Transcripts For SFGTV Transbay 20240705 :

SFGTV Transbay July 5, 2024

Yvonne present seyed. Present. Mandelman. Present. Gee. Communication the press for members to make Public Comment members of public may meant on the meeting during comment importance in person or remote the call in line availability may be disrupted due to technical difficulties in person first and remote after the call in line is on the agenda and dialing instructions should be scrolling at the bottom of the screen on sfgovtv. There are other communications . We will call the next item 4 the now and or old business. Not aware of any. All right. None. Item 5 screwive directors report. Good morning. Happy holidays nice to seeow our last meeting of 2023. A couple of updates before we come to you with hopefully exciting news on advancement and funding and prosecute curement next year. At the Transit Center nice to see you at the holiday lighting on friday. Where our chair and vice chair and many here today were present to light up the park for the holidays. Had a group of children pull the lever and fantastic band and i nice evening to kickoff event in the park. Lights stay up we invite to you come seat festive lights 60 feet up in the air it is a niegs sight. Caltrain electrified service a mile stone for 2024. We are happy it debut was a new electric train decoration. In the park. And which had great place if you can afford the train and saw families taking photo there is a nice feeling. So. It is zeal photographs as part of the directors report. We are happy to report this we did a tour for sam france interested in a bus day on the bus deck with a new route. This is a great addition to the center bringing them in the building. Exclude be a sublose from ac transit assuming they reach the terms and bring service in february. Manage to look forward to. On the security front, were happy to announce the tjpa selected to host a transportation security table top exercise through the intermodal security train and exercise program of no interruptions to services or operations at the park. And but we are excited collaborate to enhance the security measures to benefit the riders in the community. The dtx perral we advance in the federal Transit Administration Capital Investment grant you will hear today. We expect to receive the formal rating and enter in engineering phase this winter in january early february time. Alcohol make us grant eligible and advance us to the next stage of the process. We are seek funding of all sorts. I want to take a moment to congratulate our partners at the High Speed Rail Authority for an announcement last week. They received 3 billion dollars from the fed state partnership forrin are city rail will advance a number of things including procurement of first train sets it is confidence in the federal government and we will see their trains arriving in our building in the near term. So. As part of this grant award there was a 500 thousand dollars corridor identification and development award. Named the portal project and develop a cost meat for Service Delivery plan. Good announcement for the project. We also applied for this Grant Program in 97 Million Dollars program it was for inter~ city rail. It was for some of the design work for high speed rail dm were not successful in naapplication we heard back from 2 of the. Federal applications the 2 from the federal riadministrations. And which we were not recipients of but expecting announcements of the third through the office of the secretary and department of transportation in the coming week which is is megasm meg office a combined with 2 other grant applications announced the first awards rural. And making their way through in the coming weeks or months we hope to have award news to share with you at the 99 meeting. On the stateside. With the states facing estate billion dollars deficit. We are focusing in sacramento on current discussions to renew the cap and trade program key for the transit andin are city rail capitol program. You recall the Metro Commission endorsed the perral projected for 500 Million Dollars in future funds and having the capacity to issue that multiyear award is on that extension. It is is something we are interested in long with many other transit partners looking for that as a longterm funding source. The ntc spearhead to explore a transportation measure for 20 ticks and discussed that at the joint legislation meeting left friday. Staff expected to share more at their january meeting and update you as we hear more. They presented specific poling information and sources. And are working through what could be a funding solution coming forward. Finally 2 financial notes one prior to advancing our early prosecute curement documents you will hear more in our look ahead later in the agenda provide an update on the grants and will or awards mean for our forecasted cash flow in the financial look ahead in january or february meeting. And final low tip kelly we bring our fiscally june 30 Financial Statements at this meeting in december. However with the transitions and finance division reel we expect to bring this in the february Board Meeting. This concludes my directors report and help to arounds questions you have before we inviolet cary to gift legislative update. Directorses, questions . Learn about the silent ugly wet and other event before we take Public Comments. Good morning. Chair gee we made it 2023 is almost over and happy to got through it with all of you. Our fourth winter fest director van de water mentioned kicked off with a park lighting party. As you see in the top left, our lovely electric train not as cool as some others. Was in the bottom left was a great photo op for families to come out. And the top middle here we have a silent disco. We had circus bella perform on saturday. And we closed out with a holiday wreath making, which the park never smelled better. Popular programs for 2023 will be no surprise to you boly wood nights our top and yoga. Mid day music. And toddler thursday. Park updates. So, flute the year we hosted 65043 events open to the public. And welcomed 30,000 attendees. Road to serving 30,000 people with 650 free events paved with 9 programs per week during winter and then around 20 events during summertime of really making use. That sunlight. Also we have new signage going on the ground mroor to help encourage and entice people to come up and visit. One neat one here is a birds eye view will go on our beale street elevator move to things less fun, we have been keeping an eye on the economy in San Francisco. We took a look at the report from ted at the San Francisco office of economic analysis. We are seeing some up ticks in employment. And with sfo activity. We are seeing other things like rider help slacked. Less impressive there. We are watching this. We are keeping an eye on the Real Estate Market and making sure we take advantage of timing and being strategic with the timing. Moving along in retail leasing got mode he started working on out door patios. I bit of a Construction Zone they are going fast as they can. We are looking for a majority april opening date. Hoping for no other delays and bear bottle ramping up now. Architectural drawings done and w to help approve their plans to get them in the grant hall that construction will be quick with fun games. And if anybody likes to lose in shuffle board let me know i will meet you there. With that,il close out and want to make sure i call attention to current tenants. Happy to answer questions. Number one thank you for winter fest. And thank everybody and lighting the parks, security. It was a great event and just park looks great and thank you all. For what you do for the neighborhoods and contributions. Directors, questions . On the reports . Not seeing is there Public Comment. Why check for Public Comment on line we have a member that is raised their hand up. Check in the room first. No Public Comment in the room. Moderator open the caller. Good morning, [inaudible]. Upon san jose. My comments relate to the executive directors report. It is true that President Biden announced a grant california [inaudible] authority. That i think it should be noted that the president made the announcement in list vegas not in the valley [inaudible]. And the reason yet president was in list vegas is because he announced another grant also for 3 Million Dollars, which is for the 218 mile pipeline west. High speed line between los angeles and las vegas. This line is expected to be completed in 4 years in times for the 2028 olympics. [inaudible] 12 billion dollars including 8 billion dollars from private bonds. The reason i bring this to your attention is that at the federal level be very difficult to convey 8 billion dollars 1 and a half mile, extension from forth and king to [inaudible]. With a 220 mile high speed lineful thank you. Thank you, caller. Are there other members wish to comment . On the executive directors report, item number 5. Go head and move to the next item. The next is the consistent Advisory Committee update and directors we have cac vice chair brian shaw to address you. Thank you, good morningful thank you directors. Brian shaw vice chair provideing report for our meeting for december this past tuesday. Meeting with a coreum. A staffs report. Federal upon grant to high speed rail. Physical signos street level to inform passers by the winter fest. Taking place in the sales force park. And suggested to make use of social media influenceers to promote sales force park events the east cut doing this for their events. After requests from a member all elevators at the Transit Center will have chimes to help those with vision impair ams for elevators. A member asked what retail spaces are left for lose. Primarily restaurants, health and wellness space. The portal program. A member asked experience with bid and will be a factor in selection of contracts. Staff said a scoring system with other agencies includeed determine the award of work. Talking points about the costs being 8 billion dollars. Also recommended develop an elevator pitch for supporting the portal a cost not to the renaling glob terms of will economic environment. Environmental and access. A member upon reported Caltrain Service not be interrupted at fire and towns end. And therefore not abling to make use of the link to the bay bridge and added an agenda item to have i presentation on how travel modes models are updated to reflect post covid travel that concludes my report. Any questions in Public Comment . On the cac report . See if we have Public Comment in the room . None. Checking on line. We have no members wish to address you thunder item thank you. Happy holidays. All right we can one moment. Mr. Patrick is this okay. The next. Next item is 7 for an opportunity for the public to address the authority not on the calendar in the jurisdiction. We have mr. Patrick with us. Good morning and Merry Christmas i wanted to talk about several things the Transit Center. Number one there is looking in the first 4 area where per diem is lect thered is no Real Christmas spirit. No nothing. There is a role up steel door. There is vacant space. There is in excitement. I hope per diem space there but we need more prosecute motions. How about the authority working on joint promotions every customer gets a coupon coupon t the restaurants or places. We need to do more marketing. Particularly for the first 4 level. I think were weak there and architecturally we are weak in the looks and on the other side of the transit cert were week dont have tenants. I think we should dromotropic requirement for union work done on a tenant improvements. Why . Force the tenants to pay extra money for that. Thats a mistake and shooting yourself in the foot. So what can i say i think we can do a lot better and i like to get more tenant there is and like to seearctivities more market nothing a different approach and how about a new real estate agent. Thank you. Any other members ever public in the room . Seeing none. Online. Let the caller in. Thank you again for the opportunity. I believe my friend brian did in the mention the [inaudible]. Where by [inaudible] some of you may know. Broke out the [inaudible]. Alternative. Why to which approach the Transit Center. A good question about whether anybody looked at the protest in london. Some of you may know and the tunnels. Under the london under ground. Which were built to billion dollars. Including 200 ground stations. In closing when i like to do attract your attention to video which is [inaudible] design of and what you will finds in there can do a krsz over [inaudible]. Championship is a pullover for the ta [inaudible] a direct replica of the royal oak photo [inaudible]. Which is where the initial [inaudible] took place thank you. Thank you. That concludes members who want to comment on this item move to your consent calendar. All right. All matters are routine and will be acted upon by a vote no separate discussion. The merit may be removed and considered prit low. We will check for Public Comment in the room. On the items listed. Seeing none and checking on line. Seeing none. Your items are 8. 1 minutes of november 9, 8. 2 authorizing the executive director an extension of the alternate period under the third amendment [inaudible]. Item 8. Ly with charlie and 8. 4 authorizing direct a fiveth amendment to Lease Agreement with transbay fitness. Directors. Items for action or consent . Director forbes. Aye baptiste aye lipkin aye seyed. Aye. Director tumlin. Aye vice chair mandelman. Aye and chair gee. Yes. The consent calendar is approved. Thank you. Like to move 2 items up items 14 and 17 before consent. That acceptable . All right. So we will move up item 14 and 17 prior to the closed session. Item 14 is a San Francisco rail Program Update and stats of the rail extension work plan, schedule and funding update. To be presented by cal tain execute ever director. Good morning. Happy holidays observe i go in my prepared remarks i wanted to thank executive director adam van de water coming down to talk. Nice to meet you. Sorry. Has been a long week. Thank you for giving 2 long presentations we gave one on an item you will hear later on the 4 k y work in the rail yard and i think a great opportunity at the full board to educate them about the full project. And so really appreciated chair ghee facilitating that discussion. On to my prepared remarks. November ft. Meeting discussed the importance of extending the San Francisco peninsula rail program. Memorandum of develop elements of successor agreement supported the recommendation to extend the current mou to may of next year. This is on your agenda today for consideration. The portal tunnel construction contract is under way. We are awaiting receipt of design build teams qualifications and due on january 33 of 24. The project Delivery Team is engaged in completing the next step in thes prosecute curement process the request for proposal. A progressive Design Delivery method for the learningest contract provides an opportunity to joint low complete design with engage am by the operators and contractor. This delivery method is you in in the transit industry. The team incorporates experience for projects of the size and complexity. Had stands out is the need for transparency and partnership from all involved. Working together with transparency and, counselability we have the opportunity to serve as a model for megatransit project dlifshy implementing a truck that support ace Delivery Team. And this concludes my comments before i turn it over to alfonso, i doment to put out caltrain it is trans forming its and a new home at the transbay will celebrate 160th anniversary of Passenger Rail service all you have expect inritation to a celebration in januariful thank you very much. Good morning i wanted point out weer track to bring a recommendation for award of our Program Management Construction Management contract we have a few change on the scheduled ideas. We have shifted our presentation to the board and request of your action to release a question for proposal for the civil and design build contract from march to april. Left week we ask for questions of law ifkdzs for that contract providing additional month to submit qualifications. Which will now be due at the end of january. I like to mobility out there is great interests out there in this contract. The learningest contract of our program. And we felt it was just better to provide an opportunity and gives the respondents another month. The track and system procurement shifted follow with the civil and tunnel construction contract procurement. Our calls for shifted the other 2 contract procure am releases. The boards action last month shifting sit out for fourth and townsend station to the progressive design built provided relief this allowed you to station fit out procure am not by an among but several. It is rfu outside the look ahead. Baseline budget and schedule action well present to the board also shifted. As adam our executive director pointed out example to receive news from january and possible low february on our admittance to the phase of the Grant Program. Once fta completes the rating, we go in a 30day blackout period. That adds a month when the work is done to when we are notified. We expect to complete our baseline work after we receive news offent row to engineer and with the w ip nt and the presentation of the efc proceeding y

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