Transcripts For SFGTV TA Vision Zero 121516 20170101 : vimar

SFGTV TA Vision Zero 121516 January 1, 2017

2016. 2 p. M. So, i am commissioner norman yee and will chair todays meeting and to my left is commissioner david campos and i believe that commissioner jane kim will be here shortly. I want to first acknowledge Stephen Stamos is our clerk and like to thank sfgovtv for airing todays meeting. So, lets seemr. Clerk, roll call, please. Item 1, commissioner campos, present. Commissioner kim, absent. Commissioner yee, present. We have quorum. This is the last meeting of the year, so forgive me if i lose focus here. Mr. Clerk, item 2. Item 2 approval the minutes of september 15, 2016 meeting. This is action item. Okay. Any Public Comments on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Roll call. On the minutes, campos, aye. Yee, aye. The minutes are approved. Okay. Please call item 3. Item 3, vision zero two year Action Strategy update. This is information item. Come on up. Marie hunter and megan weir. Good afternoon commissioners. Im megan weir with San Francisco department of Public Health and cochair of Vision Zero Task force and here with marry hunter and we are excited to provide a update on the two year Action Strategy for vision zero. As you remember, the vision zeery was adopted in San Francisco in february 2014 and since then a number of city agencies have adopted resolution in support of vision zero and launched the website and had a strategy that covered 2015 to 2016. We had a number of achievements including the vision zero High Injury Network, the city accomplishing the 24 project in 24 months ahead of schedule. The First Comprehensive vision zero education and enforcement campaign, it stops here focus on 5 goals of 50 fert and institutionalizing the transbay data base that helps the data driven approach. We learned a lot and have acknowledged and increased focus on speed for vision zero, speed being the primary predictor of severe injury and death. This slide is the likelihood of surviving at 20 mile a hour is [inaudible] a lot of the initiatives focus on slowing traffic down to save lives. With respect to our vision zero Action Strategy timeline, we have been working on that all fall. We had a lot of success in getting input both from city agencies as well as public stakeholders through Public Meetings and outreach as well as through Online Survey jz meeting with the Vision Zero Coalition and that is summarized here. We also been working to outreach to you and to our supervisors presented to the directors working group on november 16 where it was well received and doing outreach with aim of releasing Action Strategy january of next year. The next slide is a list the money city agencies pleased and vaurfbed in creating and refining our Action Strategy with a number of action and commitments for the coming two years to help us take vision zero to the next level. A key change in our Action Strategy for next two years is we are focusing on outknhs opposed to engineer, education enforcement and evaluation so focus on creating safe streets, people and vehicle jz organizing our actions around the outcome which we think will help us improve our interagency coordination. And also just to revisit and restate our Core Principles for vision zero so leading with traffic deaths are preventable and want to save lives and reaffirming and elevating commitment to equity so insuring all communities are really safe and prioritize efforts for vuliable road users eliminate disparities and sensitive to community and making sure our action are not axiser baiting concern. Focus on safe street, vehicle jz slowing down streets. Again, this is a graphic to illustrate i think the concept of equity so on the left is the relative to equality. On the left is investment in the same level of resources really leading a different outcomes but through vision zero and data driven approach we look to invest in communities where we have more higher need to make sure that in the end everyone has a Safe Community to live in. Now i will turn it over to mar i. We have done outreach with Key Stakeholders and Online Surveys and emails that have come in and the workshop we hosted at city hall, here are key things we heard time and time again. A few i want potonet out is the equity section again making sure we elevate that discussion within the strategy and making sure our actions within the strategy not only promote equity but work to eliminate any existing inequities. Ill opponent out one other in the opportunity section, the first one make city a model for vision zero and holding ourselves accountable. We are doing a lot the work to redesign streets or develop programs but within our daily processes and you know, field work making sure we are as staff and employees as the city and county are also promoting the Core Principles of vision zero. For the actions that we identified within the strategy, here just kind of guidelines that we used to finalize that selection. First being to promote the Core Principles and then to make sure we are going beyond businesses as usual. We want to make sure we use our resources efficientlyexcuse me. Let me ask a quick question. In terms of the stakeholders to engage yes have you actually engaged with seniors in yes. Okay. Um, ill just comment this is a abbreviated list. People are have offered dozens and dozens of group tooz engage in so wellokay. I know dph has been doing a lot of engagement for safe streets for seniors specifically targeting seniors throughout the fall so this list points out the areas where there is less targeted engagement that we could increase in the coming two years. Um, again making sure it is data driven, the evidence based approach. We want to make sure people come up with oo a lot of great ideas but want to own and champion it so making sure the city can advanss it. This is a two year strategy, and have the goal of zero bife 2024 but in the next two years what can we initiate or complete . The next slide provides a few actions pulled from the strategy. The first few are just new engineering specific efforts. You are familiar with walk first and the first would be similar but specifically for bicycle collision jz the second for transit collisions. We had success with the combination of high visibility education and enforcement so launching two initiatives for driving under the influence and distracted driving. Making sure the city continues to be coordinated and collaborative to try and speed up the delivery process for project and Program Implementation and then another critical project or program is the implementation of e citations which not only is a great enforcement tool, but serves to inform Engineering Solutions and other programmatic just other programs. Regarding next steps, i apologize, the task force was last tuesday but we are here today to share this update with you. Over the next few months or month in a half finalizing the Action Strategy and releasing it in midto late january. That it . Yes, sorry. Um, i guess im just wondering we have been at it for about two years trying to implement and get to our goals and as you know, it seems like we havent gotten closer to our goal yet. And so the strategies that we have been using, has there been any thought about whether or not we have to rethink it . Um, that is a good question. The short answer is yes. Part the strategy tries to refine build upon that first Action Strategy. We know that we must lead by design so that is made explicit within the strategy update that we need to build a Transportation System that st. Intuitive and really basically requires people to walk and bike and drive safely through the city, so we dont have to rely on enforcement. That is something we are emphasizes within the strategy and with the laurch of these new programs, the Bike Coalition and transit coalitions integrating those into the Engineering Solutions of the Transportation System. Can you give me a concrete example of how something is new in terms of strategies . Yes, you are talking in generalities. Sure. Well for example with the bike collision analysis, the city is already in the process of identified ipthe executive directive bicycle infrastructure and this will just make that a even richer program so we can make sure as we are shifting with the transit first policy we shift to people walk{bikeic and transit and building the system to do that safely. Is that helpful . Well see. I also wanted to as you are lookingyou are always i would imagine revising your strategies to a certain extent, so my question is more specifically on how we are looking at the streets that we are focusing on, which is the high injury corridors, i guess. Uhhuh. I know that the determination of high injury corridors is basically the number of incident that happened along those corridors and one of the thoughts i had recently and dont know if staff has taken this into consideration or not is that sometimes when we are on the west side and or it doesnt have to be the west side but anywhere where there are fewer people that is actually crossing a street, and so what happens then is that when you just look in terms of actual numbers, those streets are basically ignoreed because the numbers are not that high in real count and i guess i would like us to consider a different way to look at things, which is that for instance, in monterey valdez, there are two recently, collisions there, a month and a half or twoe months of each other and that wouldnt be considered like high incident corridor because there are two in 10 years or whatever, but what im realizing is that that is two out of 20 people that cross in that period rather than 2,000 people crossing and three people were involved or something. I guess my point is, is there a way to measure things differently so we take that into consideration because to me having two there where hardly anybody crosses a street indicates it is really a dangerous intersection. Sure. Ill take the first half of it and just say that um, while we do want to prioritize the High Injury Network, we specifically articulate we want continue doing safety imprubment city wide systematic improvements and aligned with the 311 program, when things pop up that may be considered a outlier or not get as much attention because it is off the High Injury Network those are opportunity for us to identify those where we may not otherwise if they are hauf the High Injury Network. Development a additional action we will pursue with the next strategy is more Predictive Modeling which will look at environmental conditions that predict severe and fatal injurys and what that can do is help address some of what you are identifying is a particular location may have factors that contribute to higher injuries but identify where we want higher improvements even if there isnt a collision history. Is this a model you are developing or developed . It is a model we are developing. What is the timeframe. We focus on a bike specific model so the bike project that mari described this year in 2017. Do you develop for pedestrians also . We are aiming to develop for all modes but start wg the bicycles. This may be three years out by the time you finish . Pardon me kr . You are talk this is a sophisticated model to do this work so it requires building and testing the model so it takes some time. Again, you said just for the bike model . I think what is exciting about this modeling is once you have one, it is really powerful template for Building Models for other modes but having a mode specific model is needed just because predictors of pedestrian vurss auto versus bicycle collisions are different. So, can you make sure that eeben if you are not completed with the model because i dont want to too long to hear about it and make sure it is on the ajndsa to giv us an update where you are . We would be happy to. Thank you. Commissioner campos. Thank you mr. Chair. So, if we can step backthank you for the presentation. If we can step back to vision zero was approved in february 2014, how many fatalities did we have in the year prior . Let me go grab that. And then i wondered if you can tell me how many fatalities a year after that and where are we now two yearswithin two years since the adoption of vision zero. Meg 2014 is 15 we had 31 fatalities each year. How about the past year . So, the current fatalities official counts we for vision zero is 22, but that doesnt include all the fatalities from november, those are being finalized now. We get data from the medical examiners aufs. Do you bow how many wroo we are talking about . I think there were three more that are being reviewed for november but that is being finalized by staff. I think what ultimately what you are speaking to is we are relatively flat with respect to fatalities and that is something that is not acceptable and that is obviously not what wewe are havent achieved our goal. We do have been focus through vision zero and also looking at interim metrix because we know it is ambitious goal and have a 10 year timeline so through the Data Analysis and developing the High Injury Network and focus on education and enforcement on speed with the laurch the Speed Campaign and focus on automated Speed Enforcement we are really doing what we can to focus on what we know are the causal factors for fatalities but we have a lot more to do. We are seeing at the state level and National Level 15 percent and 8 percent respectively increases in fatalities so nationally this is something vision zero cities in the country are struggling with of what are the factors we are hoping through the targeted work we can help lead for solutions but now we have a lot more work to do. We will look at severe injuries and working on a linked Surveillance System with the hospital and have a lot more data on severe injuries but adding that data will help further refine our approach. I appreciate that and mindful of the fact the numbers are increasing in other parts the country, but the goal of vision zero isnt to do the best we can but get to zero fatalitiesism given we are flat we are flat since this goal was adopted im just trying to understand what it we are doing differently so a year from now we are not getting the same result. Um, i think part of the answer is that within the past couple years we have been able to reprioritize the capical program and want to lead by design and a lotf the Capital Projects take a while to get in the ground. We are doing the quick which have been affective and elevatingsignal retiming is across the city, high visibility cross walks and safety zones so implementing those treatments around the city until the Capital Projects which are even more visible and maybe more impactful, so we are working to improve that project delivery and so again, the physical environment will create the safe space, the safe transportation cystment with the 24 or 20 plus fatallies we had this year, what do we know about the sort of the demo graphics of the people who are involved . Of the victims . We are finalizing that fatally report right now for the end of the year so we are happy to sair that with you. How about prior years, has there been a specific demographicand imagine depend who you are talking about there are different strategies . We know over half fatalsies are pedestrians and seniors are disproportionately injured and why we laurned the saich streets for seniors program. We know again that the High Injury Network is highly predictive of where these injuries are happening so that is why the city is focus improvements on the communities. We know the focus on the 5, speeding, red light running, driver failing to yield to pedestrians are consistently highly predictive of severe and fatal injuries. You know, through the sfpd achieving the focus on the 5 through the city launching the First Comprehensive spreed campaign that is lasting a year and has high visibility enforcement on a high injury core dor aerfb week, those are the near term actions the city can take while the engineering improvements go on the ground. One of the things that walk sf noted in their document and you talked about some of the engineering improvements which is good, but some of the projects, in fact 57 project said have experienced delay, can you talk about that . What happened with those projects . Is it project management issue . Just want to be clear, fiver 7 of the projects havent been delayed, the new priority projects . Uhhuh. I will duffer to tom maguire and will present in the next item. Okay, great. Final question is, do you think this is a thing of resources . Could we do better if we added more resources to this . Is it a matter of it takes time to get to a outcome . What is the um, we identified kind of three challenge areas, one being resources, financial or staff, but also political and physical environment. There are some places where it may not be a Engineering Solution or we are having trouble identifying a solution that works with the competing demands of a particular area. It is a area within the strategy we elevated that Engagemen

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