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And ask quou are remain standing for the color guard and singing of the National Anthem by Molly Mcfadden. [color guard] [singing National Anthem]you remain standing for the color guard and singing of the National Anthem by Molly Mcfadden. [color guard] [singing National Anthem] [color guard] please be seated. Thank you for attending medal of valor. Pleased to introduce the people on stage and acknowledge those behind the scenes that helped make the ceremony possible. Thank you to Masonic Center for continued generosity allowing us to use the facility. Next thank the membersf Othe Department instrumental organizing the ceremony. Mrs. Resa tom, christine sings [indiscernible] rachel killshaw and thank you to Molly Mcfadden and singing the National Anthem and the color guard. They all deserve a round of applause. [applause] next i are like to introduce those with us on stage tonight. The hahnable mayor london breed. [applause] and your Police Commission, Commission President cindy aliss, max carter orb stone, commissioner larry yee, commissioner byrne rnsh, commissioner benedicto. Commissionerim introduce your command staff starting with chief of Police William scott. Assistant chief david lazar. Deputy chief robert osullivan. Deputy chief daniel pereira. Deputy chief ras juany. Deputy chief walsh and deputy chief ng. Now your commanders. [applause] we are here to honor a select group of officers in the San Francisco Police Department who ghaijed in ookts of bravery and displayed courage far exsided required of them. The commander aufssers will describe the selfless acts the individuals took which explain why they are honored tonight. Before we hear about the acts of valor, mayor breed is here to say a few words. Thank you very much. And good evening to all the honorees tonight as well as their family and friends who are joining us to acknowledge the exceptional work of the people of the San Francisco Police Department. Today as we talk about the medal of valor and you hear the various stories, the consistent theme of each incident will just remind you of the extraordinary courage and heroism it takes in order to do this very very challenging work of the San Francisco Police Department. I want to express my appreciation for each and every one of you, because you could choose to work for any other Law Enforcement agency anywhere in the country and you choose to be a part of the San Francisco Police Department. We know that the work is not easy. We know that so many of the issues you face every single day when you walk out the doors of not only your homes, but your stations, you never know what youre going to experience each and every day, but what i appreciate about each and every one of you is that in every single instance it was not even a question whether or not you were going to put your life on the line in order to serve and protect the people of the city and county of San Francisco. You just automatically did it. We appreciate your hard work, your dedication, and your commitment to San Francisco. We know that often times you dont always get the appreciation and the respect and the praise you deserve and we know that you dont do it for praise. We know you do it because you are true Public Servant in every since of the word. Let me say to all the men and women of the San Francisco Police Department. I want to express my appreciation for what the city came together to do during apec. It was absolutely extraordinary, and i saw so much pride in San Francisco from the people who not only work for the city and county of San Francisco, but especially from Law Enforcement. What we did to put San Francisco on the map in a light in a way that demonstrated that San Francisco is not what everyone is trying to say it is. We are a great city, and we have Extraordinary People who make it a great city. The people who serve and protect our city every single day are the reason why so many people from far and wide get to see and experience the magic of everything that San Francisco has to offer, so thank you all so much for being here tonight. Thank you for your commitment, for your courage and just like many family members here today, as you walk out the door of your home they continue to wish for your safety, i continue to wish for your safety, and continue to hold each and every one of you in my prayers for a safe return to your loved ones every single night after doing this job. Thank you all so much for being here. [applause] thank you mayor breed. Now well hear from Commission President cindy elias. Good evening. Sidy elias prez dependent of the Police Commission honored to be here tonight to participate and listen to the outstanding sories we are about to hear regarding the bravery and courage these officers have shown. And etam many officers who dedicated their lives protecting thais greatatesy of our. I hur heroing stories most of us will never ever have to experience, thankfully. Still, each and every day our officers put on their uniform and make this city a safer place for all. Tonight i would like to extend me sincere appreciation for the officers who demonstrated this bravery and gone above and beyond. I also like to thank those in the audience for the sacrifices and resilience demonstrated in supporting officers, because these officers while they are able to do their jobs, still need a support network at home and thats you. The missed dinners, the missed family times, the missed practices. All the sacrifices officers make on a daily basis to make our city safer while you at home stay at home and hold it down so thank you for your dedication and helping officers able to come to work and make our city great. Thank you again for having me. [applause] thank you president elias. Now chief scott would like to say a few words. Good evening. Thank you sergeant youngblood. I too want to start my remarks with thanks. First of all, thanks to awardees and officers and sergeant here because it is your work we are here for tonight. For the families, i dont know how many of these stories once you hear them that you heard, but usually our officers dont do what they do for praise, they dont do what they do for medal or award, they do what they do because they are committed to service. They do what they do because they are committed to the city and committed to this Police Department and more importantly, committed to the people we are sworn to protect and serve. Valor has a distinct definition. It takes courage to walk into a situation that you know will put your life at risk, but walk into the situation anyway. It takes courage to walk into a burning building knowing that you may not make it out. It takes courage to run toward the gun fire instead of away from it. It takes courage to do what each and every one of these members that are here tonight to be decorated and awarded did, but this is what they do day in and day out. The actions that brought us here tonight are above and beyond the call of duty, no doubt about it and when you hear the stories i think you will agree with me. But, make no mistake about it, every member of this Police Department has a commitment and has a heart of service to go out and do the job day in and day out. So, i want to thank them, thank you all for being here. I want to say thank you to the command staff. This process isnt a easy process to get to this point. There is committee and panel. We hear the incidents, we evaluate them, and we vote. And only those that we feel that are worthy of this type of award, the highest honor this department gives, only those are it people that make it here and you are the those people. You are those officers, so congratulations to you, congratulations to your courage, valor and what you do day in and day out. This Department Needs you, depends on you and we love you and appreciate everything you do every day. Thank you. [applause] thank you chief scott. Now the reading of the award citations for each of the officers. First commander Derek Jackson reading charlesin memoriam. Good evening and thank you for being here tonight. Truly a honor to be here before you. Tonight i want to share with you the story dating back to 1913 that exemplifies the core values and selfless acts that define who we are as a Police Department today. February 5, 1913 San Francisco Police Department patrolman charles carl wallford lof grn on foot patrol. A large meat wagon attached to 4 horses stopped at grant avenue and broadway while the driver is inside the shop making delivery. A group of youth celebrating the Chinese New Year set fire crackers near the wagon which resulted in startling the horses which ran down broadway pulling the wagon without a driver. The team of horses turn on columbus avenue. Officer lof grn observed the out of control team of horses and saw numerous citizens crossing the street in front of the horses at jackson street. He knew many would be severely injured if not killed if there was a collision. As the horses gained speed he ran towards the team of horses and jumped alongside them grasping at the reins. Officer lof grn grabbed the reins and slowed down the team enough fl crowd to disperse. Patrolman hung helplessly trying to pull the team to a stop. He was swept under the horses and the 10 ton meet wagon ran over his right leg, severing to the bone from his knee to ankle. The team of horses turned to jackson street and came to a stop at montgomery street where the wagon overturned next to a cable car. Despite his injuries, officer lof grn attempted to rise and pursue the team of horses further. He could not stand and rushed to the harbor Emergency Hospital for treatment. When officer lof grn first arrived at the hospital Doctors First believed his injuries would prove to be fatal. Officer lof gran survived, however lost the use of his leg and therefore enable to ever return to duty. When nrlt viewed regard ing the incident for february 6, 1913 newspaper article, officer lofgran stated to the San Francisco chronicle, there isnt much to it. I grabbed the lines and could do nothing. But i all to try. For im a policeman and it is my duty to do so. Any other policeman would have done so. Officer lofgran actions february 5, 1913 demonstrated the disregard for his safety in favor that of the members of the public. Displayed outstanding bravery conducting a life saving act above and beyond the expected line of duty. Knowing he his risking his life he committed selfless act of service. A run away team of horses would surely have severely injured or killed pedestrians it collided into. The result of the action rendered him permanently disabled. Despite sacrifice his legacy of service lives 4 more generation of Law Enforcement aufshers and family. For his efforts, officer lof fp gran has been awarded the gold medal of valor and purple heart. It is my honor to introduce officer lof grans great grandson, california Highway Patrol commander christopher sherry. [applause] [applause] next, captain Thomas Harvey of mission station reading the bronze medal award citation. Officer [indiscernible] and officer shilling who was not able to be with us tonight. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It is my honor and pribolog to present the follow award. March 5, 2021, at approximately 1120 a. M. , sarge nlt nevs store 1016 officer brian lopez, 1385, and officer carson shilling, 2247 who is not here tonight of mission station responded to 112 eureka street regarding a 911 call of possible fight inside a residents. A neighbor called dispatch after hearing someone yell, dont hit, dont hit in a panicked fashion. This neighbor believed a fight was occurring inside the residents. The initial responding mission unit had contacted two people at the residents. The officers had prior knowledge of Domestic Violence incidents between these two parties and being aware of their history, the mission yaunts wanted to do a welfare check to make sure everything was okay and to insure there was no current Domestic Violence occurring. The person who had greeted the officers explained the only other resident was upstairsing have a schizophrenic episode. The officers were told the individual is angry and acting irrat eratic. When those officers arrived upstairs they encountered an aggressive and naked suspect wielding a knife with a 6 inch blade. For context, the officers were encountering this suspect on the top floor of a multiunit building and the only access to this part of the building was through a narrow flight of stairs. At this point, the officers tried to establish dialogue with the suspect who then ignited a fire and throw a glass object at one of the officers. Fortunately that officer had a ballistic shield to protect himself. The sus spect fled foon to a nearby room. While this occurring smoke began pouring out of the suspect room. Due to the dangerous conditions of it growing fire, the officer had to relocate and while doing so lost sight of the suspect. At this time, the San Francisco Fire Department had already been summoned to the scene to deal with the fire. The building along with several neighboring structures were evacuated due to the imminent danger of fire and smoke. Sergeant nevs officer shilling, and officer lopez rotas arrived on scene and present when sffd members were preparing to enter the building to extinguish the fire. At this time the suspect location was unknown, and it was possible the armed suspect was still inside the residents. San francisco fire reported the flames were imminent threat to the neighboring homes and if they did not move quickly to extinguish the flames the homes were risk of catching fire. Sergeant nevs, shilling and rotas entered the burning building against San Francisco fire personnel to prevent their members who the location fsh unknown. These members escorted Fire Department personnel up the stairs where the smoke was quite heavy and visibility very low. Sergeant nevs officer shilling and officer lopez rotas remained at the top of the stairway despite the heavy smoke and immediate dangerous to their lives. They placed themselvesases a barrier between the Fire Department members and where the suspect could have been lurking. San francisco fire was able to extinguish the flames and only them determined the suspect fled and escaped the residents. After a yard to yard search the suspect was located and placed into custody. In conclusion, Sergeant Timothy nev, officer brian lopez rotasand officer shilling exhibited bravery above and beyond which is expected when they chose to enter a burning residents without breathing aids or fire precive equipment. They risked their safety and wellbe with full knowledge of the fire, smoke or armed outstanding suspect. The objective was sufficient importance to justify the risk as they were acting to protect the Fire Department while ready to take the suspect into cud custody. The Fire Department was able to extinguish the fire. When seconds and minutes mater the quick decisive bravery exhibited helped save the day. For their efforts they have been awarded the bronze medal of valor. [applause] sergeant nevs [applause] officer lopez rotas. [applause] [applause] next commander reading the bronze medal award citation for sergeant yee. Officersinclair, custudio could not be with us tonight. Jensen, laura could not with us tonight. [reading names] that thank you. My hahn r to be here tonight and tell you a story which happened halloween on october 31, 2022. Basically 8 mile vehicle pursuit of Armed Robbery carjacking crew four juveniles armed with weapons on three day crime spree and if not for the officers [reading officer names] worked together it could have definitely been work on that noget. Summary, halloween, october 31, 2022 at three p. M. Southern station officers responded to avenue h Treasure Island on a report of armed car jacking that just occurred. Southern station officer s met with victim who stated he parked his car. He observed 4 males outside a infinity g35 parked near his vehicle. Victim got in his car and suspect approached on foot and asked questions and apparent small talk. Three suspects approached the vehicle while the initial suspect forcebly opened the victim car door pointed a semiautomatic pistol. Yelled they were taking his car. Two suspects brandished fire arms as he exited the vehicle. The victim feared he would get shot if he diditant comply. Fled the area in the carjacks mercedes. Determined the infinity g35 left at the scene bay the suspects was taken in a separate car jacking in San Francisco one day before. All this information was provided to dist patch and they put it on all channel broadcast. Approximately 30 minute later in the bayview, on patrol of cesar chavez and connecticut where they observed 4 suspects on board. Confirmed with dispaich they were dehind a car jacked vehicle and requested back up to respond prior to conducted high risk felony car stop. Suspects realized they had been spotted and fled prior to backup arriving. Initiated a vehicle pursuit from bayview to southern. Officers term naeted the pursuit when suspect drove into lanes. Ultimately the vehicle was lost in Southern District multiple unit suched for the vehicle. All located the vehicle at folsom and third. Officer reengaged in pursuit to fled on south bound 280 exited at 18 street. The suspect drove back to the jairmia where pursuit began and blocked by muni bus on 900 of connecticut. All suspects quickly fled and ran from the officer. The driver exited holding a tech 9 pistol discarding during the foot pursuit. All the officers you here today worked together to safely take all 4 suspects in custody. Officers recovered discarded tech 9, 9mm ghost gun, the ghost gun was modified to be fully automatted. Located a air soft pistol. The fire arms recovered 300 feet from star king elementary school. Conducted from the victim from Treasure Island who conformed all suspects were the same who robbed and car jacked him. The robbery crew was investigated for two similar armed car jackings one which occurred in San Francisco on 30 and also occurred in San Francisco on the 29. Important to note that during the vehicle pursuit and apprehension no members of the public officer or suspects were injured despite wreckless flight which spanned over 8 miles from residential streets, freeways to multiple business corridor. The only collision was as a result of the suspects fleeing from the car jacked vehicle before it slowly rolled and collided intaa parked vehicle resulting in minimal damage due to the fact they didnt put the car in park. All 4 suspects two 16 and two 15 year olds booked for numerous felony violations with da filing charges on all. Two suspectss have no bail felony warrant. The other suspect had a warrant for aggrated assault with dangerous weapon. In conclusion, all the officers were directly involved in a long stressful coordinated effort which involved superior observation skills, tactical decision making, Emergency Vehicle operation and physical abilities all which occurred during moments of high stress as there is perhaps nothing more dangerous in police work then high speed pursuit, especially involving arms dangerous suspect. Risked their liferbs given the circumstance. These suspectss were on vilchbt armed 3 day crime spree. No doubt the officers were directly responsible preserving Public Safety and preventing countless other robberies shootings or Violent Crime throughoutf is and bay area on that night. For their efforts they have all been awarded the bronze medal of valor. [applause] sergeant yee. [applause] officer oricunda. [applause] [applause] officer st. Clair. [applause] [applause] officer jensen. [applause] [applause] officer lara. [applause] [applause] officer fabel [applause] [applause] officer hildago. [applause] [applause] officer alcarez. [applause] [applause] next commander derek lew reading the bronze medal award citation for chapten malenjure not able to be with us tonight. Sergeant uber and officer watts. [applause] good evening. On october 29, 2022, a little after 6 p. M. , 911 operators received several cars regarding a shooting of safe way Grocery Store within the ingle side district. Callers inicated numerous shots were fired and the victim of the shooting face down in the street was a store security guard. A number station patrol units began to respond. Within three minutes of the call dispatched, officer arrived on scene and initiated a search for victim sus spect and crime scene. One of the first to arrive is 9 Year Department veteran tom watts. Observed the victim with a gun shot wound attended by several bystanders mptd insuring medical personnel, a witness told officer watts the suspect was in geneva and mission. Officer watts broadcast the information he just received and devised a plan to search for the suspect with then lieutenant malenjure a 26 year veteran of the department. Due to it the knowledge thof ingleside district officer watts knew there was a bus stop and coupled with training and experience the suspect often utilize Public Transportation to flee crime scenes. Drove to the bus stop. Upon arrival officer whauts and lieutenant malenjure saw a bus at northeast courner of geneva and mission. The pair boarded the bus with Sergeant Carl huber entering from the rear door. As a Team Approached the middle portion of the bus officer watts noticed a male sweating and breathing heavily and had a gene jacket tucked between him and seat back. Believing the male to be the shooter, officer watts pointed the suspect out and ordered to show his hand. The suspect began to violent resist officers efforts to restain by kicking and thrashing at the officers. Additionally, the suspect continued to tuck his arms and hands near his waist band and especially dangerous circumstance when engaged in physical fight with armed suspect who minutes before shot someone. During the struggle sergeant huber observed a fire arm fall near the suspect leg and able to direct officers to seize it. The suspect was overpowered and takenen to custody. During the investigation ingleside officers coordinated a show during a eye witness was able to positively identify the suspect as the person who shot the safeway security guard. Additionally, it should be noted the guard told officer he observed the suspect steal 29 worth of merchandise and tried to stop outside the door only is to have the suspect produce a fire arm and shoot himism the victim survived. The suspect fsh a multiconvicted felon with outstanding fire arm related warrant out of San Francisco and bureau chal tobacco and fire arms. These officers responded to aid a victim in need. Used teamwork to pursue a suspect and without hesitation put themselves in a exceptionally dangerous circumstance to arrest someone who showed extreme violence. Professionalism and dedication of the San Francisco Police Department. For their efforts these officers have been awarded the bronze medal of valor. [applause] sergeant huber. [applause] officer watts. [applause] [applause] next commander eric vintero reading the bronze medal awar citation for sergeantofficer[reading officer names] it is my honor once again to tell you a story about the great work performed by these officers. This is incident involving a suspect 25 years old on probation in three counties, committed three armed robberies with a gun at gas stations two in dally city and one in San Francisco in a matter of 24 hours and if not for the collective work of all the officers 4 from taraval and 4 from the swat team things could center been worse. September 30, 2022, the suspect started his crime spree stealing his grandfather vehicle, a 2018 corolla. The next morning 10 a. M. Used the stolen vehicle to drive to 19th avenue, gas station and committed Armed Robbery. The suspect pointed his semiautomatic gun in the face of the female clerk. Told he would kill her. The suspect fled in the toyota and parked several blocks away whether he exited the car, changed his closes and removaled a piece of paper used to cover the license plate. A watchful citizen was looking out of the window and found behavior sus peshs. She took video and called the police. Officers responded and able to take the great tip due to the outstanding officers they are and tied all the crimes together. The toyota tracked to bayview by cell phone left in the toyota. The unit responded and attempted to stop the suspect vehicle but the suspect fled wrecklessly and avaded officers and lost. The next morning sunday San Francisco dispatch received call from daly city suspect committed two armed robberies, two different gas stations license plate, suspect description all the same. Understanding this emergency sergeant took lead of the investigation coordinated a plan to apprehend the suspect before he commit any additional crimes hurt or possibly kill someone. Officers began tracking and surveilling the stolen vehicle driven by the suspect. Officer became involved as the arrest team. Members of the swat team castro, [indiscernible] and denning called for field of expertise and tactical tools needed to safely apprehend the suspect. Plan set into motion which included plain clothes surveillance, marked team and tactical teams and unmarked vehicles. One of was armed. Members fully understood the propensity for violence and of the suspect and likely meant he continued the crime spree unless takenen to cust aeds. The suspect sks 25 years old, sibs foot 2, 200 pounds and in probation. The team conducted surveillance and wait frd a moment to safely make the arrest. As a suspect pumped gas at the corner of california and steining the order given for the arrest team members to move in. As the suspect was inside the stolen vehicle with the driver door open and gas attach today the gas tank, unmarked vehicles driven by officers pulled in front and to the back thof is us pect vehicle. The suspect attempted to back up and made contact with the tactical vehicle which caused miner cosmetic damage. All the members converged on the suspect and vehicle and within moment the suspect quickly realized resistance would be futile. He surroundered without further incident and taken into custody. Suspect arrested with loaded semiautomatic handgun. Sergeant notified daly city pd and responded. All the officers conducted incredible followup investigation. Sergeant conducted interview and interrogation of the suspect at taraval and able to get him to confess. Presented the case to the San Francisco da office. Who filed the charges. This level of coordination on the fly is extremely difficult and challenging and speaks volumes to character dedication and the level of skill and ability of everyone involved in this arrest and investigation. The fact the suspect had committed three armed robberies within 24 hours with use of fire arm and had threatened to shootd all his victims with a fire arm wreckly less fleed and attempted to elude and arrested with loaded fire arm in his pants pocket clearly shows the high degree of danger the officers faced during the investigation and arrest. All the members prevented further Violent Crimes which could have been committed by this violent suspect and for their efforts they have all been awarded bronze medal of valor and officers [calling officer names] receiving the meritorious award [applause] sergeant camarski. [applause] [applause] officer [applause] [applause] officer kavanagh. [applause] [applause] officer zoroski [applause] [applause] officer castro [applause] [applause] officer alvaranga [applause] [applause] officer denning [applause] [applause] next captain christopher canning, cupanding officer for richmond station reading for sergeant, imanual and officer [reading officer names] good evening. It is privilege and honor to celebrate the tremendous work of these fine sergeants and officers i have the privilege working with when i was the captain at tenderloin station. The afternoon february 27, 2021, received word from Investigation Bureau investigators a suspect in a tenderloin triple shooting was believed to be in the area of market and jones. Sergeant mountsed a bmx bike it conduct surveillance ins the area. He saw a man who closely resembled the suspect. The suspect was believe to be armed and are dangerous and had history of Violent Crimes. Accordingly, the entirety of the officers and supervisors formulated a contact and apprehension plan with multiple units covering possible areas of flight, mobile supervision and lethal and non lethal force options. Once the plan had been decided, the officers and sergeants took up their positions. With all the elements in place, sergeantgrave command to move in. Officer was the initial contact officer. She observed the suspect jaywalking in front of her radio car. She call out to the suspect stating he needs to speak to him. The suspect continued walking. The suspect again was acknowledged by name and began fleeing southbound on jones street. Officer pursued the suspect on foot. There officers were in position. The suspect ran directly toward them. Officer managed to trip the suspect but the suspect immediately got up and continued running with officer kavanagh in hot pursuit. Sergeant imanual joined the foot pursuit. The officers gave chase as backup units responded to the area. As the suspect rounded the corner of the black, officer saw the suspect reaching for his waist band. Fearing reach frg a fire arm. As the sus pecktd ran across market street, officer stopped the radio car forcing him to slow down and change direction. The suspect tried to run around the radio car but sergeant managed to roll his bmx bike into the path causing the suspect to fall to the ground and in the grass with numerous officers. The suspect was on the ground in face down position on top of his concealed hands possibly reaching for fire arm. Officers wrestled one of the suspect wrist from underneath him overcoming his resistance. Sergeant imanuel wrestled the suspect other hand from under his body. Sergeant controlled the suspect upper body to keep him rising as officer haley controlled the suspect legs and cuffed the suspect wrists. Soon the officers rolled the suspect to side and as they rolled the officer spotted a fire arm on the ground and directly where the suspect hands was placed. Using outstanding teamwork the officers and sergeant confronted a armed felon wanted to shooting threep people overcame resistance taking him to custody without serious injury to the suspect, any officers or any member of the public. Despite knowing the risk the suspect posed they chased and arrested the armed suspect to keep the streets of San Francisco safe and for their efforts they have been awarded the bronze medal of valor. [applause] sergeant salarozano [applause] [applause] sergeant emanuel [applause] [applause] officer avila [applause] [applause] officer kavanagh [applause] [applause] officer riley [applause] [applause] we have again captain kenning richmond station read thg sillzer medal award citation [reading officer names] [applause] good evening again. My honor to be here and celebrate with these tremendous members of the San Francisco Police Department assigned to Tenderloin Police station. On the morning of saturday june 19, 2021, just after 6 in the morning, officer rugesa and officer ryan patrolling the tenderloin in marked radio car. While patrolling both officers observed multiple people standing stairing northbound on leavenworth from eddie street. When asked what they were looking at the people directed the attention of officers up leavenworth with a building that caught fire. Responded without delay to 421 leavenworth street, is 6 story supported housing home. At the time the building housed 47 units occupied by over 60 residents. The fire is believed to have started in a unit on the 4th floor where it spread quickly to the 5 and 6 floors driving the resident to flee towards the fire escapes on the building exterior. Once there however, the residents found themselves trapped as a system of ladders leading to the sidewalk below were in inoperable. Those who could flee the building fled, spilling on the sidewalk below. Smoke billowed from the roof. It was ciotic scene as they arrived. Officers adviceed dispatch of the fire calling units to the area knowing full well the life threatening danger of entering the building officers immediately went into aid in the evacuation. The air instd the building was thick with heavy smoke and sound of the fire alarm deafening. Ash flooded the stair way and light wells pushing up to the third floor where embers were visible in theair. The officers pounding on doors to evacuate those that had not done so themselves. Officers located a wheelchair bound resident trapped on the third floor with no way down to the ground level. After trying unsuccessfully to ease the wheelchair down the steep staircase they recognized time is of the essence and cheel chair deperdized their efforts. Chicked up the resident and carried three flights of stairs and out to safety. Numerous additional San Francisco Police Department officers and San Francisco Fire Department firefighters began to arrive at the scene, including tenderloin station officer gonzalez, finnegan, [indiscernible] they arrived at the scene and entered without delay. Sergeant saw aufsher doubled in pain as they appeared to suffer from smoke inhuilation. Firefighters inside the building began breaking windows showering the sidewalk with glass and debris. Sergeant hit in the head and cut by a large piece of falling glass. Officers yet again entered the building to the aid of the resident inside. After insuring the safety of the bistandard sergeant entered the building as well. Once inside it building sergeant realized the fire was in danger of quickly over hch taking the building and remaining residents had little time to evacuate. Water fell from upper floors above. Sergeant directed sfpd personnel to engage in a room to room rescue efforts to evacuate as many as possible in the limited time remaining forcing entry where necessary. Second floor saj nlt located a locked apartment. Knocked and announced before kicking open the door and found a elderly disabled man. Helped into the hallway to assist in a wheelchair and pushed to the stairway nearby. Then carried the man down the stair way to the ground floor. Progress was slow as they found the wheelchair was too wide and had to be forced around the corners. F officer able to bear most of the mans weight. Sergeant and officer turned around yet again and ran back inside. Officers gonzalez [indiscernible] continued the rescue effort clearing each apartment one by one. Sergeant arrived on sthecd floor once more there encountered a lock door and hear a dog barking. Forced the door and located a black and white pit bull. Picked up the dog and used a shopping cart to carry the dog to safety. With knowledge of the deteriorate conditions the officers and sargeen worked to the third floor told by firefighter the fire spreading and polices evacuate. Ordered all out of the building. The Fire Department personnel was fully equipped with res pirators and mask. All San Francisco Police Department personnel were all still inside the building unequipped to the conditions. Exposed to the smoke and ash to assist in the evacuation until no longer feasible. Officers had to use flas lights use to limited visibility and smoke. Further noted that the onscene Fire Department stated that the 6 story Apartment Building suffered major fire damage on the 4, 5 and 6 floor and lower suffered water damage. The building is later declared uninhibitable. Fire personnel noted at the time of the fire 44 occupied apartments within the building were occupied by over 60 people suspected to be inside at the time due to the early hour. All those occupants were evacuated with no fatalities and 5 people transported to hospital for miner injury. Numerous animals also evacuated including multiple dogs and a bird. The fact that over 50 percent of the apartment comlex lost to the fire yet no loss of fire is attributes today the efforts of these tremendous members. Fire Department Leadership team contacted tenderloin station regarding the actions of these officers and said in summary, the extraordinary efforts put forth by these officers were above beyond expectations allowed us the Fire Department to focus on ix tinguishing the fire, rescuing the victims from the upper floors. With the help of these officers, we the Fire Department were able to keep the fire causing fatalities. We want to thank the officers for their efforts. It should be noted each of these officers suffered injury and officer ragusa was sadly admitted to the hospital but thankfully released from the hospital within days of celebrating the birth of his first child. These members of the San Francisco Police Department entered a large scale structure fire add risk to their personal safety to evacuate the resident of the apartment. These members remained in the building on fire until they fully evacuate three floors of building placing themselves at risk of the fire long periods of time. These members and actions resulted in the preservation of numerous lives and for their efforts they have all been awarded the silver medal of valor as well as the life saving award and officer ragusa awarded the purple heart. [applause] sergeant caroway [applause] [applause] officer gonzalez [applause] [applause] officer finnegan [applause] [applause] officer ryan [applause] [applause] officer ragusa [applause] [applause] officer presadi [applause] [applause] next captsen jason soyer Commanding Officer for northern station reading silver medal valor award citation for officer perez [applause] good evening. My honor and privilege to explain actions of george perez. June 17, 2022 a man was suffering a Mental Health crisis in yuba city california. He believed a religious order was responsible for the september 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and felt he had to spread the message in one of the busiest airports in the United States. He krideed to drive 140 miles to San Francisco International Airport and brought hundreds of paper copies of detailed manifesto along with two backpacks a replica fire arm and brapd new machete. 6 p. M. The man arrived at sfo and park said in the international terminal. Took backpake paper and macheete and left his keys on the driver seat as a indicator he did not intend to term. Began to speak his beliefs and hurling hundreds of copies of his manifesto in the air and scribbled beliefs on the wall. The man later admitted because he thought no one was listening he decided to grab his machete and began attacking passengers. He approached the firsh victim, swung wildly making contact and causing lacerations to the traveller. The traveller realizing he was bleeding and injured ran away. Panic ensued as passengers began to flee and the man attacked another weapon swinging and slashing the victim. The man then attacked a third victim in the same cold callus manner striking the victim and causing injury. Terrified travellers fleeing in the calls to 911 flooded dispatch. Sergeant perez realized he had a active attacker in front of him and realized he had to respond. Without regard for his own safety, sergeants george perez sprinted towards the unknown and dangerous situation as it terrified travellers ran past. Without hesitation first to arriveoon scene. Quickly locatesed the suspect and directed the attention toward himself. Using verbal skills and training contacted the man and see he was armed with a machete. The man advanced toward Sergeant Perez refusing to stop and surrender. Despite the dwindling distance, Sergeant Perez displayed incredible restraint continuing to use deescalation and verbal commands and physical presence to finally and ultimately get the man to surrender. Sergeant perez top priority and safety and welfare of the surrounding travellers disregarding his safety in the process. Ort officers arrived and able to hands cuff the suspect but the incident was not over. The man glared at the officers and remarked he had a surprise in his backpacks. Believing he was armed with explosive device, Sergeant Perez stood by the pack and ordered everyone away places in position of danger. Evacuation conducted the bags edeemed safe and all the victims survived. Sergeant perez was able to successfully end a violent attack using minimum force in the face of grave danger. Operated as a model office with incredible courage and calmness and saved countless individuals from injury or death. With complete regard for his safety directed violent attacker towards himself, used training and experience to deescalate and take a subject in custody. Exalismifyed bravery, and willingness to protect life as his own peril and proud to work with Sergeant Perez. For his actions Sergeant George perez has been awarded the silver medal of valor. [applause] Sergeant Perez [applause] [applause] our final presentation tonight, captain james commanding special operation reading the gold medal awar citation for Sergeant Moran, rivy and taylor. [applause] good evening. The members before you were assigned to the unit during this incidents. Stands for crime gun investigation center. The unit investigate and arrest violent criminals with gun crimes. This was no routine incident and could have turned deadly for the ufs aers or the suspect. Between january 11 and 14 of 2023, the suspect in this case shot at a victim on three separate occasions. Each time the suspect fled the scene in a gray suv. The victim was never hit by gun fired by cars and houses hit. Over the course of the investigation, the officers learned the suspect shot a woman in in oakland in 2022 and he frequented the sunnydale area of San Francisco. On january 15 after midnoget ingleside officer scoured the area for the gray suv. The officerss located the gray suv near the 100 block of brookdale and record showed the vehicle was stolen and had stolen license plates attached. Officers waiting for a tow truck three to 4 gun shots were fired. Ballistics link spencer to this incident. On january 23 based on the investigation of spencer, sergeants thomas moran sergeant riv i and an dray taylor conducted surveillance to arrest spencer. 130 p. M. A silver car pulled in the parking lot. The vehicle parks and spencer got out of the seat and femay exited the passenger seat. The officers waited as the two gathered belongings. Once away from the vehicle the officer exit the vehicle and sergeant revi called out, police and ordered to stop. The officers were written identifiable clothing. Spencer immediately began running towards the nearby walkway. Sergeant moran and rivi pursued spencer continuing to identify as police and ordering him to stop. Taylor detained the female passenger while riva and moran pursued spencer. Spencer didnt attempt to throw hide or ged och the gun. He ran for several feet with gun in his hand. Sergeant rivi yelled to dop the gun. Spencer began to turn to his right extending riz right arm towards sergeants. Spenceered fired one shot as wrapped his arms around spencer and tackled to the ground. The gun in the right hand was knocked to the ground close by. Once on the ground, spencer continued to violently resist arrest. Officer taylor heard the gun shot. Able to gain control of spencer left arm and continued to fight while reaching toward upper body. Officerss see spencer was reaching for a fanny tack around his chest and Sergeant Moran saw a second gun inside the unzipped fanny pack. Sergeant moran was able to remove from the chest and officers get spencer in hand cuffs. Turned spencer over they found a third gun at his feet. The fire casings recovered thin shootings submitted for comparison to the three fire arms from spencer. Two were linked to the shooting incident. January 23 of this year, officers put their lives at risk with violent criminal carrying three fire arms. Did not hesitate any time of their pursuit of spencer. It is my belief if the officers had disengaged in the pursuit the suspect would have been able to fully turn around and shoot and seriously injury the officer. I believe sergeant revi speed and closeing the gap did not give time to shoot. Exhibited brave ry above and beyond the call of duty. Through the behavior and tenacious investigation a dangerous criminal was taken off the streets of San Francisco and for their efforts they have pbeen awarded the gold medal of valor. [applause] Sergeant Moran [applause] [applause] sergeant rivi [applause] [applause] Sergeant Taylor [applause] [applause] llth. If i can ask all recipients to please rise and stand and face the audience. Everyone, these are your heroes and awardees for tonights San Francisco medal of valor Award Ceremony [applause] thank you. Please take your seats. Chief scott would like to say a few Closing Remarks and then well have final announcement before we adjourn. Thank you sergeant youngblood. First of all, i want to say thank you to sergeant youngblood, sergeant reynolds. We had retired Sergeant Rachel killshaw and entire staff that helped put this together. There is a lot of work that goes into this and these things go smoothly and smothing happen jz all say thank you, but it doesnt happen without those folks so thank you. Thank you for your hard work. [applause] i want to thank all the captains. These incidence dont get to this level without the captains writing up these incidents and nominating these officers for these awards, so to the captains, thank you for rewarding this hard work. [applause] and finally again, final thanks to the families. Thank you for being here. I dont know how many heard these stories before, but hopefully you will continue to allow them to go back to work after hearing all the valor and courage and everything they have done. Also just want to say this, you know, with everything we just heard, not one shot was fired, and that is something that is amazing, because they do the job the right way, they do the job the way we ask them to do and they do the job and treat people with respect and dignity and many of these cases could have easily been officer involved shootings, but they wrnt polk and i dont want to leave tonight without recognizing that with these officers, because thats a big deal, and nobody got hurt, at least seriously anyway and the officers didnt get hurt the people who needed to be held accountable for the things they did to members of the public were held accountable so i like to close this with another round of applause for all our awardees. [applause] thank you chief. Thank you to everyone who came toonts to honor these courageous officers and special thanks to family and friends who support these officers every single day. The chief the command staff rfx Police Commissioners will be available for photos with the award recipients and families and friends after this and also, we have refreshments that will be in the next room over here. On behalf of mayor breed the Police Commission, chief scott, command staff and Commanding Officers of the brave individuals of the San Francisco Police Department, thank you for joining us tonight. Thank you. [applause] in Fire Prevention. Im very happy at Fire Prevention because not only am i able to enforce the code and make changes to help the citizen of San Francisco be safe in their homes or place of business, but i think my work also make sure that my fellow firefighters and first responders, when they respond to a fire, the building is also safe for them. Youre watching San Francisco rising with chris manners. Todays special guest is Brooke Jenkins. Hi, im chris manners and you are watchs San Francisco rising, the show about restarting rebuilding and reimagining our city. Ourguest San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins here to talk about theopeioid crisis, criminal justice and more. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you for being here. Lets start with organized restale threft. Some jurisdictions across the country imposed most of the punishment against people shop lifting in groups but that may be applied disproportionately to epipooal and doesnt address the Organization Behind it all. How can we make sure both prosecute the ring leaders behind the crimes and make sure justice is handed out eveningly . Making sure we get to the higher level of organizations in the organized retail threrft area so that is something myophilus is very much focused on working the Police Department on. Looking at organized retail threat ringzsx but we have to make sure people are being caught who have stealing and that is a big challenge in the sit a so we have worked with retailers and Small Business owners to insure the necessary protocols and procedures are in place to at the very laest catch people who are stealing because they have been running out of the stores and therefore facing no consequence so we have to start there and trying to do more with intervention with the youth who are some of the population doing some of the threfts. Many stores have turned to not detaining employees stealing oertrying to stop them and that change in procedure lead to making it very difficult for the Police Department to capture these people stealing. We have been working with them on a change in their protocol going back to the way it used to be done so we can actually have the opportunity to have people face consequences. Right. So, lets move to the Opioid Crisis which had a devastating impact across the community and across the country, including San Francisco. How can your office help address the issue . The main thing is going back to where people feel there is a consequence dealing drugs in the city. We cant treat drug steel dealing as a victimless crime. We have ooverage 2 people dying a day from overdose. There are victims of this offense so quha what is did is say no longer the case we decriminalizing drug sales in San Francisco as the da office. We have to put consequence on the table and insure the most agregiouss sellers so massive quantityties of fentanyl, some enough to kill all most half the city. Sometimes with people with wep ens and guns are multiple of cases with fentanyl are treated differently then thoges with small contties so i ask those people detain in custody. We cant have them on the street hours later, but also trying to work with the Police Department and our city making sure our laws are enforced. It is the only people people suffering from addiction will have a opportunity at recovry. Imagine if you are trying to get clean and every 10 steps doin the block you are offered the drug you have been addicted to. It is impossible. That is one way we are dealing with the supply side and we are taking a different approach on the demand side, which is to say, if people are publicly using drugs over and over again, that we believe we need to intervene in those situations and so the police are citing them and when somebody reaches 3 of the citations, we then file a complaint, but route them into a Treatment Court to try to help them get help. They have a option take treatment or face charges . Correct. Essentially. We of course encourage treatment because that is what these folks need. Absolutely, absolutely. San francisco is known for being forfront of criminal Justice Reform with initiatives such as Community Justice center and restoreative justice, how do you plan to build on the efforts and push for aggressive policies insuring we have a fair system that holds people accountable . I have been clear accountability comes in many different forms. Historically, da office used one form and that is incarceration. The way i functioned as a prosecutor over the years is make sure we are finding the appropriate form of accountability for each and every person for their specific circumstance, and so for some people it may be incarceration, others it is treatment and going through Behavioral Health to stabilize Mental Health issue. Some it is say ing we toopt see you get a job so we require that you go through a trade program so you can get a skill that allows you to take care of yourself in a different way. For me it is investing in those opportunities which requires us to be partnering with Community Based organizations to identify what programs we can send people to, but im very much invested in seeing our collaborative courts, which is what Community Justice center, drug court, Young Adult Court seeing those courts thrive and encouraging the lawyers to explore those opportunities. Right. What role do you think the da office can play addressing the issue of Police Misconduct and promoting accountability . Our job is to prosecute Police Officers when they commit such misconduct and use Excessive Force in a way that is illegal so well continue to maintain that is our job and our position. We prosecute all crime in San Francisco, it is not about what your statue is, what your position is or what office you hold. The law will always be our standard. We cant treat differently where they come from, whether they wear a uniform or not, our standard is the law. For me, as a black latino woman it is issue very personal to me. We had a death in Police Custody in my family that i heard about my entire life. Im raising two black children including a black son who you know, i will have to talk about these type of issues as he grows up. I was out raged long before george floyd. The list goes on and on, but as a prosecutor i have to maintain one standard and it is whether somebody according to the law has committed a crime and so thats what we always look at. Absolutely. Finally, what message do you have for the people of San Francisco and what you hope to accomplish during your tenure . I want the people of San Francisco to know im committed serving the function the da office was designed to serve which is make sure we promote Public Safety across San Francisco. Like i said, we have to have accountability in our city. What we see going on in our streets is the result of people feeling as though there was none. They didnt fear even the Police Walking by as they were committing a crime because there was a belief that even if you arrest me, the da office isnt going to do anything that im afraid of experiencing, and so we want people to have a healthy fear of what a consequence will be, but i also want San Francisco to know we are a da office that stands by the val aoos we have here in San Francisco which is second chances, compassion, responsible alternative to incourseeration bought the end of the day accountability has to be what people said back on the street or community in a fashion where they can succeed. Every time somebody cycles into the system we are thoughtful what the person needs to get back on their feet and not create another victim in the future. Quite right. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate the time you have given us today. Thank you. Thats it for this episode. Well back for another shortly. For sfgovtv, im go. Shop and dine the 49 promotes local businesses and changes san franciscans to do their shopping and dooipg within the 49 square miles by supporting local Services Within the neighborhood we help San Francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant so where will you shop and dine the 49 hi in my mind a ms. Medina tele in 1948 swensens ice cream used to make ice cream in the navy and decided to open up an ice cream shop it it takes time for the parent to put money down and diane one of the managers at zen citizen in arena hills open and serve oldfashioned ice cream. Over 20 years. Yeah. Had my own business i was a firefighter and came in in 1969 her dad had ice cream and left here still the owner but shortly after um, in here became the inc. Maker the manager and lead and branded the store from day to day and in the late 90s was obvious choice he sold it to him and he called us up one night and said im going to sell the Ice Cream Store what you you talking about diane came and looked at the store and something we want to do and had a history of her dad here and growing up here at the Ice Cream Store we decided to take that business on. And have it in the family i didnt want to sell it. To keep it here in San Francisco. And unintelligible . Share worked there and worked with all the people and a lot of customers come in. A round hill in the adjoining areas loved neither ice cream shop in this area and support russia hills and have clean up day and give them free ice cream because that is those are the people that keep us the opportunity to stick around here four so many years next generations have been coming her 20 er thirty or 40 years and we have the ingredients something it sold and, you know, her dad said to treat the customers right and people will keep on coming back and 75 or 74 years, you know, that is quite an accomplishment i think of it as our first 75 years and like to see that, you know, going into the future um, that ice cream shop will be around used to be 4 hundred in the United States and all gone equipment for that one that is the first and last were proud of that were Still Standing and people people are you tell people its been around in 50 years and dont plan on [music] hi. Im San Francisco mayor london breed i want to congratulate sfgovtv on 30 years of dedicated service as a broadcast channel for our vibrant city. You played a Critical Role during the pan dem and i can worked keep residents informed. Adapted to changing situations that allowed our residents to engage and participate in government. Thank you for 3 decades of informing and inspiring and connect the people of San Francisco as the voice that you are watching San Francisco rising. Hi, you are watching San Francisco rising. Reimagining our city. Hes with us to talk about how our librarys economic recover. Mr. Lambert, welcome to the show. Thank you. Im glad to be here. I know its been difficult to have books going virtual. Have we recovered . Yes, we are on our way. Our staff stepped up big time during the pandemic to respond to the health emergency. Since last may, we have been able to steadily increase in person access to library facilities. Currently we are at 95 of our precovid hours of operation. In the coming weeks we are going to fully restore all of our hours. We have four branches that we are going to bring back to seven day service. They are currently operating at 5 days a week and we are going to go to every tag line and i know all the foot traffic has not returned to San Francisco, but our library is seeing a resurgence coming back. Can we talk about programs after covid . Absolutely, that is part and parcel of our mission. We were doing that work precovid and certainly the library stepped up during the pandemic. We doubled our level of programming for personal finance, Small Business help, jobs and careers. We have a dedicated Small Business center here at the library. There is a wide suite of programs that our librarian led. We have a Financial Planning day coming up in october and we have financial coaches that members of the community can come to the main library and take advantage of their expertise. I understand the mission is in the middle of a renovation. How is that going and are there other Construction Projects in the horizon . Yes, we have Major Projects in the pipeline. The Historic Mission branch library, Carnegie Library over 100 years old and we are investing 25 million to restore that facility. We are going to restore the original entrance on 24th street, the staircase from the lower level up to the grand reading room. We are going to push out on the orange alley side of the library and expand space for teens and children, we are going to create a Robust Community room, a multipurpose space. We are also investing 30 million in the chinatown branch, we are going to upgrade the mechanical systems to the highest level of filtration as we increasingly respond as cooling centers and air Respite Centers and open access to the roof. It has some unique views of chinatown to create the inspiring space it is. I believe you have programs for families that have free and low cost entries for museum and zoos, is that correct . Yes. Its a fabulous resource. Go to our website. With your library cart, patrons, our residents can go to the Public Library and get passes to the museums, all of the incredible cultural institutions that we have in San Francisco all for free with your library card. How are these great Free Services paid for . How is the Library System funded . We are so fortunate in San Francisco. We are funded for by the library fund and those that taxed themselves just for library services. We also get a dedicated portion of the general fund. That together allows us to be one of the most well supported libraries in the nation. We have the third most library outlets per square mile of any municipality. All of our Branch Libraries have professionally trained librarians onsite. Service that we are able to provide, the collection, we are a leading library in our country. That lead know ask about your biggest annual event in the city. How does the event work and whats happening this year . We are excited for this years one city one book. This is our signature annual literature event. We have everybody in the Community Reading the same book. This years title is this is your hustle named after the Pulitzer Prize nominated and pod taste. This is about the population. One nice thing about this selection is that they are both local. We are going to have several weeks of programming, kicking off next month. It will culminate here in the auditorium november 3rd. So our Library Patrons will get to meet the authors, hear from them directly, and one other important aspect about this years selection, we have our own jail and Reentry Services department. Recently the Foundation Awarded the San Francisco Public Library 2 million to work with the American Library association to shine a light on our best practices here in San Francisco, and really help our peers in the industry learn how they can replicate the Service Model that we are doing here in San Francisco. Thats great. Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate you coming on the show, mr. Lambert. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you, chris. Thats it for this episode, we will be back shortly. You are watching San Francisco rising. Thanks for watching. Gned by president wood it took the devastating 1906 earthquake and fire and 500 city blocks burning to the ground for the people of San Francisco to realize they had an inadequate water supply. The earthquake allowed nation sin a neuropathy for San Francisco. Whatever this stricken city wants as a country, we should help them with it. Years before, mayor james feland explored the sierra for a source of water for a city run water utility. His search led him to a pristine valley along the tuolumne river. Hetch hetchy valley seemed to be the obvious place for this. It had steep perpendicular walls, 2500 feet and a flat floor. All you would have to do is put a dam across it. However, hetch hetchy was in Yosemite National park and in order to build the proposed system, San Francisco needed federal permission. Jon mural opposed the dam and blocked progress for years but in 1913, congressman john from money george would clear the way. Signed by president wood row wilson, it created a relationship between Yosemite National park and the city of San Francisco that continues to this day. Take them to the its an imperative for collaboration with the National Park service and the Forest Service for our ongoing work as well as maintenance projects and Capital Improvement projects. We have a Strong Partnership with the National Park service aimed at protection of the watershed, its for the natural values for it, and wilderness area for the park service and protection of water quality. For a century now, this dam in a National Park brought fresh water to the San Francisco bay area which shared stewardship, it will continue to do so for generations to come. This will is the moment. Its made possible the board of directors and Parking Authority commission. Good afternoon directors, staff and members of the public. We thank you for joining us. This meeting is being held in hybrid format, occurring in person at city hall, room 400 broadcast live on sf govtv and by phone the phone number to use today is 415 6550001 access. Code 26611010021. When the item is called dial star three to enter the queue, commenters will have up to two minutes to provide comment unless otherwise noted by the chair. A time limit of ten minutes of remote Public Comment on each action or discussion item has been set and notice for this meeting. Please speak clearly and sure. Youre in a quiet location and turn off any tvs or computers around you. We thank you for your cooperation and places you on item two. Roll call director hemminger. Here are present director henderson here henderson present director hinsey present hinsey present. Director so

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