Transcripts For SFGTV Police Commission 101916 20161031 : vi

SFGTV Police Commission 101916 October 31, 2016

Thank you good evening good evening. I will start off with the International Association of Chiefs Police convention. Which i attended. Members also attend include represent is for Media Relations the scope command staff the conference as learning modules and there is areas of Law Enforcement. This years conference was specific to Critical Issues in policing including use of force guardian versus warrior mindset and Effective Communication with communities. I think one of the most significant pieces of the conference was the International Association of chief of Police Speech in which for the first time im aware of in the history of this organization they apologized for past wrongs committed by Law Enforcement against communities of color. It was a moving speech and you saw most of the crowd on their feet after he made this statement. After he finished his statement they had a surprise speaker which was Loretto Lynch of the atty. Gen. For the united states. She got up and also gave a rousing speech thanking Law Enforcement and reminding us to be vigilant skin so was an impressive conference. I had to leave august we had the officer involved shooting and i came back with that but it was an impressive conference i said that one packet sheet is up being more 7 than normal . It sounds a Diverse Group of the representation going to a conference like that. Is that more than in years past . No. In years past we try to mix it up and bring people from everywhere that we impacted by the modules taught at the conference. This year i think that modules that were specific to areas that are having one person having issues with nationwide. Thanks. Im going to upcoming events. On mission station has a function of conduct on 22nd and thats going to be from 10 am3 pm location of that will be mission station. Why Seek Community barbecue will be at the civic center and that is also on the 22nd and that will be from 114 pm. There will also be a superhero festival on the 22nd and ill be from one10 pm location beyond the between gerald and evans and the baby will have a life festival also on the 22nd and that will be from 127 pm thats going to be on edberg street between third and jennings. There is also a y see you Halloween Party on the 29th. Thats going to be from 114 pm and thats when to be a Police Headquarters which is the first station. There also be a prehowling in the castro from 29th from five3 pm and thats in the castro between 19th st. In the Market Street in them Mission District is a yearly event held in the saturday before halloween and theres a kids movie night on the 30th from four8 pm. Thats when to be at civic center in the northern. Those are the current events. Ill move onto crime now. I will start with the update on the officer involved shooting an assault on a Police Officer which occurred in the caravelle district and that was on the 14th of this month. After approximately 8 06 pm get officers were dispatched to picking 15 smoke boulevard to a port of a mentally disturbed person. Dispatch broadcast the description of the subject as well as update that the subject was threatening patrons outside a parking of a Department Store located in the area. Immediately upon arrival on scene the subject shot at the officer striking one officer in the head. An officer down was broadcast along with the direction of the fire of the shooter. The injured officer was transported to San Francisco General Hospital critical condition. The subject was located in the thick vegetation on the north side of stern grove still armed with a handgun. The subject fired at the officers and the officers feared for their safety they returned fire. The Tactical Team was able to take the subject into custody at which time the subject was transported to San Francisco General Hospital for treatment. The subject identified by the medical examiner is nicholasi can date of birth 032190 good summary of the investigation be developed to be provided at townhall thursday, october 20 at 6 pm at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center at 2815 19th ave. Thats a town hall meeting. There are no homicides for the week. On the shootings, we had when shooting on the 17th and possibly 3 15 pm get officers wanted to the high school located at 325 grand ave. Regarding a shooting in the School Parking lot. While in route officers were informed that school was on lockdown. Officers initiated active shooter protocol and begin a safety sweep of the school. The school was secured and three gunsho victims were scuttled a fourth gunshot victim was transported to the hospital all shooting victims were in stable condition at the shooting occurred in the parking lot of the school. Shell were located in the School Parking. Their interest in the course are there any suspect in that case that you can talk about at this point, chief . Its an Ongoing Investigation and i dont want to talk about but i can say there are good leads. Thank you. For general Crime Statistics, or homicides were at 43 this year. 1 second. Like the media disrupting the meeting can you justclyde, could you just take a seat. I know which is hearing from the chief right of. Thank you good goahead, chief on our Crime Statistics are 2016 we have 43 homicides. This time last year we had 41 sore of 5 compared to 2015 get so far this year 16 homicides have been cleared by arrest. Our shootings year to date we are at 140. This time last year route 131 swept 7 compared to 2015. Violence, city bank run citywide is down 14 . Robberies are down 16 . We seized 893 firearms to date. Thats up 6 from this time 2015. Will quickly approaching the 1000 number. Nonviolentlets the burglars were down 4 in our auto burglaries were down 16 . I will do the update on the partnership for Mental Health calls between us and the department of Public Health. If you want me to move on or if you have any questions regarding the Crime Statistics . Chief the only question i have honestly auto burglars we are a lot about all over the city did it there since whats contributing to that decline Better Partnership with any other city agencies or to give a sense of whats working there because that is great news he was i think everything we dont you we made a specific focus for our picture the troll bureau task with a big arrest him very part of the auto burglars and a cotton successful prosecution from the District Attorneys Office. Significant time compared to those crimes prior to us focusing on them. The das office is really come on board and the crime strategies unit is working close operation with Investigative Unit to make sure that when we get this cereal guys were putting conference of cases on them and to show that this is a [inaudible] engage 365 days a are great. Thank you. For the update on the partnership with dph, the party should begin with the increase of incidents in which people were in bayview christ. The Police Department required dph to be supportive in our efforts to resolve incidents peacefully. As of today were waiting for dbh to wire clinicians to work with us in this effort. The mou is often signed is going through conference. Operations bureau and dph a good working relationships were able to Work Together until the mou is signed. The Commanding Officer of the Crisis Intervention Team program will be sitting in on the interviews on thursday. The stakeholders are for now the sfpd and dph. The purpose is to be a resource of needed to sfpd personnel during behavioral crisis situations per example recent Critical Incidents including incident at caravelle which involve the subject was a client of dph clinicians and the civic Center Incident where the subject was in crisis and was referred to as a blue suicide and which basically situation with a person is asking for the police to take action in their life. The team would look at the aftercare of the subject after successful surrender so we do not have a second crisis situation were Critical Incident involving the same subject. The sfpd working all control of the incidents of we deemed it to be a situation of two dangerous for the clinician we would be able to withdraw declination and then put our tactical people in place. Dph clinicians will be a higherlevel resource which means we create a significant amount of time and distance to get them to the scene and now is beyond our negotiators powers to get this person to talk to us and we would bring dph in and they would then take over and do the negotiation with the individual in crisis. Vice president turman thank you. Is there a role that the working group can play in this as well consulting with them at least providing resources that as far as clinicians and information to both departments and dph . Its already happening. Lieut. Is part of the working group and sits on the boards all this is being enrolled and vetted through them as a their fantastic partners and wed be remiss in mentioning work that i have there can have a hand in all visited and fantastic throughout this entire process they have a really good group and robust discussions around every subject that this covers. Thank you, sir spears commissioner mazzucco thank you. We been talking but having the department of Public Health working with the police to permit on all these caused it do you envision this result we envision this word gets to the point were officers are not responding to the routine nondangerous calls the majority are if somebody is suicidal some reason the Mental Health christ. I think we discussed the fact anything we had a conversation with the mayor saturday night at the hospital were friday night at the hospital about 60 of our calls for service deal with people in crisis. Theres no place to put these poor people that are in crisis or officers are tied up. Take them officer to do we envision the department of Public Health, will be responding to the calls were somebody is in crisis and not necessarily our officers . Thats deathly something i would love to see happened we gave after surge when walker about an award about a week ago and we did that because she worked on Suicide Prevention hotline work and she gave saved council last big note uniform ever went out there but that was done over the phone. So we can get to a point where they could be the person the front person to get there because oftentimes as i covered early with a blue suicide, when people see as they may see a means to an end. As opposed to the commission may be able to have that conversation and talk that person down and get them to a place where we never have to show up. But to get the services they need and the crisis is averted because you had a clinician talking the person down i feel strongly because we been told that the presence of the Police Officers escalates the situation. People make a call. The officer involved shootings weve been reviewing your as a commission on was overly majority of them having Mental Health crisis. So its the medical profession thats dropping the ball. If there was ever to be a Blue Ribbon Panel when you walk down the street and see people on crisis and every bucket theres a problem its not necessarily the problem of the police are trained to handle nor should they be handling it. I think they should go a step further. That is definitely something that needs to look for to down the fort spears commissioner dejesus chief, but the officer is doing better is if we get up in officer involved shooting and we did have the person the suspect died, im just wondering, i instead the dist. Atty. s taken over investigations for officer involved shootings and wondered if they participated were involved were taking the lead in this officer involved shooting investigation and if not, do you have an idea when theyre going to start taking that over and exactly how thats going to work . We are in process right now in fact we report out to the board of supervisors tomorrow about just that. About a new oh mou regarding officer involved shooting investigation. Tomorrow will be reporting out the we are in ongoing discussions on the new mou. Quite frankly were pretty close. So were just about done with it. On this particular one, it still a dual track investigation. Theres two obviously our internal affairs is doing one and Homicide Bureau is doing the other. The das office is also investigating as well as director hicks personnel. So there is several investigations going on but its part of the oldpart of the original mou thats still in effect until the new one the new mou will come in front of this board because i think it something we should all be educated about. As to have the new investigations can be doing going for. Im wondering if the Police Department is taking the bulk of it them up like the at the scene investigation doing all that that the work still. Something we need to be educated on. I be interested if you schedule the mou for approval here . In front of the commission . Definitely. Were trying to get to point where both sides agreed in principle to bring forward to [inaudible] to see what we hammered out with the District Attorneys Office. All right. Okay. Okay with that i will call up capt. Michael connelly for the update from the professional standards and principles policing bureau. He was welcome capt. Connolly. Colleagues, you will recall last week that doj final report and testament on the Police Department was issued over 400 pages. 94 findings to an and 72 recommendations attached to those findings. What this commission had asked for was a chance to understand a little bit more about the findings to recommendations. Obviously, we should recognize that will take time for everyone to sift, to fully understand the recommendations, but theyre certainly an urgency around a number of the recommendations in a process that capt. Connolly is undergoing with a number of folks fromunder the Police Commission policy and was under the occ is going to be involved. So this is the primer for us to better understand both some key aspects of the report and the findings in the process with which the department is undergoing to implement those. Good evening pres. Loftus vp turman, commissioners, director hicks chief chaplain. Mike conley visible policing. As you stated the department of justice report was issued a proximally one week ago and it should be known clearly when we were in collaboration with the department of justice there was a nondisclosure agreement or confidentiality agreement with the department of justice. Summoning the primus questions we cannot address those in this format. Now that the report has issued we can address them and tell you exactly how the process came to be. This will not be a allinclusive presentation in italy oh short presentation but i will be able to tell you the next ups are. So with the doj report was to an and 72 recommendations issued. Not only is it the doj report but commendation of 10 reports that issued altogether. That includes the Blue Ribbon Panel, civil grand jury, occ recommendations, the Bar Association recommendations yet theyve all been included. We provided those to the department of justice and we have certainly identified that they have included that in their report in the 272 recommendations. We have spent the last week processing the doj report alongside with the other 10 reports or other nine reports and we done a line by line comparison and there is overlapping recommendations. Additionally, we identified there are 14 immediate recommendations that we need to implement. Over talk about immediate was within a 3060 days. In the use of force category, per immediate there are seven recommendations in the bias category which is a were covering tonight there are six recognitions and in accountability area is one recommendation. These are all immediate. This is an integrated sash out of our matrix and this is where we included all reports good remember again that are part of justice at the five areas use of force, bias policing, procedural justice, supervision and accountability and finally diversity and recruitment. There are two is 72 department of justice recognitions. However, all told, there are 479 recommendations all reports. Within those this matrix, weve identified 57 Blueribbon Panel reports. Are included within department of justice and within civil grand jury in the occ there is a number of others that are either definitively connected or we look at it through a broader perspective if there was any nexus to any of the outside recognitions to the department of justice we included it in

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