Transcripts For SFGTV Public Utilities Commission 12815 2015

Transcripts For SFGTV Public Utilities Commission 12815 20151209

All cell phones and electronic devices. Submit speaker cards. Items active upon today will appear on december 2015 board of supervisors agenda. Please call items 10 and 11 out of order . Yes, item 10 and 11 are ordinances authorizing federa federalally settlements of lawsuits against the city and county of San Francisco. Before we convene in closed session, is there any Public Comments on these items. If you have any comments, you have two minutes. Seeing no people for Public Comment, then Public Comment is now closed. Members of the public will now be will be convened in closed session. Please meet in the committee room. This should be a were now back in open session. Deputy city attorney. During the closed session the Committee Voted Unanimously to vote items 10 and 11 to the full board with positive recommendation. Colleagues, can i have a motion not to disclose what we discussed. So moved. Motion passes. Madam clerk, please call items one, two and three together. Yes, item resolutions approving agreement with nonprofit Owners Association for Administration Management known as the greater rincon hill. And the dogpatch northwest potrero hill district. Please come forward. Good morning, chair yee. Im an project manager of the office of economic and workforce development. Today before you are two resolutions. Authorizing management contrac contracts. As you know on july 31st the board of supervisors adopted a resolution to establish greater rincon hill cdb. The city must enter into this Management Agreement with both Owners Association. It is adjusted for each cdb. The following language has been added and will be included in all Management Contract. Section 16. 18, section 3. 5 and the general benefit language for the greater rincon Hill Community district is different to reflect their requirement. If approved, this will allow the city to we anticipate approximately 2,000,400 to be contributed. Approximately 2,900,000 to be districted to the ycdbd. Additionally, theres a Management Contract update for the greater rincon hill cdb. In front of you is not the updated version of that. The updated language is in section 3. 5 section d, it makes requirement consistent with the general benefit requirement of the cbd. If you have questionings, ill be happy to take them. Seeing none. I believe Jonathan Goldberg from the green benefit district has a few comments. Thank you chair yee, president breed and supervisor christensen. Im the green benefit Program Manager at the department of public works. This item is an agreement that mirrors the previous two agenda items but tailored for the dogpatch district. The approval of this agreement will enable the Comptrollers Office to pay for green space and citizens transparency and accountability in the boundaries of the district. Thank you. Thank you very much. Is there any Public Comments for any of those items . Speakers will have two minutes. Thank you very much for considering the greater rincon Hill Community benefit District Administration agreement with the city. Any name is lauren. Im the newly elected president of the newly elected board for the cbd. Board of directors is committed. The cdb was passed with. 5 of the vote in the greater rincon hill. Were very enthusiastic about moving forward and receiving assessment funding in january as property tax payments come in. Thank you very much for your consideration for your agreement. We look forward to working with the city Going Forward. Good morning commissioners, my name is cathy, im the executive director of yerba buena community district. Were here no speak in support of the agreement with the city. Weve been around since 2008 we have just renewed for 15 years. We were very honored to receive that support. We look forward to continuing our work over the next 15 years and were looking forward to working with city departments, neighbor and constituents and other Community Organizations to tackle the issue of pedestrian safety, Bicycle Safety and Traffic Enforcement in our neighborhood. As we are in an on and off ramp to the freeway. Were looking forward to that. I want to thank supervisor kim and her staff for their ongoing support. I want to thank you the members of this commission for your support for all of the work. Thank you. Any other Public Comments. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. Colleagues, any thoughts . I love cbd. I know. What a great idea. Thank you for all your efforts. They serve a wonderful purpose in the city. Glad to see rincon getting one. Can we have a motion to forward all of three items to the full board with recommendations. I move to recommend approval. No objection, motion passes. Thank you very much. Madam clerk please call items four, five and six. Authorizing the planning District Historical property contract. I believe Shannon Ferguson from Historic Preservation division of the Planning Department is here to present on these items. Good morning supervisors Shannon Ferguson. My presentation today involved three historical property contracts that were submitted to the Planning Department on may 1, 2015. On october 7, 2015, the Historic Preservation commission napsly recommended approval. Mill sac legislation authorizes local government to enter into projects with the government. Who can then allocate the saving towards a restoration plan. Every local landmark in San Francisco as well as those listed in the National Register of Historic Places is eligible to apply for the mills act. The department holds 19 active mills act contract. These include Single Family homes and large scale commercial building. The Program Creates an incentive for proper maintenance. My first slide is the mills sacrament act contract for 722 steiner street. Do you have slighteds slides you wanted to project. Sfgov tv, we have a presentation. Powerpoint. We have a presentation. The first mills act contract is for 722 steiner street. The owners have agreed to invest over 220,000 towards roof replacements, repair siding painting and return for the property tax adjustment. The owners at 807 montgomery street have committed to invest over 114,000 towards Exterior Maintenance and return for the property tax adjustment. The owners of 761 post street, will not see a property tax reduction this year but they have committed to invest nearly 2. 5 million for seismic upgrades and restoration work to rehabilitate the building. Planning Department Work closely with each of them to provide professional guidance with their individual rehabilitation plans and maintenance plans. On behalf of the commission, the Planning Department recommend approval of these mills act contract. The application on the approval on the basis that all work is completed and is consistent with the requirements established by the mills acts. Planning staff is available to answer questions. Also representative from the Recorders Office is present today to answer any questions regarding the property tax evaluation. Thank you. Was he able to project over an overhead. Just quickly showed us the three buildings. This is 722 steiner street. Located in the alamo square historic district. Design in the queen ann style and built in 1892. 807 montgomery street located in Jackson Square historic district. Designed in the renaissance revival style and constructed in 1909. The last mills act contract is 761 post street located in the Apartment Hotel district. It was designed in the ar art deco style in the 1930s. Thank you very much. Colleagues any comments or questions . Seeing none. Are there any Public Comments . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. Can we have a motion to forward all three items to the board for recommendation as a Committee Report . Before we do that, i have comment. Im sorry. Thank you. Supervisor breed. I wanted to say im really excited about the original painted lady in particular. I had a chance to tour this lovely home. The owner allowed me in with my team. We took a look at it and the work that theyve done on this house is just extraordinary. Its a beautiful home. It has a lot of history. I know that it requires a lot of care to take care of. A home of this nature. As i drive pass this area almost everyday, there are hundreds of tourist constantly in this area taking photographs of these homes which this from my understanding is the original painted lady which thing a architecture of architects of all the painted ladies. He actually built this original home for himself along with the other painted ladies which are a icon both nationally and internationally. All over the country. People come here to San Francisco to see these iconic homes. Im really excited and thankful to the owner for investing so much money into preserving its character. I look forward to moving this item forward. With that, i will move these items forward to the full board with positive recommendation as a Committee Report. Seeing no objection, motion passes. Thank you very much. Plaza call item number seven. Its the hearing to receive updates from various city department, coin takenned in the 20142015 civil grand jury report entitled office of the assessor recorder. I believe january sis and gnatty from the city grand jury are here to present. Thats fine, thank you. I have a presentation. I also have hard copies with me. Sfgov tv, we have a presentation. Good morning members. My name is edward m im here on behalf of the office of the assessor recorder. I like to outline a little bit how we got here today and our office involvement. Thank you for hearing this item. Thank you to civil grand jury for their work on the report. We begin working on this item with the civil grand jury in december of 2014. The first half of the year, we coordinated with them on interviews as well as provided them with data and reports for their report that was published in may 2015. Included in those interviews were assessor recorder and myself along with some of our chief appraisers on staff. In august of this year, we provided a response to that report and provided a response to the findings and recommendations to the civil grand jurys report. In september, i came before you and presented on those findings. Shortly there after, we presented a report, a status report on our workload and staffing case load analysis to the board of supervisors and the civil grand jury a few weeks after the initial hearing. Which was requested the report was requested by the board. Here we are today and im going to be doing a presentation on updating some of the numbers that we presented to you in october via email. Before you get into that, i wanted to take a moment to paint a broader picture of what our office has done in support the numbers i will be presented today. When considering our office is responsible for generating one third of the general fund revenue, we feel when the office does well, the city and county of San Francisco does well. Our office had been proactive going to the board of supervisors and advocating for the needs. We are thankful to the board and mayor for approving our most recent budget. Approving our 22 million general fund budget. Because of the support and approving of this budget, weve been able to implement a number of new procedures, better efficiencies as well as some projects that help and speak to the overall productivity of our office. An example of the efficiencies that you all had a hand in and weve worked on implementing is multiple listing service. Its an online tool that provides our staff with the most up to date Information Available on changes in ownership. We came to you to the board to have this item passed. We were able to do our work better. In addition, when we talk about some of the projects that were implemented, that help put our office on stable firm ground Going Forward, weve launched the project of taking our 206,000 copies and bringing them online. What i mean by that, is making them accessible to our staff at their computer. Currently if you are to look for a hard copy files or Historical Information on a property, our staff has to get up, go into another room, search through a whole file, a whole room of files, looking for that particular property, getting that hard copy file and bringing it back to their desk. The purse of this is not only to make it easier and more efficient for staff but also to make our documents, Historical Records more safe and secure Going Forward. With that being said, i wanted to turn your attention to the presentation. Of course, as a followup, this is a refinement of the data that we emailed to the board in october. Moving into slide one, which is the staffing analysis and case load assumptions. Number one, the volume of incoming items for changes in ownership and new construction will remain on the same level as a prior two fiscal years. Number two, the types of incoming items into our office will continue to be the same as fiscal year 14 and 15. The total number of cases worked will stay the same for the projected years. Bullet number four, we assume that our Staffing Levels will be current capacity, as well as new positions approved in the 1 5 16 budget. Next slide sum recognizes our suspected case load for this year. I want to draw your attention to the first highlighted line of total case load. Because, these are the total case loads that we have in our work cue due to outstanding and new cases beginning every year. Its around over the span of currently 15 and 16 around 30,000. The next line is net outstanding. Which is the last line. Which a that number is the items of worked cases in our office. If you look through fiscal year 15 and 16 we have a total of 29,000 cases. Next slide which is the projected outstanding levels. The purpose of the slide is to pull your attention to the total case load. It outlines what the projected changes in ownership and new construction outstanding would be. Youll see over the span of june 2015 to june 2018 theres a slight decline in the number of items well have outstanding. Going to the next slide, which is the assessment appeals board. You are aware that the assessment appeals board is outside of our purview. This is something that is overseen by the board of supervisors. With that being said, i do want to take a minute and call out the board staff. Angela the clerk of the board and her staff. Theyve done great work and coordinating with office to make sure that we have as much information and Data Available on a timely manner. Because of that, we feel Going Forward, this is something thats new, well put both of our departments in a better footing for years to come. With that being said in particular on this slide, i like you to look at the chart, youll see in 20132014, the total number of cases filed was 5051. In 2014 and 2015 in number dropped. That is a 64 decline. Then id also like to call your attention to the number of open items. In 2013 and 2014, we have a total of 6279 that open cases still after being filed and closed. In 14 and 15 we had a total of 4126 cases that were open as of june 30th. Theres a decline of 34 . That concludes the presentation portion of the slide that you have in front of bu you. I wanted to take a minute and explain that the case loads items that were looking at, its not something that happened overnight and its not something that can be solved overnight. Its something were very dedicated to working on. Theres no magic ball to figure out the solution because a lot of the work that we do is determined by market forces. There is a number of construction thats taking place in the city. Theres a very popular San Francisco is a popular place to buy property. This all contributes to the work that comes into our office. We feel that the approach in solving this will take createty, will include thoughtfulness and also laying out a realistic goals and obtainable goals. With that, i conclude my presentation and be happy to answer any questions. I like to say thank you to the board of supervisors and this committee for their work and the civil grand jury, thank you for your work as well. I have a quick question for you, the staffing analysis and case load projections, it seems like what im seeing is basically case load projections. Theres no staffing analysis addressing in this particular report. Sure. The staffing analysis is something we provided in october to the board. I believe its in your packet. I can pull it up. Call your attention to the bottom chart which includes staffing analysis. These numbers havent really changed from the last time that we presented in front of you. Or the last time we communicated with the board and staff around this item. We did not include it because the

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