Transcripts For SFGTV Planning Commission 20220813 : vimarsa

Transcripts For SFGTV Planning Commission 20220813

Paiks, sf gov tv is broadcasting this hearing live and well receive Public Comment on todays agenda comments and you can call 4156550001 and entering access code 24892534904. We will take Public Comment for those persons in city hall first and open up the Remote Access line. Please speak clearly and slowly and if you care to state your name for the record. Each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes. We have 30 seconds remaining, youll hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. Ill tell you your time is up and take the next person queued to speak. Those calling in to submit your testimony, when we reach the item youre interested in speaking to, press star three to be added to the queue. When you hear your line has been unmuted thats your indication to begin speaking. Best practices are to call from a quiet location and speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. For those persons attend nothing city hall, please attending in city hall, come forward and line up on the screen side of the room. I ask we silence all mobile devices that may sound off during the proceedings. At this time, i would like to take roll. Commissioner, president tanner . Present. Commissioner vicepresident moore . Here. Commissioner diamond . Here. Commissioner imperial . Here. Commissioner koppel . Here. Commissioner ruiz . Here. We expect commissioner cunning to be absent today. Commissioner, first is consideration of items for continuance. Case number 2021004987drp. [reading item for 1]. Item no. 2. [reading item no. 2] further commissioners, we just received a request from Supervisors Office under your regular calendar for item 15, case number 2020006679 crv, for 1196 columbus avenue and 2568 and 2588 jones street. And adoption of findings for continuance. We did not receive a date but since were going on recess, i would suggest maybe september 1st as a proposed date. I have no items proposed for continuance so we should take Public Comment. Members of the public, you can address the commission on any items being proposed for continuance. You need to come forward, if youre in the chamber and if youre calling in, press star three. Hi, commissioners, good to see you all. My first time back since february 2020 in the room. Im representing the owner for 1196 columbus avenue about the continuance. I sent you all an email yesterday. Im sorry. Mr. Poman, excuse me, if we can have silence so we can hear whats going on. Go ahead. I sent you an email yesterday urging you not to accept the continuance and the request for continuance because we did follow all proper procedures, we did mailings in the preapp stage to every single apartment in the north beach place. We did have the zoom hearing. There were many, all the notification was on the building, on the building site for this hearing and in every single case, my name and my email address and phone number were available to anyone to call me and in the interim, in 2021, we did have conversations with the other neighborhood groups and did speak to other speak to other people about the project so theres no specific reason for a continuance to be granted so i appreciate if you did not take that advice. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public in the chambers . Hi. My name is shari. And i live at north beach place. I live right next door to the building that theyre talking about putting up, okay. Right next door. Literately next door. And its six stories, we live here. This is our community. Im asking that you please give us, im nervous, we found a nice place to live. My family and friends, we have all that stuff you know and you put a building on top of us. Theres no light. Theres no light in my yard. Theres no light on the kids playgrounds. I mean, you didnt ask, they tried to do it last time for four stories, now they come back again with six stories. It opportunity make sense. There are kids in that yard. Theres a playground. Theres a school there. There are old People Living right next door that dont get any light. You know, once you done that, they hardly get it now but when you do that, its going to take it right away. You all have communities, you all have schools, you dont have sixStory Buildings standing over your school and your home. Its not right. So, in order, i ask that you come and check the building place out. Check it because it used to be zoned for commercial, okay. But now they made some kind of loophole where they can do it residential. Thats all well and good for a month but we live here. Were a part of that community, they arent. Theyre bringing stuff in so they can make a profit. Thats not fair. Thats not fair to take that away from us. And not even ask us, nobodys come to my door and said, were going to put a sixfoot Story Building over your house, over your yard. Nobody said that to me. And i live right next to the building. Okay. I wouldnt known if i hadnt seen the darn letter. I was going to throw it away because i thought it was some bs, excuse me language but then i looked and i said wait a minute, yall doing it again . Six stories . Come on. Think about that. Over kids, adults, a tech dorm for people who dont live here arent going to be living here, taking away from our community. You talk about having community. Come on now. Please, reconsider this. Youre going to build it anyway, but just try to think of doing it lower or something, okay. You already have money. We dont. Were old. Im 60 something years old, okay. Where am i going to go . I cant relocate with the touch and the dirt and the constant noise at 6 00 in the morning from the construction guys. Thank you, maam. Please ill remind members of the public were taking comment on the matter of continuance at this time. Im saying what im saying because im nervous so reconsider that. Its nonsense. Okay. If there are no members of the public, in the chambers, well go to the remote callers and when you hear your line has been unmuted, thats your indication to begin speaking. Good afternoon, commissioners, this is tray representing the north Beach Committee and representing the tenants that have been confused about what this project is, what type of housing. Having also heard from them about the height being a various sizes, you know, 55, 62 and then something about another 9 feet in addition and then also another site showed 85 feet height. Again, there had been no outreach directly to the residents adjacent, immediately adjacent to this site. And its very concerning and i would support the continuance because there needs to be actual dialogue with the people who actually live there and this needs to happen as soon as possible. Theyve been very anxious, having only recently heard about this project and again, yes, a notice about a hearing but a hearing in which languages as well as what is the project actually going to be . That dialogue never happened and in my mind, this is the second time ive seen another project where the developer did not reach out directly to those impacted such at 425 broadway back in november which affected 68 very lowincome, primarily mono lin gal chinese. Its not dropping the stream ideal of a building for the developer in the middle of an empty field of some sort. Its about reaching out to those who actually will be impacted and to have a dialogue and a plan about what might happen than or could happen during construction to ensure their health. Again, these are 48 units immediately adjacent, our seniors and people with disabilities so please, i support the continuance. Let that dialogue happen as soon as possible and lets show some real equity in notification, in dialogue and actually reaching out to those most impacted, thank you very much. My name is stephanie. I am 22 years old. I am in support of the continuum of this project and indiscernible . My mother previously spoke to the commission. I was raised in north beach lake property. When i was 19, my mother brought this plan to me and said that this was going to be a three Story Building. I remember those fear in my mothers voice while she told me when i was away at school. Let me know, does the story want to build three stories worth of luxury apartments where they were not needed. This is an area thats already surrounded by Luxurious Hotels and homes. Its unnecessary. Growing up in San Francisco, i spent my adolescent surrounded by empire and Tall Buildings and spent my adolescents fighting for black people and elderlies and i have lived in both of the north beach creek property and i am well aware of who my community is and what they deserve. As a previous person who spoken about the language needs to inform our community. These are elders who dont often speak english. These are people who dont often check their mail. It is disgusting to me that this plan is going to affect again without considering the rights of the people who live here and the elders who keep this community alive. I can its not okay. indiscernible north beach has two buildings and the one i grew up in San Francisco, some sros the one my mother lives is in across the cable cart tracks and for elders or disabilities people. Its peaceful and calm and full of light and they dont have to hear kids running around all day and when they do its because of the Daycare Center in the building. You can hear the children laughing and hear the wind chimes and elders indiscernible six stories looking down on them from a rooftop patio. This building and disgust me if i am being honest. The city is not only doing this again but double the size of the property. If you know the demographic of this building, then you know the people will not fight back, not because they dont disagree with the gentrification taking place next door to them but most of them have lived with the same displacement and disregard their entire life because theyre poor or brown or black or disabled. Maybe all of those things. And excuse me maam. Youre out of order right now. Maam, youre out of order and its difficult to hear the person speaking who has the floor right now. But im right there. Maam, you heard your turn to speak. Were trying to listen to the other callers right now, so take your seat or leave but if you can respect the other callers who are speaking, thank you. Sorry im sorry to interrupt the caller but you have a few more seconds left. Thats okay. Thats my mom and shes upset for a reason. As i was saying, these people are too old to be fighting the city for their right. This building will not only disrupt the neighbors due to construction going on for years, literately right next door to my mother a wall away, a wall. It was compelled, it would block out the sun. It would it would block out all of the light. Thank you maam, thats your time. Okay. And i will remind we we tee serve better we deserve better. Were putting in trash cans because our elder cant take out Water Bottles to take care traffic families. Thank you maam, thats your time. Ill remind the public were talking comments on the continuance and not the item itself. Anybody else want to speak on items continued . Seeing none, Public Comment on the continuance calendar is closed. And it is now you, commissioners. Thank you, commissioners. Thank you to those who called in and spoke publicly. Commissioner imperial and commissioner moore and commissioner imperial tied for ringing their bell at the same time. Commissioner imperial and commissioner moore afterwards. I move to continue items 1 and 2 and 15 but in terms of the comments for number 15, i would like to mention that i think it is very important that there is an outreach that is going to be theres a dialogue between the community, so i would like to respect that especially this is called by the office of supervisors so i move to continue number 15 as noted by the secretary. That would be september 1st. Yes. Thank you. Weve got a second from commissioner koppel. Commissioner moore, thank you have anything else to add . Yeah. I second that motion. People who have been on the commission for an extended period of time have seen a number of projects on this site going from a questionable hotel to all kinds of other mixes and matches and i do understand the anxiety of the community which is the Vulnerability Community and this is an wonderful environment and wonderful designed homes of a central open space. This project is not properly discussed, presented, and responded to, i think we will do well to support this continuance. Again, i heard about other projects and at the were continued and they were approved but did not materialized and the Community Shows anxiety about not enough communication and not enough disclosure. I understand and support that. Thank you, commissioner moore. I dont see any comments from other commissioners. I have a late request for Public Comment. Should we take that caller . Yes, we shall. Thank you. When you hear your line has unmuted, your indication to begin speak and were on the continuance calendar and your comments should be limited to the matter of continuance. Hi, my name is sue anna with indiscernible 1196 columbus avenue. So, on behalf from our parents and children, so we havent received detail information about this project so could you please consider indiscernible of this project and we would like to have detailed meeting with the developer and talk about this project and also reconsider about the lighting for our indiscernible because children, we go out and play everyday and we are concerned about the six stories, it will block our Natural Light to our play area so please consider this project. We would like a detailed discussion and information about this project. Thank you so much. Thank you. Okay. That concludes Public Comment. Theres a motion that has been seconded to continue all matters as proposed including item 15 to september 1st. On that motion, commissioner ruiz . Aye. Commissioner diamond . Aye commissioner imperial . Aye. Commissioner koppel . Aye. Commissioner moore . Aye. Commissioner tanner . Aye. That motion passes unanimously 6 to 0. In places of your consent calendar, all matters listed hereunder constitute a consent calendar, are considered to be routine by the Planning Commission, and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing and item 3, case number 202100189cua at 98 Mission Street. Case number four, 2022000313cua, 2027 chestnut street. Item five, case number 2022004718cua at 2209 chestnut street. A conditional use authorization. Members of the public, this is your opportunity to request that any of these items be removed from the consent calendar and considered at the end of the hearing today or at a later date. You need to come forward if in the chamber or calling in, press star three. Seeing no request to speak, commissioners, Public Comment on your consent calendar is closed. And they are now or it is now before you. Thank you. Commissioner koppel . Move to approve items 3, 4 and 5. Second. Thank you, commissioners and just for clarity, there was a late submission for an amended resolution for item 3, so accepting those amendments, thank you, commissioners. On that motion then to approve all items under your consent calendars with the amendment for item three, commissioner ruiz . Aye. Commissioner diamond . Aye. Commissioner imperial . Aye. Commissioner koppel . Aye. Commissioner moore . Aye. Commissioner president tanner . Aye. So moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to 0. Well place this under commission matters for item 6, consideration of Adoption Draft minutes for july 14, 2022. Members of the public, this is your opportunity to address the commission on the minutes. If youre in the chambers, you need to come forward. If calling in, you need to press star three. Seeing no request to speak from any member of the public, Public Comment on the minutes is closed and they are now before you commissioners. Commissioner imperial . Move to adopt the minutes. Second. Thank you, commissioners on that motion to adopt the minutes, commissioner ruiz . Aye. Commissioner diamond . Aye. Commissioner imperial . Aye. Commissioner koppel . Aye. Commissioner moore . Aye. Commissioner president tanner . Aye. So moved. That passes 6 to 0 and places us on item 7, commission comments and questions. Thank you, commissioners, ill begin with our land acknowledgement. We acknowledge were on the ancestry homeland of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stuart of this land and in accordance with tradition, they have never lost or forgot their responsibilities to caretakers of the place. As well as for all people who reside in their territory. We recognize we benefit from live and working on the homeland. We wish to pay respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramashan whunt and hon honoring their first rights as people. Are there questions or comments from commissioners. I pushed the button here. Okay, commissioner moore . Thank you. I have three items and they are questions and the questions may not be available, perhaps, we could bring them back if there are no answers and the first thing is, we indiscernible applications with the Planning Department. Reading the article i was very concerned, not only is it in review but its the trust of being able to electronic file application but its an impediment to the department i would like the department, somebody in the department to update the commission, one on the fact of what happened to those commissioners who have not known about this and give us some idea of how you could be protected against incidents like this in the future. The second item which came to my attention and really concerns me is a new condo building at 55 oak that is sitting empty for a few months because a developer who completed this building they took down payments and has people waiting for eight months or more because all of a sudden figured out she cannot deliver this building. I do not know much of the background but it is very concerning tha

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