a lot of people we are always implementing a number of route changes you approved specifically the 7 x and the 18 and 47 those routes are schaveng on the 26 and the final service in the spring of 2016 but this after march this is the next really big one that be tangible increase those people will notice im kieftd about that good news coming one quick followup from recent meeting when you protectiveed the 5 fulton u full name along mcallister one from the public or board whether we can look at the idea of turning the signal to flashing red and yellow over knitted our traffic engineers looked at that we think this is doable so well test that when we install and see if this works and make adjustments as needed next some good news in terms of dancing vision zero vision zero as you may know is built upon a few 3 legs of a stool making the design streets and enforcement that is the Police Department but your parking control officers and education is the thirds e of the stool and while i think everybody agrees that education and awareness is really critical in terms of changing behavior because well never be able to design out ever instance of bad behavior behavior changes is essential but everybody or everybody believes that outreach and education is essential but maybe not quite clear how to do that effectively youll change behavior so we created along with the department of Public Health walk sf and Police Department other partners in partnership of program called save streets sf it stops are here weve talked about that when we rolled it out earlier this year those are the billboards youve seen on building but particularly on the buses the program had numerous types of outreach but rather than throw it out there we tried to take an analytical approach with great support from the folks at the department of Public Health really targeted this so we can measure we choose 8 directs 4 we were going to target and 4 with a control group we tried a number of enforcement specific enforcement having folks out there with information the ads on the buses and elsewhere to cut to the chase we actually were able to measure improvement in terms of driver compliance at the four sgrshgs as compared to the other 4 actually, the 4 where we had the focus was a compliant increase of three or four perpetrating not huge during that time we had a decrease we cant explain bend they were 10 percent apart in regards to jooeldz to pedestrians one of the primary collision factors were trying to attack in vision zero we did a survey of residents to determine whether this was reaching people and what we found that 40 percent remembered seeing one the slogans from the campaign or hearing simon smoking gun something on tv and those that saw those slogans are more likely to think they can do something about the problem the key philosophy the good news were not that only be able to make an impact on the intersection it demonstrates with the right kind of prescription of outreach we can achieve behavior change well be using the lessons as we scale and add what can from the budget to get hundred and 65 thousand dollars or so to put targeted our outreach strategy that is associated with vision zero so but it was great work and John Knox White was the lead but collaboration within the agency and drive a behavior that is associated with those behaviors that make us safety this was good news and then want to let you know frail muni art or art on muni collaboration between sfmta and San Francisco beautiful which is as you may know the organization that is got it start by helping to save the impracticable cars weve been replacing all of the interior advertising on 50 buses with art made by San Francisco artists more our artist there were 10 if not lifts that included local grerp artists and institutions and somebody from the sfmta, the public voted in a poll to determine the winning artist and the 56 artists with the most votes will be the ones with the art delayed in buses from october to the end of the year at least december and turn our buses into living Art Galleries for a brief period of time something we hope to do more of in the future great collaboration there upcoming at the end of this week september 26th and 27 the muni heritage weekend weve done in partnership with Market Street railway our nonprofit and this is the time to showcase the history of our system particular some the historic streetcar cars the 1934 vote trams and outside the crowd favorites theyll be out beginning september 2, 26 and 27 and well be bringing out the old buses from the 50s and 60s and 70s a sovereignly Media Contest with a hash tag muni heritage that will allow folks to win limited Edition Photo and generally gives us an opportunity to showcase the great history and invite all of San Francisco for the under the influrence itself from across the country to take the train or take that to experience this great legacy were proud of and happy to share with everyone so september 26th and 27 muni heritage weekend eaten the last one is the American Public Transportation Association which is the main Industry Organization for transit in this country that is hosting emphasis conference in San Francisco october 4th through 7 at the hilton hotel in union square we at the mta are cohosting this long with the Authority Regional partners bart and caltrain and ac the mtc Transportation Authority and all the leading transit agencies coming together to host two or three thousand public professionals from across the country well show off our technical tours and the first ever bike tour for the convention a multi in charge to the conference and it should be a Great Program anybody interested can go to the website if any Board Members are interested and alicia will use her charm the United States secretary of transportation anthony owe the chairman of board sfmta will be welcoming you on monday morning october 5th so it is just a great opportunity to not just us at mta but throughout the region to showcase the transit a last notes folks have been reading about the state legislature somewhat came and went this summer without rotation it is not technically closed the legislative session can continue into the fall in response to the call to figure out how to better Fund Transportation in california so while it is disappointing they didnt meet the september deadline to come up with the package were hopefully and supporting effort to getting some done this this year a at the federal level the reauthorization as well as the federal budget will soon be expiring so we are continuing to work with our partners nationally including them to urge a Good Transportation bill as well as a transportation budget for october 1st, well keep you posted but our state and federal partners are not stepping up like prop a the numerous forevers the Transportation Agency will be bringing up forward in 2014. One thing you remind we last week he attended an art show at the congregant church by a man that come to San Francisco essentially homeless and living with aids and he got on the system as part of a place to rest he wrote he called this the yellow line and sat across from the yellow line it was about thirty or 40 of them it was a touching thing he was so grateful for the grace shown to him when he was struggling by our drivers i was touched and maybe sometime well invite him here it was a wonderful exhibit. Hes gun in touch with the Market Street railway you know on the way of the exhibit but well reach out. Anyone from the public. Mr. Chairman none is interested to address the matters provided by the directors of transportation moving on this the other Advisory Committee recorded nun today and Public Comment are considered to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. We have one speaker Herbert Wiener. Good afternoon mr. Wiener Herbert Wiener i wish to address the question of equality as stated for ever bicycle rider one car taken off the road well, for every passenger on muni several cars taken off the road imagine if all those passengers drove well, the bicyclists are getting things in return thaig theyre getting bike lanes and all sorts of goodies and what are the passengers getting in return now it is true they got free bus pays for seniors and teenagers okay but also theyre having takeaways the demands will be reduced to blocks people are on injury duty not able to take the 47 bus line to the hall of justice this slows down the process significantly in my opinion also the 3 that will not run by San Francisco General Hospital any longer i dont think this is equalities at all those are takeaways and basically the nittygritty passengers dont have police clout beehives do the board has to take into consideration it would have been simple with the transit project now known and muni forward to simply maintain the existing routes and added buses to the heavy runs not that many housing of planning now takeaways from the neighborhood i think well be severely impacted you look at the muni transportation map of 198095 percent are covered by transportation which makes it assessable and now were reducing accessibility this is being done to the tune of billions of dollars now, if you say no resources foyer having the buses i dont think so prop a and all the money that mta is getting certainly can do that if you dont want to have mta stand for more train wrecks ahead you better address that with the disabled and seniors who will be severely impacted by the bus alteration and bus deletions and consolidation of bus stops were heading towards this disaster moving on towards over the cliff. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Those are this only people that turned in speaker cards. Good afternoon mr. Lee. Good evening tom nolan e tom nolan and members now is a dangerous nationwide running the taxi local business becoming the big major giants in the country find a way this preservation convention coming you have to find where the t nc by a local ownership only you cant allow the the whole taxi business in the worlds is starting by San Francisco where it starts when to end you have to begin what the tmc the baby tmc is not like the baby you reminder it the nationwide they have a mop monopoly this is one giant it is dangerous to our countrys interests if nothing can happen no more transportation like barts ownership is an important thing you cant allow one guy to kill the smaller guys business they allow you to share in the economy and airbnb you have to have a building that you can do b and b but the people having cars theyre killing another guy as a leadership of you, please begin again had this convention thank you for the opportunity to make louder dont go along with the politicians they share the economy because of the good stuff in their pocket they say oh, Good Good Good you cant be getting with all this corruption and also taxi the low down my taxi is lower and lower why i pay more shiners fee every month. calling names the last person to turn in a speaker card. Good afternoon mr. Kennedy. Good afternoon, everyone im franklin kennedys from bos worst street in San Francisco on the 4 had line the 52 line, bart and the 36 line it this story began on august 18th of 2015 i was the victim of a bank fraud by someone utilizing the bank of america atm 14 times i only used it once so the bank of america changed my card and reset the money to me thats a good thing, however, clipper i have my auto reload clipper decided to go gets their money it is fine but they dont go by the bank i called clipper b with bank of america on the line and discussed it and clipper supervisor told me it would be anywhere from 7 to 10 days for this corrective action to take place i said whatever it takes please just get me so i have my september muni pass for adults on my card they said okay. Theyll work on it i said fine they suspended my use of clipper soon after and in so doing they maids my clipper card inoperable on ever reader throughout the state it doesnt work so luckily i didnt see a pop officer and they restored everything on the lighting thanks to the help of the state of california Municipal Commission and carol as sfmta id like to see if you continue your relationship with. Sir. Staff mr. Ed reiskin is somebody here. The clipper is i know mr. Kennedy knows it is run but is mtc so the relationship of the vendors deals are with those issues is the mtc but it sounds like hes connected with the staff person in the revenue division. You just want you guys to say to the clipper next time you have the responsibility of turning on and off. Thank you very much ill refer to the board thank you. Next item. Moving on to the consent calendar commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests mr. Chairman none from the public wishes to sever an item okay. Come forward please. Which item are you talking about . Good afternoon. Im robert freed beggar he drive s 23 which is been called a special or a senior medallion and on 9 11 we received allergies are allergies tlulsz of the intent to take the medallions from us i find it hard to speak to the board i came here today, i want to be comfortable and since we were given a year before the medallions that taken from us all my friends who have those medallions have asked me to speak and i spoken to both kate tehran and page and id like to get my thoughts together to speak to the board the first i spoke for the mta i came front of the Michael Harris and chris and stooping stood up in front of my friends s42 those guys died one year after getting the medallions we were the oldest and longest group of cab drivers you mr. Adams i stood up and said thank you in front of the mta and the friends and the Caregiver Company and said for 35 years or 36 when you take this medallion ive driven a cab almost fulltime in the city and nobody ever gave me anything thank you to the sfmta and now we followed all the rules ive been told that cabs are not operated well, we were given conditions had to give them to the company and not operate on our own from the conditions that with respect given were broken it was not by us as i say i was there when s one and 42 there is thirty of us left in the first 50 thank you. Thank you. So mr. Chairman again, no members of the public have addressed this item. I think there are folks that want to address on one of the consent calendar items. Okay. Or may not. Item what. F what. inaudible . So members mbes wishes to sever 6. 2 f. Thats the end of calendar. They said to be sure they are here to support it. Got it. So well put it back in were back on. The consent calendar remains intact. Motion to approve. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it thank you very much. Moving on to the reagan agenda upcoming agenda mr. Chairman adopting the 20year capital plan. Director reiskin. Our Capital Planning managers the architect of our 20year capital plan will presents the item. Good afternoon, sir. Thank you ed reiskin and thank you to tom nolan and members of the board im dart with the Planning Group with the sustainable Streets Division im here to walk you through the latest workshops the 20year capital plan all right. So in summary ill cover the why do we create a capital plan and the methodology and how we develop the plan and how we use it Going Forward so the first step is why do we have the capital plan probably helps to start what is the capital plan it is our one document they pull together all at Capital Needs so the investments in the Capital Program we have a good accounting of ever that the city and agency could invest in one the key considerations here is that it is not con trained by any financial or physical resources so it is really looking at what types of investments could benefit the Transportation System irrespective of the money well be able to bring in during this time period and the second point is about prioritization so we know which or are the most important based on the Strategic Plan the sfmta Strategy Plan and then the other point why it is important to have the capital plan it provides us with a tool to communicate what the citys Transportation Needs are at a local level, regional level and also at a National Level it indicates the level of investment that could be put to use here in San Francisco now the capital plan is based a number of other plans studies analysis and as i mentioned the foundation of that is the statistics plan but a lot of the needs which are identified in the capital plan come from other studies which is the ones shown here we have the pedestrians Safety Strategy and the bicyclist streaming our repair assessment it indicates how much to reinvest in the system and the real estate division, Community Program all of those others studies funnel into this capital plan so it is really the collection of all the needs that have been identified. Through those individual studies and then in turn the capital plan serves as a basis for a lot of things that we contribute to the most immediate the basis for the Capital Improvement program so the capital plan is not financially constraints the mayors the fund for the upcoming 5 years we use the combination of capital plan and the cit to to the citys 10 year capital plan it is adopted by the board of supervisors every two years and a chartered on transportation which contribute to at the county level the Transportation Authority provides the San Francisco Transportation Plan not only the sfmta but also the regional provides like bart and caltrain we mentioned a few times the Mayors Task Force is one of the foundational documents for understanding what the investment needs for San Francisco are and a lot of the projects and programs that were identified in 2030 were a direct result of information and finally at the regional level the municipality transportation put together the planned area so the region of Transportation Priorities this is this was last adopted three years ago were in the beginning stages updating that plan this capital plan update will serve as a 4 oclock for the update to the regional plan as well so the next set walk you through how we develop the capital plan and establish the priorities it is really simplified to 3 step process where we develop the criteria by which well evaluate and prioritize those needs so the starting point is the Strategic Plan and the four goals within it are so and within each of those the goals we develop criteria that specifically are used to evaluate the benefits the project will have in meeting some of the Strategic Plan goals they mirror the objectives within the Strategic Plan but been at a later date to apply to the Capital Investments won those 4 goals weve identified the 11 criteria the next step we went through to determine out of 11 how much wealthy should be given our executive team went through a process represented here they compare each the criteria against those each other and indicate whaich ones are more important in this case were showing Risk Management versus improving the quality those are further into goal four in the Strategic Plan so they evaluate those and we come up with the distribution of weigh like a hundred point scale a perfect project has to safer the strategic needs we get hundred points goal one in red is the safest and security goal roughly 28 percent of the goal or 28 points out of a hundred the largest component is goal two that is the transit goal 47 percent and goal 3 the financial and environmental sustainability this is 7 percent and the workforce workplace goals has 18 percent this sets up the points possible that the projects can be evaluated then we go to throw the process of Capital Needs this is an example from our Accessibility Program in this project in particular is to replace a list this is on geneva with a mraurm that requires less appliances and provides you know more assess over time so we collect kind of a basic description of the needs and why it is important to this system and a rough order of progress for those so for each of those Capital Needs a to thats been identified we get a small team of the Agency Experts together and they go through a process of rating those Capital Needs against the criteria that the executive team establishes with that, same example of platinum on santa fe and geneva were looking at the assess criteria and the 40 members that rates this project all felt this was a major benefit to accessibility so then harking back to the pie chart that is the system assess 13 points out of a hundred this will get 13 points for the access criteria and we go through the 11 criteria for each project and then have our rating so then this charting shows that project in context with the other and can be made in the Accessibility Program in this case that that list replacement project will receive 78 out of a hundred points it is nearly impossible for a project to receive hundred points the highest rated project in the capital plan was other than 80 points so the scale is not meant to be you know out of like a perfect score of a hundred is not necessarily achievable so we go through the whole process and what we come out with our total needs that are estimated as 21 p. S. . 4 billion and here were sun shining it by the major programs by which the primary investment is muni one the big things from this plan it is significantly larger than the one we showed you two years ago good a big there of 5. 5 billions more a big component westbound fully assessing the states of replace specifically in the transit fixed railway the cable overheads and the parking the passing but also the state ons parking we added a lot of projects and completed a studies on the ocean subway was adams to the capital plan in this cycle about a year ago we undertook a Feasibility Study at the Fishermans Wharf extension of the t line third line this was excluded included and weve been developing a real capacity strategy to unlock the potential the light rail system to perform at a greater capacity to allow to it carry more people over time in total those 3 efforts adams about 3. 5 billion to that total another way to look at the capital plan by the type of investments were making weve categorized them into 3 categories so the first is restore which is kind of a state of good repair needs to rehab all our existing assets 50 percent the total costs or needs and the rest the other 50 percent is roughly split been enhancing the assets and making improvements to them to make them, if you know better or add new targets or the expansion of now vehicles or extend a light rail line a couple of examples there. The final we summarized the investments by the preliminary mode of travel how we move more and more into building complete streets projects this it is getting harder to begin this is the major consultant in a transit that has Pedestrian Safety or bicycle improvements is it so categoryized about 80 percent of the needs for transit about 10 for parking and traffic and the other 10 is split between pedestrian bicycling and traffic calming and other street improvements so the last piece is how will well be using this document as i mentioned earlier at capital plan is the foundation for the Capital Improvement program which were just beginning to pull together now and it every project that wants to be funded through the cit must start in the capital plan so the timeframe differ it will take a long range foreign the capital plan and shorter for the kip and by it the amount of funds we can invest in a 5 year period are roughly are a lot less than a quarter of the total 3. 3 billion versus the 4 point plus were seeing the 20year plan it is did not on the revenues to support the delivery of those needs and included in the capital plan is the first step of the project in its lives cycle from the capital plan gets opportunity into the cit and additional planning to understand how were going to approach the project the Community Outreach to make sure the solutions were thinking of our best alignment to meet the interests a lot of the design and environmental process and then finally construction and use of those improvements so while this is an important step in a project being identified there is many steps along the way where decisions need to be made and we need to be engaged and other system points that will likely come before this board so as i mentioned before this plan will be used for the regional and planning update in the planning area weve submitted our initial project list to the Transportation Authority to look at the counties needs for that plan bay area update based on the work weve done on the capital plan the individual plans strategic other documents that feed into the capital plan will continue it be revised on their own and then this capital plan will start the process again in two years to feed into the next cycle so just want to thank quickly a couple of staff Annie Chang U Chung that joined us 6 months ago and helped us with the capital plan and alex the members of the capital committee, and also wanted to thank the citizens Advisory Committee for providing us with finally prior to bringing this do you. Thank you excellent presentation and we look forward to whatever is come we have a couple of members of the public. Two people have indicated an interest in addressing the commission. Good afternoon good afternoon tom nolan im kathy from the policy and Program Manager in walk sf im here to competence how happy to see 762 million looked to pedestrian projects in the 2015 capital plan that is actually double the amount from 2013 were stealing excited we know that a quarter of trip in these the city are walking it is great to increase our investment in pedestrians the percent are the majority of victims the traffic collision so increasing the funding will help us get to vision zero were excited about the increase were curious to see if it is going to be enough to get us to vision zero this is a question that remains as projects get into the cit weve been watching that anxiously but it is a great start thank you. Herbert wiener followed by tone lee. Mr. Wiener and Herbert Wiener one question really comes to mind is this plan able to adapt to natural and manmade disasters now i believe this plan will incorporate reduction of present bus stops will require a longer walking distance and when you have buildings that are collapsed, fires and water mains busting i have to have available transportation it is going to be necessary so this should be one the criteria of the project just Roanoke County 1989 in San Francisco i was there i was present the city was severely damaged youll need adequate transportation and this plan must reflect this perhaps there should be communication with the Homeland Security department of this city it is really vital to do this otherwise well have one disaster for another this simply wont do for the Public Safety thank you atone lee the last person to thunder in a card. Mr. Lee. The capital we need the one billion dollars but in the labor costs is costing more 50 percent on the top of the budget the concrete and iron and car is only maybe 50 percent only but they do age liking just like taxi driver we do a lot and get a timely i went to the dmv and paid 4 hundred bucks they said i have a ticket so i cant know where i bring my case to get my money or why this is happened yes im not not trying to concern myself using only your mta but today a lot of people dont pay but the thing now is yes. You do need it and ocean view is subway is good but every year you have to look at this clearly a dollar you use is not easy to go away easy yes, he saw a lot of improvements like dui about say park and geneva and santa fe is an important spot a lot of People Living interest you ought to put the money there nobody complain but today, i have to cut a lot of office cuts and put the relabel on the top thats our power who is running the transportation last week new york only taxi thats why you have to put the color scheme an tmc the corruption more than you because they buy every assembly and bring the bill no commercial lists plate i saw this from the capital thank you. Is there anyone from the public who wishes to comment members of the board questions or comments. How are were going to get the oneonone offer. Yes. Mr. East to. You know i think that the first step to make this part of on advocacy piece with the 2030 that leads to half a Million Dollars in prop a approved by the voters of San Francisco it will chip away at the large number over time. I mentioned in my report a snapshot of the state of foyers in the state and the government has mentioned that this kind of analysis this you know our 20year plans addressed to barts and caltrain this is what helps identify the needs at the regional and state level the federal level so i think this is an important part of the advocacy you step one is understanding the needs and having a handle on what theyre to prioritize them probability not the whole 21 billion but in the spring fiscally 5 year plan for your k that can identify it is important and we have a requirement for a masters plan and as important to start to rely our needs only starting point in terms of being able to participate in future communications with the city region and state, federal level for the future. I think this was great and the process by which you did the analysis for the project was expressive and i know it go took a lot of work congratulations to the team that pit together the goals and the matrixes of it the only question in two years will we unfortunately is that number the main target every year will be increasing a little bit. We have seen it grow over time as new studies are undertaken and ideas are development so thats why it is the prioritization is important to say if we cant Fund Everything what are the most important things to seek funds that is the second part of the capital plan to identify and express the related permits of investment. Yeah. I wanted to express my deep gratitude for this work and everybody that contributed this is going to be a critical document it advocates are going to be able to depend on on well talk about measure 3 that confuses it happening in sacramento and d. C. This is the kind of stuff it demonstrates it, it is from the world were ours and the sky was the limit those are the kind of things well put into place before we get out and fight at the ballot and ends the losers we have to have something concrete to show well not be able to have have this without your great work that was a great report i courage everyone to ask him through it there is so much interesting visionary information im sure is going to give us a lot to talk about Going Forward but it is weve got tough exceeded oversees we need money for parks and schools and any number of other services so the clearer we communicate our needs the battery well be at winning and convincing our public and legislature and the electorate overall were worthy of their, their investments kudos to you and your staff and everybody that helped to make that happen and well see what we can do. Motion to do you all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it thank you, mr. Ito to. 12 whether or not to conduct a closed session. So moved. Second. Closed session wait for a moment sfgovtv item 13 announcement of closed session the mta meet to discuss the energy with the board of supervisors voted to settle the case item 14 either to disclose or not disclose the information discussed. Not to close. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it were adjourned thank you the executive record boy it was pretty close director reiskin i have a question for you. Its 5 30 im out of here

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