Transcripts For SFGTV2 20130302 :

SFGTV2 March 2, 2013

Is reset our vetting process, put more bio metrics in and ensure that we are Standing Shoulder to shoulder with the afghans as they try to build and then we teach the afghans to help themselves. And i think thats where were going to see our success down the road. Thank you. applause . Thank you, barry, now its Lieutenant Commander serrano and captain napalitano good morning, everyone, im pleased to be here today to tell you about an exercise we conducted this past summer in hawaii as part of rim of pacific exercise which involved 22 participating nations and this offered us a venue to be able to conduct a humanitarian and Disaster Relief exercise with all the different partners that we had together and collaborating with this exercise, this offered a perfect opportunity for us to introduce the military capabilities and interaction in exchange with our Civil Military partners as well. The exercise was located on oh oahu we had used that island as a fictitious island of chianti where we wanted to do a humanitarian response but it also provided us an avenue for the statewide partners, the civil hawaiian partners, to be able to exercise their exercise as well. This exercise also allowed us the opportunity to intro daus a lot of technology to help with the interoperatability of the Civil Military exercise. One of the main goals that we had for this was to allow our military a Crisis Response Adaptive Force package and opportunity to allow their training and certification in providing the most appropriate military Expeditionary Force for that scenario. One of the things that we realize in the military when we do these exercises in a foreign humanitarian response, that a lot of our military capabilities are not just for overseas foreign disasters but it also allows the military to be trained and certified to respond to local domestic disaster situations as well. I had mentioned that we had 22 nations participating in rimpac and this slide is a representation of the military and civilian partners that we had participating in this event. And we had many, Many International partners and we had a lot of domestic partners medical and military editionary partners as well. Okay, this is our command and control slide. We took a lot of care to get this right. We wanted to make sure that we portray that were there to assist and support the government that has requested our service to be there. We wanted to make sure that our forces that are responding in a military environment go in with the right knowledge and the right attitude and you can see the Tactical Unit at the bottom there and the Crisis Response Civil Military Operations Center that was there to provide the command and control of those Tactical Units responding on the military side, this provided a perfect environment and opportunity for them to be able to interact with the civilian partners and provide the most appropriate response and understanding. Very complex and again i just want to reiterate that the military, we know when were responding in this type of environment that were not coming in with the heavy capability and saying dont worry, were here to help you and take over, were here to complement and support you with the appropriate ways that you request our needs. The next few slides that im going to go over here shows some of the military capability and how some of those responses that we did during this exercise can also be applied at home in a domestic environment such as a response to maybe an earthquake here in San Francisco. So the first part up there, you see a slide of some of the military thats getting ready to do some mapping and underwater environment general location to see whats going on with the piers, and then the next picture down here, the military also has the capability to bring response to be able to clear the ports and the channels to be able to open it up for maritime traffic in the bay. This part, this event, was the satellite, construction of a satellite medical facility. Some of our military capability is we have the right engineers and people that can go in and rebuild infrastructure and support. So one of the things they did during this exercise, they actually went in there for about a weeklong event and actually constructed a building and this also helps us it restore capability to wherever we are responding to. This shows a lot of different response here. This is our urban search and rescue event that was part of the overall exercise. We had a lot of different partners that responded to this rubble pile. We had urban search and rescue, u. S. Coast guard, and this provided an opportunity for our military to work with the federal and state partners there in learning how to interact with their agencies and also being able to learn some of the different capabilities that they have in using their equipment. We also had some medical partners there where they were able to locate and evacuate the medical patients and that also showed a great partnership. This is the Health Care Association for hawaii and this is the part of the agency that helped us coordinate the medical response part of this. They were able to conduct a 50bed Disaster Medical Assistance Team hospital on the island of oahu and this allowed the state of hawaii to be able to exercise their statewide disaster drill. One of the things that hawaii has never been able to do is to be able to practice together in one live exercise. They have all of their processes, how theyre going to respond in a local disaster situation, but they have never been able to really put that to use. And being able to partner with us during the rimpac exercise offered them the opportunity to do that. We also had a lot of Civil Military interaction by us providing a lot of capability for them to be able to exercise their disaster plan as well. You see some patients here in the moulage. They were able to moulage and fake wounds and put triage information on over 125 casualty actor patients. And we were able to triage them tlau that 50bed Hospital System in hawaii and then they were evacuated to area hospitals for the state of hawaii, one of their capability gaps in the during their disaster situations is going to be the routes of evacuation and with the militarys response providing the helicopters in an air evacuation, we were able to go ahead and test that response system. We were able to send patients to 13 area hospitals through that air evacuation and we had over 23 participating hospitals in different scenarios that were participating. We had the state of hawaii was also able to process over 300 patients through their patient tracking system. So the hospitals were able to use the patients, actually the medical staff from their area hospitals to provide the number of patients that went to each hospital and that provided each hospitals own casualty scenario. Again you see some of these pictures here, the military preparing these civilian patients for transfer. We even went as far as evacuating patients to maui the busses down there are the state of hawaiis bus evacuation system which are also used in evacuation. So this convenient tue, this vignette of hadr disaster exercise for hawaii also allowed us the opportunity for Testing Technology for that information sharing and interoperatability. Apm was an online collaboration where we were able to share information and learn how to communicate with each other. One of the things that we realized is we have a problem with interchange of information where we actually are able to share that. And that was one opportunity that we were able to do that. Quick net also participated with us, allowed us to be able to have civil social interaction with the military and have us be able to interchange with them and knowing what type of response we had. Intelligence carry on program and deployable joint command and control are two of the systems that were used by the military to collect information and organize it appropriately so that we were able to respond and interact with the civilian agencies. So for the take aways, it provided us an opportunity for Real Exchange and interaction. The military has a lot of capability and sometimes we dont always know how best to modify that in an appropriate response and being able to get together and practice the situation allowed us to understand each other better. The Lessons Learned throughout the exercise a lot of Lessons Learned were gains and were taking those lessons and applying them to real processes where we have interchange and response. 18 months of planning allowed us certain benefits as well. We were able to look at the capabilities that each other brought to the table in these type of environments and we were able to really take those and learn more about each other for future responses. We were able to take and provide a taylored response package to better serve the customer. Again, we dont want to go in with a full package that the state or civil environments arent really asking for, we want to be sure its taylored appropriately and its responsive and timely. We also had the humanitarian assistance coordination center. Thats the place we were able to take the nongovernmental agencies and the hoetion Nation International agencies and have them interacting and coordinating with the military folks so that we were able to provide an understanding of how we all work together. So if you want additional information, if you want to talk to captain napalitano, he is the Commanding Officer for the expeditionary training group, and he is the in charge of the people that train and certify that Crisis Response Adaptive Force package. His folks also put together the different events for this, for the exercise. The apan provides us an opportunity to be able to share this information with others who want to share the information and be able to share what we did online and you are more than welcome to do a search for that, as well as join that access site and learn some of our products that took us through this weeklong exercise. And then you can also google this and theres a lot of different social news stories online that can provide the information as well. Thank you very much. applause . All right, thats our panel. Were going to take a break right now, just a short break for 10 minutes, and the lunch is just like yesterday, lunch is going to be dropped at the tables and then everybody come back and well start with our next panel discussion, its a working lunch, and the panelists im sure they will be circulating so if you have some questions for them, please feel free to approach them. Thank you very much for joining us, admiral. applause . From secretaries and generals to marin county search and rescue over there to nert members, its a great mix of people and i think that integration is crucial because when were preparing before during and after a disaster response, everyone in this room has a role to play in one way or another. And its a great mix. And having been a former fire fighter this topic is important to me. When you think about one point, 1 million Fire Fighters around the country, they take 2 million calls a year or more to help people in times of need. 63,000 wild fires get beyond their initial attack capability every year, burning over 6. 7 million acres. There are over 95 percent effective, they do a great job, but every so often you get that season or that issue that is going to escape or go beyond their ability to stop it right away and right now currently the u. S. Forest service that helps provide a lot of air resources and seasonal Fire Fighters is at the point at the end of that season where every pay period they have to justify keeping those air aviation contracts in place. When you come to the end of the season like this, they are going to have to start taking reductions on the rest of the year for those air tankers, those helicopters and the seasonal Fire Fighters. When you talk to kim sakaras back there, the cold front that is about to hit us up here means hot dry winds in state of california. That fact is no stranger to people here on the panel. It doesnt take much to fan hot, dry vegetation that has been soaking in that hot sun. When i say soaking, it means it gets the moisture level so low where its kindling in the forest. You have more people moving in, more vegetation growing, its a recipe for nature trying to do its thing and people in the way. So with this, it takes a lot of support whether were talking about the fire lines, behind the fire lines or been above the fire lines to provide that support. It takes a whole mix of people whether its the department of defense and even fema having roles to play in that. Bob fenton, the assistant chief of fema, used to be the division chief in division 9. He is no stranger to this area, born and raised here, this is his home and so he does have a care and an interest in this community and beyond. And so with that it is hard to fill being his replacement at the regional level because not only to fill his shoes all the great work he did in this region, but also because when you see the size difference, its a little hard to fit in there. But this this i want to introduce bob fenton, the response head for fema coming in from dc to help support this and moderate the panel. Thank you. applause . Well, appreciate it. Appreciate the opportunity to be back with friends and back in San Francisco. And i appreciate the opportunity to be your lunch speaker. As i always say, lunch is one of may five most important meals of the day so thank you for that. Let me introduce my panelists. Here to my left, we have a great group here to talk about stories from the field with regard to fire and 10 years of Lessons Learned being applied. First to my left, ray chaney, cal fire incident battle xwrupb chief. To his left, colonel laura yeager, 40th combat aviation brigade. To her left, commander steve everett, to his left Lieutenant Colonel dana, marine corps installation west. Thank you. Let me go ahead and start off by talking a little bit and just going back over some of the discussions yesterday that i think are going to play into this discussion. We had vice admiral beeman talk a little bit yesterday about capabilities and vice admiral zunkoff talked about partnerships, unity of effort, unity of command. Mayor lee talked about dod efforts, expertise, Community Efforts and as we go into all those discussions today you will see best practices applied during the 10 years from those fires. I have the pleasure of working for administrator fuget in fema headquarters. Femas role is to coordinate response between state and local governments and his focus, his direction to us really comes down it 3 things. He asks us to always plan for the worst case, the maximum of the maximums and its go to see the department of defense is incorporating this within the catastrophe policy that was spoken about a little earlier. No. 2, he asked us to sppbld and are able to stabilize an incident within 72 hours. His mantra is think big, go big, go fast but not fast. 3, he asks us to do this within a whole community approach, not only it make sure we utilize the whole community in the response because theres much more responders past the federalstate responders. Theres the public being responders and theres many others, private industry need to be in that so we try to integrate that into a whole community concept. And also to make sure when we respond we respond to take into account the whole community. Not everybody looks like me and you but we need to be able to take into account and service our elderly, infants and others that may need special assistance. With that, the purpose of this working lunch is to present vied a forum to discuss Lessons Learned and corrective actions taken over the past decade with years of focus on dod support to civilian authority with relation to wild fires. Populations continue to spread into formerly wild areas i want to focus on how our capacity on wild land fire has improved over the past decade. In getting ready for this discussion, i did have the opportunity to participate in the 20032007 wild fires, i went back and looked at a lot of Lessons Learned, the governors Blue Panel Commission report looked at also a lot of those kind of things and what i did was just put a picture up there to show you the 2007 wild fires. When we get to these major wild fires, were talking about multiple wild fires and almost what you would call a fire storm. A lot of the Lessons Learned there are in bullets from just 2007. Why this discussion is important and Lessons Learned up there, the 2007 fires burned a little over 500,000 acres, destroyed over 3200 structures and caused 10 fatalities. So why this is important, as you start to read the fire weather reports that justin talked about as we go into this fall, the experts are predicting above normal significant fire potential across the northwest quarter of the united states. Those of you who live in Southern California are used to a phenomenon called the santa ana winds. When you take into account dry conditions, were in the part of the year when those winds start to change directions, we do have the opportunity for significant fire events throughout the california area. So, with that, what id like to do is kind of focus our discussion on 3 major areas. Command and control, relationships and resources. With that, let me start off with the first question, we got a lot of discussion yesterday about command and control. I just wanted to give an opportunity for o

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