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But i think we are on, on my desk monitor to note that. This is the recreation and Park Commission meeting of august 18, 2022. The San Francisco rec and Park Commission acknowledges we occupant unceded home land of the Ramaytush Ohlone people the original inhabitants. We honor the peoples for enduring commitment to mother either in accordance with their traditions Ramaytush Ohlone never seed, lost nor forgotten the responsibility as caretakers of this place. As stursd of park land we recognize the honor to honor the Ramaytush Ohlone. As guests we affirm their rights at first people and pay our respects to ancestors and elders of the recommend Ram Community yoochl welcome to the recreation and Park Commission this meeting is held in hybrid format in person in city hall room 416 with options to comment remote as well. We ask you turn off Electronic Devices and take second army conversations outside for the mote to proceed. Turn down your televisions and commuters while lynching on the phone. We ask for your patience if we experience technical issues. Public comment in person and remote. Public comment will be visible for each item unless otherwise announced by the president each person will have 2 minutes on each item. Commentses or opportunity to speak are available light brown apple moth in person in 4 establish and via phone. For each item the commission will take Public Comment first from people in person and then remote. For those who will like to join remote watch it live on sfgovtv, you may provide comment by phone by calling 4158550001 using todays access code, id 2480 647 0682 when you heart agendaium would like to comment on called, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. You will be line youd up in the system. The system will notify you whennure waiting. During which time the system will be sill lent. All remain on mute until their line is open. Everyone must account for time delays. Address your comments to the commission during Public Comment to allow equal timar all no one will respond to questions during comment. The commission may ask questions of staff after Public Comment is closed. If there is an item not on the agenda today and under the jurisdiction of the commission, you may speak under general Public Comment that is item 5. And will be continued am at item 11. You may submit comment in either of the following ways. E mailing rec and park if you submit via e mail tell be you included in the file as part of the matter. Written comments sunday Postal Service to San Francisco recreation and park 501 stanion street, San Francisco, california. The following are announcements for those of you in person. Fire alarms activist evacuate using any exits the elevators will return to the first floor and not available for use if you need assistance go to the closest area directly across the hall in the mens strom there is a speaker box. Press it and city hall security will a. Let them know your location they will assist you. This meeting is recorded and be able for later viewing on sfgov. Org. We are on item 2 continuation of remote meeting. Im sorry. Do you want to explain what it is or take . I would just move it on. Is there Public Comment on continuation of remote meetings . Okay. None in person is there Public Comment on our public line . I see no hands raised. Public comment is closed. Commissioners . Is there a motion to approve. So moved. Second. All those in favor. Aye. So moved. Okay. We are on item 3 president s report. I will ask, do we have a screen that shows anything today or is this. It was on earlier. Why dont you begin while you begin i will call media service. I have a couple of items i want to cover in the president s report. I will start by saying as my want when we get letters about staff i like to let the public know that people who dot work here are being recognized. This is a letter to Eric Anderson our superintendent of parks. Drr superintendent anderson this is a letter of thanks and appreciation to your parks staff. Not only they care for our beautiful city parks daily, i encounter them daily at noe court. My mall and over crowded neighborhood park. They are almost always friendly and kinds and generous as they go about their work. 35 years ago i moved to San Francisco i was diagnosed with aids in the 80s when there was no treatment and San Francisco was the few places where i could finds a specialist. I knew i was coming here to die. There was not much hope in those days. I did not know anyone i was on my own trying to take care of myself and participating the inevitable it was a scare and he lonely time. Not long i was taking a stroll through Golden Gate Park and stopped in the rose garden i was appreciating the beauty a gardener pruning the bushes walked up and handed me roses that he had just company it was a transformtive moment in my introduction to San Francisco. Tifrt time i knew no matter what i would be all right and there were kinds people in this city withhold look after me i felt loved by my new home. I did not die back then im the few longterm survivors who liveed see their senior years. Im turning 70 next year. Hoe is a kid. I really dont know why i survived when so many others did not. The gardener might have been something to do with it my partners name is in the aids grove. The rose garden i return to and often around my birthday to admire the roses and recall that moment in time it was of my fondest memories in 35 years in San Francisco. Thank the park staff for me both for their dedication and kindness not only the gardeners but the folk who is management the trash bins and sweep the streets and managers behind the scenes they are part of what makes San Francisco this beautiful city of love. With deep appreciation, david lewis. So, congratulations to all of the staff. Yea, yea, why not. Im supposed to control these out bursts of emotion. On that note, zee a wonderful resolution of recognition i will ask commissioner loule and howl to take this one. Before i take this one, there is something i want to say about a year ago, the commissioners and ginsberg, ashley and the staff at rec and park walked my life. And so this past year we were on the 17th hole of a golf course with Larry Griffin a year ago. And we cant explain why sometimes people walk in your life at a certain time in your life. So when that happens and changes you, you have to stop and reflect. And this is what happens to me reasonable. Because i am a part and because of general manager ginsberg, he includes us all in a lot of things, there is sometimes things of you with soft bauer oral building or housing or labor. And mark we are luck tow have you, we love you. But well is a reason for everything. And it is not because i am asian. It is because you cant explain these things that happened to me when i went to rossy approximately where i learned to swim and told by the wonderful director there who is watching the entire rossy pol is watching and life guards are watching now i wanted the tv on. And michelle lee during a video that general manager ginsberg planned with Larry Griffin said hello to me and told mow about this aqua flex class and what it is is zoup bain the water. Since michelle told us that and i, myself witnessed the beautiful transformation of rossy pool and the wonderful park projects, people wuk in your life. And thats what happened. Today we are honoring someone that i met at rossy pool. Her name is Willard Harris. Am it is not willard it is not because you are 1021 2 years old it is because you are special that the rec and Park Commissionments to stop and recognize you. And commissioners, she brought like her whole fan club here. Okay so all these people here we swim. I bear low recognize you you have regular clothes on. You are not in your swim suit and willard has a hat of i like to read this resolution and give a special thanks to our liaison secretary Commission Secretary ashley summers she put a lot of work into this. Commissioner ginsburg, ashley we are blessed have you she has done so much work to put this together and together i asked morning hallucinogens and he myself. Willard harris a proud isoir most senior park users celebrated her 102nd birthday born in chicago, illinois in 1919 raised in jackson, tennessee. Received her nursing degree from the harry medical college. One of the oldest and largest historical black academic healing science centers. Received a bachelors from Tennessee State university and her masters degree from nyu. Where as after achieving incredible academic success at a time when women especially black women were not encouraged to pursue sxejz careers willard moved San Francisco in 1957. When her son was only 6 yearso. Before having her daughter, willard was hired as the of first black night supervisor at mount zion hospital. Promoted to be the director of Nursing Service in 1964. Where as willard had a distinguished career in nursing and one of her most outstanding achievements when she left to work for San Francisco hospital and established clinics in under served communities in San Francisco including potrero hill, Hunters Points and mission neighborhoodses. With the clinics established patients found themselves at San Francisco general had a safe and secure access to patient service. Previously, they would not be able to get home after 10 p. M. Cause taxi drivers nor city bus would service those areaslet in the evening am wilafterward coordinated the after drivers. Okay. She has livid more than 6 decades in haight ash bushy neighborhood where she ray raised her son and daughter attended green lighten elementary, lou and washington high school. Mother of 2 and grand mother of 5. Great grand mother of 4 parks has been in her central experience as live nothing San Francisco. Where as her most Cherished Memories of being in San Francisco parks was when she would have bbqs after church in Golden Gate Park her family and dog would spend the day enjoying each Others Company in their natural surroundings. Many years later her grandson work the carousel collecting tickets so kids and families could enjoy their day at the park. And where as, willard also served a Golden Gate Park dossent leading tours for tourists and visitors and hymning provide a rich and valuable perspective on this treasured San Francisco park. And where as before the pandemic at the age of 98 and 99, you might have found willard at 6 a. M. Walk up and down the steps 34 times around the stadium. And where as for the past 8 years, willard enjoyed the low impact and high energy work out she gets at rossy pool. Where she made lasting relationships with her fellow swimmers including our very own commissioner vanita loule. And willard appointed by the mayor to serve on the disability and aging services commission. Where she provided her unique experience as a senior black woman and health care professional. To improve San Francisco for all. Now, therefore be it resolved the members of the recreation and Park Commission on behalf of the employees and citizens of the city of San Francisco, do hear by gratefully recognize Willard Harris contributions to the people of the city and express great appreciation for her career and dedication to her family and an accomplishments that have significantly elevated the quality of life for all people in San Francisco. Congratulations, Willard Harris [applause] okay. Willard. I wanted to let you know that willard she does not need help in the pool to get in the pool or come out of the pool. Dont touch me. Dont touch me, i can do it. Sfgovtv can you put the photo up on the monitor for us so we can see it . One more. Thank you. Welcome. Welcome. Can you hear me now. We can. I really before i start, i wanted to know where did you get all of that information. What you have done you sparred it for me thats what i was going to say on my piece of paper. So now you will have to hear it again. But i do welcome you and thank you for such an honor. I also. To give special thanks to the audience to my sisters and the work to my daughter to my priest, to all of you. I thank you so much for being here. It is such a pleasure to have you here. I also have to give special shout out to my new best friends. Commissioner vanita loule. [applause] i do thank you for being my friends. You all know and heard, i am 1021 2. Years old. I always stress that half with humility and gratitude. It is thank the lord, one more day. And i do appreciate it. I you said before, i lived in the Haight Ashbury district for over 60 years. I seen many changes here in this city. Some for the best and some not for the best at this time. But hai have decided to do is to repeat what reverend Jesse Jackson said, lets keep. So folks on the line we can hear you so if you can mute amming yourself. Sfgovtv if you can keep an eye out. Thanks. Lets keep hope arc live. I also try very hard to follow a physical and mental education derivatives. As a matter of fact, around 6 or 6 30 in the morning prior to the pandemic you found me Walking Around the stadium up the steps and down the steps. Looking at the beautiful sky, admiring gods work. Looking at the flours that creep up between the cracks, pay no attention to the people running beside me i kept walk. I have been hit in my car. Go back up the hill. Grab my newspaper, cup of coffee and hop back in bed. I forgot to tell thank you in this cup of coffee i had a smidge of brandy. As a matter of fact my doctor asked me, do you drink, i said, yes. How much. I said a smidgeon. He say what is is a smidgeon. I said check with [inaudible]. Again, i do love the Golden Gate Park. And as you said already, it was on sundays that we would go to the park, i would grab a bench that had a grill, the upon children run around on the beautiful grass playing. Me doing the hot dog and hamburger. My husband lying there enjoying life. But never the less, it was a Beautiful Day the dog running. Know wonderful. Back in those days, moneyy was tight this was entertainment and also free. We would laugh and have so much fun. Speak of laughter i just discovered that the laughter is now taught in our colleges. Laughter is good for pain. Laughter is good for stress. And we dont laugh that much. Again, i say how many of you have laughed today . Even yesterday. There is laughter is very important. Let me tell you a little joke. [laughter]. There was a husband and wife 3 oclock in the morning, pouring down rain. And they hear someone say, i need a push. And the husband said, no way im not getting up doing purke. The wife said now you remember, when we needed a push someone helped us with our car. Okay i will do that. He gets up and goes to the front door he dont see the car. You need a push. The yes, i need a push. Where are you. Im on the swing in your backyard. So i said that there come a time in our life we all need a push. We need a push to get up and get going in the morning. We need a push to finish that article. We need a push for our children. We push them to go to school. Push them to go back to school. We need a push. What i dont need a push to go to rossy pool. I have been going to rossy pool for over at least 7 or 8 years. Michelle and her staff are absolutely wonderful. My aerobic teacher, chuck, a wonderful instructor. And we can only thank michelle and that staff. They watch over us from the time we get this that pool to the time we get out. Someone is right there watching to make sure we are safe. Minds you, i cant swim. But one of my instructors, suzanne, said to me years ago issue dont worry about swimming you just get in the water and do what you can do. Dont worry about hasomeone else is doing. You do what you can do. And of course i followed the instruction of mr. Arthritis. I raised one leg up and one down. Sometime its is the knee, sometimes the back but im in the water and enjoying it i dont go further than 4 and a half feet in the pool. Sometimes i wander down further. But i got pool people here. Willard, get back in your lane. You are drifting too far. Im asked so many times, what is secret to my longevity. I dont have a secret. I feel truly that im a cond wit that im a vessel for the good lord to send messages through. I pray daily that i will be filled with the spirit of joy and happiness. That i may be a will cup of strength to some other people. I do practice, however, the old addage do to others you have them do to you. I arc void stress at any cost. I feel imtoo blessed to be stressed. [laughter] i also practice forgiving. I try to forgive others and not only for give myself for things that may be i might have done. And what i have held on to. So i said dont hold on. Let go. Let god. I urge that you laugh a lot. Be kinds to your neighbors and one thing dont forget, upon dont take your pain in advance. Because tomorrow is really not tomorrow. It is today. So i say to all of you, upon upon lets enjoy the day and by the way, a smidgeon will not hurt. Thank you very much. [applause] the resolution and the commissioners go ahead commissioner general manager ginsburg. On were ms. Harris that was beautiful you are a celebrity over there. And it was so beautiful and i have and commissioner loule thank you for making a friends. We like to say in rec and park we try to make a friend every day. You have taken hato heart. I have a question for you, i see that you have 4 great grandchildren. And 5 grandchildren. How do you apply to be number 6. I would like to be your sixth grand child. I have no answer for that. Anyway, thank you very much shall we get a photo . Yes. Willard harris fan club can go home the rest the meeting will be less exciting. Im not. You are on. Ms. Willard . Can i request you a question. Out of all your achievements, it is the Haight Ashbury guy. Out of all of your achievements the one that struck me was when you left mount zion to go to work for sf general and establish the clinics around San Francisco. That was historic. That was absolutely amazing. You took health care out in the neighborhoods and i wonder what your feeling was about this. I felt that it was such a need and when i left mount zion we had carbel floor and this and that. Over at journey we did in the have it and pigeons were sitting on the steps i said to myself, if i get this job, no more patients will sit on the steps. Well make change and put clinics because that was the purpose of my going over there is to establish clinic. In the yours that was most needed and potrero hill, Hunters Point and the mission. So the clinics idea was through a grant and the clinics were if we proved they were worthwhile the city would take them over and now the city is running the clinics. Maam, i applaud you. Thank you. Thank you. [applause]. Thank you. I 2 items in the report swovnl that i would like to acknowledge our general manager who yesterday i believe the senate of the state of california approved by 37nothing a second term on the state Parks Commission as the vice chairman. Congratulations. And i believe commissioner anderson if she is still on the line will give us a brief update on camp mather. Hello president. Im sorry for commotion i forgot to mute. Not a problem. [laughter]. So hello, everybody i wanted to say, thank you, commissioner loule for bringing us a wonderful friend and i am going to follow all of your advice. So im at camp mather. I think most know what it is, it is our family camp up here in San Francisco. It is owned and maintained bite city and county of San Francisco and the yosemite park. It was built for the workers for the reservoir and the dam provides beautiful tasty water we have in San Francisco. We, commissioners get a chance to come up here for a week. I did in the realize i picked a week that included a commission meeting, im thrilled report this is the last week, week 11. The staff here are wonderful. They bond amazingly. We have a low everybody guests this week i think because it includes the beginning of school. So we only have 175 people here in years past at full capacity we had 485 people. A logical conclusion is the good week to put in for and the let real to get in the camp is the request week 11. There have been a few interesting animal sightings here and want you to know that everyone purposely safe. We ask people to look where they walk. Our camp manager sydney who is trowel an angel here, Everybody Loves her. She is a capable woman. I think she has been coming here since she was a child and now on staff here. She wrangled 3 rattlesnakes. Wants everyone to know that and safely transported to miles and miles away. And had a bear sighting but he just wanted food. Everyone does a great job of keeping food and garbage contained and the bears depart when they know they cant get interesting. Staff name themselves after florala and fawna i hung out with thunder and river and robin and robin last name hood does archery. We have many great things to do here temperature is not just show and up 3 your stuff in a cabin. We have activity ands wonderful food. 3 hots and a cot for sure. Great dining hall and staff. Great kitchen staff. Plenty of life guards for birch lake and the pool temperature is a fabulous time. Do you have questions about camp mather . No. All right. I think turns 100 in 1925 or 1927. I think we should have a big party. What do you say, general manager. Right on. Madam vice president. Thank you very much kat and enjoy your vacation. [laughter]. Thank you. Have a great meeting. And that concludes the president s report, which is the longest in the history of rec and Park Commission. It was the funnest one is there Public Comment on the president s report in room 416 . Any hands raised on the line. You can unmute them. You have 2 minutes to speak. Hi. I want to thank you all for authorizing the dredging emergency dredging of the west harbor. I did sends a letter, bruce this is im sorry this is comment on the president s report. I think that would im sorry. Thats okay. No worries. Just a few minutes, thank you. They called on me. As a reminder, we are still on the president s report item 3. We will be at general Public Comment on item 5. If there is no other hands, i will say that Public Comment on the president s report is closed. We are now on item 4 the general managers report good morning, what a great president s report. President buell, sometimes the long report there is fruit. So i have a few items for you today. Not only did we just celebrate a 1021 2 year old icon of the community but on friday, i was thrilled to be a part of the celebration and commemoration of David Johnson a 96 year old icon of our community. It was the dedication ceremony for the Harvey Center new named David Johnson photo center. As you recall because commissioners, this body approved the naming of the photo center. David johnson wassancel adams first africanamerican intern. And spent his career documenting most point did a lot but mostly spent a chunk of career documenting the displace am from redevelopment in his film. Mr. Johnson and family in attendsance and scott wean and dean preston. We presented mr. Johnson with a plaque honoring him for his work. As i noted, mr. Johnsons career is extraordinary. One of the citys most iconic photographers. His work gives us a look tot vibrancy of every day life in a black fillmore district from the 40s and 50s and the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s. We were thrilled convene this honor. And i tell you between mr. Johnson and ms. Harris i have great hope for you know may be catching [inaudible]. Both of them are still moving with incredible verb and vigor late in their it was love low and thank you, commission for honoring David Johnson in this way. The item is called music every where. Earlier this month our most amounted your low events was held at Golden Gate Park marking the return to the normally scheduled august time slot. Left year it was pushed october due to pandemic setbacks. Outside landses contributed 31 Million Dollars to our budget since 2008 enabling you to hire a full time gardener. Maintain open spaces and offer scholarships to reCreation Programs. The festival weekend infused the citys economy with estimated 71 Million Dollars a needed jolt. And then the past saturday free out door festival at the jerry garcia theatre in honor of the 20th jerry day. The grateful deads Legacy History has been intwined with magic of music since the 1967 in Golden Gate Park the popular stern grove Music Festival the longest rung out door music vest valin the bay area completed 85th season with a performance by phil lash. Commissioner dwrifin was there. It is sad to see this San Francisco summer staple close up but excited see what next year brings and a shout out to stern grove chair and their executive director for extraordinary cooperation and partnership. It was hard year coming become for the first time and leadership was incredible and the partnership is strong. Then on august 27th the new south free Concert Series kicks off with death haven and marvel eye 2 bands that commissioner buell follow. This concert marks the reattorney of the Music Festival cancelled due to the pandemic in 2020 and 21. Runs through october and has a diverse lineup. And then on top of all this, weekly Live Performances continue at Golden Gate Park stage through the lift every voice by e illuminate featuring music like rock, jazz, blues and more. The free concerts include wednesday jazz and soul friday happy hour. Cultural and community and reggae sunday through november of 22 and just around the corn are back after it ises own pandemic break first awayed of october hardly strictly bluegrass. Lots and lots of music inner parks these days. Updates on indz everindian basin. The project partners held friday teen nights the Family Friendly event on july 29 august 5 and 12. Offered games for kids in the bay view. Build on the india Basin Development plan to engage baby residents and ensure they other benefactors of the park project. We are grateful to the partners and Leadership Community make the events possible. Special shout out to the Randolph Institute and their wonder leader jackie flynn and her talented staff for their work. We had 100 people a night at the 3 eventses they were successful. I wanted announce that the San Francisco Parks Alliance also is part of our india basin activation efforts set to host the free sundown cinema events this friday show case the hit disney film and sing along enconto. And then with the Construction Firm now approved the contractor for the project participate holding a grounds breaking event in midseptember and got a Community Day out at india basin on august 20th a week from saturday. We invite torn join us at that. We are excited the shore line habitat are cleand and construction on the new project can begin. Few more updates. Late last month district 4 supervisor mar intruzed legislation to keep the great highway car free on friday afternoon, weekends and holidays lasting through the end of 2025. A year ago mta and reshg and park examined how the upper great highway could work as a promenade. Applications required by ceqa once the board approved mars study. Staff will apply for a permit. During the pilot study staff and mta collect information like usage data and public feedback. The great highways longterm future. Travellers may have noticed change in Golden Gate Park on minuted rec and park and mta opened a new traffic flow pattern between chain of lakes and sunset. This new configuration is to give vehicles an option to exit east lane on mlk and sunset boulevard. Concrete barriers were installod mlk for a separated space for people on foot or bike. The past couple of days add additional barriers and roadway mark torse protect pedestrians and cyclists and create traffic flow for all this is a work in progress and do our best to balance Public Safety need in this space. [speaking fast]. Rec and park implemented new measures to more effectively surprise projects on properties. This mont the Controllers Office found reshg and park did not over see the ports smith parking garage project managed by port smith parking co operation. It exceeded the budget and not completed. We agree. That more city oversight was needed for the project. Then board of volunteer supervisors with the port smith the p pc board was able to find new contracts without notice to us. Moving forward pp pc will not manage to the improve am projects. We are setting up a process and procedures for the new pp pc board including ensure the pp pc would not be able to enter in contracts without rec and park approval. So, we learn. And we move forward. Finally, registration for fall activities opens this saturday at 10 a. M. Everything from city wide youth Girls Basketball and first open classes at the ropes course and more. A great time and never too late says Willard Harris to try something new. That concludes the general manager report. Commissioner, general manager ginsburg when you were out of town in july there was a soccer match. Between the Chinese National team and the San Francisco night hawks, i know you are familiar. But i want to sallow a very busy commissioner loule. She worked behind the scenes along with beverly to make it a very enjoyable day. Commissioner griffin and myself we joined here and was great weather and great crowd tremendous crowd and also a very competitive match. Again, shout out to commissioner loule for her work on this day. Before we go. Thank you to the 3 commissioners for being there. It was an extraordinary everextraordinary moment for youth soccer. Their head coach once plays young, did you tell sock in San Francisco and being who we are, helped am the head coach with a visa so she could remain and coach in the u. S. Before returning to china. Why she was returning the favor by bring the team to San Francisco. From all i could observe it was an extraordinary crowd and life low dame thank you to you commissioner loule for helping to organize the upon event. Thank you. Commissioner, go ahead. Im sorry. I wanted say, you did have am representation there because general manager ginsburgs daughter with the purple head band followed her. I watched her. Good thing she had something bright and purple. She is the soccer [inaudible]. We enjoyed watching your daughter participate. Her athletic ability come from her mother thank you, commissioner griffin. I had a question for general manager begins bufrmg regarding the report about the portsmith square issue you said now contracts coming to rec and park, for approval. Will that be staff or commission . Staff, Commission Sees approvals as commission always have seen. These were for change orders. You did approve this project. And the this is a unique situation the board has a long history of managing this and have preferred to manage it independently. So, as the controller pointed out there need to be additional controlseen when a nonprofit as a long history in a space. It is continues to be it is department and the commissions responsibility to make sure that space is well stewardd and improve am projects are delivered appropriately. Thank you. Commissioner jones. Quickly and apologize i missed the july meeting wanted to recognize the department i got to have the funt to participate in San Francisco pride parade with San Francisco rec and park and a big shout out to an maria. My middle child and i had a great time the return of sudden fran pride was well received. Everybody loved had rec and park came everyone was excited and if there are any of those nechl pride rec and park shirts left i suggest getting one. Well make sure that all commissioners are blessed with some pride. Thank you very much. So lets do Public Comment on the general managers report. Is there Public Comment on the general managers report in room 416 . If you are on our line, can you dial story 3 to be added to the queue. Ir dont see callers. Public comment is closed. Okay. We are on item 5 general Public Comment this will be continued to item 11. Items address on items of interest to the public within the subject merit jurisdiction of the commission and not on the agenda. So if you like to provide comment during general Public Comment dial star 3 to be added. Bruce if you are there, this is the time. Do we have any comment in room 416 . Items not on the agenda. Do we have any, 2 raised hands. Great. Unmute the first caller, you will have 2 minutes. Good morning i would like to ask the commissioners if they could explain how park resource are protected from environmental hazards. Not longterm affects im referring to specific immediate environmental problems. I will give you an example. This park potrero del solused to be another park. Then [inaudible] and now it is potrero del sol. If this is all is good no water or soil problems clean. Im sorry i think this is please mute the caller for me. This sfgovtv please mute the caller. I apologize for muting you. That is related to item 10. I think we will have people who will want to speak on the 1458 san bruno shadow item or potrero park will be on item 10 this is reserved for items not on todays agenda. I apologize if that was not clear. We have one more caller. Unmute the next caller. This is bruce. On the dredging thanking you for arranging that so the harbor is more open. Unfortunately they keep dredging the wrong place. And they close to the [inaudible] they channel it south which is [inaudible] the coast guard [inaudible] is only has been [inaudible]. Dredged. And both continue on the ground there. [inaudible] [cannot understand speaker] [voice breaking up] frontage road [inaudible]. Bruce your cutting in and out. Bruce, bruce im sorry you are cut nothing and out a bit im happy if the president allows to extend time. If you can repeat what you said in the last 20 seconds or so. Bruce it is hard to hear you. If you are speaking we cant hear. Yea. Find a better place for reception and call back under general Public Comment at the sends of the meeting. Okay. Sfgovtv if you could mute the caller. Thank you. Im sorry bruce, it was hard to hear you. So i suggest calling back or waiting until item 11 when we have comment again. You are welcome to e mail us as well. I know you have our e mail address. We will hope to hear from you during number 11. Do we have other raised hands, sfgovtv . Thank you for everyones patience with technical difficulties. No further callers, Public Comment is closed. Weer item 6 the consent. Is there Public Comment in room 416 . Okay. Is there any raised hands on the public line . No call are, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners. Entertain a motion. Moved. And seconded. All in favor . Aye. So moved. Thank you. Okay. We are on item 7 the San Francisco zoo report. Good morning. I want to say a was honored be here for that commemoration. And i could listen to her stories all day. A quick report. We had a new [inaudible] calf we welcomed in the 3 acre african savannah with i birth on july 26. Tony fired the female madisons calf we have 2 calf in our exhibit. This is the eighth off spring she syriaed madison is the mother this makes her a grand mother as well. Following a visit by the Council General of indzniesia welcomes their ambassador a male camoto dragon hatched on december fourth of 21 and very smart, quick to respond to training and very fast. He weighs 13 poundses males can weigh up to 300 poundses he is in quarantine. March the penguinos august 6 the most popular events 5 penguin chicks 2 female and 3 male graduated from fish school they learn to eat fish by hand and socialize and learn to swim. Council general of ukraine named one chick nadia meaning, hope. On august first we celebrated male western gor ail birthday. Oj dismanualing a colorful house. Included a special bananatree [inaudible] and a book called oscars adventure book like the movie. We celebrate the 14th birthday of male black rhino with a construction theme events that included watermelon and ice cake made of carrots and Sweet Potatoes and regular diet. The hit the nail on the head and did a great job of raising the roof. We teamed with sfpd for National Night out the purpose to enhance the relationship between neighbors and Law Enforcement bringing back a true sense of community. The events was an opportunity top bring police and neighbors together under positive s. Added to the festivities with a booth that had a conversation, coloring station for kids and an opportunity to take a picture with everyones favorite penguin mascot character. Hosted 180 youth and chaperons from united play. A violence prevention Youth Development organization to provide a safe environment and adult sprnth academic and leadership skills to prevent the kid from reentering the justice system. Many are children of incarcerated individuals. Ol saturday august 13th the Childrens Heart Foundation had a fundraising walk raising money for research for Heart Disease in children. A record 559 participates and 60 volunteers double of last years numbers. Walked around the zoo during the morning under a 5 k this is the third time hosting at our site. August 10 world lion day to raise aware knows the conversation of lions and highway light the plight facing them. 2 lions mother and son, were treated enrichment. Bed from this family farm and bones and meat treats. Upcoming events, we have a zootoner event september through november a time when we have a hay maze out. And weekend of entertainment and beer garden. Zoom be the awayed of october 29 and 30 with the popular costume contest. Pumpkin treats for animals and candy to guests and weekend of animal holiday presentations. Tomorrow if you are keeping score it International Orangutan day is there Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Commissioner loule. Next year, when you have night out at the zoo, can you make a mental note to upon invite commission it sounds like a fun night and fun place to celebrate. Good idea. And honor our police. Thank you. All right weer item 8. San francisco parks plan. 2223 annual supportful good morning im lisa branson the director of partnership and of rec and park and here to commission authorized the department to accept 90 thousand dollars in annual support from funding generated throughout department and the parks arc lines Bench Program. To benefit program and Department Operations for fiscal year 2223. A little about this item this is not the first time you have seen this. There have been a number of changes in the way this funding is over seen by the city. We worked through those and that is coming back with this request. As you a little bit of back grounds you recall in may of 21, the department enter in the an mou with parks that governs this support. And laid out transparency requirements. Special that was an iary mou with the opportunity for 2, one year extensions and since this time we did do a year extension. Now that mou covers through july of 2023. Through may of 2023. And in january of this year the commission did approve acceptance of 90 thousand dollars in support for fiscal year 2122. And we since submitted quarter low reports on the use of those funds. And as directed by mou and almost complete with this years spending and on september 30th, we will submit a reconciled annual report to the commission on the use of the 21 22 funds. So, per terms of the mou, our staff worked with Parks Alliance in 2022 to forecast the expected support needs for fiscal 22 23 and did bring a proposed budget of 390 thousand dollars. And asked the commission to recommend that the board approve that. But in between the time the commission did make that recommendation to the board, and the next stretch going to the board the city enacted behested payment legislation that prevented us from working with the Parks Alliance on projects funded with the grant putting us in a complicated position. So, arch consulting with the City Attorney determined this since a number of the funds that the Parks Alliance provides the department in support are generated bite Bench Program. Which is determined to be a business relationship and not a fill tlopic relationship. They can be used for annual support. We come become to and ask that you approve 90 thousand dollars in annual support to cover the projects that are deemed appropriate in the mou we have with the Parks Alliance. And so earlier this month the Parks Alliance confirm in the wroiting they can provide up to 90 thousand dollars in support just from proceeds of the Bench Program and that is why we are here for this request. I will show when you we are talking about. This is the proposed budget for the 90 thousand dollars. Prospective budget that rec and park finance staff and Partnership Staff works with each division of the department to get animate for this year. The funds are distributed through a check request process signed off by the requesting Division Head and director of administration and finance. Expenditures are reported quarter low throughout the fiscal year and at the end of this fiscal year you will seat actual expenditure of the funds. I will share a few highlights what this funding supports. About 17, 500 you saw will support youth develop. Green ager offers teens in the southeast or northeast neighborhoods paved leadership opportunities. And 10 son Learning Center promotes academics, health and wellness ands Economic Development through the sport of tennis. It spments Community Event this is allow staff to add elements to Community Events extravaganza and scare grove. And pleased that this december be hosting world cup soccer and the funds will be used to support this as well. The funds support our park bench maintenance program. This program has been on hold until we work through the legal implications of the behested payment legislation and we are both on the department and parks land are eager to open this up. Parks alliance, which deals with donors reports they heard from 75 Community Members who had been interested in putting politicalos benches through this program and had to get on a long wait list for that. So it is not only this program is in the only a source of fund raising but an person resource for resident hos want to honor friends and family in San Francisco parks. And this funding supports Department Rec and facilities. Mobile rec wall which was acquired through a donation. Does need fill thereuponic support for the recertification. And in fact, when the funds were stalled, we had to put away the mobile rock wall for several months. And then the funds support our volunteer promise. They allow the department to add a layer of excellence to people who invest in parks. It is important, even though it is volunteer programs 2500 dollars it allows the materials. Supplies. Water and other thing this is make the eventses more special. Lastly the funds support that minot be last. They support staff develop allow us to go to an extra conference or extra class and also support Employee Recognition ask appreciation. Picture is a High School Student who payment in the the work Creation Program getting an arc worried we were able to provide with this Previous Year funding. And to summarize, today staff are recommending the commission authorize the department to accept up it 90 thounz in annual support from funds held and commemorated by Bench Program to support important programs for the parks. I did want to energy if we do determine in working with Parks Alliance there are additional funds from the Bench Program and religious pd has needs that could be funded in this way we may come back later this year and for to request this you recommend that the board approve the next bunch funding if we go over 100 thousand dollars that will trigger the necessity for board prove. Well take that next step when we get there. The programs are so important we wanted to take this first stem and i will let you know because the city stearn my best friends but the approach was with the City Attorney, so we are doing this in a new way. I guess if you indulge me i wanted to thank the admin in finance team at rec and park and my team. Nathan here is here, taking what has been a fairly routine program and will approval and finding a creative way to get the department the resources that really do adjust a little bit of special sauce. To the service that we try to provide for San Francisco. And with that, im happy to take questions thank you very much. Questions mr. Ginsburg you have your hand up . Do we want to do Public Comments. Public comment first. Why okay. Is there Public Comment on this item in room 416 . Seeing none. Anyone with their hand raised . None. Mr. Ginsburg. Commissioners you should just know how lucky the rec and Park Department is to have lisa branson at the helm of our partnership dill vision. You know, lots of noise and this, this and the other this is has the potential to distract us from our work, it was distracting. And lots of challenges and cultivating partnerships and support for all of the program and place am and Staff Development that we do that makes this department so special. Right. And i cannot think of someone with more of vision alignment and integrity. Resilience and painstaking attention to detail to guide us than lisa. She deserves this commission thanks and our departments thanks but our citys thanks. Thanks. [laughter]. Thank you very much. Commissioner loule. We want to thank you and nathan, i know him very well. Left time i had a shovel and weeding in china town. And he was a project manager. I am proud of your departmentful i know you guys have been working double time with the legislation. And finding ways to keep our parks beautiful. Its not easy. So we want to commends you in putting the effort and i agree, all of us agree and we want to thank general manager ginsburg, thanks. Thank you, commissioner griffin. Thank you, so much for all that you do and the report you gave today. Upon im sorry im total low confused with this new behest legislation. Join the club. How are we affected in we vote affirmative for this . You are not affected at all this is completely in accordance with the departments in the citys new policies. Okay. With City Attorney approval. I will take your word. I still dont understand. All of this was approved by the City Attorney. We are in a world where we vet everything very closely. So. Great. Thank you. And to that end a thanks to the City Attorneys office and to our general counsel who has guided us and also engage in the pain steak detail and rerowel to help us navigate the new requirements and laws and all that. Thank you. Yea. So, on that note, the chair would entertain a motion to approve accept thanksgiving money from the. So moved. Second. All in favor . Aye. So moved. Thank you, lisa. Thank you. We are on item 9. Gene friend Recreation Center contract award. Good morning. Commissioners and general manager. Melinda sullivan project manager rec and park capitol and planning division. Item before you today is discussion and possible action to award a contract for a construction manager general contractor or cmgc services for the gene friends rec project builders not guilty amount of up to 38 million 998 thousand. This meets our goals of inspiring public space and inspiring play. Gene friends rec center also lovingly referred to by neighbors and stake holders soma rec is located 270, sixth street on folsom and sixth. An acre site open in the 1990. Activity room. Weight room and auditorium. Begin nothing 2014, rec and park per inned with trust for public land. And we embarkod a Feasibility Study looking at 4 tiers of how we could intervene if a cosmetic. To a new, larger facility. Happy to say that as a team we went with the full new large are facility. You are probably aware this neighborhood is experiencing growth. And the existing facility also services a critical need with after School Program with core steak hold and drop in and senior activities et cetera. You arc propped a Concept Design for expansion in september of 2019 after Robust Community out reach and planning process. The grant from trust Republic Land covered design and Engineering Services through Concept Design completion only of the project sat for arc while and then with the passage of the twenty 20 health and core bond we had 30 Million Dollars for the project. With this commitment of funding we prepared a request for proposal for architect and Engineering Team and award to a new team the mark hab nero joint venture. [inaudible] and they are currently revisiting the Concept Design special wrapping up schemes next among the nature the project, soil conscience, et cetera rec and park staff determined the project requires expertise and skill. Which should be procured with an alternate method rather than the traditional design bid build. The city after careful review of other options elected air construction manager project delivery method. In accordance with code, this required our general manager to review and sends this letter to public works team. This was approved. This will be rec and parks first time having this type of contract in house. It has been used with a few other recent public works projects you are familiar including the animal care and control center this opened on bryants street. The Traffic Company and forensic divisionom evans avenue a huge public work project and Community Upon center on evanses which is just wrapping up. Staff expect this method of project delivery which construction and counsel integrated in design opposed to time of award during construction will increase the budget control and cost control of the project and make for more collaborative effort. The Contractor Team come on boarded end of design and they will look at procurement time frames and say, okay this system this you want will come from 6,000 miles away and take 5 months here is another. They are weigh nothing early on. We conducted a robust selection. Issued a request for questions of law sxifkz proposals joint low in march. 2022. And a Selection Panel of 2 representatives from rec and park and 2 from public works reviewed written proposals and interviews. It was a competitive process. And the contractor ferms were impressive and we also another benefit is that it allows for cost and noncost criteria to be factors in the selection of the contractor. Half of the points awarded to the low bid and the other half to the criteria the qualifications scored. We had an option to choose hat split was and thought this wassor first time weep want to be comfortablive and factor in cost and qualifications. Public works contract staff open contractor bid and reviewed. The proposals were scored. And all compliance was scored. This will be a pla project subject to the citys project Labor Agreement and working with officer of labor standards and public works to get that paperwork starts. Notice of intent to award letter sent on june first of 22. We presented award a discussion only at Capitol Committee in june and due to the recess in july we are coming back in august. Scope of services includes a general contractor to come on board during design and called their core trade subcontractors mechanical, electric and plumbing and subcontractor on board to provide input. This is the Preconstruction Service phase. And anticipate issuing notice to proceed by early october pending your approval. They will lead the team and they will work with their core trade subcontractors the remaining trade work the cmgc100 percent construction documents and will bid out that work with over sight rec and Park Department. Funding source for the whole project include in kinds grant of half Million Dollars from trust Republic Land. 2020 health and recovery bond and Development Impact fees received and not available. Development impact fees are not available from soma plan and another due to pandemic market impacts. Staff work hard to identify Financing Options to cover the possibility that the impact Development Impact fees are not available at the time. Issuing those to proceed for construction service. We identified following sources to fulfill the funding gap including impact fees and additional 2020 recovery bond money. I will hand the baton to our Division Manager stacie brad low to talk in more about that. Againful pending approval today we anticipate bringoth contractor for Preconstruction Services by early october. We have been working since 2014 with stake holers united plays with bay soma filipino hut service centers. In touch with mid Market Community benefit sdrivenlth corpy supervisor hane and he current sprieshz dorse support project. Il hand is over to direct of plan to speak on funding. Happy to answer questions, thank you. Thanks. I wanted share quickly the financing plan that was in your staff memo from melinda. It is so important we decide to provide bridge funding until funds are available through the impact fee district. We use cash on hand approximate impact fees received. The current cash is went 11th and natomah Park Development funds. That will come over to the appropriations for gene friend. We have the appropriation for the full 25 Million Dollars we are anticipating from the cent roll soma impact fee. We are also using more fundses from health and recovery bonds reimbursed for the projects once the impact fees arrive. Money from the buckets and 2 programs buckets that are arc lined with the project deliver. So play grounds and sustainability. And then a bit of extra from open space funds, the undesignated reserve and the Downtown Park upon funds. Well be with you in a join hearing with Planning Commission that will schedule probably either in later this year or early next year. We are here i wanted share more about that. The project is irrelevant important and want to make sure we can deliver and not have a delay in the delivery. Thank you, stacie. Commissioner mazzola. Yes. I had a question, thank you very much for your report. And all the hard work you and your staff have done on this item. We appreciate t. I had a question, did you say the subcontractor package is in the out for bid yet. Correct. Well, 2 part answerful the Preconstruction Service for general contractor and tw subcondition tractors identified core trade subcontractors nep and also deep Foundation Structure ral. They are all on board for preconstruction. Others will be brought on for construction via trade packages. Usually in the past asked for subcontractor lists. I have not seen them on they were not on any today. Thats one thing. Will but like to see nel in the packets. There is a reason why it is in the in the packet this is the first time we have done this type of project. We dont we were bringing on [inaudible] to help with the final stage of preparing construction docks and put it out to bit p. Theyll be the gc and the 2 core trades and make sure that next time we do a c fshgs mg we include the subsidiary. The reason you dont see them they have not been identified yet. I appreciate that. I like to see those in the future. The couple item number upons within the consent i dont think i saw a list on them. If you could provide them in the future. No problem. I have another award coming in assessment. Thank you. Commissioner griffin. Do you want to take comment before we ask more questions. I was not going to ask a question. 48 years ago when i started getting involved in civic activities and all that stuff, i had the occasion of meeting gene friends and getting to know him a bit and it is exciting that 48 years later, im voting on redoing the rec center built on his behalf. And it kinds of tugs at the heart strings. I wanted express that tug away. Thank you. Why with that, i dont see other questions go to Public Comment. Do we have Public Comment on 416 . Come on up you have 2 minutes. Would it be okay fiintroduce this person about to speak this is tim. Will tim worked 30 plus years for rec and Parks Department. He was the lead director at gene friends rec center which was so many am had tim was in charge support rpd representative rung San Francisco youth baseball for the entire city. So tim, welcome. Thank you. Okay. I want to good morning commissioner and president. Good morning. And general manager ginsburg. I wanted to urge your passport for this project. The center, although was 25 years old is run down it is used a lot an awful lot. Hi was first there we got 300 kids a day. And this was before anything else was there. Kept kids off the street. Now they have upon take over the programming. And they had a Summer Program this i believe had 250 kids there during the summer. And through my years there there has never been. There used to be gang issues. When that center opened the gang issues disappeared. Any gang in south of market came from somewhere else. The kids had somewhere to g. They were kept busy. Had a social aspect. Met friends. Respected us. And you know it also helped the homeless was helped, lot started hanging out there. And they were not big burden on the businesses. In south of market. Right. And as long as they behaved i welcomed them. You think and than i were big watchdogs for the rec center tell mow if something was up. Like the kids they would tell me. There will be a fight in 20 minutes and it is helped. And i hope that urge you to okay this project and support it. Thank you thank you very much. Are there other speaker in room 416 . Seeing none do we have raised hand on the public line . 2 raised hands. Okay. Combenlsmentes to raise hands press star 3. You have 2 minutes. Hi. Good morning, commissioners im Heather Phillips im a member of the friends of gene friend and victoria parks. And im just wanted to come and give my support for this project. We have been working with the trust Republic Land melinda and folks since 2014. And there hen a tremendous amount work a tremendous Amount Community engage am for stake holders. And we are so excited to be at the place where we are hiring a contractor, we can start to see this beautiful plan to fruition. And im just voicing my support and hoping you will support this much needed renovation in the south of market. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. Happy almost noon. Commissioners. And staff im michelle [inaudible] with united players and the friends of gene friends and [inaudible] and a summer resident i live 2 blocks from the rec center. And tim this is our only rec center in the south of market. And so we support this project moving forward. We wrapped up Summer Program free 8 week program for kids to have snrp safe to be it is for kids and a place our homeless Community Members can charge phones and use the perform. We are excited they are moving forward. Im glaud you were able to see that picture. You know we have kids here some never been to the zoo. An hour long bus ride we appreciate the support we got. We are happy to continue to be a partner in this neighborhood to make sure that the facilities and communities are getting the resources they needs. I love to also all of you do an amazing halloween carnival and want you to come out and 3 candy at kids. It is a fun time it is in the safe for kids to trick or treat we create something to have that childhood experience i appreciate all the support we get and you all thank you. Thank you. We have one more speaker. We, too are call nothing support of the item and excited see this going forward. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. No further callers Public Comment is closed. Commissioners. So moved. All in favor . Aye. So moved. Thank you. We are now on item 101458 san bruno avenue and james play ground. [speaking fast]. I can get the power point, please. Thank you, and good morning, commissioners im chris towns im with rec and parks planner capitol and planning division. Joined by elis from the San Francisco Planning Department. The project planner on this case. And our presentation will provide you with the summary of the development at 1558 san bruno avenue. And shadow affects on 2 parks under the jurisdiction of the rec and Park Department. Potrero del solpark and james junior play ground. Reviewpoint shadow cast by this project supports 1. 2 of the Strategic Plan to strengthen the ps and facilities. For a shared policy and code context. Prop circumstance aimed protecting park from the shadow impacts. Was approved by voter in 1984. Lead to the adoption of planning code section 295. In 1985, prohibits the City Building permits structures greater than 40 feet in height that would cast a shadow under the jurisdiction of rec park unless planning after consultation with rec and park, findses the shadow would not have a Significant Impact on the use of the park property. In 1989, the rec and Park Commission and planning adopted what is referred to the 1989 memo. Identified quantitative and qualitative criteria for significant shadows. Shadow is measures multiploying the area of the shadow the airport of time the shadow is present on open space. Units square foot hours. The determining the net use shadow load generated begins with the calculation of the square foot hours in the open space. Each day from an hour after sunrise to an hour before sunset over the course of the year this total is referred to thenual Available Upon sunlight. For that park. The second step is calculation of the base line or current shadow conditions. Factors the square foot hours of shadow cast by buildings and structures on that open space. And left low the shadow affects the project calculation with the baseline shadow and the project shadow conscience considering the new shadow. The amount of shadow defined the shadow in square foot hours divide bite taas expressed as a percentage. In addition to the criteria per the 89 memo crip steeria to consider includes time of day the shadow is cast. Time of year. Shadow location. Shadow size. Shadow duration. And the public good served bite building that would cast the shadow. I would like to pass its to elis from planning provide a brief over view of the project description. The community out reach and the public good served by the project. Pass it toela. The proposed project is to demo 3 Light Industrial buildings. And one of which contained unthursday dwelling the new construction of five to 7 story residential story build with mack height of 73 feet. Utilizing the state density Bonus Program. The building would contain 232 units. With a dwelling unit mix of 137 studios, 2, 1 bedrooms. Upon 91, 2 bedroom and 2, 3 bedroom units and have 1 thirtyfour class one bicycle parking and 12 class 2 poik barking spaces and not include any vehicle parking. The project is seeking a density bonus of 38. 75 . And requesting waivers to the development for height, rear yard, exposure and off street loading and concessions from open space and permitted obstruction. Related benefits to the project include the 232 new dwelling units which would add to the over all housing supply. The project is max miegz on the site utilizing the Bonus Program and adding the max amount housing in an established neighborhood with easy access to the Public Transit network. The project prom vied 20 pvrts dwelling units of the proportion of the base project or 29 units on sight affordable and pay impact fees and impact fees for the afford annual housing de feo for the requirement not satisfied by the on sight units which add to the citys ability to increase its Affordable House goal. The project includes the 1 thirtyfour class one bicycle parking and 12 class 2 bicycle parking to support the citys bicycle transit map. The project sponsor out reach included a preapplication meeting held at the potrero hill house in november of 2019ful Virtual Community meet nothing professional 2021. A Virtual Meeting with United States e mission in john of 2022. And Community Meeting at the Mission Community centers in july of 22. The sponsor has over the course of the development excluded the parcel on san bruno from the scope to reduce over all shadow. Modified the dwelling mix to include family sized units. The 2 and 3 bedrooms. Explored adding parking but chose to retain the design without on site parking and exploring options to increase foordzability. Has been significant can amount Public Comments received by the department in opposition and support. 40 individuals in opposition and 3 in support. Comments in opposition are from the potrero del solgarden members and oppose the shadow. On the garden raising occurrence the viability of the garden for plants as a result of diminished sunlight. Others are the height and massing. Dwelling unit and foordzability. Gentification, lack of parking in a limited neighborhood and other shadow impacts on the park with strong cultural significance to the community. Comment in support of the project expressed support for new construction of housing in the neighborhood and benefits of activating that end of the culdesac. 1462 san bruno occupied by artists death the sponsor worked with them to design the build to ensure they could continue to use the property by the artists. Comments in support expressed the opinion the increased shadow would not affect the usability and enjoyment. Thank youela. For orientation the image at the top left on the slide is a planned view with the project site indicated with the red story is located in religion to the shadow parks. Shown in green. You see the site is at the southeastern corner of potreroo del sol. A visual of the existing project site on san bruno including a view south on san bruno avenue toward the elevated highway 101 and existing buildings and a view looking north on san bruni toward del solpark. There are land use in property types including 13 story Single Family and multifamily builds. The existing site is occupied by 3 industrial buildings. This slide provides a planned vow of the detail for each of the parks. Del solon the right an existing 4. 36 acre park and a build being to the north the highway 101 to the south. San bruno to the east and potrero to the west. The mid section a large bean shaped skate park bowl used by skater adjacent to a theatre and rectangular shaped Community Garden with the plots individual plots located Far Southwest corner of the park arc butting the site. The site is rolling and areas are connected through pact ways park hours sick a. M. To sunset. Other is west of po del sol. It is ran existing 2. 93 acre park bounded by development not south. Chavez to the south. Potrero to the east. The p is occupied by 2 large baseball fields. Covering the southern 2 thirds of the park. The top third of the park includes a club house, childrens play area and tennis and basketball courts. This might provide the projects full year shadow and seasonal sun chart. Which is helpful in visualizing the over all shadow impact of parks throughout the year. Shadow span is on the left and the seasonal sun chart for del solis on the right. The shadow is . Orange and the annual shadow footprint upon the park is in blue. With darker blue representing more shadow and lighter every blue less shadow. The project shadow would cover southern 2 thirds of del soland the southeastern portion of the play ground. The project shadows are mostly around the affordability of the project proposed. And dissipate less fracture. The sun chart on the right provides more information about the amount of shadow throughout the seasons and during times of day. The 4 groups bands referred to summer, fall, winter and Spring Season and columnings to times of day. Early mid day and afternoon. In this chart yellow the available sunlight. Blue new shadow and light is existing. During the year during all times of day. Peeking during the morning and decrease through the end of day most prominent in morning during fall and winter. Here is an animation of the max shadow day on del solol december 20, 8. 19 a. M. Lasting through end of day on a loop you can keep an eye you will see it recycle. You see, beginning at 8. 19 it cast overnight northeastern portion of the garden. All of the skate park and over grass the cent roll grassy areas of del sol. 10. 30 a. M. It leaves the guard sxen most of the skate park proceeding southeast over the theater. And table grassy areas mid day and afternoon the theatre by afternoon occurring over the grass southeastern corner of the park throughen of day which is 3 45 p. M. There is currently a 2. 18 shadow load. The project add 4 penalty 02 shadow increase. The image on the right depicts the max shadow. On december 20th. In terms of time of year and day the shadows occur i dont remember oundz everround. Speaking in the max shadow day. Most prom nanlt in the morning come dngz decreasing through end of day and seasonal low in fall and winter. The average daily do you recall agsz is 9 hours and 10 minutes an average shadow coverage of 4 penalty 78 of the park area. With regard to shadow location spans southeastern the southern 2 thirds of the park over areas including the garden, skate park, grass, theater and trellis. With regard to james rolfe junior play ground. Well is a sick opinion 97 existing shadow load. The project would add 0. 0 increase. The image on the right shoes the mack shadow on june 21, 6 46 a. M. In terms of time of year and day, shadow occur in prisoning and summer during the morning before 8 a. M. The average daily duration is 6. 7 minutes average of 4 of the park area. With regard to location new shadow falls over the southeastern corner over the baseball field. In blue at the bottom right of the park. In closing i like to highlight the 1989 memo provides criteria determining whether a shadow on a rec park propertiville a negative impact. Memo establishes the parks greater than 2 acres in size with les than 20 shadow load as the case with these parks the memo guidance up to 1 shadow increase. For reference in the case of del sola 4. 36 acre experiencing 2 penalty 18 shadow load and add 4. 02 for total of 6. 2 . In james rolfe junior a 2. 9 acre park experiencing 6. 97 shady and add 0. 01 for a total of 6. 98 . Time day, time of year, shadow side and shadow duration and public good served by the project. I want to leave you with images of photos of the areas of both parks this is del sol. Moving from the left is the Community Garden. Skate park and theater and trellis. And this is james rolfe junior play ground. Composed of the baseball fields at the top you see a clubhouse and childrens play area in the northern portion. That concludes my presentation. Thank you very much. Let mo before you prosecute seed i need to announce i node to leave in 5 not in. And im asking the commissioner to take over. I have been briefod this project and had issues and went out and locked at the site and concluded even though i will not be here to vote i would support it the housing unit its is adding in the areas where the shadows fall. There is no question the questions do fall. I dont want people to get impression this it is an easy decision but i do think it adds to the net solution to the big are problems in the city. With that i turn it over to commissioner hallisy. So i know there are a now to commencement start with folks in room 416. And then i know we have raised hands on the public lines know that we will keep you updated on how much people are ahead of you. If you are here to comment you can come up to the podium and youville 2 minutes to speak. If you have visuals let me turn this on. Can i use the laptop. Okay. Ksdz you raise your hand if you are here in person to speak on this item. Looks like for those on the line we might have 3. Get started her like good morning im jim Land Use Council to the project sponsor. I think a few key points is this project has the design the shadow reports have indicated to cast few are shadows than a first foot building this building has been sculpted so it cast less than a project not under your jurisdiction. This sponsor could have come in with a 40 foot building we would not be here temperature is taller but cast less shadow. We reduced the shadow in the garden removed 77 units you see on the slide on the over head area the bodiesing that is south of the Community Garden. Could you use the microphoneful we removed a portion of project south of the Community Garden reducing the project by 77 units. That is 77 households that would not otherwise be in san front we did this to minimize the shadow on the garden. We have submitted expert testimony that the shadow on the Community Garden which is gone before 10 a. M. In the morning noted affect the use of the garden. Some folks disagree. But i think if you disagree, what you can see is that the city has Community Gardens and ours is one operates successfully in soma and surrounded by buildings that are tall. Folks love this Community Guard sxen use it regular low. The build to a Community Garden is not something that will affect the enjoyment and ufts garden as we see in San Francisco. Other points about the report, there is no shadow on the play ground at any time during the year. There are 2 picnic areas one receives no shadow, your time is concluded. Im sorry. Could i ask for more time as the sponsor. That is up to the chair. Yes. I will allow. One. Jury room okay. There are 2 picnic areas one zero shadow one receives during afternoon and winter in a grove of trees. Additionally, the property is zoned for housing the city zoned it for housing this project is code compliant and when rezoned for housing than i made considerations under ceqa saying shadows on the park were less important than Housing Production to the city. City made that policy goal by over rideingly the eir for parking, some of the callers and folks and opposition concerned about lack of ping the City Planning Department and the mca discouraged ping. This project is meeting the transit first goals by not providing parking and gets points for under the plan with Planning Department. Manage that is incentivized for us to do. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Anyone who is here in person may come up and you have 2 minutes. Take your time, it is fine. Upon [inaudible] and im [inaudible] 92 and a half and i own this property way beyond my life finish a native to San Francisco and love San Francisco dear low. Love everything about it and we had this property since the 1930s. And i inherited from my father and im older than any of you and im a native of San Francisco and arc dover our city but i dont like that is helping and i want it to nice to be here and park and rec. Because i know you existed. Going on from years now. But here you all are. [inaudible] except for one lovely crowure not here. I know that that you all of ones here now grew up in the city. Anyway. Blessings to you i would not like to do what you are doing in any way and have empathy toward you. But im not 99 i thought i should properly [inaudible] i brought my pacifier shut up. You allow me [inaudible] will over catholic families and you know mary is not leading the show but jesus is. Thats all right okay. We will all for one and one for all. I hope you get out of this [inaudible] and have this workable project blessings to you. Thank you. Thank you. Brutish hand shake so you dont pass germs. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello im noel i live in the mission district. Before that i lived in potrero hill. I never come to the meetings and dont have stake in this project other than being a local resident and machine this uses the park and also the Community Garden. You know i took time off work to come here i think someone from the Community Needs to represent park, housing is important but so are partial and Community Gardens. In the communities garden policiless document, it says that more Community Gardens are the third top priority for San Francisco residents. I think it is ridiculous to think a 7 Story Building adjacent to a garden noted have a negative impact. The park is called potrero del sol, fun is in the name. One of the reasons people go to park system because of the sun. This is also located in the mission district. Our sun jest neighborhood its is a reason it attracts people. I like top point out that even if there is a relatively mauler shadow impact the way that plants grow they need to achieve a temperature for enzymes to be act vafted stimulate growth. It is easy to underestimate the impact the shadow will cast. And i think the vote in support of this project would be in opposition to the voters of San Francisco because the project clearly is violation of the sunlight ordinance and double the shadow on the park and 4 times as much shadow allowed by the sunlight ordinance. Thank you. Thank you, noel. Anyone else withhold like to speak . Come on up. Am im frank and im a Mission Residents and also park use and member of the Community Garden. I would like to say as someone who spends a lot of time in the p this would be a significant shadow this Community Garden is unique. It gets sun all day long. And there is no fog. We can grow things that people cant grow in other Community Gardens, tomatoes, squash, pumpkins and melons and most things would not grow well. You see how market rate really service the good of the community that is being proposed to be built in. Also it does extremely hard to park near the project. To go to the park or for people who live near the project. Thats all significant negative impact for the many people who enjoy using the park every day. So, the previous speaker said, this is 4 times the 1 number that the 1989 memo said. Extremely Significant Impact and i dont see the Community Good being there to balance it out. Thank you. Thank you, frank. Anyone else in room 416 hold like to speak . Thanks. Hello. Im del gregor i peek for 12 people in our neighborhood. It is just so hard to stay on top of all the meetings for year and get to them. I am speaking about parking because this is part of the Community Good. This is a neighborhood that is currently very challenged with parking the hospital parking lotted is full in the morning. People cant get longterm park. There are waiting lists forever. As well as now the ucsf research build and 3 schools as well as the park. All the neighbors i spoke to have asked for this project to figure out how they can have park. Sdwo 32 unit system 464 people. I would love to live in a fantasy world where we all jumped on Public Transportation and used bikes, however this area of San Francisco is not one of those accomplices. There are people who work grave yard shifts. Go to silicon valley. Elderly, mobility issues they need parking and neighbors there cannot deal with the parking that then coming to where it was not provide for. We are for housing. We are for more housing in San Francisco but please, continue this discussion, listen to the neighbors add parking. And figure out specialing that works without creating additional problems in the neighborhood. Thank you. Thank you. Combg anyone else who would like to speak. Okay. I will move over to the folks on the public line. If you are here to speak on this item go ahead and raise your hand by dialing star 3 we have 9 hands raised. Hello im genevieve, an unhoused cultural work in San Francisco. A residents of the city for 20 years and a user of potrero del solp the shadow is undeniable. We all know that it is going to impact the sunny p land available to users in the Community Garden. If you are not dont realize, the name potrero del soltranslates to pasteur of the sun. Nature of this park will be upset. And there is the additional impact to parking. As others said, ping in this neighborhood is already under a crunch. Anyone whos gone sf general and cruised looking for a parking site knows how difficult it can be. If you are a culture worker putting on an event. We need to bring in vehicles full of event material such as cost unanimous, audio visual gear and need to have close access to parking to the park to put on events. It is inpromote to build a building with 232 units and assume nobody in the building will need to park in the area example your ride share drivers. Im an unhoused resident and culture worker in San Francisco i would life to believe there would be house nothing the building for me i value the Cultural Resource of pomp contrary del solas is and had remains of the farm and the Community Garden and Artist Spaces which are critically in a pinch in San Francisco at this time. Thank you, kindly for your consideration. And have a wonderful day. Thank you genevieve. Next speaker, please. Im jim chapel a 45 year San Francisco Resident Mission district daily park user. Am im a daily housing user. A member of the Housing Action coalition the project is excellent use for the site. A major crisis in the shortage of housing in this city. 232 families will be living at 1458 san bruno. The site walking distance to muni, barted, the 24th Street Commercial core to San Francisco general where there are thousands of jobs and to a school, park and play ground. I read the shadow study. It it is very clear the shadow impacts are minimal. Will adopt a resolution recommending to the Planning Commission the shadow will not have a significant adverse affect on the parks. Thank you very much. Thank you, jim. Next speaker. Good afternoon, commissioners jake process on behalf of the Housing Action coalition and like to echo the words the previous speaker. Y are in support of the project and submit a positive recommendation to planning. Our project review committee endorse 1458 san bruno a few months ago and demonstrates exemplary features higher number of below market rate homes. Transportations through bike parking and Strong Community fwhafs include displace am protections and encouraged ping engagement. Recognized and highlighted the Building Design will provide acoustic buffer against the highway and maintaining access to direct sun. For most of the park and garden with a stepped back facade at upper levels. Yesterday afternoon i sent you a list of 150 residents who support this project and hope you take their force in account. Thank you for your consideration we ask that the rec and Park Commission do everything to help this project move forward. Thank you. Thank you, jake. Im daved and live on potrero hill for 20 years. I support this project. Previously speaks have mentioned the reasons the fordable housing component. There are 28 units that will be added at less than 120 of ami. That is important. The most important part of this project and the community is the activation of the street. The street is culdesac. And i think it would be important for the safety of the area and to have people there and People Living there at the end of the street. Where currently it empties out at the end of the day. This is i think the most important Community Benefit of this project. And im excited and hope it goes for the. I recommend that you recommend this forward to planning. Thank you very much. And i yield my time. Thank you, david. Next speaker. Im bill keen and i have been a San Francisco residence den for 17 years. I live in bernal and my kids go to Daniel Webster in potrero we pass through the area on a daily bases and make use of the park. I like to strongly support the project. I think there are a number of positive things mentioned the below market rate homes that are available. And the n enlivenment of the area around the park. And the active Public Transportation there will further enhance and improve the demand for Public Transportation in San Francisco. And you know, i believe that we need to support of projects like this to help more people in San Francisco finds housing. And very supportive and like that the approval move forward. Thank you very much. Thank you, bill. Next speaker. Hi. Ashley are you there, can you please pull up your attachment d. The shadow analysis . Is this possible. I will pause your time i will pull that up for the commissioners. Thank you. If you are casting b turn this to page 24. You will have to hold on a second i cant let you upon speak legals im rung the clock. Give me a minute. Im sorry. Are you still with us, caller. Yes. Thank you. Attachment d page 24 yes. Shadow analysis. No problem. Im going to pull up page 24 now. Sfgovtv can you put the laptop screen up . We are on page 24 with a table. Is this when you are asking for . No. It says on the bottom. Page 24 project shadow characteristic . Yes. That page is visible. I will story your time now. Good ahead. Thank you. Commissioners, this study as you see here states the effective shadow cast on plant system in the covered under section 295. This claim knead in the shadow study is false. Section 295 states any adverse impact on the use of property under jurisdiction of rec and park. Community guardinpen is park property and used for agriculture and to raise [inaudible] bees plants and beeings require sunlight it tloif and affect of shadow and plant and bee is quantity ~ifiable. This is not use excluded. There is one shadow involving a Community Garden ever this was settled. Just because the effective shadow on agricultural use was not needed before that does not money it it is in the required per section 295. The City Attorney was advised of this prior to today. We insist on an opinion is section 225 consider shadow on agricultural use of park property. The sake of this garden and future hearings. This hearing must stop the shadow study is i fraud and does in the quantify as required to do so. Commission, police consult with mr. [inaudible] thank you. Thank you, caller. Sfgovtv you can take the image down. Thank you thank you ashley for going above and beyond. Why sure. Next speaker. Hello im patrice. I live 2 blocks from the proposed project. I lived in this neighborhood for 27 years. Im a street parker. And in the last 56 years got more and more difficult to foinld a place to park. A bodies with this many units and no parking is unarc tenable. They have to add parking to this building. It will impact the people who already live here in i major way that it is in the fair. It is in the right. After the park i use that park every day. I love this park because it is so sunny. The shadow report shows this it is break the sunlight ordinance. It cant you cant break laws thats why the ordinance is there so people had use the p can enjoy the sunshine. It is used by the community and children from the schools, it is used from people from outside the neighborhood. It is used, families. It is just wrong to do this. And im very much against this project. The only way i would be for it if there were more market rate units and much lower to the ground and there was appropriate parking minimum 100 spaces. For the residence denials of the building. People drive cars here. It is not like new york city. San francisco, people drive cars and node to park there is already not enough parking in this neighborhood. Thank you. Thank you, patrice. Next speaker. Im sarah lookhart im a representative [inaudible] nonprofit that works to preserve low income naturally occurs housing for artists. In the bay area in San Francisco. And i am calling in support of the project in that the way it is designed, preserves 12 local artist in San Francisco [inaudible] and that you know while ideal world there would be enough parking and the shadow would not be [inaudible] on the garden. However, it it is much more change to find spaces to house people than plants. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Im ay potrero Resident Exit live a block away from the park and i [inaudible] [condition understand speaker] we need it all day. Having the sun at the park is essential [interference] 7 story park in the neighborhood. We have Elementary School next tot park and hundreds of children that use the park and the artists [inaudible]. The cost for having [inaudible]. We have [inaudible] thank you. Caller. Next speaker. Hi. Im jessica. I am a farm residence den and happy farm resident in support of the building i love the garden and the park. And the daily park user walking my dogs. We node it house human and animals here. I see so many unhoused People Living under the over pass. I think this is had they call that but if not you understand had im talking about. It is unacceptable and cruel. I watched people get up in the morning red their break firefighter and fishing poles. Make din are live their lives unhoused and living in between the busy streets. I have seen people get hit by cars dp lose lives or get extremely hurt buzz they live under the over pass. I cant in good conscious not speak to that. Parking will be a problem. I understand that. I also understand that in this culdesac a lot of people slope in the cars and relieve themselves on the street t. Is unacceptable. Every Tuesday Morning there is a food bank that takes up parking spots and it is you know it is a nice mayor for parking and dropping off the students and yet that happens. Every tuesday. Because people need it. I also think that more people around here that are living here will be safer. It is a culdesac. People do sleep in their cars. People im sorry your time is concluded. Thank you, jessica. Thank you. We have 3 more callers if there is anyone waiting dial star 3 to speak on this item. Next speaker. Im mary and im also resident at the farm. And i lived here 22 years and my deck looks out over the garden and at the park. Just a couple of things i lived here a number of years without a car and worked great because there is the bus system. I can get down to bart easily. I stopped doing that because the park was under utilized and dangerous to walk by it at night by myself. So00 eye think that having the building here, which i support, will bring more activity and encourage people to use the public trans port more. The other thing is before i moved here there was not the skate board park and there was huge trees between the school and the park and the trees casted shadows yet everyone accepted them because they were trees. Now the skate board park upon went in the trees died and cut down. And i want on to had jessica says about putting people in homes. And encourage everyone in San Francisco to put people above cars. We need to accept that this is a city that can get around without a car. So, yes to the building i hope you approve it. The shadows move. The garden can grow different crops and be used the same. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. Im Theresa Dickenson a Community Gardener. And i like to point out a couple of things about our garden, this park. One is the morning sun is specifically [inaudible] [inaudible]. No matter what you [inaudible] morning sun [inaudible] the first thing they need [speaker breaking up]. This building prevents morning sun [inaudible]. Second low, there are [inaudible] we are [inaudible] several [inaudible] raising lots of bees and [inaudible] they will total low suffer and leave. To live under the east [inaudible] [speaker breaking up] i like to point out what has not been mentioned is this [inaudible] green bed under there and im sure it is in the very [inaudible] and i wonder if they considered the problem [inaudible] latch of all i like to point out this is unlike low to help the unhoused people [inaudible]. They cant [inaudible]. Please, dont allow this project to continue. Next speaker. Good morning, commissioners. I ask now refer to attachment d the shadow analysis. Look at page 18, table 2. Potrero del solshadow findings. First item is annual available sun. This is a very simple equation spelled out in the 89 park memo. Equals park area multiployed by hours of sun. Table lists park area as 190, 055 square feet and the table lists annual sunlight at 3, 721. 4 hours. Now, gettous your spreadsheet what you have and multiploy those 2 numbers together. Now you will see that the answer is different. Different than the one published in the report table. Their method is wrong. This number affects all other calculations in the report. Planning was notified of this by nikolas of Parks Department but Planning Department is way behind schedule. They dont finish review soon tell get penalized by the state. They are doing sloppy work and giving you this report with error in math and hoping that you dont notice. You cannot make a decision based on air faulty report would be unethical the hearing cannot continue. Send the report back to planning and ask nel to dot math correctly. When we have a study that is error free only then can we decide how Much Negative impact fwhlding would have on the park. Thank you, caller we have 6 raised hands. Hello. Good morning im annie novac i like to say i appreciate all the the comments so far that covered many item in support of the project. I agree regarding the benefits the building provides and additional housing. I like to focus on the botanical occurrence im a gardener nearing the 20th anniversary and garden in densely urban areas. Many development practical this is have sympathy for the situation while still in support of the dldzing the san bruno project will have a slight impact on the plants. One thingip point out the shape Study Commission shows no new shadow during winter and merchandise to author the growing season 85 of the garden will receive 8 to 12 hours of sun per day and taking account. Increased shade doing fall and 9 of the garden will never receive less than 7. 5 hours. For those vegetable crops a healingy pitchered sunlight and full son 6 hours or more of direct light. A seasonal period for a mall part 7 and a half to 8ed hours has impact. Fruit crops is when we are concern body like night shades. Can and do develop at this level of light. The increased shaddode will occur in the Early Morning i will address what theresa commented on. I understand that the Early Morning hours are person time for Vegetable Development fruit crops do most of the ripening in the afternoon the period the project will have no impact. Concern i have about Early Morning shade with [inaudible] or yours that receive frost. How frost canling theyre is in the a problem in this area. Im sorry your time has concluded. Thank you. Next speaker. Thank you. And my name is mary beth, im a long time coordinator at the Community Garden. Have been involved in the project and repeatedly disappointed by the disregard for the shadow impacts it must be said despite the free throws speaker speaking from new York Botanical garden and about thing in San Francisco would never prowl to do the same to her area. It it is important tong about the impacts not so many hours on one day but how many hours before and after that is pointed out by others not really dealt with. I want to make a couple points recreation and hope i have a couple extra seconds like many. Rec special Park Departments you are guardians of the citys precious resources and i ask that you do your job. Very simple low. There is no one doubting there is a housing cries but the rec and Park Department is in the to solve the housing crisis that exists. At all costs that is the language. And unfortunate this is the point we have been pushed where regular park and garden users cast as [inaudible] you know not caring about the you know homeless or the cost of housing. Rather than what we are which are ordinary San Francisco reds upon dent who is want nothing more than the right to use and appreciate the public open space, which is that you are the guardians and the stewards of so i ask rec and park to do the job and reject the plan because of the excessive shadow impacts. What point is it to have rule fist they are just broken. And what kind of precedent will this establish for other open space. And in a way that is what i forethis will be if this is looked at and open season on other vulnerable open paces and Community Gardens throughout the city. Unbuildable. Thank you im sorry your time is concluded. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Jury room hello im charles. Im a resident of the mission and strongly in support of this project. We are in the midst of a how doing shortage in the city in which every unit built is important. Especially below market rate like include in this project. I am tired of seeing my friends leave due to the housing crisis that make our city famous. Park and open spaces are important to the city so would we want to seize the opportunity to give over 200 new neighbors the opportunity to enjoy this park . I believe that the project will be a net good for both the neighborhood and the city. And i hope you move it forward. Prioritize new neighbors over shadow and parking occurrence. Thank you. Thank you, charles. Carol, are you there. Can you hear me . Yes. Im also participate i called on chris good, im [inaudible] son had spoke on the other half of the project sponsor. 2 things we are not [inaudible] bonus that was incorrectly stated. [inaudible] 2, i wanted to Adam Phillips did the shadow study is a participate you can ask him questions. Ela the planner and asked to be present and standing boy this entire time. Last point is that we did present a plan with 52 parking space the maximum we were allowed. And one change opposed to support based on that. Combebls say they need more parkments park that we cant do. It is not allowed. I want to be clear we have an option to the max amount of park. Thats really all i want to say. Thank you. Thank you, chris. Next speaker. Hi. Im liz and i limp cross from the school. That is adjacent to the park. On 25th street. Im very surprised bite comments im hearing. Im for more housing and taking care of homeless. I dont understand yet project has to be so large. 232 apartments and 29 will be affordable. Is that correct . Fair market value what is this . These houses are not going to be helping the homeless situation. This is what San Francisco is doing. They recall building things Developers Making money things are going through. Rents are high. They are building high rent facility. It is unfortunate this. Is a residential neighborhood. It is traditional low low income. We deal with traffic from the hospital and i feel like we are not taken in account the people who live in the neighborhood. Not the people who live in other neighborhoods. Dot project, make it smaller. Make it more affordable. How much money do you have to make. Thank you. Thank you, liz. I believe we have one more caller. Next speaker. Hello. Down to 2 items. Does this new montrosity cast more then and there one percent new shadow. Obviously it does. It show this is in the report a lot more shadow. Way more than 1 . Then does this project offer any Community Good . Well, building housing but the project has chosen to pay an fee rather than the acquired Affordable Housing. I would like to reminds the Park Commission to refer to City Attorney opinion 8421 in relation to prop j the City Attorney opinions that you cannot pay cash for shadow. And in this case, you cannot pay in lieu fee to off set shadow. Therefore, the City Attorney opinion, this project would offer no Community Good. With no Community Good provided, and the shouldedo increase of more than 4 times the allowed amount, the commission is required rule that this project does have a negative affect on the park. Commissioners, please, protect our parks. Thank you. Thank you, caller. Okay. Before i close Public Comment im going to double check ghn room 416 who has not commented yet come on up. Thank you. Im bob. Im with multistudio the lead architect for the project. I have been a 40 year residents and architect over 40 years resident and architect in San Francisco. I want to point out we careful low designed the build to stay in the same shadow a 40 foot building would create the tall are parts away from the park. Stepped the facade to find the balance with providing units and minimizing shadow. The 1 is a guide line not a rule. And the general comment i do believe that parks and buildings can Work Together to the benefit of the p and the building. To the park eyeos it approximate activation and the building the units will have access to light and air. That is i good thing i thought as an urbannist and architect that is i positive. I think this project we tried hard and achieve says a balance that is worth supporting. Appreciate the time. Thank you. Thank you. Look like one more raised hand. You have 2 minutes to speak. And go ahead and unmute the line. Hello there, commissioners. Im calling from potrero del solpark right now. And im with my dogs inspecting as i am on most days sitting on the hill watching the skaters. I look southeast i see mr. Good building 14 [inaudible] san bruno. His wall facing in the park is all cover in the graffiti not aingly all over it it is like this all the time. Me he never clone its up and i see mr. Goods other building 1499 potrero. His wall [inaudible]. Big mess. I report this all the time on 311 he does not clone it up. Live in new york city. Does not care about our park. If it were mow and i have an important hear with parks i would have med an effort to clean it up today. Not him. Not mr. Big shot new york that shows how little mr. Good thinks of Park Commission. He is a bad neighbor to the park now will make a bigger building will be a worse neighbor. Today you deciding if this project offers any Community Good. Im here to tell you for certain no good will come from it. Thank you. Thank you, caller. I believe we have no further comment. Either in person or on our line. So seeing no comment, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners. Commissioner jupiterjones. Thank you all for what working through that. So, this is my whole neighborhood. I grew up as a child. I went to school at now bryant school. My children went there when it was there. The i all of the Community Organizations i work for we use this park a lot. Okay. Also as a lifelong resident of the mission. We dont have a lot of open spaces in our neighborhood so im fierce low protect i feel a fierce protection for every square inch of open, green and public space we have here. So, you know, all the issues that were raised there is a lot. A contentious issue about housing and all the needs we have in our city for me, you know here as a rec and Park Department we are here today to decide if the shadow the increased shadow impact of this project will have a negative impact on this park. And in that also weighing if the Community Good and benefit of the project would be worth accepting the new impact. Im coming from the perspective of not new potential neighbors to the neighborhood im coming from the perspective of current neighbors who is here. I see this park every day. I see how it gets used. Used by our families and latino families who have been the most displaced in our neighborhood who need the housing the most. It gets used by unhoused members of our communities. Used by the schools. There are 2 schools right there up against the park. Multiple preschools and Community Centers and after School Center in a block radius that uses the park now. That population i dont think is going to be the population who gets housed in this 92 development. For me, im standing on the side of those folks of that side of our community. I think that the shadow is big enough. We had these issues come before us it is adding a small percentage this is in the that case. This is going to adverse low affect the total shadow and affect like specific Program Parts with the garden and the theatre. And its so for me if this project was 100 Affordable Housing if it was a shelter for unhoused folks i would think twice. I dont think the benefit of the project is worth the impact tell have and not serve the same folks who are now served by the beautiful sun lit park that we have. And so i dont in good conscious cannot support the project. Thank you, commissioner. Commissioners any questions for chris or ela at this time . Commissioner buell had to step out i would like to give my point of view on this topic. We heard about the quantitative numbers. Percentages. The thing harings more true to me is the qualitative. I money the activities that are impacted by shadow. And by activities i dont mean like the stroll through the park. Or finding a patch of sun to have a sandwich or to tan yourself whatever. When i talk about activity, i talk about the activity of play ground might provide. Now, this childrens play area we saw earlier and the presentation from chris and ela, number 10 that childrens play area is total low unaffected by shadow. Also rolfe park number 2 diamond, which it is opposite the clubhouse in rolfe. There is already an existing shadow there and that will be extended only upon slight low. Also the play grounds, sport courts of rolfe are unaffected. Notice when i hear about parking, i live in thein are sunset. And i can identify with that issue. It seems that you need an act of congress sometime in my neighborhood to find a parking place. I get that. But also regarding that 1989 memo that chris presented, which identified a criteria for determining whether a shadow impact on a park is significant including time of day, when the shadow appears and, time of year, size of the shadow and duration of the shadow. The last part of that memorandum is the public good served by the project. And. Although im coming from the point of view that im just addressing the shadow issue today. In the long run, i also look at the lack of housing in San Francisco and i think the public good of this project would be impactful in that neighborhood. And a very positive way. Any other comments or questions, commissioners . Ashley i will ask for a roll call vote unless there are some. Commissioner mazzola. I would like to echo your statements there. And say that the places tht shadows are not going to affect where the people be the most. When you look at this, as just the shadow issue, i dont think the shadow issue is enough to turn had job down today. I did listen to Public Comment and i agree on some of things it is parking is one and that can be taken up at planning anded board of supervisors as far as today with the shadow i agree with commissioner hallisy and i will vote to sends this forward. Id like to also echo my support for what commissioner hallisy said. While im sensitive to the shadow issue, i just look at the housing crisis as manage had is out of control. And as commissioner mazzola brought up, the parking issue is legitimate however this is not part of our forty and this has to be taken up at planning and the board of supervisors. I will vote to move this project forward. Thank you. Commissioner loule. Go ahead. It is always difficult and you dont want to put yourself in a position you we out always housing versus parking versus shadow. But thank you to the architect who came and spoke last to explain that you designed a project according to the regulations. And i grew up in parks and go to parks with lots of shadows the thing is like i look at willie wong in china town has so much shadow but doesnt affect the continue uses of that park. And there is a balance and thank you for presenting this is always not easy to be like voting on something. But yea. Im not going to blowup my conscious but i feel a need for housing. And i think that over time you know, they will uses is just something difficult upon so thank you, everyone. Thank you, commissioner. General manager ginsburg. Thank you commissioner. I want to reminds the commission grapples with this what is a really important and interesting policy debate on all sides. Irmented thank everybody who expressed their point of view today whether it be importance of Community Gardens and sunlight and open space or housing they are all worthy points. I do want to remind the commission of the role until this conversation. Right. The commissions j. W. Is to analyze president qualitative and quantitative criteria and hear from the public and have a context of the benefit benefits of a project. But we are not body not planning. And that regardless of how it decides and how you decide today, it is the Planning Commissions responsibility to weigh the interests. You are weigh nothing on the impacts as it relates to the park. And were you to find that the shadow does have an adverse impact you would instruct the department to share that with plan and the Planning Commission debateings these issues. You dont we in directly on a development project. You are offering input and advice to the Planning Commission. And what i would propose, since the debate feels so genuine from all sides that commissioners, if you like, regardless of the vote our staff can send we can send a letter to the Planning Commission not just summarizing your decision but the different points of view expressed so they have the most robust input they could have as the Planning Commission make this is decision. That would be good. Thank you very much for this. And we will take you up on that. Thank you. Commissioners i want to let you know that we need a motion on whether or not it will have significant can adverse impact and you vote on this motion. Im sorry could you repeat that the way that the language is written in the agenda you have to machine makes a motion whether it does have a significant adverse impact or does not. And you will vote on that. All right. I like to make a motion that i dont believe the shadow will have an adverse impact on the project. Second. Aye. Now i would like to have a roll call vote. Absolutely. On the motion that the shadow will not have a significant can adverse impact on the park, commissioner griffin. Aye. Commissioner hallisy aye commissioner jones. Neigh. Commissioner loule aye commissioner mazzola. Aye. We have 4 aye avenue and one neigh. The item passes. Yes. Approximate thank you for everyone who was here for this itemful now on to item 11, general Public Comment. At this time the members who are novelty able to address the commission on item 5 may on items in the subject matter jurisdiction of rec and Park Commission and dont arc peer on the agenda. So bruce if you are still with us, that would be time to raise your hand now. But i will start with the people in room 416. Anyone in room 416 . Seeing none. Is there anyone on the line withhold like to comment dial star 3 to be added to the queue. Looks like we have one raised hand. I interrupt if this is bruce and the service is not good again. Why dont you unmute the first caller. Im [inaudible] [inaudible] [cannot understand speaker]. Im sorry that item has passed. I apologize if you did not get a chance to comment during that item. But [inaudible] mute the caller, please. Thank you. I apologize if it was unclear that item has already been voted on. We are now on general Public Comment employmented to double check if there are callers for items not on the agenda today dial star 3 to raise your hand. Okay. No raised hands. So Public Comment is closed now item 12, commissioners matters. Commissioners . Okay. And now i will go through the and call Public Comment. Is there Public Comment on commissioners matters . Okay. Seeing none. Waiting. Public comment is closed. We are on item 13 new business. Commissioners . I just have a question. Were there other items on the agenda that we did not address . Like the fillmore that was on consent. Thank you. Okay. Anything else . Commissioners. Any Public Comment on item 13 . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Item 14, communication. Any Public Comment on item 14 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Okay. We are on item 15, adjournment. Chair entertain a motion. Moved. Seconded. Third. I would like to thank alissa melinda, stacie, chris andela im glad you stuck around and ashley thank you for all the work you do. General manager ginsburg, thank you for your report today and also commissioners, thank you so much our next meeting september 15th. We are adjourned. San Francisco Department of disability and aging Services Meeting of wednesday august 3. Im the Commission President Martha Knutzen provisions of the brown act and orders issued by the upon governor to have teleconferencing. The brown act sets rowel for teleconference. Allow it during a state of emergency provide commissions makes findings. To comply with this items 5 and 6 on the agenda is the request to consider continued use of teleconferencing will minimize th

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