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Yvonne present seyed. Present. Mandelman. Present. Gee. Communication the press for members to make Public Comment members of public may meant on the meeting during comment importance in person or remote the call in line availability may be disrupted due to technical difficulties in person first and remote after the call in line is on the agenda and dialing instructions should be scrolling at the bottom of the screen on sfgovtv. There are other communications . We will call the next item 4 the now and or old business. Not aware of any. All right. None. Item 5 screwive directors report. Good morning. Happy holidays nice to seeow our last meeting of 2023. A couple of updates before we come to you with hopefully exciting news on advancement and funding and prosecute curement next year. At the Transit Center nice to see you at the holiday lighting on friday. Where our chair and vice chair and many here today were present to light up the park for the holidays. Had a group of children pull the lever and fantastic band and i nice evening to kickoff event in the park. Lights stay up we invite to you come seat festive lights 60 feet up in the air it is a niegs sight. Caltrain electrified service a mile stone for 2024. We are happy it debut was a new electric train decoration. In the park. And which had great place if you can afford the train and saw families taking photo there is a nice feeling. So. It is zeal photographs as part of the directors report. We are happy to report this we did a tour for sam france interested in a bus day on the bus deck with a new route. This is a great addition to the center bringing them in the building. Exclude be a sublose from ac transit assuming they reach the terms and bring service in february. Manage to look forward to. On the security front, were happy to announce the tjpa selected to host a transportation security table top exercise through the intermodal security train and exercise program of no interruptions to services or operations at the park. And but we are excited collaborate to enhance the security measures to benefit the riders in the community. The dtx perral we advance in the federal Transit Administration Capital Investment grant you will hear today. We expect to receive the formal rating and enter in engineering phase this winter in january early february time. Alcohol make us grant eligible and advance us to the next stage of the process. We are seek funding of all sorts. I want to take a moment to congratulate our partners at the High Speed Rail Authority for an announcement last week. They received 3 billion dollars from the fed state partnership forrin are city rail will advance a number of things including procurement of first train sets it is confidence in the federal government and we will see their trains arriving in our building in the near term. So. As part of this grant award there was a 500 thousand dollars corridor identification and development award. Named the portal project and develop a cost meat for Service Delivery plan. Good announcement for the project. We also applied for this Grant Program in 97 Million Dollars program it was for inter~ city rail. It was for some of the design work for high speed rail dm were not successful in naapplication we heard back from 2 of the. Federal applications the 2 from the federal riadministrations. And which we were not recipients of but expecting announcements of the third through the office of the secretary and department of transportation in the coming week which is is megasm meg office a combined with 2 other grant applications announced the first awards rural. And making their way through in the coming weeks or months we hope to have award news to share with you at the 99 meeting. On the stateside. With the states facing estate billion dollars deficit. We are focusing in sacramento on current discussions to renew the cap and trade program key for the transit andin are city rail capitol program. You recall the Metro Commission endorsed the perral projected for 500 Million Dollars in future funds and having the capacity to issue that multiyear award is on that extension. It is is something we are interested in long with many other transit partners looking for that as a longterm funding source. The ntc spearhead to explore a transportation measure for 20 ticks and discussed that at the joint legislation meeting left friday. Staff expected to share more at their january meeting and update you as we hear more. They presented specific poling information and sources. And are working through what could be a funding solution coming forward. Finally 2 financial notes one prior to advancing our early prosecute curement documents you will hear more in our look ahead later in the agenda provide an update on the grants and will or awards mean for our forecasted cash flow in the financial look ahead in january or february meeting. And final low tip kelly we bring our fiscally june 30 Financial Statements at this meeting in december. However with the transitions and finance division reel we expect to bring this in the february Board Meeting. This concludes my directors report and help to arounds questions you have before we inviolet cary to gift legislative update. Directorses, questions . Learn about the silent ugly wet and other event before we take Public Comments. Good morning. Chair gee we made it 2023 is almost over and happy to got through it with all of you. Our fourth winter fest director van de water mentioned kicked off with a park lighting party. As you see in the top left, our lovely electric train not as cool as some others. Was in the bottom left was a great photo op for families to come out. And the top middle here we have a silent disco. We had circus bella perform on saturday. And we closed out with a holiday wreath making, which the park never smelled better. Popular programs for 2023 will be no surprise to you boly wood nights our top and yoga. Mid day music. And toddler thursday. Park updates. So, flute the year we hosted 65043 events open to the public. And welcomed 30,000 attendees. Road to serving 30,000 people with 650 free events paved with 9 programs per week during winter and then around 20 events during summertime of really making use. That sunlight. Also we have new signage going on the ground mroor to help encourage and entice people to come up and visit. One neat one here is a birds eye view will go on our beale street elevator move to things less fun, we have been keeping an eye on the economy in San Francisco. We took a look at the report from ted at the San Francisco office of economic analysis. We are seeing some up ticks in employment. And with sfo activity. We are seeing other things like rider help slacked. Less impressive there. We are watching this. We are keeping an eye on the Real Estate Market and making sure we take advantage of timing and being strategic with the timing. Moving along in retail leasing got mode he started working on out door patios. I bit of a Construction Zone they are going fast as they can. We are looking for a majority april opening date. Hoping for no other delays and bear bottle ramping up now. Architectural drawings done and w to help approve their plans to get them in the grant hall that construction will be quick with fun games. And if anybody likes to lose in shuffle board let me know i will meet you there. With that,il close out and want to make sure i call attention to current tenants. Happy to answer questions. Number one thank you for winter fest. And thank everybody and lighting the parks, security. It was a great event and just park looks great and thank you all. For what you do for the neighborhoods and contributions. Directors, questions . On the reports . Not seeing is there Public Comment. Why check for Public Comment on line we have a member that is raised their hand up. Check in the room first. No Public Comment in the room. Moderator open the caller. Good morning, [inaudible]. Upon san jose. My comments relate to the executive directors report. It is true that President Biden announced a grant california [inaudible] authority. That i think it should be noted that the president made the announcement in list vegas not in the valley [inaudible]. And the reason yet president was in list vegas is because he announced another grant also for 3 Million Dollars, which is for the 218 mile pipeline west. High speed line between los angeles and las vegas. This line is expected to be completed in 4 years in times for the 2028 olympics. [inaudible] 12 billion dollars including 8 billion dollars from private bonds. The reason i bring this to your attention is that at the federal level be very difficult to convey 8 billion dollars 1 and a half mile, extension from forth and king to [inaudible]. With a 220 mile high speed lineful thank you. Thank you, caller. Are there other members wish to comment . On the executive directors report, item number 5. Go head and move to the next item. The next is the consistent Advisory Committee update and directors we have cac vice chair brian shaw to address you. Thank you, good morningful thank you directors. Brian shaw vice chair provideing report for our meeting for december this past tuesday. Meeting with a coreum. A staffs report. Federal upon grant to high speed rail. Physical signos street level to inform passers by the winter fest. Taking place in the sales force park. And suggested to make use of social media influenceers to promote sales force park events the east cut doing this for their events. After requests from a member all elevators at the Transit Center will have chimes to help those with vision impair ams for elevators. A member asked what retail spaces are left for lose. Primarily restaurants, health and wellness space. The portal program. A member asked experience with bid and will be a factor in selection of contracts. Staff said a scoring system with other agencies includeed determine the award of work. Talking points about the costs being 8 billion dollars. Also recommended develop an elevator pitch for supporting the portal a cost not to the renaling glob terms of will economic environment. Environmental and access. A member upon reported Caltrain Service not be interrupted at fire and towns end. And therefore not abling to make use of the link to the bay bridge and added an agenda item to have i presentation on how travel modes models are updated to reflect post covid travel that concludes my report. Any questions in Public Comment . On the cac report . See if we have Public Comment in the room . None. Checking on line. We have no members wish to address you thunder item thank you. Happy holidays. All right we can one moment. Mr. Patrick is this okay. The next. Next item is 7 for an opportunity for the public to address the authority not on the calendar in the jurisdiction. We have mr. Patrick with us. Good morning and Merry Christmas i wanted to talk about several things the Transit Center. Number one there is looking in the first 4 area where per diem is lect thered is no Real Christmas spirit. No nothing. There is a role up steel door. There is vacant space. There is in excitement. I hope per diem space there but we need more prosecute motions. How about the authority working on joint promotions every customer gets a coupon coupon t the restaurants or places. We need to do more marketing. Particularly for the first 4 level. I think were weak there and architecturally we are weak in the looks and on the other side of the transit cert were week dont have tenants. I think we should dromotropic requirement for union work done on a tenant improvements. Why . Force the tenants to pay extra money for that. Thats a mistake and shooting yourself in the foot. So what can i say i think we can do a lot better and i like to get more tenant there is and like to seearctivities more market nothing a different approach and how about a new real estate agent. Thank you. Any other members ever public in the room . Seeing none. Online. Let the caller in. Thank you again for the opportunity. I believe my friend brian did in the mention the [inaudible]. Where by [inaudible] some of you may know. Broke out the [inaudible]. Alternative. Why to which approach the Transit Center. A good question about whether anybody looked at the protest in london. Some of you may know and the tunnels. Under the london under ground. Which were built to billion dollars. Including 200 ground stations. In closing when i like to do attract your attention to video which is [inaudible] design of and what you will finds in there can do a krsz over [inaudible]. Championship is a pullover for the ta [inaudible] a direct replica of the royal oak photo [inaudible]. Which is where the initial [inaudible] took place thank you. Thank you. That concludes members who want to comment on this item move to your consent calendar. All right. All matters are routine and will be acted upon by a vote no separate discussion. The merit may be removed and considered prit low. We will check for Public Comment in the room. On the items listed. Seeing none and checking on line. Seeing none. Your items are 8. 1 minutes of november 9, 8. 2 authorizing the executive director an extension of the alternate period under the third amendment [inaudible]. Item 8. Ly with charlie and 8. 4 authorizing direct a fiveth amendment to Lease Agreement with transbay fitness. Directors. Items for action or consent . Director forbes. Aye baptiste aye lipkin aye seyed. Aye. Director tumlin. Aye vice chair mandelman. Aye and chair gee. Yes. The consent calendar is approved. Thank you. Like to move 2 items up items 14 and 17 before consent. That acceptable . All right. So we will move up item 14 and 17 prior to the closed session. Item 14 is a San Francisco rail Program Update and stats of the rail extension work plan, schedule and funding update. To be presented by cal tain execute ever director. Good morning. Happy holidays observe i go in my prepared remarks i wanted to thank executive director adam van de water coming down to talk. Nice to meet you. Sorry. Has been a long week. Thank you for giving 2 long presentations we gave one on an item you will hear later on the 4 k y work in the rail yard and i think a great opportunity at the full board to educate them about the full project. And so really appreciated chair ghee facilitating that discussion. On to my prepared remarks. November ft. Meeting discussed the importance of extending the San Francisco peninsula rail program. Memorandum of develop elements of successor agreement supported the recommendation to extend the current mou to may of next year. This is on your agenda today for consideration. The portal tunnel construction contract is under way. We are awaiting receipt of design build teams qualifications and due on january 33 of 24. The project Delivery Team is engaged in completing the next step in thes prosecute curement process the request for proposal. A progressive Design Delivery method for the learningest contract provides an opportunity to joint low complete design with engage am by the operators and contractor. This delivery method is you in in the transit industry. The team incorporates experience for projects of the size and complexity. Had stands out is the need for transparency and partnership from all involved. Working together with transparency and, counselability we have the opportunity to serve as a model for megatransit project dlifshy implementing a truck that support ace Delivery Team. And this concludes my comments before i turn it over to alfonso, i doment to put out caltrain it is trans forming its and a new home at the transbay will celebrate 160th anniversary of Passenger Rail service all you have expect inritation to a celebration in januariful thank you very much. Good morning i wanted point out weer track to bring a recommendation for award of our Program Management Construction Management contract we have a few change on the scheduled ideas. We have shifted our presentation to the board and request of your action to release a question for proposal for the civil and design build contract from march to april. Left week we ask for questions of law ifkdzs for that contract providing additional month to submit qualifications. Which will now be due at the end of january. I like to mobility out there is great interests out there in this contract. The learningest contract of our program. And we felt it was just better to provide an opportunity and gives the respondents another month. The track and system procurement shifted follow with the civil and tunnel construction contract procurement. Our calls for shifted the other 2 contract procure am releases. The boards action last month shifting sit out for fourth and townsend station to the progressive design built provided relief this allowed you to station fit out procure am not by an among but several. It is rfu outside the look ahead. Baseline budget and schedule action well present to the board also shifted. As adam our executive director pointed out example to receive news from january and possible low february on our admittance to the phase of the Grant Program. Once fta completes the rating, we go in a 30day blackout period. That adds a month when the work is done to when we are notified. We expect to complete our baseline work after we receive news offent row to engineer and with the w ip nt and the presentation of the efc proceeding your action it is shifted the base line out to april. Subject to the board approval today on our mou, or extending it with the agency per ins we flon have a successor to the board in may for your consideration. This is the fshgs mou that the develops in and identifies government structure for the next phase of our project. And in june we plan to present the agreement for the work at fourth and king rail yard to facilitate that ritransit connection to the portal. And service in the downtown San Francisco that concludes those items we expect to present in the next 6 months. Might be in changes as we move forward this is when we are forecasting today. Adam, did you have comments . Directors only add i kicked off we plan to come to you with an updated graphic and more nuanced look ahead on cash flow. The grant applications we continue to submit, f project like this we have to carve out a set of scope for those. The 97 Million Dollars state application to advance the rail specific design we need a different source for those funds the megagrants in the next month or so is for the advanced work. And that is 117 Million Dollars. The 30 Million Dollars for another sxoech work. So what we want to have a robust discussion with you we advance the prosecute curement and alfonso out lines the Funding Sources for you scope of work and what is the run away for the scopes so we issue a notice to proceed we are eatingtory get contractor on board to advance us past 30 design and help us think through constructability, efficiency and fadzing and other thing this is impact cost, schedule and out reach. Only to do so on a cash flow days base look forward to having that discussion i dont have a separate visual. If you visual low recall the pi chart 211 million of current applications 97 was for that fed state went to per ins at high speed rail and other projects and the remained are of the 117 for mega. Thank you. Dpreshth baptiste looks like we are ready with the questions. This is raising a question for me. Which assume we will discuss in january im curious about the timing of the contract management. The i cant remember the keep an eye on things. Yes. Thank you. The time of that and how it matches up with the funding question. That remain. Etch so, when we talk about it next month helpful for me to understand what bodies of work are sort of durable and lasting. Which are conteenage and how those pieces fit in addition to cash flow is a part of the form well. And so we can keep it straight and understand where we are making mart investments begin on going uncertainty. Absolutely and we have been working as a team to focus that. So. Take for example our rightofway program there are things that site assessments site conscience and analysis which is evergreen and left for years special other things araiseals a shelf life of 6 months we need to time once with the short shelf life until just in time the other in advance it get those schedule complete. And capitolize on investment and funding opportunity. Other questions, directors . Very good. Thank you for joining us at the caltrain Board Meeting last week. And directors the trivia question is since we were not there 160 years ago who was president at the time. Abraham lincoln. Public comment . We have members online moderator. Let the first caller in. Good morning, directors happy hell day this is is michael resident of numbera and advise rear counsel. I am hesitant about support this is going with circumstance curves the tightest radius in the entire high speed rail system. And servicing now a 2 row yard to 6 tracks. It and 3 platform its does not make sense from a passenger arriving from los angeles i hit the ground. Im on my way and with station time and sharp curves in the station i am at my destination rather than geting last mile that last mile does not serve bart or muni i have to take a walk. Why not end it up 7th or fifth street to powell or civic center you have empty buildings you use the stations and cut the costs here. Africanamerican you sight in your website grand central. 67 tracks and [inaudible] and thats what you compare yourself with that is not fair to the public. That cost is 2. 5 billion. [inaudible] thank you for the opportunity. I would like to thank director van de water for attending the caltrain Board Meeting left week. I would like to take this opportunity to question by direct davis. The time may be that while we impact the yards. Let alone the under lying assets. Including and terrible for the n complaint is 16th street turn backtrack on 7th street i hope this make sense. Thank you. All right. Thank you caller this concludes the member who is wanted to comment on item 14 move with item 16 or 17 down to item 17. The approval and fourth and kingiard for peculiarage bee. And trans further and king yard agreement. Alfonso. I have a brief presentation the item the Delivery Agency for fourth and king track and system relocation work. We call this contract 214 k yushgs b. Im sorry for the acronyms contract. Im sorry. Contract 214 k y b im not going to say they will call at this time rail yard contract. How about that. And this would be subject to approval of fourth and king agreement we plan on bringing before the boards for boopgz next year. We brought packaging changes last month included separation of the work performed at the rail yard in the 2 contract packagesil say contract a and b. Contract a, demolition and site prepation on the north frontage on towns end and this allows dtx to construct the tunnel and under ground station. Fourth and townsend station. Contract b includes surface track work and systems work within the rail yard and cal trains main yard south main line to 16th street. That provides for the future connection in the portal project. Through a you wall that is in the rail yard. The explanation of the 2 packages provides the collective team and when i refer to team Going Forward i mean both now. With the opportunity to better manage risks for work. And the risk associated with construction on the railiard for safe transit operations and of course construction safety. Caltrain took similar action on december 7 to obtain approval to implement a construction manager general contract deliveref approach. And that is to deliver the package b work the work on the rail yard and this is subject to approval of the agreement our 2 averages will consider next year. Staff is recommending the boards approval. For the actually staff is recommending approval of the conceptual approach of having caltrain to service the Delivery Agency for fourth and king Site Preparation pack okay b work conditioned on the final terms of the planned rail yard agreement well present next spring possible low early summer. I will be happy to answer questions you might have. Thank you. Directors, questions or michelle did you want to make additions . Were this is result of very thoughtfulful work that is worked through the ip nt and esc it is about identifying the risks. And what parties are best suited mitigate those risks. Wanted reiterate the statements that al financeo said. Thank you. Thank you. Directors, questions . In concept and i understand how this mitigates operational risks in all situations zeal tension with cost and continuity of operation. And so as you think about the terms of the agreement the costs fit with tgpa and caltrain i would encourage you how to put a press in place that allows those things to be balanced. And they both matter and they are trade offs creating tension. But i am supportive of this as a concept. Thank you. Those were the same comments that the caltrain Committee Meeting Cost Management and krell begin the complexity. Im glad we are on the same page. Directors, other questions . Public comment . No members of public wishing to address you. Directors. Move approve. Second. Second. Why thank you. Vice chair mandelman. Director forbes. Aye director baptiste yoochlt aye director lipkin aye director seyed. Aye yoochl tumlin. Aye mandelman aye. Chair ghee. Item 17 is approved thank you. Go back to closed session. Back up to Government Code Section 5 verify first if there is Public Comment on the item for discussion in closed session. Checking for Public Comment in the room. Seeing 91. Checking for Public Comment online. Seeing none. We and if you can end it. There to the right. All right. Great. Okay. The board of directors meeting december 14th is back in session in regards to item 12 announcement of closed session no action to report. Move on to item then on the regular calendar 13 adopting baseline budget for phase one of the Transit Center program the amount of 2. 2784 and an amendment 3 to the fiscal 23 24 for phase one and robb almeida public works the director of design and construction for the Transit Program present. Good morning. Board members robb alameda design and construction for phase one and we are eager to move forward with the closer to closing it. So this transbay Transit Center program. 2. 278, 400,000 dollars. And the amendment for number 3 for the fiscal year capitol budget of phase one. And we are recommending that the baseline budget is amended by 19 Million Dollars. To reflect reconciliation of expenses and recoveries related the fisher and subsequent settlement payment to the tjpa as well as to continue to close out of the remaining construction manager general construction cngc . Trade packages phase one construction. And if there are questions i can address them. Rob, thank you, good to see you and dont take tht writtening way we look forward to not seeing you. Yes. [laughter] im eagerly look to close this book. We are also. Directors, questions for ron . Public comment. Check for Public Comment in the room. Check for example Public Comment online. There are no members of the public. Wish to comment on this item. Is there a motion . Vice chair mandelman a second . I will second. Director forbes. Roll call first and second director forbes. Aye. Director baptiste. Why aye director lipkin. Aye director seyed. Aye director tumlin. Aye vice chair mandelman. Aye and chair ghee. Yes. Directors item 13 is approved we will jump to 15 since we called 14. Ron, thank you very much. Approving a location plan. Dun town rail extension the portal. Developing with federal and state regulation and we have john our real estate manager presenting the item. Good morning. Chair ghee and members of the board. So last among we were here to give you a preview of the relocation plan can out linocaine line the permit Public Comment period opened we closed that on the fourth of december. For 30 days through a website posting and mailings to all ordinance and all occupants that have potentially affected properties along the erickson upon linement. As a result of the out reach 4 inquiries were received they were by phone or e mail. And really responded to on the spot questions about schedule or simple scombes not official comments. We noted each in the staff report. But because they are not official comments than i did in the become adjustments to the plan itself. We did receive one letter from lodgeis the owner of the caltrain yard. Expressing occurrence regarding mapping and references med. We took those to heart. Made a few adjustments to our maps and a detailed figure. That shows all of the potential impacts to the property. And also met with prosecute lodgeis directly overnight past week. And they were appear to be satisfied. With the changed that we made x. We reviewed those with them and answered their questions about the project. At this point we have a final relocation plan posted and seek your approval of that. Happy to answer questions you might have. Thank you very much. Directors, questions . Not seeing any. Public comment. Thank you for Public Comment in the room. Checking for Public Comment on line . There are no members comment. Very good. Item for action directors a motion . Vice chair mandelman a second . Second. Thank you roll call first and second director forbes. Aye baptiste. Aye. Director limp kin. Aye. Director seyed. Aye director tumlin. Aye mandelman. Aye and chair gee. Item 15 is approved item 16. Thank you. Is considered the board chair to execute the San Francisco rail program to extend the term of the agreement to may 10 of 24. And um. Thank you, chair ghee. This item is asking for board consideration to extend the current memorandum of understanding on the rail agreement we have with partners. Announce your name i did not. Directors im Alfonso Rodriguez project director of the portal project. Mou is near low an extension to the current agreement that we have that expires the end of this year. This item was brought at the last meeting and has recommendations for to the board for your adoption. We do plan on spending the next series of months to develop the contruck at the blueprint out lines. The elements. The Management Team and change of control board and work group and refining the bodies community and report out. We are enabling practice but there is w this loyals ahead we believe the extension to may 10 is warrantd and asking for your consideration to do so. Okay. And du want to say anything . Add. Director rodriguez mentioned we had a robust discussion. I think we are in broad agreement that going to may 10 allows us the opportunity to adopt a successor by may 9 meeting and allows thoughed Staff Members working on developing the details to put focus on the prekershawment that is time sensitive you in they advance the policy questions. New fwhon may. Directors, questions . Comments. Public comment . None. Checking on line there was a hand raised that has gone back down. So giving them a moment. You have members wish to address you thank you. Directors is there a motion . I will make a motion. Thank you. Director forbes and mandelman will seconded. Director forbes. Aye joovm director baptiste. Aye director lipkin. Aye. Director seyed. Aye. Director tumlin. Aye. Vice chair mandelman. Aye and chair gee. Yes. Item 16 is approved and jump to item 18. Please. 18 is authorizing the executive director to declaration of site restrictions of purof determination for transbay parcel i to facilitate the office of commitment Infrastructure Development of the planned under ramp park and we have walsh to introduce. Good morning again directors. Report walsh. The director for tjpa here to present item 18. Tjp astaff requests the board to authorize to execute declaration of site restrictions for relinquishment of power of tomorrow nigz for parcel i prime. Another step on the path to the realization of under ramp park now known as the east cut dog park. Delivery of the park will be require several future actions and approvals. And including approvals by the tjpa, ocii city of San Francisco. East kul cut cbd and others. With this i invite bench min transbay project manager from oyii for a brief update and available to answer question system pier well guard from east cut cbd and thats it. Okay. Thank you. Good morning chair gee and directors im bench min brandon with ocii the project manager the status for under remark p we are in Design Development phase we were in front of you about 6 months ago with the design for your review that was approve exclude with that approval we moved into that Design Development line. We are at the 50 design phase. And expect to be 100 and move to construction documentation. As he said there are discretionary approvals need including permitting and submission of plans and the tjpa and cal trance for engineering as limp the project is making good progress. This step is necessary because going back to the beginning of the project area had the right to possess the parcel. And without this restrictions restrict for example a park use cal trance could reclaim it. This declaration. S restrictions allow you to continue forward with developing the will park and restrict it for a park use. I think the original agreement required we had this executed by january first of 2024. We are right at the limit. And the requirement also states the park has to be completed by january first of 2028. Weer a quick time line to get it done but dont have reason to believe we will not get there happy to answer questions you may have. Thank you very much. Directors, questions . Directored. Of just a quick question on the what you described what does it 19take action in obligations to complete the p by 2028 . Um what it means simple low is that the tjpa is stating to caltrans restricting parcel for this use. They dont have an obligation to finish the park ocii does the tjpa does not have any obligation to funds the park or to complete the park. That obligation is with ocii. The tjpa is our partner and the landowner or controller for the park. But the plan for management of the p is tht east cut cbd will enter in an combrement with the tjpa to fulfill what role. Ocii serves the developer of the p for responsible foreration the money and the design and engineering and construction. And ensuring the park is delivered the tjpa enter into this agreement with the east cut for the management. That helps. Great sum row, thank you. Other questions, directors . Public comment . I see a member of the public on line. Ment to check in the room . If you can let the caller in. Hello directors and i cannot tell you how personal low i am excited about this item. Coming up to you. For approval which we now pass to getting the park. It would be [inaudible]. Decades. And i hope you will approve this unanimously. In closing i like to take this opportunity to thank you for the privilege to share thoughts on this exciting project over the last year. And i would like to wish you all a happy holidays to you and yours. And otherwise known as Merry Christmas. And happy new year where i come from, thank you. Thank you, caller that concludes Public Comment. Thank you. Directors. Is there a motion to action . For action . Vice chair machine man. Gi will second. Roll call. Director forbes. Why aye. Baptiste. Aye lipkin. Yes. Director seyed. Aye. Director tumlin. Aye jovment vice chair mandelman. Aye chair gee. Aye item 18 is approved. Directors i think this concludes the business of the transbay joint powers board of directors for 2023. Happy holidays be safe and well enjoy with your family, friends everyone else and we will see you in the new year. Meeting adjourned. Thank you. Hello operators, im jeff tumlin recollect director of transportation. Im jour San Francisco fire chief jeanine nicholson. First and formost, i like to thank you for everything you do to help our passengers get around the city. It is safety in mind we like to talk about what to do if you encounter any kind of emergency scene while on your route if you see a ambuljs and fire engine on the side thf street, this usually indicates there is some type of medical emergency. The first thing you should do is look out for Emergency Personnel in the area. If there is room to proceed, do so, if you cannot pass safely, contact the Transit Management control center for instructions. Active fire scenes meanple while may appear static but can become dynamic in seconds. You may see engines trucks and vehicles with flashing red lights. The best course of action is call the tmc and give as much information as you can, including the site and nature of the emergency. There should be a captain or Public Safety officer on the scene who can tell you what is going on. Then let you know whether you have permission to take a dudetore. If you are caught in the middle of the scene only proceed once directed by fire personnel. A Public Safety officer will guide through the emergency scene, tell you to wait or recommend that you go out of serveess if the emergency is prolonged. Be sure in this situation to give all proper notifications to the tmc. It is important to note that if you see a fire hose on the ground, stop. Do not drive over it. You never want to drive over a fire house. Firefighters have been serious injured. Remember the best course of action is notify your supervisor and the tmc and wait for instructions. Explain to passengers what is happen. If you cannot detour you have to stop and possibly go out of service as you waitd for direction from fire personnel. The San Francisco Fire Department understands and appreciates that muni has timelines to adhere to, but no schedule is worth risking the safety of our City Employees and customers. Thank you again for all you do, and are thank you for keeping muni youre watching quick bite, the show that has San Francisco. Were here at one of the many food centric districts of San Francisco, the 18th street corridor which locals have affectionately dubbed the castro. A cross between castro and gastronomic. The bakery, pizza, and dolores park cafe, there is no end in sight for the mouth watering food options here. Adding to the culinary delights is the family of business he which includes skylight creamery, skylight and the 18 raisin. Skylight market has been here since 1940. Its been in the family since 1964. His father and uncle bought the market and ran it through sam taking it over in 1998. At that point sam revamped the market. He installed a kitchen in the center of the market and really made it a place where chefs look forward to come. He created community through food. So, we designed our community as having three parts we like to draw as a triangle where its comprised of our producers that make the food, our staff, those who sell it, and our guests who come and buy and eat the food. And we really feel that we wouldnt exist if it werent for all three of those components who really support each other. And thats kind of what we work towards every day. Valley creamery was opened in 2006. The two pastry chefs who started it, chris hoover and walker who is sams wife, supplied all the pastries and bakeries for the market. They found a space on the block to do that and the ice cream kind of came as an afterthought. They realized the desire for ice cream and we now have lines around the corner. So, thats been a huge success. In 2008, sam started 18 reasons, which is our community and event space where we do five events a week all around the idea of bringling people closer to where the food comes from and closer to each other in that process. 18 reasons was started almost four years ago as an educational arm of their work. And we would have dinners and a few classes and we understood there what momentum that people wanted this type of engagement and education in a way that allowed for a more indepth conversation. We grew and now we offer i think we had nine, we have a series where adults learned home cooking and we did a teacher Training Workshop where San Francisco unified Public School teachers came and learned to use cooking for the core standards. We range all over the place. We really want everyone to feel like they can be included in the conversation. A lot of organizations i think which say were going to teach cooking or were going to teach gardening, or were going to get in the policy side of the food from conversation. We say all of that is connected and we want to provide a place that feels really Community Oriented where you can be interested in multiple of those things or one of those things and have an entree point to meet people. We want to build community and were using food as a means to that end. We have a wonderful organization to be involved with obviously coming from buy right where really everyone is treated very much like family. Coming into 18 reasons which even more Community Focused is such a treat. We have these events in the evening and we really try and bring people together. People come in in groups, meet friends that they didnt even know they had before. Our whole set up is focused on communal table. You can sit across from someone and start a conversation. Were excited about that. I never worked in catering or food service before. Its been really fun learning about where things are coming from, where things are served from. It is getting really popular. Shes a wonderful teacher and i think it is a Perfect Match for us. It is not about home cooking. Its really about how to facilitate your ease in the kitchen so you can just cook. I have always loved eating food. For me, i love that it brings me into contact with so many wonderful people. Ultimately all of my work that i do intersects at the place where food and community is. Classes or cooking dinner for someone or writing about food. It always come down to empowering people and giving them a wonderful experience. Empower their want to be around people and all the values and reasons the commitment, community and places, were offering a whole spectrum of offerings and other really wide range of places to show that good food is not only for wealthy people and they are super committed to accessibility and to giving people a glimpse of the beauty that really is available to all of us that sometimes we forget in our day to day running around. We have such a philosophical mission around bringing people together around food. Its so natural for me to come here. We want them to walk away feeling like they have the tools to make change in their lives. Whether that change is voting on an issue in a way that they will really confident about, or that change is how to understand why it is important to support our small farmers. Each class has a different purpose, but what we hope is that when people leave here they understand how to achieve that goal and feel that they have the resources necessary to do that. Are you inspired . Maybe you want to learn how to have a patch in your backyard or cook better with fresh ingredients. Or grab a quick bite with organic goodies. Find out more about 18 reasons by going to 18 reasons. Org and learn about buy right market and creamery by going to buy right market. Com. And dont forget to check out our blog for more info on many of our episodes at sf quick bites. Com. Until next time, may the fork be with you. So chocolaty. Mm. Oh, this is awesome. Oh, sorry. I thought we were done rolling. You know, i remember when i was a teenager, they did i think it was on the grammys, boss scags narrated the San Francisco scene and they did a spot on it and how its evolved and convergence of multi culture and the emergence of gay community, lgbtq, it was not even called that then. So like any good listening back then, i played softball and a friend on the team said, the Fire Department is recruiting women. I took the test in 88 and 89 i got hired. And i always say this, it was like a perfect career, it was like social work, i love that connecting and helping people aspect and physical. So i was like a social worker with an ax basically. And i just thought, this is like, this is it, i hit the jackpot. Part of my story is, i grew up across the street from a fire station and as a young girl, i use today love going in there and would go in there whenever my parents voted, they the old fashion voting machines. Sxifs in awe of the place but i never saw anybody that looked anything like me. It was all men, it was all white men and so, i never knew that i could do that. This was in the 70s. And i worked in several Different Things and i was at the pride parade in 1991. And the chief of the department, she i did give her courtesy card to come in, i remember it to this day, june 30th. The hand and hand together and i was with a friend of mine and fire fighter named anita prattly came up to me and we had a mutual friend and we didnt meet. And she came by the table and as soon as i looked at her, i said hi o to my friend, i could see she was super athletic. And she knew my friend and she said hey, do you want to be a fire fighter, heres an interest card, join us. There was something about her that could roll with the punches and also give a few punches. She would be great and i just knew it. I did give her the courtesy card. It was my greatest achievement. And it was something i saw myself, yeah, i love a good crisis. And im good in crisis and im good on thinking on my feet. And im you know, super fit and physical, maybe i can do this awesome. But just in terms of pride in general, being able to go to pride and be who we are and be who i am, its like the sense of digity and equality and inclusion. I was always incredibly proud to represent the community and to be doing service for the community, because thats what i love doing. Coming to San Francisco for me, was really key because i love the city. The city is so vibrant and diversity is really, its one of its treasures. So being part of a department that represents diversity is huge and so important to me that we welcome everyone. And not just face value, truly to integrate to have diversity, have representation not just on the fire fighter level but all levels in this department, all ranks up and down the chain of command. Its huge and its, stepping in as a woman of color as part of the Lgbtq Community, means more than just myself, right. I represent more than just myself. But as a leader, other people in this department, other people in the community that are looking at me and seeing that there is space for them. And so that is really creating space for everyone. When i first joined the military, it was still under dont ask dont tell. I had to be super cautious about what i was doing. I was still figuring out what i was doing. I joined when i was 19, i knew i was part of the community i was not accepting yet. My first duty station was officer guam and thats where i got to explore who i was. And being under the umbrella of dont ask dont tell, and having a friend being separated because he was gay. It was very rule. Had you to make sure that you were following the rules you needed to do everything you need today do. I was fortunate to be there when dont ask dont tell was repealed. You find people who are making a big deal about it, the next day everybody went to work like nothing happened. We were accepted and nobody made a big deal about it. Work performance was even better because you didnt have to hide something and worry about hiding. The transition from that world into this one is basically the exact same. I was able to just jump in and just you know, not even test the waters. I grew up with firefighters, my uncle and cuss infor a volunteer department in canada. Here its quite different, bigger department, a lot of different people. You know, just working with San Francisco i really enjoy having all the different personalities, background, experiences, im a pro lead rhyme now. Im a year into my probation and im already finished. And i felt like everybody has brought me in and show me what they know. And regardless of my sexuality, my gender, my race, i was 28 when i decided to change my career and go any different direction. Im 35 now just starting out in a whole different field. San francisco has a Large Population of Lgbtq Community in general and our department is reflective on that. The one thing i love about the San Francisco Fire Department, is we do look like the community we serve and were making every strife to reflect that. So even in our out reach, recruitment efforts, were trying to make sure that every Single Person including the Lgbtq Community has an opportunity to become a member of our department. Soz a subpoena officer, its important to make sure that i welcome my crew. That includes every Single Member that is on my apparatus, i feel we can do a better job. My dad was a football coach and he taught me to persevere and be committed and im showing that im doing that. Im very proud to say that i get to start my career off as a fire fighter for the San Francisco Fire Department. And im proud to be who i am, proud to be all the colors that i represent, proud to be, you know, i love being a woman in the department and to feel comfortable with who i am and very secure and excited to come to work. You know, one thing my mom also en grained anything we set our heart to and anything we wanted to do, the only thing stopping us was us. Its my dream to be a Fire Department member and im here, being changed because of who i was and now being able to out and proud of who i am, its, i feel it should mean something. Its important as a San Francisco fire fighter, that we understand the community that we serve. Its important that our department is made up of different genders, different ethnicities, different sexual orientations, because the community that we serve need to reflect the apparatus. Ive seen, ive seen the evolution of this department, ive seen it change through the years. Were in a better place than we were many years ago. I think we continue to evolve. Im really hopeful for this next generation of leaders who do smart, determined, lead with heart and im hopeful for our future for this department Going Forward. Were your department. Were here for you. Were you and that, and i really believe that San Francisco really embodies that. I tell you, it was the greatest decision i ever made. I kept thinking, my gosh if i didnt play softball i wonder if i would have heard about it. Its funny you plan in life and gu to college and you plan your next steps, but the most profound decision nz life, is how you meet people are random. I was meant to be i think and it was such a great fit being that social worker with the ax, thats it. So i see San Francisco and San Francisco leadership and government as a beacon for the entire country. Because we are so up front about what we believe in, were really up front about inclusivity and i know that, others look at us, many look to us. Weve had other departments, contact us in terms of how do you, how do you do this . How do you create a diverse equitable and inclusive workforce . And so, but i would be lying if i said that we dont have any problems in california or in San Francisco or in the department. We are out liars, sure . Are we doing our best again to address those things with implicit bias training . With changing the culture, our department has made huge huge leaps as has the city and i really feel like San Francisco is part of the solution to moving forward in a better way. People are individuals, there are a lot of different types of people in this world and celebrating our differences is what pride is a chinatown. music . Welcome to San Francisco historic chinatown a place with a past, present, and future merge with the street culture and cuisine join us as was take you on a journey. San Francisco Chinatown is a feeling testament of chinas immigrants and arrived in 1950 during the gold rush but hardship built a 35 community that served for generations. Today San Francisco chinatown is a burtonsville neighborhood brimming with history and culture. One of the highlights of this vibrant is worldwide can i intervene aim first and the oldest. We are known for handmade our claim to fame is our unique food and few places in the world. speaking foreign language. chinatown is a food louvers paradise with a rich engrave and cuisine. Back requires and moon contacts and every fine dining. Welcome to unintelligible . Sandy spring . speaking foreign language. whether youre an ad veteran urban forester chinatown has something for everyone. Chinatown is not just again food also a hub of creativity and take a stroll down the street with murals as culture exhibitions to celebrate the heritage of this city. What the sun sets schoun truly come alive. Its night life is old and new a myriad of bars and you can distance the night away with friends. The museums and culture nonprofits play an Important Role in chinatown to teacher us about the past, present, and future and providing a platform for artist to engage in conversations and welcome to the chinas holistic the mission so collect and preserve Common Council in america any person of my background can see themselves in chinatown for all people. And our founders help to create the studies. And usa with a was an amazing collector. Chinatown center was founded no 1965 an art center for infer served for people for education and the center is an exciting place for dialogue and engage with the actor right now have a exhibition present tense playground that looks the development of chinatown and also with the vast asian with taiwan and honk con. Welcome to the square a new culture hub celebrating chinatown a gateway tell stories of chinatown the people here the culture and the history and past, present, and future all through arts and culture. That is a 35 community there is so many to see shopping and buy food and suv inferiors and we welcome, everyone to come in and see what is going on here. So whether or not youre a history buff foodie an art person or simply looking for a night of excitement San Francisco chinatown has something for you come and explore and experience the heart and the i soil of the private please welco t

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