Transcripts For SFGTV Public Utilities Commission 21417 2017

SFGTV Public Utilities Commission 21417 February 24, 2017

Here. Commissioner courtney here. And commissioner vietor is excused from todays meeting we have a quorum. The 1st order of business is the approval of the january 24, 2017 meeting. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. That motion has been passed. The puc will only go as far as the next generation of workers will take them. We ask that Pc Management work with the union in discussing vacancies and hiring plans in the Workforce Development and we hope that we can find a solution in this direr force. We have had a chance to discuss this at the board and i think weve also discussed this in other aspects as well but this is likely to come down the pike but is there likely going to be collaboration with this agency and other departments as well. Im enthusiastic about how far we have come. Is just about prioritizing it making sure that we have the resources and the staff to do that work but i am committed to your organization and i want you to know that we are continuing to have a dialogue and you will be a part of that moving forward. I appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you. And, the next card that i have is peter trackmeyer. Welcome. Good afternoon peter trackmeyer i want to thank staff for meeting with us on friday and also president moran for meeting with us we appreciate that. It was an interesting meeting. We didnt get into any facts and figures where we have analysis but we are looking forward to having a conversation with staff about that. We are looking at an 8 year defined drought and we understand that we will have better access to the model which will be a better understanding of a way to think about that. We also showed a very simple model to show we were on the right track and what we looked at was basically if we had the eightyear design drought starting next year or in 2040 and what would that look like under 40 on impaired flow from february to june. And, we used some of the assumptions from the sfpuc. There are some factors that could change this in the upcoming years including the drafting levels and how far they would go and the big one is what was required by the sfpuc which was 40 and also water supply and of course any new water supply or conservation would be brought online. On the back there are model conclusions and the 1st was looking at 23 million gallons per day which was the use from 2010 to 2014 before we saw the drought in the last couple years. That would take some rebounding to get the products back up there but that is what we use and just a few interesting things if we have the 6 year drought record which was from 1987 to 2002, we would still have 2000 2500 acrefeet in storage which would keep us into the 1st year of the 7677 addition and then we were to get into a deficit in year 8. And the bottom one is the projected demand in 2040 which include san jose [timer dings] and this word allow us to have this in the record for the storage. We hope that we can discuss this with you on the 8th. We hope to be able discuss this with you and give you more information. Thank you. I think the meeting that yet was productive. It allowed me to feel like i was a on a Water Commission again and the big thing is looking at this and seeing if this confirms or denies there are offers that staff has made are there scenarios in our model to test these ideas that confirmed these other models and we will be glad to do that. That is the proceedings we will have on the next meetings agenda and the response to the prior model that mr. Dregmeyer gave us and if this could progressed to the point of that meeting that would be great in fact, staff has prepared very hard to prepare comments for the state board and a supplemental environmental document which at the moment, the deadline for that is march 17 which has put a lot of pressure on staff to get the comments together so it has to take priority on staff time. But, thank you for your comments and i think that the meeting was positive and i hope to build on that. Any other Public Comments . Seeing none,communications. Commissioners, any comments, questions, on the communication script provided . I do have a request from ms. Sankula to comment on i eat 5 ee at which is the Bay Division Pipelines 1 and 2 decommissioning. Good afternoon commissioners. Sankula, i look forward the project that will be done on the bay and i asked that the commission remove part of that project to remove the part for wsip and i think it would be a particular piece that we want to make sure that we do appropriately think you. Thank you. I noticed that as well and it is a little disheartening to notice the price of the 6 escalating as dramatically as it did in one thing that i would like to ask staff is as we get into this next stage of looking at the revised landscape that were looking at that we also take a another serious look at repurposing that pipeline. Thats one of the things that we have looked at as to whether or not that was they appropriate conduit for the water transmission. Who knows . At how to use that and repurpose it in a way to reduce the financial burden. Commissioners, any comments . Any other Commission Business . I would just like to comment on one thing. Obviously, it is very well known about orville and the problem there and so, i would like to ask our own infrastructure if we could comment on that and also for wholesale customers comment on that. If there is any problems or any heads up that we should be looking at . So we can give you a as part of this may be dan, you can comment on the structures that we have. So, maybe we well get back to you. Its not an agenda is item so i think that the concern certainly is that that flag is waving. I just think this being a Public Entity it is important to bring this forward at this meeting or at a subsequent meeting. Well, it is every dam owner or operator in the state is number 1, thankful that it is not there dam and also to look to make sure that their response plans are up to snuff and i think that we need a report on that and that will probably take more than a few minutes of thought and then we can bring that back to you. Any other Commission Business seeing none . Tech report of the general manager. Good morning commissioners the 1st item is the drought update and he attended the meeting so maybe he can give his thoughts on that. Steve ritchie, general manager, we will share information this week with all of our participants if we could have a good discussion about that. If i can have the slides please. This is our what used to be called drought update but now we will call it the release update. So this is our reservoir storage areas and we have been releasing 150 css through calaveras and that we are looking at bumping that up to an even higher levels so we can bring that level in that reservoir down. For hetch hetchy week we have backed off, of our 1st resources a little bit and you can see that the reservoirs most of the blue bars are at the top. You can see that don pedro is 99 full right now and they are releasing 999 1000 ft. 2 per 2nd end and they are not able to withstand thats weve cut our resources to hetch hetchy so that they are able to withstand this. And we are not in the position where we want to be in. The only real spillway is [inaudible] and im not sure of its ability to carry water at this time. As far as precipitation we added the blue line which was 1993 and we have currently about hundred and 30 average for this entire year thats what we got so far so weve had a lot of water. Up in snowpack. It is a similar picture. The snowpack is way up there. The snowpack line is an accumulation of data from the remote snowflake sources and that is what that little red snowflake is there to show how we match up with the snow up on the hill. So word 150 with the snowpack up on the hill and again we will see that later this week and next week. Our deliveries are continuing to decline for people are continuing to conserve and doing a good job. It could stop raining tomorrow and if it did stop raining tomorrow we would not have a problem with that. We will be calling for a 10 voluntary reduction since were getting again about 10 already. One thing to note is that we have been working on diversifying our supplies a lot with groundwater and this slide shows a couple of Community Ads that are going up this week and diversifying our supplies and moving the groundwater and to is always better than one and this is important so we are continuing to move in that direction as well. Id be happy to answer any questions. Any questions from commissioners . Seeing none. Any questions from the public . Seeing none. Next item please. That next item would be item 7b, cleanpowersf update. Good afternoon commissioners. We are up from 2. 5 we finished this update in the middle of december and we are up about 25 . We are at a total of super green customers just over the 2000 mark 2111 111 and customers continue to sign up for customer enrollments and we have 600 customers that are queued to be signed up now. We are preparing to enroll our customers we have been saying spring 2017 at this point we are targeting may. We expect that enrollment to be 2000 customers approximately. The next order of business is we had a meeting better ccas. They are expanding and they are continuing to expand and that expansion is a concern for them and we are really concerned about reliability in the market and how the cca expansion would affect their Regulatory Oversight and the states efforts for achieving their environmental goals and meeting their Public Purpose Program goals. That hearing was held on february 1. We participated. It was a very well attended hearing they held it in their large capacity room. They had 800 participants signed on to their webinar for the afternoon. This was an all day event and it was packed the whole time. And so, there is definitely a lot of enthusiasm and interest demonstrated there. The 2 newest commissioners commissioner wisehaven and are commissioner dues men so was nice to see them in their new designated roles and also there was some new ccasthat came and spoke during the comment period. We were pleased to hear senators weiner. In the room. And they invited utilities including ourselves and other utility organizations that were invited by the cpuc to present in a Panel Setting of 3 panels. The cpuc is still trying to figure out how to handle the growthof ccas throughout the state and what is their regulatory responsibilities. There seems to be a worry about decentralization and their loss of the ability to control what is happening. The irus or the investors one utilities did express some concern that the ccas did not collect on these roles and given the authority that the planning on power supply a is lies on the local jurisdiction. And, we really need to stay engaged and that is what we are doing and have active dialogue with the cca leadership. And the next thing is the awareness and action of meeting local needs through their building codes and zoning or their relationships through disadvantaged communities in their localities. So a recognition where that is an area where we as a city are in a better position as an investor utilities to achieve those goals. So i just wanted to give you those takeaways there and we will have an opportunity to file comments and we will do that. We will have an opportunity on february 23 to hear that so we will do that and hear from some of the other Companies Involved with the ccas and we would like to hear their results. That is all on a webcast and id be happy to share with you the information for that webcast if you are interested. And with that that concludes my presentation i would be happy to take any questions that you may have. Commissioners any questions . Seeing none. Any questions from the public . Seeing none, mr. Cle k next item please. The next item of business is iitem 7c; the Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Program quarterly report. I just want to highlight some significant aspects of the 10 year cup on the peninsula pipeline seismic update project phase 3 and this was established under wsip and its now being completed under water cip. The San Francisco water Placement Program continues to be wrapping up and in fact were on target for about 13 miles of replacement in the city of San Francisco. The sunol longterm Improvement Project is on its way and the watershed portion is on hold until we can obtain funds for that portion. The peninsula pipe plan seismic upgrade project is in phase 3 and its scheduled for completion in fall 2017 we are in the Pilot Program phase and it scheduled for later this year and we have 2 pipelines that are under way that dale city recycled water expansion product and this a this is phase 3 of a peninsula pipeline seismic upgrade. This is near completion. The San Francisco Water Pipeline replacementproject is disruptive in the city we try to coordinate this with different agencies when a street needs to be taken up it does delay some products and we take them up expeditiously [inaudible] or allow them to remove themselves prior to the Main Construction work. And then, this is the pilot plant at the daly city recycled water plant expansion and this is Irrigation Water for daly city to be used for other public purposes. That continues the Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Program quarterly report. I would be happy to answer any questions before i move on to the wsip . Why do we have a purple tank . Thank you. Steve ritchie reminded me that purple water is for recyclable water and we want people to know thats not potable water. I knew there was a reason. Is not the water of choice. So moving right into the wsip quarterly update we are about 94 complete with the program but as i discussed with nicole sancora at bosca we are continuing to work diligently 2. The eyes and cross the tees on the project but it is still ongoing. And we continue to have a is accomplishments here and i wont read them all out to you by it we are continuing to have some activity and we are closing out some Major Projects and you know that the projects remaining one terms of construction would be the Calaveras Dam replacement. We are looking down at the left side of the valium were standing near the bottom of the valley and you will see the spillway at the top of the photo and its going from left to right and that is the right spillway wall that you see and down the end of the valley i would like to point out that we have started Dm Construction and that was last fall when it was still dry and you see the core being placed there in the middle of the photo and that is exciting because were coming out of the ground and we are not just digging a hole. We are continuing the excavation and we are finishing the routing program and we are in the process of construction. Weve had fairly set again impacts as a result of the recent storms impact instruction and you can see we have to do quite a bit of repair on this road to be ready to resume dam construction in march. This video shows releases that were made on the level outlet and after the large storms that we had back to back in january. As steve mentioned this would be 770 ft. 2 or more and these advancements will be continuing to be made from february and beyond in order to have that reservoir down to continue the construction project. Some other things that we have with the acdd we have the high creek flows and sediment buildup over intake structure we will continue to work on repairs that need to be done. Andcontinuing on to the regional groundwater storage and recovery of course we have 2 sites that have not yet been cited and we continue to work to locate viable sites in the San Bernardino area and that is one of the challenges of the program to meet those levels of service apply in there. What is the challenge with that . Is that one of geology or landowners or . The challenge is finding properties in the San Bernardino area that are willing to sell and existing wells within San Bernardino. Yeah. And then of course we of the buyer regional Habitat Restoration programs ongoing. This shows a fountain thistle site after seeding this is a rare species that is very important for us to look at. And here is one up close. That is the conclusion of my presentation will be happy to take any questions. Commissioners any questions . Seeing none,and then,any Public Comment on and mr. Wade present we seeing none,mr. Clerk, next item please. Next item is item 7 e; the sewer system Improvement Program update for the southeast Treatment Plant project. 1st i want to discuss the ssips levels of Service Goals and really what we want to focus on is the first one and that is to provide a compliant, reliable, resilient, and flexible system that can respond to catastrophic events. Everything is quite old so really the big focus for the phase 1 project is aging infrastructure and seismic reliability and so, there is an urgency to getting these projects done. And, i know that you are very familiar with the budget side of things and these are all of our phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 rolled up together and i will be highlighting the self these projects which are the top three under treatments as well as the land reuse. I also want to point out the storm Water Management projects under Collection Systems and they include the Collection Systems and advanced rainfall. I would like to discuss the Collection System upgrades, and here it with my eyes this is difficult to read but trust me the blue projects are the flooding projects and the green projects are the p

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